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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous Thread: Nuked
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Previous Thread: >>62526850
I warned you bros, they've even infiltrated the jannies.
Man I’ve spent three weeks in Quebec beautiful place wasted on its people.
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Ty early morning rescue baker.
Wasn't only cangen that got it. Janitor must've woken up in a bad mood.
What did they jannyie the previous thread for??
the op image most likely.
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Fuck jannies. You'll always be doing it for free.
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New black creek labs .308 Siberian
>it will blow up in your face just watch
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>mutt hands holding it

kek, again another silly waste of money when the Tavor7 exists and they've actually been in stock as of late
Surely nothing will go wrong with a Canadian made rifle in .308
so fucking stupid.
At this point I wonder why anybody at all buys this shit
world is full of retards, why do people keep buying Chrysler products?
New tactical turkshit dropped

Because they don’t think the OIC will get repealed before SHTF and think it’s better than having no gun at all. It’s very sad that the latter is wrong
yeah that's fair enough. In the case of Chrysler products though I'd say desperation. In 2015 or so my wife and I were in hard times, economically - we got a dodge caliber from a family member for free to get to work and back. it was fucking humiliating honestly.
But it's not like people are being forced to buy these shitguns by the economy - there's no desperation considering most of them cost more than something simple and effective like an SKS or type 81. Hell, even like ruger american rifles work great if they really want a 5.56
>TI drop
>it's NOT a g36
big yawn
so if it's a case of survival, how would one of these shitrods be better than a tar-21 or SL8, both of which are only a few hundred dollars more?
Take the original r18. That sumbitch was the same price as a x95! The new BCL in 308 is the same price as a sl8, and the siberian is the same price as a tar-21 used. Shit makes no sense
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You’re not buying the head exploding Jew guns, are you anon?
Getting a free car is totally fine, I have a GM car I basically got for free but I'd never buy their products because I think their engineers are lazy sods.
In regards to the batch of garbagerods being put on the market and scooped up it's mostly nu-guns who don't know much about firearms at all, they think tacticool = good. Reddit gun communities are cancerous hives of preening beta males trying to peacock online so it's more about "does this gun LOOK cool on my iPhone" instead of "does this gun actually work and why did I even buy it in the first place".

Car analogies work well here. A WK180 is like a Maserati; looks flashy and impressive to people who don't know any better, but it's a pile of shit that never works and will lead to perpetual disappointment if you attempt to use it.

If I had my way there'd be an SKS in every home, by law. Just like in Switzerland where they all have to keep a rifle in the house.
not hard to strip down a Tavor and see if something's hidden inside it.
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On the subject of Switzerland gun ownership:

>Firearms regulation in Switzerland allows the acquisition of semi-automatic, and – with a may-issue permit – fully automatic firearms, by Swiss citizens and foreigners with or without permanent residence.[note 1][2] The laws pertaining to the acquisition of firearms in Switzerland are amongst the most liberal in the world.[3] Swiss gun laws are primarily about the acquisition of arms, and not ownership. As such a license is not required to own a gun by itself, but a shall-issue permit is required to purchase most types of firearms.[4] Bolt-action rifles, break-actions and hunting rifles do not require an acquisition permit, and can be acquired with just a background check.[4] An explicit reason must be submitted to be issued an acquisition permit for handguns or semi-automatics unless the reason is sport-shooting, hunting or collecting.[5] Permits for concealed carrying in public are issued sparingly.[note 2][6] The acquisition of fully automatic weapons, suppressors and target lasers requires special permits issued by the cantonal firearms office.[7] Police use of hollow point ammunition is limited to special situations

And their gun crime is virtually non-existent, as is their murder rate.
What's a good beginner shotgun if I want to get into hunting waterfowl? I have never hunted in my life.
Mossberg 500 if you want pump, Mossberg 930 if you want semi auto

Semi auto is often preferred for waterfowl, especially if you don't practice a ton. Much quicker follow up shots if you miss or you have a chance to take 2 birds.
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>If I had my way there'd be an SKS in every home
If I had my way
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I was about to post him, its hard to believe he's gone.
My dad Paul barrel is ded :((((((
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Now show me picrel from anywhere in europe
>public land
we don't have it so bad
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New rimfire cartridge, how long until this one dies?
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22LR is still highly effective and cheap.
Winchester will sell enough to cover their costs and then it will hopefully die out.
We could have it THE BEST though, imagine that kind of firearms legislation + the vast wilderness of Canada? No one could c u c k us ever.
The goyslop of guns. It's so ugly, nothing original or unique about the aesthetic, its like they minmaxxed the appearance with rails and mlok so much that it just looks like it's made out of lego blocks. Those folding acr stocks or whatever the fuck are uggo af too.
I just don't like it bros
I fucking hate meme calibers so much.
I've noticed every single store is putting 6.5 Creedmeme on sale now, I wonder if suppliers have decided to scale back production since it's a nothingburger shit cartridge that no one likes.
It's one of the most popular cartridges in North America right now. 6.5 PRC is better and kind of fighting for market space with it, so who knows what will happen with them.
6.5 ain't shit to three oh hate, it is a meme that will die a peasant's death.
Perhaps it's just not doing well in Canada specifically.
I don't think it's doing well anywhere 2bh, the only people I ever hear recommending it are boomers/fudds who are getting paid to shill it. Ironic because you'd think they would dickride .308 the way they do with 30-06. I've chatted with the guys at my LGS and they say it never moves, they've had the same inventory for a long time and there's one guy locally who comes in to buy a box of 20 now and then. They are constantly going through .308 though, even in bulk boxes.

All this to say I don't care what other people like, .308 is based af and has been slotting commies for more than half a century. No good reason to switch.
>All this to say I don't care what other people like, .308 is based af and has been slotting commies for more than half a century. No good reason to switch.

1911 won tWo WoRLd wARS yet is dog shit today. Just because something worked in the past, doesn't mean there will never be something better.
Fuck off finfag
6.5 creedmore is comfy for deer
Yes deer love 6.5 because it lets them live another season lmfao
filthy communist hands typed this post, someone's gonna give you a .45 lobotomy if you keep it up sonny boy
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fukken kek'd, Creedlets BTFO
Speaking of BCL what do we think the market will be like for the BCL102 and similar rifles once the ban is lifted? I was dumb enough to buy one and it's been sitting here unused for the last 4 years. Ideally I want to get rid of about 3 or 4 mediocre rifles and buy one really good one.
Values will be up on every oic gun, at least for the first while. You can definitely get back what you paid then some
I know this is bait but these are so fucking cool. I actually shoot these inside farm buildings and shoot coons with slugs. My neighbor put a red dot scope on his.
"The motion contains absolutely nothing. It essentially says: Do you want to replace Justin Trudeau with Pierre Poilievre? The answer is no," he said.
Blanchet said the Bloc is "at the service of Quebecers," not Conservatives.
"I'm not a Conservative. Conservative values are not Quebec values," he said.

dumb. the only new caliber i really dig is the 22tcm9r simply because it turns a 1911 into what sounds like an ar15. 5.7 is cool but these companies should be expanding on making the ammo better and cheaper, not new calibers no one asked for
Surprise surprise the traitorous frogs show their true colours yet again. Zero interest in Canada, only interested in Quebec.

First order of business when PP takes over should be to make it illegal for single-province parties like this to exist under the premise that it's treasonous and undermining a federal government's primary role. Plus they're faggots.
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This further strengthens our resolve to answer "The Québécois Question", once and for all.
Everytime I see a used precision rifle for sale it's always some meme calibre, no one's selling their ought sixes or NATOs. 6.5 PRC seems to be the most popular meme calibre other than maybe 7mm rrm mag
Not sure how this works, does every member of every party (except libs) have to vote on this nonsense confidence thing for it to work?
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The wood ones atleast had a little soul.
this is just gay.
Based and garden gun pilled, and 9 flobert is the cutest round of the bunch, good luck finding much over here though. And shame they are treated like real guns here; when allegedly in much of europe the are (or atleast used to be) treated more like pellet guns, easy to obtain and you can shoot them in places you cant normally shoot guns.
Swiss gun laws/culture is based on the fear of being invaded, they have ptsd from ww2 and are concerned about the russians, chinese etc.
The Canadian norm, by contrast, seems to be the expectation that america will always protect us, so we dont even have to try.
Boomers seem to have kinda skipped over the .308, im guessing because they kinda percieve it as a scary military semiauto round. Even though aught six was too, 308 never seemed to ditch that stigma and cross the threshold into becoming a proper fudd cartridge.
Bloc are french liberals, this is no surprise.
No they have to get a majority of MPs to vote in favour of it. Bloc hold a considerable number of seats. Obviously the Liberals won't vote in favour of an early election, the NDP are unknowns at this point, so if the Bloc say they won't vote in favour then it means the Conservatives likely won't have enough potential votes to get an election called.
Libs have 154 seats
Cons have 119 seats
NDP have 24
Bloc have 32
Green have 2
Independents have 2

Cons + NDP = 143
+Green = 145
+ Indies = 147

Still less than 154.

Even if every single MP voted for an early election it still wouldn't pass unless the Bloc voted for it too.
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So we gotta wait a year before we see any meaningful change? :(
A year before there is an election. More than a year before any possible changes occur. Gun rights are a huge issue for us but most Canadians are more concerned with housing costs and food prices so I'm betting PP goes after that stuff first.
he'll have about a week to deal with the oic before the amnesty expires
>And shame they are treated like real guns here; when allegedly in much of europe the are (or atleast used to be) treated more like pellet guns, easy to obtain and you can shoot them in places you cant normally shoot guns.

Aparently until the 90s, you could buy modern revolvers in France chambered for 9mm Flobert slugs that were legally treated as unlicensed pellet guns.
his first order of business should be an OIC that basically just says "undo whatever Turdboy did for the last 10 years"
He should abuse the fuck out of the oic system and then remove oic powers for future governments
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>Swiss gun laws/culture is based on the fear of being invaded, they have ptsd from ww2 and are concerned about the russians, chinese etc.

I'm literally concerned about the prospect of being invaded by the russians or chinese. I actually think about this problem every day and work out scenarios for survival, how to hold ground in my city, what areas would make the best machine gun nests, pre sighting streets for mortars, etc.

It's actually a crime against humanity that I can't legally own a full auto MG-42.
>remove oic powers for future governments
The problem is that a huge amount of our laws are designed to be run by OiC; the laws basically say "everything in the regulations is illegal" and then the regulations can be made and changed both by a parliamentary committee of about 10 MPs, or by OiC.

Day one after getting elected: reverse the OIC
Day two: abolish OICs and make it impossible for them or anything resembling them to ever come into existence ever again
Day three: codify offences that are punishable with public hanging, the first of which is trying to pass an OIC

tyrannical dictator shit has no place here
>I'm literally concerned about the prospect of being invaded by the chinese
anon, we've already lost the west coast and all major city centers
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What tacticool watch r u wearing there bruh?
>that pic

what in the ultranationalist fuck am I seeing here
I look like this and say this
Thats you isn;t it? You disgusting nigger
aw fuckin gross. this happened when i was taking a break from /k/, ironically because of the 24/7 bumfight spam.
Aesthetic pic.
I'm concerned about being invaded by my own, communist govt regime.
The guy you’re replying to isnt canadian and doesnt own guns
I'm waiting to see whos going to win between the Chinese or the Indians, but at the end of the day its a puppet show run by the jews.
We'll see.
>inb4 your laptop battery mysteriously explodes while you're using it
If you're not shooting rabbits with 30-06, what are you even doing?
Shooting rabbits with 8mm Mauser.
this is the second most humane way to hunt rabbits, first is .338Lapua
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Anything other than a 2A3 Kondensator is just unethical for small game.
>not .700 nitro
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>tactical short barrel turkshit
lmfao thats an instant "add to cart" for me there chief.
The need to add a 'Buy Now' button like amazon, that skips the cart and just launches that shit straight to my door.
I hope this is a troll post. 30-06 would blow a rabbit into specks of blood and gore. It'd overpowered even for deer.
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Mossberg Shockwave weighs 5.25lbs, is 26" long, and can be bought on sale for $549

Who the FUCK is buying this turkshit garbage
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Listen here you little shit. Maybe at some point in your useless mallanial life you'll do something right for once and get God's Own gun and drop all the faggy chinkshit and turkshit. 30.06 is for REAL MEN,,,,, the dont make a 30.07 because there;s no need,,,,30.06 kills everything including ELEPHANT,,s,,,,
>invaded by the russians
My guy. Russia is struggling to invade their next door neighbor, in what world would they be able to invade Canada?
They are blowing up iPhones now... what in the absolute fuck is going on?
Idk maybe with their navy and nuclear subs that are already lurking around in our territorial waters?
Based af, thirdies shouldn't have high technology anyways. If your country has open sewers and leprosy you have no right to computers or guns. Swords and carrier pigeons are the best I can do.
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>jews sentence to death anyone carrying a pager
I don't care how much the glowfaggots like >>62536376 on this board sing the praises of der juden, this is the definition of terrorism.
highly irresponsible, any one of these individuals could have been driving a car and subsequently plowed straight into an innocent family.
not to mention under any normal circumstances this is a declaration of war, to overtly attack another nation like this. Israel is only brave as long as their golem is strong, and soon the muttmericans will no longer have a functioning nation and they will be left to have their precious prophecies fulfilled.
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>picrel (you)
kikes actually believe they are the "chosen" people anon, absolute fuckin psychopaths
jews and eugenics go together like butter and bread fr. we have already seen them use airstrikes/famine to engineer mass casualties and reduce the birth rate of palestinians but literally castrating 3000 of their bravest men and effectively deleting the bloodlines of fighters with very measured small yield explosives is some next level shekelstein shit. they were made heat up (to warm up the explosive) and ring before detonation so that they either deleted their balls or hands off.
and of course its only 1/1000 of their capability. it's very highly measured state backed terrorism.
Yeah imagine if the government decided to do it to you for wrongthink. Just push a button and you're deleted. Blame it on lithium batteries
you guys assume that because i laugh at terroristic mooslims getting blown up somehow that means i like jews? lol guess I know where you stand.

by your logic i guess you love muslim terrorists? we have terrorists killing other terrorists. jews killing muslims, and muslims killing jews. what part of this equation upsets you both so much? it's what we call a win-win scenario you stupid babies.
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I redpilled an Egyptian guy on the rigs this way. He was asking some interesting questions normoids rarely ponder so we got into it and I asked him; "Who do you think the Chosen People are?" and he replied "Well... uhh, the gnatsies, right?" so I grinned and told him to google it when we get back to camp and the next morning at breakfast he sits down and shids/farts all over with an instant snowball effect of ITS ALL THE JEWS????????
warmed my heart. turned another one against them. I doubt the world will be a safe place for their kind, ever.
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you declared them "based af"
I've heard enough of your hebrew nonsense.
> we have terrorists killing other terrorists. jews killing muslims, and muslims killing jews.
Should have said this in your previous post then nigger. Nobody here likes the mooselimbs either but, anything that can be used against the kikes should be taken advantage of. SPREAD THE HATE
I redpill daily, remember they can not kill an idea.
I'm not the original guy you were talking to retard.
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I shot a hare with 30-06 last year while I was deer hunting. Went in the neck and blew all the guts out the ass without damaging any meat or the pelt, somehow
picrel, it's hanging on the right
Its unlucky to kill a hare yourself anon. Sorry no one told you.
triggered faggot stop reading so much into every post and letting your rabid retardation cloud your judgment you're no better than them when you do that
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>you're no better than them
I am many many payot lengths above that race of devil worshipping rats.
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yeah I clicked the wrong reply. at least you know I'm not a bot I guess.
Who else here a sinister noctulian?
Can tell you're obese & greasy just by the top half of your face
politics is for faggots and every politician is a cum drinking faggot
Not him but, you are probably some sort of mutt chug who has one of those gay as fuck bear claw stickers on your beater chevy rez rig.
Fuck you, those cats are awesome, you Norm McDonald lookin ass nigga
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you know 9/11 was a national tragedy, right?
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It's a Every Child Matters sticker, get it right.
how absurd, not even close to every child matters

statistically very few of them matter at all
I don't know why but I find the skull mask being shooped on fucking hilarious
Just a gshock bruv
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>Every Child Matters
Friendly reminder that no bodies were ever found.
Chugs and shitLibs lie as easily as they breathe.
a genocide just flew over my house
omg pepe driving the freedom truck
fucking kek the onions latte it's too much for my drunk ass
What you said is literally false youre misconstrued
my daughters first movie was Rio Bravo, is that bad?
his trigger discipline throughout the movie is atrocious
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>Rio Bravo
The one with the terribly alcoholic sheriff, and ooof, those legggss near the end of the movie (get me every time)
For Wayne's slightly more suitable for children i think i would recommend;
"The Cowboys"(1972) (though it is reallly meant for young boys.) or maybe
"Hondo"(1953) which is an absolute classic
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Oh "True Grit" (1969) may be of particular interest, because it features a young woman in a starring role.
This is one of those rare movies where the remake is actually better
>Half-jewish african-american philipino girl, playing as a native american
>instead of redhead tomboy girl
Trigger discipline is a relatively modern practice (once people decided to start teaching gun safety to address all the NDs); it would have been uncommon both in 1959 when the movie was made, and during the Wild West era.
Not to mention that theyre single-actions. Aslong as you never cock the hammers you can fingerblast them all you want.
I have a levergat and have the opposite problem; i have good trigger discipline, but im often flicking/ fiddling with the hammer when I'm carrying it around.
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I hope you boys go shooting this weekend.
That Pic goes unbelievably hard
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>pitch black hockey game with NODs and infrared puck

holy fuck DO IT NOW
Oh god that would be both funny and painful. 10/10 would risk my tube for it.
Might take my sister and brother in law to the range if our mom babysits. Will have to bring small guns for women.
Can't wait to teach my neice how to shoot.
Very nice, yeah a .22lr would be a nice first gun to teach them with.
give her a 12 gauge, best to start off big and if they can handle it move them to different stuff like 9mm and 22

t. shot a 12ga when I was 7
Same, dad gave me buckshot in his BPS when I was 7 kek, I think I turned out fine
Real men don't shoot anything smaller than 7.62x39
good thing 12 ga is bigger than 7.62x39 and i am therefore a real man
My t81 is the smallest centerfire rifle I own, it's awesome being a real man :)
Based fellow real man
I'm of the opposite opinion; my dad had me try out a 9mm handgun and an AR when I was maybe 10 and it scared me off guns for a few years because of the noise (and a shell casing hitting me in the forehead). Nowadays I enjoy blasting .308 semi-auto but it certainly delayed my interest for a while. Maybe I'm just a huge pussy but I think with kids it's safest to start off small.
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Gonna go night shooting for the first time. Bretty excited
never change gunpost.
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oh my god is this you?

i literally have not spent a second on gunpost since 2023 and I'm much better off now. that place is just trash, honeypots, and ragebait.
I'm pretty sure people were joking, amd nobody actually thinks its a good idea to give a 7 year old a 12-guage
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Yeah it's a terrible idea, they are much more suited to crew served weapons.
>he isn't teaching his infant son how to range artillery and dual-hipfire dragon's breath from 590 Shockwaves

I understand, if I had turned out any other way I probably would've been scared off for good. But it just so happened that I was autistically into cod and halo that I was naturally interested. I still remember my first shot and the lingering smell
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67 million spent and not a single firearm taken.

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>yfw you realize gun grabbing is as much a money laundering scheme as it is a scare tactic to harass citizens
Pretty much every aspect of federal spending is or involves a money laundering scheme of one kind or another.
If anyone thought this was going to be "real" was an idiot.
>67 million
What is the money actually spent on? Even on paper where is it being allocated?
They've been spending money on consultants to try to figure out pricing and whatnot. Every time they put up a contract for actual confiscation / disposal the bidders get death threats and are forced to back out.
Admin costs mostly, government workers get paid a lot to do very little. An average 7 hour work day means 1-2 hours are spent doing "work" and the rest are spent texting, breaks, eating, shitting, complaining about how their salary is too low, reading union newsletters, etc.
Office roasties that sit around on $2000 chairs gossiping all day and ordering uberjeets. Very little actual work gets done.
Don't forget the regular "meetings" to discuss DEI initiatives and just "CHECK IN!" with the team to "see how everyone's doing!"
I was an intern for the Ontario government and I shit you not I got at least 3-5 emails per day about some diversity thing or another written by managers at all levels of the department up to and including deputy ministers.
it's part of the globohomo standard propaganda they're pushing, same thing in private sector these days. almost daily emails now about TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION so we can all feel bad for being white and wear orange t-shirts.
We have MPs and senators committing treason.
Historically speaking, what happens to traitors?
In Canada, if they work for the government? Nothing.
This nigga never heard of Louis Riel
if even 1 life was saved then it was worth it
I bought a Siberian so I could stay relevant on AR controls and have a semiauto to accept the prodigious amount of magazines and ammunition I already owned for my AR. My preferred cope is tacticool shotgun though.
The SRV2 Siberian is significantly less than all of those and my only gripe so far after all this time is they chose a not so fun to work with firing pin retaining pin.
should have gotten an fx9 instead
I have and he was a chug too, they shot chugs on sight and stuck them in residential schools. They shouldn't be confused with WASP and the Francophone bourgeoisie that have controlled Canada for 150 years.
I'd say Mossberg 590 just because of the magazine tube cap giving you options and making life easier.
>The Canadian norm, by contrast, seems to be the expectation that america will always protect us, so we dont even have to try.
That's not the true spirit of the Canadian man. Reclaim your agency. Get a coyote boonie cap and a nice matching jacket.
It's the chinks and the perfidious terror army streaming into North America from the Darien Gap for me.
Justin, please... You got it all backwards. If you kill your enemies, you win.
A video I watched last night said a ton of jeets on student visas are hoofing it to the US lol
Yes, because the FX9 will accept my PMAGs and 3,000 rounds of .223.
Sounds about right. Either way, the potential for shit going sideways is a reason to read up on the Pacific Coast Militia Rangers.
Lmfaooooo this nigga bought bcl
Sell the shitgun and buy a tavor.
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*Blows up*

So how do we get inside the ship if it's in the air? The corps issued me a rifle, not wings.
There's a bullshit lift that ferries the politicians and their lies, that's our ticket in.
Funny. Still the best easily available NR in the country though.
Yes anon, BCLs do have a habbit of blowing up
I'm actually going to sell it and then wait until the election is sorted out, then I'll just go back to using my AR.
Just had a call from Dikshit. kek
Do they? I've heard about WK-180 Gen 2s snapping operating rods, but not Siberians having any problems.
every single 180 variant fuckin sucks, it's bullshit
For reference, the m16, IWI tavor, and other real military arms torture tests are usually that a major stoppage occurs after 2000-4000 consecutive rounds.
For AKs this is MUCH higher. They weren’t even able to complete the m4 torture test on the siberian - they had to stop because every single round was a stoppage and it was getting dangerous to operate.
There’s a full PDF breakdown of every failure of the gun. They are the biggest fucking shitrod pieces of garbage on the market
Here’s the full breakdown.
The first generation m16 had a stoppage rate (not major stoppage, equivalent of a double feed or a failure to eject) of 2 rounds per 1000 fired. The siberian is more than a dozen TIMES that failure rate. 1200% more prone to failure than a m16.
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X95 > TAR-21

that is all.
big oof
They're vying for a military contract wtf? kek?
>give CAF jeets Lolberians
>they get shredded in WW3

and the downside is...?
>shitberians randy, big crappy shitberians
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Sorry anon Mw2 sovl can’t be beat.
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i still don't even understand the CoD order, there's CoD, CoD MW, MW2, then there's a new MW2 that's new but also there's some future soldier shit and black opppps shit and it's like these crazy zoomers with their vidya I tell ya hwat
Not a zoomer anon pretty clearly talking about the old one lol
that's how little I know about this shit, I always preferred Day of Defeat
Does anyone have the old version of the FRT that has the ATRS listed as non restricted?
okay, but you should still probably start them off with a baby shockwave and then work your way up.
>63 failures in 1008 rounds.
>Muh videagamm sovul!
idk anon, sounds kinda gay.
A baby shockwave is a 12ga 590.

A real shockwave is a sawed off 10 gauge with duct tape on the grip
I would imagine they would make the actual contract version a lot better than the civilian version. At least, I hope they would.
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Hey, don't bully Chrysler, they're trying their best!
Or were, before Mercedes skullfucked them and fiat decided to marryvthe corpse
It went in logical order until the series got pozzed, then they went back and rewrote some of them with nigger leaders and shit, same with Battlefield
You can't bail out the boat until you first deal with the people drilling holes in the hull. First the traitors, then the invaders.
cod ua
cod 2
cod big red 1
cod 3
cod 4
cod waw
cod mw2
cod blops
cod mw3
cod blops 2

lost track after that
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>the NDPs are unknown at this point

Surprise to nobody, they are backing the Liberals and blocks
For Chrysler and especially Dodge it's because they will extend credit to literally fucking anyone. Can you sign your name in only 3 tries? Here's a charger, go have fun!
Of course you could argue only the retarded would be so financially African as to need financing from Chrysler, but whatevs.
so is there a MW1? This is what always confused me, and then apparently they remade one of them with new graphics and shit but also changed the story or something?

Fuckin video gamez man how do they even work gnomesaiyan
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It doesn't matter because the motion wouldn't pass without their vote. They could abstain from voting but once they found out the Bloc were voting against it, they realized there's no stakes left for them. Won't pass even if they did vote for a non-confidence motion because Bloc holds too many seats.

Actually a positive outcome because it only cements the fact that Singh is a greedy sellout cuntfuck liar. He's isolating even more voters with this shit, people who hate Trudeau and would've seen NDP as redeeming themselves by helping to oust him. Instead they're losing voters who will either not show up to the polls or they'll vote for Cons out of pure spite for the other parties who are just seen as one big party now.
Yeah its just call of duty modern warfare.
Mw2 got shortened because “MW2” was the default player name icon upon account creation
So is the original one the game with SOAP MCTAVISH and it was basically a recreation of famous movies like Black Hawk Down? I remember playing that one and it was pretty dope for the time.
Black Ops 6 looks fuckin sicKKK, gwot campaign will be sicKKK, getting to shoot osama in the face will be sicKKK
Isnt bo6 a black guy protag? No thnks tbqh
ummm sweetie it's called BLACK ops for a reason.
You fuckin what? Thats real?
Fish and milk
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>Actually a positive outcome because it only cements the fact that Singh is a greedy sellout cuntfuck liar.

Oh I know, hopefully this will get us biggest conservative majority, maybe even 1 or 2 PPC seats if we're lucky. Trudeau is so desperate for votes that he's even pretending to crack down on all the pajeet visas. He somehow even pissed off the last of his voterbase.
Forgot to add this, but I really hope he doesn't resign because we'll be in a Nixon-Ford situation where we'll have someone else replace him and have 4 more years of this shit. Correct me if I'm wrong.
>we've flooded the country with at least ten million jeets over the past decade
>but hey we'll dial it back a bit now pls vote for us pls

that rat motherfucker needs to be recalled to China and stuck in a filthy cell with pee pee and poo poo on the walls and floor.
He can't resign and reset the term/period between elections. It's still 5 years or less regardless of who is considered the PM. It wouldn't surprise me if they did this as a strategy to deflect from the fact that people hate TRUDEAU more than they hate the liberal party, but there's only two outcomes for that:

>appoint one of his well known chronies like Chrystia who everyone fucking hates equally
>appoint some total unknown dweeb backbencher in which case people will go "LITERALLY WHO?" and not vote for them (they did this with Ignatieff and that other fag in years past)

There is no winning solution for Liberals. They are doomed, they're just trying to figure out how they can do as much damage as possible before they're out.
>we adjusted the program after the pandemic

We received a zillion unskilled jeets taking up every single low pay service job, despite shitloads of Canadians being out of work and desperately needing work. Zero logic to this.
>that pic
Yeah when they feel they’re about to lose they start doing things that the people actually want. Same happened with the Conservative Party in the UK. Too little too late
t81 > all just dont get a bent one lol
>buying guns based on them being used in your le epic video gayme!
consoomer culture has rotted your brain
lmao. lmfao even.

not even lying, i've never heard of a single person with a defective X95 or Tar21. their QC is insane.
its a bullpup. that itself is a major issue. Wont ever catch me buying from kikes. also, everyone with one of those wastes money on some useless eotech or lpvo. its a fucking semi auto just run irons lmao
Literally never experienced any issues. I shoot weekly. That is to say, I disagree with Reddit's findings. It is a common occurrence for Reddit to be wrong.
>Wont ever catch me buying from kikes
Not a whole lot of choice in that regard bud
Lucky or a Liar.
lpvo i can understand but whats wrong with eokek
He’s a coping siberian owner, don’t expect his logic to be sound
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Some pics through the lens of the chinese nod monocular for any who care. Bretty okay. Non IR performance is about the same as gen 2 or 2+. With IR it gets similar visibility to gen 3 Green tubes, but with a bit of digital latency. Not enough to matter to most people but it may give some people motion sickness. I’ll post another pic after this one. Tomorrow I hope to test out a holosun and a laserspeed IR LAM, just to see how they do. I have access to better nods I just figured this would be a neat experiment.
Also gotta say the somewhat customizable HUD is kino. Having a compass in the top of my vision is very fun.
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Here’s another pic. It only seems rectangular because of the way my phone had to be held to take pictures. It blends in with your peripheral vision when you actually wear it on your eye. Taking a photo with the phone however requires holding the phone further back than where your eye sits.
Overall honest rating 7.5/10 for utility, 10/10 for value as I got this unit for about 300 leaf pesos. Will report back after shooting with it.
auto gated?
Auto-gained so autogating isn’t necessary
Post gun with timestamp I don’t fucking believe you faggot
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I believe you. I had one too and it was nothing but good to me. Loved the feel of it, but I sold it once I found out about all the issues.
What pack is that?
Varusteleka Sarma assault pack. Want it? I got a new bag and I don't need it anymore.
Checked, and yeah. Where was it made?
chugs make up less than 4% of the population of BC but, make up over 20% of the OD's in this province LMAO. get fucked wagon burners
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Chinese digital NV being nearly on par with analog. I want to believe you, but I don't anon
Choinah. That's probably a dealbreaker lol. It's pretty robust for what it cost, though. Credit where it's due.

It had a waiststrap too, but I lost that a long time ago.
Yeah its a deal breaker lol.
I'll probably go over to hero outdoors and pick up a pattern '82 rucksack for innawoods uses and then just have a roots or swissgear bag for innacity.
honestly based

those old rucks are beat to death but they're 10x more comfy than the new issued cadpat ones
Their violent crime rate is literally more than 10x every other race in Canada, it is unreal
It is, but there are very very distinct drawbacks -
the field of view is narrow - there's a $40 wide angle lens that does fix this, but it's another thing to buy
There IS latency. It's not latency free in the slightest. I hear this is better on the nvg30 models. I used it fine for walking around the woods at night, and I was able to track birds and keep them in my vision fine, but inside my house things like grabbing doorknobs or putting on boots were a bit trickier than normal due to the field of view and being a little bit "off". Just a slight bit discombobulating.
They also work poorly without IR. With the IR turned off it's like an older pair of gen 2s. Still Gen 2"+" because of shit like you don't need to worry about autogating, and you don't need to manually focus or worry about the battery dying within an hour, but still squarely gen 2
also haven't shot with them yet so I don't know how they do in situations more "dynamic" than a walk in the woods
The chug threat isn't a problem in large metros but, in smaller northern towns where they are 20% plus of the population they are a fuckin plague.
>t. worked years in the North and fucked LOADS of those redskin whores
hopefully you wrapped it before you tapped it
>that fucking webm

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lmao oldboy in the middle was slow on the take there
>wtf is this
>wtf is that
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Not functioning well without IR is hardly on par with analog. You mentioned you had other nods, what tube? I'm running a WP Echo
Shame none of our politicians have that kind of integrity.
Oh I don’t have other nods, I have a /k/ommando buddy with nods that I’ve used. I know they’re gen 3 white phosphor but nothing beyond that. He’s also got a pair of gen 2s that I’m considering buying I think he got from cold harbor.
The RCMP has lost a firearm about once a week since 2020.
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They won't do shit. All they have control over is import of firearms, which will be swiftly opened in even a minority conservative government.
They made their move with their big gun grab and cucked horrendously. Something tells me they did the math and realized if they went ahead with forcible confiscation they would likely have no more LEO's to protect their own homes.
I have no respect for an enemy who only has the courage to make half a move.
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>The RCMP has machine guns

for what conceivable purpose would a domestic police force require fully automatic machine guns?
Killing as many domestic terrorists (you) as possible, in the shortest period of time.
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To neutralize offending fire halls.
I would also like to eliminate terrorists, machine gun please. I'll start with an MG-42 and if that goes well I might try a Puckle Gun with square rounds.
for shooting at dogs and each other
I recall seeing a video of a cop ending a high speed chase, by pulling over on the road up ahead, in wait, then unloading on the driver with an Smg, as he drove past.
An effective alternative to deploying a spike strip.
Yeah I've seen that, he used an MP5 but it was in the USA too.
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kek hell yeah, truth be told that's what should be done anyways. would save the courts/white taxpayers a lot of time and money.
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He shot him up because the driver had already been in a shootout with cops, it wasn't just a chase on the highway. That being said, that's an SMG and not a machine gun.
In typical FAGGOT fashion the CTV doesn't specify if these were LMGs like a C9 or MGs firing a larger caliber like .50BMG.

In any event I can't imagine a scenario where cops would warrant that kind of firepower, not even a SWAT team. JTF2 handles counter-terrorism stuff so RCMP really shouldn't have those guns at all. They probably shouldn't have any guns with the rate at which they're losing them.
Buddy looks like he's keeling over 0:16-:020. Friendly fire?
Yeh thats the one. didn't know the details.
>that's an SMG and not a machine gun.
Hmm, i do wonder what smg stands for.
>I can't imagine a scenario where cops would warrant that kind of firepower
Generally agree
>not even a SWAT team
Not sure if i agree with that one though, door kicking is incredibly dangerous.
That said, in a country where civilians cant own full auto, i believe it rather overkill to use it against them. But cops dont like fair fights, they dont like losses, they want every firefight to be an swift, decisive and overwhelming victory. They dont want you to stand a chance.
Lol another coperod failure
>Hmm, i do wonder what smg stands for.
Well the article mentions both SMGs and machine guns. SMGs fire pistol calibers, machine guns fire rifle calibers or anti-materiele rounds.
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>various communist shitholes have manufactured the SKS rifle using malnourished slave labourers
>and these guns are incredibly robust
>surviving three quarters of a century with regular use and still functioning today
>WKEK is breaking from light range use

p a t h e t i c
The difference is that in those communist shitholes, if you made a gun that was shit, you'd probably be shot
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Yeah the fucking myanmar rebels stamp the shittiest steel imaginable into type 81s that fire thousands of rounds of rusty corrosive ammo that’s been sitting in the jungle for the last 3 decades but not a single canadian manufacturer has made a decent piston gun? The fuck
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What do you guys think of the ksg tactical? Am I gonna end up accidentally shooting my hand off?
i have a theory that the more rails you add to something the less reliable it gets
Front looks weird, like it's missing something.
is this true?!?!?
Might be able to find a copy. Why?
>quebecs shitters get shit on by everyone and try to take it out on literally unarmed prisoners
lol cowards
Honestly probably right. Not a lot of places to fuck up on a simple piston gat with integrated sights
I hate non integrated sights. Why tf did we have to turn everything into an AR
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Well the AR had integrated sights for a while but someone came along and wanted to stick an Acog on it and here we are.
The acog wasnt even the problem, they mount right to the carry handle no picatinny required, it was the dang aimpoints. M16a2 my beloved…
we went full circle because a red dot on carry handle is ideal height for passive aiming under nods
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so so so few of those precious creatures. far too many losers just like you sad idiot
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leave kibby alone
What is this slop, are you just trying to avatarfag? or is there a meme here im missing?
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Let's see how many jimmies I can rustle.
Rip, king.
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post the link kek
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So what happens if canada needs to use a lot of fighter jets between now and 2030? What are they going to do, send however many hornets are still flying and hope they don't break apart mid flight?
>So what happens if canada needs to use a lot of fighter jets between now and 2030?
They're fucked? They'll hope USA/NATO/whoever still has competence comes to save them. They don't even have ground based anti air, so if they loose air superiority they'll be proper fucked. Of course the chance of that happening and being outside of allied support is very slim.
Do what we always do.. beg and cry to our allies to make up our own short comings.
They're also a very monoculture society
"Conservative values are not Quebec values"

Yeah we know, that's why it's such a shit hole
And Trudeau has packed the Senate unfairly and that's gonna make it hard for pp to get things done properly
Not really no, the senate will never go against the House of Commons. See Justin’s internet bill. Senators voted against it, but it still went through because the senate is a rubber stamp. No matter what party the senate will not go against the elected house.
Don is an absolute chad
It’s a shame he has to retire this year.
>Maybe 1 or 2 ppc seats

Keep those retarded vote splitting cucks away from any seat in office
They should buy them back
Lmao you should do some research first
With how bad the economy is, I can see him working for a few more years
Bump hit baked early

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