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>fantasize about fighting off a home invasion for years
>think of myself as some kind of cowboy
>home invasion attempt finally happens
>did not get a good opportunity to use my gun, I had it in my hands but I couldn't take a shot because my life wasn't in immediate danger (I would have gone to jail) and shooting people through doors isn't self defense
>now I wake up at 3 am and go check the doors and windows and have nightmares

Now I will probably go broke relocating and getting a new lease. Fuck this.
The PTSD will come with you anon
What state do you live in? Castle Doctrine is the norm in all but like 5 states, so you probably could gave gotten away with it. I had something similar happen, but I didn't end up shooting either because it turned out to be my drunk neighbor.

The important thing is that your life wasn't in danger most likely BECAUSE you had a gun. If you didn't have a gun, you'd have been defenseless. You don't always need to shoot to win an altercation, sometimes you can just deescalate.
Use as much force as the situation requires.
>go check the doors and windows
check to make sure they're not locked so next time he'll come inside and you can shoot the melanin carrier
You won without having to shoot a dude and go to court. You would be even more broke if you had to pay lawyer fees, super broke if you lost a civil suit, and you'd be broke forever if you went to prison and became an unemployable violent felon.

Sorry some scary shit happened to you but this is in fact the best possible outcome of an attempted home invasion.
Unironically consider therapy.
>check to make sure they're not locked so next time he'll come inside
what did OP do to you that makes you want him to get AIDS?
So someone walked up to your front door to read the house number to orient themselves and now you have to move?

>live in rough neighborhood full of drug addicts
>always enter my apartment tip toeing just in case
>this time one of the addicts heard my keys turning and immediately rushed out of his apartment with a knife but tripped
>gave me enough time to get inside and close the door
>addict runs up to the door starts stabbing it and kicking it while screaming gibberish
>run to room, get gun out of case, load it, approach the door, aim
>realize I don't have a 100% legitimate reason to shoot and will most likely go to jail (it's a security door btw, its not made of cardboard)
>consider opening it and letting him inside, then shooting him then lying and claiming I never managed to close it on time, nah too complicated
>call police
>drug addict leaves
>police arrives, I tell them he tried to break in
>police question him in the hallway (he refuses to let them enter his apt)
>his answers are gibberish but at no point he admits trying to break in
>one of the cops tries to provoke him into attacking him but he doesn't take the bait, cop is clearly disappointed
>cops wait a while and see if they can get a warrant to search the apartment for a knife that matches the marks on my door
>40mins pass, they couldn't get the warrant
>while they were waiting their radios kept going off asking for reinforcements about stabbings and shootings
>cops talk to me and tell me without any cameras or witnesses it's just my word vs his and they have 0% chances of getting a conviction and that I should probably just move before anything serious happens
Put up a ring camera, he'll get angry and steal it or destroy it without thinking about how the footage is uploaded wirelessly, call the police and have him arrested. If he steals it they can search his place and find drugs and possibly the knife in question. Live in a nicer complex next time. You're welcome.
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made this thread

Dead druggies tell no tales.

Also, having a gun is like having a form of insurance. You don't want to have to use it, so avoid using it unless necessary

>middle of night
>wake up to someone trying to open back door in room next to my bedroom
>bedroom window overlooks door
>look out window see hobo
>open window
> cuse me can i help you?
>startled hobo i ee just tryna get through you know way back through how do i get outta here?
>tell him to walk back down driveway
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>armed, full tacticool anon in his castle
>entire Oinkville PD
>outsmarted by a level 1 junkie with a shank
these are the people that fantasize about surviving a zombie apocalypse
If its any consolation, unless youre a psychopath or retard you probably would have felt much worse having killed someone even if theyre a niggery home invader
This or >>62532866 stab him and tell the cops he tripped and fell on his own knife while chasing you.
I've considered putting up a security camera right above my door to do exactly that. If he takes it down, thats theft or whatever, and if he doesnt, i have solid proof to get him arrested if he tries to attack me again. Win win situation right? The problem is, he might not trip next time, I can't carry outside my home, and even if I risk it I might not be able to draw fast enough to shoot. Also it fucking sucks having to roll the dice every time I get home.
>I had it in my hands but I couldn't take a shot because my life wasn't in immediate danger
Dear God, what kind cucked state do you live anon?
Time to invest in pepper spray and brush up on your knife-fighting skills I guess.
You did fine. Junkie didn't get in your apartment and if he did, you could have blown him away. You should be satisfied with the outcome and rest easy knowing you can protect yourself without being stupid about it.

Cops are clearly fucking useless though. They will move heaven and earth to give a taxpayer a ticket for going 10 over the speed limit, but junkies and homeless people can commit crimes with impunity. Makes my fucking blood boil.
>If its any consolation, unless youre a psychopath or retard you probably would have felt much worse having killed someone even if theyre a niggery home invader
Nah, that's bullshit. I stabbed a guy once and watched him bleed out over my boots and once it became clear that I wasn't going to jail over it all I felt was satisfaction.
If someone is in your home uninvited, unless your state has a duty to retreat, they don't have the presumption of innocence. You can generally shoot them without fear of legal reprise as long as you don't talk yourself into a murder/manslaughter charge by detailing too much to the police.
I do recommend you positively ID that it is an intruder, because that may be a family member.
There are also "innocent" explanations for why a person might be in your house, but usually those become apparent when someone is screaming "HELP, HELP" and they identify their location, presence, and then themselves.
>they couldn't get a warrant
Judges hand out warrants like fucking candy, how? HOW?
Wdym? If someone knocks on my door late at night and I don't open the door, but instead respond through the door and no one responds back? I'm getting my gun, and if no one responds and I see them trying my door knob, then you tell them to stop. And if they continue, shoot. Record it all, if you can. Fuck that dumb shit.
Why can't you carry? Are there no exceptions even for moving a firearm from your vehicle to your domicile in a container? Do any such laws require the firearm be unloaded during transport? A shoulder bag for instance could count as a container, in your situation I'd give that some thought. Shoulder bag on, gun in hand inside of bag with it unzipped enough to allow for a draw. Of course be sure to follow any and all laws, even though such a setup would allow for a lot of plausible deniability in the absence of cameras, you wouldn't want to do anything morally questionable. Really if you're that concerned your neighbor is going to straight knife you the smart move is to move if you can at all afford it. Better off avoiding the trouble, not like you're going to be sticking around for the rest of your lease after blasting a dude anyways
To add:
Person's word vs other person is how every fucking investigation goes until corroborating evidence is found. The judge cockblocked that for no reason, a fucking attempted stabbing should get a warrant.
They give warrants to search men's homes for just the mere accusation of domestic violence. Very broad searches even in the abscence of physical evidence of abuse.
Yeah, I'm fucking mad thanks anon.
These are all correct. You were responsible and didn't see a cell for questionable defensive gun use. Try to move, get counseling for PTSD. You may have to try a few different therapists to find one you click with and that's okay.
>pregnant cousin is staying with me while her husband is away
>went to a birthday party that night and got drunk
>wake in the early morning, still ruined, to the sounds of someone stumbling through the pile of timber at the side of the house
>start to pull on pants, but hear the unlocked back door rattle
>grab rifle and machete
>see two future doctors midway through my laundry
>drunken brain can still calculate that cousin is on the other side of the wall opposite me
>slam connecting door shut
>scream at them they have 5 seconds before I start shooting through the door
>one of them briefly tries to intimidate me, saying he has friends outside who'll come through the windows if I don't open the door
>his partner calls him a dumbass and leaves
>first guy gets midway through threatening me again before muttering something and leaving
>hear yells and screams from driveway
>police arrive shortly
>see headlights at the end of the lane
>go up to meet them
>one of them dropped his gun and a $600 shoe, which contained a couple grams of coke/heroin/fent
>see neighbour's tiny dog bouncing around the cops
>realise armed home invaders fled faster from a friendly toy poodle named Poirot, than a man with a gun
Based Poirot

Well, how did they get in?

When I had a night home invasion I installed steel bars on windows (nice looking wrought iron kind) and better doors and locks. And some of those lights outside that are bright and light up with movement which apparently are really annoying to thieves.
is it yours
>Live in a somewhat quiet cheap apartment complex right next to campus
>one night at like 2 am someone is banging at my neighbors door for like 20 minutes
>my computer is right by the front door so now I have my sig p365 loaded at the computer
Honestly if someone breaks in the most awkward thing will probably be that the cops show up and I'm naked with a gun in my hand
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>Try to move, get counseling for PTSD. You may have to try a few different therapists to find one you click with and that's okay.
Don't do this unless you want your gun rights revoked permanently. Shrinks are mandatory reporters if they think you may be a danger to yourself or others. Since you said you can't carry your gun outside, I'm going to assume you live in a cuck state with red flag laws and other BS.
I disagree. You can talk about ptsd with a counselor but he doesn't have to bring up the gun at all. The gun is basically irrelevant in his story.
>>consider opening it and letting him inside, then shooting him then lying and claiming I never managed to close it on time, nah too complicated
Deliberately placing yourself in danger just so you can get away with kilingl someone for fun?
You're a spiritually repugnant retard and I hope the nightmares last you the rest of your life. "Oh no, murdering a crackhead was too legally inconvenient, how ever will I cope?". People like you make life harder for people who genuinely do need to defend themselves.
How are your laws on self defense suicide vests? If you care about that sort of thing post-exploding.
>for fun
The guy tried to attack him, retard. As OP said, his assailant tripped. There's nothing to prevent the guy from attacking him again later and next time he might not trip over his shoelaces doing it.
OP would've been morally justified in smoking the guy through the doorway the same way that anyone defending a castle would be justified in shooting an enemy camped outside the gates. The only reason he was unable to was fear that the legal system would side with the dead murderous crackhead.
just spend some money on an autistic security camera setup
If OP lets it slip that he considered letting the crackhead in or even that he wants to carry a gun to protect himself, then the shrink could flip out like this faggot >>62533824 and red flag him over a worthless junkie who is probably gonna OD sooner or later anyway. OP should should leave a bottle of Everclear on his doorstep so hopefully the junkie will find it and kill himself by alcohol poisoning.
No, but we used to practice kissing together before we knew it was unacceptable.
>Castle Doctrine is the norm in all but like 5 states
I'm not OP, but imma put in my unasked for 2 cents. Castle doctrine isn't the same in every state. In some states it extends to your entire property while in other states it only extends to the house itself (your castle). Just because Castle Doctrine exists doesnt mean that you can shoot someone in your lawn, check your local laws.

>have nightmares
Bro, you won. Your attacker failed. You can take more security measures if you're paranoid but you need to understand that you came out on top.
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Health professionals power trip harder than cops, avoid all unnecessary interactions
There isn't a state where you could shoot someone in your lawn absent some reasonably percieved threat to you or your family.
The reason it works in the home is because there's almost no innocent reason someone could have broken in unannounced. Which means that reasonable person would interpret that as a threat to himself or his family.
Defense is always dynamic, so if the intruder is begging for mercy and no longer a threat then you don't have the ability to engage in deadly force. If you did, and for example a family member inadvertently told tge responding officer what happened then that statement would potentially land you in fuckedinass prison unless you had a reasonable perception that the intruder was reaching for something etc. Then you get to go to trial where the punishment is the process and then get punished again if convicted.
Horrible situation to be in and it's best if all family and you are very careful to not say much if anything.
Mine was worse. I found the nigger trying to trespass but still out of my property, I scared him away.
I should have waited...
Just remember OP- its perfectly normal that your mind had some sort of reaction for extremely stressful situation.
If nightmares are becoming less frequent and less intense over time and this situation has no significant impact on your daily functioning, you will probably be ok.
If you feel like you need it, you can always seek professional help but don't feel guilty for having normal reactions.
Typical fear based mindset
he was literally trying to breech his door thats scary as shit
id feel safer getting jumpscared by a ghost
>pregnant cousin
>got drunk
I really hope she wasn't drinking...
How do you think she got pregnant in the first place?
Another reason to home carry, you never know when it'll happen. I myself carry a 442 in my pocket around the house.
>psychopath sad he couldn't kill anyone
kill yourself, then you'll know what it's like
t. psychopath or retard
For fucking what? OP will get over it himself
>fantasize about fighting off a home invasion for years
You are the problem
>Be living on the outskirts of [urban shithole here]
>Someone broke into my living room
>Had passed out after half a bottle of vodka
>Still feelin it
>In a trance like state, go to bathroom
>Get wrench
>Tyroniques trying to understand how to unplug my TV
>Finally notices me breathing over his shoulder
>Violently beat him to death with wrench
>First swing knocks him out cold
>Continue pounding until the skull is effectively pulped
>Moment of clarity
>Oh fuck
>Oh holy shit what the fuck
>What the fuck was I thinking?
>Immediately rush to the kitchen and throw back another quarter bottle
>Get to work
>Stick guts in garbage bag
>Get shovel
>Corpse & bag o guts in trunk
>Quick coffee
>Take off to nearby woods
>Go as far in as I can
>Keep digging
>Dig a bit more
>In he goes with the wrench
>Fill hole
>Cover with leaves
>Hit up nearby farm
>Quietly pour guts into farmer joes pig pen
>Go home
>Scrub the fuck out of floor and table trying to get blood out
>Finally visibly gone
>Collapse on my way back to bed in exhaustion
>Wake up next morning
>Report that some hooligans must have smashed my window last night, must have been too drunk to notice
>Nothing ever comes of it
>Still have nightmares to this day about his corpse with that hollowed out, deflated looking head crawling up from the dirt and coming through the window again, this time to do to me what I did to him
I've not told anyone since it happened, it's been 20 years.
Well done you got out of it without killing. I like you. Stay well.
>someone stabbing and kicking your door, clearly intending to break it down and kill you if they can, is somehow not a case for shooting them
i thank god every day i don't live in a cucked state like this
blast him through the door
clear evidence he had a deadly weapon and was using it in an attempt to enter your home and kill you
"i feared for my life"

>now I wake up at 3 am and go check the doors and windows and have nightmares

Your PTSD can be alleviated by having proper security measures on your doors and windows. It sounds like to me that your PTSD is stemming from someone breaking in while you're asleep without you hearing it, and thus being killed in your sleep or attacked before you can ready a weapon to defend yourself.

To alleviate this fear, I recommend a security bar on your door. This will prevent someone from picking your lock and breaking in by kicking through the chain which can be done very quickly. A security bar results in the door having to be kicked off the hinges to get inside your home, which would require a lot of time and make a ton of sound, you'd have a weapon ready by then.

For your windows, some kind of internal alarm system for them would do, or look up some way to reinforce them in a way that would make it very loud for someone to smash and enter that way.

The goal is that anyone entering your home while you sleep would make so much noise you'd be guaranteed to wake up and ready your gun before they got to your room. You can also put a security bar on your room door as well. I can recommend the one I use if you're interested.

Since I've reinforced my doors I sleep like a baby, no one is breaking in without me being ready for it. You can also consider getting a dog since they bark when people try to enter your home but dogs are a lot of work.
>shooting people through doors isn't self defense
That's when you unlock the door and quickly rush 5 steps back and take aim, anon.
Based Poirot, good boy
Use as much force as you can get away with
Don’t lecture me on tactics.
Therapists are parasitic humanoid insects who WILL get your guns taken from you, never do this
Tactics? I’m talking about fun
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This is what the guys who shot Ahmaud Arbery or whatever the fuck his name was should have done. Just keep an industrial steel barrel and soapmaking lye on hand if you need to make a dead body go away.
Why the fuck would you leave the murder weapon with the body?! Wipe and dump at a scrapyard
You know in Europe, we just have a fight. Two men who aren't fags punch each other a bit, one of them gets knocked down, then we go about our day.
Nobody gets murdered over dumb shit. Nobody goes to jail. Nobody gets beaten to death by a pack of melatonin enriched reprobates. No schools get shot up. It's a much better way of life. Every day I think God I wasn't born in America but in a country where men are still men.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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Time for my fun story
>in apartment in worlds safest small town ever
>last shooting of a violent nature 20 YEARS ago
>chilling in room playing Xbox
>screaming and thumping sounds outside my door, ignore it
>knock at the door
>grab gun, approach door, check peephole
>no one visible
>another knock while im looking and seeing no one
>the person knocking is clearly pressed up against the wall or something
>roll nat 0 for street smarts and intuition, open the door. Still have gun but in back pocket
>see AR-15 barrel
>im gonna die, i realize
>barrel is attached to AR-15. AR-15 is being held by a female cop
>im definitely gonna die
>female cop looks calm to the point of boredom. Buzz cut dude behind her (also cop, handgun out) looks like hes about to piss himself
>she asks to come inside my apartment, does not give reason but tone indicates urgency
>roll nat 0 for street smarts and civil rights
>say sure
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>>62535687 (me)
>cops hurry in, the male runs around my room turning off all my lights
>female uses the fridge next to my door as cover
>male stutters something about the guy across the hall losing his mine
>roughly 10 minutes later about 20 SWAT guys in multicam casually enter the apartment
>then a negotiator
>sheriff from county
>deputy from city
>standoff lasts 8.5 hours, 28 shots fired including one 40mm beanbag
>building gassed twice, OC gas
>everyone evacuated
>except me
>SWAT commander saw my punkass milspec boots i was using for college ROTC and assumed i was a nasty girl
>just kept me around
>they dome the guy through his window (SWAT sniper posted outside)
>my walls have multiple bullet holes from when the bad man shot at us
>no one but him hurt
>cops accidentally left a riot shield at my place, came back to pick it up the next day
>get an american legion award at city hall for doing nothing
>my mom nearly had a heart attack when she learned about it in the morning (was like 19 or 20 at the time)
Overall, it was an extremely educational experience. Basically every piece of advanced technology the police attempted to use failed, including the Wi-Fi, several tablets, two different types of drones that they attempted to use, and the freaking server that hosts the maps of the building was down. What really got to me was that I didn’t actually feel remotely scared, and I was on top of my game when it comes to noticing details and analyzing the situation, but I literally could not get my hands to stop shaking. Also, it turns out I’m extremely naturally resistant to OC gas. Pic from my position on the couch
This is basically why only the truly stupid shoot someone they don't absolutely have to. The downside risk is just too high. At a minimum it will be an immense hassle. Even if you get away with it, what happens if the family of the crack head goes on social media and makes you out to be some monster and then you have thousands of random people you don't even know reacting to you on the street like you're a monster. There's a lot of ways that shit could go and many of them very bad for you. Might be jail, but even if it's not it could still be bad.
a buddy of mine got into a fist fight in france and had to do 3 years of probation and six months in a low security prison. he lost his job and basically can't get another one.
Absolutely retard boomer take. I've been to two separate ones (one of them even being female) and all that happened when I told them was they asked me if I had violent thoughts toward myself or others. Quit spreading retard shit spread by niggers to justify them acting like morons
just drink your sorrows away like a normal person
I saw this pasta last night. Sloppy job, moishe.
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>>barrel is attached to AR-15. AR-15 is being held by a female cop
>>im definitely gonna die
>someone was pounding on me door at night
thats not a home invasion
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>get an american legion award at city hall for doing nothing
top klank anon fucking great story
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>Basically every piece of advanced technology the police attempted to use failed, including the Wi-Fi, several tablets, two different types of drones that they attempted to use, and the freaking server that hosts the maps of the building was down.

Also this shit in particular feels so real to me. I briefly worked for an IT company that serviced Fire depts. First responders and police all over the midwest, and their equipment was always fucked hard. Our one saving grace was that the cop laptops are usually all cellular internet nowadays with their own SIMs and transponder/transceiver system (think BluForTracker but for cops) and the amount of time we'd have outages surrounding ALL things other than the end user devices like their SMC's, usually outweighed the time where everything was operational. FD's have it easy tho. They just have bog standard ass communications equipment and tablets for more mobile shit.
>my life wasn't in immediate danger (I would have gone to jail)
It's worth some consolation from doing the correct thing.

Maybe one of these days you'll get invaded by a serial rapist or something.
This right here.
>watching football with my oblivious, passive boomer dad, around 11 pm
>couple of huge thuds in quick succession by the kitchen
>he immediately starts wandering towards the kitchen floor to investigate
>I sprint upstairs to grab a handgun and follow him outside
>it was just a large tree branch falling on the roof
If someone has been breaking in I'd have been fucked. It would've sounded different, but still. Keep your guns close, anons.
You can't have PTSD if you're the traumatic event.
Security film and solar powered motion detector lights are the cure, anon. Maybe upgrade your door jamb and locks(get a locksmith to do it if you aren't sure and maybe ask for a security assessment).

You did good. You kept them safe. You used restraint. Maybe get in a bit better shape if you still feel spooked. Give yourself time.
things that didn't happen
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>home invasion
>shooting people through the door is illegal
I don't think "home invasion" means what you think it means.
Shooting someone trying to break into a domicile through the door is legal in most states. It's explicitly legal in PA.

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