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In case you're wondering, the explosion was seen from space.
What do you think the TNT estimate was?
30 kT?
probably not more than a kt or two at once, but there were multiple.
260 tons of explosives max, so a quarter of a kT at best
Report was a 3.2 on the richter scale at the height of the explosions. That's only 0.1 less than the Beirut catastrophe.
Also, vatnigs themselves claimed around 30,000 tons of ammo or so were stored at that base.
That's per bunker but there were multiple bunkers. This will only get worse.
So even that micro-shit is usually seen from space?
God I don't know much about space imagery, it seems.
That's just might be the smoke from the fires, no ?
>That's just might be the smoke from the fires, no ?
Doesn't the smoke from fires usually have a long trail?
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>Phone buzzes
>"Budanoff, it's Kim's ammo"
>"They bought?
>"Blow eet."
if the winds are high and it's been burning a while. if there is a strong temperature inversion it tends to keep smoke closer to the ground.
They have some good cameras up there.

Depends on the winds, and how long it's been going.
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He bought? drone eet
>They have some good cameras up there
And that's just the commercially available stuff, mind you.

First satelite pics are out! not much to see considering its still exploding but still
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Some are still seemingly intact.

Looks like hyper-pregnant Anne Frank.
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>That's only 0.1 less than the Beirut catastrophe.
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Beirut one also went up all in one go.

This one is STILL popping. Pic is different smooking incident but same energy.
Its orange, therefore nuclear
What is it with Muslims and having to write religious shit on fucking everything, up to and apparently including a god damn launch pad.
you can see most of the baltic sea in that picture
the cloud is half the size of gothland, that's the better part of 20,000square miles
>we get it, you vape
looks more like a girl with a hair bun and huge tits to me
>Initial images
>Doesn't seem to me that most of the ammo detonated, but difficult to tell what I am looking at here
Why was this post deleted?
Imagine living in such a shithole that you just casually walk past a massive fireball on your way to school.
Translate says it reads "Powerful Blast area"
Was my post, I noticed someone had already posted a link to the images before me>>62533181
How the fuck is no one talking about this shit.
Probably the single fucking largest explosion as a result of a Ukrainian strike *INSIDE RUSSIA* since the invasion began and it's fucking crickets.
Do we know what drones were used? Do we know if Russian air-defense intercepted any at all? Do we know how many drones were used in the strike? Direction of approach?
estimates are at 1.3-1.8kt
That's probably the most "aesthetic" explosion I've seen from this war. The shockwave forming in like clouds and shit, it's a goddamn spectacle.
>How the fuck is no one talking about this shit.
but we have been? there's been threads about this since it started
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kek I see it now
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at least two threads have run their course about it, anon. By the way footage sounded like the drones used in the attack might have been Palyanitsas.
With how bad the explosions were, I expected much worse ngl. Like some of the buildings in the compound are still intact.
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Can anyone make out what these things are?
Look at those buildings anon, they're fucking ventilated.
>but we have been?
>at least two threads have run their course about it, anon.
Ah fuck, I guess I was too busy with the fucking beeper threads to catch them.
>By the way footage sounded like the drones used in the attack might have been Palyanitsas.
Would be extra spicy if true. Things were announced a few weeks ago so I've been waiting to see what shit they'd clown on with it first. If this was the operational debut, holy shit.
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>And in a sunless realm, the sun rose at last.

There will be more sights like this coming in the near future.
Chun-Li got implants, and became some sort of sun-god.
probably ammo boxes. norks use metal ones
>its still exploding but still
I still can't figure out if that explosions on the left and right soon after the one in the foreground are sympathetic detonations from the shockwave of the first or just other drone hits.
According to Ukie glowies and Big Z Palyanitsa already made their debut a few weeks ago. They didn't mention which target was hit though I think they said they aimed them at something on Crimea.
I saw one pic that looked like a large amount of burning solid fuel propellant getting thrown all over the depot. Some of the fires and explosions may have originated from it.
Unless the bunkers were made from cardboard, they may have actually protected their contents from that.
Definitely wouldn't walk there for at least a week, though.
small bush fire due to smoking accident, do not worry about it
>I think they said they aimed them at something on Crimea.
Would make sense. Last I checked the AA situation in Crimea is still ass-in-ass with no shortage of targets to basically fuck-around with. Makes sense for a weapon that's basically an ersatz cruise missile.
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Ziggies started to add glide kits to their FAB-1500s and 3000s so I wouldn't be surprised if much of the explosions are coming from those two bombs.
also a couple of days ago an S-400 battery and a Podlet radar got plinked by what the Puccians claimed were Neptunes.
The sheer size of the blast and the fact it's *still* exploding made me immediately think this place was FAB Storage City.
still can't believe that retard just tweeted out ludicrously secret keyhole imagery.
>Neptunes were widely derided pre-war as not going to be especially useful to Ukraine
>2 years, One Moskva, and buck-broken air-defense on a peninsula later
I love this little fucker like you wouldn't believe.
>Governor of the Twer region gives an interview
>"All drones were shot down"
>*explosions in the background*
lmao how are Russians even real?
How many hospitals and kindergartens will Russia try to hit for this?
According to vatnigs it was full of grad rockets, shitskanders, S-300/400 and other assorted missiles including some of the ones begged from Fat Kim.
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actual monkydanoff, holy shit.
Debris, coincidentally, hit the target.
Crests! Bumtouching crests!
What air defense doing?
There is a fucking video on plebbit of ziggers trying to evacuate some trucks with ammo and they are literally on fire and exploding
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>shithole that you just casually walk past a massive fireball on your way to school.

Well, what else are you going to do? Run around like chicken little? Not go to work? It isn't like your school is on fire. You still gotta go about doing people stuff.
Quietly exploding
>what else are you going to do?
Stop and watch, duh.
Good point.
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What is it with Puccian stuff blowing up and weird explosion clouds? There were the grads that blew up in donbabwe with a mushroom cloud that looked like jesus, a fuel depot that looked for all the world like a middle finger, and that one from last month where a Puccian field ammo depot got lit up and the explosion looked literally like the happy merchant
>hyper-pregnant Anne Frank.
oddly specific
See >>62533469, it appears they had ammo stacked between the blast walls and the bunker doors, basically defeating the purpose of the blast wall.
If those went up, it likely compromised the bunker door, and maybe the rest of the ammo went off too. Perhaps the Ukrainians waited until Russia got a fresh load of ammo shipped in and bet on the usual Russian laziness.
Big badakaboom
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god hates Puccia
>you get to watch
Oh hey, frog spammer is back
Tactical smokescreen!
Is just debris from crest drones that were shot down by air defense (coverage total, accuracy 110%), pls look the other way while it's cleaned up.
Did something else explode? Aside from radios
>Do we know if Russian air-defense intercepted any at all?
Why intercept it? Let the drone blow up stockpiles, let the neighboring cities burn. In the end they'll beg NATO to save them.
>Imagine living in such a shithole that you just casually walk past a massive fireball on your way to school.
Stories they'll tell their kids: back in the day I had to go to school every day past a fireball
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The happy merchant was from last year.
I see. Thanks for pointing it out.
intercepted all, but debris fell on the ammo storage
I was waiting for this edit
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>Every bum was touched in this picure
30k tons of ammunition is being cited.
that is an absolutely enormous amount of munitions.
Wait til you find out about spy satellites they'll watch you take a shit
I'm surprised there isn't more spam over this or is it too early?
>red banan
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don't forget that one strike on a vehicle that was a skull it was a long while ago though
You must be American. This board was nigh unusable a few hours ago.
maybe they'll do the thing where they blow up some civilian infrastructure instead, provided the missiles for it werent in toropets
?? What makes you think they're using TNT? LOL
Kot is eternal
> Do we know what drones were used?
It seems that at least a couple of them were jet-powered.
why would that much ammo just lie somewhere instead of being actively distributed all over the frontline?
thats just how explosions are measured.....
i heard far less than that but regardless ammo depots are often bottlenecks
Fires keep spreading, nobody can move in to extinguish because shit can explode any second.
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Don't tempt me with a good time
small indie military, pls understand
Glowies have been able to see the size of the sneaky hunter's shit you took in a roadside ditch since the late eighties at a minimum.

We've bump limited a couple threads already and working on two more. It's just that the Russkies are on SHILLCON 1, to the point that they were spamming a vast cloud of threads every minute with identical frogpost OPs while sneaking in secondary bait cookoffs every couple of minutes. Reminds me of something. Can't imagine what.

Sweet Christ, there's more left to cook off.

See >>62533398
Those are definitely sympathetics. I suspect that the primary was something like a rocket fuel BLEVE taking out multiple bunkers (there's local workers testifying that they just moved some Nork ballistics into the site, and unsafe storage in one spot is something lazy workers would absolutely do). The seven visible secondaries in the hillside video (the one I linked) seem to be more contained than the primary, suggesting they were bunkered or at least properly bermed. All of the secs are roughly the same size as each other. Each one cooks off suddenly a few seconds after the primary blast wave hits them (consistent with slower, overpressure-triggered decomposition in the explosive rather than a bomb setting them off, which has a distinctive "one-TWO" blast pattern), with fractions of a second between the wave hitting and the pop going off. All the detonations are directly correlated with the time the blast wave reached that area of the depot. There are no visible aircraft or trails in the vapor cloud, nor are any of the explosions in the air or off-course, which you would absolutely expect with a drone wave encountering a primary like that.
In the Brokeback Fishing Shack videos, you can also see the secondary fires are spread around at visible bunkers and ammo concentrations from the initial satellite images.
>why would that much ammo just lie somewhere instead of being actively distributed all over the frontline?
Not sure about the figures going around but this was apparently where they were storing most of the stuff they bought from the norks (shells, cruise missiles, etc.) and as such it was overflowing because said norkshit had only arrived recently.
That 2nd video is fucking terrifying
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I wonder how the people from these 4 cities feel at the ATM (assuming they're still alive).
Their experiences are quite something to hear about.
>feel at the ATM
*feel atm, goddamn you iphone
Russia can't in to logistics
>Their experiences are quite something to hear about.
I don't think they'll be doing any hearing any time soon
population in 2010 95, 21, 20, 1
Gotta have the ammo somewhere while you figure out who gets what, preferably at a railhead. They were staging more stuff closer to the front, but that keeps blowing up for inadequately-explored reasons. There was some extra storage at those air bases in the Kursk area for a while, but that blew up too. Probably mice.
Anyway, it's not like the whole rail network is compromised, there's a nice railhead in Tver, and it's like TWICE as far away from the front as Moscow. That's as many as two ones, and that means safety. Good enough to store all these shiny new missiles and shells until they can be shipped to new depot, da?

Returned to village center under their own power
(why even bother fighting at this point? i'd just go awol if my confidence in my command and logistics was that low).
Niet problem. Normal katastrof.
0 now
Weren’t there multiple earthquakes from this ammo depot?
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>Probably the single fucking largest explosion
This is largest explosion this war. And it happened inside Russia lel

isn't this exactly the ending scene from Chernobyl episode 1?
life imitating art

I'm kinda all funned out by the war DESU
and I've been glued to it since February 2022

geez louise WTF is this imagery

centralised supply push logistics, remember?
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Still one of the most kino pictures of this whole war.
Those aren't drones, those are cruise missiles, guess the UK/EU/US gave their green light for strikes inside Russia.
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PER bunker. Retard. PER.
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
Or they used their own domestic cruise missiles... or they ignored instructions/orders.
They only recently unveiled those, I do not believe they have the production numbers yet and if they do, the Ukies really are some crafty assholes.
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ah...a fellow /his/oid of olde.
Shame what happened to our board.
Or the instructions have changed and the change simply wasn't reported. "Now now Mr. Russia, there is no change in whether the mean ukrops can use our missiles to target you. You can leave all your stuff where it is, it'll be fine."
Fuck that guy in particular.
>Puccian stuff blowing up and weird explosion clouds
I think you just don't really know what irl explosions look like.
The ones you know from movies are mostly propane.
one can't use a missile unless one has enough "production numbers"?
also, checked.
Could be Palianytsia, the new rocket drones the Ukies showed off last month
Mate, I see pregnant anne frank posted here at least once a week.
Usually by the same schizo, granted, but still.
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> I wonder how the people from these 4 cities feel at the ATM (assuming they're still alive).
But if you unveil it when you have a couple of dozen, then you can't be accused of using Western stuff. So they can go
>Yeah we didn't use it Mr West or Mr Russia, they were our own design
And everybody is happy.

I am confused about the instructions. Few days ago I heard the Bongs said 'Yeah go for it' and then a few days later 'USA says no to Bongs' and that came a few weeks or month or two after 'Bongs go yes' and then 'Actually miscommunication' few days later.

Who the fuck knows. I'm just mad the entire place didn't explode.
>I'm just mad the entire place didn't explode
Beiruit was ~1kt, if I recall, accounting for the AN->TNT conversion factor and taking a little off for incomplete detonation. so roughly the same here, that's a margin of error difference on the seismograph, except we're only talking about the biggest of many explosions this time
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We've seen aftermath stuff, not all the bunkers were hit.
>near Kudino and Koldino
>there was Kukoldino
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aint no way, the guys in the second video are on a paved road with a sidewalk, show me where in the toropets depot that is located. they only have dirt roads because russians hate infrastructure. first video plausible deniability.

probably don't really want to go outside:
No exact number, all scientific sources said 0.5-1.1.
>checks map
fucking hell, Toropetz is a long way from Ukraine
>it's a skull
If i see that cat one more fucking time...
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This is what I see too.
It has never been kino because they moved the turret barrel so it was straight upwards for the shot. It's a staged shot. It didn't land like that. Also ironic you call things slop when you use goyslop words like 'kino'.
Man, I wonder how this place will be in ~20 years. After the firefighting and salvage effort they will largely abandon the place, with either repairing or demolishing the area going on the long list of "shit to do once the war is over". Nothing will of course be done aside from maybe a few poor elderly choosing to live in whatever buildings survive in the village, after many years urbex zoomers will come shoot video in the artefact of a war that happened before they were born.
>take the effort of moving the heavy fucking turret
>or turn the drone taking the picture
I legit can't tell if shit this retarded is bait or not anymore.
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In other zigger news - you remember those drone operators being reassigned to assault squads, their farewell videos, and related drama?
Well, the "investigation" "figured out" that 1)they were not ackchually drone operators 2)their regiment didnt need drones and never used drones 3)their regiment didnt have assault squads 4)the guys just fucked around and didnt do anything useful for years, just recieved their pay 5)before dying, they moved to some house, where they chatted with someone using their phones 6)and then baba yaga drone arrived and dropped a mine right on top of them.
Them filming farewell videos right before than - well, thats a weird coincidunk, nothing else.
Honestly this was one of his biggest fuckups, I swear to God if we get him again he's going to keep doing thus dumb shit.
Most of Russia already looks half abandoned, so it'll probably fit right in.
>full of iskanders
big if true ayy lmao
Lots of other things happening and it looks like not the entirety of the stockpile cooked off, so while a big win, it's not as big as it could have been. Don't expect ziggers to run out of NK charity munitions too soon. Still, it's a huge accomplishment for Ukrainians to do this INSIDE Russia, and every bit of pressure on monke helps
Look at the image, retard. You can see the indentation in the soil where it landed and they then moved it. I don't think you understand that a group of five people could push and pull that into place.

I mean the fucking image is RIGHT THERE. Do you need me to point it out?
Kot is eternal
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he's right THOUGH
Ok, why not orient the drone taking the picture instead? The thing looks like a skull regardless of where the turret is pointing dipshit
> they moved the turret barrel so it was straight upwards for the shot
> You can see the indentation in the soil where it landed and they then moved it
Do you really think tank guns can move left or right without turning the turret?
>what is tumbling?
hope your baiting and that your not an actual below 50IQ retard
Monke doesn't use internet.
Monke only know what his generals tell him. According to the cringe regional oblast boomers video everything is ok, just some forest fires because they intercepted it. Trust me that this is what they will report to monke today.
Or maybe, the turret impacted the ground at an angle and left an impression on the ground before settling flat
I was really hoping this was bait. This species is fucked
Is this the biggest war related explosion since WW2?
He doesn't watch TV? Or even has a map?
I blame the third world getting internet access. The amount of retards on 4chan seems to be skyrocketing.
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"I am in a world of shit, Mouseketeers."
Hq vidyas from other threas:
Weird cope.
Also, "kino" is insanely old you fucking newfag. Just because twitchfags use it now doesn't make it some hot new buzzword.
Kino might be as old as "desu" being used on 4chan.
So it bounced on impact you complete idiot.
I remember this minutes lomg delightful one. Starts tame but keeps escalating.
Well no, because/tv/ is considerably younger than the oldest boards.
understand anon, they're forced to grasp at straws now
So they moved a whole turret instead of... rotating a drone?
Russian state media is propaganda and they say what the state wants them to say
Putin watching international channels? Who knows, his English is crap tho and he doesn't believe western info.
Why won't this gay ass war escalate, it's all so tiresome.
Come on fucking retard monke, drop your nook, we know you want to.
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Speaking of explosions, does anyone have an up-to-date refineries Bingo? Between the last one I saw like 4 months ago and now, I feel like at least 15 or 20 other refineries went blyat
How hazardous is breathing that ammo smoke in?
This picture is going to be the cover of some book on the events of the war when all is said and done, I know it.
That was a pretty wild one. Those retards got the best firework show ever.
You got a link to the original video? I remember getting caught smiling to both ears by my coworker in office.
>Those are definitely sympathetics.
Seriously thanks very much for this effortpost, ExlosivesAutistAnon.
This is one of the most impressive videos I've seen of sympathetic detonations correlating so *visibly* with a propagating blast wave, it's pretty damn beautiful to watch.
Tin foil hat reserve.
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Yet another Ukrainian warcrime. The global community's silence is deafening
did it ever get archived?
20k comments? The fuck they saying?
It is hard to believe that he is blind, specially after the Wagner's revolt.
I like how most of the reactions seem to be other Russians laughing at him for being such a mong.
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They took website down before it was archived.

The post was nuked. There are two posts with 3000 and 1600 comments now.
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at least it was screencapped for posterity
Desu predates kino by almost a decade.
whats used to overlay translation like this?
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>endless stacks of ammo in the open
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>I finished
>Sorry, I didn't check
Did this zigger rubbed one out for an exploding ammo depot in russia?
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> Fuck.
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>In case you're wondering, the explosion was seen from space.
>What do you think the TNT estimate was?
>30 kT?
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It is probably not the much worse than what they breath all winter long. Still really bad. Every square foot east of the urals is a superfund site.
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>2010 was 15 years ago
>Gandalf: Fly, you fools!
>Frodo: LMAO, I am gonna sit in this cellar and enjoy the show.
Based. But I hope they died.
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How many pidors got turned ash? Any numbers yet?
>10 explosions
>- This is echo!
Sodomy talk, mostly

not a new phenomena, and it's only getting worse.
>t. first wave retard from back then
does it even matter though? ammo is way more important than some retards.
>pallets neatly stacked
>soft gradient to channel flow of water when it rains
>wide work isles for theoretical forklift equipment (still on order from USSR factory, all paperwork was completed last month)
>shells rescued from gently over-used boxes covered by tasteful Red Army carpet tarps (they really tie the stockpile together)

Give that logistics officer in charge a commendation.
uhh BRICS sisters?
Thanks tsar.I started to WORRY.
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>turret tosses are just russians practicing their culture
tzar monke out smarted us westoids yet again
google translate and one minute in paint.
>For You, Schoolchildren.
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Sheeeit, I didn't know it went that far back. I thought it was Eternal Summer with 4chan numbers spiking when school was out. /a/ was particularly salty about it a decade and a half ago.
what did they use to move the turret? i don't see any tracks. or was there some ukrainian ultramarine that moved it with his hands?
Where are you seeing pallets
shit that heavy, when thrown hard enough, can bounce anon
>1)they were not ackchually drone operators 2)their regiment didnt need drones and never used drones 3)their regiment didnt have assault squads 4)the guys just fucked around and didnt do anything useful for years,
>Them filming farewell videos right before than - well, thats a weird coincidunk, nothing else.

Not a tragedy, we were wrong. Russia was a comedy all along.
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sarcasm is not your strong suit, huh?
you need stronger sarcasm to punch through this much autism anon
I meant crates.
Assuming that stupid ship with the 20000 tons of ammonium nitrate doesn't go off, this could be the biggest explosion of the war
Narrow gauge pallets.
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The explosion will be of extraordinary magnitude
The biggest explosion yet
>Straight upwards
>for a camera that can rotate
your own 'turn marks' are not consistent with the degree turn of the turret, at all
It bounced on hit.
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> 250 posts
> not a single WINDOW in the thread
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That's one big explosion but I doubt it will change the outcome for Ukraine. They aren't able to do these things enough fast.
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Priest status?
biggest explosion in a modern war
Can't decide if this twit is troll or complete fucking idiot.
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Selling purity seals.
Yea, thats official.
>Baghdad Bob
Unperson Goodwin.
>99% of us live in a garbage dump
>I'm not ashamed we live like that
>I'm ashamed that the burgers see it
What produces this mindset?
I mean, you are right, but not the way you think. Ukraine won the war in 2022 march by resisting, so you are right this didnt change the outcome


Nice long alternative angle fireworks video
africa tier
Moral victories are rather pointless.
>Orthodox church grifting mobiks with 40k larp
lmao what is this war
If only they could unilaterally end hostilities at the drop of a hat by retreating from the land they invaded.
Face culture
this is from w40k?
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Pretty normal villager/traditional mindset. I'm from the Netherlands but my parents are from very rural/isolated/traditional places and its normal to care more about your appearances 'for the other villagers' than the factual quality of your life. It's just good ol' village conformism; life is all about keeping harmony and saving face in front of other villagers.

My dad for example refused to smoke outdoors even in summer because then the neighbours would see he was a smoker (which he felt was shameful), so he rather smoked up the house with curtains and windows closed.
>these things enough fast.
that's just you dutchies being weird protestant fucks

Maybe, it reaches a crescendo in places like Urk, Staphorst, etc though.
Good thing then that the biggest ammo storage got yeeted into the stratosphere then
The Kursk counter- offensive from Russia has been stopped. No shells.
The Chun Li comment ruined this bit of history for me desu.
Oh thank god i am not the only one who sees that as well.

And what the hell is god smoking this time to come up with something like this? Also we now know god is both a street fighter player and a boob guy. Who knew right.
Now that the Ukes have done this, doesn't it seem like a really efficient way to return Transnistria to the Moldovans?
Thank God the truth finally came out, I'd just about had it with all the slander directed at Commander "Evil".
What happened to /his/? Besides the usual enshittification that happened to every single board post-2016, that is.
everyone knows nuclear radiation fires are a pale, deathly green
Sure, but Russia is losing this war, objectively. I think Ukraine will have Crimea back within two years.
I don't go there myself but a quick glance at their catalog reveals a heavy schizo infestation
Given the question everyone was asking three days ago was "How long can Russia and Ukraine keep going" with Budanov having a lot to say on the topic in his recent interview (lol), how has this rapid depletion of ammunition effected things?
30k ton in total.

No individual blast likely exceeded 2-3k ton.
And the ink spots start playing, yes.
This was the warehouse in Saint Petersburg that churkas set fire to, right?
>Phone buzzes
So I have to ask, how do you safely put out munition fires? I would think it's too unsafe to get firefighters anywhere near the blazes as munitions can still explode and injure or kill them and the same might apply to flying something over it to drop sand or something as a fire suppressant.
hablo spergs, constant religion bait/bickering and race bait treads
you've a better chance discussing history or the humanities on a porn board
It's the fate that befalls most every dictator sooner or later (save perhaps some of the smarter ones). They don't want pushback, and only tolerate it less and less as they age, so slowly but surely they purge those with a critical mind and surround themselves with yes-men instead, who, for fear of angering the dear leader, only tell him what he wants to hear: that everything is peachy fine. Eventually, the dictator is so isolated from reality that he comes to unironically believe his and his men's bullshit because, simply put, he has no other input going in. So everything is bullshit built upon bullshit, until the bullshit tower inevitably collapses under its own weight.
Unironically move it out of russia. Store your shit in belarus and thus ukraine cant touch it
>Ukraine can't touch what it already controls.
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it's actually more on fire now than it was 10 hours ago, and yes it seems those towns near the depot are GONE now
i'd imagine that they concentrate on containment and just let the existing fires burn themselves out
Very large cigarette, please understand.
>you've a better chance discussing history or the humanities on a porn board
You have a better chance of discussing basically anything on a porn board instead of the board dedicated to the subject.
I left /k/ after laughing too hard about the exploding pagers yesterday, what the FUCK is this?
fucking lmao, i thought you guys just making photoshops of the original pic hahahahaa
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lmao bruh, of course it was like that. did anyone expected it to be different?
Imagine if you were a storeman stuck in one of the bunkers that hadn't exploded yet.
Evil Jewish Pigger HATO pager Walkie-talkie dump
Russia stored all of its Taiwanese pagers in one spot
Budanov landscaping service. Bit of a side hustle.
I mean I think that's all you could do, but >>62535587 is really only containable by an organization like CAL-fire because they're used to it by now
>be me
>check /k/ before bed
>obviously coordinated mass spamming attempt
>check /k/ when I get up in the morning
>Biggest ammo strike of the war, plus hezbollahs walkie-talkies have started exploding now too
Like clockwork
They could have made it a sexy girl in sheer clothing that likes to tickle smokers at such sites.

It could have fit within Slavic canon.

Why this forgettable sheep thing?
Your brain has been ruined by your cooming.
For me it was seeing that Budanov got interviewed. I wanted to watch but the interviewer was cringe within the first minute with a horribly anaesthetic reference to the Uke opsec campaign, and so I didn't see it. I wish I had, because it seems like he was foregrounding this attack.
>Its real
Bets on how many of the ammo bunkers have gone up in smoke
Russia has begun nuking itself. God speed Belka.
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> did anyone expected it to be different?
russians did.

> In the city of Toropets (Tver Region), the construction of an arsenal for missiles and other ammunition is nearing completion, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports, citing the press service of Spetsstroy RF.
> “The foundations, columns and walls have been erected, the installation of the floors, roof and backfilling of the structure is underway. The arsenal will have cold and heated rooms, electrical substations, treatment facilities, water and fuel storage tanks, and more than a hundred fire reservoirs,” the press release says.
> It is noted that “only high-quality domestically produced materials are being used in the construction.” About 200 people and 35 units of equipment are involved in the construction. The cost of the facility is 3.6 billion rubles.
> Earlier, Sergei Shoigu reported: “In 2015, 454 storage facilities will be built, thereby completing the arrangement of 13 modern arsenals and bringing the missile and ammunition storage system into compliance with established requirements.”
> The program to improve the ammunition storage system was launched by the military in 2012 and is designed to "eliminate the storage of ammunition in the open air." In total, the department will spend 90 billion rubles on modernizing the arsenals.

> is designed to "eliminate the storage of ammunition in the open air."
> eliminate the storage of ammunition in the open air
Hey this whole thing kicking off made me look into Uke culture. Mavka and Nyavka
were an interesting discovery I'm surprised aren't used more.

Fun fact: Berehynia is always wet.
my sides
That didn't seem to work, because all the ammunition now is in the atmosphere.
I read that too, and I reflect on the fact that some of those bunkers have survived. Quite a few people had to be competent for that to be the case, but then quite a few more had to be grievously incompetent.
What is the weird shower of brown particle like stuff around the big explosion?
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>Was going to write that if it was Belka then they'd have some convoluted cope to explain away why they are doing incredibly stupid shit.
>Remember how the war has gone and how Russians have explained away every minor setback.
Truth is stranger(eal) than fiction.
Plot twist: This is how Putin looks now, what we have seen in the past years were always his doubles. He started the whole war to distract from his botch face lift becoming public.
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Yes, which is why russian shill efforts ar eso pathetic. They cannot change that Russia has physically lost this conflict already.
Only to get splattered by a drone from Khorne Group, how poetic will it be...
Richter scale is not linear but logarithmic, you cretinous imbeciles. Each 0.1 Richter increase corresponds to over 40% energy increase
I still can't get over it
In my headcanon the ziggers are chaos undivided cultists, and this is just another part of the great game
> Why this forgettable sheep thing?
Its origin is somewhat complex web of wordplay.
In russian "explosion" is "Bзpыв"(vzryv). But its a bad, not-calm, bothersome word. So, media "newspeak" for it is "Хлoпóк"(khlopok) - "clap", or "bang" or something like that, word meaning a loud and sharp, but not too loud sound.
When something explodes(not even related to war, as its use started way before) in russia, even if that explosion collapsed half of commieblock - media writes about "хлoпóк".
But there is also a word "Хлóпoк", which means "cotton", as plant and clothes material.
They are usually written without accent diacritical marks, because context.

Now in ukrainian, хлoпoк the plant/material is "бaвoвнa"(bavovna).
So, to make fun of russians exploding and reporting about explosions as "claps", you kinda-play dumb and write "bavovna happened in bla-bla". Its quite a successfull meme, with some russians on the internet adopting it themselves too, to joke about shit exploding.
And wool in ukrainian is "vovna". Thats how you get fiery sheep thing.
Any BDAs posted uo yet?
>8 fucking years
>haven't learned shit
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> You stack different types of ammunition side-by-side out in the open?
>Few days ago I heard the Bongs said 'Yeah go for it' and then a few days later 'USA says no to Bongs' and that came a few weeks or month or two after 'Bongs go yes' and then 'Actually miscommunication' few days later.
I'm starting to think we may have been party to an act of mitary deception, perhaps even an outright ruse
>What is the weird shower of brown particle like stuff around the big explosion?
The remains of one or more bunkers and berms. That's several hundred tons of dirt and concrete deciding that the midnight sky looks like a nice place to take a vacation.
I sharted, sorry
Ziggers seem to be the Imperial Guard in how they throw masses of ill-equipped and barely trained canon-fodder at a superior enemy, saying whatever happens, they'll just fix it with artillery. They even have penal troops who are double-canon-fodder.
Ziggers fucking WISH they were the Imperial Guard.
Imperial guard are at least courageous, and don't frequently assrape each other.
If you wrote a 40k story where guardsmen bum-raped each other along with all the other abuse that goes on in Russian "hazings", fags would call it GrimDerp
Whose face is that with 40 reactions? Almost looks like Boris Johnson
So ziggers = Slaanesh traitor guard?
vatniks would call it a documentary
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There is a reason why we meme about the Monke, teh GGrimderp Emperor of Banan
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>wide work isles for theoretical forklift equipment (still on order from USSR factory, all paperwork was completed last month)
I've searched high and low on the Internet and seemed to find only one type of Soviet forklift ever, the LZA-series, completely obscure (not even an English-language Wikipedia article), and seemingly very rare because, I barely found any photos of it.
they are a heady mix of the three chaos gods that aren't khorne desu
Nah, we know from Bucha they definitely worship Khorne.

Also they do offer violent gruesome blood sacrifices to Khorne, just their own troops, by herding them into into ukie drone spam.
bucha is the exact opposite of what khorne is all about, althougheverbeit the more honorable parts of khorne are really more a warhammer fantasy vibe than they are present in the 40k universe

> Why is the so much stuff in this Amazon Warehouse? Why don't they just send it to everyone?
BDA is kinda hard at the moment due to, you know, it still being on fire and exploding.
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>Anyway, it's not like the whole rail network is compromised
I've read something that by capturing Sudzha along with its railway station the Ukrainians can tap into the Russian railway's train control system, and have a more or less accurate idea of where every train is in the Russian railway network.

For one reason or another (I'm not a train autist, I don't know) the Russians can't just disconnect the Sudzha station computer from the network, that would blind them, and force their railway network to a crawl to avoid potential collisions. I think it's because the signal travels in the rail itself, bu again not an expert, and even then I guess they could just blow up the rails near the edge of their area of control.
It's for a truck to drive down, it has nothing to do with forklifts.
See, you can tell by the tire tracks.
He is ashamed, that's literally what he said, he's even more ashamed when it's highlighted to people he subconciously idolises for not being poor.
The international image of Russia and russians is being broken because people are finally using a magnifying glass on Russian external propaganda narratives due to the war, and that reflects badly on him personally as he will be associated with the rest of them.
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I thought for sure you were being hyperbolic. I thought, "there's no way they only had one type of common forklift". I googled it to prove you wrong. All I could find was the LZA.
Was the Soviet Union an elaborate joke? It had to have been, right?
I've even asked ChatGPT, because Google nowadays is useless. It told me a Bulgarian forklift model (no not Soviet), and then hallucinated a bunch of other shit.

This rare LZA forklift might have existed only to unload and handle foreign, Western imports at ports before tossing the pallets aside.
The Russians should be able to find a workaround. Some of those systems are very old, though, and I have no idea about the technical details of whatever they actually use.

That being said, the rail connections in Sudzha alone are not really all that important outsidew of locallly supplying teh front. But Lgov is another story.
And Lgov is now very much in artillery range, which probably means the Russians will not be able to use it freely.
Which means one of three llines connecting Bryansk and Mosocw to the central part of the front around Kursk and Belgorod is no longer there. And Lgov is a cross connection, which means some traffic may have to go around. Which means going through Bryansk and/or Oryol.
It's all incremental effects, and the Russian railway system is already overtaxed and llacking in maintenance.
Bonus fun: There is no real north-south highway there, just an east-west one.

Here's a map where you can look at those rail lines.
I mean, they did manage their economy wrong on purpose, as a joke.
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This. When they copied the B-29, Stalin's orders were to copy it EXACTLY (they had to painstakingly figure out the appropriate metric equivalents of inch-sized components), but also it had analog computers on board for bombing and the remote-controlled guns, and computers were VERY haram in Stalinist USSR, but a computer terk a mathematicians jerb. So they had to name it something else.

This is the sort of retardation the Soviet industry was working with.
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>VERY haram in Stalinist USSR, but a computer terk a mathematicians jerb.
don't forget the foundation of Marx and Engels' Manifesto was in part
Even in death, I serve the Omnissiah.
I wonder if general Dmitry Bulgakov will accidentally fallout a window?
Why do you assume any of the anons you're replying to wouldn't know that?
You're not the only one who's ever seen an earthquake documentary.
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Truth, every single word of it
You might be onto something
My whole post is gradually escalating sarcasm, the "at least it's not compromised" thing is part of that. I thought the "probably mice." bit gave it away.
Wasn't he already arrested for corruption earlier this year?
>Translate says it reads "Powerful Blast area"
i should tattoo that on my asshole
its readings over a 24 hour period right? so for the first 24 hours it will only increase?
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I vaguely recall China copying a jet where they even copied a hole in the hull that was only there for testing purposes.
When heavy things hit soft earth from height, sometimes they bounce a bit.

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