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It seems like there has been a massive decline of surplus weapons from Europe and across the world into the US. With the only "new" import I can think of being the VHS from Croatia as far as product line goes.
what I heard was that the shitty fucks at the NFA got transferred to the ATF and they hired a bunch of new folks and a new head for the NFA which is why we've seen wait times dropped so much.
It takes a long time for imported guns to get accepted for importation by the ATF
I would honestly buy a Hellion if they offered that optic for sale.
that is one sexy famas bruh
Surplus is kill.
The VHS is not surplus. It's a new production rifle.
Actual military surplus is over, Anon. The US has made importing any a nightmare due to assault weapon definitions and most countries just offload their late cold war/GWOT stocks on thirdies for political benefit.
Surplus is kill.
>massive decline of surplus
whodathunk that surplus is a finite supply?
Due to ATF and Obama administration fuckery pretty much all surplus can't be imported (including US surplus sold to other countries) and any "non-sporting" , non rimfire rifle has to jump through a million hoops to get cleared for import. It's why companies like Beretta, CZ, FN, and now HK set up US divisions. It's also why stuff like GSG brings in repro mp-40s as pistols.
There is a constant supply of countries offloading old weapons, if you mean specific weapons then yes. but as other anons have pointed it, its due to the ATF and Obama admin making importation of new surplus nearly impossible.
>mfw we would have had actual surplus G3s, FALs, and M16A2s by now
>instead we sent them all to MENA
>mfw I have no face
Imagine picking out a correct or special grade FAL from the CMP and getting it mailed straight to your door.
Thanks Obama.
We'll revert all that shit when we win.
Why wasn't it reverted between 2016-2020? It's over
I would rather see it remain banned than a Russian puppet in the white house again.
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You're retarded if you think the GOP puts any priority on getting import bans on firearms/ammunition overturned. American manufacturers stand to gain as well, whom support the GOP. It's not happening.
Euros are dumping everyone on Ukraine, so no parts kits for the forseeable future, also ATF hath declared that once a machine gun always a machine gun, so you can't get conversions. In places like Italy you can get converted AR70s from the Italian armed forces as surplus and they're not super expensive either (You do however need to jump through a few hoops to get them) whilst you couldn't import them to the US, even as pistols because they are machine guns (even if they're almost physically impossible to revert) and are thus evil forever unless a company is willing to buy them and chop them up into bits.
NFA imports have been banned since 1968. Surplus G3s and FALs were never getting in except as chopped up parts kits.
Chuds don’t want to hear that and would rather blame Obama
Typical noguns faggotry
HK better made fucking G36s here
CETME parts kits still exist
Jesus that carry handle looks disgusting. Somehow makes me appreciate the one they decided to use on the hellionp
I like the carry handle
NTA but it's an ugly pos
I am ambivalent towards the carry handle
my 20" hellion is more reliable than my ddmk18 and it's only a few inches longer.... shame about the weight though.

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