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>haven't watched the video yet.
How they do it? Can you make my random shit just blow up?
>How did they do it
They put explosives in the pagers.
>can you make my random shit blow up
If you let me put explosives in it first.
I can make your mom's pager blow up
Done in one, /thread
And then just pretended to drop 4000 of them behind a gas station terrorist handout?
so our phones can kill us not just with cancer but also with a boom. peachy. fucking jews, I swear.

a fucking edit post option would be great niggers
>oven dodgers are conducting intelligence operations on 4chan
>oven dodger
coming from a guy writing this retarded shit
USA and Israel are the two most based, /k/ countries existing right now and it's good that they call the shots in the world. Russia/China/Muzzie lovers need to go back to /pol/ where they can circlejerk with the other 17 year old shitskins.
What's up with the strange post language and insistence on the pagers not containing explosives from you retards?
They blew up all their walkie talkies to day. Based Israelis.


At least 20 people have been killed and more than 450 others wounded by a second wave of explosions from wireless communication devices in Lebanon, the country’s health ministry says.
Reports say a large number of walkie-talkies used by the armed group Hezbollah blew up in the southern suburbs of the capital Beirut, the Bekaa Valley, and southern Lebanon, which are seen as its strongholds.
Some of the blasts took place during funerals for some of the 12 people who the ministry said were killed when Hezbollah members’ pagers exploded across the country on Tuesday.

Gives this a whole new meaning
Zigger shills next please.
>oven dodgers are conducting intelligence operations on 4chan
always have been
I've seen plenty of people cry about how it was an act of terrorism and I don't get it. It seems actually pretty clean since they mostly targeted members of the Hezbollah. Am I missing something?
>Am I missing something?
Nope. Terrorists crying about being terrorised.
Shitholes have embraced social media spam as a way to inflate sympathy for their shitholes, so spambots and bleeding hearts.
I feel like USA and Israel will create a new alliance for the New World Order
>Commit terrorism on jews
>Order pagers from said jews
>Gets a taste of their own medicine
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Reminder that these devices were distributed to the NETWORKS of fighters operatives and facilitators, including multiple detonations in syria, and Iraq yesterday and today. Israel collateralled the whole Hezbollah brigades network across the middle east to a greater or lesser degree. Hezbollah sent these all the fuck over the place themselves.

And. It's. Not. Over. Yet. Shit is still chaos over there. Not even Hezbollah knows how many casualties there are across the whole organization, and they're piling all their gear in pits and blowing it up EOD.
There was quite a lot of collateral damage from people standing next to pager-wearers. The hospital video was full of wounded children (they tend to walk by their fathers, drive in the same cars, etc). It was not a precise strike, they detonated a bunch of hidden bombs, without even knowing where they are.

There’s been a fair amount of collateral damage from this, but the overwhelming majority of casualties (family members, bystanders, etc.) have been Hezbollah personnel
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war crime! war crime!
show me a few pics of the wounded children, if the hospital was full of em that should be no problem.
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So... how many of you faggots bought comms setups recently?
If booby trapped ammunition is a war crime, then I feel like booby trapped radios would be too. At least with the ammo you can argue that only people using rifles chambered in the same caliber as your enemy could set it off. Anyone could have a pager.
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If you're in the Hezbollah reserves, you should expect to be called up.
I think it's a terror tactic. You have to be careful with "isms" to delegitimize an enemy as beyond the pale. (Most terrorist groups have some legitimate gripes.) It creates a psychological effect as a force multiplier. Confusion. Chaos. Demoralization. They even double stacked the attacks for greater impact. Keep in mind this is the standard MO for non-state groups including Hezbollah.

The FLN did it. The PLO based their MO on the FLN. Was it terrorism for the FLN to blow up those cafes in Algiers? Hell yeah it was. Was it moral? Probably not... but they did it anyways. And they won. It was part of a strategy.
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>all military aged men
Kek, how does terrorism taste
Can you imagine the sandnigger panic that literally anything with a battery could be booby trapped (or anything else, for that matter) or that Mossad or whoever the fuck helped them has high level assets and/or infiltrators all over Hamas that actively helped them pull it off?
i love how they lie while they are fully aware that they're lying
>you don't like Israel? You support Russia/China/Muzzies!
I wish I lived in your black and white world.
There at least 2 kids in this webm
no, you go to Akbar Muhammad's Crazy Legitimate Telecommunications Equipment and Goat Bazaar and let him haggle you down 50%. Middle easterners are suckers for a deal.
>literally one child in the hospital videos and even only one by their own admission
ok bud
>When the line at the snackbar is killing you
So no hospital full of kids? Just one and maybe a teenager. lol
'ate 'rabs
Man this reboot of The Wire is fucking hardcore
I've seen plenty of people cry about 7th October and how it was an act of terrorism and I don't get it. It seems actually pretty clean since they mostly targeted members of the IDF. Am I missing something?
And they both keep posting pro-russian nonsense every time they get unbanned.
>Am I missing something?
Really depends on whether your measuring stick is "bang for your buck" or "total collateral damage"; from a value perspective this is ridiculously good because by all accounts at least a couple hundred people directly in the Hezbollah chain of command have been killed or seriously wounded and the psychological impact is massive but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if a significant number of bystanders (including and especially children) were injured, maimed and/or killed.
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/pol/estinians absolutely seething
Yes, part of your brain.
>it's only bad when they do it. When we do it, it's based.
Being freinds with hezbolla seems like a dangerous situation to put oneself in. Perhaps they should consider not doing that.
There's pretty much only one kike poster, not really sure there's many troons besides that one dude either.
Wanting to talk about things besides troon troon troon does not a true troon make, anon.
Bro, you gotta admit that it's objectively amazing that they pulled this off, muh Jews or no. I'm not even a big Jew fan, but goddamn can you imagine the sandnigger chaos because anything with a battery you've purchased within the last 6 months could fucking explode or that someone you know may have helped them do it? I wonder what else will happen, and if anyone will respond. They did injure an Iranian ambassador to Lebanon (or somewhere) I think, so wonder how they feel about that. And what other looney shit will they blow up next?
Then how do they ensure civilians don’t get one?
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keep seething little loser bitch
This certainly has ramifications for precedent, and down the line not toeing the line. Seething and seething.
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your turn faggot
Fuck off faggot
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Okay, now what
based US socket poster
No US socket posted, inferior post
Are you one of these tards that think it's from the battery itself and not an explosive device in the pager, because I'm not super fucking worried about the government slipping plastic explosives into my phone
>clean since they mostly targeted members of the Hezbollah. Am I missing something?
did it though? Is it truthfully mostly Hezbollah or is it propaganda? I don't have the resources to know.
Trips and better gun tho
nothing. the exchange is complete
This gives a new different of "my sides exploded". The same, yet different.
What a wild timeline!
Based on this, you should be
Israel believes that Hezbollah’s toll from the exploding communications devices over the last two days in Lebanon is much higher than the official numbers released so far, a leading journalist reports.

Veteran Israeli investigative reporter and analyst Ronen Bergman, who works for the New York Times and Yedioth Ahronoth, writes that the toll is believed to be far greater than the 12 reported killed in the pager explosions yesterday and the 14 killed in the walkie-talkie explosions today.

“The estimation is that there are many dozens of dead, if not more,” he writes without naming his sources.

Bergman adds that Israel believes that the explosions caused “significant harm” to Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit, which has lost much of its leadership.

so funny seeing the same shill talking points pop up repeatedly in the last 8 hours
>hundreds of children died
>its actually a terrorist attack
>its a war crime these are actually booby traps *links to wiki for boobytraps
i would love to know who you get your marching orders from, genuinely
In a very technical way Israel is based, but they still make themselves the enemy of the world including their own supposed allies like the US. Ashkenazi Jews have a higher rate of schizophrenia than other groups so their behavior is expected.
It's somewhere in between since Hezbollah has a civil services arm that is deeply integrated with Lebanese society (hence why there were reports of medics who caught up in the initial pager op). There are confirmed cases of children going up to "daddy's special pager" after it rang and getting injured or killed after it detonated.

By Israeli standards, the operation appears to be narrowly targeted with shipments of gear that were procured specifically by Hezbollah and not a shipment that went into broader circulation, otherwise we'd have heard about medics losing hands and eyes in cities like Tripoli where Hezbollah doesn't have a strong presence. Granted, that's not necessarily saying a whole lot though when Israeli ROE deems PGMing an entire house to attempt to smoke a terrorist as acceptable collateral.
19 Members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were killed after their pagers exploded in Deir ez-Zur in eastern Syria, Saudi news source Al-Hadath reported Wednesday afternoon.

An additional 150 IRCG members were also wounded in the explosions

I wonder how many tainted pagers were out there in total
>this sets up a precedent
Russia assassinates their dissidents on occasion, but guess what, the whole world notices and condemns it. Wherever you are, your government would have to be VERY well entrenched and in control of media (in a centralized, Chinese way, not the boring corporate money way the US uses) to assassinate you and not be condemned for it. Sure, it's interesting that they can do it now much easier by just implanting some electronic you buy with explosives, but without some scapegoat cover, the whole world is going to know they assassinated you and wag their useless fingers. Not to mention what the darker skinned citizens would do if you happened to not be of pale complexion.
Do they carry their pages on a visor? Why the fuck do they have such high death per casualty ratios compared to Hezbollah guys?
Reports say it was a batch of 5000 lookner had the articles. But after today, we know they got to multiple shipments of completely different devices so at this point, only Mossad knows what's left. Hezbollah has resorted to calling in the bomb squad on their own utility belts.
But it is a terror attack, by definition, you literal chimpanzee.
Mudslimes chimp out and carry an indiscriminate attack with paragliders and aks
>Filthy criminal sandnigger terrorists
Jews do the same, but more hi-tech methods
>Muh chosen dindu nuffin

The only difference is Kikes have a bigger war chest for PR and propaganda, so braindead imbeciles like you clap like seals while the same kikes flood our countries with millions of browns.
Browns are violent retards, but they wouldn't be here if not for kike NGOs.
Kikes are the true enemy, niggers we can deal easily afterwards
have the pager only arm if it receives certain known bad actor pages. then on the day of the kaboom only the ones that have been contacted by those numbers go off.
was this supposed to be ironic or is self awareness really this rare?
nothing, you retards demand it for next to no reason
>Mudslimes, chimp out, sandnigger, Muh chosen, dindu nuffin, Kikes, kikes, browns, Kikes, niggers.

Guess how I know you have to go back.
post nose
>Mudslimes chimp out and carry an indiscriminate attack with paragliders and aks
all good until they got through the legitimate military targets and then killed random civies for no other reason than it felt good
>Jews do the same, but more hi-tech methods
specifically targeted opposing military members

>flood our countries
take the fucking mask off retard what country are you actually from
The best part yet. The ones that did not die are at least maimed in some way. Missing fingers, eyes, dicks, scars. When the shit hits the fan and troops roll, it will be really easy to identify the top guys.
Unfortunately that would only apply if acting against a state and not a terror org.
>implying its not always blowing up
you gotta book OP's mom months in advance
I can show you how to make a bomb out of a roll of toilet paper and a stick of dynamite.
>OP asking how they did it
>oven dodgers are conducting intelligence operations on 4chan
Why would they need to conduct intelligence on something they orchestrated you 60iq dumb fuck?
They blew off your balls, not your brains.
the seethe is strong with this one
>posting guns when he doesn't post gun first
Good on ya but don't encourage blatant newfaggotry please. He doesn't deserve the effort.

>post gun
posts without a timestamped gun should be a 30-day ban, minimum, but I'll settle for being called out as the newest of newfriends.
Are those terrorist baseball cards?
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>with a shitload of collateral damage
they hide their pagers in ..um.. their anus
>kids enjoying a concert supporting reconciliation and peace
>Yeah kill and kidnap them!!!!
I don't understand the thinking the Muslim made with this decision
>and they're piling all their gear in pits and blowing it up EOD.
this is almost as big a deal as the literal thousands out commission due to injury if not outright fucking dead, they have to burn their entire communication network down to the fucking ground and start over from scratch, I seriously wonder if they'll even be capable of basic functionality for the next few months at least
seems like a good time to launch some sort of offensive...
oh wait they are moving full divisions north. this next week might be crazy
Yeah...about that.
that's definitely not their strong point. I figure they simply came across the border and just shot ant anyone they happened to encounter
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>literally thousands of people with literal sides blown out
>claim only a few dead

>small bomb hits parking lot in vicinity of hospital
Arab casualty reporting is a fucking comedy routine
iran denying this makes me wonder if they were just as much of a target
was this supposed to help your case or just show your lack of self awareness?
anyone in the network who was important enough to need an official hezbollah pager (1 0f 5000) was by definition a target. hezbollah decided who received them, that's the best part. hezbollah hand delivered the bombs to people Israel would never even have known were involved or if known, in places they couldn't be physically reached.
They've been doing that for years
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>claim hospital is "full" of wounded kids
>there's like dozens of adult mals vs 2 kids
this is why people have their doubts and you didn't
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look at all these children being flown to iran for medical treatmen
more of these
>Entire airliner full of blinded hezbollah

they got rekt
children? Where?
ambassador of iran to lebanon also lost his eye and another was damaged badly. if wonder if he geets to keep his job and a cool eye patch
that dude at 0:49 is ded
The concept of war crimes is a fucking meme. Show no mercy and get the damned conflict over with. It's the only way to truly minimize overall deaths.
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i was being sarcastic
At first I thought it was just shitty quality because China, but I found out they were made in Taiwan and it wasn't just pagers that started exploding. This is definitely some magical jew fuckery.
saul good, man. more rekt hezbollah vids plox
stay mad faggot
news is saying differently now

>The Israeli government did not tamper with the Hezbollah devices that exploded, defense and intelligence officials say. It manufactured them.
shut up retard thirdie
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>probably the only people in the world that uses pagers today would be hospital and medical personnel as not only a holdover from yesteryear but because they're far more reliable
>hospital and medical personnel were not the ones affected, but hezbollah members who only use pagers because they're harder to track compared to modern, far more digital solutions are
>the only way you would have gotten these project eldest son 2.0 pagers would be by being the target in the first place
>absolute chimp out, calling it "terrorism" or an "indiscriminate" attack from retards
i'm actually impressed desu, I know this was done in the past, but on such a grand scale is what's impressive
There are now reports that Hezbollah operatives are purposefully injuring children and claiming they were caught in the explosions.
mad about what? It was just a statement of fact
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lol never mind. apparently one of the kids is hezbollah.
i'm seconding this. i can't conceive of a more cucked mentality as 'spare your enemies.'
>apparently one of the kids is hezbollah.
The midget who always shows up at the UFC?
>It is a very well executed decapitation strike
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>pea sized explosives can kill or disable people
how long can this be sold for home defense?
Well how did they only get it in hezbola devices? You can't, you'd have to wire thousands, for every 1 hezobal that got one, 5 - 10 innocents would get one, they just found and detonated those associated with hezbola numbers, but thousands of civillians are walking around with high explosives in thier electronics now.
dumbass hahaha
We all like some dead and maimed mudslimes, but I was not expecting this much JIDF in here.
who is reporting that?
damn you really don't know anything about this do you? These were specifically ordered by and delivered to hezbollocks bitches because they were so dumb they fell for a jew flipped turdie telling them to buy them. Imagine being so ignorant and thinking you have an answer lol.
Your argument as to why an attack such as this was indiscriminate is that you yourself could not envision a way to make it discriminate.
You're a fucking idiot and you don't know shit about anything, so of course you're too stupid to figure it out,
Israel aren't. Mossad aren't. We know they aren't because we see the results of their work.
Actions speak louder than words, my friend.
I saw a vid of them giving a kid a grenade and telling him it was a toy and to pull the pin. That was the kid you saw being carried in in the first webm, they literally had to mutilate their own children to gain a percieved "victory" after having their dicks blown off.
May I see it?
There are multiple reports of radios and pagers detonating inside their packages in electronic stores, retard.
NTA but look it up.
This is a pattern of behavior we have seen HUNDREDS of times.
how would you feel if you didn't have breafast this morning?
>NTA but look it up.
That's the thing, I looked it up, couldn't find it, and asked for help in locating it.
>thousands of civillians are walking around with high explosives in thier electronics now.
may I see them?
>there are multiple reports by seething 40iq brown retards with no evidence, retard
lol kill yourself turdie. Or just let your tv blow you up tomorrow it's all the same to me.
Maybe they should've double-checked their gears next time.
Apparently the new thing for hezb fighters is to have their kids/wives hold on to the pagers and radios so they can use them as media bait if they blow up. They showed a kid crying with a pager in his hands with them all taped up like a mummy so he couldn't let go of it.
I love how this is genuine space magic to thirdies, and how you can tell where these "gotcha!" questions are coming from. It almost makes their smugness as they make these implied accusations adorable.
Makes you wonder what could happen if someone could pass out a million laced phones in any country.
Yeah I suppose those kibbutzes full of Pro-Palestinian Israelites and that charity concert were legitimate military targets too, right sandnigger? If you stupid faggots had done one thing right and only targeted military or infrastructure facilities instead of massacring civvies far less people would be pissed at you savages for being savages, too bad you have no self control.
Violent savages remain violent savages. Just slaughter all of them with no recourse and call it a day.
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Can you please post the origina video without the Semite rune watermark and not sped up to Benny hill speed.
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reminder a 10 year old girl died because her father keeps his military shit around her. so you don't expect you pager to explode but isn't it a breach of security? these niggers are retarded
"She loved English, Baseball, Apple Pie and America."
Why do Slimes always try this shit?
imagine the fucking confusion the father went through.
The only collateral damage has been to members of the public connected with Hezbollah personnel carrying the pagers. The one 9 year old girl literally picked it up off the table as it was beeping and ran over to her father (a senior Hezbollah commander)
Because they dishonest and have learned over time how to worm their way into bleeding hearts sensibilities.
That's why the third world has taken to places like Twitter so hard, where they can cry incessantly about all the 'injustices' done against their ilk.

Its basically the old gimmick about jews crying that everything is another genocide, but pretty sure at this point other groups have managed to eclipse them in that regard.
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more hezbollah members arriving in iran. so many lost their eyes
They didn't see it coming
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>she was learning english!
How are mudslimes giving the kikes a run for their money when it comes to propaganda?
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>I've seen plenty of people cry about 7th October and how it was an act of terrorism and I don't get it. It seems actually pretty clean since they mostly targeted members of the IDF. Am I missing something?
kill yourself
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How much did mossad pay him
Given how annoying Arabs are, he probably did it as a freebie.
>so you don't expect you pager to explode but isn't it a breach of security?
I mean, these are the guys who ordered comms equipment from a Tier 1 US ally country in bulk batches and didn't expect that their southern neighbor with an almost 40-year history of making asplody communications devices might try to tamper with them. While they were in an active shooting war.

Ahmed Ablooey was most likely was from Hezbollah's civil service wing and didn't expect to be directly targeted by the Israelis, but I would frankly be wholly unsurprised if their fighters were unprofessional enough to leave their gear with the wife and kids to take messages for them while they were out.
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Hand rubbing pics
How does Hezbollah ensure their messages only get to their members? It seems to me any random anon can buy pager on the market and read supposedly secret Hezbollah messages. Explain this to me, I'll wait.
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genuinely beautiful application of violence
>Am I missing something?
if even one mudslime future space babby doesn't grow up into a rocket surgeon because of the evil jooz, it's genocide

Ya' on board now?
I wonder if it is a ground up made fake pager that was swapped out during shipping somewhere.
why would they not just buy real, legitimate pagers to put bombs in
>The one 9 year old girl literally picked it up off the table as it was beeping and ran over to her father (a senior Hezbollah commander)
What a beautiful story. Someone should turn that into a children's book. Won't someone think about the children? Teach them how to NOT get genocided?

"My Daddy's Job Is Terrorism,
and I got blown up because of him"
That sounds like really, *really* amazing video. Post some. I'd like to see it.
No aftermath, as usual
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They've already been mutilating their own kids and acting like it was pagers.
The yids should call their bluff and do it again.
Ask me why I don't care. Because no mudslimes care a single fuck.
Get the fuck off the Interwebz. You're bringing the total IQ average down for everybody. Thank you.
moral very high, brother
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imagine being this delusional, mudslime copes are something else
ESL doesn't know what this word means. Very literally why "genocide" has no meaning anymore.
Shoot your local pagerphile.
post proof
Funniest part is the amount of seethe it generated on the russian imageboard, they were literally jealous that FSB can't do shit like this
>reports of medics who caught up
Post these "reports." Are these "reports" in the thread with us? Right now?

Terrorists that know how to medics are still terrorists and they eat the wages of terrorism. You don't get a Get Out of Jail Free card just because you know how to kiss a booboo and put a Hello Kitty band aid on it. They are sick, diseased animals and deserve exactly whatever happens to them.
the israeli most likely didn't make profit but it's funny to think that hezbollah payed the jews for comms devices filled with rdx
They're mutilating their own fucking kids for crocodile tears, their whole society deserves to be wiped out of existence
Now that the blood has settled ... Can we all just agree that the Internet of Things was a totally shit idea like we were warned about by tech experts 30 years ago?
Pretty sure sandniggers are bad enough that you don't need to make shit up to make them seem worse then they already are.
>jews support subhuman imports to europe and north america

That's sub-compact imports to europe and north america, and such a deal.
IDF shills are really going all out today
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That a photo of old Dacia models, I recognize the assymetrical split rear door on the MCV, and the shit-brown color on the Duster.
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I've find it very funny, how the majority of /pol/ and people like this guy sided with actual islamic terrorists that wish death to West, because of muh big bad jews.
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>Dacia duster
I'm already feeling flashbacks of European poorfags on /o/ fellating this literal nissan juke like it's the best cheap off roader please make it stop
>NTA but look it up.
NTA, but I tried. Found nothing. Nothing at all. Not any mention of it anywhere except your post.

Time for (You) to share.
He's very likely trying to do a well-poisoning bit. It's somewhat clever: he gets to spread rumors of kids getting caught up in it (possible, but I haven't seen anything other than rumors) while also making Israeli supporters look unhinged/conspiratorial/stupid.
No. There are not. Reporters are actively searching exactly for this situation, and they can't fine a single example of it. Just watched a report (France24 or DW) and they are specifically interviewing cell phone bodegas to see if even one single pager or other device has detonated. Every single owner they've interviewed has said "No. But we threw out or destroyed some items just to be safe."

There isn't a single report anywhere of a single device exploding that wasn't given out by iran/jizzballah directly to their trusted operatives.


So her father took away any chance she might have ever had of having a "normal" life. Just like he's done to thousands of other innocent children "somewhere else."

Cry harder, you fucking niggers. May all your children get their eyes blown out and their hands blown off by their nigger fathers who bring their fucking terrorism home with them.

> t. you know for a fact that her father won't spend 1 second of the rest of her life trying to take care of her ... he will decide that her mother has that responsibility for the next 70 years
muslimes, not even once
This video is incredibly obviously AI
>Then how do they ensure civilians don’t get one?
Good first hand information that the certain group of goatfuckers are searching for alternative for cellphones due being paranoid about being tracked.

Or just don't give a fuck. Why would a civvie need a fucking pager in the first place?
I never expected to say this, but this whole business has made me feel a certain kinship with Hezbollah.
My sides are absolutely obliterated as well.
Sure it isn't just video recorded on a crap phone, recompressed a dozen times and turned into a strangely moving blocky mess in the process?
Video codecs aren't entirely different from what some "AI" video models are doing. Actually, I think they've been converging slowly.
World's first blind army, now tear gas wont work
So they "intercept" a shipment of a few thousand or so (?) pagers, rig said pagers with explosives and somehow get them to Hezbollah in time and no one asks any questions? No one EVER opened up one of these pagers?
>No one EVER opened up one of these pagers?
How often do you think people would just randomly open up a random Pager anon?
You should say that to their face. Oh, wait...
No, Mossad intercepted Hezbollah's plans to acquire said pagers. Mossad then proceeded to track which manufacturer were assembling them, took over production, planted bombs on all pagers going to hezbollah officials, and simply waited for them to be remotely detonated.
I think it's extremely likely that someone opened up at least a few of thousands of these, perhaps due to general interest but more likely because some malfunctioned.
Yeah this does seem more reasonable.
I read lives were saved when a Beirut youtuber opened up the printer to show how ink cartridges are a scam.
You seem to forget, war crime are crimes to stop advanced civilizations from destroying each other. But the only thing stopping an advanced civilization from committing war crimes against sheep fuckers is mercy.
more likely they compromised the guy who was purchasing the pagers for hezbollah and got him a rigged shipment to distribute, or heard that hezbollah was looking and got a seller into position
Well done the Israelis - these guys are priceless beavering away to launch another fantastic attack.
Here in Sydney the fucking Palestinians are shouting, waving their stupid flags, disrupting traffic etc - all noise and fuck all else.
Meanwhile the Israelites are silently working on their secret plan to fuck the Palestinians completely. Such a joy to see these Hez fuckers with shattered limbs, eyes wrecked, cocks blown odd , their balls in tatters etc.
You assholes will never defeat the Isrealies because they are SO smart - silent deadly killers.
Long Live Israel we love you smart tenacious planners. God Save The King
arab zoomers are starting to learn the type of forces they're dealing with. people probbably don't remember the years of hezbollah shilling prior to this
they didn't intercept shit. they literally designed and built the pagers from scratch down to the chip level.
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it's beautiful
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>corpses on page 1
I know its a right wing murdoch rag but I figured they'd censor it
Australians right in with the bantz
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muslims are not innocent. Never will be.
Shitskin larvae aren't 'children'
hahahahahahaha. all the right people are seething
>mentions oct. 7
>somehow that's not mass murder too
one ill turn deserve ten others
>Shill on twitter claiming the british must be behind something
This sounds familiar...
They ordered the pagers from a Hungarian company.
What they didn't know is that as a percentage of the population no other country in the world besides Israel has a larger amount of people of jewish descent.
Embarrassing post.
>October 7th sees militants massacre civilians in their thousands and take hostages who are raped and executed
This is just the Palestinians fighting back the only way they can against the Isreali terror state
>isreal sabotages some pagers, majority of victims are hezbolla commanders
War crime
>you can't kill someone just because they want to kill you!!1!1!1!!!!
play games
win prizes.
Aren't there a lot of Lebanese in Australia?
The Australian's self-professed 'excellence in journalism' is just that, self-professed, but dammit they got a good bit of banter in there.
why would you own a pager in 2024?
exactly, you can't even take a hike anymore when these bastards are roaming around. Little shits will try to fuck with you whenever they feel bored. Niggers at least don't go into forests.
simpler devices are much harder to track
>we.... our
Cunts like this need to fuck off to the middle east and experience it for themselves
Why would kids carry pagers?
Hezbollah couriers
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kek our mic never misses a chance to promote military exports.
yeah they run half the kebab shops and make shows on SBS
kill yourself
I forgot there’s a version of retard that blames the British for everything. What the fuck did we do??
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Ruled the world for a while I guess.
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Sometimes I really can't tell the facetious from the sincere
Ok, Nuremberg trials are cancelled.

>raping and murdering
>executing children and civvies
I'm with >>62539704 I cannot tell what is satire anymore
He was actually a pregnant kindergartener Al Jaziira journalist you CHUD!
Well, with the exception that they were ordered by the Iranian military for use in foreign conflicts, in which case that no, they aren't really indiscriminate.
In fact, it's quite discriminatory.
This is like that Soviet Great Seal bug times a thousand and with explosives
Truly incredible effort but I suspect we'll never find out the Israeli individual who actually planned all this out
Warcrimes exist to civilise conflict. Countries that breach them tend to gain sanctions and lose support internationally, but yes they are fundamentally only manufactured by a world that wants to lessen civilian casualties.
This isn't a warcrime though, it's actually quite the opposite, it was extremely well targetted, probably one of the lowest forms of civilian casualty attacks available due to its very nature targeting the enemies military information network.
>ensure civilians don’t get one?
about that...
also you should be asking
>how do they ensure civilians don't get caught in the blast?
You root for the same people who brought those palis there you dumb sheepshagger
Australian born, Oxford (UK) educated, American location for the rest of his life.
He isn't Jewish at all, despite looking deeply into his wiki, just very old money.
Please ignore getting outplayed by gilders after getting warned by Egypt and the US about a imminent attack. And than sleeping for hours to react
>Rupert Murdoch marries Jewish scientist Elena Zhukova
It's directional and delayed. Not for collateral damage, but for maximum effect on the intended target.
>explosive and shrapnel implanted to focus blast out from the screen
>page received from targeted number
>5 second timer activates
>guy picks up and looks at pager
>explosive detonates
Its elegance is in its simplicity.

>2 Kids

2 mangoed sand-niggers that won't be pretty enough to procreate? Sounds like s win to me!

If you hate both, why are you slurping sand-nigger cock?
jews are /pol/estinians greatest enemy
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>how come they didn't see Oct 7 coming
Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake
You’re missing the level of infiltration of western democracies via green parties and such. Also bots, communist academia
Taking out a communications network is a specific military objective
>i feel
From Russia, anon. Green parties are on their payroll too
I-I joined a Discord recently, can it explode?
Are there jews in it?
Hasbara pls go
Everything is a Mossad bomb
even you
>the cope gets desperate, the stories get wilder
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>Israel are terrorists and once muslims are gone they will do this to whites.
>Never forget USS Liberty, and they called you terrorists for not vaxxing.
while her father was a member of a terror organization that killed americans
i recall from a documentary about operation brothers, where part of the operation was opening diving resort that was used as cover by the mossad
and the resort was actually profitable

so it might have been also profitable
like i recall an interview with an ex mossad agent
and he said they didn't know what to do with the money because they didn't have a system for accenting net profit as cover operations are inherently not profitable
someone will write a book about it in 30 or so years
Because he’s a russian troll, anon. He hits all the notes from the latest leaked metodichkas.
shit english
>hitting all the keywords
>bonus pay
you are a liar
>Someone saved my post
B- since he didn’t call anyone tranny or say war crime
It’s amazing how frequently the fp is the bp
A free phone is a free phone.
>uss liberty
>Isreal publicly and privately apologizes
>pays reparations
>retards scream at the US for not declaring war on Isreal ruining realpotnik in the ME
If boobytrapping your enemies ammunition is a warcrime then boobytrapping your enemy's radio/communication devices is also a warcrime. I really don't see how anyone could disagree with that no matter your opinion on Hezbollah.
True this event was targeted. But now the cat is out of the bag. The mass production of innocuous bombs detonated across a country. It’s a war crime to disguise yourself as the enemy or civilians…but it’s not to disguise benign devices as bombs? Seems like we are picking and choosing which deceptions are okay. The reason why this is a terrorist act, is now civilians will not know what products they can trust. At the mercy of their foes to not do an indiscriminate strike next time.
This. Middle East is just a shithole filled with war criminals. Israelis larp as a conventional western army, but they pull the same tricks as their enemies.
>is now civilians will not know what products they can trust
Zero civilian devices blew up. The only ones that exploded were those belonging to known terrorists. A side-effect of this is that those terrorists now have permanent scars showing the rest of the world just exactly what kind of people they are.
Dude. Learn to read. They made bombs out of household items. In this case it was targeted, but they still used the same level of deception as sabotaging ammunition. A step worse because they used masses produced comms. Something every civilian has. Can you connect the dots yourself as to why this is an act of terrorism? Or do I need to explain it again? Retard.
Good. Terrorists absolutely should have to live in constant fear of an imminent and well-deserved death. Reap the whirlwind, cocksuckers.
>not le hecking HERzbollah will be scared now! You can't target enemy communication networks that's le heckin collective punishment le heckin war crime le heckin genocide
I'd start checking my phone if I were you. Plenty of bad hombres out there who want your ass.
I'll keep that in mind next time I join a terrorist organization that buys our phones in bulk from the intelligence service of the nation we're fighting.
that's the key though. the attacks weren't indisriminate. they were targeting comms devices of terror groups

>If boobytrapping your enemies ammunition is a warcrime
>Hey Ahmed let's run our military OPs out of a hospital, surely nothing will go wrong
I don't fire masses of unguided rockets into dense urban areas. I have better things to do with my time.
It seems the only people who need to worry are third world inbreds from failed states who launch rockets into cities to please their foreign paymasters. As well they should.
>it's terrorism because consumer electronics were involved
They should add:
>Does not explode
To the list of features

Why are all the casualties in the webms fighting aged men? Where are all the wounded women? If these were not discriminate I would expect 50% female casualties.
I do feel sorry for her.
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Mathematics isn't their strong suit
The arabs literally invented numbers, how the fuck did they fall so far behind?
This is like those retards that got butthurt when a little girl got blown up by a tank because her family thought it was a good idea to go driving around in the middle of a warzone.

Or that refugee father that drowned his entire family trying to illegally cross into the UK.

Just father of the year awards.
>Or that refugee father that drowned his entire family trying to illegally cross into the UK.
This is the event that innoculated me against the blatant sympathy-bait tactics regarding photos of dead brown children
Best looking bait I've seen yet, caught 4 with ease.
>You best start believing in cyberpunk dystopias...
The sad part is, according to polls, Palestinians don't consider oct 7th to be a terrorist attack at all and don't blame Hamas for any of their problems. So when you see that father with two dead children crying about it, just remember that he supports terrorist tactics like using hospitals and refugee camps for military ops.

Muslims have no one to blame but themselves. They are completely ok with being used as human shields.
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There's actually a handful of videos that have gotten out of the strip where civilians who've lost their homes or loved ones are publicly critical of Hamas but these people are quickly silenced.
So as much as I want /pol/estinians to suffer and die, I wish all non-Hamas and Fatah affiliated Palestinians well in their newly stretched desert asshole. Perfidious cowards.
The polls I was referencing to were like a year old so I wouldn't be surprised if they finally figured out that letting a terrorist organization that doesn't give a fuck about you run things is a bad idea.
For anyone stupid enough to be seriously curious about this:
1. It's a pager. The only people who still legitimately use them are first responders and medical staff.
2. Hezbollah probably ordered one or two large shipments from one vendor because they want to make sure all of their pagers are the same and have the same compatibilities. It's not likely that any legitimate pager users would have been "in" on this order with them.
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>World's first blind army
It’s long and complex but in the 12th and 13th centuries a combination of mongol invasions along the East that destroyed several libraries and a surge in an anti rationalist movement killed the Arab golden age and actively regressed it and it’s still in that state to this day
I'm starting to think ol' Genghis directly or indirectly mindbroke half the planet.
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Divine intervention at work bros
islam regressed it, nothing else. This so called enlightened golden muslim age is a myth fed to us by jew media since decades.
they did not invent numbers, they took them from hindus. We just call them that because we learned them from them.
>The arabs literally invented numbers
>Arab golden age
it's called the islamic golden age and most of the scholars, or at last the influential mathematics scholars, were persians, not Arabs
How do you know there aren't any explosives in your smartphone/computer/microwave/fridge/TV/headset?
because i am not part of the hezbollah terrorist organization

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