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What do we call this buxom beauty? This fiery war maiden? This [spoiler]bombshell?[/spoiler]

>captcha : GAS20X
Spoilers don't work outside of tv
Delete your thread
Damn I hope someone forcibly medicates me if I start seeing Lucoa in (explosion) clouds.
>Spoilers don't work outside of tv
everyone look at this pedophile and laugh at him
>doesn't know about boards and if they have spoiler
kill yourself tourist
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>Spoilers don't work outside of tv
actually more cringe than what OP did
>Spoilers don't work outside of tv
Wrong, retard.
You're an idiot, and most likely a pedo.
that's my wife chun
mother puccia
mama puccia
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This is art.
/tv/ is pedos now? since when?

.t /a/k/v/fit/...and formerly /pol/
oppai loli bomb
I guess the cunnyposters took over.
This, first thing that came to my mind as well
>you see, we smoked 2000 tons of ammo to make art
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It has no right looking this pretty.
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>Spoilers don't work outside of tv
Is it normal that I want to fuck an explosion?
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ohhhh OTAN.... You will see ....!!!! this is a RED LINE!!!! YOU are going to trigger WORLD WAR THREEEE!!
...out of 10!
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>What do we call this buxom beauty?
The Great Sigh
You're a sour boring bitch and so say all of us
>/tv/ is pedos now?
nta but /tv/ is mainly people from the third world gooning to white child actors and white female bestiality, yes. The remainder are just homosexuals who also like small boys. Its like the nintendo fanboys and their pedo fetishes.
>but details are scarce on the Russian side
jesus, what the fuck were they keeping there?
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The most ignorant are always the loudest, it amazes me every time.
Of course they would be Palestine supporters, kek.
"Sigh" in reference to the absolutely kino shockwave, the sigh of relief from the rest of the civilized, non-zigger-fellating world that some damn fine work just took place, the sigh of resignation from the vatnigs that another "smoking incident" just took place within their own borders, the sigh of cosmic boredom at the relative insignificance of the event to the greater theater, or something else entirely?
Ammo depot. Vatnoid storage standards are remarkably subpar, and that's putting it lightly. That jont is gonna keep cooking and popping for a while.
No one is worried about the happy dragon of mass destruction?
Another set of "was there a NATO nuke in Russia owo" anime posters were spamming /pol/ as well as telegrams too, it appears to be part of the script every time a large explosion happens on Russian soil. Firehose of falsehood shit.
Hell this particular narrative of "ammo dump explosion = nuke started originating as part of Afghanistan local narratives as a cope about fighting against Americans with big scary nukes, I now wonder if Russia planted that idea using RT back then or if its something they adopted naturally through misinformation and ignorance.
How do i enable spoilers on my tv?
actually the Russians tried to downplay it as a nothingburger initially and say it was a minor damage by a drone, then they announced a mass evacuation and the footage started spreading. If anything the Russians initially tried to pretend they had not taken much damage at all, which kind of wrecks the point you seem to be trying to make. Its not the first nuke shaped but not nuke Russian ammunition depot we have seen go up either just the prettiest. I'm reminded of a line in a Michael Moorcock novel about cossacks on horseback singing as they ride towards a mushroom cloud. If anyone remember the book let me know because its driving me nuts trying to find it. Might be from the jerry Cornelius stuff
It's better with sound.
Also noise of the second hit https://x.com/wartranslated/status/1836396708235768135
There were also local fuel depots hit
Sailor Moon
You think spoilers only work on /tv/, you're ten times worse than that retard. You actually visit that shitpit.
Narratives change as the situation evolves. Downplaying is pretty normal as they want to avoid panic spreading to normies rather than just military guys.
Once explosion videos started becoming common in normie media, they switched to my point.
Firehose of falsehoods require a firehose, of falsehoods, anon. That's why I used the term.
Now there's no need to start with the AI garbage for no good reason.
I don't catbox as that was hijacked by the russians prior to the invasion
>Firehose of falsehoods require a firehose, of falsehoods, anon. That's why I used the term.
Fair enough

Russian losses last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russians killed and does not include wounded

Tanks — 8691 (+6)
Armored fighting vehicle — 17080 (+3)
Artillery systems — 18154 (+25)
MLRS — 1188
Anti-aircraft warfare — 947
Planes — 369
Helicopters — 328
UAV — 15354 (+25)
Cruise missiles — 2592
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Trucks and Fuel Tankers — 24784 (+45)
Special equipment — 3109 (+18)
Military personnel — aprx. 637010 people (+1130)
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it feels like AFV losses have slowed down lately
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>it feels like AFV losses have slowed down lately
well you know...
>it feels like AFV losses have slowed down lately
They are still loosing over a thousand a day so its shortages. Over 70% of the pre war artillery is gone
>Military personnel — aprx. 637010 people (+1130)
It's so fucking grim that they take such losses and don't even bat an eyelid. They are truly subhumans, and they do not care about their own lives.
These posters are the same people, a Twitter artist that absolutely owns no guns and wants them banned.
For me, the worst is when I watch videos of Russians just straight up walking by the remains of their fellow soldiers and don’t even bat an eye.

THAT is unbelievable to me. If a US team or squad were to do the same, and then have the gall to post a video of it online, I unironically don’t know what would happen to them. Wouldn’t surprise me if they were fragged at a basecamp.

If not for this war I swear /pol/ retards may have very well convinced me that Russians are human by simple obfuscation.
you need to remeber, as much as they pretend to act like a western nation, they are more culturally related to the east and its views on the value of human life than anything in the west
>For me, the worst is when I watch videos of Russians just straight up walking by the remains of their fellow soldiers and don’t even bat an eye.
I can;t abide ziggers but having been in that situations myself once I never gave much of a thought to dead bodies and if anything avoided staring at them because there was nothing there worth seeing to me at the time. Kids toys used fuck my head up though.
>For me, the worst is when I watch videos of Russians just straight up walking by the remains of their fellow soldiers and don’t even bat an eye.
I can;t abide ziggers but having been in that situations myself once I never gave much of a thought to dead bodies and if anything avoided staring at them if they were laid out because there was nothing there worth seeing to me at the time. Kids toys used fuck my head up though. It's someone else job to bag them. I'm not going to be sentimental about someone I barely knew who happened to be fighting in that sector with me. A dead body has no life in it, it is gone, the person is gone. Americans are only sentimental about that shit for hollywood, I'll bet in the US civil war dead were left and no one cared.Its human nature to adjust to it.
Empathy for even the dead is a human trait anon, might want to consider some self reflection
In the latest of such videos that I watched, the two Russians filming were laughing while walking by their dead comrades because they were going to be alive to receive their pay as opposed to the dead guys.

Actual subhuman behavior.
There were multiple instances of Union soldiers going into Confederate territory to try and retrieve their men. There's famous stories about it.
Its hilarious that you managed to out yourself as both a retard and a pedo in one sentence. Good job anon!
Not really, the dead are dead, the respect for corpses comes from the Catholic believe in the Resurrection of the body, which is fair enough but a corpse is simply that and it's not worth risking anyones life over or taking up manpower on if there is none to spare or there will be more corpses. I was just looking at its not some US is civilized everyone else is savage bullshit. I was right about the US civil war
@But most of all, the armies left behind nearly 7,000 of their dead and thousands more wounded for the citizens of Gettysburg to care for and bury. As the Confederate army slipped away after the battle, Union soldiers formed burial parties to help identity and inter both friend and foe. However, on July 4, 1863 torrential rain unearthed shallow graves while the bodies left unburied began to decay under the sweltering heat that followed. The Union army departed Gettysburg on July 6 leaving the remaining burials to citizens of Adams County."
this is some massive rationalization for your inability to feel empathy anon, don't try to justify it to me, I don't give a fuck
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Retard. Eat up more AI homoslop.
>t. hasguns
You're soft because life has not hardened you. If you wanted empathy in war you would not be killing others to begin with. It is what it is.
>I weep over roadkill squirrels
You do you, but don't be surprised when the rest of us will mock you for it.
the fuck are you talking about, that's not a lack of caring that's them being unable to stop to rebury the due to being in a war,
>there's two sociopath now
lmao, go on hard bois continue to rationalize your lack of empathy on 4chan
Exactly.Those grey zone in Ukraine are hell on earth and death traps. You don;t fuck around burying corpses there because you fancy doing some gardening. Just mark my words, you even get in a similar situation you won't be worrying to much about laving no man behind. They are under all the rubble, even bits of them in what's left of the trees and undergrowth. You may as well bury the whole lot.
But anon your earlier example literally showed them burrying their dead, just being forced to move on afterwards due to being in a fuckign war, and Ukrainians still bury their dead as well, why are you simping so hard to russian sociopaths?
I detest ziggers, this is too preachy for me. If you are in a shelled town you will be moving through and over plenty of corpses and you get used to them. Its nothing to do with 'empathy' they are corpses not people.
You don't feel empathy for dead bodies, you disingenuous nigger. They are literally what evokes the uncanny valley effect because your brain's evolved to tell you STAY AWAY FROM DEAD BODIES.
This. You also make fun of what's grim to take the fear and sting from it.
I will thanks, instead of supporting literal flag-in-bio tier gallery deleting breakdown farms that advocate for confiscation daily. The death of the patreon shartist is nigh.
a coping mechanism isn't touch, its a sad reality, stop being proud of being forced to loose empathy
How about you lay off the estrogen for a while, you weepy little faggot.
The Russians have 10x the Ukrainian dead, they are everywhere in some sectors like leaves and no even in one lump
Yes anon, they are apathetic slaves who don't care about life nor their dead, this is not something you want to be
You're not suited to combat anon, not as you are that's for sure.
No, Im on 4chan, so Ill just continue to post while you angrily try to justify your loss of empathy too me, then we'll both move on with our lives
You can call people weepy all you want but the truth is reverence and respect for the dead is a very large part of Western culture, not being able to deal with the dead during conflict is one thing, completely ignoring your fallen comrades after the fact is another.
the best part is you think that's an insult
>3rd world war
Yeah it's a world war amongst 3rd world countries
>either Russians or bizarrely flexing vatniks try to pretend being numb to the dead makes you strong instead of it simply being a coping mechanism or mental illness
gotta love it
>The death of the patreon shartist is nigh.
Two more weeks?
THREE weeks!
Already happening. Payment processors cucking what they can draw, AI making it so people can poof art into existence that makes anyone but the highest tier artists obsolete, anyone using substar is abhuman and would have paid for their colored pencil scribblings no matter what. Art post scarcity is here Anon and you can fart and squirt about it all you want but I will jack off to infinite free shit and take the voice of whoever I want for memes.
Kot is eternal
>Spoilers don't work outside of tv

Yes they do. Please wake up at 3 AM and go to take a piss by walking down a staircase barefoot and step on a D4 and or a Logo, love from /tg/
mr boombastic
>Art post scarcity is here
what a bizarre, yet true, statement.
kek, stay in your computerized fantasyland gooning to generic homoslop waifu content. AI is never going to recreate or replace the SOVL factor of a human artist.
>you vill jack off in ze GrokPod to keep you asleep
>you vill create nothing, and you vill be happy
Too bad yours has the fucking watermarks on it and looks worse.
>all those buzzwords
This post feels ironic with how inorganic it feels
>what the fuck were they keeping there?
Allegedly; pretty boring stuff but explosive.
Mortar shells, artillery shells, air defense missiles like s3/400, the spicy stuff is probably Iskander and nork ballistic missiles.
Yes, Anon there sure is a lot of SOVL in hand drawn waifu and furry porn. AI isn't going to replace great artists or people who do art for it's own merit. It's going to replace mentally ill twitter spastics, shitty voice changers, and impressionists for small projects. Gone are the days of needing to hone a shitty skill no one cares about for 10,000 to draw the specific kind of facesitting you want or fucking about in voicemod forever so you can kinda say nigger as Hank Hill.
10,000 hours*
keep in mind you're probably talking to a twitter spastic named Lilith who's trying to market himself to you
Aside from the fact that AI art is usually ugly as fuck and its proliferation means so much more shovelware and garbage from china, which is a problem, the one who complain the loudest are usually those people
Honing shitty skills is the fun part, desu. Either fix your car yourself or get a mechanic to do it for you. I know which one I'd rather pick, and that's the one that leads to self improvement and independence. Not meaningless indulgence for the sake of getting a wet dick.
I don't associate with xitter xirs, I just think AI is shit and don't want it flooding every online space with zero cost zero effort garbage.
New or stupid?
now I don't know about you but jacking off to my own drawing doesn't sound appealing and I'm not gonna pay a billion dollars to commission someone else
Fixing your car is useful to you and those around you, learning to draw is not. It's fine to learn a useless skill for fun, but making a career out of it then shitting your pants because people found a way to outmode you is retarded.
>zero cost zero effort garbage
Uh oh goober you're making the same argument that was made about literally every advancement in the history of humankind, especially the printing press, camera, and photoshop.
>it feels like AFV losses have slowed down lately
I think there's slow down across the board. Artillery, infantry, everything has dropped by maybe 20% from what we saw a month ago.

I think this might suggest that the practice of giving up ground to force attrition has run its course.
This is probably why Ukraine is on the offensive now, defensive operations are probably not achieving the same results anymore.
I'm working at a donation center for a thrift store right now, and it's absolutely wild how valueless art is.
We get hundreds of paintings, many worth several hundreds of dollars, and the vast majority of them get thrown out, because we can't even sell them for fifteen fucking dollars.
So this is "art", a big fucking pile of garbage that changes hands until someone finally has the good sense to throw it the fuck away.
devaluing art entirely is just as retarded as being overly obsessed with it and calling everything art
That's the secret, in creative endeavors let your boner guide you in the right direction. It's always pointing forward, it knows where to go and won't steer you wrong. If what you're making isn't hot to you, you're doing it wrong.
Learning to draw isn't a useless skill because it will always be in demand. At least the printing press helped spread knowledge and encouraged literacy, AI is only good for self-indulgent gooners and Pajeets farming gullible boomers for clicks on Facebook.
the irony is you sound just like one of the luddites who hated new tech, just a modern example
The truth is for most art its about the process and the person, the object is secondary.
No offense, but interior decorating goes through seasonal changes, so the painting you thought looked so cool now is going to cause you grief and misery, so people give them away in hopes that someone else will "enjoy" them.
But the problem is it's removed from the context from which it was born; it's not in fashion anymore.
So what is ART? Generally, it's placating menopausal women with gaudy tat, like jingling keys in front of a baby.
>So what is ART? Generally, it's placating menopausal women with gaudy tat, like jingling keys in front of a baby.
you almost had a point, then you threw it away for a retarded insult
yeah, that's why Leonardo's work has been so unpopular, just so out of style, fucking hell anon
>At least the printing press helped spread knowledge and encouraged literacy
Cool, go tell that to the trogs bitching that it would put them out of business. Same EXACT fucking thing will be said about AI in 100 years to devalue some other new thing. "At least AI allowed anyone to put what's in their mind on paper and discouraged the over monetization of even the most basic of drawing ability, Cortex-integrated hologram projection is only good for virtualizing waifus for sploogers and farming thoughts from boomers in the Facebook Lunar mines."
Art is fucking worthless to the vast majority of people, yes, the Mona Lisa is cool and should be preserved but would I want to own it for any other reason than to sell it and buy something I give more of a shit about? No.
Is it? Or are you just upset?
No, what I said was factual. Art is smoothening an uncomfortable area or time period in someone's life.
And middle-aged women are THE economic driving force, period. They create demand.
>u mad
Ah just an attention whore, my bad
IM sorry you need to be like this
the pride people take in anti intellectualism is astounding
If you were an intellectual, you would explain yourself in a clear fashion.
You're not, you're afraid of engaging in dialogue because you know that will make you vulnerable.
It's funny that you said I resorted to a crass insult when saying 40 year old roasties buy art, but your sole contribution in the past five or so posts has been calling people names.
You can do better than this.
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Yeah, AI art all still looks like that bro.
It's easy to hate when its biggest advertised selling point is shitting up the internet with meaningless nonsense.
MAYBE it will be useful in 100 years in specific applications, but right now people absolutely cannot help but use it for generating trash and scams. It's not just taking away jobs, it's making the internet a worse place to interact with and making people even dumber [hard to believe, I know].
why would I bother on someone who clearly just wants to piss me off?
>u mad
yeahhhh I can see why he doesn't want to Engauge
The Fire rises
Yeah, this is what I mean about "vulnerability".
I said a thing in a way you didn't like, so you attacked me for it. But that thing that I said, it was mine, and I gave it to you. Imperfect as my verbiage may be, what I gave you was real and from the heart; and so you criticize me.
Now have you done? You have hidden yourself, you engaged in subterfuge and illusion.
The reason you do this is because you're not willing to open yourself up to others, because it is painful to do so.
meds, NOW
Kaneko Lumi?
this is the post where I go from agreeing with one side to laughing at the entire spectacle
I just told him art isn't completely worthless and he started spewing this verbal diarrhea, the fucking autists on this site I fuckign swear
>assuming their gender
it's just sad
It actually used to be worse. Like open CP posting during the hours the jannies weren't up.
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holy shit will you faggots shut the hell up and get back on topic already
either you or >>62536813 / >>62537797 have the right idea, and I think Loomi would be flattered to be associated with dead russoids
are you implying the explosion has a massive futa cock? because I can get behind that too
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weird that looks a lot like my wife
its just high grade autism mixed with utilitarianism, just pity it and move on
>seething faggot resorts to fantasy
No you'll sit there and cry like a bitch cause that's all you can do
is this post supposed to ironic?
>the second-hand store don't want it
>nobody wants to buy it from them
>therefore, valueless
Value isn't static for the life of an object, it changes over time. If the customers see no value in purchasing it, and the store sees no value in retaining it, then at that time it has no value.
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>the last 60 posts
yes but the original post assumes they never had value to begin with, which is the problem they have with it
Keep crying bitch, lol.
If you want us to stop considering this navel, post some navels you want us to consider.
The overwhelming majority of art DOES have little to no value to begin with, the most valuable art is only valuable because of the person who made it and when it was made.
Imagine buying an image based on provenance rather than what it actually looks like.
What even is the art market?
Money laundering.
Now we've come to the crux; what did I say that you actually disagree with? Art is about interfacing with human emotions through physical objects. One of you said "art isn't completely valueless" like its a rebuttal to anything I said, but it's not.
What I said was that art is a process in which the object created is secondary to the ritual of observing said object.
And then I concluded that because of the cyclical nature of taste and the tendency for women to be housemakers and the primary drivers of demand, that most art, and I define "art" in this context as being mundane and commonplace, NOT your Mona Lisas, is entirely valueless, not only to the person who owns it, but to anybody else who witnesses it.
Again, what did I say that you actually disagree with?
I've only just now realized that the third world war will predominantly fought between the third and first worlds.
Turns out, vatniggerstan has been building a massive military fuel & weapons depot there for about the last decade ... and sank tens of billions of dollars into it, probably over $100 billion. You are ... very literally ... looking at an explosion that eclipses the entire military aid packages of everything the U.S. has already shipped to Ukraine.

Now, be careful about reading that. It is not the entire aid (there's lots of humanitarian & infrastructure aid independent of military) and it doesn't include all the pledged aid that will be incoming for the next three to five years. But the total dollar amount of all aid already sent from the U.S. is somewhere between $40 & $50 billion. This single depot was worth at least that, and probably closer to double. All in one giant explosion.

That's what the fuck *WAS* there. Now there's nothing.
Oh, and before you criticize me for repeatedly pointing out the significance of feminine preferences in the art world, I gotta fucking put you back in your place.
It is fundamental to what the industry is, to the story-telling and the mythos of the artist.
So you're going to deny reality, deny human behavior because it upsets you when I point out sexual dimorphism?
For what purpose are you so offended?
this is some /x/ tier psychosis
>the third world war will predominantly fought between the third and first worlds.
That's not going to be much of a war.
A World War really requires peer nations.
I'l take this moment to mention that this is the magnitude of explosion that most people are predicting/looking forward to should the Trannynistria depot detonate.
I thought it was Lumi from PC at first lmao.
>The visible blast wave kicking up dust followed by all the secondaries
its cinematic as fuck
Don't use litterbax, the links get expired rapidly, just use regular catbox and the links remain active (for most things, especially Ukraine/war related) at least months, but I've got some bookmarked that have been up for years.

>I don't catbox
then don't, stfu & gtfo

>because r*ssians
no, you're lying, which is what vatniggers do when they want to hide information
Orange representative VS Lemon whore
Despite how terrible it would be a modern Nuking would produce the most kino footage.
>Protoss vs. Zerg
the catch is that this time the protoss can just drone spam to outnumber zerg
>I will jack off to infinite free shit
Average AI slop enjoyer is just a porn addict
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The money Russia is burning through is mindblowing, pic related is about $5.5 billion and just reloading them is $3 billion.

A large portion of their Nork missiles were probably there, that is not only a loss of munitions but more importantly trained operators. There is no way Russia can use the Nork missiles without a very limited number of Russian operators that were trained and basically led by (fantastically expensive) Norks. Besides the cost of the KN-23/24s and TELs finding Russians competent enough to operate an advanced missile system and who can work with guys who at best speak crappy english and Choson-gul isn't easy.

*Waves non aligned movement flag hoping someone remembers what that is*
India, South Africa, Ethopia, Sudan, the DPRK, and most of the 'fuck off and leave us alone' nations are second world. With the exception of the DPRK none of those are getting involved and the DPRK is only doing it for money because apparently a east asian shithole with 26 million people can make more ammo than the entire fucking EU.
>second world.
It's not a ranking system. First is USA and allies. Second was Soviet Union and allies. Third is everybody else.
Gotta fill the time between range trips somehow
do you have any clue what the hell second and third worlds mean
first world is current nato and friends, second world is ex-USSR+china and its subsidiaries, third world is everyone else. we call russoids third world because the term has been conflated with "least developed countries", as in, they're not even worth being second world. like >>62538733 said, not a ranking system, just an outdated way of dividing alliances.
>"fuck off and leave us alone"
pick one. third world developing country. they're trying, in their own retarded way, to play all sides (and failing miserably, hence why they're still everyone's bitch).
second world least developed country. Chinese-allied, no matter how much both sides try to pretend otherwise.
>South Africa
first world developing country. about as physically removed from a world war involving relevant countries as possible without being Antarctica, since Oceania's gonna be part of the war.
>Ethiopia and Sudan
third world least developed countries. irrelevant in the grand stage of things, as is most of sub-Saharan Africa.
>>South Africa
>first world developing country
yes, as in allied to first world countries, at least in the old system, and developing as in not a developed nation. your point being?
>south africa is a first world country
I was about to call OP a retard but you successfully managed to make a stupider post.
>and sank tens of billions of dollars into it, probably over $100 billion
They paid 90 billion rubles. So a lot less tha that. And a lot of that money was safely stored in yachts.
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an annoyance
Isn't Mara the slav equivalent of Athena?

The point being she is the daughter of Perun, whoever the fuck she is.
Copelord being at it again, I see.
I apologize in advance if i am assuming your age but it is in refrence to the non aligned movement during the Cold War where is where we get 1st, 2nd and 3rd world. 'Third world' is used as a insult for undeveloped nations these days but it used to mean neutral nations including the Swiss and Sweden which are very much not undeveloped nations. I'm old enough to remember this shit which to be honest is too old for me to like thinking about.


Obviously i do, besides the obvious racist undertones your entire post is broadly correct.

Ethiopia and Sudan are very relavant right now.

Also on behalf of North Sentinal Island: 4th world pride world wide! May they never run out of spears to throw at anyone who isn't them.

He has to be some sort of reverse psycology CIA agent, right?
Nope. She's the goddess of harvest and seasons, so she's more of a Demeter.
South Africa is a failed state and what it is or is not aligned to is irrelevant.
we finally have confirmation that this was major blow and disruption to russians

thanks copelord!
bunkers have been completely decimated
>moves goalpost to align with (incorrect) personal opinion
I accept your concession

DEVANA! Goddess of the hunt! Known for her ability to stalk her prey, and being highly ambitious.
She manifested upon the successful Ukrainian attack using new capabilities Ukraine has aspired to for so many years.
>ammunition igloos
he just made that up on the spot didn't he?
15.000 Roentgens for Gryffindor!
What would you reckon the yield of this explosion was? Must've been at LEAST 1 kiloton.
How many pagers and walkie talkies is that?
at least 5
Ziggerjanny I can smell you, stop deleting posts just because you are sensitive.
He has to be a covert troll undermining Russia, it is the only thing that makes sense at this point. Bagdad bob has nothing on this guy.

For the record, the image he uses as his avatar looks kinda cool.

Forget all that modern shit, it is important to remember what words mean. 1st 2nd 3rd world are not military or developmental terms they are political. When they came into use they meant something very diffrent than how they are used today, i highly doubt anyone would call Austria, Sweden or Switzerland a 'Third world shithole' but they were Third World when the phrase came about.
To disarm and enemy's weapons they had the wealth to buy, with weapons you had to make yourself on Ukrainian soil, and to do so you had to carefully stalk and track for vulnerabilities... yeah, makes sense that Perun's daughter would turn up with double k tits threatening to tear apart her Vyshyvanka.
>For the record, the image he uses as his avatar looks kinda cool.
Copelord? Is that you?
>literal goddess of the hunt and the wild, absolutely obliterating zigzogs with her double Ks out
>guys who at best speak crappy english and Choson-gul isn't easy.
Nork trainers and operators probably speak pretty good Russian.
You got more?
Arent we supposed to be talking about the hyper titty explosion goddess that has just been born from the infinite folly's of Russian ape mans?

Because god seems to have turned into a pervy artist these days if this is his new kink. I mean you never see this kind of thing happen with normal clouds. With those prudes is all boats and fairy dragons and tame shit like that. But when the end of the world happens its all going to be strip mushroom clouds poll dancing and flashing there huge fake tits from one end of the burning earth to the next.

And you all know the last act of all mankind is going to be every man on earth jacking off to there oncoming doom. As every woman try to control and shame men one last time to put there dicks away and die like whipped dogs.
Most of the Second joined the First alliance(s)
Probably an Israeli that is seething at the overt /pol/-tier opinions there.
>turned into
anon hes been inspiring humanity with tales of titty and ass for millenia
I did one with nips but catbox was down at the time.
There's a lot of asspain about AI, which is totally organic and from real people I'm sure.
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It is, in it's own way, quite impressive how this man can be consistently wrong about everything ever.
He should get a few things right simply by statistical probability by now, but no! He doesn't!
I mean when you actively on purpose go against reality, unless big news is wrong initially, you'll usually be wrong.
>What do we call this buxom beauty?
Patron Saint of TZD
How the fuck can Russia still fight (well, """fight""") when this happens on a weekly basis? Is vodka and drugs all they need to charge without weapons for years on end?
Fighting for the great russian empire, comrade.
You know, there's a theory I personally believe that says something like this
>Rome's technological developments was stifled by their use of slaves, as having a slave to do the work was (at the time) more convenient than innovating.
If you apply this to the Russian populace being slaves to a few oligarchs, a lot of things start making sense.
Next country to have a few areas annexed by Russia? They took a bit of Georgia years ago, a bit of Ukraine now. Is Syria going to be the next target?
They've consistently faced downgrades in their capabilities throughout the war. Things were already bad in 2022, sure, but they weren't riding golf carts. However despite that, they've persisted "better" than people were predicting mid-2022/early 2023 because nobody honestly thought the Russian people would accept being fed into the meatgrinder like this for Putin's sake. Russia didn't have some big Chinese style Internet firewall.
Once again Marx's materialist analysis of war is BTFO. By Russians.
shut up retarded redditor
go hide you head in shame like ostriches do, along with the pedophile from /tv/
>they've persisted "better" than people were predicting mid-2022/early 2023 because nobody honestly thought the Russian people would accept being fed into the meatgrinder like this
This. Zignog bots often like to mock the early western predictions claiming that the Russians would collapse in a matter of months.
The thing is, by any decent standards, they did. Several fronts did collapse, and they were forced to resort to a kind of warfare that would be unthinkable in a fully developed country.
And it'll probably keep getting worse for some time before Russia or the Ukies have had enough.
Marx said nothing about war. Russians are no longer marxists.
>Russia didn't have some big Chinese style Internet firewall.
They have something similar though, I recall a test where they tried some gateway with deadman's switch to see if their country could survive not being connected to internet.
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They keep charging the front because the only other answer is the pit.
unironically have a negative value of life and would rather be dead than russian, its the only explanation that makes sense
I dont even know what to call the kind of nightmares Russians produce to inflict on themselves daily
It's amazing how other countries like those of the middle east, asia and south america can rise up and overthrow their leaders like it's nothing for less reasons but Russians are okay with being ruled like this and don't dare rise up.
to be fair a lot of times the middle eastern countries just want to return to the bronze age they were 20 years ago, Russia has known nothing but misery for the last 1000 years
Lol, stpid ukronazi.

It's just grass burning.
he has to be doing this on purpose, no one can be this stupid, I refuse to believe it, even russians know its lies in the end
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Why do russians have exploding grass?
>I dont even know what to call the kind of nightmares Russians produce to inflict on themselves daily
That particular nightmare is called an oubliette.
unlike >>62539565 they're usually inside and unlit and are kind of meant for the slow painful death of the occupant who is forgotten but any cell accessed from a ceiling hatch can be called an oubliette or bottle cell.
lurk moar
Ah I know understand this man made horror, thank you anon
>Next country to have a few areas annexed by Russia?
>Is Syria going to be the next target?
I think you need to look at a map.

Russia has de facto control over a few mines but they're not going to annex a piece of Syria.

In reality, the next thing Russia is going to try and annex will be Kursk.
Well if we needed any other proof that the place is totally fucked there it is
Didn't some Russian posts claim that there are several tiers of those cumpits?
The kind you end up in may depend on your unit, how displeased they are with you and how much you're paying your captors per day.
The worst ones are just watery mud pits exposed to the weather; the better ones may have a chair and some way to relieve yourself (so you don't have to do it in the mud you're standing in). They might give you other stuff if you bribe them enough.
That sounds really russian ngl, giving basic human rights as a sort of luxury, so I believe it
If you want just rip the audio from the shit one and transfer it to the good one, its not hard
>registered as an earthquake
some spicy grass
European Parliament voted to let Ukraine conduct deep strikes on russian territory.
I just wish the whole lot went up at once. I'd have loved to see the kaboom from 30,000 tons of explosives even if no cameras nearby survived it.
Newfag here, how does the /tv/ bit out him as a pedo?
Sorry I'm on the wrong board I thought this was /k/.
I've seen Ukrainian cumpits meant for temporary holding of pows and they were better than this. Will post after done eith morning things.
/tv/ is the pedo board anon. Like /gif/ is filled with cucks and trannies.
>This is our hole
>It was made for meat
>Armchair copelord AND Will Copeler
>In one image
>Both coping about losses
Best timeline.
The things you never hear about because you stopped watching TV a decade ago.
SA was first-world by the original definition of cold war allegiance (in the same way that Switzerland was defined as third-world)
I can only hope that the anglo-saksii will finally relent and do the same
>The land of pale chihuahuas
Aha, so Russia did lure US/NATO to waste their weapons there, knowing that the impact would be minimal. Very intelligent Russian play.
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>the land of pale chihuahuas
just the customary seething at the baltics
The vatniks supposedly had around 30,000-40,000 tonnes of munitions at this site.
Holy shit kek
Imagine clearing all the mess of dispersed UXO in a ammo depot...
I've thought the same thing about the American South too.
I'm surprised how they still figthing ngl, that amount just sounds incomprehensible to me. All gone, poof, and everyone just go do their thing as they were before
Its insane
Iran, China, North Korea and Cuba are supplying them. The Axis of Resistance.
didn't Cuba send stuff to Ukraine?
But its 30kt of missiles. That sound like at least half a year worth of boom-boom, ending up just smoke. Its just way too much for it to be reasonable loss.
I was wondering for a brief moment why they would store that much in one place and not disperse it but then i remembered that it's the ruskies
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lmao they're probably gonna salvage what they can then put up some no trespassing signs and abandon the place
i dont know much about explosives but wouldnt it be almost exclusively XO at this point?
Impossible. Cuba automatically allies with Russia in any wars that have US/NATO involvement due to their anti-imperialist stances.
liquid copium
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It depends but it's hard to detonate 100% of ammo in a unplanned explosion when they're designed to not be too sensitive and are protected by a metal case and crate. But after being damaged by the shockwave it could be unsafe, specially if they had fuzes.
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>Because god seems to have turned into a pervy artist these days
Nothing new about it.
>There's a lot of asspain about AI
Just link a post on the AI thread on /co/.
>Apartheid South Africa is the same as present day South Africa
>Didn't some Russian posts claim that there are several tiers of those cumpits?
Historically there were too.
Prisons in pre-modern nations would usually have different wards and cells and privileges based on what you paid and your social class.
In some respects it's still true, rich guy prison is definitely a thing, provided there isn't too much social outrage about whatever put you in there in the first place.
It's so common that when Diddy/Combs went to regular prison instead of mansion-arrest the other day, it made international news for that fact.
I pray this man wakes up one morning being airdropped into Moscow. Parachute optional
[spoiler]u mad :^)[Spoiler/]
>due to their anti-imperialist stances
what do they think russia is doing in ukraine?
It's only imperialism if USA does it. If Russia is doing it, it means they're liberating people from western oppression. You can't be free. You have to be someone's bitch.
Uhhhh, haven’t you heard about the HATO tranny Jewish nazi bio labs run by Boris Johnson, wectoid?
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>The land of pale chihuahuas
I kind of like the metaphor, tiny albinos yapping at the heels of the big Russian bear.

It kind of describes Polish talk quite well, even if it's a bit divorced from reality of Russian degradation in reality.
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>Ukrainian cumpits meant for temporary holding of pows

Found it.
Well to be fair they "paid" for a fuck huge and blast proof shelter, but I'd wager half the money went into Yachts and quality wood for the Shoigun.
The funny thing is the amount of alegedly north korean ammo that went up, which Russia payed for in gold, tech transfer and humiliation.
Why don't they just move them to prison. Surely half of them are empty with the conscription.
Eh you get used to it.
And it's not like it's YOUR problem :^)
You're thinking of ziggeristan desu
>Imagine clearing all the mess of dispersed UXO in a ammo depot...
It could be a bit easier than usual because you don't have to worry about anything other than the UXO.
I have an idea for a bulldozer where you weld two railway rails to the shovel and then attach a second shovel to the end of them.

That should be enough stand-off distance that the bulldozer doesn't get damaged by anything it's dozing. Just weld new rails and a shovel which are readily available in Russia.

Then you just bulldoze everything into the remains of a bunker, and blow up the bunker.
Rinse and repeat, until cleared.
So when I said "Ukrainian cumpits" I meant they were owned by Ukraine - those are Russians after being captured.

Russia is the one that emptied its prisons. During the early doomer days of the war, when everyone (including Ukraine) thought it would be over in 3 days, Ukraine offered freedom to SOME of its inmates if they promised to fight - but the catch was they had to have prior military service (no time for training) and their crimes must not have been too gruesome. Ukraine never emptied their prisons.
>Cuba automatically allies with Russia in any wars that have US/NATO involvement
Cuba has been working on backing out of that relationship for a while. It's baby steps, but it seems clear that their ultimate goal is to realign with the west.
>Parachute optional
Not optional, having to live in Russia is the punishment.
>several tiers of those cumpits
Дaнтe's inferno, story of a mobik's journey towards Tsar through nine concentric cumpits, guided by mysterious Yevgeny.
arming Israel*
>Ukraine offered freedom to SOME of its inmates if they promised to fight - but the catch was they had to have prior military service (no time for training) and their crimes must not have been too gruesome. Ukraine never emptied their prisons.
Interesting. But don't they have somewhere nicer to put the russian pows? Like idk a tent or a bunker. Putting them in a hole seems like something that would happen in WW1, not today. Just ask America for 500 containers with ACs and some blankets.
carriers OP

stupidity can be a weapon
Don't you have some electronic devices to get rid of?
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A few of the invaders had old hammer and sickle flags, so by lefty logic it doesn't count.
but my good man, nobody gives a fuck about /pol/estains or their ultimate fate because they have nothing to offer in return.
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Well, first you capture them and you have to contain them somehow (they're still wearing Ru uniforms) without compromising your army doing army stuff while in sensitive and contested area.
>But don't they have somewhere nicer to put the russian pows? Like idk a tent or a bunker
It's not actually a prison, it's just somewhere that they could be stored overnight before being transported to the rear and processed properly.
The Battalion in question is just improvising based on what they can find in their environment.
>After the whole Israel-Gaza thing
The revolutionaries in Cuba died decades ago, right now they're just trying not to collapse and they can only do that by integrating into the North American economies.
They're still a socialist country at the end of the day thus they will support the goals of any country that is under threat by what they see as imperialist aggressor, ie Israel's war. Going for the west would make as much sense as Russia asking to join NATO right now.

Massive reduction in Russian firepower in the coming days is thus confimed.
If only I could get Armchair Warlord to say on his twitter that I'm never going to win the lottery and simultaneously meet a hot girl this weekend.
>Silly anon, Why would Cuba want to have closer ties to their neighbors. It makes much more sense to tie ourselves militarily and economically to a country half the world away that cannot even supply their soldiers 50KM from their own borders.
I still cannot believe this got commissioned.
Maybe get Nate Silver to say it, the other guy who is always wrong
Ghislain maxwell is teaching yoga supposedly in prison and her partner was offed before he could go to court while in police custody and the security cameras stopped working for the tume it took for him to die
unfortunately dosen't matter much without US but still this is step in right direction
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If only.
Agreed, so long as I'm behind the futa, and not in front of it.
It's not a real woman unless she has a dick.
>her partner was offed before he could go to court while in police custody and the security cameras stopped working for the tume it took for him to die
Well yeah he knew shit that Trump needed to cover up.
>the monkey paw curls it's finger
> 48 hours later a Russian diplomat calls you informing you that the 15 year old you just bedded doesn't have to be discussed publicly if you make a significant investment in gasprom.
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i cannot believe what goes through his fucking airhead to spout shit like this... is he spitefull at US ? is he getting bankrolled by kremlin ? did he fucking lost a bet with one of his colleagues ? what drives a man to spread such bold claims ? my mind cant comprehend it, its surreal to me that someone can be this gone
Is it a prediction when someone skimming tweets on twitter realizes that is a good idea?
each of those bunkers in toropets was supposed to hold 240 tons of ammo
so this means it was a big deal after all according to him
He is from future and is just messing with people by predicting things in reverse
>it's good when we do it because we're the good guys
Many such cases
>Like /gif/ is filled with cucks and trannies.
I go onto gif to watch coloured women fuck white dudes.
>A large portion of their Nork missiles were probably there
I've seen many people talk about korean missiles being stored there. I hate to be the one to ask for the source for these claims, but here I am.
>I hate to be the one to ask for the source for these claims, but here I am.
Can't find it in my folder now but there was a soldier on telegram commenting on the kaboom and he claimed that he was one of the guys that spent almost a week unloading norkshit there.
You could try calling him a virgin and getting the obvious No U.
Well yeah, Rembrandt is much better than Da Vinci and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

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