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The 42 doesn't really waste more ammo. Their effective rpm is both at 150 rounds per minute according to german sources at the time, which checks out with my own transferable mg42 and what I can do from the bipod while keeping a tight beaten zone. I think the 42 did actually consume more ammo according to the veteran's experiences, but the nature of the fighting changed and by the time the 42 was issued, the Germans were outnumbered and on the defensive and able to shoot more.

From what I have seen, there was some debate, but the merits with the mg42 were that it was more reliable, had better belt pull, and was the more potent of the two on the lafette tripod. There were also some that said the 42 was able to get more kills within the first 2 seconds of engagement before the enemy has a chance to get in cover.
This didnt need its own thread

But no, high RPM is uselesss and nobody does it these days except for niche purposes like air rescue
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>Needs to lug around a bulky ass tripod setup so you can remotely hit what you're aiming at
What'd that thing cost you? How much was the tripod and optic?
The gun was 79k after everything. The tripod (yugo) was 1k and the optic was 3k.

Germans specifically use higher rpm 10mm boosters in their mg3 that were never intended to be used past breaking in their guns all the time for 1k+ rpm. The mg3 """slow""" bolt carriers only weigh 12 oz compared to 10.4 oz including the ejector bar and anti bounce device compared to the actual slow 42/59 carrier that weighs 25.6 oz. All three use the same bolt head. You can watch any bundeswehr video and hear them shooting at least at 1k rpm.

The first time I and my friends shot it prone from the bipod, we were all impressed at how accurate it was. We all agreed it was more accurate than the m240 and the m60. I haven't had any real time behind the 60, but the 42 is a much smoother shooter than the 240, and it's actually easier to keep a sight picture. That was using full power 8mm too, which should have been worse than a 7.62 240.
forgot to include the 10.4 oz carriers are the old ww2 style with ejector bar and anti bounce of the mg3
its closer to 800rpm, since 1000 was way too fast
Source: Your ass. I weighed all three of those carriers and can shoot all of them. The mg42 doesn't shoot too fast to ruin anything and they shoot at 150 rpm effective rate of fire which is right between sustained and rapid rate for the 60 and 240.
>The tripod (yugo) was 1k and the optic was 3k.
Neato, for some reason i figured those would be pricier than that. Thanks for the genuinely i formative thread, good luck dealing with the couple of retards who still try to argue
The other thread is made by a butthurt troll from /pol/ so the new thread is worth it because it makes him seethe.
It also has actual information instead of just stale trolling the jannies won't do shit about.
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The desperation on display is delicious.
The self-described subhuman of staten island is 0/5 with his threads this week and got BYFORD once again by an informed gentleman from /k/.
He will never (never ever!) be warriortard.
You embarrass yourself.
Kinda insane how much cheaper the tripod is considering how much more expensive it was to produce.
Even the MG3 wikipedia page disagrees with you, anon.
>There are anons on /k/ who actually own guns
no, this thread was very needed for the catalog
Man, the squirrels in those bushes are fucking dead.
supposedly the fire rate was such so that a soldier couldn't pass between two bullets (by luck).
One of the few sentences that is both true and fuddlore.
why do you lie about stuff that people can check easily themselves
The thing that helps is machine gun appreciation by normies is generally limited to bipod shooting and especially free gun anti air mount shooting. This makes the tripods cheaper. Yugo ones without the optic mount go as cheap as 700 or so.

The actual optic brand new would probably sell for at least 3k but most likely more like 5k since it's basically an artillery sight. The ocular viewing piece can even rotate 90 degrees, it's insane and I had no idea it did that til I was playing with the sight in my hands.The only thing keeping the price down is the autism needed to appreciate the technical side of mgs that are hidden behind military knowledge black holes and the dumb/expensive legal hurdles of actually owning a mg to even be able to use it.
>Yugo ones without the optic mount go as cheap as 700 or so
Jesus Christ
Have you fiddled around with all the extra functions it has? Preset fire zones are probably not too useful on a range.
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OP here, this is the ww2 style bolt carrier with anti bounce device and ejector bar.
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I'm still testing a lot of things, I just got the gun back in July and had to move across the country. Been testing blank fire, 308 conversion, and the special blue plastic DAG rounds (needs a rare pepe muzzle device and special bolt head) and got them all working. I've been able to lube up and adjust much of the tripod to include the search fire mechanism. Next trip to the range I will go and shoot out to 800 yards and test the search fire mechanism if I have time and ammo.

Here is the mg3 carrier. It's only barely heavier, and it seems that was only to fill in the top part to prevent loose links from getting caught in the center receiver gap and not as a function to reduce rate of fire.
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This is the heavy bolt Italy uses on their mg42/59. It has its own style of ejector bar and anti bounce device. The only other country to use a slow carrier like this is Austria iirc, all the other users are mg3 12 oz carrier and Yugoslavia used the ww2 style I posted before that. The slow carrier needs a special rare pepe buffer assembly or it will damage the gun supposedly. I'm not going to test the theory for obvious reasons.
As you can see the myth about the mg3 being slower is mostly false. Their total weight with the bolt head makes the difference even less significant. The diameter of the recoil booster will have a greater effect on your rate of fire than the measly difference between the bolts will. It is very much like picking a gas port size like on an ar15 barrel since the mg42 is gas assisted recoil operation.

I can adjust the rate of fire to just about anything I could reasonably want simply by changing the booster opening size by means of using different sized boosters. The only substantiation of the myth comes from two literal who armies ( Italy/Austria) that do not represent much of the actual users.
>Next trip to the range I will go and shoot out to 800 yards and test the search fire mechanism if I have time and ammo.
Nice, record it if you can. That shit must've felt like magic back then.

>The gun was 79k after everything.
Liar. I am so fucking bored of you spamming your broken part kit semi auto shitbox all over this fucking board. Fuck off and die.
Here is the same gun and tripod with my mg3 top cover.

70 something years later and bongs are still seething the germans made a better MG
just say youre broke
lel ---->>62543973 rekt
Can a MG-42 go all the way down to 600 RPM, or at least around 700-750?
With the 42/59 style heavy bolt, yeah for sure. I need to get a shot timer to be sure, but my original ww2 8mm booster used with 308 seems to be at 800-900 rpm at the most. It seems very sluggish.
I don't think the recent uptick of OPs pretending to be Wehraboos to bait hatred, anti-HK and anti-German threads in general is due to a bong.
Some are by some obsessed polak and some by some mystery mix mutt who constantly forgets he's not on /pol/.
British seethe about Germany kinda died down with Warriortards activity since he used to rile them up daily by telling them they should've bought German just to troll them.
Have you tried coom lube on it? It seems like the morally correct thing to do.
I haven't, I've only used LSA. I end up using almost a whole oz from a complete clean to a complete lube, so it'd be pretty pricey to use for that. I wouldn't hesitate to use it, though. I've done a formal test of it on a suppressed ar15 on my YouTube channel, and it was the best performer of them all.
>I've done a formal test of it on a suppressed ar15 on my YouTube channel, and it was the best performer of them all.
Based and compilled.
I remember in my bundeswehr time some rumors going around what would be needed to turn a MG3 into a 42 or what affects the firerate. Funny enough none mentioned the booster, but instead bolt, recoil spring and air temperature among a few other things. Kinda cool to now know what it actually is.
>Set up tripod
>brace the bipod on something as well
Does that qualify as a pentapod?
must be the same permaonline schizo polack that is on /sp/ 24/7. completely buckbroken
What's he bracing it against except earth?
Am I blind?
The lafette tripod was originally designed for the mg34. Most of the original mg34 tripods were converted to have mg42 front adapters and the resulting design meant that the mg42 bipod will smack into the lafette under recoil (when the bipod is stowed) since the entire gun recoils into the spring loaded mechanism of the lafette mount. (the whole point of that is to increase accuracy over more basic tripods such as the ones we use today).

The mg34 mounting avoided this problem since it was tailored for the mount, but the ad hoc redesign means that mg42s using ww2 style mounts should leave the bipod folded down to get the full benefit of the tripod's buffering mechanism. It also takes only a few seconds to remove the bipod from the gun, so that is done as well, but crews typically seemed to like having the ability to quickly take the gun off the lafette (also only a few seconds) and be put into the light role if necessary for close defense.
not this prick and his giant paperweight semi auto parts kit with giant welds again.
It was a hypothetical.
if you dont like tripods you are a faggot
>not this prick and his giant paperweight semi auto parts kit with giant welds again.
Why suffer humiliation twice >>62544034

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