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I think people shat on this specific smartgun without actually looking into it.

It's not designed to overtake the gun market and make all guns smart guns. The CEO himself said he thinks all people should be able to choose the kind of gun they want.

It's not designed for battlefield use.

It's made specifically for home defense.

Yeah, the gun needs to be charged which is the only real downside I see, however the battery lasts for months. If you can't charge it for several months. That's user error I think, given it's entire purpose is to be used for home defense.

Gun doesn't require an internet connection.

It's made to identify the user quickly, no buffering, no ads.

If some states make all gun sales mandatory to have that tech, that's a reasonable concern, except The company refuses to do business in NJ because that's a law they wanted to enforce when this gun reached the market.

They are literally not sold in New Jersey, so you aren't forced into it.

I think overall, this gun got shat on, even though nobody actually bothered to look at how it worked.

Overall, I'd love to try one of these out. Would I make it my EDC? No, cause that's not it's purpose.

Only reason I wouldn't get one of these is because of it's price.

I'm not saying you're retarded for not liking it. Just think people judged it too harshly.
>I'm not saying you're retarded for not liking it


OP is a fag
Anon. What you posted was very hurtful.

Now say you're sorry.
Sorry man, fuds are afraid of electricity, so you'll have to wait for them to die out before you can buy a gun with a cool feature you want.
>which is the only real downside I see
Extra points of failure are a very bad thing for a HD gun.
I refuse to use a firearm that can only be used in one location and is inferior to other options.
let me add a failure point to my home defense gun, sounds like a good idea.
you've said nothing we haven't heard before, and have answered none of our questions / concerns

the whole post reads like ad copy, and whatever they're paying you is too much.
Electronics haven't been significant POI'S if designed and tested well for decades.
You can theoretically use your phone every single day for decades without failure.
How often do you need your gun for home defense.
Not the issue at hand. How many times has facial recognition and fingerprint scanning failed on phones for me? Hundreds.
>How often do you need your gun for home defense
Irrelevant. I have zero desire to use a poorly made gun with dogshit sights and an added failure point for home defense.
>How often do you need your gun for home defense.
It's not about frequency of use, it's about any sort of delay, lag, or malfunction being totally unacceptable in that application. This is a similar problem with electronic locks on gun safes. The last thing you want is for the battery to be dead or the device decide to lock you out for 30 minutes because you fumbled the combination too many times under stress. My phone often lags for a bit, needs rebooting, or forces me to download mandatory security updates. That's fine for the phone, it's not fine at all for a HD weapon.
>an added failure point
multiple possible failure points: the battery, contacts, sensor(s), logic, and however the electronics interact with the mechanical parts of the gun. That last item on the list is probably more than just one potential problem.
oh we doin smartgun threads again?
Nah it's a stupid idea and nobody should buy one
Finger/palm print sensors are faster than your reaction time.
>Muh battery cope
Battery can just be set for unlock when unpowered, lock in place only via powered solonoid. This is a pretty easy bypass.
Yes, it means the gun unlocks if you dont maintain its safety precautions and keep it charged, well done.
>Combination stress
Lmao. If you're too retarded to not be able to input 4 digits under stress then you shouldn't own a gun, you're going to kill your own family. You can choose to have it as a backup or not.
>My phone often lags
Lmao, planned obsolescence on your phone is way different to a chip designed for one use only. There won't be introduced "lag" because there won't be anything else running on it.
>Implying you need combination lockouts anyway
This could be entirely up to the user to set or not. If the point is to stop your dumb kid using it then it's perfectly fine to have no lockout but long digits.

Lets face facts, you are a dumb retard, the user can choose in every single one of these scenarios you manufacture in your head.
Suck a pick of cocks I am fed up of you posting these gay bait posts on every electronic gun thread.
Iirc isn't the combination only meant for when you want to change the settings? I'm pretty sure all you need to do is pick up the gun and as long as you uploaded your fingerprint when you bought it then you are good to go

I think people who criticize it don't actually know anything about it
post your smartgun right now
>b-but I don't have one nobody does because they suck
I mean for 99% of scenarios it should work fine, but it's there as a backup for the 1%.
Your hands could theoretically be covered in cheto dust or oil, stepped in the shower or slipped into a puddle, or a finger shot off idk, so you need a physical backup.
Not a touch screen backup either, but a physical buttons so liquids don't fuck with it.
It's not out yet fucking retard
They do all suck, but we have the technology right now to make them not suck.
The only problem is cost, but in the future if adopted by police in large numbers (likely) the cost will drop.
The infrared laser scanner is already the backup.
>reddit spacing
>thumbnail image
>1000 words to say nothing
perfectly executed bait
>Finger/palm print sensors are faster than your reaction time.
Not if you work with your hands and scar up your fingertips frequently. I have a print reader gun safe (fortunately number combo as well). Programed it with my thumbprints. My wife programmed hers in as well. After doing some work in the shop, it can't read my prints anymore. Months later. My wife can still open it easily, attesting to the quality/reliability of the reader technology.
How does that work?
Face scans while your aiming should theoretically be a viable unlock too honestly, but it should be a choice for the owner, because your kid could unlock it by pointing it backwards at your face during the night and shooting themselves.
>sounds like a good idea.
to idiots, sure. having the security in the gun is worse than having the security off of the gun.
An electronic safe is also adding an additional point of failure and is a better apples to apples comparison than comparing this gun to a normal firearm. This is probably a faster way to retrieve a gun that your kids aren't able to use, assuming it's reliably designed it seems like a better option than a fast access safe for that usecase.
Smartgun feature is intended to prevent unauthorlsed (mainly kids) from getting/using the weapon.

Have they run a test where they hand a smart kid this gun, a couple of simple tools and a paperclip to see if the mechanism can be bypassed?
Old reader technology from the 90's for safe's that use shit readers to cut costs isn't the same as modern technology. I scar my hands frequently and my phone works flawlessly for over 4 years of constant use, you can also update them quickly, or use backups.
You are manufacturing scenarios that only exist in your head.
>If you can't charge it for several months. That's user error I think,
Do you know how I know you're German?
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God save you because i won't!
Proud national guard volunteer.

- Heck Johnson
>these scenarios you manufacture in your head.
The only scenario I manufacture is this one: I am an engineer. I have more than 15 years product design experience. If there's one thing I've learned is this: nothing ever goes as simple as you expect it to, and shit will fail in myriad ways you haven't even thought of. Because of that I'm not so naive as to think this will work well.
Personally I feel like it could be resolved by having it require a charge for locking.
Solonoid locks that unlock on depower are apparently "unknown technology blyat" to these people.
>implying anyone under 40 will get that reference
I'm 36 and IDK how tf I know about Alf. Never seen it but get the reference... IDK wikipedia maybe
>better option than a fast access safe for that usecase.
It's worse than an electronic safe because someone can still take the gun even if they can't use it. It's substantially worse than a Simplex type lockbox, those have a very simple lock mechanism that requires no key, no battery, and it won't lock out out if you flub the combo.
24, and literally the only reason i know about alf, is that while i growing up, robot chicken & family guy would sometimes parody it
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it is a good idea. it's fucking insane that the direarms industry is still stuck in the damn 1970s when there is So. Much. Potential. for smart weapons just getting left on the floor
make sure to call the cops after shooting your jogger on your iPhone, idiot
Buy an ad if you want to promote your retarded gun for faggots here that badly.
The gun knows its own orientation and location relative to the user. You don't actually have to hold on to the thumbprint sensor or hold your face in front of it the whole time, it is an on/off toggle system. So since you can't trick it by switching hands, then I can guarantee it knows the person holding it isn't you. I'd imagine it won't let you an hero either because it will know the gun is flipped 180 degrees
Most people don't want smart guns because adding more ways to make a gun not work is the opposite of what they want.

That's why gun companies don't do it.
>doesn't own one
wow, how could I predict this?
>Oh no
>Someone took my gun from my locked house instead of my safe
Get real. I keep one on my bedside anyway without a lock.
How about someone takes it from your holster while your loading groceries and shoots you with it because you're a fatass and your shirt doesn't cover it. Turns out it would have been great to have a personalised lock. That same lock could even gave you unlock and remove from holster feedback via either a user choice speaker or haptic feedback if you or the adversary grab from from the holster.
I can make up more realistic scenarios than your copes.
If you want a safe too, that's your choice.
I want this gun, or similar analogs, and there is nothing you can do to stop me wanting it.
What is this, a gun board or something. Weird. Must be posting on the wrong board.
>Most people don't want smart phones because adding more ways to make a phone not work is the opposite of what they want.
this is how you sound, and why Steve Jobs died rich and insane, and you will die poor and insane
Bad comparison, because smart phones have actual benefits.
Nobody is forcing you to buy it
>Not having a personalised gun that only let's only you use it and not allowing kids/bad actors to kermit homicide/suicide is a drawback
Silence jew
Only if it can have this.
Correct. And I will not buy it and neither will you.
>my phone works flawlessly for over 4 years of constant use, you can also update them quickly, or use backups.
>You are manufacturing scenarios that only exist in your head.
I regularly need to scan my thumb multiple times before my phone unlocks. This was the case for the iPhone 14 I was using last year and it's still the case for the S24U I'm using now. Fuck fingerprint scanners.
What in the redditspaced shillery is this stupid thread?
An electronic safe also doesn’t have to contend with recoil.
Give it time and they’ll try.
It's honestly pretty sad that you cunts are still trying to shill this piece of shit
>The Biofire Smartgun actually sounds like a good idea.
No it does not. Fuck off.
>say something against the jews
>your biofire gun Kabooms
Yeah no thanks
You think this piece of shit will always work? Glocks don't even fucking work. Reject modern planned obsolescence plastic garbage. Guns do not need to be high tech, they suffer from it.
The Internet of Things and "smart" devices have always been a shit idea, and Israel just proved that beyond all doubt in Lebanon. People have been raising red flags over this shit for three entire fucking decades ... but cumsooomerz like (You) will always try to apologize for your corporate masters.
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I will
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Listen OP, I get it. You want to larp like its le hekkin future cyberpunk. You probably think the Cybertruck^tm is also cool. But at the end of the day I want to know my firearm is ready to go the moment I put it in my hands and no jammers, sweaty palms, or not holding the gun just right issues will get in the way. Finally good designers make a product with the least amount of parts that get a job done. What is adding a bunch of electronics adding? You know the answer, the BioFire is a solution in the search of a problem.
If this world wasn't so fucking gay we'd already have smart guns. I'd love to have a pistol capable of receiving voice commands. You could say "gun, activate intruder protocol" and it switches to burst fire and all my other smart devices start playing Turn Up The Radio and the lights are doing this intense strobe effect with fucking disco balls. And it's totally hackable too so you have a third party market offering custom mods like lcd ammo counters or you could you have your waifu screaming "ohhh don't squeeze me there senpai I haven't been oiled".
Buy an ad faggot
Are you 11 years old?
Why you looking for a boyfriend, faggot?
It's a shit idea meant to capitalize on a NJ law along the lines of "once there's a working biometric locked handgun no other kinds can be sold" with the hope that law gets implemented nationwide, resulting in years of complete market dominance. There a 0 advantages to this, there is 0 benefit to this, and being a retard about it won't change those facts.
Buy an ad, nigger.
Why are you obsessed with everything being gay, anon? Both of your posts you mention it. Seek help or grow up since I am still 95% sure you are like 11.
>smart gun
I ain't buyin' that shit.
>I can't afford that shit.
We know. That's why you don't own any guns.
Bunch of fuds in here secretly hoping that their kids an hero, or live vicariously through a school shooting

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