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Carry guns, I’ve been cycling through these four depending on weather or clothing.

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Previous: >>62529355
Handguns are so fucking gay
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Where do you think you are pally joe? Let me shove one up your ass and you can tell me how gay they are buddy alright
ya mudda
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Pound sand lmao
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The ginger lemon health-aide is the only decent tasting kombucha I've ever tried.
>Burt wannabe
holy shit that magazine
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Listen if you don't appreciate the miracles of industrial food idk what to tell you.
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>holy shit that magazine
>Show up to range
>Hang target
>Load gun
>Fire first shot
fat fucks
I kneel.

I should have taken a photo but I got 3/5 rounds touching at 25 yards. The other two were fliers in opposite directs and it looked like a box and whiskers plot + it was 3 inches high and to the left
That'll be 20 dollars plus tax plus tip
this behavior is either very chad or very virgin, can’t quite tell which
I've been to the range for literally 5 minutes once just to test springs and such.
Then again it's only $11 to use the range where I live.
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I’m starting to think my PPK is actually Nazi era…
The slide of early 1940s have the last three numbers of the serial scratched on crudely and they match the one on my frame. The frame also seems to be shaped like pre-post war PPK. Also internals have Nazi era proof marks. Probably a commercial example if so.
What would the German owner who used this think knowing it’s now in my hands?
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Favorite 10mm mags?
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I figured out why it's called an "elephant's foot" mag. On the bright side, I got 3 of them for "free" with the Magapalooza rebate
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>be blue blooded Nazi officer with a PPK personal weapon
>you die and a Burger GI takes it as a trophy
>ends up the toy of picrel
The absolute state of the naziPPK
based, also hitler blew his brains out like a tranny
Why do you care? His guns will be taken away from him once he threatens suicide while pointing one of them at his head.
>The twinks thinking about dead men again
Has anyone noticed a difference in quality between American made Glocks and Austrian made Glocks?
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>based, also hitler blew his brains out like a tranny
Pls u don’t bully
>Night of the Long Knives 2
Sorry, bro. You asked.
No. But it feels wrong to have a non-Austrian Glock.
The factory ones and the Wilsons I have both work perfectly. The Wilsons hold 1 more round so I'll probably get more of those if I ever need to buy extras.
Corpses can't be bullied though?
See >>62536971
Tfw residual will on the PPK tries to zap my brain after realizing I’m a faggot
Im throwing my guns in the ocean before I die so that a homosexual will never be able to fantasize about my life while desecrating them.
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Show us
He actually gets off on fantasizing about the dead guys who owned his guns. That's what some of you people defend. A faggot whose entire identity is being a spiteful faggot jerking off to how he, a faggot, is handling other men's guns. It's not actually about guns for him. It is some weird, obnoxious, creepy fetish.
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I got the new meme 2.0 and the grip is long enough and my hand is small enough that the my pinky has grip on the flush mag
I could not so that on a G42
Nazis were closet homosexuals anyway. I mean hitler was a fucking vegetarian ffs lmao.
and you're gossiping about a faggot like a teenage girl.
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New coke, who dis?
I don't think you know what that word means.
This is not a productive area of conversation.
can you fucking stop, you fucking faggot. Why do you need to interject your faggotry into everything?
And yet you take the bait. Why?
No, it's productive. It's purpose is to make people mad or just generally annoy them. Seems to be working.
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The commentator is kinda a basedjak but he has valid evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGaI6FxrR6g
Nazi femboys were a thing and for some reason a lot of German soldiers were crossdressers. I know they eventually got purged but that didn’t stop it.
they're all made by brown people anyway.
Funny how it's always after 8PM EST that the quality of discourse tanks to shit and stays low quality until 9AM EST the following day
This is why it was wrong to tolerate him. We must gatekeep. Learn from what happened to comics, video games, and Magic the Gathering
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>Its all bait
this but its a hostage target and i shoot the hostage in the face
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10mm for urban EDC: versatility, or hearing damage waiting to happen?
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New Charter Arms Coyote Dropped, according to their website. "Lead the Pack!"
380 acp 5-shot revolver kek
Does your doge make weird cat like sounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pbYITGIwl4
How subversive and witty
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Would you use this? I don't think I've ever seen it posted here. They can have replaceable sights. I just don't like how you only get 5 shots. Should be 6.
its only subversive if you didn't expect such behavior from anon
they should have used comic sans
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I like taking care of my guns and I really like being able to use them well. i liked the PPK before this revelation since it had excellent handling. Sneed
No. He sounds like a regular dog for the most part, with the occasional bark / howl yodel that shibas do.
Its also only witty if its an idea that takes thought. You're so close!
There has been a series of armed carjackings in my area where they intentionally rear end you and then rob you and steal your car. Once you're stranded there is really nothing stopping them from driving to your house, using your garage door opener, and ransacking the place since you're stranded on the freeway. Good thing they weren't that smart, one group was caught and it was a 12 and 13 year old black boy and girl with and 18 year old or so. I think 2-3 glocks and one had a switch I believe.

10mm will better punch through car windshields.
>I just don't like how you only get 5 shots. Should be 6.
frame size it's J frame size. it's thin and cannot do more.
Those Beretta are trash
>t. glocksucker
I'm a sigger thoughever?
ah but you do agree that it was an idea
theres really no point other than just cool factory, its gonna be a pain to carry and it will be loud as shit, plus you KNOW you aren't gonna train with your carry ammo when it costs 75cpr.

just get a .45 if you want beeg boolit
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>t. sigger
Here it's less carjackings and more coked up hobos coming up to ya
oh, youre still wrong though.
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Like most generals, everything is fine if there are actual good topics and prompts
Just try to cut down on the weird shit, please.
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kroger has a honey apple one that is pretty good.
Honestly? I just hate wops.
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>training ammo is 75cpr
You can get S&B and Magtech 10mm for 40-42 cents per round. It's currently cheaper to shoot it than .223/5.56mm.
Tried it, it's not very good. Coke has enough flavors going on already, it doesn't need shitty faux vanilla and whatever weird chocolate-mimicking molecule this stuff has.
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What would you call this little fella?
It's a Hungarian PPK-ish in 9mm Mak and can accept PA-63 mags.
Speaking of mags where the fuck are they?
You have the one shiba that isn’t a screaming crybaby https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NZTQ06KvsoM
yeah... my gayr15 is just collecting dust now...
If you go for 10mm, get really good ammo. A lot of 10mm is basically expensive. 40 S&W which is pretty good anyway.
>Training with low recoil cheapshit
I just bought 1k of Magtech 1150 FPS 180 gr JHP at 42 cpr. "Gel" tests show that it expands pretty well so it could even be used as carry ammo.
>What would you call this little fella?
a little FEG
>Those Beretta are trash
But they are fun to collect.
Ah fuck here we go again
Burt, post femboy back plate. Let's do this.
You forgot to post to pic.
It really is little that's for sure.
Magtech 10mm has kick to it.
wait, weedgineer is real?
I kind of want a 10mm but from what I hear almost every 10mm gun kinda sucks and I'm already so invested in 9mm.
Also, nigga is that mag is seated correctly?
I went with Winchester Defender 10mm 180 gr since it was 62 cpr which means I can train with it without destroying the bank and also it's 180 gr @ 1200 fps which is enough power for me. That's 575 ft lbs and it expands well enough, even out of a short barrel. I know that's clear gel but that's good enough for me.

Based? IDK looks cool and fun.
you mp5/10??
My migraine is getting worse so off to bed anyways
Yeah, he's real. Though, I wouldn't put past anons to larp as him. pp anon probably copies him to troll.
I haven't been to an indoor range that allows holster draw in years. Shit sucks
I only buy cheap ammo. So it's either blazer or nothing.
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>just discovered the CZ rami this monday at my LGS
>everything I want in a subcompact
>fuckin love how it feels and how it looks
>look more into it over the next few days
>apparently it has major feeding problems
>some aftermarket, but very few
>not compatible with any CZ75 shit except mags
Goddamn it, say it ain't so lads
CZ is garbage.
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maybe revolvers point shoot really good?
With 10mm pistols, you need separate recoil springs for the high and lower powered stuff. 10mm Glocks are sort of the exception to this due to Glock's focus on making ammo feed correctly no matter what, but there are still some issues here and there.
I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Goodnight lil twink bro.
CZs are great. I am a new believer. The Rami is gay though.
I wasn't even doing holster draw. I didn't have a holster. I was just straight up drawing from that little pocket in your pants that's above your main pocket.

>range that doesn't have holster draw
This type of shit is why life is getting worse. Everywhere it's these anti-fun rules addressed at the bottom denominator of human beings. Next you'll tell me I can't shoot from my bicycle.

I'm real, but the legends about me are VERY exagerrated.

>twink larps as me
I don't think so, but you anons probably have mistaken his posts for mine. You are very bad at figuring out who's who. Either way, I get credit for about 1,000% of the posts I actually make.
What I was reading about 1911s is that it matters more about the geometry of the firing pin block where it meets the hammer and the mainspring weight then increasing the recoil spring to shoot hotter ammo. You want the geometry to rob the firing pin block and therefore the slide of all the mechanical advantage to slow down the slide. The recoil spring is just there to cycle the action
I have guns that are quite rare that I look for and then ones that are quite uncommon. I'm currently half-assedly looking for a p2000sk
Looks like a piece of shit
Just get a fucking Ruger instead
If you want to be a real hipster get a PX4 Storm Subcompact
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It's alright, I like the aftertaste that it has. Y3K is still my favorite of the weird flavors I've tasted, but both are way better than the shitty spiced.
Yeah, it's a PA-63 mag.
I bought it from an auction site and it didn't come with any factory mags. Thankfully these fit because I still haven't found any explicit SMC-918 mags.
just took a nice steaming piss on my sig. Gonna go wipe it off and oil it up before it rusts
++Reddit approves this message.
>get a PX4 Storm Subcompact
in .40S&W?
Subcompact doesn't even have the rotating barrel. May as well get the APX Subcompact at that point
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I bought a CZ SP-01 and it's very cool.
I hear people like to customize their CZs with a lot of aftermarket stuff but to be honest this gun feels perfect to me as is. Maybe I'll just replace the roll pin.
I'll carry this. Who makes the best IWB SP-01 holster? Seems like everything is just for the S2 and 75
>in .40S&W?
>Subcompact doesn't even have the rotating barrel.
I was just memeing dawg
Even without the rotating barrel, it's very cute
They do. They point good.
It's the G26 of DA/SA carry guns, it takes normal PX4 mags, it's DA/SA (doesn't have the same trigger group though).
hope it turns into an aneurysm
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Nothing they've made since Starlight has been any good at all. Everything else tastes like chemical robot piss or is an incompatible combination like the Oreo or marshmallow ones

Coke threw Starlight under the bus and they keep flailing with this garbage, and made literally the WORST of the bunch a permanent flavor
oh how fucking nice your homeless can afford cocaine. fucking streets paved with gold.
are you threatening me, boy?
You'd blow your brains out too if you lost a war to globohomo and they were blaming it all on you.
See: >>62536971
How is that a threat, retard? Hopefully that's just you having a stoke.
totalled stoking out bruh
that's what I thought, watch your fucking mouth pussy boy
someone really took the time to make you into a target, and you're really questioning if someone saying "i hope your migraine turns into a brain aneurysm" implies any ill will towards you

you full well know how much you are unliked but all you do is make people hate you more. you are a disgusting person. >>62525734
look at this shit you fucking faggot, go somewhere else to be a faggot.
>look at this shit
It's deleted, retard
I'm sad I never got to try Starlight, don't think my CVS carried it. Is Spiced really permanent though?
twink may be a faggot, but unfortunately he's not the only one here
Why the hell would anyone care about what the losers on /hg/ thinks about them? The fuck lmao?
That's hilarious coming from a gay. Are you going to "bitch-slap me silly" next?
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Why does Handgun General Basically feel like it's the same three faggots and Paul Blart posting pictures and just circle jerking over the same pictures over and over? No one actually talks about handguns here. It's just "LOOK AT MUH GUNZ HEE HEE HEE", literally the Glock forums have better discussion than this general, and they're legally retarded.
There are quite a few.
You backed down first lol, pussy boy. You already lost.
I hope your rectal prolapse surgery is successful.
I agree the font is ugly as fuck
That gay just made you his bitch and this is your response?
handguns are boring as shit and all the do the same thing. only really boring retards would bother discussing them, same with knives
It's more like "LOOK AT MY WOP SLOP". It's always the same berettas. Boring as fuck
this post is more low-t than the literal fags ITT.
he still fucking posted it.

things were fine when it was just him, but he's got this cliche thing going on with the orbiters which has wrecked things

I dislike him for derailing threads for over a year. ITT things were progressing normally but he had to post some weird bullshit and derailed the thread again
>t. wop cocksucker
Because no one here actually does anything with their guns besides taking them to the range, cleaning, and buying parts for them. People here don't really do any cool shit or talk about any cool shit. There is so much crazy shit you can actually do with a gun as a science experiment, but no one here bothers. It's because autists have very narrow interests. They don't want to discuss anything except the one narrow thing.
Thanks for derailing the thread some more, retard.
I mean there is a limit to how much a single topic can be discussed. I just hang around here to look at guns and answer questions about Berettas, I see what other anons have and if I'm interested in it I ask questions about it.
no it isn't, you're one of the faggots
okay weed engineer
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Yeah thats pretty much all true, the aftermarket is good enough though. Lots of grips available and both CGW and CZC has you covered for all the finer things. Polymer holsters are limited but good leather ones are out there
The feeding issue definitely real though. Since they tried to cram everything into such a stubby package the ramp is much too steep for them to feed reliably. Supposedly you can file and sand it in a way that fixes it, but personally I just threw a P01 slide assy on and never had an issue again. Looks better and much more accurate to boot
>t. owner of 2 Ramis
Why is there always some fag who comes in here and bitches and whines about what people post? You think you're better than me?
Wait. Other slides fit on the Rami?
I fucking hate tacswap
>2022 AI chat bot
How much shooting did you do this summer? What cool shit have you done with your gun besides shoot at paper? I've been doing 'penetration testing'. A very good measure of effectiveness.
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>somehow, catkillgineer returned
Penetration testing your asshole?
I'm keeping it gun related mang, Allah's peace be upon thee
It's always a guy who uses the word wop. Pretty sure it's weed engineer.

I shot every weekend except maybe 3, 300-400 rounds per, heavy focus on drawing from a holster and rapid fire which has caused my slow fire groups to suffer immensely.

I just buy ammo that penetrates well.
Fuck you butthurt wop, I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about >>62537438
lol sloppy woppy is upset now
>straightest poster on /homosex/ /general/
I penetration tested this girl with my cock. She was very nice. Her cat was there, watching. I was gonna go shoot my gun after, but we had too much 'fun' so I decided to just head home.
How much was she 50 bucks and a baggie of fent?
Oh shit, we got a bad ass over here gius, look out!
I don't use the word wop but I am he-who-shall-not-be-named. You guys never pin down my act. I honestly have no clue what wop means.

>buy ammo that penetrates well
Good for you to do that, but I'm talking about testing the effects of this ammo on items. Things that you might use as cover, or even just jugs of water. Kinda like the Youtubers do it. I almost got killed by ricochet a few times, but who cares.
Literally, the most gun specific discussion lately have been about PPanons.. PP. The rest has been seething about his tangentially related posts.
Him and his gang have taken over this town
kek, facts.
Say what you want about PPanon, he stimulates more discussion that everything else in the shitty thread.
Seethe all you want, you know it's true.
It's actually pretty amazing.
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>You think you're better than me?
Boi, I know it.
>It's always a guy who uses the word wop.
WOP slop is a 10/10 I'm very glad to know it.
Your dumbass writes text as if you were speaking so you constantly use short sentence statements since your small brain can only formulate so many words together. So actually you're pretty easy to spot for me. I don't know about the other retards.
I shot some garbage.
It was cool.
Yep. You need to use a race hammer from CGW to fit them since they're standard 75 profile and stock Rami hammers are too wide (can't use a regular 75 series hammer though cause of the sear trip is different, at least for decockers), but otherwise they work perfectly fine
Its somewhat of a novelty but I like to use it for carrying during summer. The shorter frame helps keep it from printing under light/minimal clothes, and the longer barrel+increased sight radius makes it much more accurate and easier to aim over stock configuration
Kill yourself faggot
He doesn't stimulate any good discussion. He stimulates the garbage common denominator discussion. It's like that guy who shows up to a party and only talks about anime. The chads kinda just ignore him and focus on getting drunk, smoking weed, and having sex. Not that you go to any parties because people would notice if you had a gun. You'd have to leave it in your car probably. And 9/10 anons here don't go anywhere without gun.
>And 9/10 anons here don't go anywhere without gun.
hello suppressor melt down guy
>years later
>we have analyzed your writing style
You're lucky I'm lazy because obviously I do this so my posts are easier to understand.
He got an inserting gun. It's NOT the GWOT special LARP and people are into it. Sorry it's not the redditmeta
NTA, but that image is sofa king accurate.
Anyone have any recommendations for underarm holsters?
Here's what I'm looking for:
>looking to fit my p226 with a light but also other similar sized pistols without a light if possible
>decent leather
>comfortable (pretty obvious)
I already have two WWII style tanker holsters so that's not what I'm looking for. I'm interested in the ones with the two straps you wear like a backpack just to clerify.
He's not even the gayest faggot here, that's the funny thing. Doesn't mean all his guns are gay, but he sure is.
>>>62537595 (YOU)
>He doesn't stimulate any good discussion. He stimulates the garbage common denominator discussion.
And yet the RETARDS feed the beast. It's so fucking funny, it makes it worth showing up to this seethe fest.
carjackers know where you live?
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shut yer face
You mean a shoulder holster? Doesn't Galco specialize in these?
>Doesn't mean all his guns are gay, but he sure is.
Pretty sure me makes that pretty well known...
That's so insanely neat I wish they still made the rami. I was shocked when they introduced the nocturn line they didn't put out a polymer rami clone.

Hell yeah man, hope it's an amazing trip. I'd reccomend packing some wine bottle protectors off amazon. Even if you don't plan on bringing back bottles it's VERY nice for fragile souvenirs and takes up no space at all in your luggage.
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Here’s a proper measurement, >>62534006
Thank you, heckling anon for making me apply myself and prove I’ve seen an airport without the TSA.
It's called the Galco Miami Classic.
Buy one a d let me know what you think. I've always wanted one.
There is no way you can have a single holster fit both a light bearing pistol and without a light. I believe Galco maybe "modular" where you just change out the pistol part.

Few anons have recommended Craft Holsters for a shoulder holster. I have their "roto" holster where it is angled down normally but it rotates so you draw at a 45 degree angle. It doesn't sit well with me to flag everyone behind me

Your car registration in your glovebox, it has your address. It would be common they break steal your car you left at the trail head on longer hikes and grab your registration and garage door opener and then rob your house, if it was unoccupied.
I'd insult you for fucking up your post but I like the PMX so you get a pass this time.
gonna shoot me, wop?
oy vey $330
Looks peak boomer, you have to be 45+ to wear that
It's for people who wear a suit coat or sports jacket regularly and they can afford it in modern year.
See, here's the thing about crafting skill. You could either...
>wait 2 weeks for your $330 custom holster to come in the mail
>take the measurements
>either buy or acquire the scrap leather
>Sew it into a holster
>maybe add a strap or two
>5 hours later, crafting skill ++
Or he just buys the thing he needs and it works instead of a "holster and a strap or two"
Fine I'll show you my diy leatherwork holsters anons. In the future.
>Making level 1 common trash
Unless you plan on speccing into leatherworking not worth it.
I'd say that a credible therat.
I believe you.
Not everyone has $330, that's mucho dinero.
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Stop giving cohen all your money sigger
for me? it's the honor roller
the best simpsons soap box derby car
you could go for the nylon version from Uncle Mike's or whatever budget brand you prefer. Literally just search "shoulder holsters" + your gun model. You'll probably still spend upwards of $100, but that's a steep discount from the custom leather shit.
>level 1 trash
Well you might make a few shitty ones at first, so you should have a lot of spare leather available. Real chads know how to use a sewing machine. Or you could do it by hand, which is easy enough. Leather can also be glued, although I prefer not to use glue. I wonder if holster manufacturers use glue on the leather. You can make the creation look really good if you treat the leather. You can make a good strap system that allows open and close easily. A holster is a relatively easy thing to craft for a poorfag. At the end of the day, it becomes rare/epic soulbound because you can make it exactly to your needs.

>what if you run out of leather
Anything that can be sewn. Jeans, corduroy, any fabric
>sews leather holster strap and pistol pocket into jacket
1 hour (with 30 minute 4ch*n break)
What gun did you like more than you expected and which gun did you like less than expected
staccato P, sp5k
So the solution is buying into a high 3 low 4 figure leatherworking hobby
>liked more
CZ 75
>liked less
>What gun did you like more than you expected
electric brad nailer
>which gun did you like less than expected
caulk gun
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Weedengineer, you are talking out of your fucking ass.

You have never done any of the things you have said you were going to do. You are only talking about things you are "going to do" but never have actually done

>liked more than expected
I guess PX4, I originally thought they were a cheapo 92 replacement but then after a while they really grew on me and then I have more of them than what could be considered reasonable.
>like less than expected
Dan Wesson CCO .45 ACP. (Commander Slide, Officer Frame). On paper it was my perfect carry gun. Took it shooting, 400 rounds out of an aluminum framed .45 ACP was not gun, my hands were trembling after 300 rounds. The extended slide release tore away the skin on support hand and drew blood, I have a little bit of a scar left. The gun used a para ramped .45 barrel since of the aluminum framed and I could never find a magazine that would feed all 7 rounds in it. Could never trust it and then never carried it.
>more than expected
Charter Arms revolvers because bang for the buck.

>less than expected
1911 because I hate the rear grip safety and I want to duct tape it. Also it's annoying to disassemble. I know it's supposed to be cool, but I don't really dig it all THAT much. Please don't shoot me for saying this.
I barely even notice the grip safety
I just don't wanna post too many pictures honestly. I've made holsters before out of jeans.
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that rear sight is fucking my shit up
It's for everyone
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>more than expected
My TX22. It's such an unbelievably fun range toy for the price and the $30 aftermarket trigger I put on it is hilariously good
>less than expected
Either my 1911 or ruger 10/22 both for the same reason. They fucking suck to disassemble and clean but both need to be cleaned often. I couldn't turn down the 10/22 when I saw the crazy pretty stock though
>yes YOU
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Charter Arms is even southpaw friendly check this out.
get yourself a ruger mkiv, super easy to disassemble and clean
Get an 11/22 receiver, it has a top cover that comes off so you can pull the guts out without completely disassembling the whole gun.
why are stock images always like this onG frfr
Supplies that you'll really need are just a sewing kit, and something to measure and cut with. You can craft it essentially with one sewing needle. People here act like they don't know what stitching is. When you're broke, you learn to repair your shit. Eventually, you may realize that you can craft stuff out of scrap, although you shouldn't get lazy. Gorilla Glue usually doesn't repair sneakers for long. If you're talking actual leatherworking, then there's a few special supplies you need, but nothing fancy. You can buy craft-ready leather. The oil doesn't cost much either. The sewing machine costs a little bit, and is also a space investment. This thing is only good if you know how to use it, and if you do use it. With a sewing machine, and half a brain, you can easily make a holster in 2 hours out of anything. I've made plenty, although leather is different than fabric. I said I'll show you later. I admit, mine looks "Mad Max", but that's the point of this. I can make a normal looking one if I want.
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that image is so lowres
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The "news" says it is

Beretta PX4. I bought it mostly on a lark. It was very cheap at the time and it had a rotating barrel which is interesting but I wasn't expecting much of it. I was and still am very impressed by how great it is

I've a LOT of guns I've been disappointed by. Most HKs, stupid stuff like the Zip 22, Charter Arms Explorer II and Tara TM9. But the one I'm most disappointed in is definitely the Keltec P15 metal. Truly depressing after being so jazzed about it for so long
>The "news" says it is
Total C*ke death.
less: ppk
I really don't care for cz but I really enjoy how that looks
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I was disappointed in my PX4 mostly because it was annoying as fuck to work on, issues with the comp, the shit it left on the slide, issues with the pins rusting. The DWX has been great so far, I really like it. You should definitely pick one up next.

This, and TKD.
>samefagging with trip on
>paying united states dollars for basil hayden
checks out
Hi Power
Probably heard too many boomers shitting on the Hi Power for the magazine disconnect while sucking off the 2 world wars gun. I like both but the Hi Power is so comfy.
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Everyones got their own taste. I really like balcones single barrel rye but a lot of people say it taste like an ash tray. Hell some people even like the way CZ 75s look, and I try not to judge them too harshly for it. Even though the front end of their pistol looks like it got run over by a cartoon truck.
I regret not grabbing one of the metal framed ones for 350 from cocked and bloated to have for shits and giggles. Hell psa had the poly one for 229 recently
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>Everyones got their own taste
Agree under most circumstances, but Basil Hayden is 80 proof Beam distillate that they put a weird belt on to fool people. Just drinking from a plastic handle of old crow would at least make some sense
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I think my tastebuds must be upsidedown retarded because I actually prefer old crow to white label jim beam.

We've all overpaid for things in the heat of the moment burt. I paid $350 for a first generation M&P shield and thought I was getting a hell of a deal.
I'm going to bed. Goodnight Burt. Goodnight PP anon.
I do agree with this. The standard BH is stupid hyped and overrated. Anything under 90 proof labeled as bourbon needs to be discarded.
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You're going to rope before you're 30 filthy faggot abomination, and your entire family will be finally relieved than dealing with the mentally ill homo of the family
I couldn't imagine being this miserable. You're absolutely seething. Your life must be bleak if you feel the need to lash out like this.
Trying a 4013TSW sent me into a 3rd gen buying spree. I ended up selling a bunch but I still have as many of them now as that one berettanon has PX4s.
USP sadly. Was pretty reliable at least but it felt so clunky to hold and shoot.
I'm gonna be the first anon to shoot that target up and post it here
I've paid above MSRP for a few guns. Eventually I found a way cheaper place and was like fuck I could have been buying here all this time.

Yeah I'm not gonna lie. I absolutely hate the twink. But some of the twink haters have gone completely off the fucking rails of late. Whoever that is has severe problems.

Anon this is severely unhinged.
>Charter Arms Explorer II
See, I didn't know Charter Arms made semiautos. I guess they're even worse at it than Ruger is.
If shooting at things you don't like on paper is unhinged, then so is putting gay foxboys on your pistol
Yeah I don't think he's all there but you're also a few fries short of a happy meal anon.
>I'm insane
No, I'm fine. Do you REALLY think, that the world would be at such of a great loss, if this twink went to sleep tomorrow? Because I'm here to tell you he doesn't matter. And (you) don't matter.
It's not just him. It's a bunch of homos from the LGBT board coming him to simp for that fag. It's like a chain of faggotry that injects mental Illness in this general
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This. Unironically this is the gayest general on the entire site that I know. It's as gay as femboy general, and gayer than gay anal general

>captcha PG4AY
Homosexual sex?
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Still up for sale anons, when are you going to get your LIMITED edition anniversary LTT 92?

I never said that retard. I said you're seething so hard you look retarded.

I know. And you guys constantly talking about it and constantly replying to him with hate is literally what fuels him. Start ignoring him.
>Start ignoring him.
Impossible, 50%+ of the board loves him because this is /h/omosex /g/eneral
Can't wait to shoot tomorrow. I wish I had a decent rental range near me, I want to try out that new body guard 2.0 and see if it shoots alright in my hands. The anons with it in these threads seem to have glowing reviews about it.
It's a good gun. Better be, considering the price tag.
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Is this good for 25 yards?
10 rounds
P229, iron sights
meh, not bad i guess but I could do better
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I just woke up from stomach pain to this
I’m usually on topic. I’ve been consistently posting my experiences along with info on and books on steel framed pocket pistols. You’re the one throwing things off topic with dozen post long rants. Chill
This is what the number scratched into the slide looks like
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I have one question for you, /hg/
>Everyones got their own taste
Yeah, Im a Lube of taste and my choosen drink is Cola.
>I just woke up from stomach pain to this
I woke up to a delivery of chemicals without name on them, fucking company wnts to keep a patent secret and replaces names with fucking numbers IMAO. Also they trust a Coomer to finish a product they can, real meme move
I remember the DD44 Dostovei from Goldeneye was my autism gun for awhile, and recently learned it was based on a real gun that I could possibly own.
Tokarevs are a really great pistol to shoot too. They are not drop safe, but a lot of those old pistols were not. You can find the yugo m57 for fairly cheap.
>More than expected
Ironically the Wrangler because I bought two (traded in one and then bought a second one)
>Less than I expected
Colt 1911
I really like the gun but it jams like a motherfucker.
>I’m usually on topic.
What a lying faggot
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I hate guns with short trigger reach. The comfiest guns to me are double stack glocks with the large backstrap. I've hated every micro compact i try except the shield plus bc of the short trigger reach and no adjustable backstraps. I also don't like my shield plus bc I think the grip imparts more recoil to my hand than more boxy grips.

Is there any micro compacts that are basically like a smaller G26 with adjustable backstraps? The GX4 XL looks like almost exactly what I want but >taurus
My revolvers
Every polymer frame pistol Ive bought, I even have an unfired USP .40 I havent had the heart to sell because I got hyped up by the memes.
>The GX4 XL looks like almost exactly what I want but >taurus
Aren't they like $240? Pick one up and see if you like it, worst case sell it on gunbroker and recoup most of your money.
See my other problem is I have a serious anxiety disorder and even after hundreds of rounds I would be constantly paranoid about it somehow failing in a self defense situation.
Fair enough. Nothing I or you can do about that.

How many rounds until you trust a gun? If you put 3k through one and it never failed would you trust it? I checked gunbroker and saw a completed listing for a new one sell for $199, at those prices you can just use it as a range toy until you do trust it, and if you don't trust it shit man $199 for a range toy aint bad.
Glocks etc I'm satisfied within like 300. Once I get to 1000+ with anything I feel ok but then I start to get paranoid about parts wear.
You can always contact manufacturers about wear parts and what they reccomend changing out. I know CZ has a reputation for their pistols wearing through parts much faster than other gun manufacturers, where as s&w and glock have the opposite. I personally talked with a FN rep about my 509c at an event because I'm almost at 10k rounds and they said I could change some stuff out at 10k rounds if I wanted to, but that they don't have a set lifetime for anything because in their testing everything runs for tens of thousands of rounds.

Modern pistols are really wear resistant, it's a neat advantage of modern metallurgy and iterative design upgrades.
Forgot to add, I didn't carry my 509c until I had shot my first 1k rounds through it without cleaning and without failure, so I understand the paranoia. If you don't trust your carry piece enough to carry it you probably should get a different carry piece.
1911 Delta Elite mooged by XDM 3.8" on accuracy and had the same penetration.
>I know that's clear gel but that's good enough for me.
I know people love to pick this nit, but as long as you aren't comparing clear gel to FBI gel it really doesn't matter.
>Not that you go to any parties because people would notice if you had a gun. You'd have to leave it in your car probably. And 9/10 anons here don't go anywhere without gun.
Literally just pocket carry a PPK in a "stickey" holster or a micro 9 AIWB. People really aren't looking for a gun and they just don't notice.
>People really aren't looking for a gun and they just don't notice.
this is the same retard that thought that the finger rest extension on his mag would noticeably print more.
NTA but I want one, can't decide between the Lite, Tactical or the Silencer Shop exclusive one with the teeny tiny barrel. I'm about to order a Rugged Oculus too
>How to ruin a suit.
Do you even own a suit or sports coat?
you guys bitching about 1911 disassembly must have actual brain damage, it takes literally 20 seconds to field strip
I like the PPQ more than I thought and I had high expectations. The ergonomics and trigger in particular.
I dislike the 1911 more than I thought because most of them I've fucked with malfunction frequently. They have a fantastic trigger and I like te recoil impulse, thought. I also like the historical aspect. It also kinda sucks that they aren't drop safe.
Also, this is the best post in months.
>like less than expected
>Dan Wesson CCO .45 ACP
>less than expected
>less than expected
>Either my 1911
>Less than I expected
>Colt 1911

OK, it's not just me.
>it takes literally 20 seconds to field strip
Takes me longer out of inexperience, because I don't do it often because it fucking sucks. My other guns take 2 seconds, stop pretending that this isn't a major downside of the 100 year old design.
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>How many rounds until you trust a gun?
Couple mags, if it runs flawless. I know issues can appear later but it's never ever happened to me and I've pulled a lot of triggers. This doesn't count for relics.
>injects mental Illness in this general
>Go sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here
>Because I'm here to tell you he doesn't matter. And (you) don't matter.
>None of this matters.
>You just don't understand me, mom
>Maybe if you weren't such a bitch, dad wouldn't have left.
Dude, it's time to grow up.
The bigger problem with the Hi Poser is the stock safety. Squishy and uncomfortable
Keep at it. That gun is really good and I'm sure you could improve those groupings. How much have you researched pistol techniques and how much dry fire time do you put in?
Walther P99, or in my case the S&W SW&9&9
CZ's in general, overhyped. Totally bog-standard shooters
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If you get an M70A they are chambered in 9mm, which is cheaper and way, way easier to find.
Man, I don't care for the 1911, but it isn't THAT bad to take apart...
DW CCO anon here, I absolutely love 1911s and maybe have like 10k worth of them
The first time I shot a 1911 was a boomers pro carry two tone aluminum frame Kimber and I almost cried at how ugly it was and how gay it felt to hold and shoot with the aluminum frame and non-existant recoil from his 45 handloads. After having them hyped to me and owning other browning handguns it was such a big letdown. I need to buy a steel framed one in 10mm to get that awful taste out of my mouth
its like 5 steps man you are like little baby.
Glock, I expected to hate it, I thought my PPQ spoiled me and I had a prejudice against Glocks going in to it, but I wound up liking it a lot and shooting it very well. Also the M9A4, still prefer the OG grip but the DA really impressed me.
1911, it was a GI model range rental so it probably wasn't the best example, but it jammed 3 or 4 times per mag, and the trigger was not nearly as good as I was hoping. And the M9, which I shot before the M9A4. I liked the grip profile but that DA pull was atrocious and the SA pull wasn't amazing. Also CZ SP-01, DA was terrible and while SA was fine, every time I have shot it I've been thoroughly unimpressed.
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>300 rounds of 9mm
>have zero guns
MFW (My Face When) I just boughteded another 1,000 of Federal American Eagle 147 gr 9 mm × 19 ammunition.
I think I'm gonna get some of that 150gr Federal Syntech for suppressed shooting, anyone else tried it?
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Yes, me. It doesn't run consistently out of any of my handguns suppressed (Glock 34 and VP9 Tactical), but it's quite lovely out of my suppressed MP5 clone. I personally find the 147 gr to be the sweet spot for all my firearms and never have any issues with it. Plus, the ballistics of American Eagle, Syntech, and HST are all the same (on paper) specifically for the 147 gr. It's therefore my go to.
What does that run these days?
Thanks anon that actually answered a lot of the questions I had because I'll be shooting mostly my VP9 and MP5 and carry 147gr HST already. Does the 147gr ever go supersonic out of the MP5 for you?
What does what run these days?

>Does the 147gr ever go supersonic out of the MP5 for you?
That I don't know, since I don't have the equipment to measure it. It sounds good to me though. There are quieter options like 165 gr Hush from Freedom Munitions, but then you're rolling the dice with their QC shredding your can or barrel so I don't run that stuff anymore. That's why I keep a nice well rounded stock of 147 gr Federal things on hand and then occasionally dabble with Fiocchi or things to see the differences.
They weren't free.
147 grain 9MM is the GOAT. I also like the 124 grain NATO loads too, but not as much.
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Freedom ain’t free brother
gb2 /lgbt/
Yeah, 124 gr real fucking NATO is nice to mix up every so often, but I luv me my 147 gr. Simple as.
>nooooooo don't DIY you must consoom
>please consoom or else the economy collapses
Bitch i do as i please
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Yeah, that’s great for 25! Top right is about typical for me at 20 yards, so the fact that you’re able to only drop 3 out of the 9 ring on a 6 inch shoot n c is sweet, especially using irons.
You will end up consuming more stuff when you ruin finished goods and raw materials. The lining of a sports coat isn't up to supporting a pistol, not to mention how bad it will look. You have obviously never had clothes tailored to fit you.
People carry real guns and need proper weight distribution systems to carry their handgun and two spare magazines
If you don't have proper weight distribution, you WILL fall over in da streetz!
Oh I forgot we were arguing holsters with a guy who dropped and lost his revolver
misplacing loaded guns is completely normal
I lose one every month or so
It's just a normal part of gun ownership. Don't stress about it too much.
>tfw you find a handgun you thought you lost forever
I still haven't found my sccy CPX2. going on like 2 years now since I've seen it
That’s very good. The vertical spread for me tends to be POA issues where you place the front post at a different height each time, sometimes you’re focusing on the last hit and aiming there instead of the center
>shooting a child-sized silhouette target
Someone report this psycho to the FBI!!!
Dear FBI,
Your next school shooter is shaping up to be a real crack shot! Good going, big guy. Maybe get him a feature-rich AR instead tho.

Yours truly,
The FBI doesn’t stop shootings
*except if you threaten Jews
They raided that guy in like 15 minutes
>more than you thought
HK USP45, the SA is pretty swell and it's pretty slick
>less than you thought
S&W 686 and Colt Python. Trying to use the ramp sight on a revolver sucks compared to a post and I can't work the cylinder release on Colts at all.
That's got to feel great
Literally never carried a gun for a whole day.
Only users lose drugs
Which one? There are so many.
Dude if you saw a UFO, you might lose your gun too
My friend is wanting to get her first handgun. She doesn't have any gun experience. What would you recommend for her as a daily conceal hip carry? She's from Michigan.

She's around 110lbs and 5'4". It needs to be relatively small, sleek and not too heavy. Reliable. Preferably not too expensive. Single stack would be better.

I was thinking maybe a Glock 43?
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>my friend

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