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Guys how bad the Navy is i went took some fake picat test provided by the recruiter and got a 75 score and supposedly qualified to good jobs like air traffic control and submarine ITS which has supposedly a good bonus i took the exam sick and just to test options so i can try harder next time is the navy this good or are they just snake oil salesman recuiter tricks i am looking for a job. The recruiter told me i qualified for almost anything except NUC which is Nuclear and Ethical hacking i think it was called CTI i think. What do you guys think ?
ATC. You'll get paid 6 figures and still have a secure gobernment job when you get out.

Also please put nigger in the ATIS 50 years form now last day before you retire it'll be funny.
Well, with the coming Pacific war with Chang land they need warm bodies in training, boot retards out or re-class into the muhreens.
Do it, be a submariner though.
What the hell is the ATIS ?
But is it Chad or Onions ? the air traffic control one he talked about seems cool the recruiter told me that was his job in the past but idk recruiters be lying and shit dont know also if to try harder for NUC though
Automatic Terminal Information System. It's just a radio with a robotic voice that broadcasts weather info and ground conditions to the pilots.
>...multiple cranes operating in vicinity of airport. Advise on initial contact, you have information zulu. Fuck niggers fuck niggers total nigger death.
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ATC has a high suicide/mental health rate for a reason. It's extremely stressful and you'll be communicating with multiple aircraft at a time, and if you fuck up, you fuck up hard. ATC's rank up fast because of the high stress from what I understand. Plus when you get out you get a great paying job. Submarine life isn't for everyone and you'll be in a high stress environment isolated from the rest of thr world for a bit. Going into the Nuke field is really stressful. There's a saying in the Navy that Nukes are the last ones to take a port call when you get into port, and the first ones to get back to the ship. You'll be working in a hot sweaty lower deck of a ship and maintaining a lot of important shit. It pays well, and you'll have a great job outside of the Navy
NTA but seems childish. Not funny but shocking.
should do something like "Wi Tu Lo" "Sum Ting Wong" "Bang Ding Ow" but with nigger, I'd laugh at that.
You sound like you know exactly fuck all about what you want to do with yourself.
No, air traffic control is NOT a good job, it is extremely stressful and has the highest rate of suicidality and burnout in the entire fucking industry.
It's actually the WORST job you could choose in aviation.
And as for being a Submariner?
This is why i came for advice it could not even be air traffic control however he made me a list with the abreviattion of each job i am just looking for the best i can with the most money.
This is the list of jobs he told me i could apply for
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This it the
This is the list of Jobs he told me i could apply
>And as for being a Submariner?
Easy way to get a job in the nuclear industry?
IT (information technology) might give you good options once you leave the service
If you go ITS, sub life is easy, you get a top secret clearance and networking experience. Valuable on the outside. Conversely, the job is piss easy, so it's not the worst rating with which to attempt a career if you end up enjoying your time in.

t. Former electrician's mate on a submarine
NUC sucks apparently. But ATC is something for autistic minds, as well. As for sub shit, I assume it will start fun and then get boring as you inhale recycled farts all day and stare at walls. At least with ATC you have open spaces.
Huh, so that's what IT means.
The thing is he was talking about 5 year contract and i can do that shit for like 2 to 3 years i know I am khhv with no gf and probably never will have one but i highly doubt the submarines have gyms i want to practice at least some boxing and go the gym dont know if the navy has a job that gives me this freedom and make good money.
Heads up, thats just a list of jobs you are most qualified for according to the test and the jobs they need filled within the next two years. You can still choose another rate even if its not on the list
>t. dd214 haver
What do you plan on doing if you don't join the military?
Do Seabee, you learn a trade and still get to shoot mil only guns without the drawbacks of permanently fucking your shit up like infantry.
Not being in the middle of the fucking ocean or worst underwater and getting like 20% more paid above minimum wage
yeah you just have to deal with no windows and being underwater
>t. Former electrician's mate on a submarine
Let me guess, Virginia class?

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