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>The nintendo of firearms
>The apple of small arms
makes zero sense
No it's the most retarded analogy ever, what is with the HK shilling?
Nintendo sues a lot of shit and hates its most enthusiast fans
Apple hates mods
The best in the business without even trying?
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The Nintendo of firearms is probably S&W.
>Still manages to stay independent and keep their own thing going well their former major competitors have been bought out
>Makes things like what the other companies make, but different and not really competing directly (the M&P series pistols are the Switch of polymer pistols)
>Used to be heavily innovative and trend setting, but isn't really anymore (first magnum revolvers, first real wonder 9, etc.)
>Relies heavily on nostalgia for sales (classic series revolvers)
Rabid fanbase, iconic imagery, love of all things proprietary, big in pop culture/media... why not?
They're more like the Toyota of guns and I don't mean that as a compliment.
>Toyota of guns
The Toyota of guns is obviously Ruger
smith got bought out like 20 years ago, what are you smoking. Ruger probably fits your points more accurately
What is the Toyota Carolla of
the something of something is really the nothing of anything
SIG is undoubtedly the Apple of the firearms industry. They have copied Apple's entire marketing strategy.
>create an apple-like SIG eco-sphere of a bunch of chinese accessories you overcharge for
>look guys you can't enjoy your SIG brand SIG without a SIG brand romeo dot and a SIG brand pistol light
Ruger feels more like Nintendo to me.
>Target audience is plinkers/kids/family fun, but mostly bought by poors or adult .22 autists
>Mostly a range/plinking oriented brand, but dabbles in self defense and hunting like Teen or Mature rated titles
>Has a well defined brand image of colorful products and limited releases
Glock is the ThinkPad of pistols.
Complete fucking tangent, but as an electrician I flip my shit every time I start hearing someone talk about electricity through the metaphor of water.
It makes people not understand electricity, and it makes them not appreciate the insane complexity of hydrodynamics.
Voltage flows like water, but does voltage get fucking air-locked? Does voltage freeze? Is there any part of this analogy that's true at all besides moving in a direction?
The hydraulic model was a good place to start when I was learning. It's imperfect, but thinking of voltage as pressure and current as throughput and all that stuff was a good analogy for understanding the basics.
Ehhh its a handy metaphor for DC circuits if the person isn't to familiar with fluid dynamics. Since voltage is a good stand in for water pressure, amps is flow rate, and power is the amount of water moving through the pipe. Breaks done completely for AC though.
[spoiler]Never try to make that metaphor to a plumber or mechanical engineer though. They will poke holes in it immediately.[/spoiler]
It's the Toughbook of pistols, the 92 is the Thinkpad.
Why I hate it is because you take the simplest, most intuitive aspects of electronics and you dress it up in a fancy suit and tie. You didn't need the suit and tie to understand the concept, the concept was perfectly coherent just by itself.
I guess it helps people visualize electricity in 3D, but only in DC, and only on paper. I have never once thought of water flow trying to troubleshoot a fucking control panel.
Unfortunately, most people can't understand those concepts without connecting it to something more concrete. To most people electricity is basically invisible magic. They may have some ideas about it, like it needs a complete loop to flow or that shorts are bad but even that can be asking a lot if you start looking at the lower end of the IQ bell curve.
>this is bait
Why not?
>boxy design
>great choice of aftermarket parts
>popularly bought as a standard issue item by large institutions
>gets compared to other brands a lot
>comes in tons of sizes but all models fundamentally look alike.
>apple of firearms
having bought and loved the p30l, I can agree to this. While I'm fond of this gun I'm not delusional; just a more expensive version of a cheaper thing.
Last I checked Thinkpads weren't know explode in your hand. Glock is more like the Samsung galaxy of pistols.
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These are both spot on, nice job anon
It's esoteric, iq has noting to do with it, it's like calling a fart bad breath. You either know, or can learn.
The Apple of firearms has been and always will be Glock.
>every new iteration is nearly identical to the last
>prides itself on features other companies implemented years prior
>sticks to antiquated design features that actively make the product worse
>massive momentum from simply making the first popular version of their product
>rabid loyalty from fans claiming their product is the only real option
>grossly overpriced
There should be a term for it at this point. It's not just Glock and Apple that do this.
>should be a term
Voltage doesn't flow, retard. I hope your local IBEW seals you in the next vault you do a cable run for.
>Glock 19
>PSA AR-15
>Mossberg 500
Inexpensive, generally reliable, function over form, and you don't mind running it into the ground
>t. Corolla owner
Glocks exploded because of Bubba's pissin' hot loads in 10mm and .40 S&W. Your Thinkpad will catch fire if you overclock it too much or if Israel decides you're a threat to them.
Fucking gay ass nerd.

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