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What am I missing here? Aren’t landlines easier to tap than dispersed pagers? If the pager was hardware sabotage, couldn’t they just check to make sure theirs don’t have explosives?

I don’t understand the nuances of radio waves, but it seems to me that there’s really no reliable means of communication in the modern world if you’re up against a more technologically developed foe. Is the Taliban method of just delivering messages in person the new (old) meta?
>What am I missing here?
The Israelis haven't turned landlines into bombs in the last 48 hours.
>What am I missing here? Aren’t landlines easier to tap than dispersed pagers?
Phase 2 is go.
>The Israelis haven't turned landlines into bombs in the last 48 hours.
The Israelis haven't detonated landlines turned into bombs in the last 48 hours.
>do not communicate in an effective way
That's gonna work well
So ur with ur haji and yur making out wen the pager beeps. U anser it n the txet is "Oyyyy veeeeeey" U turn to ur boy then explosoin and both ded. THEN WHO WAS PAGER?
No Johndul, YOU are the pagers.
Inshallah, I am already owning the kikes, then. By having no one to send messages to me
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oh no
They're just going to send the phone spiders.
>Handset has explosives
>Wires are also detcord
Landlines haven't stopped them before
>The hit squad first killed Wael Zwaiter, a PLO organizer and cousin of Yāsir ʿArafāt, shooting him in the lobby of his Rome apartment building in October 1972. Mahmoud Hamshari, the PLO representative in Paris, was targeted next. After a Wrath of God member, posing as an Italian journalist, scheduled a telephone interview with Hamshari in December 1972, Wrath of God explosives experts broke into his home and planted a bomb in his telephone. Hamshari was called at the time arranged for the interview, and, when he identified himself, the bomb was activated remotely. He died in the explosion.
Just look at /pol/. They psyopped that it was the batteries that blew up and Assad fell for it.
But they haven't exploded YET
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>mfw there’s a miniature shaped charge in the ear piece
Are /pol/ freaking the fuck out right now? Its like something right out of the old conspiracy theories.
Or are they too busy shilling for foreign countries/organisations that pay more than exploded sandfuckers.
/pol/ didnt do shit retard
its just the usual, it didint happen
It did but it wasnt a problem
We didnt need our testicales anyway
I meant Israel as they.
one hell of a slip there
>he doesn't know
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>phone lines turn out to be detcord
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What happens when the landlines explode?
>Indian is also a bomb
>The plastic housing of the receiver is textured
>All the dimples are tiny little shaped charges
Will you stop spamming the board, you brown animal?
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They can always switch to carrier pigeons
>the returning carrier pigeon has plastic explosives under its skin
Are they still trying to pretend like Assad is some radical?
I don't think that was just /pol/ doing that, it's far too widespread and in too many languages, someone's pulling the strings on that, including the retardation on /pol/. I halfway suspect the Jews because making them think ALL batteries are liable to detonate and blow off your fingers would help with generating paranoia. Now that would be funny though, /pol/ literally falling for Mossad psyops.
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My God
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As a reminder there is exactly one nation on earth that has a army trained to use a division level encrypted comm network that isn't reliant on any form of electricty. All you need is bugles, morse code and strike out pads. It also helps if your native language is one step away for being something aliens from outer space speak because even South Koreans struggle to understand Choson Gul.
Firewood is also a bomb
One creative means of covert communication is to exploit social media to pass coded messages in plain sight. Code words, subtle flags and indicators, embedding hidden data in images. 4chan is not social media, but it can definitely be exploited in this way.
Any sort of online honeypot like 4chan can be exploited as a public backchannel as well. Not just feds, airmen in bases. Saw a couple IDF post selfies on /pol/ and there was that guy on /k/ I believe showing off his Beretta in a selfie in his multicam.
Have any anons noticed that the UK and Israel offensive moves are never put in the news? Only their actions through proxies?
I wonder if the US army has linguists trained in best gook speak.
And if so how much would it take to convince them to translate those best gook cartoons?

>Israel forced Syria and Hizbollah to establish kelaperse battalions

Their morale is never going to recover from this, it's unironically over
Explain yourself faggot. You cannot make broad claims without a direct reference.
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What kind of conspiracy drivel are you about to puke up on this thread.
With any luck they'll stop using the internet for fear of the jews blowing their own device up too
Leftists always hate their own country first. It's amazing, no matter who they're talking about they'll always find a way to turn it round to their country as if only their state has any agency.
Leftism is paradoxically extremely chauvinistic and patronizing, but they never seem to realise it.
>it's the joos
ok /pol/tards
Aren't there dogs that can sniff out explosives? If so, does that apply to all types of explosives? If so, it seems like the towelheads should start training dogs for that purpose.
There are but Muslims are notorious dog haters so i wouldn't be surprised if they have none
Good, landphones are larger, imagine the boom.
>woah, this phone is heavy Mohammed
>It's a good quality phone I just found in my car
>The Israelis haven't detonated landlines turned into bombs in the last 48 hours.
That feels like a very important nuance.

>Aren’t landlines easier to tap than dispersed pagers?
Not really no, pager signals could be intercepted anyway and you'd never know.
Hardlines are easy to tap if you can get to the line but if the line is secured, usually buried in friendly territory with substations guarded, then it's much more secure.
If the enemy is only using landlines, it's your job to tap the landlines. Whether or not tapping a landline is harder than intercepting and decrypting pager signals is besides the point.
I'm no expert on security, but my shitty 6 month course on cyber security told me that someone tapping your lines is simply a matter of site access. They taught us how to splice the wires into some bugs so we could see how it's done.
any videos of these pagers and walkie talkies going up?
>”Mordechai activate the phone spiders, set the laptop claymores, turn on the goat explosive implants, ignite the lightbulb firebombs, raise the sandal cyanide spikes, release the toilet snakes, detonate dvd player bombs, open the power outlet sarin nozzles, and ready the car ignition bombs.”
>Phone ring
>Theatrically looks away, closes eyes, and picks it up
>It's a big black ball bomb with a lit fuse
The syrian armed forces are going to be fucking hilarious in action for the next month
Lots stop spamming your retarded lefty raghead whine about rejecting reality you sad fuck.
In Afghanistan we had a hard time convincing them to use the dogs they were given the military/Police hated them they seen them as dirty and useless I remember on multiple occasions they would abuse the dogs to the point of death or out right dump them on the side of the road.
>Muslims are notorious dog haters
>on multiple occasions they would abuse the dogs to the point of death
Muslims aren't fucking human.

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