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/k/ - Weapons

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You do have armor don't you /k/?
just don't get it.
get naked.
Shit like this convinces me rdx in the floorboards is the only answer.
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No, I don't. Don't feel I need it really. I am okay with taking a bullet to the chest, but I wouldn't deny them to others when you can build a concealed rig for under 600 or 500. That's way less than a rifle even, the real costs are in vehicles like pickup trucks.

>he didn't buy pasta PE IIIs when SG had them for like $30 apiece

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Yeah, but it's from a company I later saw on the body armor guide under the "don't buy" section, so...
he probably smells like poop diapers
What if a crane grabs him by the head, like one of those machines in the arcades?
Then it will slip off as soon as it starts going up, duh.
>"Kids are cruel, Jack. They just lose touch at the ripe old age of 12"
vest name?
Is this shopped or actually real?
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before I managed to read the second half of your post the image of a giant crane (bird) just ripping a guy's head off like they do with frog limbs popped into my head
I'm glad real life cranes are so fucking puny because it was a horrifying thought
I'm thinking of carrying armor by putting a soft panel in my small EDC bag, to be held like pic related for maximum angle coverage like a buckler.

The thing is, I'm leaning towards Level 2 because it's thin and light; the bag needs to work fine as a bag and I don't see myself getting shot at by big iron revolvers and shotguns. What reasons should I go for Level IIIA instead?

Since the bag will just be hanging from my hand, I'm thinking blunt force trauma won't be an issue if I try to catch a shotgun blast and/or slug with it?
You'll make a fun news story
*moves shield*

>Harpoon gun him in the head so he's pinned to the wall and can't fall down
I guess if you're so close to a person you could barrel stuff them it'd be helpful but your cone of protection is going to rapidly dwindle at more than a few paces
yep, but even then it'll still give more coverage than a soft vest if both have the same torso-sized panel. might suck having to shoot back one handed though
Answer to what?
Are you that retarded noguns that keeps popping up on youtube shorts?
I bought 60 of em and have steadily been making a return on investment by selling them to the local hoodrats at the quarterly gun show
A handgun is much lighter than the armor you intend to block it's bullets with. Your opponent can therefore maneuver his handgun around your shield much better than you can maneuver your shield against him if he's right next to you. It would still work well from far. And honestly, most criminals with guns probably don't want to get close to you in order to rob you. So there's a good chance you'll be using your Iron Purse at the right distance.
>I don't see myself getting shot at by big iron revolvers and shotguns. What reasons should I go for Level IIIA instead?
Because I'm going to shoot you with a big iron revolver.
>You do have armor don't you /k/?
I might.. What do you intend to throw at it?
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>tfw you forgot your personal spaced armor at the cleaners and the burglar brought his 5.56mm rpg
>surrounded by a dozen infants all crying, puking and shitting on you
leave him to his horrible fate until he breaks
My plate carrier is so absurdly lighter with the plates out that I don't even bother with them any more.
Should sell them rhino lined exercise vest plates instead.
Sergei out there covered in wheels of Reggiano and smoke detectors.
Oh yes, I have armor But I also have questions.

Last year I made the decision to trust my life on the street to Second Chance body armor. I got the level IIa because it stops the most rounds. plus I got the Trauma Plate for the front.

What scares me is that, although I can fit an extra trauma plate in the front, I cannot fit a second one in back. As of late I have taken to duct-taping a second trauma plate to the area of my back where the heart and vital organs are located. Then I put my vest on.

Here is the questions. The ducttape solution, although tactically sound, is hot and painful to remove. I would like to go to the single-plate solution in back. What I am worried about is repeated hits to that area with .308 ammunition. I have a high-risk security job and I fear that I would be the target for repeated long-distance shots to my back.

Are any of you aware of a thicker plate that could stop, say, .338 Lapua or something like that? Is there a better way to do the second plate?

BTW, I am, of course, usually carrying a pair of ceramic plates in my briefcase so that I can shield my head. My SO (we work as a team when necessary) has a similar accessory containing a breakdown NEF single-shot 300 WinMag with an 18″ bbl. The plan is that I shield us with my body and “catch the rounds” while she assembles the NEF. I lay down covering fire with my 23 (Bar-Sto .357 Sig barrel) and she makes the long shots. I will then throw smoke grenades to obscure the area while continuing to lay covering fire. The problem, of course, is when I have to turn my back to run, and then the problem crops up.

never gotten a credible answer to my questions, help a fellow warrior, would you?
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Here's another view. Looks like a multi-piece shield that can be chest mounted.
>Are any of you aware of a thicker plate that could stop, say, .338 Lapua or something like that?
All (real, not chinesium) level 4 armor will stop a .338 Lapua unless the enemy uses AP rounds. I know they only claim to be rated for .308 and 30-06, but the reality is that those of us not in the military aren't getting shot at with AP ammo.

Skip to 8:41 to see this level 4 armor tank three .338 Lapua Magnum shots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO4hcq4QSvM
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Europeans like their juggernaut armor
europeans sure have good anti riot armor, western armor even more on latin countries looks fucking ugly.
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Those face shields are IIIA, btw. That's the funny thing with R6S, they have all headshots from any weapon instakill because 'realism' when most operators are wearing some sort of helmet that can stop handgun rounds and some will even have stuff that can stop rifle rounds.
armor is fucking stupid, I'm not wasting time putting on a helmet and plate carrier while some chicken washer is in my house trying to culturally enrich my stereo
these niggas look like theyre AI generated
it makes sense for swat situationally
Thanks for the help. I am now thinking that the best thing to do is to have my wife make an “undervest” with pouches front and rear for the additional plates. This would let me have three plates in front (probably too hot and two in back. What I’m also asking her to do is to sew in a sleeve for an ASP collapsible baton. Right now I’m taping the ASP to my right calf (the left calf is where I have my G27).
Europe gets plenty of practice every time a big football match is on.
You can say alot of shit about euros but they got peak swat aesthetics
Way more than i can wear
How much are you getting per set?
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This crane grows 2ft taller, or about 6ft tall. Tell me again how it couldn't rip your limbs off.
After you "catch the rounds" you have to "go to the hospital" and will be useless. You most likely live but your whole fucking month is ruined.
what are you a pizza delivery guy? in the mojave wasteland?
You guys bit some oooold pasta
The dude on the Right had seen some shit.
Probably saw the dude behind the shield shot dead.
>This would let me have three plates in front (probably too hot and two in back.
Good luck with your heavy setup, but you're probably going to get shot in the neck or femoral artery.
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Is an shield a weapon?
>polite dentist specialist interviews
My dentists never dresses this nice.
None of the SWAT responders were killed but these are the guys that breached into the theater where 90+ civilians were killed.

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