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You don’t need cryes/Patagonia to be an operator, just a business suit will be sufficient. High speed gear is all a scam anyways.
suits restrict your movement way to much
Didn’t stop the mafia, anon.
Tell that to the secret service
pulling wads of cash out of your pocket isnt that hard
they are meat shields who cares
>standard issue glowie khaki pants
>loose button up shirt
not a suit, try again man
The incompetent secret service? Yeah I'll tell them sure
I wonder if there's some psychology to it. People treat you differently when you're wearing a suit and you feel more confident. It could be especially effective against women as I understand a suit is for them like us seeing a woman in lingerie.

Imagine if you decide you've had enough of the anti-Christ one day but the agents he sends aren't just the mailman but women in revealing clothing. You'd probably stop caring about metaphysics pretty quickly.
Why a business suit? A lean and hungry 19 year old from a rural farming village with a rusted AK can kill and defeat a Tier 1 (TM) opr8r on steroids in thousands of dollars of gear just by getting the drop on him (gaining initiative), being a decent shot, and having faith in God. In Ireland, men in jeans and t shirts and balaclavas sniped fully armored soldiers and got away with it. In an unconventional war, the guerrilla only needs to be lucky once to strike a blow. The counter-insurgency must be lucky all the time and on high alert.
Why do these SF guys abuse steroids anyways? It is harmful to you cardiovascular health, and your endurance is the most important part of your physical fitness in a modern conflict with rifles. To march, run, carry heavy loads over terrain and distance and still be able to aim accurately and stop a threat. That split second of you being out of breath can mean death or life.
>government issued khaki pants
No such thing, that’s commercial.
Are you two ready to go down the khaki hole?
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i want my personal security to be too big for anything
depends on how it's cut.
cheap off the rack suits maybe.
my tailored suits feel like wearing a track suit, I have incredible range of motion and it looks the fucking sex
no they don't lol.
SF faggots get pampered once they pass selection. They do a very hard thing once but afterwards it's the military sissy life for them and what sets them apart is better technical training (which is also pampering), better resources and better equipment.

Hell in the military having working equipment for the whole crew should classify you as elite by default.
The military should ban the use of cryes/other commercial Gucci gear all together. SOF should learn to utilize standard issue gear/normal clothes if they are operating behind the lines. Because when war starts, they wouldn’t have the opportunity to get custom Guccis gear like they did in peace time. If they want crye pants, they should utilize standard issue combat pants in OCP. If they want a combat shirt, should utilize standard issue combat shirts. No need to waste tax payer money because they want to be special snowflakes when it comes to military regulations.
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Homie either is skipping leg day or has a true blue super hero chest
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built like a 1920's strongman
>Because when war starts, they wouldn’t have the opportunity to get custom Guccis gear like they did in peace time
Ukrainian SOF wear cryes and shit all the time and they're in the middle of an existential war, this is a dumb argument. You honestly sound like a garrison cultist.
Ain't no way this fat nigga still makes the 1.5 mile run in 10 minutes.
SF are full of ultra alpha dude bros who are allowed ignore the rules as long as they can keep it in house.
Ukrainian SOF don’t wear cryes, they wear Chinese/domestic copies of crye stuff for logistical purposes. It’s cheap and also readily available by Ukraine own admissions.
Cryes are domestic to the US, so what's the problem?
Better be Hugo Boss
>He doesn't have a good tailor
Early 90s bag suits are not a good example. Or actually are. Important individuals will disregard you as poor and in their mind that = not a threat.
Note: “cheap and readily available”. Crye is a commercial company and they produce limited amounts of products and put them at insane prices.
>insane prices
To some random dude, maybe, but they have contracts which greatly lower the price per unit, in the same way the government pays like $600 per M4.
I think you're just bitter because you failed selection or something. SOF are literally by definition the type of forces you want to outfit with specialized equipment, and cryes have built a reputation for meeting the needs of said forces.
>they have contracts
Anon, the army literally stopped using multicam because crye pretty much overcharge their shit even by the army’s standards. Surely you haven’t forgotten the debacle in 2012s
>the army literally stopped using multicam
The conventional Army, yes. Not SOF, which uses multicam to this day.
Give it up already, your argument was dumb.
>muh contract
They literally overcharged the DoD. This is fine in peace time, but in war, it’s not really worth maintaining.
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Almost all of my suits were bought when I was a PSD agent, definitely usually went a size up than my nice suits since (1) carrying a gun, mags, radio, lots of times in cars will shred suits anyway and (2) while not “undercover” you can’t be a hipster gaylord with a skin tight suit than can’t even conceal an iPhone much less weapon.
Pro tip: Get those 12x12 iron on denim patches and put them on the inside of your jacket liner to break up silhouette and prevent wear.
>conventional army
The same conventional army cites that crye fails to provide an adequate price that troops can afford compared to standard issue gear at the time. Quite literally saying that their pricing, even by contracts, are still too expensive per unit for troops/SOF to afford.
>conventional army cant pay to outfit hundreds of thousands of troops with cryes
>SOF can afford to do it because they have a greater budget per individual soldier
>somehow this means cryes are too expensive for SOF because ????
Do they actually produce and assemble in US?
I always laughed them off before due to price but if IR compliant and fully domestic I would spring for a full set.
I can sew myself so long term durability is not a huge issue but I would expect good abrasion resistance if full domestic.
>I think you're just bitter because you failed selection or something.
You had me until here. We are posting on fucking /k/, obviously he doesn't have a lit allowance.
Them being cheap for mass DoD procurement doesn't mean shit to me.
Cryes are berry compliant on paper. The main issue is that they only have one production line, which is at New York.
SOF can do it because they are not in a full scale conflict to where they have to worry about their budgeting.
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I CC in my made to measure suits from indochino just fine. Went in, got measured, brought back in for alterations, never went back. I carry pic related.
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I should add that in the past I've carried a 92fs and a USP45 full size IWB, though I sadly no longer have either of those guns. I will buy them again though.

Nobody gives a shit if you die wearing something cool.
>we have actual crye shills here
Now look, cryes are pretty good, but based on on their quality, they are not worth the price they offer commercially and in contract. I also blame crye for artificially inflating the commercial gear market, but that’s another story all together. But overall, the one thing I commend is their consistency in production quality.
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Depends on the fit and the individual. Also doesn't 5.11 make make suits just for that purpose?
do you even go to a tailor?
>Because when war starts, they wouldn’t have the opportunity to get custom Gucci gear like they did in peace time.
Idk on what basis you can say this, Ukraine is a war and they don't struggle to keep their SOF equipped. In fact the country has a thriving gear scene, and that's a country that borders their aggressor.
>If they want crye pants, they should utilize standard issue combat pants in OCP. If they want a combat shirt, should utilize standard issue combat shirts.
Future Force Warrior failed and cryes only become popular after they went commercial. Without SOF normalizing its use through private purchases, issued combat shirts and pants would not exist and everyone would be wearing ACUs or CCUs for everything. SOF is a testbed for things that will become mass issued further down the line, so by arbitrarily restricting what SOF can use, you kneecap the next new thing from becoming an issued item.
>No need to waste tax payer money
You are 12, aren't you? That money is already committed when the budget is made, whether it gets spent on overpriced pants or a new service pistol or golden toilet seats, not a dime gets saved. Besides, Socom has their own budget outside of the other branches, it not like them having new pants means a marine has to skip a meal or go without shoes.
If anything, SOF would get a bigger budget during a peer conflict. Do you really think units that get a blank check now would have to start collecting brass and recycling cans in a time where they were deployed to do their actual job and the future of the nation hinges on their success? Money is always tighter in peacetime mil, not the other way around.
Fugg, I refuse to buy anything from CA or NY.
>I love almonds
Life is suffering
What's the point of those ridiculous tactical Yarmulkahs?
That clearly offers no more ballistic protection than a bike helmet.
go ahead and and show the /k/lass your tailored suit that doesnt restrict your movement
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Suit like that suit you sir, pwoah!
>Idk on what basis you can say this, Ukraine is a war and they don't struggle to keep their SOF equipped. In fact the country has a thriving gear scene, and that's a country that borders their aggressor.
Because they have variety of sources they can procure equipment for Pennies on the dollar. Their SOF also rely on mass produced drones produced in underground facilities.
>Future Force Warrior failed and cryes only become popular after they went commercial. Without SOF normalizing its use through private purchases, issued combat shirts and pants would not exist and everyone would be wearing ACUs or CCUs for everything. SOF is a testbed for things that will become mass issued further down the line, so by arbitrarily restricting what SOF can use, you kneecap the next new thing from becoming an issued item.
It’s a test bed for things, but the amount that actually test equipment is not that many. The CCU was not tested by SOF, but by specific brigades deployed to Iraq, much like UCP-D. Regardless, the military already have their own version of crye shit mass produced, so the need to buy cryes has become out of personal preference than out of necessity.
>You are 12, aren't you? That money is already committed when the budget is made, whether it gets spent on overpriced pants or a new service pistol or golden toilet seats, not a dime gets saved. Besides, Socom has their own budget outside of the other branches, it not like them having new pants means a marine has to skip a meal or go without shoes.
The point is for them to allocate resources to something more useful, not because specific units want to stick out like a sore thumb when deployed. When war starts, they will not have the time or money to keep procuring cryes. Especially when crye has been known to scam the government via contracts.
>If anything, SOF would get a bigger budget during a peer conflict. Do you really think units that get a blank check now would have to start collecting brass and recycling cans in a time where they were deployed to do their actual job and the future of the nation hinges on their success? Money is always tighter in peacetime mil, not the other way around.
Yea, they get a bigger budget because they are spending way more than they were in peacetime. Just because they got an increase in funding’s doesn’t mean it will be enough to cover the expenses in the long run. Wars are very expensive and it’s important to allocate fundings/resources towards maintaining the war effort and making improvements. This overconfidence in how much money they got will eventually lead to trouble. You always have to prepare for the worst.
glowniggers aren't so tough when you know who they actually are
>foil back to back assassination attempts
>counter snipe within seconds
Video games have rotten your mind
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>the khaki hole?
I bet you like going down men's khaki holes.
I feel like destigmatizing after market gear for everyone is a better approach. It just falls on team leaders to actually give a shit and make sure their guys aren't rocking straight airsoft gear.

Can CC a fuckin Maxim in this.

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