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what's stopping ukraine from just reverse engineering long range weapons and using those without having to ask permission?
>no silly it is not the atacms, we call this missile the borscht we invented it ourselves
wdym? they're already doing long range strikes
did you miss the part where ukraine still is poor as shit and at war?
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Nothing is stopping them reverse engineering old 80's and 90's tech, but at the same time they are still expensive and large to manufacture. But it's not like they're not trying to make new things.
The recent smooooking accident was caused by their domestic manufactured systems.
What do you think they've been up to these past two years
Most of the good stuff isn't made from commercial of the shelf parts, which makes the cloning process a process of somehow sourcing replacement shitty parts of actually figuring out production of substitutes. For example, where will you get the cool efficient jet engines from a storm shadow missile? You can't buy that shit on Amazon of Alibaba. Don't get me started on more obscure stuff, such as the open secret of those Storm Shadow missiles being effective only when it uses murrican geography terrain mapping data and/or radars and not just GPS navigation. Good luck getting that sort of targetting.
They apparently already have their own bootleg version of ASSM hammers.
ukraine can already design and develop long range systems.

they don't have the infrastructure to build them even before the war
GDP per capita of 5.6k, to be precise.
you can reverse engineer, but can you produce?
russia has an abrams and the US has a T-90
does that mean that russia is going to be fielding abrams and the US fielding T-90s soon?
Ya reverse engineering doesnt work like that. They dont have the material science to say make the turbines in a cruise missiles jet engine. Or the fabs to make the chips in a guided rocket.
>reverse engineering
UNKNOWN TECHNOLOGY BLYAD. Best I can do is a handful of jury-rigged Neptunes and a single Hrim-2 ever couple years
>They dont have the material science to say make the turbines in a cruise missiles jet engine
Ukraine probably can make jet turbines actually.
Motor Sichs made a lot of jet turbine engines, including the ones in the tb2, unfortunately it's factory was in Zaporizhnya and was destroyed in May 2022.
>what's stopping ukraine from just reverse engineering long range weapons
Those weapons need satellites. Only Nato can used those weapons.
They already had long range missiles like Tochka-U. Why should they scale back the production of those just to try and reverse engineer western missiles they recieve for free (which would be of lower quality than the western ones, arguably at the same level of Tochka-U), with the added risk of the west getting all pissy wissy and reducing deliveries of all weapons systems?
GPS broadcasts to everyone bb, that’s not the limiting factor.
They did
They wouldn't gave needed to build the bread drone if they had access to tomahawks
>GPS broadcasts to everyone bb, that’s not the limiting factor
Not the hard-to-jam military frequency.
There's also a lot of software and data involved, in theory that's why Germany won't provide Taurus.

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