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Hold on to your pagers
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The talmudic network sends its regards
>every cellphone in Beirut plays Rick Astley
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based, I hope they nuke Beirut
Is it only an air bombing operation or there will be troops in the ground?
Catchy. Definitely going to get some use out of this phrase
Nobody is better at terrorism than Israel. The pagers, ISIS, 9/11. They're the GOAT terrorists for sure.
>from the liver the knee, my testicles are now free
Air is confirmed
The plan is to draw other states into a war that Israel knows it can win, because (1) its enemies are inept and (2) its allies are strong and (3) it’s worried of delaying war with Iran and (4) the Palestinian occupation isn’t going very smoothly (don’t quote k:d to me, it doesn’t matter)

I am annoyed that I will get sent to the gulf to help them solve their problems
I am happy that there's a possibility ZOGbots will die along with brownoids, mudslimes, and other subhumans, far away from me.
You are wrong for a few reasons (1) the world is small and it may affect you (2) I don’t want innocent people to die (3) you are latinx
I'm German and English. Some of my ancestors have been here since the 1600s. Innocent people die every day, and nobody in the military is innocent.
I'm not the one who's going to be dying in the middle east surrounded by mudslimes and kikes lol
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It's for you
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Lebanon was supposed to be a land for Christians in the Levant and the mudslimes too it over (violently) almost immediately. I fully support the Israeli military in their operation to purge rightful Christian clay of the mohammedan menace.
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My congratulations to these recently transitioned Hezballless members, slay queen!
I don't support any muzzies or jews. They're all brown retards who reject Christ.
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Ask your physician if lithium, thorazine, and haloperidol are right for you
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baret in epaulettes is such a terrible look.
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I feel that Israel is developing the same reputation here as Russia had in ~2016
Racking up easy wins against weak neighbors leading to an arrogant and obnoxious attitude by posters on /k/

It makes sense I guess, since the population so frequently has dual citizenship in Russia
>y-y-you have to pick a side!
no : )
Russia is literally run by jewish organized criminals lol. They're basically Israelis in winter jackets.
I have been waiting for war for so long, don't disappoint me now
In just the span of a few years, we get Total Slav Death and Total Semitic Death. It's a glorious time to be White; all of our genetic enemies are killing each other for us.
Nothing ever happens

The Arabs think Israel is trying to bait them into a conventional war (and they’re right) so they’re very reluctant
you dont have to pick a side, they picked for you. you are dar al-harb
>dar al-harb
I don't know what that means because I'm not some shitskin mudslime loser : )
what will be israels ukraine? i dont think its gaza, thats more like chechnya, a small weak state they turn into dust and annex
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my nigger
Syria. Assad is a lot like Zelensky (handsome, charismatic, morally superior to his enemies)
I actually forgot I still need to preorder Stalker 2 Physical ultimate edition so maybe I can settle for peace for the next few months
It'll never live up to the charm of the old titles.
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nah Assad mogs him
If you mean eurojank, then you're probably right. Nevertheless I will shell out 350 shekels for the knapsack, figure, official faction patches, stickers, art book, steel book and all the digital extras alone
dumb consoomer
The incident on the right is especially funny because the Russians had been telling Egypt that its aerial losses were nothing more than a skill issue and had nothing to do with the quality of their aircraft.
The Egyptian military apparently took some pleasure in the result of this engagement.
That he is still alive is the most skillful display I’ve seen from a politician in a long time
I remember hearing on the radio, around 2015, the Syrian civil war had started and Obama was claiming Assad used chemical weapons against civilians and crossed a red line - now, Assad is still ruling a country
A Syrian taxi driver, in the US, recently told me that he supports Assad because ‘he is the only one who is stable, we are tired of war’
Wouldn't be surprised if Bibi got too cocky and overextended his forces with whatever move they try to pull next.
>what will be israels ukraine? i dont think its gaza, thats more like chechnya, a small weak state they turn into dust and annex
Not happening unless every Arab goes URAAAAAAA all at once, and even that probably ends with Damascus getting nuked
i was talking about height but that too i guess
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>that vatnik screams as he strikes you
I don't support jewish nations like Israel, Russia, and Ukraine, and I don't support Muslim nationas like Palestine, Lebanon, and the UK.
>It makes sense I guess, since the population so frequently has dual citizenship in Russia
Because most are eastern euro jews that were given citizenship by israel
Muslim nations*
>israelis actually make original jokes while ziggers can still only make the hundredth wojak edit
You're right; Russians are jews. That's why I don't support or trust them.
uma delicia
Ziggers are kikes.
post gun + passport, foreigner
>Because most are eastern euro jews that were given citizenship by israel
Not all of them. You have the occasional 100% pure slavoid who snipped the tip and bribed some rabbi to invent a Jewish grandmother. Just so he can freely launder his money in Israel.
It's hilarious how openly corrupted and morally bereft ziggers and jews are.
>troops in the ground?
I mean, depends on casualty rates.
I dont even buy that Israel is behind this. Sounds like a bad batch of chinesium electronics to me.
>from the liver to the spleen
be better? I haven't seen many leg injuries.
>(handsome, charismatic
He is neither of those, he is cringe. Have you seen those gay ass clips from his tv show?
i do enjoy this very organic support for Israel.
4chan has literally always supported Israel and the Jews, chud. There has never been any anti-Semitism here.
This is pure glee at browns being castrated and operational excellence, poltard. You will never understand
C'mon it was funny
This. It's hilarious whenever any non-American or dual-citizenship traitors get killed. Total Foreigner Death.
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>Man Who Said All Red Lines Were Crossed Finds Last Additional Red Line Crossed He Didn't Even Know Existed
they already did once with that fertilizer ship explosion
>Those that already brought the pager up to read it, dead
>Those that had grabbed it to read, missing limbs
>Those with it still beeping in their pocket, minor side wounds
Let this be a lesson - in the eastern Mediterranean, don't work too hard, don't respond too quickly to the boss.
Wouldn't rhyme correctly then. The second organ needs to rhyme with sea.
TKD slava ukraini
Israelis putting their headgear in that shoulder flap is the dumbest looking shit ever.
>far away from me.
You will be drafted tho
The fertilizer wasn't on a ship; Hez had stored it (poorly) on the docks (using third parties to obscure things) so they could pilfer it occasionally to make bombs.
I'm in my 30s. Not gonna happen.
I see brown people in pain, I smile.
Simple as.
Why are zoomers so retarded and illiterate that they feel the need to shorten everything? Doomed generation.
Nobody likes Muslims, bro.
That’s crazy, anon.
Personally, I don't care for anyone who isn't a White American Christian born and raised in this country.
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