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Old: >>62535066
Eternal thread theme: https://youtu.be/M4ZzaMz71JA?feature=shared

Thread topic: Best ammo choices and general 308 can discussion
Are white oak barrels worth a shit for an spr barrel? Or should I look into centurion, pri, douglas or kreiger?
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Centurion/douglas. PRI uses douglas, so.
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I need a2 to tell me what we do now that we know the comms supply chain is compromised.
Aluminum BCG's arent trying to "fix" anything they are for gamer/comp guns where absolute optimal handling is preferred. Lighter weight BCG's reduce felt recoil for the same reason shooting lighter weight bullets does its simple physics.
everyone knows about the comp guns some guy was talking about using one for his own shitty gun because he is retarded
don't buy pagers from a shell company?
Geissele urgi considering Henry at 9holesvagin said it performs just like a mk12
They are toys that don't last and are finicky weak and unsafe in case of an oob kb as well which makes them garbage
Weld your own you fucking retard.
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If you aren't an enemy of israel you have nothing to worry about fellow /arg/alite.
Cool to hear but I dont want a bendy bill urgi, I already have the far superior block 2.
That flag pole looks nice and pointy. That's pretty dangerous, he should stay away.
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They're pretty decent, made with Wilson blanks equivalent if not better than centurion and PRI. Probably not quite as perfect as Douglas or kreiger, though kreiger is the OEM for white oak's "precision" barrels.
Picrel was a white oak fluted 18" barrel at 100yds and I'm not a particularly good shot.
thats cool and not the point. You asked why someone would want a lightweight BCG and thats your answer. For comp guns they are great
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>walkie talkies

>>62540386 #
Reducing carrier mass doesn't fix any of those things and it reduces reliability. Pretty wild some retarded people started making aluminum carriers.

>>62540384 #
dumb as fuck here watch this
https://youtu.be/gOUKXIrDE0I?feature=shared&t=382 [Open]
I didn't ask shit I just saw an idiot, you, say something that seemed to hint at tin can aluminum bcgs being even slightly good or having a niche purpose and came to tell you you were wrong and stupid.
You already responded to me anon, and I already responded in kind. JP have been making lightweight carriers for decades, it REDUCES FELT RECOIL FOR COMP GUNS
There, that is the reason it exists.
I think the other anon is getting mixed up in regards to "k-spec", that is just KAK's marketing gimmic name for their BCG's in general, it is not referring to the carrier being made of aluminum. The aluminum BCG's product page literally states that it is a consumable.
What? Nigger I have no dog in the fight. Aluminum BCG's DO have a purpose, that purpose is reducing recoil and muzzle flip in comp shooting. I
PRI uses douglas barrels, they don't make their own barrels.
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Perfectly serviceable. I had one on a mod H and was happy with it
Couple of very good boys right there
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thank you. Golden retrievers are the comfiest breed in the world
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>can chrome line aluminum
The same way you can put steel lips on a plastic magazine, that doesn't make it a good idea
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Supplychain vulnerabilities are going to hurt regardless. Mitigate those or switch to smoke signals
>the logs you bought for the signal fire are full of explosives
>666 post
>mesh posting
Checks out
Very nice
Needs vfg
In terms of lethal effect, 855a1 is outclassed by barrier blind bonded JSPs. 855a1 is a class standout in light cover penetration and thats handy and all but youre not using a saw to chew away a piece of cover. Youre not even using it as part of a rifle squad full of dudes trying to chew away cover. Instead youre just creating massive barrier pen liability as you shoot people in other rooms.
>no witness marks
>comms supply chain compromised
Why not SDR along with hand-fabricated antennas mounted as high as possible? Pretty sure that widespread commo compromise is precisely why people are supposed to practice HAM radio.
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remember to remove all uses of any functional programming paradigms from code to make it good
I don't know what that means
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Gotta let loctite dry first brudder.
>Increase network signature as much as you can
How does this help with supplychain attacks?
This is the whole reason why the US kvetches so hard about huawei and other foreign vendors in critical infrastructure domestically and abroad.
Majority the celltowers in the world contain black boxes made by the chinese that are connected to massive radio antennas.
Okay one Rust radio coming up.
I'm going back to non-illum scopes.
Have you been testing lpvo on scar 17? How is that going?
You think they can't get to your scope?
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>haley still hasn't responded to my emails about adding carrier pigeon pouches to their rigs
it's almost like they're complicit
A shell company in Hungary purchased pager parts so they could assemble them in Hungary. The 90 iq inbred arabs bought them from this company which is a fake israeli operation where they put explosives in the devices during assembly. Basically dont be a 90 iq arab and you'll be fine.
>his scope uses electronics for illumination
Oh, so you're retarded. Got it
Give me the truth scoop on forward control designs bolt carrier groups
Are they gtg?
how much time do you retards waste with all this meme bullshit? just buy a good checked bcg from a reputable company bcm dd or even fucking gay solgw sells a good bcg.
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Farewell, M&P15
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>Okay one Rust radio coming up.
I honestly wouldn't mind. All I do are microservices so Go is the only choice there
everything FCD makes is meme shit for redditfags. Anyway it's using a 9310 bolt so it's definitely some kind of cheap garbage.
It was a joke. I didn't think that needed to be explained.
that's not very hyperborean of you
I don't know what that means but if hyperboreon is a good thing then I'm 10 times as hyper as you at my weakest.
>I don't know what that means
that's not very thulean of you
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Works fine
Believe it or not, quality optics are not a problem on the SCAR
>All I do are microservices
Tracks with you being a queer
No bro they can do anything anywhere at anytime you arent safe at all bro!
Swap the windage cap on your T2 with an extra adjustment cap next time you have the chance.
>Works fine
If you were building a scar 17 out today would you still try to source an elcan at its current price or would you go for a 1-8
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I'm happily anthrowived
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>Farewell, M&P15
Same. A buddy has it now
I hurt that once going down on a slide when I was drunk at 2am playing in a park.
What does this even mean? Is that a woman? Post her ass in ar general thread.
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How much of an issue is galvanic corrosion with the barrel extension/upper feed ramps if the annodizing on the upper ramps was worn down while altering their geometry?
Niggle me this, are Outer Wild bcgs gtg?
you are supposed to take the barrel out to polish the ramps retard

oh fuck off
Much prefer the solid American original AR over some fancy German rifle from a company that scammed Uncle Sam.
Anthro means furshit so whatever that is it's a furry.
Where are all these mentally ill fur things coming from?
how much of an issue are boresnakes?
It's shit. Just buy a normal fucking BCG.
>b-but I want
No. Right the fuck now you little shit, go buy a BCG with a phosphate finish, a milspec carrier, a c158 bolt. If you like it, I guarantee it's dogshit, so buy the most boring ass thing you hate and that's probably the correct one.
Hell if I know.
let me help you out here

get brass core nylon brushes to clean the chamber and the barrel then use patches on a properly sized high quality jag. Buy a dewey rod that fits your rifle. If you have an ak and can't clean the barrel who cares what you use in it.

>take the barrel out

No one has time for that. The damage is done and I want to know if it’s an actual problem or mostly a meme. Especially considering the area remains oiled most the time.
oh so you are retarded. OK then its probably fine don't' think about it. If it corrodes just replace the upper.
i wanted to get him caught up on the funnies
Based furchad always upsetting the newfags
Conceptualize this quandary; Sionics BCG
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Used elcans are grains of sand at the beach tier.
Grab one if you want its not like you can use one up.
About a 0% chance
Those boresnakes though you better watch out!
Oh damn someone beat me to the shitpost already.
Boresnakes eroding your gun is sort of like leaving it propped up by barrel against a wall will bend the barrel tier shit.
>Swap the windage cap
I could probably do that
Selling it to a nogunz I work with
More reddit shit.
>spend lots of monyies on weapons you'll never practically use (it's a hobby)
>go to a basket weaving forum and post pictures of your properties for the AI to go into the archive to correlate and create profiles
>gunsoom more
>Boresnakes eroding your gun is sort of like leaving it propped up by barrel against a wall will bend the barrel tier shit.
Next you will say it doesn't matter how I store my katana.
Ok, and?
>anon doesn't have hobbies
>anon doesn't think the AI is building a portfolio on him
>anon thinks he's superior because he does nothing, enjoys nothing, and is nogunz and can't even work up the courage to kill himself
have fun existing lmao
as a male in your early 20s there are three choices
>fucking retarded normie bitch who wants to watch netflix all day (can't cook)
>BPD mental illness Discord girl who has a body count over 100 (can't cook)
>autistic girl who used to draw horses and do homestuck cosplays who now has a fursona (can follow a recipe)
some people will nevar get it
>Not double dipping and dating their mother's too
>leaving it propped up by barrel against a wall will bend the barrel
this is why I pull my boresnake halfway through then hang the entire rifle from the tag end
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I can literally use DMA geofenced advertising to send mail to your house based on the quantifier that you walked into a tacobell with your cell phone more than one tuesday per month.

The panopticon knows you regardless of you posting your trinkets on the internet.
Do you have spare 2032s in your mount?
>Grab one if you want
What do you use on your 17 these days?
>the absence of gunsooming is bad
I have hobbies that don't involve consumerism, you can do that in case you didn't know. also, I don't post pictures on this website. You can exist without these things zoomer
>I have hobbies!
Whining about other people on the internet is a hobby I guess.
>Do you have spare 2032s
none of the software on my phone is reporting my location to advertising agencies
>/arg/ discourse is mainly on topic
>/brg/ is slower than geriatric digestive system
>/hg/ is homos and beretta hater central
Damn, how did this become the best general?
Is your hobby gooning?
consoomerism + hobby, you can have a hobby without buying multiple ARs and posting pictures of them on 4chan
believe it or not even if there was, there's ways to block packets from phoning home
>anything that isn't gunsooming isn't a real hobby
And you can have a hobby while doing that.
>nooo you can't just buy things!
I can and it has zero negative affect on my life because I'm not a loser like you
>that's consoooming!
What good would it do if I took the tens of thousands of dollars I've spent on ARs and did nothing with it?
>not spending this money on consoomerism is bad
your peoples minds are an enigma
Anything you purchase is consumerism. You are consuming products. They exist to be bought because people want money. That's how things work. It's not deep, you're just poor.
>not spending the money is bad
Yes it is. Money exists to be spent. If you're not spending it, why have money? It's useless.
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I robbed the 1/4 elcan off it for a beltfed but it was on its way out anyway. It needed more mag as a platform desu. 1.5/6 elcan a great choice assuming you get a fine reticle in it. 1-8 ATACR not an awful choice either and will obviously hold up
Remove mount
Insert 2032 between mount and rail.
Guess you missed the last thread
>Insert 2032 between mount and rail.
It's an Aimpoint, I'm not worried about it
Why do so many noguns bitch about not seeing pictures of guns if this doesn't matter? Will you police them in the future or are you only here to attack one side?
you obviously know what gunsooming, consooming is. you're just pretending not to or just retarded. all the money you have invested is useless to you according to your own logic, the best thing you could do right now then is take all of your investments and spend them or they're just useless
Batteries aren’t real, lithium doesn’t exist
i don't think 4chaners should post pictures they've taken of their houses, property, location, etc.
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Today I gunsoomed two flashlight covers, a canteen pouch, and a 1qt canteen because I don’t have any water on my LARP kit except some of those expandable canteens that can just be thrown in a pack.
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Come rape me
You don't see me posting pics. I just want some consistency.
This isn’t your personal blog retard. Unsubscribe
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Yes it is
I have been pretty torn between the 1.5-6 elcan and the 1-8 atacr. weight is a wash between both. the elcan is more durable but the atacr has more mag and better fov at 1x. price is pretty similar between the two as well. Not sure if there is a wrong answer which makes the choice a bit more difficult.
>all the money you have invested
Is not my money at that point. I have spent the money and purchased shares. Because again, the money is indeed utterly and completely useless if it is not used to purchase. That is its one and only value.
>is useless to you according to your own logic
It's not "my" logic, it's a fact. You also aren't following the logic at all, but are trying to use it to reinforce your incorrect and stupid ideology that spending money is bad. Instead, I have spent the money and reap benefits from it.
>the best thing you could do right now then is take all of your investments
Fatal flaw I already pointed out, but that money IS spent. That's what an investment is. It is spending money.

Honestly your entire premise falls apart because
You're just butthurt because you're poor
The only reason not to spend money on guns is because you have to or want to spend money on something else. If you have enough money to do all the things you want and buy guns, there is no reason not to. You cannot conceptualize this reality because you fundamentally lack critical thinking capability, and have to relate every situation to your own. "It would be bad for ME to spend this much money, therefore it's always bad"
didn’t read, kys
Love it when people post little AR-15 related tidbits of their day, unironically. Subscribed.
maybe if you read more you would be able to afford nice things :)
summary plz?

>About a 0% chance

Then why is SOTAR and his desciples constantly going on about galvanic corrosion and that you MUST remove barrel from upper or you’ll corode the aluminum of your upper if you go into the annodizing? See >>62541174. Sure it’s the right way to do it but they act like youll fuck your rifle if you don’t.
investing is spending money. You buy a share with money. The rule that money's only use is to buy things remains true.
Jesus told me the root of all evil is money
Jesus was correct. That's why you have to get rid of your money. Buy things with it.
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>I'm not worried about it
NGMI bro
If you find an alkaline 2032 in your mount, I will know you did it.
>The good ol 4 shit rifles vs one good one
Impressively bad.
The 1.5x is for sure weaker than most LPVO 1x , its not unusable but in either optic setup id bank a red dot uptop.
Largest point is going to be FOV at higher mag:
The 6x on the 1.5/6 is very wide FOV and very nice. 1-8 ATACR on 6x is going to have a ~16ft FOV vs the 21ft FOV of the Elcan 6x. FOV continues to get worse on ATACR as mag goes up (duh). So if you see yourself trying to glass wide areas, moving targets, etc the elcan might be the better choice. If you see yourself taking more precise shots the added 2x worth of mag and superior reticle on atacr is going to be the ticket.

Third position:
SAI6 has exact same FOV as the elcan at 6x and the superior fov as atacr at 1x. Could be a good compromise if both of those specs worry you.
Hmm how about no
Some people still think cash is king and don’t realize inflation is real and money as a number is meaningless. Can’t help em
>NGMI bro
Make it where?
I feel like you're getting more utility out of the ATACR.
ELCAN 1.5 / 6 seems like a good idea for a machine gun where want some more magnification for range but still have a decent FOV and the ATACR seems like it's a good middle ground between something like an ACOG or ELCAN 1/4 and a true DMR scope like an ATACR 4-16
but idk
I honestly didn't' even look at this before. HOw is the glass on those?
omfg you're playing a game of semantics on this word to try to defend your retarded point. if you want to get super autistic then not 'spending' money in one point in time can be advantageous. for example if you know that you'll need to spend money at a later date for something important, then not spending said money now is better than spending it. see I can also play semantic games to be technically 'correct'

in the context of what I was saying, consooming, gunsooming, 'spending' obviously meant purchasing goods like cars or motorcycles or guns, not investment vehicles ya dumb cunt. believe it or not, it's not about you or me, but how this type of behavior on aggregate affects everyone. consooming isn't good, because on a macro scale, it has detrimental effects
To his tranny fuckshack
What is her fursona and what ar15 does she have?
I liked my elcan, clarity on it was awesome, great eye box and whatnot, but 1/4 feels like it falls short. 1.5/6 to me feels better even on a regular ass rifle, at the same time the elcan didn’t really do anything exceptionally better than an LPVO or even a dot/magnifier setup. It’s a cool ass optic, but it’s crazy dated
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Honestly the scope as a whole checks a lot of really cool features, its like someone finally put more than 10 minutes into a LOW japanese optic.
>Reticle with thin precise crosshair/subtensions for top end
>Reticle with thick coarse aiming guides for low end
>Illum only illuminates thin crosshair
Creates an effect wherein the reticle appears to shift from thin and thick coarse being picked up by your eye as you move it across dark->lit areas. Where FFP illum alone wouldnt be enough the coarse stadia comes into focus, where the non illuminated coarse stadia would be too dark the fine illuminated comes into focus.

Stack on the range finder, integrated bosses for caps/killflash, retained caps, not gorilla mode mag throw and eyepiece that doesnt rotate and im really digging it.
[spoiler]Also it comes in another shade of tan for your 17[/spoiler]
It's just the poor mindset. I don't even mean that in a disparaging way this time.
>I need this money because I might have to buy something unexpected
is the obvious reason they think spending money is bad. But it can't change the fact that the only reason you're saving that money in that case is so you can spend it if/when you need to.

That's not semantics you just finally have figured out why you're being retarded. Yes anon, not spending money CAN be advantageous, so you can instead...oh right. Spend it on something else. Because that is its only value.
>in the context of what I was saying,
You should be more clear about your context because you are just whining about guns on 4chan.
>not investment vehicles ya dumb cunt.
Oh I don't consider guns investments. That's dumb. I forgot I was talking to a seething poor retard, when you said investments I thought you were talking about my actual investments. It doesn't change anything though, because your logic was entirely incorrect, so it's good you dropped it.
>but how this type of behavior on aggregate affects everyone.
It affects everyone by making goods and services available for purchase. If people do not buy things, they are not produced, and then you can't buy them even if you want to.
>consooming isn't good,
Incorrect. Consuming is a good thing. You have a job because of consuming. You have food because of consuming. You have a house because of consuming. Chances are high that every single thing you own was produced to be sold for money so the person who made it could take that money and buy other things with it. Again, this isn't deep, you're just trying to make a moral ideology about the virtue of poverty without any actual commitment to the idea. You might as well move to Seattle and call yourself a communist because you're on the same level.

Now, back to the point I originally made: buying guns has no negative affect on my life because I am not in the same financial state as you.
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A domestic dog breed; no AR
I may just grab this to try out first it.Thanks again for the info
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>how about no

I need an actual answer as to why it’s not a big deal so my autistic ass can stop it from keep me up at night.
Used 5.56 one on tacswap with reptillia mount for literally nothing right now.
Dont worry about the BDC being off, your BDC wont align perfectly anyway because
Once in hand:
If you like the optical characteristics more than reticle , move it onto a secondary platform and buy elcan
If you like the the reticle more than the optical characteristics, move it onto secondary platform and buy ATACR
again you're pretending to not know what I'm talking about to win this argument. obviously obviously obviously consooming/gunsooming isn't just CONSUMERISM. I'll repeat myself again, it's not about you or me, it's about the macro scale. You should be able to infer what spending means in the context of consooming/gunsooming if you have the reading comprehension of a grade schooler. If not spending can be advantageous at one point in time, then it's not useless, debunking your retarded claim since you wanted to get uber specific for no reason.
Oh good
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OCM5 got approved in 24 hours. MK12 soon
>no AR
Why? Anti gun? Fix that nigger
No anon, it is about you. Buying things is bad if you can't afford it. That's it. That's all. Everything you've done is cope out loud about the fact you are not in a financial state to responsibly buy the things people post here.
>it's about the macro scale
But that's wrong retard. As I already pointed out and you know for a fact, the macro scale is that people buying things is good. People not buying things is bad.
>then it's not useless, debunking your retarded claim since you wanted to get uber specific for no reason.
Wrong. Because again, it's only value is to be spent. This concept is anathema to you because you are poor and cannot responsibly handle money. You are saving money so it can be spent later. Its one and only value remains to be spent. However, you have been indoctrinated to believe saving money=good spending=bad. The reality is the only reason to save money is to spend it. Bend yourself out of shape and try to ram your conditioning around reality all you want, it doesn't change this fact.
And here, I'll make it easier for you. The only use for food is to be eaten. That's it. This statement likely doesn't offend you, unlike the very simple and identical one I made about money.
>b-but I should save it for later
And what will you do with it later? Eat it.
>but I have to stockpile it to make it through winter!
Again, so that you can eat it then.

Saving something to use it later does not change its function. Even if you feed it to something or someone else, the food is still being eaten.

If this sounds retarded and childish, understand how you getting bent out of shape about the concept that money's only use is to be spent is. Both are fundamentally and obviously true statements, and there is no point contradicting them. You can try, but no framework of poorly laid out logic will change this fact.
your original claim was that money is useless if not spent, let me give you a hypothetical to prove this is incorrect if we consider all of time, not just one specific point in which is money is spent:

you need x amount of dollars for something important in the near future, 'spending' that money at any moment before that important something in which the money is needed to fund said important thing would make the money unavailable, and thus you wouldn't be able to fund it.

is not spending that money at each moment in time before you need it for that important something not useless? if the answer is yes, then you're incorrect. you already admitted it was advantageous, I'm just putting it in this format you may be able to critically think. people buying things isn't equivalent to consooming, if you don't know the context of this word, that's okay but I'd prefer you admit that rather than repeating the same thing over and over in retarded fashion.
The thing is that not every gun has to do everything.
I like the elcan because it’s built around ruggedness and redundancy. I think it’s a near perfect infantry optic due to its feature set.
Additionally, for the ways that I most often find myself training it makes more sense than something like an ATACR.
For someone that is shooting out to 400+ regularly I think it makes more sense to have that magnification.
For me, I’d rather have a BDC.
I also think it’s important to think of how all these rifle setups work as part of a larger system.
I don’t want to be in the group of guys where everyone has a red dot magnifier.
I’d prefer if most people have some kind of intermediate capability and then a couple other guys have the higher end magnification.
Do whatever makes sense for you and your means of training.
I think people get too caught up in the one man army meme. Not saying you are but it’s an observation I’ve made and why a lot of people want something like an ATACR 1-8.
Jesus Christ you're still going.
>your original claim
Is that money's only purpose is to be spent. Which remains true.
>but what if you should buy something in the future instead of now?!
Then that is still buying things. Your money has no other value.
>people buying things isn't equivalent to consooming
Yes it is.
>if you don't know the context of this word,
The context is poor people use it when they want to cope about things.

Now back to the start:
>what benefit is there to me NOT buying tens of thousands of dollars worth of guns and accessories?
There isn't any. I would have more money that I can instead buy other things with. But I don't need to buy other things. This means not spending the money would be of zero value to me. There is no way to improve my life by not spending the money on guns and things I want. However, you cannot separate yourself from this situation, so it instead becomes
>I can't afford to spend that much money on guns and accessories, therefore what you're doing is bad!
This is because you lack critical thinking capability. Can you visualize an apple?
>Yes it is
NTA, but consooming means purchases in cultivation of character/personality
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A2 was a loss at words when I told him 7075 bcgs were better
Call me B5, b5 grip from now on
Can I call you retarded instead?
a single glance from a boresnake would kill that thing faster than a basilisk I tell you hwhat
listen, this is the last reply I'm giving.
>If you're not spending it, why have money? It's useless
saving money isn't useless even if it's only for short periods of time, you can delude yourself all day and look at one moment in time in which money is spent and ignore every moment leading up to that but it's clearly disingenuous. your 'acktually' "investments count as spending" was so utterly stupid given what we we're talking about and I hope you eventually realize that, and that you can take autism to the extreme if you REALLY want to get technical like I've just done to prove you wrong on the aforementioned point about saving.

>Yes it is.
No it isn't. When someone invokes this meme word, they're not discussing a whole host of consumerist habits, they're describing a narrower range of habits, therefore it's not equivalent. You'll not see people pointing out a woman struggling to afford groceries as consooming, unless they're being sarcastic. Again for the last time, let's not go back to the start because in the beginning of this conversation, you were ignorant that I wasn't talking specifically about you or me, so your narcissistic rant about your circumstance isn't necessary. If I said, littering wasn't good, you saying that you can afford to pay the fine and that littering doesn't affect you greatly isn't at all relevant to what I'm talking about generally, I still don't think you should litter, but it isn't about (you).
A liberal Muslim homosexual McDonald's franchise owner and tripfag, A2grip was teaching a class on 8620 bolt carriers, known inferior steel alloy.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Reed Knight, and accept that the SR-15 is the most evolved AR-15, better than even Eugene Stoner's!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a 7075 K-SPEC bolt carrier.

"How good is this carrier?"

The arrogant A2grip smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied "Best case scenario you end up with premature wear"

"Wrong. Boomers on arfcom have been using them and they say they're great"

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Machinery's Handbook. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The same tears liberals cry for the "poor" (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving job creators. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, DeShawn "A2grip" Washington, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist liberal instagram poster. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but his heavy steel bolt carrier would not cycle.

The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted the KAK K-Spec bolt carrier as the superior bolt carrier. An eagle named "Light Recoil" flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country.

The tripfag lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

Semper Fi
>saving money isn't useless
Why are you saving money?
>to spend it
End of discussion.
>you were ignorant that I wasn't talking specifically about you or me
Who are you talking about anon? Not you, not me, not anyone in this thread, you're just screaming into the void that buying guns is bad for no reason?
TCGF’s latest video finna got me actin like a fool
I really like that BRN180 desu.
Sweet summer child bless your soul
Lol you are aluminum bcg midwit huh? The guy who cannot possibly understand nuance. How do you live?
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Wrong you illiterate fug it's not money but the love of money. Another midwit
Jamie pull up that picture of the atheist no I didn't read the Bible and I do t believe anything it says and that argument wouldn't work on me but maybe if I use it on you etc
So with all these real pipe hitters putting dots on top of their elcans anyway, why shouldn't I just buy a SpecterOS4x instead? It's lighter, less bulky, and cheaper with the same glass.
What the fuck even is this build?
because if you didn't want the built in 1x the ACOG was always a better optic
because you can't
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Nigger it's an SBR waiting on a can. What's so hard for your zoomer brain to understand?
why do you have a 4x acog on an sbr?
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Because based
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Oh I'm sorry, what optic should I have on it your highness? Don't tell me you've never actually used an ACOG and think they aren't suited to close range.

It's literally the best optic in existence for 90%+ of use cases for an intermediate caliber rifle of any barrel length and you can't change my mind.
but he has no 1x a gay ugly grip a gay rail cover gay rail delete kit and a bad flash hider too! oh and no sling AND a gay slanted grip attached some mlok abomination.
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The whole point of an elcan is the 1x otherwise just get an acog and save on some weight.
why do you have a red dot on yours then?
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Cringe question.
I answer this question every thread.
>passive aiming
>in certain positions the red dot is easier/faster to use than the 1x
>I’m postions the low HOB 1x is better
>if you want to be more heads up you can use the top dot
>if you want to be more on the gun or keep a lower profile you can use the elcan 1x.
It’s simply a way to have more options
So stupid
then just get a g33 and a exps 3 on a hydra mount wtf
that has a 1x its not a fucking 4x acog

it really isn't but a dot and mag is probably a better choice for a shorty
Can you just ignore that faggot? He’s out here every day trying to be the next /arg/ personality but nobody gives him the attention he seeks except for a few stragglers like you.
but Stoner designed the sr15 too..
best scot mount is obviously the ADM, right?
best mount is a grbs hydra
a2 apploved!
all the new surefire lights come with the mount and are not compatible with other mounts. The best legacy mount was probably larue followed by arisaka if not using pic rail.
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The rifles in here really do get worse every year
Pic related right?
No, dickhead.
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well yea because all the cloners died out and now we have original homebrews not that gay weak military shit that isn't as good as a 7075 bcg
Yeah that’s a textbook Reddit rod
says the guy with the fucking poortex and cloud light
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The Radical Defense CS5 is a pretty nice suppressor. I wasn't able to test it a ton today, but it was nice to at least get behind it. The Hanes version is still pretty decent in weight. It's really quiet. Gas wasn't too bad at all, and we were indoors. I'm still kind of leaning toward the Cobalt Kinetics Scrambler, but the RD CS5 is really tempting.
I guess they also have some crazy prototype can that they were designing as a high flow-through suppressor. No name for it yet, but it was extremely smooth to shoot. Basically zero gas to face. Only real downside is that it breaks the 140db threshold for the shooter on a 12.5", but this improves significantly when you kick up to 14.5" (or over, naturally). Sounds like a significant competitor for HUXWRX. It wasn't exactly designed with sound suppression in mind, but it still sports a very low signature, compact package, and it basically makes junko M4s run like a tuned rifle.
get fucking cummed in loser lmao
I already have an exps3 and a G33 (two g33s actually).
I like the elcan significantly more.
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my rifle hasn't changed in like five years though
all it really needs is a light
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look closer
That’s because you’re a gigantic faggot manlet that goons to tranime, anon
He cant be both gigantic and a manlet, anon.
uh based
thanks anon, ilu2, but the comment about being a manlet really hurts. I get bullied a lot by my younger brothers because they're all taller than me. I didn't choose to only be 6'3 ok?
Awww wassa matter, gonna cry? Maybe piss and shid a little?
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You're just mad that you're left handed like some degenerate freak
So you’re telling me it’s impossible to be obese and short, anon?
The rightoid cries out in pain as it strikes you
Long ass bitch
They are underrated. I got my cs5 on sale for $800 so I was surprised how well it performed. They're only able to sell it for such a low price because they make their shit in-house.
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Left handed people are all demons and will burn forever in the pits of hell
You are as pathetic as an aluminum bolt carrier group
No and it's not even close why would you think that? Their dot and lpvo mounts are mid as fuck too
Do you use aluminum buttplugs too? Light weight high speed reciprocation, low recoil so it doesn't bump the dick out of your mouth that's your game right.
Pretty sure that copypasta is older than you are
Reducing carrier mass doesn't fix any of those things and it reduces reliability. Pretty wild some retarded people started making aluminum carriers.

dumb as fuck here watch this
how long did you have to wait on the backorder
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If your BCG can't reliably cycle when drier than DDAnon's gfs vag, then you're NGMI
But DDanon is a pedo
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Stick your cock in it
this is why I only use 7075, no lube required
enjoy your galling
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Why did surefire have to go and discontinue the scout bodies? The pro mounts kinda suck.
Do it and get the barrel chopped so it's flushed up to the receiver. Should net you about a 17-17.5" barrel. I'm gong to do the same thing but with the full length AEM 5-30.
So. Who in arg's considered opinion makes the best, toughest, longest lasting bolt carrier group? I observe the offering by Fulton Armory is USGI issue and only runs $120, and that is what I cam currently leaning towards.

KAC e3, but you can only use it in a SR-15. Otherwise DD.
Stoner designed the SR-25, the SR-15 is just his namesake
Bolt Carriers can go for hundreds of thousands of rounds, yes even a 7075 carrier. It's the bolt that will give out. What i'm trying to say is that 7075 is just better. Velocity just kills and cuts through carbon.
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this but only with a turdcutter carrier.
a checked microbest is going to be best in a normal ar
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mr556 only went 500 rounds LOL, op-rod bent and prevented the carrier from locking
HK is just as good.
The Geissele REBCG is unironically very good. The C158+ bolt is very tough. Biggest downside is $385 MSRP, which I would never pay. Both of mine came with the Super Duty rifles I bought.

Other than that, even a basic Microbest BCGs should work just fine for thousands and thousands of rounds. Just check and swap out extractor and ejector springs when they need to be swapped, and test your gas rings every couple thousand rounds.
Teutonic magic ;)
That's not a real thing.
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Hi Mark
my anderson has never done this kek
can i use my basic kac carrier in my other ARs
May I see your Anderson with a gassy suppressor on it?
C158+ is just a C158 bolt coated with DLC
The REBCG is perfect in literally every way
Safety feature
Anyone have that pic of bunni holding her AR15? I just got back from work and I need a quick goon sesh
>goon sesh
if its anything remotely quick you're doing it wrong, please show some respect for the craft
Thoughts on the Brownells/Colt 4x retro optic? I'm really considering picking one up
It's made in Japan so it will at the very least be quality
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I only hesitate because I don’t want to have to get all my future 30 cal rifles fitted for the suppressor.
What scope are you using?
ngl the cz bren 3 is really starting to catch my attention. Now that it has a chf chrome lined barrel I’ve lost my reason to hate brens. If it ends up not having any major issues I’m gonna get one.
Gonna get my urethra chrome lined
What if we sounded together anon?
Cute puppers
when did gay2 come back
When we needed him most
all goyim are enemies of Israel
He was always here
18SEP24 8:20 MST
I'm trans. Are ARs for me?
They literally made an assault rifle platform for trans people.
Go to /akg/ to learn more.
only if you're hot
Dude get yours nitrided so we can get some solid data. For science hahaha. Lol
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>I don’t want to have to get all my future 30 cal rifles fitted for the suppressor.
I have the luxury of being able to do all my own barrel work and even make my own OPS mounts so I've become one with the Allen cans.
>What scope
ATACR 4-20
Yes, the price tag really kind of brings it home. Everything else in its capability bracket typically runs for over 1k.
different anon, speaking of the ops mounts whats the length of the brake or the otter creek variant? both sites arent showing
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IS GR Breakpoint fun to play while i wait for my upper to ship
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How do you feel about the 4-20? I was looking at the 5-25 but at that point I might as well drop 700$ more and get the ZCO 4-20
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/pfg/ BTFO

Nice setup
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>I have to replace the gas rings, this gun is DEAD
is he retarded or just excellent bait?
The last good Clancy game was rainbow 6 las Vegas 2
you're assuming the carrier itself isn't gaped
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Never had hands on anything otter Creek so I can't help you there. Sorry, bud.
The ATACR line has ruined all other optics for me. It's just too good. The 5-25 could be a good choice if you're regularly going past 1000. I don't have experience with the ZCO stuff but the NF is so nice I don't know if I'd bother spending the extra money.
It's not bad. I wish we had the roller bearings on our steady rests. The brass followers put a big ugly wear mark on my barrel.
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Why would I assume anything more than the video relates? This guy is making the claim that the gas rings being blown out is an indication of the gun being "dead" which is just asinine
How long does it take to get that setup dialed in? I imagine not long with the live center but I noticed the chamber/tenon was in a 4 jaw
Et tu brutus

>Instead youre just creating massive barrier pen liability as you shoot people in other rooms.
Don't know if you thought I was implying I would use a1 for home defense which is just cuhraazy. Not the case, I was more interested if you had experience in its ideal use cases as it relates to alternatives like say—upping caliber to .308 or if its performance is enough to justify buying less a1 than regular m855 to gain that performance boost.
magnifiers generally suck ass
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excited to shoot this weekend
you literally cannot shoot the weekend
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I wouldn't shoot him, he's done no wrong to me.
>I wish we had the roller bearings on our steady rests
Just make your own, I converted 2 of my rests over and it was well worth the time
There's a band named that
Fucking watch me
Chat is this real
Moron moron moron you are a moron, jp arguably with the best quality in the alum bcg game admits they won't hold up to 10k lmfao stfu fuck you
>tripfag thinks his opinion matters
Never reproduce
am i a retard for wanting a ta44?
Nanomachines nanolube bruhhhh 158+bruhhhh aluminum 7075+++++ bruuuuuuuhhhhhhhh
Get the hamr retro 4x for 150, iz good.
>Every 1k rounds
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ya, no homo
how annoying is it having the dot that far back? it's the only reason i haven't gone that exact route, i haven't been able to test that setup in person
This weekend
The weekend
Esl azz ngaaa
I think he talking about shooting the nigga the weekend
here bro lemme save you some money
it's totally fine.
I don't shoot competition so the height over bore doesn't bother me.
>man pretending to be woman reviewing female pants.
tactical trannies and gonna be one hell of a random loot drop.
>couple mags
>combination gun and ass lube
>shitty Gerber knife.
>these girl pants suck theres no room for my femme dick and balls and the sizes dont make any sense
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fuckin hell imagine being that things parents. fuck
>couple mags
Yeah tmags. I'll see what ammo is inside and just take that.
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>How long does it take to get that setup dialed
Idk like 60 or 70 seconds my dude. AR barrels are ezpz.
Not a bad idea
Dialing in is generally fast ye, for some reason we were timed on in for machine shop classes lol
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You guys ever find your pictures of your local police SWAT and judge them?
>only one dude with helmet mounted earpro
>radios on the back
>do they even have plates?

I'm going to sleep a little better tonight knowing these are the people who would tasked with taking our guns.
Haven't looked at my local ones but my friend in another state is swat. He's built like gigachad, has binos on his helmet with mounted comtacs and an m300v. His AR is questionable and he likes the staccato but his rifle isn't objectively bad, just not /arg/ certified. He has a taskforcedoomer patch on his helmet so he loses points for that but otherwise he's a great guy.
If they weren't women repellent and I didnt have to deal with drunks and hobos fulltime I'd consider pursuing it if I wanted to career change just to get paid to train and sit around.
only yurofag swats
>out of uniform fags in jeans or gay yuro fashion
>mp5s with cuck stocks
>regular ak cucks
>no nut protectors
>women repellent
He's married and just had his second kid. He had to put up with a lot of shit to get there though. He started out as a CO in prison, became a beat cop, made detective, then moved to swat. I'm not sure if everywhere is like that but you don't just get to walk on to swat. But yeah he posts some funny shit about dealing with drunks and tweakers. There was one about trying to ignore this tweaker at 711 when he was getting lunch at 3am but he just kept provoking him for no reason.
>you don't just get to walk on to swat
Yea I know, most agencies don't even have fulltime swat so your normal job is just a regular policeman. That's what I meant by not wanting to deal with shitbags fulltime.
Oh, then yeah you're absolutely right. I would fucking hate that job. Imagine having to wrestle and cuff some piss and shit smeared scumbag because he did some petty shit. No thank you.
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Xm250 looks lame as fuck ngl
Pretty much everyone agrees on that. I took the light and hotbutton off my DMT carbine and now it just feels so sad. I could put a spare streamlight on it but then I think
>would dmt do that
And the answer is no. So the question is what do I replace it with? It's too good to be relegated to the background status it has now.
can you stop talking
post the tall one
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3 days was a bit much janny
i saw 3 black bear cubs and a momma this past weekend in PA, had to sleep with my rifle loaded and in my hammock.
nothing makes me more racist and toxic than a site wide ban and not a fucking board specific ban
Gonna get a Surefire M640DFT, which pressure pad/tailcap/whatever the fuck I need should I get?
DS00 tailcap, Unity Hot Button
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What >>62546172 said but skip the turbo. Beam too tight.
>Then why is SOTAR and his desciples constantly going on about
Because they are faggots and they need to keep doing that so faggots like you will keep watching. Do you not understand how all of these content creators work? They have to keep creating content or else there won't be anything to watch and they will have to get a real job.
Based gunkopop defender. Your investments will pay off eventually. Any minute now.
Nah. The old "sexiest rifle" contests are barely passable now.
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new is not beautiful
Is this new?
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A buddy of mine is on the SWAT of the closest major city. Dude can shoot lights out from a near dead sprint. Some of his buddies are less impressive
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That’s sick I haven’t seen a black bear in PA since I was in Bedford.
>just one more gizmo and I'll be done I promise
>just one more minute edging to bunni holding her AR15 and I’ll be done I promise
nice a2 clone
He didn't realize it at the time but that was the good times.

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