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lebanease forces have invaded across the border into israel with gopros on.
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zik drone footage of invading force
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avata drone footage
Hairline in full retreat
Lmfao how owned can Hezbollah get this is insane. Just domed immediately
Pretty sure it's been nothing but L's for them and Iran after the initial sucker punk massacre
hezzie trying to coopt the lebanese military
>invading force
its just two guys
Please understand, they were the last members of Hezbollah remaining with two hands.
they killed 12 kids in that football field rocket attack in 1 strike
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>This time one year ago Hezbollah was considered a borderline peer-to-peer opponent of Israel
>It's currently getting dabbed on so bad that even Arabs on social media are mocking them

With Jews, you win my dudes.
+15 shekels
Well, for /pol/estinians that's an spectacular victory, in their heads.
it was never considered peer to peer its basically the same as iran,hamas,pij its a stock terrorist organization
Those kids weren't even Jewish, though
How imagine if Israel actually decided to kill raghead kids. Hamas and Hezbollah and by extension Iran are fucking scum and not just that but inept and subhuman
they were in israel
Nuke Tehran. Send a proper message.
+15 dinars, unlock with security code sent to your pager :)
>with gopros on
They never learn
They were Druze
doesnt matter
they killed 12 israelis in 1 missile strike
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>This time one year ago Hezbollah was considered a borderline peer-to-peer opponent of Israel
maybe on twitter or /pol/, anyone with an ounce of military knowledge knew otherwise
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It had """defeated""" Israel in the 2006 war, it was discussed in existential terms in Israel since they had thousands of rockets ready to launch from extremely short range that could extremely accurately smash Israeli infrastructure in a way Hamas was too under-equipped for and Iran was too far away for.

Now Israel has made them look like utter chumps and it's going to take a big victory for Hezbollah to get their cred back, which I don't think Israel will give to them.
Oh, I want to read more about this anon, can you elaborate?
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Bro is so low on victories that the hill he'll die on is whether 12 kids killed by a rocket were proper Israelis. Remind me who is winning?
>doesnt matter
>they killed 12 israelis in 1 missile strike
Same people pissing and moaning that the Beepening was "muh terrorism," by the way.
they never defeated israel or damaged israeli infrastructure.

israel was winning and bailed in the middle due to weak/USA puppet leadership.
Why do they still bother with those toy rockets tho? They almost never hit anything and if they do they only ever kill children and old people.
I understand the gazans use them because they're brokies but seriously
Muslims hate druze as much as jews

this is the biggest lebanease win in this war so far but now israel is beginning to counter
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These guys don't look like Lebanese Army...
My bet is that it costs Israel much more to take the rockets out than it does for the rockets to be made.
They are spending Israel's money with little cost for them.
thats why you pop the guy setting up the rockets those are expensive
>its just two guys
Beep and Bang
>lebanease win
Nothing in the conflict is a Leb win. Most Lebs who aren't Shiite hate Hezbollah and would stop the fighting in a heartbeat if the LAF could stand up them.
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Hezballack eat shit again lmao
>they killed 12 israelis in 1 missile strike
They were Druze with Syrian citizenship, Ahmed. Even Hezzie media understood how bad it looked to Arab audiences and memory holed the whole thing after they realized they hit Majdal Shams and not an actual settlement.
lebanon launched this war to kill as many as possible, 12 with 1 rocket is a win
they have israeli residentship and many have israeli citizenship
I think it was less they were considered truly peer to peer and more that there were enough of them to pose a pretty big problem regarding numbers with both Gaza and Iran going on. Which aged like milk and doesn’t take into consideration that practically every single major conflict Israel has been in since 1948 involved pretty heavy Arab numerical superiority.
>lebanon launched this war
The Lebanese government sans Hezbollah and Lebanese military want nothing to do with this shitshow, and have repeatedly called for the fighting to end. Hezbollah doesn't care.
Keep trying to identify Hezbollah as in any way representative of Lebanese sovereign will. They're not.
>Keep trying to identify Hezbollah as in any way representative of Lebanese sovereign will. They're not.
If Lebanese doesn't execute Hezbollah members for terrorism then Hezbollah is Lebanese sovereign will. Simple as.
No, that just means the state is unable to enforce its own sovereignty, and other states can violate Lebanese sovereignty to protect themselves.
>lebanease forces have invaded across the border into israel with gopros on.
I'm sure this will in no way backfire or result in all of their deaths.
>They are spending Israel's money with little cost for them.
Israel just has the infinite money cheat via control of the US Congress and Federal Reserve though so it's pointless.
Which is probably the reason why they got their dicks blown off.
lebanon started the war in october 23
both rocket, drone and ground attacks
you have to admit 1 thing - the jews picked the ideal spot to create their meme country called israel - its surrounded by possibly the most incompetent idiots on the planet.
it must feel like paradise compared to constant never ending abuse by the europeans, lmao.
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Chosen ones....I kneel
They look like 2007 airsofters
Christianity in israel is growing, the only country in the middle east. inb4 zog or kike. I dont care about israel or palestine but thats the fact
GoPros you say? Very interesting...
so are the Palestinians
why don't they start by ethnically cleaning their own country before they try that shit on a superpower?
Hold on now, the glazing is getting a tad out of hand
they didnt declare and operation they just said bibi can formally start a war

i have no faith in them i bet they'd do nothing and wont capitalize on the gains of the past few days
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>only 1 guy carrying extra mags
dumb, needless weight that makes you all sweaty if you gotta walk with it all day
>lebanease forces have invaded across the border into israel with gopros on.

2 mouthbreathers thought it would be a good idea to plant explosives in one of the most well defended borders in the world rn*
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>More or less your entire mid level command circuit wiped out
>Your entire operation clearly mapped out by your enemies
>ALL your comms and command and control has to be assumed to be compromised
>"Hey Achmed, lets go to war, right now!"
What the fuck is wrong with these people lmao. This is Russian levels of incompetence.
Israel is the 51st state, amigo
you go to war with them, you're going to war with Uncle Sam.
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LMAO, for years all we've heard from /pol/tards is
>Muh hezbollah
>Muh 2006
>Muh diapers
>Muh based defenders with newest chinese and russian ATGMs
>Merkava death march
And now this. God it must suck to be a /pol/nig right now/
Funnily enough I was checking reddit and it seems many lebanons there would love nothing but to see hez-beep-ack! die
>but le /k/eddit
Yeah, yeah but sadly there are many reddit users indeed and considering what some of these mofos have been doing of late I won't think of them as toyally harmless.

Those kids where Druze, an Arab minority living in Israel, so it's kind of a self own for team "Arabs" (Palestinians are Arabs as well).
There auta be a law!
a kill is a kill
Don't care. I support anyone trying to kill jews.
/pol/ is dead post 2016, even before 2016 I remember there were some Israelis there you could talk to and have decent threads with both sides before schizos chimped out
you're an idiot
They thought the West would have their back.
Can somebody give me a tldr why is it poping off
Not even other arabs states have their back, why the fuck would the west?
lebanon invaded israel in october last year , ground + artillery but they havnt made any gains and mostly stuck to shooting artillery (rockets,mortars,drones). now theyre trying ground attacks again.
it would be funny if that phone explode taking his other eye.
Israel’s genocide in Gaza is not seen as a good thing
lets just say if my phone was purchased in the local phone store of the dahieh quarter of beirut i would not be as brave as that man in the picture.
its funny how retarded the whole shit first the longnose tribe gets dunked on by meme glider with their pants down. then gaza get blasted and tanks get embarrassed by the Battlefield players treatment and now this

win win situation
Yeah, those lazy jews are really half-assing it.
80 IDF airstrikes in the past 2h
Yes, we already know how you guys think, that's why we found the pagers so funny.
who knew american art major xhey/xhems and /pol/ brownoid ziglets don't make the best allies?
im not saying its good or bad im just saying that the purpose of the war was to kill people on the other side, thats why they started it and killing 12 is a success using that metric.
if you define "the other side" as "anyone who happens to get hit by our rockets" then yes, Hezbollah has been 100% effective in this war so far.
There any traction to the theory that Netanyahu wants some sort of conflict with Iran/Iran's proxies? Idk I've just heard some people talk about how he's doing this stay in power and avoid being ousted from office or trying to draw the US into some kinda war against Iran.
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>Israel’s genocide in Gaza is not seen as a good thing
The most hilarious thing is the pearl-clutching over dead babies after /pol/ memory-holed the Al-Ahli hospital bombing that Hamas and PIJ conducted that everyone blamed on Israel until the evidence came out. The entire world was outraged, and then suddenly, it was like those dead Palestinians never even existed.
Remember, every accusation by the /pol/estinian is a confession. They don't care about dead children, they use their own children as suicide bombers. But they expect you to care!
>lesbianese invasion
>all of them are bearded butch dykes
False advertisement
well it looks like nobody really cares, besides iran and iranian controled militias
idk read a history book
lebanon invaded israel when they declared independence from the british, been attacking them ever since.
Is this a new zionist propaganda tactic because I think you’re overdoing it a little
Be honest, how terrible is the Lebanese military?
theyre beating back israel for 11 months now
>surrounded by possibly the most incompetent idiots on the planet.
The governments are interested in protecting themselves, not punishing Israel. Once they learned they couldn't beat Israel they just quietly decided to work with them. The biggest threats to these regimes are the terrorist groups that threaten to overthrow them, like ISIS or Hezbollah.
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>theyre beating back israel for 11 months now
turdie please
I'm not asking about the Iranian milita that controls half of Lebanon.
I'm asking about the national military directly under the control of the Lebanese government, the one that seemingly never actually fights Israel.
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*Ring Ring*
Lesbians would be a slightly more effective fighting force.
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bro we're at 470+ already and a new batch just dropped
700+ if you count the other terror groups
>tanks get embarrassed by the Battlefield players treatment
And yet, never any aftermath.
Banana phone
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banana phone is bomb
>if Israel actually decided to kill raghead kids

Lmao Israel probably has the highest child:combatant kill ratio of any military in the world.
>israel was winning and bailed in the middle

Wow sounds like a total cope similar to the "we got bored and went home" excuse for the US defeat in Afghanistan.
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maybe stop brainwashing kids into becoming terrorists Ahmed?
>Send your youths to kill themselves in pointless dolittle attacks
>Cry about the injustice of it to the world
Just wipe them all out at this point.
they dont seem to care about their own people at all
doesnt all hamas leadership live in iran/qatar
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These are probably the explosives they were trying to plant. Two rocks that look like the same rock but are bombs.
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