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Give me a single reason why this is a bad idea
because theres when wielding it, not enough room in town for even the one of you
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The blast from the cylinder gap plus the weight encouraging using your other hand to support it exposed to it. A coach gun solves the problem better
>The blast from the cylinder gap
Why on earth would your hand be anywhere near the cylinder gap?

>using your other hand to support it
That is unbelievably retarded because it forces you to keep the elbow of your trigger arm strongly bent, which totally fucks your ability to control the gun's recoil. You shoot that with both hands on the grip, nothing anywhere near the cylinder gap.
>9” inch barrel 12 gauge revolver
>total length about 16”
>has to be held at arms length
Much like pistol grip shotguns this will actually stick out further than a short barreled shotgun with a stock so it is less useful for fighting in a house like in a home defense scenario. The short barreled stocked shotgun will also provide fast follow up shits while you will probably only get one shot with this one.
>a 12 gauge shotgun has less muzzle energy than a 500S&W revolver
And if you want a ridiculously powerful revolver this isn’t it either.
>Why on earth would your hand be anywhere near the cylinder gap?
Like he said, the pistol weighs so much that people would tend to place their support hand further up the pistol because normies are unaware that cylinder gap blast exists
>Why on earth would your hand be anywhere near the cylinder gap?
or forearm because the thing is fucking heavy look at it, if they are 12 gague shells and that's a metal revolver then yeah its going to be tempting to try and use your left arm and hand to support it and that cylinder gap and a 12 gauge is going to do serious harm. You asked why this thing is dumb and I've told you.
That’s a bird head’s grip like the Mossberg Shockwave, not a pistol grip
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You can't name a single flaw with this without sounding like a pussy
>normies are unaware that cylinder gap blast exists
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Problem solved
It would need a design like the nagant revolver that locks the cylinder onto a forcing cone eliminating the cylinder gap. At that stage I would prefer a bolter style design with a fat four round magazine loaded to avoid rim lock
Better. but the solution is
>a design like the nagant revolver that locks the cylinder onto a forcing cone eliminating the cylinder gap.
theres an obvious flaw
the barrel isn't long enough
how else am i gonna shoot down any helicopters that ambush me while i'm CCW'ing it?
Need to be a dwarf to wield that handcannon
>because normies are unaware that cylinder gap blast exists
who cares about the gap. the gap isn't the main problem. The main problem is that it's pants-on-head retarded to fire a gun like with a bent arm, which using a support hand forces you to do.

No, problem worse.

It doesn't even need that. You just need not to hold it like a retard.
its going to need a lot more top strap to deal with the...I don't know what to call bolt thrust in a revolver
>the bottleneck is wasted space that could be used for beeger boolet
>cylinder only holds three rounds
>trigger lock
It's actually a good idea done badly. The gun is too front heavy which means you'll end up suporting it with your other hand like a long arm. Since only idiots hold a gun by a barrel, this means your forehand is vulnerable to the cylinder gap. This is iffy for pistol rounds but downright hazardous for shotgun rounds. I also don't like all those welds. They're not as strong as rivets so there's a chance the whole thing will break apart.
Is it weird I like this?
12 gauge isn't doing much out of a cylinder gap, it is low pressure as hell.
go weld up a 12ga revolver in your garage and hold your cock up to it when you fire then post pics after. we'll wait
Your wrist
Paul Harrell usually autistically shows specifically the exact ammo he uses for his tests yet doesn't here for some reason here even though it's of utmost importance. Had he used magnum shotgun shell loads he would've gotten better results.
>Paul Harrell usually autistically shows
Show some respect and use past tense, anon
You would probably kill yourself after you saw how beautiful my welds and cock are.
A moment of silence to say good night to our sweet prince...
skin that smoke wagon if you're brave enough on a blueboard daddy

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