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it's fucking fucked mate. them "nuclear war proof" bunkers blew up so good, they took 2 villages with them lmao
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Just some burnt grass, nothing to worry about cumrade.

This picture looks as if taken out of Call of Duty. Or perhaps Dawn of War would've been more appropriate
ground war not ammo war or whatever the cope is rn
Impressed that you can still make out the bunkers to the bottom.
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yup. copechair as always was right. nothing ever happened here
>copelord saying "everything is ok"
the depot is totaled...
Russians take the term "ammo dump" seriously which is why they dump their ammo in the open. But Russians are also masters of deception, so it's also a double game by the base commander to make his commanders think they don't need to do a closer inspection in case he's stealing them and selling them back to the North Koreans and then using government money to buy them back.
That glowing square isn't fire is it? You can't capture fire from space can you?
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So this guy is just a parody account right?
So he is att bargaining already
Not realy that surprising desu but seriously.
By cope lord's own hallucinated statistics an entire month's worth of munitions just exploded. Considering the fact that his reality warping psyker powers grow as his hairline retreats like a Chechen from kursk, he just manifested a total ammunition shortage across the front.
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When will this dumb nigger kill himself already? Gorganzola bit the bullet
bartender, give me what this guy drinks
i want to escape from reality too
Nope that guy is an absolutely serius failed manga author that is a professional Russian sick rider
And he is probably not even getting paid.
>cope drones
>using cope on something that clearly works
He probably post this dumb shit for engagement farming.
I'd sincerely like to hope he has some FSB goon with a gun pointed at him and a TB of blackmail of him with a minor or something forcing him to do this, the idea that someone could be so utterly delusional without being forced into it is just beyond pathetic.
>nuclear war proof
I think what they meant by that is that can withstand a nuclear blast from a mile away.
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This, just another NAFOtroon fake made with Arma/AI/CGI zaza.
I'm gonna be honest, I would gladly torture Copelord to death with an acetylene torch.
at least 7 of the southern bunkers went high-order.
Does anyone have a screen cap of copelord sating that a destroyed bridge could be patched with some cement. And the picture of the bridge where it's totally collapse?
What manga did he try to make?
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Pretty fucking RIP to the whole depot. I did not think so much of would be destroyed.
They could have just not built a depot at all and parked the ammo in a fenced off clearing somewhere. Would have saved them a lot of money
Russia conquering the world. He couldn't get inspiration from reality or even imagine how write that plot. No amount of imagination could fill that hole in the hole.
why wasnt this ammo storage hit earlier in the war?
probably because it wasn't full
Almost all "bunkers"(since I cannot trust the corrupted fucks that built them as to call them real bunkers) toasted and I guess they are all fucked.
explain why
Ukies didn't have long range drones up to late 2023, and before that destroying refineries was more critical because they're worth far more than depots.
>what happened to the igloo?
>the top fell off
ok at this point he has to be taking the piss
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This can't be real.
Noone can be this delusional, right?
Yep it's fucked alright
Copium high is far worse than kokrodil.
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>we didn't need that grass anyways
Bunkers seem totally unharmed as none but two look like explosion craters. Stuff stored above ground gone.
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Well, except couple of obvious craters, most seem to be fine.
Fixable with a concrete mixer and 2 hours
2 guys with a cement mixer will have that fixed in like a week or two!
The point isn't that you can rebuild the bunker, it's that the ammo is gone, you fucking retards
just gather the UXO and put it back inside
>He doesn't makes ammo in a cement mixer.
Who is the retard now?
So gen/ Bulgakov must go free, he was a honest commander. The arsenal mostly withstood surface explosion.
You misunderstand, the concrete mixer is for replacing lost shells :^)
>Not an obvious crater from space
>Must be fine
Thats just drone debris, this man is clearly delusional
Psh more like 3-4 hours. Back to normal. Leftiods can't into concrete
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There is an obvious crater, so everythingw which looks different is an intact bunker
>that crater instead of a shed
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nothing a few hours with a cement mixer couldn't fix ))))
I suspect a drone hit boxes stored above the ground in front of a bunker with open doors as overworked personnel tried to make their work easier by any means
Monke looks that map
Monke: Shoigu, what's the largest concrete mixer we have?
Shoigu: ...
What do the Russians have on him? Or is he doing it for free?
The best shill are those do for free.
I'm convinced that he would claim total Russian victory even while watching Abrams ranks rolling over the Red Square and wouldn't even bet an eye.
His favorite cheese pizza stars.
>It's just a small annoyance! These are cope tanks! Nothing spicy at all!
This is land war not depot war, stop this at once, nookz.
you know I thought that this ammo blowup was impressive, but minor in the overall scope. Now I'm convinced it's the single most impactful strike in any war.
I would bet there were couple of transports of ammo piled outside waiting for their turn to be checked, because of lack of personell. I agree some of the bunker doors were open due to neglect. This was one of russian central arsenals (albeit one of the smaller ones. Ukrainians reported it held 30k tonns of ammunition. It is around 500 trains carts. Russian central arsenals have capacity of 200-5000 train carts of ammo). Russians use those central arsenals for long term storage and mainetance of ammunition stored in field depots (done every 6 months max).
>I would bet there were couple of transports of ammo piled outside waiting for their turn to be checked
Wrong. Armchair Warlord said the depot wasn't servicing the current SMO
Who gives a fuck what that clown said?
Ruskies are so stupid they might actually try to salvage the munitions in the unexploded parts of the base. Imagine being the mobik who is told to go into the unexploded bunkers and start offloading the unstable UXO in them.
Jesus Christ, even if Russia had a cp on me, I would rather rat them, rat myself and kill myself. Death is better that such humiliations
You’d be surprised how much being paid a little motivates people of his caliber
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Here's another crater. This one makes me smile because it's so satisfyingly circular. It's like a moon crater.
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I think that's from the big explosion that was filmed. And there's a smaller North-East.
Mane new bunkers have been cratered as well. But lack of crater doesn't mean it's safe. Next day image showed many intact bunkers billowing white smoke, and you can see they're blacked in >>62541839

Crater would man full proper detonation. But if you store mines, shells or other bulk materials they could as well deflagrate and simply burn out with high intensity leaving nothing but molten iron mess. Even if the concrete box and earth looks ok.

And if too much of it stayed intact Ukraine can hit the remaining sites again.
Might be, difficult to say. A couple of bunkers have blown up, maybe even three or four.
Look at
See all the bunkers on the left changing appearance? The right corner might be undamaged, for various definitions of undamaged (i.e. molten, deflagrated, just lightly tussled by shockwave, roads littered with uxo good luck getting there, still billowing white smoke, etc)
Fat chance. If Russia is pulling assets from boneyards, Kaliningrad, Siberia, and even Syria to pump up their numbers in Ukraine, they for fucking sure are using every major ammo depot in their possession towards the war effort.
What motivates him? Do they pay him like Tim Pool?
I hope Copelord just comes out at the end going
>I was trolling all the time
It'd be funny as fuck.
>abrahams approaches the gaping sphincter
>clinch soon cumrads
>all war factories moved east of the urals
>soon they will know
Right before getting roped.
He'd be e-famous. Better than most people achieve.
>Wooden. Bunkers.
general says bunkers safe, fire contained and HATO "mosquito" repelled)) why worry)))
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It could work: picrel
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here you go anon
>There's still some bunkers with Nork missiles in front of them left.
>That acetylene isnt even that hot
I honestly forgot about the finest guard tower built in all of Russia.
This special military operation has been a trip.
It's northwest of Moscow, way distant from the actual frontlines. This is a strategic-level depot, there's only like a dozen of that size in all of Russia.
He looked at whatvAlex Jones makes in a monthvand figured he could do the same. Anyone can, so he's not wrong all of the time.
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All cocks point to the brother's ass..
What the fuck? Isn't the entire point of storing munitions like this to prevent mass detonation so that the enemy would have to expend a cruise missile per bunker or something like that.
Yes. Then the ziggers started piling extra ammo outside the bunkers. Because why worry about something that isn't going to happen?
Cement will be mixed. Back to normal in 2 weeks. STOP WITH A WORRY!
please tell methis retard is getting payed for this.
Putin to Marshal: here's 5 Billion Rubble and 200 missiles, make it happen
Marshal to Colonel: here's 4 Billion Rubble and 150 missiles, make it happen
Sergeant to Soldier: here's half a missile and btw, you owe me 150 Rubble for giving you this chance.

3 months later:
Soldier to Sergeant: Da, it happened. We can store 5 missiles even, that can take five (5) bullets now. Here's 200 Rubble and a bottle of vodka.
Colonel to Marshal: Da, it was a major success. We can store 300 missiles, it can withstand any modern aircraft attack and we only spent 200 billion Rubble so you can still build your fishing shack by the Black Sea.
Marshal to Putin: My Tsar! We did better than expected! We can now store 600 missiles and they're able to withstand ANY nuclear attack. AND we've got 50 million Rubble left as well!
Money, ego.

Some people really like attention and Twitter is designed to funnel money specifically to people like him.
Not just outside the bunkers, it was stacked in the space between the blast wall and the bunker doors.
it's fucked that he ever got any attention in the first place, retards and social media don't mix
He still firmly believes that the Kharkiv counter offensive was a disaster for Ukraine that gutted their army. He completely ignores what actual russians who are on the ground say about a situation and inserts his own reality.
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People seek out information that confirms their opinions.

And again, twitter specifically funnels people to these grifters.
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https://x.com/_spiku_ makes those bingo.
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Ah man only those bunkers on the right and maybe one on the far left weren't fucked up.

Everything else is fucking done.
Thanks anon. Fug, only two since may and September? I swear there were more, but I guess that's just me
Though it's true they're running out of targets anyway.
God I'd love to see some on the ground footage of the site. Don't we have any Russian /k/-bros that can go take some pics?
"It's GONE, MacReady."
He wrote a one shot shonen light novel. Honestly the whole thing is kind of mid, not much really noteworthy about it. Folks here call him a pedo cuz he describes a 16-17 year old girl changing her clothes in it.
20 hit at least one time (30 successful attacks in total)
12 or 13 still not hit
4 at 3500 km or more.

Ukies can literally decide if any oil refinery at less than 500 km can operate or not, unilaterally...
Pretty much they are running out of new refineries to attack, just keep them 'under pressure'.
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>there's only like a dozen of that size in all of Russia.
I'm off to get Zinc supplements.
>The scalp, where anything important would be placed, seems to have been largely unharmed beyond losing some of its hairline.
>Map turns red when its territory of the enemy faction
These people dont get paid

time for round 2.
Nothing some paint can't fix. Yep yep yep yep.
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high res satellite pics incomming
this pic is for orientation
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Section C, proper fucked
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Section A with the hardened bunkers, just fucked
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Section B, fucking fucked.
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MT Anderson has 20 more detailed pics with the single bunkers in sections A & B
>We set fire to Moscow against Napoleon, we’ll do it again
says Putin safe in his Yamantau bunker as he orders Moscow nuked
>they took 2 villages with them lmao

So... two villages gone? Uh, how many people is that? 250 each?
People? They were Russian villages.
Anon. There’s a video of them trying to evac some ammo in a truck. That is currently ON FIRE!!!
>More territory gained in few days in comparison with the thousands upon thousands on Puccians losses for like .3 square miles
Nice cope Rasheed
Man I've been that scared before.
Remember when Chris Chan made a video “It was all a joke, I’m a normal person with a job” and then disappeared for a few months from the internet?
>Just make an opposite of his take to know reality
Holy shit he's back with another take. Toropets ammo field must be a fucking moonscape of craters that'll be repopulated by grass in the future.
Isn't Nikocado Avocado the only (recent?) e-person that pulled off "jklol it was a joke"? Most of the other lulcows have been mostly "jk i was merely pretending to be retarded" instead.
You have a fucking problem, dude. I'm not proposing that you get off the internet, but at least go play some vidya or something instead of following e-drama
Nikocado has always been a persona to some extent.
Just fill the fucked asshole with concrete, is fixed
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How much are they paying this fucker
What are you talking about? he means the ammo dump exploding destroyed two villages as well.
not enough for a turkish back alley hair transplant
>A drone for every bunker, revetment, and shed in Toropetsky. That sounds EXACTLY like the thinking of a Ukranian, to me.
Looks like a few to the right side survived, maybe contain basic ammo or something
I read they sent 100 drones. Now I believe it.
They are not paying copelord. They just have blackmail material likely related to CP.
Can bucket of concrete fix this hairline?
yes I'm sure the overpressure had no effect on the long relatively thin sidewalls of missile warheads tubes engines or components stored nearby
To me, it feels like he really is just that fucking stupid and bitter at the US to voluntarily spew his shit without outside bribery or coercion. Reminder that this nigga spent a near decade in the army stuck as a Lt, completely failing all chances at promotion and being shuffled into a dead end non-job to get him out of the way, eventually being ejected for being that much of a goddamn useless loser.
why does the initial explosion look like a busty lady, which goddess is blessing the Ukies?
slaanesh is competing for she is jealous how many worshipper khorne has pulled
You just got done raping Ivan Vasiliy Ivanovich. Suddenly a drone landed nearby. And many more drones landed nearby. And even more drones landed nearby. You begin to wond-
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great movie
Judging by the quality of his content they probably have him in something like a HD video of him having a scat threesome with a toddler and a pitbull, simply getting caught with jailbait teen is not nearly enough to force a man to agree to all the shit AW does.
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That was in early 2010s, I don’t know the current e-celebs
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Question for the ordinance niggers here:
Let's say there's grad rockets in the easternmost hardened bunkers that didn't get exploded. You pull em out. They look okay (by puccian standards at least)
Do you use em?
Do you sit in the truck while it's firing?
Would a real army just write off everything stored there?
If you're in a war of attrition like this you 100% use them.
Missed the first thread that got derailed by AI, but maybe I'll draw something tomorrow.
Devana, Slav goddess of the hunt, the wilds, and ambition.
Honestly, I'm a bit surprised how little the surrounding area is burnt. I was expecting this to go on for days like that oil storage with the firefighters unable to go near because of burning munitions.
Blackmail material is just the opening. You actually can’t keep people going forever with it. To get someone you have to play into their needs and wants. He is getting paid and it is likely a pathetic amount but he is happy as he hates the american military.
I didn't see any references to the pepcon explosion in the original threads, so I'll post this here.
When pepcon went full boom boom, the largest explosion was equivalent to .25 kilotons of TNT and registered 3.5 on the Richter scale.
That big boom on the night of the attack was almost as large as pepcon.

>Monke: No, that's too big
Anon his whole "fatass to normal" thing was general news for anyone under the age of 45. There are a ton of lulcow and internet celebs that flood up Youtube just by proximity let alone being on >4chan where the likes of Copelord and Scott "Child Diddler" Ritter are also lulcows. One does not need to even follow e-drama to get it.
He never got promoted in the military for his incompetence. Imagine the seething he feels for how contrarian-wrong he is at everything while he feels right in his mind.
they clearly weren't paying him in finasteride
>Explodes inside your launcher, destroying equipment that is short in supply given they're being counter battery'd by GMLRS
I don't know anon what do you think the Russians will do?
>Mein monke, the map is in oblast-meters
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What the fuck was AA doing!?!?
>using a rubber mobik instead of a real one
>ambition is stored in the breasts
That's a good point, there would a lot of ammunition out in the open and a lot of bunker doors open given they'd be constantly moving stuff around to service the front
I think it's Beelzebub himself, come to see why for a brief moment on the 18th September Hell was relegated to the second hottest place in the universe.
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Any news on casualties? The amount of footage is surprisingly limited.
>Quietly exploding, into Russian night.
>Missiles fly eternal, blinding Russian sight.
I wouldn’t be surprised if phone lines and internet was cutoff in that area from the explosions or FSB trying to hide it
he's a parody human
I do grow somewhat concerned that ukraine hits something like this and detonates something far more dangerous because the fucking russ monkeys improperly stored a fucking nuke tip or some shit and this gets out of hand.
I am surprised by the fact that there still green in the aftermath.
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It shouldn't be likely. The US and Russia both monitor each others nuclear warheads as part of a mutual treaty and that hasn't ended because of the war. They haven't been visiting these ammo depots, the nuclear weapon storage sites are different.

So the two options I see to cause something like that are
1. The joint US-Russian effort to locate then dismantle or upgrade (with PAL) all Soviet nuclear weapons in the 90s and early 00s missed some. This seems plausible but at the time it was generally considered inadvisable, even in Russia, to start a nuclear war. I think even the Russians put in some effort to implementing it properly, especially since they didn't have to pay for it.
2. The Russians would have to put a nuclear weapon next to an ammo depot deliberately. Surely they can't be that stupid.
Blueshift from the planet being propelled backward by that fucking explosion
>Grond Grond Grond
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Even if it's not a nuclear tip russia has a bad track record of losing radioactive material, like the Lia accident for example. Though at least in this instance it gives russia far less of an excuse for nuclear retaliation, though they would claim intentional ukrainian dirty bombs or some shit.

I do wonder what the protocol is if Ukraine advances into an area that contains an active silo. I'd assume nato advisors would make them aware and deter them from such an area.
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Nuclear probably not. Chemical weapons stored in some bunker slowly rotting away that no one wanted to pay to take care of? Maybe.
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Needs this fucker's face shooped on top.
What are those earth barriers supposed to protect against?
It is almost impossible to set of a propper nuke other than how it is meant to be armed and detonated. By itself the nuke material isn't explosive, so at best you would get a dirty bomb over a very small erea.
>What are those earth barriers supposed to protect against?
the exact thing that just happened, lmao
>It is almost impossible to set of a propper nuke other than how it is meant to be armed and detonated.
a gun-type bomb could, theoretically, be detonated by a hard impact
since its basically just an explosive ram designed to smash two half-spheres of fissile material together

though no one has built gun-type bombs in ages because of that design flaw
Whats crazy is this shit kept blowing up for like an entire day. Shit was a chili con commie cook off of booms every couple of hours.
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>Putin: Shoigu, what's going on in there?
>Shoigu: ...
>command f drone swarm
>0 results

This is what a real drone swarm does. 120 bunkers 120 drones.
i'm pretty sure russian has some serious dirty on him.
>which goddess
Athena. Poseidon, also. Mars is working for the Russians but he was always a retard and he's not going to win this one either.
I got that reference
i dont think they were counting on this. probably just looking to start a fire than just caused the ammo to cook off.
Uh, keep it consistent, wouldn't it be Ares?
>Mars is working for the Russians
There is zero chance of that. Ares has despised the Russians for centuries before the civilized people of the world even had a name for the Slavs, knowing them only as the slaves of the Sarmatians
IT HAS to be at this point. Doesn't twitter give you money based on views now or some shit? Posting absurd takes and farming hatemail might just be his business plan.
>although given dumb munitions cost the Russian government less than so much hamburger I doubt they pay for themselves
What the actual fuck did he mean by this?
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it's this, he got honeypotted
the funniest part of it all is that after he outlives his usefulness his handlers will throw him to the wolves anyway
what a sad existence
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>Glavset hookers already doing damage control and pretending anything in the blast radius of that fucking mushroom cloud went unmolested
It's... beautiful.
yowza, what a fucking coup
if you're russian you definitely use them
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fucking kek, thanks for honoring my request
>When will this dumb nigger kill himself already?

He's passed beyond that now! The entertainment value alone is worth moar. But also, he's a useful idiot that anyone can gangbang. He often posts cope before the copenigger brigade show up. Useful to watch the timeline of it progress.
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I'm not sure anything physiologically possible could be worse than the perpetual state of cognitive dissonance he lives in.
The cruellest thing to do would be to make sure he lives as long as possible.
Is there a consensus (or any other estimates) of the total dollar/euro amount this represents?

I've been hearing ten or more years, several tens of billions of $$s, plus $100 billion or more in fuel/ammo/everystuff. Is tat close or what's the damage economically, too?
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I prefer the apartment edit.
Man this guy is like unironically prophetic, gets an image with literally only the undamaged bunkers in the shot, claims everything is fine and it's a nothingburger then we get >>62543038 showing the majority of them are popped open AND hires imagery >>62543031 >>62543046 confirming the other storage locations at this site are utterly fucked. DIA should hire this guy holy shit.
Not like there's a publicly available manifest, nor are the prices of some Russian systems known beyond estimates or hearsay. Judging by the storage conditions it's likely a valuable stockpile, but how valuable is just guesswork. Also talking monetary value when Russia is basically in a war economy is meaningless.
I heard it was 2.6 megatonnes, 100 lightyears worth of ammunition totaling 600 trillion rubles and registering 32 over-exaggeration-as-mitigation scale.
>he describes a 16-17 year old girl changing her clothes
Wasn't it a teenage lesbian couple?
I love how some of those bunkers are literally turned inside out.
A pair of teenage anime girls breast boobily and struggle with foreshadowed lesbian horniness. One changes her clothes, with a lengthy description of her undergarments.
>So... two villages gone? Uh, how many people is that? 250 each?
I think the villages are probably fine, evacuated because of the fires but they're not in the blast radius.
They would have existed to service the base though, so they probably don't have much reason to be there anymore. They'll probably actually die when the base personnel are reassigned, because half the village are the families of the base personnel.
Clearly some kind of nurturing mother goddess of the home and hearth. Those titties have fed a lot of little demigods and demigoddesses through the winter. She appears now at the closing of summer and the start of autumn when the nights begin to get longer, homes must be shielded against the wolves and people huddle around the fire.
>Not like there's a publicly available manifest, nor are the prices of some Russian systems known beyond estimates or hearsay
I'm not convinced there's a private manifest either.
And I doubt the prices of Russian systems are actually known to the Russians.
>That glowing square isn't fire is it? You can't capture fire from space can you?
Probably the only place left with power for lighting, maybe an HQ used for the response and running off generators.
>Devana, Slav goddess of the hunt, the wilds, and ambition.
Devana is described as a maiden or virgin, those are not vaginal tits.
>those are not vaginal tits.
Virginal, lol
>>62543285 #
>They are not paying copelord. They just have blackmail material likely related to CP.

>Blackmail material is just the opening. You actually can’t keep people going forever with it. To get someone you have to play into their needs and wants. He is getting paid and it is likely a pathetic amount but he is happy as he hates the american military.

You use the blackmail to get them to do something trivial, then once I've submitted and a guilty of a little extra, you blackmail them to do slightly bigger things.
This is going to make them depressed though so you also have to give them some positive reinforcement, hold their hand, apply pats on the head. Providing prostitutes or a honey trap/sugar baby/mistress is really helpful here too.

And the last thing you want is for them to have money problems, because that makes them vulnerable to other agencies and desperate enough to try and turn double agent for profit. So you do have to pay them enough to get by at least and ideally enough to be just a little bit comfortable without becoming financially independent.
>the map is in oblast-meters
What kind of task would you be doing, if you needed the unit of measurement to be oblasts per meters?
I wouldn't trust bugmade solid rocket propellant to not be cracked and fractured before putting it through the blast of a nearby kiloton detonation.
This is "kinda" propaganda put out to make people feel safer about nukes. The big asterisk on that statement is that they won't go off as intended (meaning full yeild), but there's still a very real risk of something called a fizzle where you get an incomplete nuclear detonation before it tears itself apart. If you've got a megaton warhead a fizzle could still reach a couple kiloton. It's a complete roll of the dice if the conventional explosives will blow the device up or if they'll accidentally make a fizzle. Either way it'll be dirty as fuck.
>totaling 600 trillion rubles
so, about t'ree fiddy
That's a lot of effort for one (1) lolcow twitter account. That might have happened with some more influential and public individual, I remember one guy, an expert of some sort, that got on my nation's public television at the beginning of this shitshow and he looked genuinely scared as shit, he was basically panicking on camera as he fiercely defended Russia, but then as months passed he kept appearing on TV, but he was way less stressed, although still doing the vatnik song and dance under a veil of pacifism.
Is this the section that made mushroom cloud when it went it was hit by falling debris of hinder drones?
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Wouldn't be the first virgin goddess with fat tits, Artemis has a story about them too.
>Double tap

Would it be worth it for the Ukrainians to send in some drones again in order to finish off any remaining ammo that wasn't detonated? Would they even be able to pinpoint the unexploded ordinance?
Remaining ammo is either damaged or not worth sending drones.
Careful planning, tracking and stalking by Uke special forces, GUR and other intelligence; paired with scientific, engineering and manufacturing innovation to meet the aspirational demands of Ukraine for deep strike capability they had to make themselves; led to the massive destruction of the imported weaponry of the invader to the tune of billions of dollars. Yes, Devana is turning up to consume such an outstanding offering, and yes she's going to have radiant big ones because when your believers perform *that* well, you gotta give a little back. It's almost surprising she's not visibly ahegaoing.
>That's a lot of effort for one (1) lolcow twitter account. That might have happened with some more influential and public individual
That's true, they might not know that going in though.
He said the bridge could be easily repaired after it was hit but before it collapsed
Copelord is a retard and honestly I think he believes an unhealthy amount of the shit he posts on top of grifting and possibly protecting himself against kompromat but it's not THAT bad that he sees a bridge literally sinking into a river and says "just patch it up"
Look up all the work they had to do in Vandenberg on solid-fuel propellants to deal with long-term storage, cracked propellant grains, and losing adhesion to the wall of the missile. (Spoilers: ignition immediately propagates along any cracks or gaps, briefly and very dramatically increases thrust to the point it can blow the engine nozzle off the back of the rocket, and then slices through the rocket's skin).
I wouldn't come within a mile of the launcher for one of those fuckers. I'm not a russkie though.
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>Russians on 2ch were crying that they are ashamed that Americans know how Russians live
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That actually looks worse than I thought it might, like if the bunkers were spaced enough they'd compartmentalise and not kick the next one off and rain the apocalypse on the heathen scum and heretics.
Its still piss funny the snownigger that made this centre got booked for 'corruption charges'

>cement mixer
>couple-a bags of concrete
>few days tops
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>know how Russians live
Just that thirdie mouth noises shit, we know they live like africans
Unlike Baldlord he had an actual (small) effect on the war through his volunteer efforts and told uncomfortable truths on occasion ... both of which obviously meant he had to die in the eyes of the R*ssian MOD.
That was probably a real suicide since he knew he was gonna get a 10 year sentence and likely get beaten to death in some gulag.

Copelord is 100% on the Russian take only sadly the feds are slow to rope in these traitors.
>It's almost surprising she's not visibly ahegaoing.
Coombrains are first to face the wall.
I love the one that turned into a fish pond
hands up who doesn't think that's exactly what they'll do
put some Sasha Grey posters on the wall and we will
Well, if they're willing to use North Korean crap and their own ancient ammo from Soviet reserves I really don't think this explosion will deter them from using whatever is left
>hands up who doesn't think that's exactly what they'll do
It is kind of the right thing to do, bulldoze the UXO into an unexploded bunker and then blow it up.
>and transport it to the front line and then blow the Grad up
Funny i thought they were the ones with the guns? What with /k/ being a magical place and all. Are you sure its not the complainers that get sent to the firing line first? What with them never shutting up about... well anything they can think of really?
Structural integrity is fucked, base is done for plus I would not trust the munitions left inside. It's cooked.
>Just that thirdie mouth noises shit
Could you repeat that in English?
i wonder if the ordinance is still worth using after all that
Link? I want to see the pidors sneed.
Is it still burning & exploding though?
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Are you blind?
>i wonder if the ordinance is still worth using after all that
Yeah, I checked and the story was that the people of Tsikarevo said they had to complain to be evacuated, and it was only volunteers from nearby settlements who did it. Oh and the village is basically gone now.
Bruh, Sasha Grey hit the wall about 5 years ago.
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Foma! Where is our North Korean ammunition gone!
>Providing prostitutes or a honey trap/sugar baby/mistress is really helpful here too.
Remember that happened with Jackson Hinkle, but she wouldn't even stick around with him
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This wouldn't happen with forklift certification
I've seen speculative designes of the nuclear shells (artillery 155mm). Criticall mass tube with neutron absorber insert in the middle. Gunpowder charge shoots absorber out. This too would be very prone to the accidental detonations. Probably another reason arty nukes were discarded.

P.S.Why does use such design? Because implosion doesn't fit into 155mm caliber.
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>Monke: Shoigu, what's the largest concrete mixer we have?
BTW It's totally fucked up too.
>The mine was recommissioned in 2009, and is expected to remain operational for 50 more years.[2] The underground Mir mine flooded again in 2017, trapping over 140 miners, all but eight of whom were rescued. [15][

I read about context of the accident these mines are total Hell on Earth. At these depth these mines are literally natural gas well. Surrounding rock is filled with methane infused water under great pressure. They freeze rocks with liquid nitrogen then harvest it. And if pressure breaches through frozen layer you get sparkling methane water fllooding your mine (methane is explosive btw).
If anyone wonders what is going on in the picture. That is in Israel, they intercepted cargo ship MV Francop carrying Iranian weapons to Hezbollah in 2009. Few years later all the rockets ended up in hands of Al Nusra jihadists. For those who don't remember who Al Nusra was, they were Turkish supported off shoot of Al Qaida, who they didn't too much of pussies. Slightly, but only slightly less fucked up than ISIS.
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There were plenty of videos where jihadists didn't even bother remove hebrew labeling on their ammunition crates.
>the undamaged bunkers
No such thing, shut the fuck up.
Modern guided weapons are more lethal than old-school nuclear weapons, when it comes to actually killing the thing they were aimed at.
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Soviets probably ran it as open pit mine due to safety. Post-Soviet Russia probably cares less about safety and runs it as underground tunnel mine because it is more profitable.
>What motivates him? Do they pay him like Tim Pool?
I thought that it's either this or that he's taking the piss earlier but now a legitimate mental illness seems more likely
First, if anyone with half a brain was paid to do this shit they could pull several better explanations out of his arse than the blatant and hilarious reality denial copelord does
Secondary, if his military career is anything to go by, he had issues already before becoming a shill for russia, how else can one explain not getting promoted for almost a decade or so
He is not smart. He is a failure at life and blames the us military and by extension the united states so he has dedicate his life to opposing them. Russia allows him to live comfortably being a shitty twitter troll.
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Why, yes, when farmers did stubble burning back in the day it looked like the fucking castle bravo test
This is how the US did camuflage their nuke tests, just burn some grass, no ones gonna notice a nuke going off somwhere in between
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this has to be in the top5 of ammo dump explosions, possibly only behind picrel
This guy 100% does it for free
>He is not smart. He is a failure at life
That is certainly true, but i don't think you could be this much of a failure without mental issues
this one is unbelievably kino, but the other one seems bigger.
0/10 heres a (you) anyway
Wasn't that first posted around the time the Russians were accusing the Ukies of hiding ammo in apartment complexes?
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>Soviets probably ran it as open pit mine due to safety.
Open pit is cheaper and you can harvest more material (all rock in the kimberlite contains diamonds). But eventually you can't dig deeper, it will collapse, and you have no option but to dig tunnels deeper and deeper until you meet Barlog.
>That's a lot of effort for one (1) lolcow twitter account

It would be if the lolcow wasn't part of a larger scheme. For example, among other things Copelord gets retweeted by the likes of Pozobitch to a sizeable audience of retards, who then take him to be a reputable source, since of course Jackie boy, a fellow patriot and navy intel vet surely wouldn't lie to them.
Which is why what will be done is attempting to use said UXO as ammo.
sauce plox, I want to see that.
>Sasha Grey hit the wall about 5 years ago.
Dude, she's only 36.
Her career in pr0n was 18-21.
She doesn't look like a teenager anymore but she's still damn hot.
>Remember that happened with Jackson Hinkle, but she wouldn't even stick around with him
And she was a literal trophy wife trained for the role, makes you wonder what she thought she was getting into. Like those trad wife influencers who freak out when they marry the men who obsess over trad wives.
>who freak out when they marry the men who obsess over trad wives
Presumably not exactly a trad husband themselves
>Balrog awakens
>looks outside and sees that everything is complete shit already
>turns 360 and goes back down in disgust
The power transformers cooking off is so fucking sweet
>Slightly, but only slightly less fucked up than ISIS.
The Middle East is very messy.
Assad's Syria supports and practically created Hezbollah, Hezbollah rockets Israel constantly, so Israel supports and if necessary creates Syrian rebels to undermine Assad.
It all makes sense geopolitically, it's just pretty weird out of context.
>Just the top cover is gone
Yeah, just like his head.
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Or just hang around somewhere like Samara, eventually you'll find a pothole worth mining
>this has to be in the top5 of ammo dump explosions
For me, it's the salvo of grad rockets that hammer and punch their way through the commieblock.
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Kursk news.
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>Presumably not exactly a trad husband themselves
Eh, wife beating has been around for a long time.

But they probably imagine the lumberjack from a Hallmark movie, not an office worker with a chip on his shoulder because HR have talked to him one too many times about being politically incorrect.
>HR have talked to him one too many times about being politically incorrect
My experience with those cases has been that "politically incorrect" translates to "masturbating in the office during lunch" and "dragging balls on Joe's keyboard as a joke".
>My experience with those cases has been that "politically incorrect" translates to "masturbating in the office during lunch" and "dragging balls on Joe's keyboard as a joke".
mine has been unironic /pol/tards who forget they are in real life
How does he do it?
Its just hazing bro
>beats the apprentice half to death while hanging him upside down from an engine crane covered in used oil
>be villager in Kursk oblast
>uniformed men brake into home
>start looting everything
>rape the woman
>one of them turns to me
>Run away, the ukrainians will come any minute
Shit is straight up from the classic joke kek
>Inb4 you could tell it's a joke because they only raped the woman
No sense of object permanence is my guess, just wakes up every day like a goldfish in a tank
My 'joke' at the time was telling the vatniks not to take the 100 Vladbucks and run away from Kursk considering their neighbours will have more than that in their house worth nicking
The early gopnik gets the loot!
I mean, i enjoy a good dead baby-joke as much as the next guy, i just hide my powerlevel when in public
My favorite explosion is still that drone trying to grenade drop a tank and being caught off guard by it being one of those remote controlled VBIEDs, the entire vehicle just vanishes in the most comically violent explosion.
>wife beating has been around for a long time
and has been widely frowned upon for a similar timeframe
I was thinking more along the lines of "terminally online loser who only stops doomscrolling tw*tter to yell at video games, whose ideal female partner is basically just a mom with benefits"
>The Middle East is very messy.
Real politik creates strange bedfellows.
>Assad's Syria supports and practically created Hezbollah, Hezbollah rockets Israel constantly, so Israel supports and if necessary creates Syrian rebels to undermine Assad.
Israel allowed Hezbollah to grow in 80's during Lebanese Civil War without intervening too much because they also fought PLO and PFLP, who Israel wanted to undermine. Same way it allowed Hamas to grow in 90's and early 2000's to undermine PLO/Fatah. Playing games with islamists have never backfired on anyone.
>It all makes sense geopolitically, it's just pretty weird out of context.
What is kinda weird here is that they are practically on 2nd most vile level of terrorists.
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russians just can't help being russian.
I see, Russian forces have clear priorities in denying Ukrainian invaders vital resources. Highest priority being bars.
But what would hell look like?
This is just shitposting now. All the other Ziggers have already accepted what happened, he’s just pretending because it’s the only way he gets attention.
1) not a coomer, porn is gross. Go find a good woman
2) Shut the fuck up, "the wall" unironically doesn't happen until like 45-50 if you bother to care for yourself. The real wall is sex "work". You idiots will drop it to 25 next lmao
fuck oooooff
and Mars (or Ares, who fucking cares) is clearly working for the Russians because they're the aggressor in this war and their preferred tactics involve as much death, destruction, and rape as humanly possible
S-shut up. Just because the cannons got polished for 12 years doesn't mean teen lesbian coomerwank isn't great writing
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>Israel allowed Hezbollah to grow in 80's during Lebanese Civil War without intervening too much because they also fought PLO and PFLP, who Israel wanted to undermine. Same way it allowed Hamas to grow in 90's and early 2000's to undermine PLO/Fatah. Playing games with islamists have never backfired on anyone.
Yeah Israel has really pulled a CIA-level fuck up with Hamas and Hezbollah.
Yeah, glad I'm not one of those guys.

t. fucked his career path up and won't be able to date for real until he is like 26
>t. fucked his career path up and won't be able to date for real until he is like 26
Are you an oil rig engineer or something?
>Balrog awakens
>looks outside and sees Ruskyi Mir
>pulls out a pad and starts taking notes
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New damage assessment:
>The preliminary assessment of the ammo depot damages:
>Destroyed - 78 warehouses (55.7%).
>possibly damaged/unclear due to the smoke - 51 warehouses (36.4%)
>Not damaged - 11 warehouses (7.9%)
File deleted.
Did anyone mention the Sucho video on this yet?


My dream target for a strike such as this: civil aviation. Hit the planes when they are parked. You are all aware that this is within the range of all Moscow Airports right?

With the current state of sanctions,a hit against a large part of the RU airplane fleet ought to be able to drop their GDP with a measurable amount in one strike. I think they might wait until after the US election to do so.

What is your dream target anon for these jet drones anon?

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