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GP-5 filters produced up to 1988, so basically all of them, contain asbestos. Is it possible/safe to remove it? Or get one without it?
>remove it?
That would be extremely retarded.
Why? You can just screw it open and empty it into a nearby river, then soak it in disinfectant. How would that be dangerous, compared to just having the thing in your apartment with fucking asbestos in it?
I'd imagine there is something to catch the asbestos. Probably isn't an issue if you change filters regularly.
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So I'm assuming opening the filter leads to a gigantic asbestos explosion or what is it you are trying to communicate here
Nah, you'll pull apart the whole filter, and by that point, you could fuck up trying to reassemble it. The ghetto solution is to put layers of cotton rounds in the end that attaches to your gas mask. The cotton should catch a lot of those asbestos fibers, but it will not be perfect. Only do this if you have no other option and absolutely need protection. I've also heard rumors that there's lead in the paint, and that these warsaw pact filters (or ones like it) also contain Chromium and other heavy metals. Get your hands on modern western filters and use an adapter if necessary. Some GP5s can seal NATO filters without an adapter.
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>then soak it in disinfectant.
What's that supposed to do? Asbestos is not a microorganism, it's a mineral. It's dangerous because of its shape.

Yes. The question is why on earth would anyone bother trying to fix one of these old filters when they could simply use a modern filter instead, which doesn't require exposing yourself to a carcinogen?
>why on earth would anyone bother trying to fix one
Because it's readily available and I have lots of time and stupid ideas, whereas a modern filter would need to be bought
>Is it possible/safe to remove it?
>Or get one without it?

Either way it would be easier, faster, and cheaper to get a better gasmask unless you're all about that gimp snork look.

Fun fact, Russians security forces currently use the GP as a torture device in detention centers. Tape over the lenses, put it on a dude then clamp the hose. Wait for his strugglepanic while laughing then take it off (hopefully) after he passes out. They call this the Slon (elephant) because the hose looks like a proooot nose.
>sunk cost fallacy
room temperature iq
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>lots of time and stupid ideas
Commendable, and we've all been there, but take it from experienced people that some things are not worth doing - literal wastes of time and energy. Do something profitable instead and buy something better from someone who probably knows what they're doing. I can't believe I'm saying this but trying to make it big on youtube will probably a better use of your time and energy.

I don't even work on my car anymore, not even oil change because my time is better spent elsewhere.
just buy a new fucking 40mm can. or one of those etsy 3d-printed plastic cosplay cans if you really care. if you're so retarded you want to actually wear the GP-5 for anti gas then here's a protip: don't. it is a shit mask design and was produced as the cheapest shittiest most crankable design to give to dreg-tier conscripts and civvies purely to keep the local meat fresh for raping. as ever it's a vodka-poisoned dribbling retard design. case in point, no fuckking units they expected to survive used the gp-5, they used the PMG or PMK. any original GP-5 you've found has been sitting in surplus, maybe under some fucking gopnik criminal's ass, for 30+ years and the rubber has worn away and suffered god knows how many microperforations and fuck knows how much decay. i own a GP-5 and i will never put it on again because it's a rancid shitty mask made for rancid shitty people.
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>empty it into a nearby river
Based retarded polluter
The old filter is most likely fine in the sense that the Abestos is sealed inside and not supposed to come out. The only time it'll be dangerous is when you open it for no reason.
> bought one as a kid
> spent an entire summer playing in the yard with it on
> have mesothelioma to look forward to
You clearly do not understand how asbestos works. If you open it you will expose yourself to hundreds of thousands of microscopic fibres that will flood their way into your lungs, and every single one of those fibres, every single micrometer of them, is laden with hundreds of thousands of tiny vortices of razor blades. And those vortices have razor blades on. Aspirating a single one of these fibres will permanently scar your lungs. Take a look at pic related. Do you really think exposing yourself to something like that is a good idea? It isn't like lead where you could probably be exposed to it and it'll be fine, it isn't like cigarette smoke or car exhaust or using spraycans in a closed room. You can't just recover from asbestos exposure. It fucks your lungs up for good.

t. I have alveoli scarring from asbestos and fibreglass exposure and coughed a lot of fucking blood because of it. It can take decades to show up too, so it's a silent and slow and horrible killer.
more the reason OP should, if he's a true K/lansmen.

People died for less on /k/.

langley you're not doing it right
I just miss the old K
you aren't fooling anyone glowie
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jesus christ... meh, im tired. CIA here F BI
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>empty it into a nearby river
There must be literal millions of warsaw pact conscripts who were more or less forced to wear these gas masks with their asbestos filters for hours on end during maneuvers and trainings and whatnot.

If these filters carry a death sentence, wouldn't there be a terrible epidemic in eastern europe?
niggas don't know the smallest asbestos fibers can literally tangle up dna in your cells
No, but you'll be fine. It gets filtered out by the coal
>everyone in this picture died a horrible painful death because they put a gp 5 on that one time
The filter is made of asbestos, (among other things.) you can’t remove “just the asbestos.” Asbestos is also present at the microscopic level, and a filter is porous. How are you so dumb that you even think that’s possible to remove? I’m trying to think of an analogy for how fucking stupid that is, but it’s hard to think of something comparably retarded.
t. retards who STILL don't know how asbestos works

These cans are dangerous because they were produced BEFORE 1988. THAT'S THIRTY YEARS AGO retard. The binding methods of asbestos and other filter media break down over time and the media becomes particulate and easily breathable, which can leak through the other filter media (which can also leak too-- you do not want fucking charcoal in your lungs) and into your lungs when you breathe through it.

And god help you if you crack it open to "lol hecking dump it in le river" because well done you've just opened up a particulate bomb infront of yourself. 'oh i'll wear a mask' -- yeah are you gonna wear a full protective suit too? do you even have the gear for clearing out asbestos? the fibres will cling to your clothes and spread around your house and be aspirated. they are MICROSCOPIC.

This anon is correct. Asbestos is cytotoxic and genotoxic. It is a whole toxin in every form and exposure to it will fuck you up. Any amount of exposure. Why the fuck do you tards think there's 250,000 deaths from asbestos-related issues alone a year?
I don't know shit about asbestos, literally nothing except that it's bad for you somehow. That's pretty much the main reason i came here to ask

Thank you anon, very helpful
Anon, just buy a replacement 40mm can if you want a can. Buy a better mask ideally because the rubber in all original-run GP-5s is now degrading. None of them were kept very well during their operational lifespan, and those that are now circulating in the Western market are kept even worse. The rubber was never very good anyway, the lack of straps makes them a comically awful design, and the seal they form is very, very shitty. You will seriously save yourself money in the long run by buying a better mask and new cans. You don't want to end up paying for medical care, or worse, with your life, down the line for raping your lungs with a razorblade dildo. It's not some commiefornian 'may contain sugar which causes cancer' concern, asbestos is no joke.
I just thought it would be cool to have a gp 5 and they're dirt cheap so i added one to my shopping cart when ordering a partizan leto jacket from poland, i had no idea that i would basically sign my death sentence in the process
The GP-5 without a can is safe and fine to wear, but if you want to wear it with a can, either get a new one or buy one of those prop cans off Etsy that's just a plastic lump with holes in it. If you're wearing it for actual filtration usage, then just don't. There are better options. We're not even going to get into the vision out of a GP-5.
>I’m trying to think of an analogy for how fucking stupid that is
Trying to remove the flour from a cupcake?
When did soviets stop using asbestos in their filters?
>The binding methods of asbestos
it's long-thread asbestos fabric ffs. Do you really think activated charcoal that filters out any molecules bigger than co2 will allow asbestos in because they are good neighbors and Asbestos asked nicely or what?
NTA but theres a big pile of asbestos and concrete in my basement. I can see the clumps of fibers and all. (My house is nearly 100 years old) Many years ago my father did some renovations and left the pile there and in buckets, unknowingly exposing us all. Today it remains moist from leaks which i hope helps reduce any dust, but thats my elephants foot. No one goes down there unless they need to but not because they care. I am the only one who stresses about it.
Is dust just as bad as asbestos? I inhaled plenty of that stuff when cleaning out my pc.
>it remains moist
throw some brown rice with psilocybe spores in it and enjoy. Mycelium will bind your asbestos pile and you'll have magic mushrooms
The charcoal breaks down over time too anon. 30 years is enough time for it to become useless. Why do you think these cans have use-by dates printed on them and a 48 hour half-life when unsealed?
Dust isn't good but asbestos is far worse because it's more persistent
Asbestos can get in the lungs, most dust is too big and heavy to pass the nose.
Most dust is just organic matter and can be dissolved, asbestos is essentially permanent.
Asbestos isn't reactive but it damages cells because it's sharp. Dust is mostly earth and dead cells but it can contain toxic things like metals or organic pollutants.
Picture this; inside the filter the asbestos is, in fact, inside the filter.
If you pour it out you're going to breathe some in and then it's instant fucking lung-testicular-anal-kidney-brain turbocancer that will kill you in a week
Don't fuck around with them or you'll find out
Anyway if you want a GOST filter just buy Polish modern surplus filters or a NATO -> GOST adapter
No it doesn't lmao. It's literally carbon.
I have tested ancient filters on myself, and they still keep bromine, chlorine, ammonia and a bunch of other nasty stuff out(chemistry w/o proper ventilation. No, not drugs)
>I have tested ancient filters on myself
Based. I have like a 15 year old Israeli filter, is it still good?
IIRC asbestos miners in Russia has something like a 15 year lower avrage lifespan, and thats in a country with a short avrage lifespan in general
You're aware that mesothelioma can take up to a decade to manifest? Retard. You're going to fucking die. I guess your epic based body trucks all science and the fact that even the manufacturers of cans say to throw them away past their use-by date, huh? I guess charcoal NEVER decays, and oil is just liberal queer faggot shit?
>I guess charcoal NEVER decays
It doesn't. That's why we use it to date archaeology sites.
>30-45 year life expectancy in Asbest, Russia
Dude just do asbestos remediation. Don the bunny suit (coveralls and all the PPE) with P100 filters and bust the rated remediation HEPA vac out (don't fucking cheap out or you sling asbestos everywhere) then seal all the surfaces that vaguely could have had asbestos embedded in them.
best analogy I've ever heard
>throw them away past their use-by date, huh?
Because aside from coal and aerosol filter (in thes case, asbestos), there's also a bunch of chemical neutralisers that do decay. Oh, and also, the asbestos is contained by paper filter(like hepa)
It's a multi-layered sandwich with no way for asbestos to make it through. If it could, the filter would also allow the dangerous shit in, and i've quite literally put a big bottle of bromine next to the intake of my GP 5 filter, and didn't sense even a hint of the smell that is impossible to not notice
My dad was in the military during the early 60s and worked for his uncle in water treatment after he got out.
He was exposed to asbestos in the Air Force and then again with the industrial sized water filters of the era.
Took two decades for things to start getting bad for him. He didn't develop mesothelioma, but his lungs got fucked and breathing capacity has been steadily going down hill for him. He's on oxygen most of the time now.
Lel, I've used one of these for a short time before. Had a pound or two of black powder go off indoors so had to throw a mask off to be able to stay inside.
RIP anon
Buy a better mask with nato filters, dont cheap out on something thats meant to save your life
>but muh larp
If youre seriously concerned about retrofitting filters on a GP-5 you’re evidently concerned about your life
>Is it possible/safe to remove it? Or get one without it?
No. Buy a gas mask that takes NATO filters.
You are a moron and will die for your hubris, filters have a best by date for a very good reason and non-asbestos ones should only be used for training and larp if past their date
>t. Works in the chemical field
For you
I know someone who used to work with asbestos, he was fine likely due to safety equipment but his wife who used to wash his clothes wasn't.
Lesson is don't fuck with asbestos it's really fucked and likes to travel as well.
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The worst part is that you don't know where that stuff is. They put it in everything from formwork spacers to tile adhesive and water pipes. You drill a hole and breath it in. Always wear protection when drilling a hole!
I EAT asbestos for lunch and dinner
Just get a thread adapter and use NATO filters with it.
Okay, never mind, we've clearly moved beyond reasonable ideas. Yeah, just saw it open and carefully pull the asbestos apart. It'll be 100% safe after that.
>and non-asbestos ones
well i used the asbestos ones
Didn't the Poles make filters that have modern asbestos free internals and fit the gommunist threads?

They aren't guaranteed poisonous death filters, if the asbestos stays in the filter as planned then it doesn't actually do anything, but god knows what condition the filters are in after all these decades of storage and bored mobik manhandling and loose asbestos sucks so much that it just isn't worth it. You might as well just get a modern, guaranteed non risky filter that fits.
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Stupid Bitch Retard
Buy a 40mm NATO/EU Adapter and throw out original Filters

I wonder how many of you underage retard dumb cunts have glass in their lungs for larping as a average slav construction worker from the entirety duration of the eastern bloc

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