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Was it worth it?
A supersonic VTOL with a lot of sensors and stealth?
Yes, maybe it's excessive.
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they should have made it a 2 seater
Yeah they're selling them to the Japs and USMC
Yes. Still a scam though with all the problems. But it had to be done.
The price paid by the American taxpayer certainly doesn't feel like it was worth it.
A number of Lockheed fags should be waterboarded over it at least.
Oh I see, you're just a seething chinksect. Stay mad 50 center, maybe one day you'll get to move to a tier 3 city.
No you
>built in killswitch from the US that needs daily activation codes
Fucking DRM ruins any fun in tech
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rough and slow integration at the start but we love her here in scandinavia
ignore the reaction image, I was gonna call someone a huge fucking nigger faggot but I decided to spare him today and I forgot to uncheck the image box.
thank you for reading.
>argies coping during falklands blames the french of 'disabling their exocets with cumcodes'
>spends the next 40 years using that as excuse to their miserable performance and not modernizing their armed forces
>other turdworlders pick the meme as marketing bullshit as cope and to sell their crap
To even turn on the F35 you need to have a daily code given by the US, the only country exempt from this is the UK. Don't talk about shit you know nothing about
The code is just a resupply program that audits the f 35. If the country went against the United States we'd cut off their supply of parts anyways. The code is not needed to ground another countries fleet.
imagine needing 9 different countries to build a plane. what happened to the US. pathetic.
loool imagine buying this plane at full price and still being so dependent on the seller. absolute scam.
The US doesn't need help, it was a team project so everyone can get participation points.
> Lockheed Martin
Nah man the US needs any help it can get. We would have gotten scammed even harder otherwise.
Idk. The f35 program causes a lot of seethe amongst turdies so I guess it's doing something. Meanwhile, I'm wondering why they aren't shitting themselves over the b21. Is it because the f35 is available for export but not all nations can buy it?
The B-21 is too alientech for them, their brain can't comprehend its full existence.
Well, every third world subhuman piece of trash says it's shit while simultaneously trying and failing pathetically to copy it's design so I'd say yes, it's worth it for the seething and coping it causes.
> B21
How are they supposed to be intimidated if they can't see it, dummy.
The only countries that aren't buying F-35s are the ones we wouldn't sell them to anyway, so the answer is yes and the entire world agrees.
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Trips of truth
let me work it
That's literally how every foreign defense procurement is. If the buyer could manufacture their own plane, weapons, and parts they wouldn't be fucking buying it overseas in the first place.
VTOL is cool as fuck so yeah.
>To even turn on the F35 you need to have a daily code given by the US, the only country exempt from this is the UK. Don't talk about shit you know nothing about
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If we were a normal country, we'd have a few of these. They're gorgeous.
Not only that, Israel also has no such codes, we have to legally supply them with spare parts for free, they also don't need to rely on U.S. ALIS logistics systems (and AFAIK its ODIN replacements)
>t. Guy talking about shit he knows nothing about
The B-21 is still only in early low-rate production, while there have been over 1000 F-35s produced
Was the next F-16 worth it? Sure, why not?
How old is the Harrier II? They couldn't have had too many flight hours left, VTOL is maintenance intensive. Does STOL wear on a plane more than an assisted launch take off?
>To even turn on the F35 you need to have a daily code given by the US
Really? Proofs?
>Was it worth it?
Yes, for the memes.
>Pilot survives
>no civilian causalities
>undamaged buildings
>recoverable airframe
Flanker can do all of these things better than a F35
The biggest scam in modern military
Good for them it has never been tested in combat
israel regularly uses it to dab on their neighbors against IADS lauded by r*ssians (i know, low bar), so you're wrong
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>what is russia-israel deconfliction mechanism
literally everyone in that picture is just surfing the net on there phone while being paid 100 bucks an hour
>no combat
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The B variant in particular? Probably not.
The other variants, especially I, are going to get more than $100 million of "value".
It's a harrier replacement in use by 4 navies. I'm trying to think of a more successful stove aircraft.
>The only thing you've managed to break so far...
>Is my heart
What's this say in human
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Are the other variants really good?
Let me guess, some tall watermelon trader traded them for two batteries of Shit400.
All depends on how it fares in an actual war.
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Yes. What other weapon system is provokes olgino into a 10 year campaign to highlight their defects in some weird hope it'll reduce the procurement.
Candidates for the first presidential election.
In 1996 Taiwan had first direct elections; Communist stomped their feet and fired missiles into the strait but it backfired. Two CSG showed up near Taiwan. And the people voted for Lee anyway.
As a replacement for the Harrier, absolutely. The Harrier was extremely hard to fly and crashed often. The Lightning nearly flies itself.
So 0, because taxes aren't a fundraising operation and macroeconomics doesn't work that way and taxes for plebs are basically just theater to control inflation and retain value for fiat currency.

Romney was right and you probably didn't even net "pay" for anything at all, and the only reason they even bother to pretend to tax you at all is like a weird social participation trophy before they give it all back in refunds and EIC.
Never heard of that. What is it?
>taxes aren't a fundraising operation
> just theater to control inflation and retain value for fiat currency.
So if they spend more money inflation goes up my money is worth less. They are taking my moneys value to pay for things. This sounds like fundraising to me.
of course


what the fuck are you babbling about?
free extra money for poorfags and people with dependents

no because allocating extra resources for a fighter jet doesn't automatically make food at the grocery store or whatever less affordable
They why is goods and services much more expensive than it was 30 years ago according to you? Do you really think fiat money is free and quantitative easing is not damaging?
>taxes aren't a fundraising operation
five trillion dollars is not chump change my dude
>macroeconomics doesn't work that way
yes, it does, although that guy is wrong and the F-35 is absolutely worth it
>taxes for plebs are basically just theater
to an extent yes, but you're understating the incentivising (social engineering) and redistributing impact of taxes i.e. taxing some activities but not others to manipulate desired behaviour, which is still highly impactful on a microeconomic level even if is functionally irrelevant from a fundraising perspective
>to control inflation and retain value for fiat currency.
...what the actual fuck?
>you probably didn't even net "pay" for anything at all
not if you're in the bottom 50% of the population, no
I know you come from a country of retarded monkey niggers barely above primate intelligence, but you must be the dumbest of the bunch.
>30 years ago
Interesting choice of time, I wonder if some kind of global economic turn was going on about 30 years ago....
Money printing is not free we eat the bill.
Yes. We made a shit ton of money, got costs down, and tied a large percentage of the first world's air power to our contract conditions. We're still the only option on the market worth considering, and the future income will likely fund new more capable iterations for decades.

Unit cost below most new 4.5 gen fighters now. The single biggest win for the US MIC export market since the F-16. We even have the roaches crawling back apologizing for flirting with non-aligned AA.

US immediately turns 9+ LHAs into lite aircraft carriers, and all our allies get to do the same. Japan now has 4 carriers; Australia, Italy and South Korea have 2, Singapore wants to convert ships, and several other countries are looking into the possibilities in power projection the STOVL variant unlocks.

It's still the only operational ship-borne stealth fighter in the world. It will see first, shoot first, and its sensor and avionics package is the key force multiplier for the USN's networked fire doctrine. The stealthy fuel tanks and weapons pods being developed for the F22 will eventually make up some of the range and payload capability issues.
Worth every penny
Not really worth the price considering it had needed so many upgrades and went through many hilarious delays due to sheer incompetence, at this point by the time this thing is truly ready and upgraded to its full potential the US will probably be few years before testing its replacement lmao, ugly fat manlet plane.
They hated him because he told the truth
except buying a jet fighter from the US doesn't make you a customer but more like a slave
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>Was creating the most advanced and successful jet of all time that will dominate the skies for next 30 years at minimum worth it?

It's a mystery anon
So true Ivan. I in Arizona oblast am demoralized.
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>Ziggies, chinks, and turdies getting uppity
>why is goods and services much more expensive than it was 30 years ago
not him but it isn't
I don't know if you've actually lived 30 years ago but the QUALITY of goods and services has gone up significantly, and we pay accordingly

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