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Whats better an SKS or a AK?
Tilting bolt guns have been abandoned since the FAL unfortunately
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AK's completely mog the SKS except in aesthetics, and even then they're dead even. If you're looking to shoot lots of boolit, get an AK. If you wanna play with strippers, get SKS
The FN MAG/M240 and FN Minimi/M249 prove your statement wrong.
The short stroke operation of the SKS makes it inherently more accurate than an AK
I'd take an AK, and that pine marten
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Red pill me on Pine Martins, also what do you think is the best Mustelid?
SKS that takes AK mags
don't know about best, but these guys are a candidate for angriest
NTA, but they are very friendly. https://youtu.be/l4DoIUQbO3E https://youtu.be/IkAUZViPBMs
Marbled Polecats are usually only friendly if you raise them young. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kwbKfAgJUk0?feature=share https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vMBGR-ic83U?feature=share https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bgdughofAbc?feature=share
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They kill grey squirrel,
Literal locust made mammalians.
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I like saying stoat, so they get my vote.
stoat stoat stoat.
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nice marmot
I feel there’s no reason to have a AK over and SKS when they’re both semi auto in nearly all states. They’re both simple and reliable but the SKS slightly more so. If you have actual surplus stripper clips they’re as quick to reload. SKS rifles are slightly more accurate and way cheaper. But nothing wrong with either. Both totally adequate to hit a chest sized target or deer at 300 meters.
Ask yourself which one completely and categorically replaced the other.
Only because it’s auto.

Here we can’t have that.

The SKS is a better semi auto rifle than the AK.
I would think that has more to do with how the gun locks versus the gas system. AK bolts cam into battery and have a bit of slop if you try seating it without the carrier, whereas the shoulder on the SKS bolt seems much tighter.

I say it's probably not the gas system because it only starts to come into play when the round has basically already left the barrel.
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Weasels eat like 40% of there bodyweight daily in meat which is cool
For anyone who hasn't seen this yet, it's from Ukraine about a year(?) ago when it got trapped in a trench. Maybe it was in the Summer of 2022, can't remember clearly. The soldiers eventually placed some body armor against a trench wall and it climbed out. With sound it's great because it's screaming at them the whole time, even when it's running away at the end. There's a youtube vid out there that's several times longer than this clip, I just don't have the link handy (and feeling too lazy to drop down that search rabbit hole right now).
>Marbled Polecats are usually only friendly if you raise them young.
I got these two webms also. Makes me want to breed & raise them for pets and zoos. They're not quite endangered, but they are getting pretty close to that tipping point, especially with a lot of habitat disruption in Ukraine. Fortunately, they can be found throughout a huge swath of Asia and a fair bit of East Europe so the Ukraine war is unlikely to wipe them out even if it's not doing them any favors. .
Ak is all around more practical but SKS is actually a much higher quality gun, steel/machining wise
I didn't realize how smol these guys are. That's fucking adorable!
I'm pretty sure the M249 has a rotating bolt.
Great point
List ways that the SKS is a better semiauto than a quality AK.
They literally have a bolt copied from the AK
>a quality AK.

I like how you have to put that out there, almost as if the AK is a cheaper built shitter gun that was mass produced in inconceivable quantities with lose manufacturing tolerances compared to the SKS that so many of them aren’t quality.
Add to that that even shitty aks cost more than never fired SKSs and you have the first point.
Then there’s better performance and accuracy at longer ranges
Also Even easier to maintain with less parts.
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>Whats better an SKS or a AK?
Why not both at the same time?
Gulo gulo, obviously. Crazy fuckers have been known to attack elk, moose, cougars, packs of wolves and even brown bear
>They don't always win
Still badass.
I hold this responsible for many of the furryfags we have today.
Friend's family had ferrets (destinked)
One died after being in a couch during a party with a drunk slut giving a homie a lap dance.
Other was hiding in some clothes and went unnoticed into the washing machine.
Best actual answer.
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the best answer is to enjoy both
I couldn't help but notice you didn't list anything.
Thats sad
They were little shits, but entertaining and arguably smarter than your average cat. My friend's older sister (the one who fed the laundry and I fucked a couple times) was inconsolable after. We genuinely worried she would purposefully OD. They had a lot of character. Still prefer a dog.
I have had two gfs now try to get me to buy sugargliders.
that would be a terrible death
>Red pill me on Pine Martins, also what do you think is the best Mustelid?
Stoats are better and cuter.
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Thanks for the info.
Poor little bastard, trying to claw out while bubbles fill and then the agitation starts.
Probably even worse for animals because some people can accept
>Okay, gonna die
Animals fight to the end.
True, but I think a Type 3 milled AK can match that quality, so the debate continues.
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I was going to say Skunk, but it turns out they were reclassified into their own family. They used to be lumped in with Mustelids but now they're on their own in Mephits (spelling?). They're still grouped together under the Musteloidea superfamily along with raccoons and coatis; odd. Either way I still find it funny how their idea of play is roll, chew on fingers, run, stomp, and show ass.
According to redwall they are all evil. I Choose the River otter, they are good guys.
The fuck, 2 hours after watching that webm I got recommended the original on Youtube. Weird.
Sea otters will rape baby seals to death, then stash the corpse in seaweed to come back and fuck it again until it rots to pieces.
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>He doesn't know
Would you not post this boring ass video essay again please
Eat muh fat White cock, glownog
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Here you go you absolute retard i made this post below the comment I made to you but you can’t read or chose to ignore it>>62544922
That's cool. Can you substantiate better performance and accuracy? SKS were 3moa guns at absolute best last I checked. Muzzle velocity of 7.62x39 hits diminishing returns at around 14" as well so would you terribly mind elaborating?

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