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with recent advances in brain machine interfaces like chinese NEO (shalow, less invasive probes) and USA neuralink (deep, high resolution probe array) how long until we see military prosthetics using brain control?
Call me when we have fully cybernetic bodies to transplant the brain into
not gonna happen in our lifetime, the body produces all sorts of stuff that your brain would die or become totally dysfunctional without.

what we will see in our lifetime is BMI-brain machine interfaces that you can reliably use to control tech. neuralink already has 2 people with those but these models have all sorts of problems so far
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Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them." https://quran.com/8/12
Not too long at all. The selling point will be improving the injured soldiers beyond what they were capable of previously though, which is why there's been a lot of pressure on achieving additional limb control systems not just replacements that are just as good. There's two issues that have come up in this regard: getting the human brain to control more limbs than it had before, and development of extra limb interfacing that can then be removed afterwards. Although arguments are getting stronger that they just not bother with removable interfacing.
It's kinda been the Boomer/Gen X attitude that soldiers would suffer from stigma after becoming injured and turned into a mechanical horror. The Millennial subjects in Ukraine have been pretty happy with the process overall, although they haven't really liased with the public yet.
Why are these prosthetics short?
it's sad but at least their veterans and civilians will get from the west. i worry for the russian ones more, given the utter lack of support from russian society and the disconnect from western supply...
should have bought the hand-off walkie talkie
Those brain machine interfaces are mostly developed so Elon can torture chimps to death. The chinese one is probably imaginary, which I suppose was the point of your thread.
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At least they get prosthetics.
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Russian shills really don't want to get into talking about veteran care & consideration considering how Russia has always treated their own.
What the fuck.. am I looking at?
tea kettle
Military Prosthetics ... hehe
I think this bot just broke.

I don't think those 72 virgins are going to want him anymore with a body like that...
Take your sandnigger shit somewhere else Mehmet
Do muslims have a thing in their faith about thinking they need a complete body to properly get into the afterlife?
Can't remember if theirs have that detail.
shiites are majoosi and kufir
no they need to be buried quickly after day and pointed toward mecca.
Samovars are a Russian kind of easily heated water jug. It became their euphemism for triple and quadruple amputees from WW2.
Stalin "packed them all off to monasteries" to avoid bothering people. Many didn't survive. They were murdered by the state.
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Well it seems lots of sunnis lebanons are snickering right now.
By the way I always thought:
Sunnis = Catholics
Shiites = Protestants
One would think shiites would be more friendly towards the west but it seems to be the other way around of late.
I would rather trust Musk more than Jinping if push comes to shoves, at least for the first decade and until the chinks start improving on quality.
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>Military Prosthetics with recent advances in brain machine interfaces like chinese NEO how long until we see military prosthetics using brain control?
Two weeks.
They're called dtubbies and you use them for people who are bilateral amputees. Because they have to learn how to walk and its better they don't fall down so fucking hard.
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>'Houris dig martyrs, trust me bro'
>angry 'tard can't into irony
may such cases
Quick somebody write a Zoroastrian version of Goldfinger just so the joke rhymes
>Well it seems lots of sunnis lebanons are snickering right now.
Well I imagine it's pretty rare that you get to watch decades of national sectarian conflict get resolved by an act of Allah in one beep.
>One would think shiites would be more friendly towards the west but it seems to be the other way around of late.
The Islamist viewpoint is that the world is divided into devout Muslims and everyone else, but don't mistake an alliance of convenience for loyalty, Islam commands you to lie and commit perfidy against non-Muslims. wikipedia.org/wiki/Hudna
Fuck it, just vat grow genetically engineered bodies at peak human potential and allow us to transfer consciousness to those. I imagine some sort of cable made of artificial nerves should be able to do this. Go full biopunk.
the current chink BMI chip is less likely to fuck you up than the musk one simply because it doesnt go deep into the brain.

chink probes go just under the skull and stay there, musk chip pokes needles deep into your brain. and recently the patients showed some have started detaching from the brain tissue and moving so its not reliable long term.

neuralink is x10 times more ambitious than anyone else currently and x10 times more likely to fuck you up. they will also get to a working reliable product x10 times faster tho
>but these models have all sorts of problems so far
Do elaborate.

also only like 40% of the 1024 electrodes worked initially in the first patient and they seem to degrade quickly in signal or lose signal entirely. i think this sort of thing was kinda expected but no one was entirely sure on the timeframe and they have to actually see the problems happening to try developing any counter to them.
From what I understand they learned a lot from that already and put that into practice with the 2nd guy.
my mistake i googled it
>usk noted that 400 of the 1 024 electrodes in the second patient’s brain were working.
i think the first one had even less working electrodes and the ones in the second one are failing.
>Shiite concentration
>High Low
Lmao who did this?

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