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what the fuck is wrong with keltec
>something other than gay-R and striker fired polymer frame wonder9
Seems fine to me, want some more fun stuff
About time. Now make 10mm.
whats not right. they are cool
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Leltec amirite
Back when people were lugging rifles around at political demonstrations, I thought these would be better if you wanted a team to do march security and a display a visible deterrent without hauling some tacticlol Rittenhouse setup or some Yugo commie milsurp for the John Brown Gun Club.
Why wouldn't you bring a 5.56 AR15 when commies were showing up with pipe bombs and their own AR15s?
It's shoots meme bullets
It's basically the perfect gun for the niche of "cheap, low recoil, big enough round to kill a man" which makes it a strong choice for your average nogunz faggot who's noticed one too many basketball americans in his neighborhood as of late
The product design team had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Not that they needed all that for just one product planning session, but once they got into locked a serious drug collection, the tendency was to push it as far they could.
Every shooting that actually happened was really close range. I think Kyle was the only one to ever use a rifle and it was point blank and I don't think his opponents were armed with rifles. There was an idiot in Austin who got shot while brandishing an AK in some guy's face. The sub 2000 seems ideal if you want something light, visible with intent to display to potential attackers as a deterrent, and you can move with it (like if you're guarding a march that needs to move fast). A "guard" weapon that's more than a pistol but without the incumberence of a rifle in settings where danger is likely to come from fairly short distances.
I feel like one of those semi auto P90s would be better. I just can't imagine trusting my life in a Keltec. To shoot at the range for fun, sure. But the last thing I want to know is the body guard I hired has a $500 gun that folds.
You write like a 12 year old who just does gun related fanfics.

An AR15 is low recoil, can reach out further, can be decently light, though admittedly not as light as a bone stock 2000, and has better ballistics on target than any pistol round.

Rifle rounds are better at killing people than pistol rounds, plain and simple.
Yeah the price point is another thing. It makes sense as a militia weapon if you need to equip a lot of nogunz fast.
FYI you never "match" the force of your opponent if your goal is to beat them, you exceed it. That communist child molesting faggot brought a Glock and brandished it so Brickhouse Rittenhouse let him have it. One shot of 5.56 to vaporize that faggot's forearm vs. 10 rounds of 9mm to give him a slight headache? I know which one I'm picking.
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>what the fuck is wrong with keltec
>MFW it's a sub2k in 5.7
>after they released an integrally suppressed sub2k
I guess the CQB models didn't sell too good.
Retooling the same production line for slightly different low pressure cartridges based on a previous design is what CEOs call a 'pro-gamer move' since it gets the board off their asses for a few quarters, much like Kevin Feige and the latest installation of Joyless Marvel Cashgrab #37 coming to theaters near you.
>MFW still no .308 RDB
>CQB models didn't sell too good.
I'm not getting a stamp for a kektec
Sub2k is all right, if you care for having a 16" pistol, which I don't.
>.308 RDB
Isn't that the role the RFB was meant to fill? Even if they aren't the exact same and such
You will never fire a shot in anger and ar-15s are gay as fuck
I'd rather a non-reciprocating charging handle and a retard-proof gas system
Cute but on the off chance I do fire my personal AR in anger, I'd like to have it, and not a pistol caliber.
> tacticlol Rittenhouse setup
A t-shirt and a rifle? That’s tacticlol to you? Larpers spend thousands on plate carriers and pouches and 300 dollar crye pants and you think a hanes t-shirt is tacticlol?
The RFB is just what they made before they thought of the RDB. The RDB is just a better design, the RFB wouldn't exist

Bullpups only really make a lot of sense in big cartridges, the intermediates don't benefit as much.
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getting their shit pushed in by the absolute miracle beast that is the 10mm Hi-Piont JoggerNogger
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That thing is so ugly, it needs a bullpup stock https://www.hightowerarmory.com/High-Tower-Armory-MBS-95-10mm-Auto_p_46.html
>thinking 10mm beats 5.7 for a PDW
why are you on every thread
a lot of anons think that, its not one guy lol
>goes to show of force protest
>haha handgun is enough because muh distancerino
This is where you show up in full kit. There won't be actual shooting, because 9000 armed people.
Faggothouse went to a chimpout, where shootings occur on any day ending in y.
Stfu this is actually badass has the barrel length to make it be cook while being slim and not gay
>you want something light, visible with intent to display to potential attackers as a deterrent, and you can move with it (like if you're guarding a march that needs to move fast). A "guard" weapon that's more than a pistol but without the incumberence of a rifle in settings where danger is likely to come from fairly short distances.
ok schizo
Rollan' the GET-getter
they see me rollin
do you have diarrhea in your brain?

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