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The bunkers at the Toropets ammo dump had similar spacing those at the Hawthorne ammunition depot in the USA.
Notice the lack of Nork munitions stacked at the doors of the Hawthorne bunkers.
Good thing we're not at war with Ukraine then
Its empty. Potemkin ammo dump.
Nigga I wish the Puccians tried.
It is impossible to say how the contents are stored.
It is possible the Russians didn't even shut the doors to the bunkers.
Not empty, there's been sightings of a five year old girl playing amongst the bunkers for the past sixty years.
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Most of the entire complex is shed type buildings and workshops. Still it looks like 3 of bunkers exploded bigly.
>ignores its location
Post a single example of a large military attack against a base in the US...
I just don't see how anything unknown would be able to get into Nevadan airspace without getting shot to shit within the first minute. Though then again I previously thought airspace security was super tight everywhere, but in Russia it seems to be non-existent.
>he doesn't know about DUMBs
OP i guarantee you that ammo dump is empty or holding low priority war reserves and after they are depleted more advanced ordinance will magically appear out of thin air
How far is Hawthorne from a hostile airforce?
PepsiCo and McDonalds.
How far is Seal Beach?
Except the Russians stored ammo outside the bunkers.
I aint one for wishing but I wish a zigga would
Are bunkers obsolete?
Only when constructed above bedrock
How big is the Pacific ocean?
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How deep is it? The US has a glass jaw
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>military bunker
>looks inside
>intermodal containers and pallets
the japs and germans thought so too
What percentage of US stockpiles are 'insensitive munitions'? Those would pretty much just melt and burn off in a fire instead of explode.
Can you explain why they are upgrading the blast resistance of some of the ammunition storage bunkers unless the US Government is pissing themselves with fear of enemy action?
>It is impossible to say how the contents are stored.

actually there are clean satellite pictures in other threads right now that show thousands of crates of munitions piled in the open. almost every revetment or bunker in the older more forested area of the base had open storage and there were several of the new bunkers showing things being stored in the open as well, though much much less.
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lil retarded nigger, mind telling us what this is?
come on niggy, what are these thing?
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There weren't piles of uncovered, unprotected ammo placed right outside of the bunkers. Also I am pretty confident that the construction materials were highly embezzled for Russian construction - not too far off from the shit that happened during the Soviet era: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3Uwciwz25Y
Its a concrete slab.
"Hope for the best, plan for the worst".

You are, literally, cargo-culting. There aren't stacks of North Korean ballistic missiles, fuel, and hundreds of thousands of shells sitting in the open rotting. The bunkers on the American base have a max boom-per-room rating that base personnel will get crucified for even coming *close* to meeting outside of wartime, let alone exceeding. That's how and why the spacing was calculated in the first place, to give even more of a margin of safety over the calculated containment from the bunkers themselves.
Toropetz was an appalling failure to understand or meet storage safety standards, and it's extraordinarily likely that the bunkers themselves were also improperly constructed using substandard materials, badly-maintained, and possibly left open. And they were housing weapons that were clearly shock-sensitive based on the pattern of secondaries.

It's like blaming the loss of the other British battlecruisers on magazine design when the Lion took and survived multiple hits identical to the ones that killed her sister ships.. but the Lion's captain was storing and handling his ammunition and charges correctly, and the safety features actually worked. Shockingly.
the entrance
Built to international standards
Operating with no standards
For one, there's no ammunition piled outside of the bunkers. Second, we don't know how their construction compares to the Russian bunkers but I'd be willing to hazard a guess.
I remember handling actual black powder at a facility like this in CONUS, and having to follow extremely strict rules for how much was allowed in any given area at once, and how it was handled

and this was small black powder cartridges wrapped in paper, in sawdust containers
Posting potential targets isn't going to make your humiliation feel better, Marina.
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>Russians store ammo outside
Notice that's not an ammo dump in the continental United States.
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I want one of those javelin shipping crates so bad man. Are the empty crates illegal to own? Military crates are neat.
>posts random ammo with no context
>when people are talking about an established major storage facility that is meant to protect it via a network of hardened bunkers
Duh, have you seen the trashpile that is literally any gathering of russians? Having things be sorted and well-ordered means you're a bitch who needs to get raped.
Do you understand the difference between a field storage dump, and a national strategic munitions reserve?
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>>62542632 (OP)
>bunkers are hardened so you need a bomb or real cruise missile to breach them at both toropets and hawthorne
>likely used Scythes for the attack which have a relatively small warheads that shouldn't be able to penetrate any typical ammo bunker seen in the west, russia or china
>massive explosions and fires result
>before and after images show a good number of bunkers are intact with no obvious signs of damage

so what the fuck happened? was russia just piling munitions out in front of them and leaving the doors open or what? repost because the image didn't copy and i had to fucking snip it instead to see the text
Yes, but this rusnig is aching to somehow save face. Turdie shitskins are all about face.
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>ammo dump
well. they dumped it.
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these two bunkers look built different than the others and are closest to the rail depot, they're also where the biggest crater is now
Very rigorous ammunition standards?
They were just piling explosives around and left several doors open because several doors had broken. They went up. They left the doors open to their rare higher explosives open and stacked pallets of it around the opening. This stuff needs to be kept cool or it explodes. You can see the two buildings >>62543583
Here. That's what ukrainians hit that set the complex off.
Notice the biggest crater is here
The ones at Hawthorne are made of actual concrete rather than cottage cheese and dreams.
>wow, we spent all this money on storage but those ruskies sure are "stress testing" the design
>guess we better improve ours since we have real-time real-world test data from our extensive satellite network aimed at every Russian security site, VIP, and military movement on the globe
as opposed to
>blyat, bunker blow up, Ivan go find tires and radium to put out fire while I drink
>improve them? no, that would cut into my vodka budget, empty them into the nearest elementary school or something instead, I don't know
Why does your filename specify "former"?
I drive through this town about 5-6 times a year and it's always cool to see how many of these bunkers there are, they just go on and on.
They use this area/base to stage some really large war games every few years and you can see a lot of activity from F35s and F22s when they do.
There's also a military only firing range gated off about 2 miles north of town that looks comfy if it weren't 110 degrees all summer.
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Those aren't bunkers, those are metal sheds. You can see the fiberglass skylights in them.
>the japs and germans thought so too

1941 was 83 years ago.
>and this was small black powder cartridges wrapped in paper, in sawdust containers

anon....are you a time traveler? or was this for fireworks?
In that case the Hawthorne bunkers should be fine. There were no explosions at Toropets, just grass fires from falling drone debris.
holy kek, my sides

This was sabotage.

Sure it wasnt a base, but this depot wasnt a base persay either.
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>Look we could attack the US too
Have you considered they may strike back? Or are you one of those "martyr-me-harder daddy" types
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Cant see why not...

One of these went up on a surp site years ago and /k/ went crazy....
Hercules plant, dover n.j.?
*3 threads about one of the largest non-nuclear manmade explosions in history
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3 threads about a single Leopard 2
>three threads about HD footage of the equivalent of a low yield nuclear explosion

yeah, this is old /k/. fuck off if you dont like it.
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I know a place you can go if you don't like it
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yeah....and read again-- its HD footage of ~1-2kt blast.

Leopards get yeeted every few days.
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May I offer you in a pager?
Almost new
Very cheap
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Listen here pal. Russia struggle fucking its way through parts of a country which didn't even have a real army 10 years ago might not be an impressive victory. But when we blow up NATO armament that's something. And you have to let us brag about it or else people will think the Russian army was coaxed into a SNAFU, bit off more than it can chew and is dying by the thousands when all that really matters at the end of the day is who has the oil and gas exploration rights.
is this loss?
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Do you understand all the wars they lost during the last 55 or so years were basically americans getting tired of killing groups of retards and then one group of retards suddenly deciding being a retard wasn't cool anymore and switching sides and while their former faction collapsed of retardation, right?
And nothing's changed about America enjoying overwhelming industrial-military supremacy on a global level.
>over 9,000 threads about a single Leopard 2
Well, Pearl Harbour, but that's not relevant.
good morning
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Greenham airbase closed so they don't get used for munitions anymore.
occasionally gets used as a film set
I think the erosion of trust and decline of democravy is an underappreciated strategic risk facing America and other western nations.
Decline isn't to say "xaxaxa wect hato collapse))))", I really doean it in good faith.
As for mfg a lot has changed in all tbese years and supply chains as well as economic in/outputs are very interlinked
If trump e.g. comes to power we might yet see how good/broad American mfg is as this retard will likely try to put large tarriffs on implessive goods and the cost will obviously be passed on to Americans by the ever graceful invisible hand.
Though this ties in more with decline of democracy/competency crisis than manufacturing
>made of actual concrete rather than cottage cheese and dreams
Let's be honest, we're talking about r*ssia. You probably meant imaginary vodka and regret.
Cool story. bro. Now it's a Fallout paintball park.
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Bunkers that didnt have ammo dumped in front of their blast doors outside did ok
Yeah, but the similarities die there, ours is not a victim of rampant government corruption, ours is actually made of stuff that can survive a nuke.
Its a form of ERA
Westoids simply dont understand russian brilliance
>russians yet again copy the looks without understanding how it actually functions
Cargo cult country
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shit looks like ruins of ancient civilisation now
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Imagine living in that village on the right
>Similar vulnerability?
lol no
not any more lul
unless you exceed net explosives weight limit, detonation of one ECM shouldn't collapse the adjacent ones or cause them to cook off. russians must've done something wrong, either bad design, construction or operation
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waste of our taxpayer money, I say! Upgrading ammo depot blast resistance against explosions? Why worry about something that isn't going to happen?

God Bless,
Rangeesh Patriotmann of Alamoville
The Russians had stacks of munitions sitting outside the bunkers in open air, which completely defeats the point of having the bunkers in the first place.
Kek'd. Spbp

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