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/k/ - Weapons

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Why do people no longer wear armor?
Most people aren't planning on getting in a fight, and so wouldn't buy armor.
Moreover most that do get in street fights seldom plan anything.
Police guy at 0:20? Literally doesn't give a shit. What a wild world.
What is the lead up to someone finding themselves in a knife fight with a bum?
>So many PTSD Gore fags from /uhg/ lurking /k/.
braindamage idiots ruining a blue board with their cope.
He's local security not a cop.
Noone on /pol/ complained about gore until Russians started seething in 2022.
What website do you think you're on retard, we used to post gore to keep normies out.
Is that really a good way to hold a knife in a life or death fight?
zippo cat unironically made everyone, oldfags and tourists alike, mad thougheverbeit.
If you consider that gore then your time on the internet has been very short, even shorter here.
This. It's not even gore, it's an opportunity to learn why knife fights are so deadly and why they should be avoided at most any cost.
Think of it as an AAR.
Site used to be full of cp & gore, but it had almost no turdies so win some lose some.
Guy on right thought they were doing a dance off at first. Both remind me of bugs exposed to pesticide, somehow.
all the (you) confirm the board has been invaded with brainfucked gore fags shills from /uhg/
no, no it did not
>t. Oldfag knower who's been here since 2015
>Why do people no longer wear armor?
People who are looking to get into combat sometimes do. Civilians who weren't planning on getting into a life or death scenario don't.
Basically it's because you're a fucking 'tard
I started coming here around 2007 or late 2006 and at night it sure did. Mostly /b/ but if someone got b& anywhere they'd sometimes post it elsewhere.
Daisy's Destruction was an isolated incident
A lifetime of various form of self abuse combined with extremely low IQ.
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Because it was a cat. Same with shovel dog. Nobody gives a shit if it's an african getting the tire treatment, perchance.
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People who's job will often involve violence wear armor. It's not like people walked around in full mail in the past.
I remember some YouTuber 10+ years ago wore chainmail 24/7 under his clothes. Can't find his channel anymore, sure someone remmbers it.
>Single cut to right side of chest
>He faints
Lung cut?
>Maybe if I repeat it enough I can convince /k/ to become the Kremlin's personal army
Not Cody's lab is it? He makes a habit of wearing some everywhere he goes.
Fuckin' penguins, man!
Lung fills with blood, lack of O2 to brain, collaspe
Bro that is a stab wound, even if it was a little shallow.
Looked like it was to the victim's center chest, just a touch off right.
Very good chance he knicked the heart and/or the lung, either way a sucking chest wound or internal bleeding will put you out that quickly.
Nah he had long curly brown hair and his skin was brownish. He was fairly nerdy but informative. He didn't make a big deal about wearing chainmail, only even pointed it out near the end of his video, said his family is used to him doing it by now. He was maybe 18-25.
is this fucking real
i have been seeing this for years
It's a netflix doc, forgot the name. It's not as bad as they say, I mean it has snacks in it if I recall, but it speedruns it all to get to modern Trump era gayness.
>I can convince /k/ to become the Kremlin's personal army
who cares about 50 redditors on /k/ shilling for ukraine?
>feels good man
unironically what got me using 4chan
The internet in general was far more gore friendly, snuff videos and ideological killings everywhere.
The only time I have ever seen cp was browsing this shithole back then. Even with mods banning it there were spammers using cp imagery for years linking directly to their honeypots.
The feds and auto-moderation cleaned this place up unironically, it's one of the reasons I avoided this place back then.
Nowadays it's all loli honeypots instead because all CP is on an auto delete hashes, and they will permaban and send your shit to the FBI.

Go the fuck back.
Only vatniks get off on gore. It's certainly some level of neural decay.
Noone gets off to it retard.
If you can't handle reality, I suggest you find a website more suited for you like SFW reddit, Tumblr or whatever cringe pedo style over-moderated site zoomers now use instead.

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