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>your favorite anime characters (you can select as many as nine, enough for a full chalk, but they have to be from the same universe) have now been teleported into Mogadishu, Somalia on the afternoon of October 3, 1993 wearing the uniform and gear of a US Army Ranger and armed with either an M16A2 M727, M16A2 with an M203, M249, or M60 (your choice), M67 hand grenades, and an M9 pistol
>Super 61 just went down, the situation is rapidly falling apart, and the Somalis are out for blood

How do they survive?
>anime character
You probably had to specify them being from a series with a grounded power system/super natural shit. Otherwise, z fighters from dragon ball would just massacre the Africans there.
2B would bootyblast all of Africa
ya mudda
Saitama proceeds to punch all the skinnies in the face killing them all.
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He's not completely fucked.
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The entirety of Mogadishu is wiped out come dawn, any French men present will be fucked within a inch of their lives
Probably 9 random dudes from Gate. I don't want to explain what a gun is to Inuyasha (not that I could). And the 9 guys from gate have experience shooting at monsters and pre-industrial revolution humans, already.

Unless I can bring a Gundam or a Macross plane. Then I pick the robot

Anime is stupid.
Where is the rear sight?
I want to see what Ash Ketchum can do with a hand grenade.
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>single handedly kills the entire city
>also somehow the americans become the bad guys
>Shrapnel, I choose you!
kill yourself immediately
>your favorite anime characters (you can select as many as nine, enough for a full chalk, but they have to be from the same universe)
You made this one way too easy.
>Yukari Yakumo
>teleport every skinny in Mogadishu onto the moon
>bring 8 other 2hus for sexual purposes
Almost answered Alucard, also to wipe out the whole city. I figure you'd want to bring Seras along to have some semblance of a chance of not becoming collateral damage.
Probably but I don't think that a Colt 727/M16A2 will be nearly as effective in her hands as her sword, regardless of B-type units being implied to have reasonable firearm competency.
The next few weeks will be the most /k/ino experience of your life.
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>How do they survive?
By funny jokes, love and peace.
this is an incredibly stupid thread and I fail to grasp what Opie expected to get out of it.
who to leave out?
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This hag could probably clear the city herself.
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>Every single Somalian gets “disarmed”
nothing personell

Would she even be capable of killing human beings?
If you count Al as one of your characters it becomes trivial. Not sure how 1993 ranger kit would fit on the Arbalest or Laevatein though.
near 100% chance of survival
That's an interesting question given YorHa's true purpose and 2B's actual intended role and it could go both ways.
That's outside the scope of this thread though since skinnies are basically zombies
marisa master sparks the entire city block around the crash site.
Several good ones posted already but for pure entertainment I’d choose Akira main characters, minus Tetsuo. But including Sol.
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Can't be a battle if there's no city left
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I trust in M4A1 and the rest of AR to see me through the day.
Decent choice, the AR Team would be using weapons reasonably similar to their own (except RO). Who would be your remaining four characters?
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Just start blastin
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Is her arm okay?
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If it's anything like that one south american episode, duke has this easy
I would live a full size .png of this, but the lack of rear sight or optics kind of kill it for me...*sigh*...I'll just stare at her muff.
Megumin blows her load immediately taking out the mob, the surviving crew of super 61, and all friendlies, enemies, or civilians in a 2-3 city block area. They escaped in the confusion and hide out for a bit. Kazuma tries to use steal on an entirely out of place questionably aged and suspiciously attractive female member of the militia but accidentally steals her underwear instead. She immediately radios their position and for reinforcements who encircle their position. Recovered from her first cast megumin attempts a danger close explosion spell to break contact, but elects to use it on an approaching convoy of armored vehicles roaring down the road straight at their position(when did somalis get those?!?!). It's the Pakistani peace keeping force sent to pull them and the other rangers out. Kazuma carries megumin(blue on blue death toll now in the low triple digits) for their own version of the Mogadishu mile under wilting fire protected only by their plot armor until Dustiness makes the heroic decision to "take one for the team" by "distracting" the locales while the rest escape, she's later traded back to the US as a prisoner by a bewildered and unsettled militia official, and desperately pleads that they guarantee she doesn't come back. Which she repeatedly attempts to do.
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>Tombo is stripped down and tied to a wrecked MH-60L using his unravished boy ass as bait
>Kiki ditches her rifle, hovers above on her broom, and drops M67s from her bag into crowds of clueless Somalis trying to rape him
>Baalbuddy seras
rare W
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What the fuck is that AR setup?
It's a SF moon, they don't matter. Only mooks that matter are dinnergates
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Somalis drown under the number of bullets thrown at them
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He kills everyone and survives the battle. The other 8 are jobbers, who cares.
I choose EVA Unit 01, EVA Unit 02, and EVA Unit 03
Congratulations, you get a trio of 14 year olds with M16A2s instead of giant fightan robutts.

I pick Adam Smasher.
I didn't pick the retarded teenagers, you illiterate fucktard. The robots have human souls inside them. I pick them.
Give it to me straight /k/, how long would they last in the streets of Mogadishu?
Remember what you're fighting for
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I'm sure this is a very real image and flyer
Another day, another genocide
>the monkey’s paw curls
You have Yui Ikari, 4 year old Rei I (not actually sure, it’s hotly debated) in comically oversized BDUs, and Asuka’s dead mom with M16A2s and other Ranger weapons/equipment. All of them are normal humans and none of them know how to use said equipment
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only go out at night to avoid the enemy and using thermals, which of course your brought with you with extra batteries.
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Fuck you SF mooks are all precious
Skinnies bow before the ultimate fireteam.
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>can't give her the canon per OP's rules
Bummer. She can probably find an SPG-9 to snatch, tho, which she would (hopefully) figure out.
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>>also somehow the americans become the bad guys
Just like reality, ironically. I mean, we did kind of pull up and just make everything fucking worse.
Who let Leopold II in here?
>it’s hotly debated
by retards
>>your favorite anime characters
Tetsuo Shima
>Tetsuo Shima
>How do they survive?
Somalia is sucked into Akira and becomes one with his flesh mass
The kids from 86 would probably be ok but I'd expect a couple casualties since they don't get to roll around in super mobile light tanks anymore
Leo did nothing wrong, the bongs are just mad he figured out how to make free range niggers work and they didn't.
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I don't think they'd make it but if they did, they'd be all shot to shit and just barely do so.
You'd unironically be better served by just getting more IRL Rangers and Delta guys. None of the main cast of 86 are experienced with infantry tactics, infantry-on-infantry combat, and fighting against humans. I guess that Shin's telepathic ability would be sort of useful, plus he's a good fighter and a shooter used to using irons. However, even in the latest volume he hesitates to kill a non-consenting human even though it is an enemy combatant (hostile deserter).
Lena would probably be a straight up liability in spite of being a skilled commander given how out of shape she is and that she's out of her element.
Sights aren't really needed and probably not particularly compatible with her third eye, which she uses to BVR aimbot anyway. Opening her third eye to plink not-Bella is IIRC the first time Alucard gets her to embrace any part of her vampire nature. Looking down the length of the barrel is probably also more force of habbit than actual necessity.
>not picking 2P so she can blend in undercover
No. Quit being a lil bitch. I get three berserk giant monsters.
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They ignore the main quest and fuck around at the base drinking tea
at least we know Mugi can carry the full kit without much trouble
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that's a barrel bomb tho
It's funny how right around the time I revisited black hawk down the /k/ommandos start posting about it. we truly have some kind of autisitc connection
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Gin has superhuman strength and reflexes and had fought in an insurgency against basically the Vietnam era us military. and he's pretty handy with a gun (although he'd probably ditch it for the nearest piece of rebar)
The winds of the king!
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>how long would they last in the streets of Mogadishu?
That depends. How long will it take for someone to try smacking the girl? You can't technically keep lasting in the streets of Mogadishu if the streets of Mogadishu cease to exist.
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How would he fare in the Somali civil war?
autistic meta-communication, anon.
It's the future!
Fixed it
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>Ash Lynx

Well he has the street smarts and combat skills even if he's not in NYC where his home ground advantage let him defeat those Belgian ex-FFL mercs
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Loses entire base of financial and technical support due to the Soviet Union's collapse, gets Najibullah'd in short order

Najibullah was actually a pretty chill dude. Said Barre the commie overlord of Somalia was not
>fixes it
>puts fuck-stupid buckhorns on it
Pick one. Those sights aren't even facing the right way.
That is one funky-ass AR-15/M-16.
I think we’d be alright.
Yeah it’s pretty grim. Ed is useless in 90s Somalia where internet doesn’t exist. Jet, Spike, and Faye all rack up a body count but don’t make it. The obvious happens to Faye. Ein gets eaten.
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I think Ritsu could take some out, but Yui would be a nightmare to have in my squad
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>The obvious happens to Faye

It was drawn by a female shojo artist in the 80s so a AR-10 mashed with an M-16A2 is to be expected.

That said it manages to be amazingly /k/ despite that and the Vietnam veteran filled and CIA Iran-Contra conspiracy infused 1980s crime ridden NYC setting make it automatically way better than the GWOT set and soulless digital anime.
>Vietnam veteran filled and CIA Iran-Contra conspiracy infused 1980s crime ridden NYC setting
You sold me, anon. This is going on the reading list.
Looks more like a FAL with a weird scope mount.
Fuck you I like buck horns and you're wrong, the sight is oriented correctly, if you knew anything about guns to actually bitch about it would be the lack of the leaf spring attaching the buckhorn to the barrel
She has free cam
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Mogadishu no longer exists.
This is a pretty intense scenario—combining anime characters with the chaotic urban combat of Mogadishu on October 3, 1993, during the infamous Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down). I’ll assume we’re dropping skilled characters into this setting to improve their survival chances. Let’s break this down strategically.

Selected Universe: Naruto I’ll select characters from the Naruto universe, as they possess incredible combat skills, situational awareness, and versatility in dangerous situations. Even with the limitation of modern weapons, their shinobi abilities give them an advantage in survival.

Team Composition (Nine Characters):

1. Kakashi Hatake – Squad Leader

Weapon: M16A2 with an M203 grenade launcher

Reason: Kakashi's leadership, strategic genius, and Sharingan (enhanced perception) make him the ideal commander. He can quickly assess the battlefield and adapt to the chaos. His use of lightning-based jutsu (like Raikiri) combined with his firearms skills would make him lethal in close combat or ranged engagements.

2. Naruto Uzumaki (Sage Mode)

Weapon: M249 (SAW)

Reason: Naruto’s sheer physical prowess, stamina, and regenerative abilities would make him an excellent heavy gunner. With Sage Mode, he can sense enemies coming, allowing him to react before the enemy even sees him. He could also deploy his clones to create diversions or support other Rangers.
3. Sasuke Uchiha (Pre-Rinnegan)

Weapon: M16A2 with M203

Reason: Sasuke’s Sharingan gives him perfect battlefield awareness. His Chidori Stream and lightning-based techniques allow him to electrify enemy positions or disable vehicles. With the M203, he can take out fortified positions with ease.
4. Shikamaru Nara

Weapon: M16A2

Reason: Shikamaru’s brilliant tactical mind makes him perfect for coordinating defensive positions and setting traps. His Shadow Possession jutsu could be used to control groups of enemies in narrow alleyways, turning them against each other.
5. Rock Lee

Weapon: M16A2

Reason: Lee’s raw speed and Taijutsu abilities make him a terrifying force in CQB (Close Quarters Battle). Even without his usual jutsu, Lee’s physical prowess lets him move through enemy lines and eliminate combatants swiftly.
6. Neji Hyuga

Weapon: M249 (SAW)

Reason: Neji’s Byakugan allows him to have a near 360-degree field of vision, letting him track enemy movements through walls and buildings. His gentle fist can disarm or disable enemies in hand-to-hand combat, and the M249’s suppressive fire fits his watchful role.
7. Sakura Haruno (Shippuden)

Weapon: M16A2

Reason: Sakura’s healing abilities make her the squad medic, while her strength allows her to take down enemies with hand-to-hand combat. She’s also capable of stabilizing wounded allies in the chaos of combat.
8. Gaara of the Sand

Weapon: M16A2

Reason: While wearing the uniform and carrying a rifle, Gaara’s sand defense can still shield him and his squad from bullets and shrapnel. His ability to control sand allows him to create barriers or incapacitate enemies from a distance. He’d be the ideal defensive anchor.
9. Hinata Hyuga

Weapon: M16A2

Reason: Hinata’s Byakugan, similar to Neji’s, allows her to track enemy movements and provide tactical overwatch. She can cover her squad and call out hidden enemies, snipers, or ambushes. In close combat, her gentle fist can disable enemies without needing to rely on firearms.
Kill yourself nigger. Fucking kill yourself
The MC gets literally butfucked by the mafia
In a fight between Pippi Longstocking and a gorilla, it would depend on several factors, but let's break it down based on the traits of both.

Pippi Longstocking is a fictional character known for her superhuman strength, agility, and unconventional thinking. She can lift a horse with ease and has a carefree attitude that makes her almost impervious to fear or intimidation. Pippi’s strength is often depicted as comically exaggerated, so she could potentially be stronger than a gorilla.

Gorillas are extremely strong animals in real life, with the strength to easily overpower a human. They are powerful, fast, and highly protective, particularly in the wild.

If we follow Pippi's exaggerated abilities, she could theoretically overpower the gorilla. Her comical super strength, combined with her carefree and inventive nature, would give her an advantage. However, in a more realistic or grounded scenario, the gorilla's raw power, instincts, and physical prowess would make it an extremely tough opponent.

In the fantastical realm where Pippi's strength knows no bounds, she’d likely win. In reality, a gorilla would have the upper hand.
Alright fine. I'll kill myself instead
literally fuck your own face
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>subtle bulge
In this theoretical scenario, the "Chad GPT user" would likely have an advantage. Here's why:

Knowledge and Strategy: The Chad GPT user has access to a large knowledge base through GPT, allowing them to research tactics, weapon stats, and strategy quickly. They can adapt to any situation using real-time data and AI-generated advice.

K/oper's Expertise: The virgin /k/oper might have specialized knowledge about firearms, survival skills, and weaponry, but they rely solely on their personal experience, which may not cover every possible situation.

Adaptability: GPT users can continuously optimize their approach, learning and improving from their mistakes in a fight, while /k/oper might stick to a rigid mindset.

In short, while the /k/oper has deep practical knowledge, the flexibility and near-limitless informational power of the Chad GPT user give them a decisive edge.

Shot and eaten by Delta Force

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gary oak always picks a hard counter
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On one hand, I want to see a pack of dogs try to operate guns, on the other, a giant insane bear in the middle of Mogadishu dressed in the US Army uniform sounds like a lot of fun.
I think, if the goal is to get out alive, the bear is not really a better choice but is likelier to die like a man. The dogs are probably fucked, and will be eaten for good measure.
Kaibatsu is bullet proof isn’t he?
Sanakan. Because I wanna see what a gbe would do to an African city.
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Literally the embodiment of:
Having seen more usages of the Vant shield, you'd have to be the Coomer King to actually carry one of those on one arm.
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most of the gang would be killed within 30 seconds, sakaki might survive an hour, chiyo could solo the whole city probably
Be careful with that pick, you might get global scale genocide... twice.
I wanna give Chiyo a SAW. Not because I think it would change her chances, but because I think it would be funny to watch her scamper around with a gun as big as she is.
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By committing several war crimes


He just wanted to save her :(

Retarded question, would a bomb suit actually protect you from gunshots like the Juggernauts in MW2? My understanding was that they’re only rated to stop shrapnel.
>US aircraft
>Mi-24 pylons

All of them
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the FAFO will be legendary!!
Claes my beloved.

>p90 can't penetrate an IKEA couch
5.7 simps btfo

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Total victory, massive Somalian casualties. They end up getting tried for war crimes afterwards but get off on a technicality.
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How would my abused poor little dragon waifu fare in a place as unforgiving as the streets of Somalia?
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Good Luck Little Duck!

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>Got you covered Gordon and Shughart
>Cory get pin by skinny fire while trying to get the president's daughter for himself
>Victor pairs up with the coffee guy and spends the entire night brewing coffee off from dust
>Raven has a brain aneurysm a week earlier and is dismissed due to medical reasons, somehow she ends up right next to the spot the helo crashes down and drags the survivors out
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I...don't think I want to know.

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All the Somalis die from exhaustion when Krillin makes them fuck his wife
Kurumi Tokisaki is one of my favourite anime characters, no, she will just use her flintlock pistol and musket and 8 clones to kill all the Mogadishu niggers, no, she has no problems killing them all for real as she canonically has a headcount of over 10,000 nigger rapists, animal abusers and whatnot. She thanks them giving up their lifeforce for Reiryoku though.
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Vampires in Hellsing don't need them, Alucard literally tells Sera to forget everything she learned about aiming as a human
Firstly its the mog, or simply mog. Nobody calls it mogadushu here.
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I think you do
"Kiki, come inbound and see if you can land at the crash site."

Can I call it St. Paul?

>teleport every skinny in Mogadishu onto the moon
For maximum terror, do it in batches and teleport them back after 3 minutes to the original location they were taken from.
> Everyone starts disappearing then returning as a cold distorted corpse, with their eyes bulging and full of burst blood vessels.
Why do spics hate Krillin so much anyway?


He reminds them of themselves because he’s short and bald. I still think yabbaposting is hilarious even though I’m White.
aren't bomb suits build to protect you from the energy cause by explosions too? i imagine if you put thick enough plates over the padding, then it would stop anything without the force of the impact killing you.

No one's smacking her around in the presence of Delta

I do
I remember when cucklin said this
>japanese "humor"
>come on bitch! show me what you LOVE

>skinnies going up against this


If it’s from any anime then just goku. If it has to be a grounded anime then the strongest characters from black lagoon.
The Chinese mob boss
And the Russian captain and as many of her soldiers
Or maybe just the Russian team and the captain
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I, for one, believe in fanged girl supremacy.
>ywn rampage through Mogadishu with a schoolgirl yelling racial slurs
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*incoherent niggerbabble*
>Core members of the Negima
1. It's not going to matter what they're wearing within 5 seconds of being summoned they're all going to inexplicably end up stripped.
2. Somlians are going to be happy to see a bunch of naked Japanese school girls
3. Then Negi or the Vampire makes them regret ever laying eyes on them
I love that canon Major and Abridged Hellsing are basically unchanged except abridged is just more direct about how much he's doing it for the lulz.
K, B, C
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Therru from Tales of Earthsea. Funnily enough I recognized her from the book description.
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Time to send in the white women. Feel free to throw in Okitoes and son (female) as well.
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BREAK BREAK BREAK! Clear the net, Anon! You've transported me to MOGADISHU circa 1993!?? But wait.. that's not Task Force Ranger, THAT'S MY WIFE! Say again, Operation Gothic Serpent has been renamed to *gulp* OPERATION CHOCOLATE SERPENTS!? Instead of BLACK HAWKS going down... she'll be GOING DOWN on BLACK COCKS??? Super 64 is now SUPER SIXTY NINE!?!? They'll be shooting FAST ROPES?? Her RBA doesn't have a BACK PLATE, meaning there's NOTHING to protect her from BACK SHOTS!? She's going to be STRAFED by BULLS WORKING IN PAIRS!? There's more!? WHAAAAT!? While my wife is taking a MOGADISHU MILE of COCK I'll be TRAPPED and BETRAYED back at the airfield while SKINNIES gape her INNIE, UNABLE to send QRF while this DARK DAY for America turns into a DARK LAY for MY WIFE because the AC-130 has been replaced with... 130 BBCs!?!? YABBA DABBA WILCOOOOO
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Is this what you DBS guys have been up to all these years?

What manga is this?
KEKKYPOOPY, I remember when krillin said this
One punch man and 8 C-class heros for comedic relieve.
>he punches the niggers
>there are no survivors
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I…I like Black Hawk Down…
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>smoke grenades everywhere
>all the buildings are boobytrapped
>some ghost flying around shooting slugs are skinnies
>better hide you big boobies wife!

Yep, it's KINO time.
average person wouldn't like it THOUGH
he's giving the food to the kids instead of taking it THOUGH
but he does get up to some violent acts in Africa against
It also says mi-24 on the side
I remember this chapter
My Isekai would be to become a Hawiye and/or Al Ittihad al Islami and use my dusty Type 56 to get me either victory or martyrdom. t. posting from mogadishu
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I love a good story about charity!
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They are already dead

Post wrecked Black Hawk
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She will spread the Gospel at 600 rpm
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That scope mount looks like pure torture
My supreme genetically modified aryan fit space bounty hunter waifu would leave no nigger alive <3
>gay board not allowing sound
fuck this crappy site
How would they fare /k/?
>Poppy Hill
watched this for the first time two weeks ago, quite an underrated movie
The movie was fucking dogshit.
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A man of taste I see
UN better starts allocating funds for dead nigger silos.
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Somalis eliminated. Collateral damage: yes.
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I-I don't remember this happening in the movie...
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>The SOS Brigade arrives
>within a day Haruhi has bullied the local militias into accepting her leadership
>Suzumiya Haruhi becomes pirate queen of the horn of Africa within a month
>within a year all of north Africa is under Haruhiist control, with inroads being made into the middle east and Europe.
>In less than 10 years Haruhi is empress of the planet, while chaotic, it is generally seen as an improvement.

Based, but not anime
>t. posting from mogadishu

Mogadishu has internet?
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Satou..... Satou my beloved.....

good choice


I was gonna do characters from the RailDex series, but once you add Accelerator and Railgun, it's basically game over for the Somalis.
9 random mares from gr15, all firearms listed.
Duck for cover, throw rags over them and dress up as some sort of horse salesperson. Leave that shithole with my harem and multiple unregistered machine guns
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>turns invisible
>jumps away
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So what happened was that yes, it did start out with me being raped. BUT, I began to simulate that I enjoyed it, and I stroked his cock with my ass. So you see, I 'turned the table' so to speak and it was me that was actually raping him.


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