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Boss Nigger Editon

Post Wood (furniture)
Bigger Blacker Rifles
CZ Bren en fuego
Melting Pot of Frens

Thread Theme~

As always; No Trips, No Traps, No Airsoft
Previously on /brg/: >>62548456
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PasteBin -
Remove The "

(you) with updates or make them yourself. See pic related for code
So this is the state of /brg/. the last "good" general on /k/.
/prg/ is pretty good too but rare, goes into hibernation for weeks/months between threads. Similar to other niche ones, the rare reloading general etc tend to be ok. But rarely live long these days. It's sad but yeah this is where we are at, the slowdown in /brg/ even in just the past 9 months has been a bummer.
I blame the new crop jannies. One in particular
What are the odds my Scar will kill my Vudu 1-10?
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Dude i fucking love it when Reloading threads pop up. Also luv /brg/ but I try not to post my gun too often because I don’t want it to get old lol
Did you really have to use the N-word?
Yes, now fuck off.
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how do I get a patch of funny ghost man?
no one makes one but PK Patchworks or Woodpatchs might as a request. message them
PK is currently flooded and ebegging on Twitter
I wouldn't call it ebbeging. He's just asking to people to buy from his store instead of giving cash. I respect it
I was assured by Josua Moon that you couldn't use this word 4 times in a post.
He's using an l. You actually cannot say nigger with a i 4 times in a post now.
wait wtf. It's true then? What's the explanation? Spam bots or something?
I have no idea why but it's retarded.
trying to turn this whole site into /co/
Hiroshimoot is AFK and trannyjannys are running the show. They banned kike and fag too I think.
he needs to stop being an absentee father that streams on YouTube every night and come take responsibility
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What's a good entry battle rifle? I never owned one. Nothing expensive please. I am looking into the pastebin but want more answers.
uhhh 614 what kind of battle rifle do you have?
I don't know about that, but I do know that I hate John Lennon.
You don't wanna help me? No wonder your threads dead.
there's a pastebin with all the information youd need, unless you want a literal who (me) telling you what you should get
I am reading the pastebin.
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>CETME 308 to range with gpa.
>It jams with the 5 mag
>he looks at me with disappoint as I field strip.
>didn't bring screwdriver.
4 years ago a ptr gir would have been the answer. Now uhhhh. Not many options for entry priced now. You could roll the dice and get a Aero M5 or a gen 3 psa PA10. Or just spend the money and get a PTR.
Check it baby. Trading EBT for full powered catriges.
Why would you need a screwdriver?
Hmmm. Thank you.
Night frens
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/k/, Radio Graffiti!
Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bronies, Ban all Bro-
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DAMMIT!!! *cans* GOD DAMMIT!!! *cans*
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I've got my Taurus 9mm that's all I need.
Are you prepared to spend 80 cpr on ammo? I just bought a Fal for 1200. Deals are out there if you're vigilant
that's a dice roll not in ones favor
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Sup /brg/ I can across this pic of an Chicom and Indian soldiers. It looks like the Indian soldier has a Dutch FAL with the bipod removed and with standard plastic handguards (which was common in Durch service). The rifle clearly has the Dutch fully hooded front sight and buttplate with the sling bar. Anybody know how this rifle got there? Anybody seen pics of Dutch FALs in use outside of Dutch service?
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>*guahrhurhah shuah dauuagh aaaaarhaa*
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Dutch FAL for reference
Is there any 70c a round brass options that aren't igman?
Look for Sterling, saw that recently.
I'm looking at mounting a scope with 50mm objective lens to an FNAR. The pic rail sits about 1cm above the barrel. Could I get away with 1inch height scope rings? I want to get as low as I can; my math says I should be able to get away with 1 inch, but I'm dumb and need someone to hold my hand.
fucking Ghetto capitalist
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>need the app

I actually used the app to adjust the brightness all the way down and it was still to much.
>and need someone to hold my hand.
And here I am...
>used the app to adjust the brightness all the way down and it was still to much.
Yikes. Sorry, I really thought I helped someone.
H8 jannies ruining threads and killing the culture of what was a once great board and even better general. That is all
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All good. I get why they made it so bright but I figured 1 would be super dim but it wasn’t. I think a simple 3D printed solution will work just fine and should be easy to implement.

>pic related is on a 1
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>simple 3D printed solution
How about a monitor privacy screen cut to fit? Or dollar store sunglass lens.
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Inch and a half tucks my objective bell cunny hair tight to the bbl.
>t. stripper panty camo job FNAR
I know India bought a bunch of FALs from different sources to make their initial unlicensed copies. Perhaps it was bought from the Netherlands, then once they were done they just sort of issued them out? Only theory I could think of.
Well shucky darns. I ended up ordering the 1 inch rings. But, if that's the case, not the end of the world. Have a spare vortex cantilever I can use if it really does need that much clearance. Just means more parts for the chest.
PK would never miss an opportunity to e-beg. He constantly pretends to be poor to sympathy bait people into buying his patches. I know people in Asheville right now with signal and no issues. He's milking it as long as he can - PK is a known douche and all around prick.
im just tired of the flavor of the month and obscure v-tuber patches. not everything has to be made into a patch. but yeah he does come off as a prick.
May fit, I was measuring to ~centerline, not bottom. In my tacklebox, a spare set of rings never hurt, so...
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Night frens
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So I have this Century R1A1 I bought years ago. It works well, even with the dreaded unibrow feed ramp. I installed some new production NBC handguards and painted it up like a Rhodie clone, but don’t have a picture of it. I think the paint looks good but I fear I’m going to get picked apart if I post it. Should I snap a pic tonight and post it?
>I’m going to get picked apart if I post it.
I will not do that because I have seen actual Rhodie kits for sales by Mark @ARS.
>Should I snap a pic tonight and post it?
Hell yes!
Post your gun who cares what anonymous faggots think
I figured it was something like that. I bet they rushed to get rifles during/after one of their wars with China or Pakistan and took em from anybody whether they were inch or metric
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What kind of ear pro do you all use for your BRs? Limited to indoor range for local shooting and was hoping to find something electronic that'll handle a indoor .308 or 8x57 without issue.
>indoor range
Are you going to bring enough of that fancy earpro for everyone else?
I use a suppressor and then some earbuds.
That's a fair point though I typically go when no one else is there during weekdays.
Unfortunately, banned in my shithole state along with most BRs now.
Do what you like, you'll get internet points and shitters all the same. I don't know why you're so afraid of trolls on 4chan, must be new.
I have 1 Howard Lite electronic and 2 Walkers electronic. I like the walkers better and the people that some times go with me prefer the Walkers too. Walkers are slimmer, cooler and they sound better. Maybe Howard Lite's have upped their electronics game in the last 4 years, but until my Walkers break, I'm sticking with them.
Page 9? On a Sunday?
>Walkers are slimmer, cooler and they sound better.
I am so close to buying my friend Walker in-ear buds for hearing aides. About $250? Talk me down, men.
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There she be. I know the sling and carry handle aren’t really correct, but I wanted them. I think my paint ended up being too blended, but oh well.

I used the Dunn Edward’s paint that Arizona Response Systems uses and handled it with plastic bags like they suggest.
>tfw ammo storage solutions > rifle
I don't care if it's Century, looks great.
You also cannot say tranny or faggot.
And you cannot make a post that uses them more than thrice in combination.
Beetlefaggot, Beetlefaggot, Beetlefaggot. Works on my machine.
now try doing it 4 times in one post
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I have both the basic Howard Leighs and Walkers Razors. Contrary to your observations I think the sound is better with the Howards, but that's entirely subjective on my part.
I totally agree on Razors having a much better fit and slimmer profile. In my case they have better sound attenuation just because Howards never seem to have a good seal around my ears.

That being said, both are just barely enough when shooting .308 on an indoor range, so I sometimes double up with silicone earbuds (those christmas tree shaped ones) and crank the earpro volume up a bit to still hear voice well.

My buddy, on the other hand, uses aliexpress electronic earbuds (picked some with good review score) and is really satisfied with them. Noise attenuation is better than with the muffs, also more convenient to wear with eyepro. I think about getting a pair, too.
Ur not the boss of me.
Damn slept til noon in this rain storm. Nice having a day off from screaming kids at 7am
Fuck Bronies
he fakes the rage
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Lucky. I awoke at 5a, no kids.
Night frens
No, gm.
After I farm some gold should I blow it on a Steyr Scout or sign up for the Garand program
I want a scout even if it's meme
I will not be hunting game across the americas but coming home from work sitting in my room instead just as my psychosis intended.
I was too poor to game online back then so im not even in on the Counter strike bs
Yeah man CS 1.5 was a great time. I hated scouts knives but still nostalgic. Same as with the AUG
If you an afford the Steyr, you can afford a better Garand than you can get from CMP. The Garand will appriciate. The GSR is a better value than the Steyr. All this is true. Good lu k farming.
Holy shit all of you are old
ooh take me down to the krusty krab babycakes
Ghost, I just filled my tub up with Bad Dragon Cum Lube, why don't you and the Engineer come over so we can take a splish splash in my bath? Oh my~
oldest general on /k/
Also most retarded, which explains some of the faggotry recently.
no the constant ban waves by a certain janny starting about a year ago is what got us into this mess. /brg/ is soon to be as dead as /prg/
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>most retarded
no. Tour any of the other generals. You guys get banned for posting 3D booba. Thats the only reason. Post 2D and you'll be fine

Also BR ammo is way more expensive than it was a few years ago. /AKG/ is dead for this reason
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The only reason I know about Radio Graffiti is because boomer Josh mentioned him on MATI. All of you are like 40 or something
Yeah almost dead
>All of you are like 40 or something
Bwahaha. Oh, to be that young again. To.be clear, I am a courtin' a girl 20yrs younger. So that's nice.
Not really, I'm in my mid twenties.
Don't get debt besides a mortgage.
Lol, @$1941: https://youtu.be/dkOCkw7HJj0
I think its over for mid to early 20 somethings now
50’s isn’t old
>T. Coffin stuffing in denial
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type 64. Forbidden love...
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I'll have you know I'm only 31. That's still young... right...?
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Why are there no Finnish battle rifles? I want finnish autism full size cartridge rifle.
>Holy shit all of you are old
Unironically I was listening to that shit in high school before he disappeared off the face of the Earth. Was the rumors true he was in on it the whole time?
>Was the rumors true he was in on it the whole time?
mid to end of the original run of true capitalist datys he was. Under his first show of true conservative radio he actually tried to be a real commentator and had no idea what the initial troll wave was.
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hello /brg/ it is galilfag live from New Hampshire. First post on 4chins since moving. going bed soon but my upstairs neighbor is also a whiskey and guns guy, range day saturday. Unfortunately its an indoor range but i haven't had time to find a good spot in the white mountains yet and he has a membership. Tomorrow im doing the franconia ridge/mt lafayette loop. How goes it for you guys on this fine evening?
> How goes it for you guys on this fine evening?
Terrible /brg/ is dying and I have work in the morning.
Nice day today eh bub
Also the Galil looks nice
you came to my state and brough a galil...
I have asked this before here and finally gotten an answer from a trustworthy source, the US government. (Your tax dollara at work) It appears I am indeed a "boomer," but I still listen to Audiovox like a Gen X.
>and brough a galil...
You may not know the pedigree on this baby. It is a long story, no spoiler.
Today is John Lennon's birthday, happy birthday, John Lennon!
Also, Che Guevara is executed (1967). good riddance!
Did you get bluetooth hearing aids yet so you can stealth listen from your phone? A game changer
stupid frogs
Late bloomer boomer
I'm 30 next year and since I'm a traveler and have parents i can crash with it makes no sense to burden myself with a house but I won't go back to renting either
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My Black sexy mineira finally got here. Gas nut so carboned up it took a channel lock to unscrew and clean
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DS Arms restocked 20rd mags guys!
You can "tap" off the phn mic?
I don't want to hear the
>mags are too much
Whining any more!
Works like wireless earbuds
I haven't seen that image in a while. Does he still stream?
yes. I think he's doing a show today actually.
cool, i used to call in and play guitar for radio graffiti sometimes years ago, maybe I'll do that today
I thought you meant as a remote mic for eavsdropping.
Reverse eavesdropping, people think you're paying attention but really you have a podcast going and are ignoring those dullards.
I won an FAL just labeled “Century” on a GB auction a couple years ago and it turned out to be on an ARS build on an Imbel gl receiver, just imported by Century. Could be good.
Is the Springfield Saint in .308 any good? Asking for a friend
from what I remember from a post waaay back, they are adequate
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well well well. Looks who's streaming

Ruger SFAR > Saint
The problems are easier to fix on the SFAR and iirc their MSRP is lower
>open stream
>I've been keeping up with the gays. I do my research
Never change ghost
Kek maybe he is Alex Jones
Are you guys seeing all the ammo.sales? Igman, yes. But .223, 9mm and .22lr also. With the tit4tat war pending, it's a good time for stacking!
i just want surplus hirtenberger to go back to 40c a round
Well I already have 6k 10mm but..
And I want Sophia Loren as a 20yo trad wife.
Its slowed down and revived in the past. /brg/ is forever
ty fren
this thing was a build from a 5.56 parts kit that took like 20% of my life to complete. Ive also got a cuban FAL and some other neat rare shit. Im sure youll see me at frozen mosin if i feel like going. If not i mostly plan on shooting innamountains. Might get a membership to a range in manchester tho. Close enough to me to get some plinking in.
picrel from my hike yesterday, made some tea in a snowstorm on top of mount lincoln while a snowcloud rolled over. It was probably 20-30mph winds with snow blowing sideways. If you didnt get behind a rock when you werent in a break from the snowstorm it felt like getting hailed on wherever it touched bare skin. Might drop an imgur album later of some cool pics/vids if anyone is interested. Love me a good mountain.
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Any recs for a 2-10 with 308 compatible reticle, clear glass, daylight bright or at least daylight red, 30mm tube, under $1500, preferably not made by chinkies and if it does they use glass from Japan or Germany, compatible with a clip on thermal for whenever I get one next year and has a turret that isn’t fuck huge so I can piggyback a red dot?
Do Lions Head next
just get a vudu 1-10. They go on sale for ~$1200
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saving washington for next summer. Ill probably lead a group hike up for some of my friends who arent as experienced. my buddy who built picrel is coming to visit next spring and im thinking im gunna take him up mount garfield and bring lasagna to eat since hes recently been obsessed with garfield. Before you ask, Ive shot it when i hung out with him, without a brake its just as much of a flashbang, with the brake it clears your sinuses away like youre at point blank range from 10-15 feet away.
Already have a LPVO and heard 1-10s have some issues
They may be right, but they still suck. The Who was 1282.4x better, I have the math.
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Just watched this and couldn't help but notice the g3/ptrs
clearly they lurk
>and heard 1-10s have some issues
Like.. ? All 1-10s in general or just EoTech 1-10s? Been looking at a vortex 1-10 for a while to replace my 1-6 Gen II and have heard nothing but good things.
essplain to assuage my ass-pain?
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I wanted to like Thadland but it just didn’t hit the same as the regular seasons. Spike can go fuck themselves with a cactus for cancelling BMS after only airing 3 seasons when they have obviously should have done at least 4.
Pic related.
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Guten morgen to our foreign frogs.
Page 9 save
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Aren't the FN Scar H/FN-17's infamous for having internal harmonics that destroy optics especially cheap ones? Hence why you typically see them sporting ACOG's more than anything else?
I feel like that should be mentioned, something along the lines of...
>(Warning has a well deserved reputation of chewing up Holosun and Primary arms trash, don't swap these from your AR to your Scar).
yes. But it not as big as issue as people make it out to be. As long as it bottom of the barrel optic you should be fine. Also mounting the Optic slightly foward help dampen transfered force. Now IR lasers on the other hand do get fucked pretty bad by the SCAR. It's why the MAWL-C1 is the only "official" SCAR rated mounted laser system.
not* bottom of the barrel
Thx, I'll keep that in mind one day when I have enough wagie points to actually afford a waffle blaster and in the meantime at least they come with irons out of the box (unlike other firearms manufacturers).
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My Vortex has tanked several beatings without issue from my SCAR.
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A while back I acquired a G3 through trade, having no real knowledge of them. The guy who had it before me said it was built from a parts kit. Anyways, I take it to the range a few weeks later and I get a few rounds through it before it stops feeding. I try forcing a round through but it just shoves the bullet into the casing, its clearly hitting something. I thought maybe there was a problem with the feed ramps, and having heard how expensive it is to fix these guns I basically wrote it off for months and let it collect dust on my rack. Well today I finally got around to disassembling it and shining a flashlight inside to see what the problem was - there was a round stuck in the barrel blocking the next one from chambering. I've never had this happen before and I'm at a loss what to do about it. Is the barrel just fucked, or could I shove the round out with a rod? It was Winchester white box 7.62x51 ammo.
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For me, it was the end of cheap and readily available steelcase .308 at my LGS. When that dried up I filled my mags and more or less put my gun in storage. This is the first /brg/ I've been in since last winter
Looks good from here fren
Pic related
I remember when /k/ was good
Bring it to whatever gunsmith is closest to you, tell them exactly what happened. They should be able to hammer it out from the muzzle end
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I think I have a problem...
We missed you
>I remember when /k/ was good
Yes but the curent incarnation of /brg/ peaked ~2019 then went slowly down hill during covid. Where for a time the influx cause this place to have ashamedly /arg/ lite feel. That is till we hit #308 (good thread) 2 years ago had a mini renaissance. This plateaued for a bit. Then threads fucking cratered at the beginning of this year with the latest crop of janitors. One in particular that has it out for any and all booba/fun post but unsurprisingly ok with dolphin porn.
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Solve your problem by adopting a new problem and start hording PDW style weapons. Then you'll be prepared for two unlikely extremes.
>tfw you feel more nostalgia from an old collection of apus than your class reunion
Fucking hell man

>Gold Guard Review
Dedicated rust protection, from autism for you:
Lubrication's still in stock too:

>mail Lubeanon for the SAR BULK ORDER, check their catalog and tell him if you don't find what you want in there
>mail LUBEcu19s@eclipso.de and include your order-ID/order date to be included in the lube mailing list for news, updates, questions etc.
>lube and rust protection available via Moka's shop
>I'm not Lubeanon

Reminder that SAR G3s will get you
>anything from 0.275 to sub 1 MOA depending on the version
>Regular G3 (wooden furniture/BW olive version are separate products):
>DMR version (aka THE NORDIC MODEL)
>G3 PSG1 version (for precision enthusiasists):
>5 years guarantee
>2 free check-ups
>officially certified German master artisan crafted weaponry
>literally produced just 15 minutes away from the HK HQ
>peerless reliability and unmatched quality
>never even came CLOSE to grubby PTR hands
>break in period? Are you gay? (>>>/akg/)
>trigger? Not shit!
>the highest quality barrel
>Polygonal rifling (none of that cheap L&G shit) coldforged and stress free annealed in a vacuum by Lothar Walther (rip)
>national marksman competition winning accuracy
Don't want an old school battle rifle?
How about something newer than the SCAR for only 3k?
>the HK417 (aka MR308 in the civilian version, HK original, so feel free to post better deals or deals in your region) is also available at SAR
All that and more, only at SAR with worldwide shipping.*
Buy SAR, buy quality.

*American import restrictions apply, blame your local governor/president
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Write Lübe a mail for one of these triggers if you want one imported, the same goes for WIDE HANDGUARDS, FURNITURE and other shit you just can't find anywhere else.

Lübeanon, widely renowned for providing the best lube around for /k/commandos by far, stepped up and offered to just proxybuy and ship them through Korbo's LLC in Arizona, he was offered an extra cut for his services but refused and preferred to do it for free. Buy some of his lube or rust protection if you need a refill though.
>what does that mean for me?
Cheap European parts INCLUDING PIC RELATED

Already got a PTR or intend to get one soon?
Want SAR quality for your G3 clone but live under a tyrannical government that colludes with your gun lobby to restrict imports in any way possible?
How about a high quality 1900g pull weight G3 match trigger for 400 bucks?
>not a refurbished old G3 trigger, actually a fresh product from their own production
>all new parts, nothing recycled
>long development to ensure quality that matches the rest of the M41 (SAR G3 clone)
>triggerstop customizable to your taste
>crisp break
>completely SAR made from start to finish
>high production quality, top quality surface treatment, finely CNC'd
>improved spring
>production via the highly accurate machines of SAR (it doesn't say whether machines refers to the actual machines or Germans here)
>Black Rheinmetall finish over a corundum blazed surface (wooow!)
>No flimsy plastic
>large precision increase if you have any idea how to shoot

Get fucked HK Parts.
I need a PDW; the Stribog's been on my list, but we find our selves in hard times. Only 3 more weeks left, then we'll know if it's time to buy or sell.
Same asshole from before; scope rings got here, 1 inch center-line fit just fine. Only thing I had to do was spin the flip-caps on the scope lens so they open to the side instead due to the little nubs sticking out too far. I can live with that.
If it was one round stuck I'd do it myself with a clearing rod, lots of lube and gentle taps. With two rounds stacked though I'd go to a gunsmith. I have squib'd kn my ptr before and got it out with a clearing rod, soaked the chamber and the barrel side in lube then tapped it out.
>flip-caps on the scope lens so they open to the side instead due to the little nubs sticking out too far. I can live with that.
Cool. I like side flip anyway.
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Gonna miss these 35cpr tracers when they're gone
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Evening /brg/. Good news is I am now officially a battle rifle owner. Bad news is it's in the way I didn't want.
evening sorry to hear
Could I share some chronograph numbers I got today in this trying time?
>One in particular that has it out for any and all booba/fun post but unsurprisingly ok with dolphin porn.
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Oh you're still here.
Sure. I always wanted to get my own br but I guess since my dad died a few days ago I have to own his sig.
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Let's go crunch the numbers.
Is the polymer lower on a SCAR 17 actually a weak point? I really like them, but my autism screams about plastic as a long-term use material.
My condolences.
Did you start and fires? Still sorry I missed that.
It's surreal.
I'll say a prayer for you and your dad tonight. Sorry for your loss anon.
Thank you. At least he died peacefully two nights ago.
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Chrono was at 10' and I don't know why it had trouble reading lake city ball out of my saiga. I didn't bother recording more weird numbers for that.
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For some reason the chrono read the lake city ball just fine out of my m1a. I'm not sure the exact weight of the lake city ball so I can't compute energy.
Just one of those days.
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These were the best groups with the respective ammo for the saiga. I can hit the broadside of a barn, but not much else.
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Best groups with the M1A. I still need to sight the damn thing in, but it is what it is.
Is 6.5 mememore halal in /brg/?
Absolute, stopped being a meme this year if not earlier when the basic shit dropped to within 10% of cheapshit 308. Which I still can't believe happened so fast. Feels like yesterday when I was already impressed by it getting down to to "nicer prs level 308 ammo" pricing, then suddenly it blew right past that.

Personally I'd still go 308 in a BR though because there are very fun loads not available in 6.5, it does remain somewhat cheaper (both actual cpr and effective including consumption), and few BRs get that much more accuracy out of 6.5. But if someone didn't care much about that and did have a gun that'd benefit by all means.
Cool thanks. I've been toying with the idea of buying an AR10 and a modern bolt rifle and wanted to keep them in the same chambering, and 6.5 seemed nice on paper considering the prices now.
I'm retarded >>62691279
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None yet but I live in a swamp
middle of the night bump
My how I've missed you, SARshill. Has even a single piece of metal been ordered and recieved by an American from this company yet? And do you still do this for free?
range day today /brg/ dont be late
I have to leave at 6 to be there at 8. What I do for the love of the game.
Nice rack, bby.
>It's surreal
This kind of loss, or any loss, can take time to process, muchless accept. There is little to be said or done by anyone except to offer sympathy and support. From me to you, or you to others. Consider that each member will have a different depth of loss or pain and show and process it differently. Some will be deeply wounded, yet stoic. Open yourself to supporting them too, as you deal with your confusion.
>heh, I said member
This is a completely viable direction. I have felt much the same for 6arc for a while as a small frame PDW and <6# chassis mountain gun.
Based nightcrawler.
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I accept this from the lunatic fringe realm and SALUTE YOU!
>Oh you're still here.
>My how I've missed you, SARshill
I was never gone... I think.
Did I miss anything?
>Has even a single piece of metal been ordered and recieved by an American from this company yet?
Yes, but we're still working on the triggers. Been making progress, but the FFL in America's been pretty busy.
Credo 2-10 Mil reticle, Rattler 640 or super yoter c for clip on captcha: GAYDSS
Saaar please do not redeem the trigger saaar, PLEASE SAAAR DO NOT REDEEM.
wake up /brg/
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wtf happened to your SCAR
Gm, /brg/.
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>get new lappy and can finally play my gaymens at ultra for the first time
>up til 4am
>phone rings at 7am
>>plz help my basement is flooding
Is SCAR ultimate richfag flex?
the KAC is more expensive.
To fix once it inevitably fucks up
Type 64
KAC is standalone like 6,000 dollars. It's by default more expensive and a rich fag flex.
So my inherited BR is the sig tread. All Dad ever put on it was a scope. Should I just leave it like that?
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Unfortunately, this is not mine. I would have to do something like pic related to own a scar, and I can't bring myself to do that to a rifle.
You could leave it as is to remember him, or you could put whatever you want on it as it is your gun now. Do you need anything more than that though?
I guess and I totally didn't need to see that poor poor scar.
I’d get one just for my skeleton stock fetish.
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Mein got
This is like seeing the gun equivalent of a degloved penis
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Even though I like my m1a (pic related) I'm annoyed with it, but it's the best I can do at the moment.
>verification not required
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>Why live when you can't mount a bayonet to your M14 because of the state says so.
Is that stock covered in bed liner?
It looks and feels like it. Wear marks expose brown. You be the judge. It is a loaded m1a so the trigger and barrel are solid. I plan on mounting a scope to it, but I'm still thinking about what specific scope. The earlier recommendations in this thread have been added to the decision matrix.
>Wear marks expose brown
Surely brown as in fiberglass? Painting walnut is like painting wood flooring, a SIN!
Good morning. ~5hrs left.
Good morning.
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Why did I have to go from a pistol shooting mood to a full power rifle mood over thew last few months, my my wallet is crying
You wanted it and needed it.
Reminder to tag dicks on the faces of your fallen enemies. Tea bag is optional.

Captcha WV>NJ 2A
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Reminder to tag posts with images after gookmoot forces you to refresh his rapidly deteriorating website.
Correct on both accounts.
Sold! $21.5k.
Now THIS patch fucking rocks! W2c?
The Keltec RFB is basically a .308 Uzi, only better.
Not sure, my waifu got it for me for xmas a few years back
Why does the suppressor on the XM7 catch fire?
Night Frens
But it's morning?
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>Cartridges exploding gets hot
>Forced convection heats suppressor?
amazing camo job
>amazing camo job
>he sees something I don't
Can't argue with that.
Good morning.
is this the shit?
>Forced convection heats suppressor?
Suppressor is made of metal isn't it? Unless those are unburnt gases burning once they hit an oxygen atmosphere, which would suggest not enough oxidizer or something.
>Order one of the new DSA steel mags to make sure it functions properly in my IMBEL
>get it in the mail yesterday and it fits and functions good
>get another package in the mail and DSA accidentally shipped me two more

It’s a good day
Thanks we'll recharge your card on file
The can is so hot it’s igniting the unburnt powder reside left in the can
>The can is so hot it’s igniting the unburnt powder reside left in the can
>So you don't have to clean it afterwards
Bren 2 when
Bren 3 will be out before the DMR/308 version ever makes it to the US
Why do they hate their best customer?
slav logic. don't try to make sense of it
I ordered 5 since files boomers are slow niggers at replying back and they all require a mallet to remove, most don't lock bolt back
To stay on topic: What's your opinion on more niche battle rifles like SVT? I'm thinking of getting one, considering FN FAL's are hard to get here.

Welp, looks like you weren't only wrong, but also retarded.

Will we hit 310 today?
Going to repost from the gunsmithing thread:

I'm swapping the barrel and sight frame on my PTR because I want the grenade ring. The issue is that centerfire or sarco (I don't remember who I bought it from) drilled the sling loop out instead of pressing it out so the hole is too big for my eyebolt pin. The eyebolt measures 5mm and my hole is about 5.23mm. Originally the tail end of the pin gets crushed like a rivet to hold it in place. That's outside of my ability to do and have it look attractive.

I'm considering trying to wick some solder into the hole to take up the loose space. I've got some tin/silver rosin core solder and some cheap flux paste. I've never soldered outside of automotive wiring. I can make my own pin (that's tight enough for a press fit) I just don't want to because I'm lazy and that's more money. Mainly worried about the flux/solder corroding the hole because I have no way of cleaning in there if a gap forms.
Did they fix it? Nigger nigger nigger nigger kike kike kike kike faggot faggot faggot faggot test
Finally! Fuck I really didn't want to have to abandon ship.
>crushed like a rivet
Peened. Fyi.
No, cooling trend should keep it below 100°, finally.
What a stupid fucking boomer toy, I bet whoever buys that is delusional in thinking it will get them pussy.
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>t. never rides
some are definitely domed like rivets. I think it depends on country/time period. I've seen really tidy domes like pic rel but I've also seen goobered peening too
what are the essential things to do/buy to make your svt run forever?
Ammo is rather helpful, in a pinch. PPU is the best I've seen lately 54r is like .303 these days.
>/brg/post count 308
It's going to be a good day.
Good morning battle rifle sirs.
Show bob
I don't care what anyone says, UCP is hot.
We've reached the critical time delta for this opinion to finally surface as predicted by old /k/
>Everything old is new again. Mark Twain
Can't fight desitiny.
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Brass for reloading is cheap when you take it from the range bucket.
Yeah I'm deep in .free23
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I KNEW IT! Elves are real!
God bless the gifted!
Someone bake new bread

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