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Seems like the previous thread fell off or got deleted
TL;DR: Some russian crewed fighter jet shot down an expensive russian "S-70" drone of which only 4 exist
It's artisinal but we only need for - analgovnets! okay wectranny?!
Hypothesis is as follows:
["russian" = "pidor"]
>The pidor fighter jet pilot saw the S-70 drone
>The pidor pilot was scared and asked it "identify yourself"
>The S-70 drone did not respond
>The pidor shot a missile at the S-70 drone
>S-70 drone crashes


My personal question is regarding the control of thes things:
these pietot tubes look janky as fuck, is there really no better way?
Is this a limitation from avionics/sensor/flight control options?
Isn't it so, that - if at all possible - you'd want to avoid such sticks poking out on a stealth drone?
Par for the course for vatnigeria though I guess but please share your thoughts anon.
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>these pietot tubes

Are they not as bad as one would think regarding stealth?
Or is it just that the baseline signature isn't as good as claimed by russia externally and thus internally they know it doesn't even matter?
there's been more threads about this one drone than about the entire ukrainian 72nd brigade being lost at ugledar. how peculiar
In general it has pitot tubes during testing to calibrate its sensors.
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>the entire ukrainian 72nd brigade being lost at ugledar.
>Drone began speaking Ukrainian to the pilot, attempted to set course for Kerch bridge.
state of the art russian weapon being talked about.... belongs on other boards.... sure thing we just had a janny move a legitimate thread to pol to shit it up
>this is the russian cope for witnessing a retreat to the next fortress village
I guess its because russians only know how to get routed, like in kharkiv or kherson or kursk
lmao classic
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but you're not posting any evidence
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Is this not a discussion of a weapons system?
I'm just posting the newslink because I hate it when niggers make unsourced claims.

So they aren't be present on the (remaining lol) drones as they would be flying now?
That's because the 72nd weren't all lost.

Not to say shit didn't go wrong.
So... how about showing it anyway to try and convince us non-NAFO fags that you're not just a lying piece of AIDS-riddled shit?
Try me. I wanna see what weak/blurry/picture from 2016 source you got.
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Since some nigger is already trying to derail the thread I'm gonna post a funny but then we move back to the topic at hand, okay?

>“Help step-FPV I’m stuck!”
Looks like this is the only good news for Ukies. And it wil turn bad for them in future, because Russians getting stronger and testing male drones lol.
>drones as they would be flying now?
That's the funny part, it's the newest and probably with the best avionics...
Imagine the US losing control and shooting down the newest B-21...
What type of jammers/ comms units would ukraine to take control of it if rumors are true about it being shot down by russia after losing control?
Yet israel threads are fine?
damn that must have been one strong dude if his loss counts as an entire brigade
Probably spoofing.
Even if they lose control it should have a 'safe mode' to come back to its airfield or something like that.
Ukies got incredibly good at spoofing those jamming-resiliant receivers.
>war? pol
>aircraft? pol
>naval combat? pol
>guns? Believe it or not, pol
Seethe jeet, pakistan and their 3000 black jets of allah will teach you to use the toilet

Honestly? Im betting it beelined towards a ukie airport after the ukes figured out how to hack them
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>Ukies got incredibly good at spoofing those jamming-resiliant receivers.
How does something like that even work from a technical standpoint?

It's a random zigger thoughbeit
The webm has no relation ot the unsourced "entire 72nd wiped out a Vuhledar" claim by that derailing faggot up in the thread

you are belonging in the cube, pidorvich
By their air force? by doctrine they control all their airplanes that are slaved to ground control.
No the other good news is the defence of Makivka.

Incidentally the 72nd are in new defensive positions in Arsenii Prylepko area. They have to be there as there is no one else defending the region.
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>Seethe jeet, pakistan and their 3000 black jets of allah will teach you to use the toilet
the giganigger from the iranian pushup truck will make the jeet clench his anus in fear shall he remain renitent in his commitment to taking the poo to the loo
>Honestly? Im betting it beelined towards a ukie airport after the ukes figured out how to hack them
If that really was the case this is insanely impressive
That would make this happening even more interesting and significant
A damn shame that Ukrochuds didn't manage to get it
>How does something like that even work from a technical standpoint?
Hard to know because it needs at least a basic knowledge of how the receiver works, Ukies got a lot of those receivers from russian drones (they only use one or two models for all their systems) to study and they implemented a network of spoofers against russian drones/cruise missiles.

If they're using the Kometa-M receiver you can guess that they're saturating its receiver or faking the origin of the signal by combining many transmitters. But that's all guessing by just looking the 4-antenna they're using (probably a dual differential receiver)
The Tic Tacs apparently still need janky tubes to go Mach 50, so, meh.
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Thanks for sharing your insight anon
That's an impressive feat if true
In case you already answered towards my question with >>62648926 just disregard but:
Were these pitot tubes on the S-70 (picture: >>62648913) something that was just there just for testing and to calibrate other, more stealthy flight control sensors and removed later on?
Because it seems to me those tubes would be an absolute detriment to stealth.
>damn shame that Ukrochuds didn't manage to get it
Getting the wreckage isnt a bad consolation prize, and probably why they did it. Figured it would either work flawlessly and they get one intact and maybe kill the escort OR they get the wreckage for themselves and western spooks to pick apart.
>Hi guys its the guy you're replying to pretending he's not the guy you're replying to to tell you how much he's playing you lol
Every single time something is downed they claim it was mistakenly shot down by themselves, so they're kind of the Pidors who cried Wolf. Can we trust them? A UAV out of control would be a scenario where you would shoot it down.
> and removed later on?
They removed the nose probe of the Su-57, but idk about this S-70. The Mig 31, 29 and many naval airplanes still have their probes. Maybe never because have been 5 years and is supposedly in service but still with probes...
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Due to the fact that I saw a pic of a Ukrainian soldeir posting atop a separated wing part I suspect they did get that consolation prize
Very based indeed, I hope this further weakens russia
I'm perpetually asshurt and malding and coping and seething even over the fact that America but especially Europe isn't doing enough to beat back the pidors.
It seriously pisses me off but it's not like my rage will help

But back to the EW spoofing - now that you say it I remember a lot of the shasheeit drones are getting taken down due to EW rather than due to hardkill by e.g. technicals
Though less kino it's a perfect example of your point of the Ukies getting very good as spoofing, apparently.
I really am another dude, the OP even in fact
You will have to decide whether it's OPfaggotry or samefaggotry
I see it was unwise for me to entertain that ziggers notion by posting a newslink about the fall of Vuhledar while at the same time telling anons not to entertain it

There's videos of a jet shooting the thing down quite intentionally this time around, see >>62648911
Also there's the suspicion that the drone was
beeing spoofed/hijacked by Ukies and thus it was shot down by pidors to prevent capture: >>62649000
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>They removed the nose probe of the Su-57
>idk about S-70
Okay, but my conception of the tubes wasn't right then
I will temper my derisive laughter slightly
Ive been unironically wanting us to start bombing ruskies and iranians for a while, but that might just be the john bolton spirit guide talking.

These guys are gonna come out of this with such a fantastic amount of antidrone and ew knowledge spefically on how to fuck up the best the global south has. Youll be seeing uke trainers in nato exercises when this is over.
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Aviationlet here, what is this?
The Toropets explosion iirc
that huge ammo dump that registered as a earthquake seen from space half a day later
that's the cloud of smoke from the vatnig ammo dump the ukes blew up a week or so ago
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>Aviationlet here, what is this?
Sattellite photo of "drone debris" hitting a pidor ammo depot in russia
See also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkwP727sAxg

yes kek
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The Ammo dump that blew up recently and the resultant smoke was visible from S-P-A-C-E.
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>[Completely absurd claim]
>Uhhh what are you talking about?
>...You wouldn't believe it anyways! [comment about cocks or trannies because they are OBSESSED with them]
What did he mean by this?
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All I see is organised shitposting and wiki article vandalism by your kind, you retared shitbag

kill every russian

feed every russian toddler to alligators
Please don't feed the alligators trash.
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Remember they have literally nothing else to spend rupees on
I was blocked from posting - was it because I was somewhat part of the derailment towards the top of the thread or am I being banned?
If I don't post again I was banned and partisan moderation is real

This is cleraly a thread dedicated to the discussion of a weapons system.

I should take that jiggling helicopter webm and pair it with spongebob (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkSdhO6_w6s) if I have enough boredom and brainrot on the same day to allow for it
I really wish I didn't see proof of shills being incompetent enough to give away the fact they're shills as often as I do. It would be nice to pretend this bhutanese tapestry weaving forum wasnt half filled by esl dogs trying to force a narrative and that they're just run of the mill retards.

Great Firewall when? Can we just cut China, Russia, and India out of the internet completely and let them wallow in their own feces again? Although I guess India already does that for free lmao
Yeah, I thought I was being shizo at first but it's clear these worms are actively absuing the report functions and in quite a few cases even making their way into the moderation/janny section of the site
Well according to some tg channels the drone was a loyal wingman to su57 that shot it down after losing control of it. It allegedly was not a prototype but plane number 4. It fell on ukrainian side and every spook is after the remains. Ukrainians might trade it for something good, luke US permission to strike deep into russia. The
He got killed for knowing too much
that's bullshit, we can all talk about how the Americans will soon be allowing Ukrainains to
We had a thread but it got polmoved.
Did you guys hear that 6 Nork advisors got blown up? Spread the word. Maybe even make a thread.
>Russian plane
Onboard AI probably gained human-level sentience.
>number built: 2
1 down, 1 left
afaik 4 got built

But then again I'm a terminally online /uhg/ denizen and was mainly here to ask about those pitot tubes
A pleasure doing business with you, Micтep Пiлoт

зaлyпa єбaнa!
Amusing, but let's be real here anon. That thing probably uses old Soviet chips that are less advanced than a fucking cell phone. More likely the duct tape holding it's antenna in place fell off since the bolts supposed to hold it were stolen and sold for heroin.
2 operational and 2 non-flying prototypes
When the Burgers had a drone captured by Iran they apparently tricked it into thinking it was landing at its home airfield do you think the Ukrainians tried something similar?
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o nao i am laffin
Combination Russian and western chips as per usual.

Hopefully enough fuel to try to get to Kerch Bridge next trip.
ukrop copium is the best there is
right, they just got reincarnated
Since jannies are clamping down, let's talk Ukraine's UAV program. Last I checked, EU-American has agreed to fund their UAV-Missile program (which are really just low end self-launching cruise missiles), while denying deep strikes using EU-American gear. So I take it this is their compromize on the sitaution?

These UAV-missiles are self-launched, use a jet engine, and are capable of deep strikes and will only increase in numbers as time goes on. Meanwhile Russia is stuck with Shaneeds and Iskanders (which while good are rare).
China also helps Russia more and more.

Iran also sent Russia hundreds of ballistic missiles that they haven't used at all yet.
>Iran also sent Russia hundreds of ballistic missiles that they haven't used at all yet.
Well they cant considering the jews blew them up
The stuff Israel blew up in Syria was not Russian but Iranian militia supplies.
Nah, he just autosaged it to keep it off the front page. He mad, tho.
I am curious if Israel is doing this intentionally or if it's a coincidence, but they are attacking a lot of Russian assets and allies in Syria and elsewhere.
As they should, russia is the reason iran is able to do a lot of their current chimping out.
the thread isn't being deleted my dudes
it really is being autosaged though lmao
My god these petty faggots
I think I'm going to start making threads more often
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the original janny sticky existed because of raids from /pol/ after Sandy Hook?
How did we reach this awful janny situation? Not too long ago we had the dancing crab and under the sea, or prigo's darkest dungeon shit. What went wrong?
I would qualify that as glavset horseshit, so yes. Point fucking remains.
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transmitter spoofing no? I think someone said that earlier
Bump unless this is actually auto saged
SEA monkey janny got in, send feedback on the daily
puccians are pathetic
Bump for trannyjanny sneed
Again, he autosaged, you cant bump
>thread autosaged because it hurts janny's fee fees
It makes me sad seeing 4chan compromised to such a degree. But that explains a lot of shit. Namely the state of other boards such as /tv/ and /v/.
Its part of hybrid warfare, if anything this should show you how much your enemies value getting in your head. Dividing the first world is literally the only tool the global south has, and one of the reasons my john bolton shrine says we need to kill em all.

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