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Anons performing at record lows, shit flinging and crying non stop, and STILL won't post their rifle.

Let's buckle in for Sunday afternoon /arg/ people.

Old thread >>62646708
Tripfags are gay as hell
time is a flat circle and the wmlx is $80 again
its not the greatest light in the world but for 80 bucks its pretty good
why aren't you using your old trip retard? Also lay off the paint a little you shouldn't have buildup on your gun
>new trip weekly
>containment doesn't actually contain them and they bring their faggotry into all other threads
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I don't like those button modes
I assure you it's fine to have a few layers of spray paint on the rifle. And a new trip for a new man. I got a little dog now. I'm changed I tell you. Changed.
>the guy that bragged about being a 2016 election tourist is back
On, off, and momentary? How many more functions do you need?
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I'm gonna play a round of golf, watch football, and drink beer today. Might even kill a squorl or 2. Goddamn i love this country
price is tempting but I kind of hate it
how did you film this?
Use the lockout then retard
NTA but those lights are dumb. buy used normal light on tacswap
You're dumb. They are good for what they are.
Golf gud, football (nfl) gay jewish negro worship
doesn't that other trip run one of these so he can mark toddlers for his pitbulls?
Sorry I didn't clarify that I had been lurking since 2012 before that. But let's br real nobody wants to admit they've spent 12 years of their life listening to dudes like you whine and cry and lower the value of the board every single post instead of just one fucking time posting an interesting response or even an AR in the AR thread.

In other news the 11.5 Geissele Super Duty uppers are really good. For those of you who are into 11.5 rifles.
Shut up newfag
What are these kinds of uppers called? I really like the look of them
shut the fuck up you retarded newfag
>In other news the 11.5 Geissele Super Duty uppers are really good. For those of you who are into 11.5 rifles.
woah. Did you hear queen Elizabeth died?
Why not just post as anon?
Queen Elizabeth died!?
The closest I get to being a furfag is posting my pets reacting to retarded posts
This, but taking the best aspects from both guns
For me it's an 11769 in lightfighter housing
>centipedes, in my vagina?!?
Just making sure all the worthless anons are up to speed bud. No harm in that.
kill yourself trip nigger. repeating shit from 6 months ago isn't bringing anyone up to speed, which you would know of you weren't a retarded newfag
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Wtf i want a mk12 mod 0 now.
You could say that instead of being on the cutting edge I like to verify products through usage instead of immediately shilling them.
PRI Mk12
yeah, that was six months ago
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Pic related with an Amazon phone adapter. This tripod has since broken.
>come to anonymous message board
>hmmm I better make a user name so everyone knows it's me
unironically go to reddit where you belong
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It's a PRI handguard, which is used on the mk 12 like anon mentioned earlier. I'm tempted to build a 14.5 fsp upper with one desu, I think they're neat
Eh if you're not into it I get it. I'm in my first ever fantasy league with my friends/family and I'm getting more into it. My nephew is a sevant when it comes to players.
>There are other anons than me who despise the trip/avatar menace
is /k/ healing? Will /arg/ be great for once?
Ah, /arg/ where anons fight and say the most cruel things to each other for no reason. Everytime. I love it.
I went into it thinking the unity mount would be a meme. Especially because I'm not huge into night vision passive aiming. But the flip to center magnifier really saves it. Not having that hanging off the side of the rifle is pretty great. Late to the party again but for some people it makes sense for sure. Would definitely pop the magnifier off the rifle though if you do want to aim passively with night vision. The magnifier gets in the way but thankfully is QD.

It is but their nature. I dream of a gentler and more refined /arg/ where one can discuss their rifles in peace.
Thank you for being open, honest and sharing your truth with us. Your opinion is truly valued :^). I feel having heard it I have grown somewhat as an individual and will now cherish this interaction forever. Have a blessed day
>Will /arg/ be great for once?
No. They'll never stop doing it
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Kiss me.
Is this company's clothing waterproof or is it literally just a thin outfit you put on as an outer layer for camo?
They look neat, but as a mechanical engineer I just see a lot of tapped screw holes and get disgusted.
Out of the bearded barley.
>be engineer
>be retarded
checks out
Waterproof is a relative term
You get to pick between breathability or water resistance
it's water/weather resistant, most of the good overwhites you can buy are treated with something.
Well, I guess I should have said more than just a thin camo layer, but thank you. If I could I would buy a pair for the hell of it to have something to toss on during the snow season as an outer layer. Of course the challenge being figuring out how to even order them because they don't exactly make it possible for anyone outside of Finland (or wherever)
welcome to 4chan
level 7 stuff is waterproof because it's made for use in the snow which is water.
generally speaking it's still a good idea to treat with nikwax
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What distance? What gun and ammo?

Oof terrible choice

You should SBR that
Also IME rubberized grips like the K2 get dangerously slippery when wet.

>more rubberized grips
>LPVOs in 2024

It blows my mind that anyone is still considering magnifier setups that aren't flip to center.
it's just an arctic camo parka


not endorsing either of these, DYOR, just using them as examples
>it blows my mind that ...
yeah, well, you've demonstrated repeatedly that you're a fucking retard
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That video is 500y with AAC 77gr. Shot out to 800y.
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it's whatever. not a fan of the green.
I prefer just tan / brown and some black since the green always stand out.
A lot of people are no longer using vertical foregrips or hand stops because it supposedly “gets in the way” in unorthodox shooting positions. Thoughts on going bare?
>good for what they are
pretty gay. get normal light and 12 o'clock button
>macro pattern
Should be effective enough.
Wuggy's such a loveable fuckup
>because it supposedly “gets in the way” in unorthodox shooting positions
I don't spend nearly enough time rolling around with a loaded rifle.
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that poor rifle. OP is the gayest kind of tranny on this board.
Are you trying to blend it in the BG of the ground? Because it looks pretty close but IDK I would keep trying until it's almost perfect.
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Blacked the green
NTA but I think you ruined it. Just try to blend it in to the concrete? Or are you going for a woodland camo?
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One pRedditor who posts here isnt “alot of people”.
Thanks, I love the look. I'm a big a1 fag and these seem similar in a way to me
recce randy on jewtube made a whole video about it before his channel got nuked
>woodland camo?
Yeah, something like that
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Yeah I learned this with the first spear wind cheater. It stops a drizzle or mist, but a soon as you get real rain the jacket is soaked.
My $30 plastic Amazon rain jacket has 0 breathability but I will stay dry in it no matter what.
>AAC 77gr
Nice I've been meaning to pick some up. I've got 350 rounds of Hornady Steel case matched 75gr that I need to get rid of first. Bringing 150 rounds to the range today.
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I think it kinda works
Are you gonna post here while the hurricane is raping you?
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i dig it
Imagine living in a mother nature designated combat zone (Florida)
I was literally born during the middle of a hurricane and was named after the hurricane. I will survive.
I could possibly see it if the magnifier lived in a pouch for the most part if you had a preferential reason to both go lower and use the magnifier very little. Otherwise yes I would go with flip to center.
Gold is up 30% ytd. What AR-15s would the iykyk crowd buy?
get off my board windbag
ok “Katrina” you fucking troon
Aren't they usually women's names?
Not since people complained the whytpeephole storms were stealing all the destructive glory.
yts don’t season dey hurricanes
I wouldn't know
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As long as I have my First Spear WINDCHEATER I will be fine.
What do you use to spray? Just anything?
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>L5 gear does not perform L6 gear
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Krylon camo brown sprayed stripes, then with a sponge Rapco green and Rustoleum black
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I'm just saying how I learned the difference, not that its some profound revelation.
I could die this week from the hurricane, and you would feel terrible if this was the last thing you said to me
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Just got back from taking the dissipator out, surprised it cycled everything fine out of ~250 rounds considering it's the anderson upper with actual rifle-length gas. Only had one issue where it didn't pick up a new round when I was firing a mag of 69gr OTM, but I think that was a mag issue since I was using the 40 round mag for that and it may have been resting on the mat at the time
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I'd feel bad that I didn't make you buy an L6
just one rifle?
If DMTard ceases to exist during this hurricane would anyone here even care?
Not me but people seem to love the little nigga for some reason
QRD on DMTard anon? It's slow today.
I think he's funny. Like a goofy little brother. This place is too serious.
What's funny about anything he says?
no, but then again im in the way of the hurricane as well. I just wanna go and shoot!
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Stole back all my premium parts for my new build. And have this as a coyote rifle, I was very close to swapping out the barrel for a FN but this Thompson Cent barrel is still accurate after 10k rounds and 10 years of bullshit
10k rounds on that? Nice dude. Looks great.
He's just goofy. If you can't pick up on it then I don't know what to tell you. You don't have to like him I'm not trying to persuade you or anything.
Thanks man
Can you show me the barrel? I wanna see what it looks like after 10k rounds.
Same I’m gonna get wrecked by this one. What are you guys doing to keep your guns safe? I bought these voodoo tactical waterproof gun bags I’m gonna try if it starts flooding.
Why both an angled and vertical grip?
>this nigga didn’t even learn the ECWS philosophy
A wind layer is meant to be a mid layer.
It goes over your base layers and then under your cold weather layers if need be.
You wear a rain jacket for rain and take it off as soon as it stops raining because by design it’s not breathable, best case you get pit zips.
The whole point of the ECWS is to use a system of layering based on climate, your activity level, and also how you well individually tolerate cold weather.
one for each hand
It’s just spare parts at this point, only the barrel, gas tube and the receivers are original and maybe the BCG but they aren’t marked and it was in a box with others, the grip was on my pistol, the wood was going to go on my ar10 but I bought a matching cerakote stock with a carbine buffer. So now I have one 16” mid with a rifle buffer and one 20” 308 rifle gas with a carbine buffer and I still can’t decide is it’s stupid or genius to put a 18” FN with rifle gas on that sport or just build a new gun and put this wood on that one
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niggardly build with a project car that isn't worth the money to restore... curious... are all /arg/tards destined to waste money on stupid frivolous shit that makes no financial sense? questions that may never be answered unless the suicide hotline starts helping tripfags shoot their guns instead of taking pictures of them
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Best pic I could get, it’s starting to pit I noticed while trying to get this shot.
Guess I will replace the barrel
>it’s starting to pit
What does that mean? I'm a new ar owner. And it looks great dude!!! Thx for taking a pic for me. I would not guess thats 10k rounds. I mean im a noob but still. Wowie.
No one said it was a socom barrel. It literally says government profile. Maybe learn to read you retard.
I can't imagine getting groomed into owning a Br*tish vehicle
Just shoot it until the groups start opening up or it keyholes
It means exactly what it sounds like. The barrel is starting to corrode and get little pits in it.
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How are you guys mounting your rh25s?
Put that gun on a scale how heavy is it
You should be using JV or the HRF rico dovetail with a Wilcox oasys mount so you can flip it to the side when it's not in use. I'm waiting for the JV ones to restock as I missed the first ones.
she replied “Nice” to my ar15 pics
how do i respond?
Nice thing about the JV is you still have the pic rail section if you did want to use it with the adm mount on a different rifle unlike the HRF.

I have the eotech Wilcox mount are they the same or different?
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I'm not reading that essay
I have both and if flips to the opposite side

Doesn’t sound like it matters then
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ight nigga
ill sell you a 406 sbc for that hunk of shit for 6k over asking price
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Wish I knew

So does it hold zero? My issue with the Wilcox was supposedly it didn’t hold as well as the adm
>showing girls your guns
>gets the most unenthusiastic response ever
lmao bro she doesn't care and probably thinks you're weird
This is actually a pretty straight car believe it or not. Some rust in the trunk and a couple of half dollar sized holes in the rear wheel well. It will be a multi year project, but probably running and driving next year. I found a 4 speed for it locally I'm picking up tonight
Ask her if she wants to go shooting, retard. Then don't take her shooting and take her on an actual date. It's so easy to get laid, dipshits.
Yeah the issue was the early HRF mounts in the oasys didn't hold zero but they fixed it.
it's over. I would wait at least 5 days before contacting her again
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>sending AR pics to a girl
bro what are you even doing?
>all this stuff
>a brace
bro what are you even doing?
Iirc the eotech model does not have the button to unlock it also it can flip with you just pushing the magnifier. Maybe it does I don't have mine in front of me.
I mean they feel good in my hand so
Embrace the tööb
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You try so hard and i love you for it
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Unfortunately, yeah. I'm pretty poor.
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So which metal is stronger? S7 tool steel or RPS? I am deciding on which trigger to buy, a shooting sight or a Larue. It seems like I could buy three larues for one shooting sight rps. Please a2grip bless me with your bottomless knowledge
diamonds are the strongest metal
I would care you are my pookie bear, dmt.
Diamonds are one of the hardest substances. They're not the strongest metal. They're not even considered metal.
The realest thing I can tell you, is that it does not matter. Whatever trigger you get, you'll shoot it the first time and say "wow, this really makes a difference." Then you'll notice that it makes no difference at all, and you'll do the sensible thing, like buy 5 mil spec trigger kits so you have spares.
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That's kind of a stupid question, anon.
The exact kind of stupid question that a language based search algorithm could handle with ease.
What purpose does a hard trigger have anyways, besides being marginally more scratch resistant?
You go bowling with any tsundere Japanese school girls yet big flex?
I only used the triggers that came with the Complete PSA lowers I buy and i'll have to say they are JUST AS GOOD
Just get casted chinese pot metal triggers
Goyslee triggers are known to snap. If you like fingering your trigger on safe a casted trigger will snap in half if you do it too much. It's just simple science.
>known to snap
Idk what that means
How does killing themselves answer your financial question? I'm confused how you made that leap.
Casts are usually harder than milled tools, but are not inherently so.
You would have to fuck up REAL bad to make your casts porous enough that you could break them with like 10 pounds of force, and I don't think Geissele are nearly that incompetent.
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You got me. I missed that thread. I was too busy in the you want pray game thread.
Haven't heard that one in a while kek.
Because he needs attention, like all degenerate trip fags
Those goofy chin weld riser mounts look so retarded, what is the appeal? Nods?
Night vision (he doesn't have any)
Brap Hog Down
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Thank you ash, I needed to hear that. Happy Hispanic heritage month btw
It's the same height as a carry handle mounted optic. You would like it if it was a carry handle instead, and you know it.
tfwn gothic serpent plap hog gf
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Why did you buy the green windcheater?

Dang I don’t want to put another 500 down the drain
he lives in a green place
I bought the green one too.
Reason being it looks cool
green windcheater is best windcheater and is the only /k/ approved variant
If you get temporarily blocked and the 15 minutes passes can you still get banned?
>Unaware of the HPG cheater
>not a2 approved
we can wear out green windcheaters with our hoods up and stand in a circle like wiztards
Dunning-Kruger gonna Dunning-Kruger

Ash are you getting pussy yet
I would be shocked if he didn't approve of it. HPG is goated with extra sauce
the only pussy ash gets is from officer nasty, a 4'2" 60lbs love doll that smells like fritos
it's not as harsh of a statement, but he prefers the fs version. at the same time keeps selling it for some reason.
personally i'm just gonna keep using my old pcu l5 until it falls apart then get something from beyond
Ok go find one in stock
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Posting M110K3 KINO on a Sunday afternoon. Enjoy.
>$50,000 rifle
Is 11.5 really the optimal barrel length for MOUT because it doesn't seem to be that much lighter or more maneuverable than 14.5 or even 16
conservative estimate, even. that upper is impossible to find and if you find a seller, just he upper alone is probably 25k.
If you care about suppressor then yeah
Thanks, I hate it.
5.56 is supersonic anyway that's the entire point
13.7" gets a lot of hate but idk why
Muzzle velocity seems to drop sharply after 12"
wrong answer, pal.
guess I'm a boomer now, that looks like ass
Thanks, I love it.
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13.7 and 13.9 are future proof barrel lengths. /arg/ is just slow to adapt as per usual
Florida anons check in. Are you ready for the cane?
I hate how it looks but I know it shoots like a dream
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ya we will be fine I think
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Jesus christ dude this image is actually making me side with the boomers. I wanna drop it off a second story building and watch it shatter for lolz
Excellent strategy, I love Beyond
They restock pretty regularly, just a small company
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Ready. I'm lubricating my weapons tonight in case of looters, and I've got a fridge fill of energy drinks and tequila.
Don’t keep the tequila in the fridge ya dingus. Make tons of ice and put it in a cooler for your energy drinks. The tequila can be warm.
West coast of Florida is gonna get slammed. Maybe it weakens when it hits land. If not you’re gonna get the shtf scenario you’ve always wanted
So no one answered my question. What trigger should I get then? Just a Larue?
He's in the middle of the state right? It'll be fine
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Nice, what suppressor?
This isn’t the first DMT hurricane arc.
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Shooting Sight
Larue mbt2s
Schmid phosphate polished
G$ ssa-e on sale
I’ve never used a shootingsight so I can’t say. I think only a couple people here have.
What is that area? I have never seen any sign like that before.
Laure has the best materials, a good break and among the best travel but ok reset. The geissele has crisper break and better reset, but the worst travel and materials. RPS has a break & reset as good as the geissele AND the travel of the mbt, while being mid tier of the materials.
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It's finally tuned in, so it's quite soft and smooth.
I don't have one yet, but I was looking at the cobalt scrambler. It's already beyond the point of worrying about suppressing tons of flash and noise, so I'm not terribly afraid of trying something that's a little less conventional and established.
I'll probably buy more Larue for the rest of my lowers. The performance isn't holding me back and it's just thicc and high quality. Submoa for me. Easy choice unless you are chasing splits.
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>Mid tier material
Its billet tool steel
>cobalt scrambler
Picking one up for my block ii soon I'll let you know how it is.
Won't take much to make it hearing safe. My advice is go for lightweight and watch for heat stringing.
erm, the RPS is just rolled plate steel, hence the name
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based VFG/brace enjoyer
I don't even like ars please move this thread
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>These trigger/hammer sets are CNC machined from billet tool steel, and NiB coated.
Yeah but the last one wasn’t a direct hit on Orlando this one might be
Get the inconel one if you value flash performance
What are my suppressor options for an A2 birdcage?
erm, that's not what the AR-15 trigger description says
B&T or griffin armament. You can also just buy the griffin gate lok hub mount and use any hub compatible can you want. Make sure you use proper shims like accuwashers don’t leave it on with the crush washer.
Has anyone ever broken the sear surfaces?
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How many days of canned food and clean water do you have? Enough spare batteries?
He's gonna survive off his bulking powder
I placed a battery order before the other hurricane and it finally got here yesterday. I already had plenty but it’s still funny to think about.
>get inconel
That was the plan. I had my eyes on alternatives until cobalt just came out with the inconel version. As neat as a 6oz suppressor sounds, I don't want the sparks.
Just buy a trigger from ML and STFU
erm, that's fake news
Rps can be made out of billet tool steel
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yeah, but it is better than s7? It can't possibly that strong if it's rolled
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I have 12 things of Ramen noodles, and a bunch of water. I have 24 123a batteries and my WMLs are my only flashlights, so I need to flag everything I'm looking at, but I'll be safe about it.
>Has more batteries than food
Bro pls
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closed, cant you read?
this nigga doesnt even know what a car stock is lmao
Is it arizona or something?
Ahh the beaches of Arizona. Paradise.
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Well the only other place is Colorado and last I checked they don't have beaches either. you could just not be a faggot and share.
I’m not that anon.
i want a commie rifle. the ak-47
What is the best way to statmaxx in case of looters
I should add I live in a region notorious for nigrous nincompoopery rain or shine
twinkie trap punji pits
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If you live in a black neighborhood as a white man, you will be marked as a target if a chimpout occurs.
No matter what the circumstances are, you will be given the south African boer farmer treatment, because the blacks will always see you as responsible for whatever problems they have.
The good news is, that if you need to exchange fire with a blacks, you will have a massive advantage because they will not shoulder any rifles they have, nor will they use any kind of sights. Also, they will statistically have IQs 20 points lower than yours, so you can always outsmart them.
Why is everyone here rocking fake badger mounts? Did I miss something? Are these the new standard?
Hi Bunni
The good news is the future doctors and engineers like to buy le justasgood chinkshit from Temu and Wish so hopefully just vanilla 855 should be enough to punch through their plates (if they even bother to wear them). Believe me I have no illusions about how the 13/50 element likes to target the white devil.
12.5" or 16"? LPVO or unmagnified red dot? And are 40rd mags a meme (even pmags)?
Why are you asking somebody who doesn't even shoot the one gun he owns? This is shit you should have already figured out, not 3 days before a hurricane hits
40 round mags are memes but 60 rounds mags are not
I am fully convinced A2 is the moderator that oversees this general and he bans me when he gets mad. He is such a faggot
Anyone know if I can shoot in Douglas Point MD? It's technically BLM land but it isconsidered a Special Recreation Management Area and it's Maryland so I'm not sure, I can't find a concrete answer.
Sure why not
40 round pmags work great
Trip back on Ash
I didn't say they don't work I said they're a meme
Gpr best with something magnified to help you see whats going on farther away when you’re doing daytime neighborhood security patrolling with your element
reminder that this tripfag is this literal who jootoober
well now I feel silly
it's not him it's me. He is a colossal faggot
I wish I could be that popular
You can't hide with your trip off Ash
You sound mad. You want to talk about how that makes you feel?
Holy shit lmao
I hate ash too he is a fat faggot who never uses his guns and was a former tranny taking estrogen. I hate every tripfag that isn't me when I turn mine on sometimes. Skelly is nice.
Being a YouTuber is less egregious than making YouTube shorts.
>and was a former tranny taking estrogen
I've still never seen any proof for this
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Get yourself a fucking Kenu XL faggot it's the same height as the KAC and why did you get the HTP and not the G10 YOU LITERAL FAGGOT!
It feels like the truth, that's what matters to me
Really? Not one person is gonna make fun of his appearance or voice? I’m disappointed /arg/.
That’s crazy do you every run around on the range with that thing?
What trip is yours?
I agree. They look like straight dogwater. Peruse any PSA review section and it’s littered with monkey fuck builds that have 40 round gorilla niggers hanging out of them
When my rifle finally went over 8 lbs loaded I got sad. Still pretty light but the sub 8 lb rifle with optic and light and sling is so nice.
40 rounds monkey bananas are ukraine trenches certified
the gay one, like them all
He is mistaking Ash with Viscous.
No they are all the same
This short was on my feed the other day and I was like great there’s some other fucking retard with green anodized unity mounts and he can’t maintain his rifle. Reminded me of the fag that posts his ass ugly shitrod here. Now I know they’re one and the same. Pottery.
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I dropped 3lbs from going to a 7075 carrier and full magnesium receiver + rail. Softer recoiling and lighter weight, I don't know why people still want mil-spec 16oz carriers
Everyone's favorite thing to tell you is to lift more but I'm at the point where I still want to be lifting when I'm 50+.
they still work fine they are just less efficient
nothing about that war will mean anything data wise until 10 years after it's over. Based off the pace of this slav bum fight I wager it will conclude when Putin takes kyiv in 2090
Joggers are only dangerous up close and in large numbers (you've already failed several times over if you're in this situation)
>more rounds
>less efficient
Less efficient than 60 round mags
lol you’re like actually a faggot. La creatura facial features, receding hairline, feminine hands, and a lisp. Big oof
Coffin or drum?
Every gun I don't like is a shitrod
Trip on cumshort. I know you use your weekend time to drop your trip and talk mad shit to everyone
Only acceptable answer is Surefire or Schmeisser. Dumbass
I don't think skelly needs to drop trip to bant with ash
Once again it's gonna be impossible to prove I'm not a specific tripfag you see in your dreams because you will contuinly move the goalpost even if I posted my extremely cute, handsome, sexy face and you lose yourself in my eyes and maybe we could kiss
Based I was beginning to lose hope
BCG recommendation for suppressed 11.5 build (Daniel defense upper so probably overgassed) are sionics NP3 a meme?
You can't link those though. Pmag connectors let you stack 3 40 rounders = 120rds
and every gun I like is a godrod. I literally only have two extremes and its impacting my ability to function and form relationships
40+ round mags are dumb. They don’t fit in pouches, they prevent you from going prone, they’re butt ugly, most of them are unreliable. The only one worth having is a single D60 loaded in your rifle, and even then it’s not worth the extra weight and bulk.
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KAK 7075 Downvent.
Gives you the best of a Piston AR without any of the downsides.
>concerned about reloads
>with 40 rounders
Me when I am retarded
it is for security positions like checkpoints, that is their larp use
usss cat has used them in the past which kinda makes sense
>homoerotic fantasies
You used to say homo shit every day in ashcord, skelly. We know it’s you. And nobody wants to fuck you, btw. Not even Michelle who you continue to harass and stalk.
I should note I also have a Kabar, SRK and Para 2 for cqb. Also have a Windlass naval cutlass and rapier still made to British Army spec (battle ready and paper cutting sharp) seeing Ja'quavius lying on the floor painfully bleeding out from a fatal gut wound might have a deterrent effect on his homeboys
Most of /k/ are noguns and /arg/ never shoot anyway
Fill me in on Skelly lore while you're being schizo
Yes. It's why 60 round mags makes sense but not 40 round mags. Like the other anon said you aren't going to be reloading these. You have one loaded in your mag with M855A1 to eviscerate a car from behind a concrete roadblock and then maybe reload to your 30 round mags of 77gr otm to canoe any survivors
Basically Michelle and him used to have a thing but he was verbally abusive so she blocked him. He continues to write her emails and make new discord profiles to contact her.. sends disgusting shit to her house. And then he gets on ashcord and talks about spitting in anons mouths, tells them you’re not gay if he’s the one giving the blowjob.. he’s also obsessed with nikocado avocado and wants to marry him now that he lost 200lbs.
We actually stopped making shorts because we hated making them. But we were trying to grow channel traffic and believed shorts could do it. Ultimately we said anything worth a short is worth a 5 minute video so we're planning on redoing a bunch of them in a longer format.
Hi Jimmy
quoted you in response to him bullying him for using a brace. using a brace in conjunction with a vfg is unfathomably based
I was believing you up until the end. You are getting pretty good tho. Who was the tranny that A2 was chasing? I'm not up to date on my arg lore, it's not Michelle right? I thought Michelle was Vishy's girl name.
Michelle is a different tranny. Viscous went by Julie.
Why even use the brace at that point? There are very few braces that aren't based on a stock design, so it's not about liking the design. Seems like the type of dude who put the grip on just for pics but takes it off to take the gun to the range and thinks he outsmarted the system
No he actually wants to leave his family and get married to nikocado because he said he has “buku bucks and dreamy eyes”
Why lie you can just shit on him for what he actually is rather than what you imagine he might be, like the xcr
vic was cuter as a girl
No he wasn't, he looks exactly like the ginger, m57 firing device, on Instagram. They look deadon

That is a cerakoted g10
Im sorry I don't know what every random instagramer looks like
not cute enough for A2 in the end, all that grooming for nothing
That's fair but he isn't exactly random.
I think he looks great as a dude but at the same time the percentage of trans people that detransition is so low it's hard not to believe they'll always have that dysphoria and end up dying like Hemingway

Magnifier and thermal is off most of the time which is about 11 lbs
A2? He adopted a kid and is engaged to emy. They had to delay the wedding cause he got caught going to Thailand to fuck ladyboys
That's a lie surely, right? No way he would adopt a child
Wrong dipshit, the 40 rounders fit I any open top mag placard the 60 round meme nuts dont fit anywhere ever, maybe you can Shove it up your boyfriends ass after you dump it, also two mags taped gives you 80 rounds which is more than 60 and thus actually more efficient in a smaller footprint. You fucking idiot.
>smaller footprint
Idiot backwards take. Dunning kreuger
Did you just learn that concept or something
who isn't unahppy with some part of their life? even 2pac was about making changes
Than a fucking drum mag. Yes.
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>drum mag
100 round mags are turbo tard
Yeah but temporarily transitioning is so statistically rare it begs scrutiny. Usually when I'm sad I go take a walk or a vacation, I don't take estrogen
2pac was literally a homo that ducked his way to the dick top. Him and diddy had topped on grindr parties every weekend..
>implying that's what we were talking about
post a pic with mom jeans on and feet showing and i'll tell you if you should start
just keep eazy's name outcha mouth nigga
Bunni and the Tranny raid group are ruining arg.
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yeah this whole conversation has definitely proved trannies and their chasers are a NEW thing in the Armalite Model 15 appreciation community
They’re all faggots. All famous rappers take it in the ass, that’s the only way they can get a record deal. Plus like 75% of niggers fuck men.
did rappin rodney take it in the ass?
its not but they just deserved ridicule
But he got banned himself.
that was never a thing
jannies are subject to the same enforcement actions by mods as we are. this has been established since the very beginning
>still made to British Army spec
Don’t look up where those are made.
>jamomatic garbage
Jeets are actually decent metalworkers somehow, it's like the only thing they're competent at
>Viscous went by Julie.
kek he seethes so fucking hard when you bring this up
Absolutely not. I got a windlass and it was pot metal garbage with a shitty finish.
>Well the only other place is Colorado and last I checked they don't have beaches either. you could just not be a faggot and share.
its obviously florida you dumb fucking spic
Which model and when?
How is it obvious ranjeet?
V48 a couple years ago. Bought an English made FS and the difference is night and day. Sure those aren’t swords but if you can’t make a knife I’m not trusting your swords.
Read the sign next time.
Not any of them but he practically stated it outright. What did “we” mean to you? If he lived in Colorado would he be saying “we” in regards to a hurricane hitting Floridians?
Yes. There are faggots like that here.
Skill issue.
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Thanks for reminding me that I compressed a WebM of that months ago
I bet you would think I was mind reading if I said I know you live in Colorado
you're 2000 miles off.
going to kill every varmint i find the the back woods tonight. i think this is a healthy way to cope with divorce.
>G24 mount
NVG bros, are you rocking the Wilcox mount or is there a clone that is legit? is there another option for ARNVG? looking to join the club soon
None of those look likecColorado.
Not enough booze.
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Have we seriously not advanced enough in ~60 years of carbon fiber improvements to start incorporating it into ARs routinely? Not that hyperlight 3gun gamer shit, I mean rugged, dependable versions of the same furniture we already know, just lighter. The whole original concept for the AR-15 was a lightweight platform, not the bundles of rebar that everyone carries around now.
Stocks and grips are pretty durable.
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You vs the bcg she tells you not to worry about
I suspect it's a cost thing, but it does feel like carbon fiber furniture should have been seeing adoption by at minimum gucci NATO death squads to help lighten kit. Was thinking about the Mk12 today and why we went from CF handguards on the Mod 0 back to aluminum on the Mod 1. Was there ever a history of them breaking all the time or something? Or was it simply that CNC machine go brr and CF layup techniques in the 90s were too expensive to compete?

We have automated machines that can lay up a laminate with much greater precision and repeatability than any human can. Maybe the ounces aren't worth it, but considering what people pay for scalarworks mounts and titanium cans, perhaps there is a marked to break into.
Ew man why are you even allowed here
Does that scope have a normal view mode or is all thermal all the time
>hobby for men with erectile dysfunction
>bread and circus games
>poison water
>murdering small critters for fun
>takes His name in vain
presented without comment
i would have rather been blown up by an ied in afghanistan than return to this gay fucking america you guys allowed while we were gone.
is that a burn proof gear cover? have you even shot that yet? doesn't look like it, because the cover is still intact LOL
Just kill yourself then
You should stick to youtube, your videos aren't that bad but you should definitely drop the attention seeking tripfag bullshit.
Should've stayed home instead of volunteering to fight for Israel you fucking loser
Are 77g OTMs the best ammo choice for expansion/fragmentation out of a 14.5"?
namefags like yourself belong on reddit flaunting their tiktok accent narrated jootube shorts. no one cars if you feel /comfy/ queering up our threads. go vote for kamala.
Here is another you, for the humble you farmer
What if Kamala won by one vote because of this?
I mean you can see he's got a .22 conversion in there. I think that's probably one of the only reasonable use cases for that thing without it melting in 15 seconds.
Your best ammo choice is 55gr + 20" barrel, nerd
i think abt it sometimes, some friends have. ive been on scene at suicides and its pretty gay so im not gonna do that.
i guess, but then id be a faggot like you arguing over which optic is the best flavor of the month.
55gr solely fragments
I honestly thought it was going to weigh 13 unloaded.
That's not too bad considering it's fully gizmomaxxed and the three heaviest things on there don't need to be on it all the time.
>Your best ammo choice is 55gr + 20" barrel, nerd
Already have that covered, with 3 20" rifles. I'm putting together a suppressed 14.5" for HD.
14.5 is pretty safe for M193 fragmentation inside 100 yards.

So from one end of the hallway to the other I gotta imagine it should work pretty darn well. Gonna do anything fancy or just "good enough" so you don't put $7000 into an evidence locker in the event you do wind up using it?
14.5" Geissele URGI, RC2, surefire 640dft, larue mbt-2s.
I'll probably just stock up on 77g.
The carbon fiber handguards on the Mk12 weren't even really that much lighter than any of their alternatives if at all. You can get tons of aluminum handguards now that are lighter than the Mk12 carbon fiber handguard (and they're more functional too because they don't have some proprietary rail system that makes the damn tube even heavier).
Youre dry, im 5-0, squorls=dead, me=drunk and thriving so zucca dicc
Touch grass
I touch plenty, fuckhead. Upgrade your shitstick.
101yd hallway mfs seething rn
I mean yeah that thing was designed a billion years ago. I still don't see better options on the market, but I guess rail sections need to be good in shear/tension and laminates are generally good in compression, so anything you want to mount stuff too much just be out of the question for CF.
URGI is so hot. I like my 11.5 Super Duty so much I'm thinking about getting a 16" one to do a home brew SPR style rifle on.

I would do the URGI and be happy but I just love the rail that's keyed into the upper receiver like a 416. I think that's pretty slick.

That's not even touching that the Geissele barrels perform extremely well. Good gassing, good lifespan, great accuracy for a CHF CL barrel. Great stuff coming out of their barrel shop for sure.
New bake
John johnvaranyovich from Ohio oblast and I am very demoralized and agree nobody should fought for globohomos
good night anon, go pee before bed
Nice digits,
Ur mum
>replies with a single sentence and a link
>y-y-you sound mad!
>I can’t get my way so I’m going to murder defenseless animals
Let me guess you don’t think you’re a complete psycho and she does
I'm sure you loved the welfare check zoggy. No you can't have a dollar, get off the fentanyl.
>only a le roooooosiyan agent would take issue with today's rampant faggotry
Any experience with the 64gr Nosler?

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