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Old: >>62663049

Now back to our regular programming edition.

Give em the old one two pastebin.



INB4 Overwhites and KC anon :^
Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/DYQoGIPGbpc?feature=shared
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who the FUCK are you
Tried the B&T SRBS 556 full sized. Very nice can, performance seems roughly the same as the velos maybe slightly more gas but insignificant. Overall I like it.
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lurk more
>and KC anon
Do you just go on the internet and tell lies about my best parasocial friend A2gripz?
I'm that morbidly obese DMT guy whos always posting those overwhites. I live in Alaska and everyone always comments on the state of my office chair.
Who the fuck are you?
the srbs cans are fucking nice anon. Especially for the money they are great.

Should I buy a 7.62 kac can despite the fact that they are 1900 dollars?
Threadly reminder for my assault rifle 15 friends, keep DMT in your prayers for you’re gonna miss him when he’s gone.
Not to mention your love of metal gear and hatred of bore snakes and don't forget your obsession with the Carpenters and shitbulls.
arg is an anti shitbull general.
Can I see your wife's balls
Yes, yes, it goes without saying.
no i've known him since about 2016
used to play video games pretty regularly
he's an extremely narcissistic dick who gets off on perceived superiority
pretty much everyone that has hung out with him for any period of time gets sick of him

he's pretty much king of this shitheap, which is why he's here all the fucking time, while pretty much every other longtime tripfag has moved to discord, where he is excluded for aforementioned reasons
but he wasn't responding in a funny way. Just stubborn like any tripfag. Maybe we have different benchmarks for a lolcow
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still no rsass
So glad I never make it into these compilations.
Why do you always tell me to have a happy furry friday?
Yeah discord is for troons and no one likes you. Also most people with a high iq alienate others because almost everyone is fucking retarded.
arg is whatever I say it is because I'm anon foo
Because my father was absent growing up.
that isn't true. If you ever walked around campus on MIT you'd realize you can be social and intelligent. Freak
Is he an (actual) autistic? It would make sense if so.
Are you a libertarian or something?If someone has a father around they magically aren't going to be some mentally ill retard when they grow up?
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Hello, I still remember what you did last summer
100% believe this
I don’t blame your father for leaving your mom for a furry woman they’re simply superior.
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nuh uh, not my discord
i banned the one troon we had

no he's not cool enough to be actually autistic
he's just an asshole
No but I do like Giacamo.
What kind of shitpost is this? If you are around people who are a similar level of intelligence to you than the comment you are replying to obviously wouldn't apply. Although most high iq people end up loners in the end anyway.
I don't care if it's real I want to see his wife's balls
Probably the same thing I did this summer, nothing
source? Are you just loser trying to convince himself you are too smart for friendship? Meanwhile you hold one of the lowest social positions imaginable.
Why the fuck would I ever go to Massachusetts?
Is this what you call someone that wants to shut down every facet of the Social Security network and give all those funds to the military?

Having a good dad goes a long way anon.
kek is that the racoon chick from that studio trigger anime
If you were accepted to MIT or any other of the elite universities in the area
See like right now instead of being nice to you i have to point out that you are subliterate retard.
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Chance of watching marky mark lay out a vietnam shit
Probably for the best
>shut down every facet of the Social Security network and give all those funds to the military
Based, imagine how cool the nods would be
No it doesn't. Essentially nothing matters for your future outcome other than you being smart and not being mentally ill.
>implying discord is where the cool kids go
so you're a discord faggot yourself. that explains a lot.
you can be "social" and still be weird as fuck doing it.
t. has walked around campus at MIT, unironically
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Does anyone match a PRO with a magnifier? Why do I feel I haven't I seen that done before?
THis is the secret fifth food group that arg isn't ready for yet
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Incomprehensibly based picture
The world you want:
>Gen 5 NODs
The world you get:
>Sig Sauer Aero-Space division.
cuz nobody buys PROs anymore
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Sort of not a good time without a cantilever but then your pro looks all stupid and retarded.
Sig sauer nods*
The 5th foodgroup is [redacted]
>A post that is neither smart nor sane.
Rail space.
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Checked, but this summer hasn't happened yet because last summer ended September 22nd, 2024. Semantics aside, I haven't forgotten what you did
cry about it all you want but the best thing you could have done for your kids was marrying the highest iq woman you possibly could.
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This is some interesting lore that confirms what I've known all along.
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>last week boss bought a sig sewer spear
>had to pretend it was cool when he showed it to me on his phone
Today I'm making a commitment to bring a more positive and collaborative attitude to my /arg/ posting.

While it's obvious there are a lot of flawed individuals here, I think that many of us bring at least something the others could learn from.

I hope you all have a good day and enjoy your AR15.
Thank you for being the bigger person here anon. I hope you have an excellent day as well :)
the best thing you could do for your kids, marriage wise, is marry a woman with a rich dad
my wife married into the rich family, unfortunately. My parents constantly tell me about how much we will inherit when they pass away as if I wouldn't live the rest of my life in destitute poverty if it meant keeping them around longer. I never want to get my inheritance
Already got a tracking number from bendy bill. UPS doesn’t have the package yet but I would have expected this to take longer than it did.
mim magic makes it faster!
Me too brother, me too
3 prong and a2 had a baby
Something something cast the first stone.
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Entertaining threads today, better than reading the paper on the turlet
Oh “she” has a third prong alright.
I missed out on the hundred dollar jizzle trigger and I regret it
Are they already gone?
Every single one
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Good news, got a better trigger here
Damn that was fast.
How much of the proceeds are donated for hurricane relief and does it have free shipping? I’m normally team Larue but I couldn’t pass this one up.
Dumb. Buy on Primary Arms when there's a sale every other day
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I did it just because I had the mag for my T2 and Idn if all PROs are like this but under the magnification my dot is smudged
If they’re not blessing you with at least $10k/mo for nothing they’re not rich dude
He had his own plane in the air delivering shit there
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I forgot to steal Michiru last meet, I won't make that mistake again.
Yeah... but now that this confrontation happened, I can finally let it go after four and a half months :)

Wholesome post, anon! You have my endorsement and support
Were those lithium AA batteries?
Noted. I'm not planning to do it but was curious why it isn't common configuration.
no he fucking HATES them. And the protein bars? AIDS.
Mark literally already flying hurricane aid in without trying to trick you into buying a trigger. Because hes just a good dude.
>no dust
>no stickers
not to state the obvious but did your magnifier have a diopter that you could adjust? Mine was the same way but adjusting the diopter for it fixed it right up.
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Why is Mark so obsessed with Costco?
Sorry pastebin anon. Let's all get together and be positive
Are those chasses with a jakl upper the best bullpup currently available?
I heard he doesn't do dust or dillos anymore
It's a mystery
Glad you asked! The Jews orchestrate everything in the world. Hope this helps!
Thank you friend that was helpful!
Dillo dust is relabeled costco seasoning
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Is mark gonna send care packages to FL after thursday? I want another trigger
no it isn't because the money will be gone and your kids will still be retarded. Although most rich women are also very smart so that would probably be a win win.
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How's it goin'.
Oh shit. I was going to do that because free trigger and money goes to NC, why not. I guess not though.
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I've only shot on indoor ranges since July
Just waiting to get killed by a hurricane.
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I have committed to a 5k transmission swap
Are you saying you haven’t even tried that saker?
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The reset leaves much to be desired
Its very sad, but true. To be fair to myself I have been either travelling or attending to more immediate priorities.
Broke nigga detected
>the money will be gone
>your kids will be retarded
Why? I think you’re retarded because you don’t realize that IQ is a means to acquire resources aka money. You’re the type of nigga that would take a book on how to make $1mil dollars instead of just taking $1mil dollars.
Looks > money > IQ. You can cope about it though
Sorry, people of Florida just get thoughts and prayers
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It’s a one of one data point so take it with a grain of salt but it sucks for me

It does but it didn’t make a difference. Also my T2 is a perfect circle through the mag
Redeem Shootingsight RPS15
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MBT = improved SSA
RPS15 = improved SSA-E
Interesting. I cannot explain our different experiences desu
what else on this bitch of an earth
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Now I understand, thanks
I will not be fair to you
SHTF gunfights proven to be a meme. Nothing is happening in NC other than people surviving as a community.
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yeah that's usually how it goes. Nods are very useful even without guns in the equation, though.
The government didn't collapse retard (yet).
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>still shooting
Wish I could've bought some jizzele triggers to help you out.
Holy crackers, Anon. For fun, or because it's needed?
what are the color of these people's skin i wonder?
no way
it will end with a bang. An explosion that will reset humanity
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Could just be the PRO is a cheaper optic so they care as much to make sure it’s reflecting as a perfect dot
what if I told you memes are just dreams
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I'm not going anywhere. I'm praying for looters. Their blood will be washed away by the floods and sate the wind spirits and protect me for years to come.
nah that's dumb
Why would people be getting into gunfights after a hurricane?
Unless there’s widespread looting there’s no reason to
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you and I would use the same means of answering that question as I am not that anon
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Chris Kyle shot 200 people from the top of the Asheville sports arena.
No problem
The government was acting pretty sus during Katrina tbqhfam
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>I've only shot on indoor ranges since July
Same, except it's been since May for me. Still too fucking hot. In the summer I end up getting a lot of time in with handguns, indoor is nice for that. My 10mm 1911 skills are getting bigly.

Shooting rifles indoors is pretty lame. Even my PCC feels like, why? I need more DYNAMICS

I agree. The break is clean, if a little heavy, it's well made, but I just prefer my SSA-E. I'll continue to use it until it breaks.
Cans and indoor ranges DO NOT mix my little lane was like a gas chamber after a few mags lmao
They're acting like cunts right now as well.
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>I’m loooooting
Most indoor ranges have shit ventilation. I'm fortunate that my local indoor range has really good airflow, which makes sense considering they rent belt feds.
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Umm sorry sweaty
Thermals too, perfect for finding missing people and pets
I notice that they didn't fact check the helicopters trying to blow away supply stations.
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Do you realize how many black people live in Florida?
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Especially the haitians. They work in just about every kitchen in florida.
For fun I guess
Sheldor yes
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Yeah that’s why I live in New England
I've said it before, in any variety of SHTF best investment you can make is a big whiteboard and a canopy. It all starts there.
That’s really cool.
>$4,000 worth
that's barely 40 SSA's worth of supplies and I know Bill sold way more than that
>MBT = improved SSA
It's really not. The break and reset are objectively worse
I heard they were eating the dogs and cats too!
>I just prefer my SSA-E
I heard those are prone to double fire
Huh, has never happened to me. I have two.
hey guys! I'm back!
See what's up!
guys? Hello?
Shit happens
Welcome back
Wilty William > Dark LaJew
Way more than just one flight
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Came to me in a dream
[spoiler]Mark on IG has made 4 trips[/spoiler]
Read the text on the instagram screenshot you dumb nigger
I should probably spray paint this Unity mount setup but it being green anodized activates dudes almonds and I think it's funny.
pretty gay that would rather it look worse to piss people off than have a better looking gun by your own standards
You should spray paint your vocal chords so you don’t thound tho lithpy
Do you think he gave them Dillo Dust to season they protein bars
no just aids
Yeah it does look goofy. I should probably just paint it so it all matches.
Mark is certainly a goofy goober.

I have an MBT single stage and like it. I should try the two stage.
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Can confirm, I seethe every time I see a green unit mount.
how would you say the single stage is an improvement over say a milspec trigger?
Under the pale glow of the moon, you prowled through the dense forest, your senses heightened and instincts sharp. The night air was thick with anticipation, and the thrill of the hunt electrified your body. You caught a whiff of something intriguing—a mix of fear and excitement—and followed the scent.

There, in a clearing, stood A2Grip, his skinny frame tense and eyes wide, framed by the shadows. He was an odd sight, his face a peculiar combination of sharp angles and soft features. The challenge intrigued you.

“Lost, little one?” you teased, your voice a low growl, stepping closer. The moonlight glinted off your fur, emphasizing your dominant presence.
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>White people act civilized and rebuild
Are you shocked?
I have two mbs’s I picked up recently, gotta drop em in my lowers. I’ve just been so fucking busy, it probably only takes 10 minutes. Tonight I’m gonna finish picking what’s left in my garden for the season, oil some guns, order some ammo, and drop those triggers in and do some dry fire hopefully. Then it’s figure out what i gunsume next
You and I have similar tastes in a rifle. And protein mix.

It's cleaner. But you can polish a Milspec to be reasonably nice for like $1 or so and a little knowhow. I don't think I'd buy another. New bae on that front is the ALG QMS if you want a drop in solution instead of having to tinker.
Frankly? Yes
Williamly? All about that hog baby
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So let's trade mounts and be buddies
You sly dog you crave the green Unity mount
green ano is king and that's that
Fishy why did you send A2 furry porn?
I definitely think it looks nice. I'm gonna get a Geissele Mk16 in green for a .300 Blacked build I think.
More importantly why didn’t he send me furry porn?
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It's a carbine, you dip
gman isn't making any more green ano. he said it's too difficult to keep consistent or something
All carbines are rifles but not all rifles are carbines.

Bummer. If they are huge on the QC I get it but still a bummer.
it wasnt porn
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But if it's a smoothbore it could be a carbine but not a rifle
I can't believe that one guy painted his, it would have been a priceless collectors item.
You sly dog, you had me monologuing
Then show me what it was.
User error.
Why would you have a smoothbore AR-15

you can get the paint off
couldn't disagree more it looks terrible
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just a meme
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Guy admits to being too stupid to adjust the diopter. Give it up he's a lost cause.
Not every smoothbore carbine is an ar-15, although I think those do exist. I don't know why. It could be for hu*gnome runs by* what the fuck was that? Did you see that?
wtf that isn't even porn. I didn't take a2 or all people as a puritanical retard
Well I'll be damned. Can you shoot that full auto
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I’m done with 6millionconcepts
That’s it? He made it seem like you sent him something much worse.
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Two can play this game

I live in fear of gnomes
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did he mention it? i just thought it was funny so i sent it to my buddy a2
>All carbines are rifles
That's the old definition. Today, carbines and rifles are defined by practical range: 300m and 500m respectively
Says who
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Tried to warn you!
So an M4 carbine is actually a rifle because it can engage accurately to 500m? Fascinating stuff.
The m4 carbine is a rifle if it has a welded muzzle device otherwise its a carbine
What other carbines become rifles with a welded muzzle device? This systed is confusing man.
off by one
Crackhead shit.
Nobody cares man. That people recognize them doesn't mean they give a shit or care
Fishy posts worse "porn" than that in the Ashcord
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Eighty years of small arms development
You hitting a nicely exposed IPSC silhouette with a 14.5 barrel on a 5 MPH wind day does not make an M4's practical range 500m
That P+W cuck isn't me
>t. qualified at 300m with his M4
lmao nope thats the only thing ive sent him, sorry A2 ill keep it PG from now on
yea its all draenei booba jigsaw puzzles from /wowg/ with the occasional shooting photos/vid
According to the Army, the M4s effective range on a point target is 500 meters.

Otherwise yeah I'd agree with you. I think a lot of people have gotten comfortable shooting at big stationary targets in the middle of a field. Instead of a head, shoulders, maybe an arm. The profile of a man who isn't stupid and is trying to kill you.
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>sorry A2 ill keep it PG from now on
This is a family friendly server
Qual goes out to 500yds. A correction totally unrelated to the fact you have a case of the bidlg stupids.

Carbine means short rifle. Full stop. Any elaboration beyond that is to appease paper pushers.
I admit I mistakenly attributed Army qualification to you, but your fellow marines whose job it was eliminate targets at 500 weren't using an M4. This should >>62666991 have been your retort, shame on you
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Same person smoothbrain
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>the Chad WCMG rental.

Did you get to shoot his mini gun or did you do this prior ?
>he's an extremely narcissistic dick who gets off on perceived superiority
I learned this many years ago when he got face doxxed, it turned out he was an ugly, out of shape manlet, and he literally didn't even take the L. Just ignored every single post displaying how ugly and retarded he is. Even on conservative math A2grip has posted like 30,000 times just in the time period I know as a fact he's been on here. 8 years.

How come you never post "your" third pins anymore, piss off your SOT friend?
He’s been posting his beltfeds?
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Ive posted a couple in this very thread anon
You and Fishy should hang out
Zeroing my rifles didn't go well. The range didn't have a 50 yard line, only 10, 25, 100 and 200. So I didn't zero my AR. I did alright with my .308, but my hand is broken, so don't really know how precise the zero is, since I'm 100% sure I was pulling at lot of my shots. At least I had fun shooting my guns.
I just ctrl-F'd all your posts. If anything is full auto, it isn't visibly so. Are you an SOT or do you borrow things from others to try to feel superior?
Ignore the haters A2. I will always love you <3
>if its beltfed its full auto
What a dumb, stupid monkeynigger you are, you black sambo-ape
I zeroed my 12.5 at 100, don't be a bitch.
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>visibly auto
This is an excellent new standard, I really appreciate it anon.
Wtf, you could have zero'd your rifle at all of those ranges except maybe 10.
I could have zeroed it at 100, but I didn't want to. I want to zero it at 50.
How do I zero for 50 yards at 25 yards?
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I shall let someone else explain it for me.
I'd pay $10 right now for that face dox of you, god that shit was funny.
>visibly auto
You've posted several weapons marked semi, and a Fightlite upper that overhangs the pinhole. You have posted nothing that can be discerned as full auto whatsoever. I'm sure your SOT friend's MGs were very much yours in your mind.
That page tells me to verify at 50. How would I verify at 50?
You won’t at that range but you can verify at 200
I'll use these next time. I have next Wednesday off. Can I just print these on standard 8x11 paper?
What size paper are these targets supposed to be printed on anyway?
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>How do I zero for 50 yards at 25 yards?
Zero 1.25" low and then verify at 200yd
Assuming the measurement comes out to match, yeah.
Get a ruler and check your prints
v funny
Print the rifle red dot zero one here
Bro, you could just draw two circles with a quarter-dollar two inches (quarter-dollars) apart, print at 10 yards, then confirm at 200
Oh okay so standard sized paper.
shot the tp9, vector, and aug in FA, then some other fun semi’s. funnily enough only thing to jam was the 1911 lmao. buddy hit the steel plate with a chalk round first try ever and won a hat. overall good time, tredd said they opened up memberships even though the website says they arent so i gotta fill an app eventually and do some volunteer work, just worried about the background check
I'll just print off some of the t-rex arms one at work, and then go again next week.
>Guy incapable of focusing a magnifier calling someone else dumb
Like pottery
>worried about the background check
If you can own a firearm you can pass a background check
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>So I didn't zero my AR
you could have used any of those distances to achieve a 50yd zero
Oh fuck, may not renew my membership this month
Aiet, make sure to come back with pics and good luck
I've never gotten info better presented as concise or with as much proof pictures or links in any discord shut up fuck you you non memorable do nothing whiny jealous trip fag. I see the ugly discord rifles posted here. There is not a lot of knowledge on discord at all.
Totally all one guys collection you guys. BTW fuck your guns, how many rounds do you have through them thats what matters
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You get nothing, go back to /akg/
On a real gun group it's completely normal and a form of flex off where 1 person could in fact own all of that and not pose as so faux authority anonymously. Pile flex.
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There would never be the 2021/arg/ sexiest rifle winner without a2s continued advice and support.
If it wasn't for him telling me what to buy, you guys wouldn't even know what the meta is.
Don't make me come down there and prove your Glock is zeroed again, DMT
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Really let down that the last anon I met during an AAR didnt get a photo of me in blackface for slash arg slash.
Looks good but could really use an RC2
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Finally got the main squeeze to a place I’m decently happy with
As long as you're happy anon that's all that matters
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Bad Attitude lowers came in. Pictures tomorrow. what buffer should I use for MK12 with the OCM5 if I do decide to use a SOPMOD? I am torn between that or an A1 since I got a hydra-matic clone lower
don't let A2 see this
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It could just one of those extra lasers you got there too.
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You forgot to ask A2 how he felt about it, that's what really matters
Those are all airsoft replicas
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>Using a google pixel unironically
Vish what the fuck
>Bad Attitude lowers came in.
Fuck i still need to order one
Like I give a shit. Finally found an A833?
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>what buffer should I use for MK12 with the OCM5 if I do decide to use a SOPMOD?
H2 and a flatwire assuming a decent gas port.
Rail worth more than scope for sure an interesting choice.
A tranny posting a tranny
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PRI upper, so I imagine gas port is a higher chance of "decent"?
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I have an H2 in mine but with an AEM5, I think the OCM5 has the same back pressure
Yeah I hate it but I also don't want to give the jews more money
Yeah found it locally for very cheap. Very pleased about it, going to start on the transmission transition soon. My charger identifies as a manual now
A tranny posting "A tranny posting a tranny"
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Having shot PRI upper + OCM 5 before
H2 + flatwire
>going to start on the transmission transition soon
Where are you gonna get everything else at? You sure it's a B-body one?
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Thank you gentlemen, MK12 soon
All of the parts are available new and/or reconditioned. This one is for an A body but everything can be swapped
Mod 0 or H?
Interesting post from the state department employee
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Mod 0
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Just go ahead and read that post back to yourself in a condescending tone.
You will enjoy
Do a POI shift test with the OCM5 for the class
>zero rifle with can on
>shoot a tight 5 round group
>remove can
>shoot another 5 round group
Measure difference
>This one is for an A body
Shit nigger I'd just sell it an A body guy and go TKX
Very cool you'll enjoy the fps
It's as simple as swapping the tailshaft housing though, it's a 200 dollar piece
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Will post findings as soon as possible. Need to place all the part orders now.
Any tips for installing marky mark triggers tonight?
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I did it, you can figure it out.
Don't put the spring in backwards
put your hand over the hammer when pushing out its pin
Are any of those new Magpul stocks any good? Not gonna lie, I felt the urge to consume, particularly the RL, but the rational part of my brain said don’t do it. Online reviews were suspiciously short and unhelpful.
They're just stocks. They're going to do exactly what you think they're going to do. They're made of the same shit as the old ones, so they're not any more durable, or any less.
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no because they all have fullsize butts. I only gunsoom abbreviated butts now
>Zeroing my rifles didn't go well
could be worse. Last time I went to the range some guy asked me to help him figure out where his rounds were landing with a 338 lapua bolt gun. He had already shot like 100 bucks worth of ammo down range and we burned through like another 40 bucks worth of ammo before we figured out his scope turrets had inverted controls, then we got it zeroed in like 3-4 rounds. Felt bad for the guy. It was only like ~25 rounds as well
I just shoot the birm at 25 or 50 to figure out if I'm even close before I head over to the 100.
Is the Credo 2-10 really worth it
Oh shit
This was almost 2 weeks ago.
I just checked my credit score, sitting at a 756.
Ok Fishy
I'm not fishy, I'm just an anon. I've never used a trip and unless you've been here for 3+ years, you've never seen my rifle.
Then stop posting if you aren't posting your rifle
I've posted my rifle before. You're just not privileged enough to see it.
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buh bye
should SPRs have lights and/or lasers?
all the 2-Ns are mid
Its okay assuming you refuse to spend the extra dosh on a nx8 2.5-20.
But you will burn out of mag if doing anything super cool.
Low priority if you have a passive dot + COTI for primary night optic.
I dont like that Ash has 2 thermals and I can't even get one. I need a good budget thermal around $1500-2000.
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I'm wrapping up putting together my first ar15 ever. I believe the only remaining step is a weapon light. Any advice on this?
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Is something like this overkill? Same question for Cloud REIN.
Gross. Anyways, yeah that light is fine.
m640-df + DS00 + hotbutton is my favorite
Move your sling mount on bolt release side as far forward as you can
Consider an ambi safety as well.
>I need a good budget thermal around $1500-2000.
Youre almost there chief. The AGMs at $2600 are insane.
640 crashing out in price as 1280 starts to arrive.
Would you say passive aiming dot is a must on an SPR?
I had a T2 with a PMM spacer on my badger mount in the 12o'clock position to clear the turrets but it was obnoxiously tall.
>Its okay assuming you refuse to spend the extra dosh on a nx8 2.5-20.
It's double the price used, are the NX8s that great? I've just never spent that much on any optic
>1280 starts to arrive.
What's the problem? That I don't have a quad rail?
rein 3 is great
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Stretch for falcon/rh25, they are coming down even at retailers
Not A2 approved
What are you putting it on?
Offset mount usually means you can access the push button from both sides.
Doesn't mean you shouldn't have a pressure switch but it's worth noting.
With the Rein as far as I know, you have to use their pressure switch and I mean not only do you have to use their proprietary one but you can't use the light without one.
If you're putting it on something like a mk18 w/ laser or an SPR + COTI you aren't going to have a lot of rail space left over to get a grip but you won't be able to use the light without one of their pressure switches (as far as I know).
If you end up going with a Rein get the 2.0 and not the 3.0
The 3.0 is a meme high throw light which means your light pattern is very concentrated.
When it comes to light patterns you want either a lot of flood for indoor use or a mix of flood and throw for over powering ambient light. The Rein 2.0 has a mix of both and is decent for use indoors and still powerful enough to reach out and penetrate conflicting white light outdoors.
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SPR is still an organic rifleman role.
You need to be able to do the job of normal ass rifleman. Your SPR is not some gigantic bolt action 308 with a 3-9, its a semi auto mag fed rifle thats roughly similar to the carbines used by riflemen.
With that in mind you should be able to shoot it at night. Depending entirely on a COTI to do so sort of sucks desu. Especially if you dont have articulating binos.

if you refuse to stack a dot you can passive with, then consider a laser on the gun in addition to you COTI
>But A2 I dont have a COTI
Then dot a must imho since laser only is sort of shit.
>Twice the mag
>Twice as much
You're move lawman
But more seriously an NX8 is going to be a drastically better optic in terms of long range performance. You get a much better reticle, marginally better glass and proper parallax adjustment. On top of that the obvious 2x mag bump is going to make shooting far more gooder more easier and more consistenter.

Real question is, how far do you shoot regularly?
What was it, two years ago? iray dropped the 1280 75mm rifle sight for 18k. About 6mo after that ATN dropped a rifle scope for 8k (now like 6k). Now we are getting our first generations of china 1280 clipons (Guide TB1250) at 6k with integrated LRF.
In response the 640 market as predicted has been cratering and the 320 market is well below used omni8 pvs14 pricing.
Good times to be buying thermals
Bad time to have thermals
Worse time to not have thermals
The opinion of men that lay with other men matters little to me
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>What are you putting it on?
The rifle from the post above the one you replied to.
>With the Rein as far as I know, you have to use their pressure switch and I mean not only do you have to use their proprietary one but you can't use the light without one.
Did not know that, and that definitely has me leery of committing to their system.
>how far do you shoot regularly?
400 yards is all I have access to
Arent you a furry? Why do I care what you say? A2 actually uses his kit and has shot more than anyone here.
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You really wont gather that much more value out of the nx8 at those distances unless youre trying to shoot insanely small things or do counter sniper shit.
Credo will do really well out to that distance.
Leave carbon the German Shepard alone!
What do I have to do for this ADM mount to protect my clipon?
False. I've had the falcon for 2 years, it's an excellent unit for the $. Keep sucking him off tho, I'm sure that'll work out great for you.
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>Did not know that
That's because it isn't true
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Dummycord the thing to the gun with a tiny carabiner on the end so you can remove it from rifle during the day.
Adjust the mount and then give the thing a firm yank to ensure its not going to fall off off the first round
Paint pen the slot its inserted into for constant reindex
Record all your zeroing data externally on a piece of paper so you can check zero shift between QDing it and swear at the ADM mount
Ok Furfag
Cool good to know in case I ever want to ditch mine
>if I repeat it, it'll make it true
Strange headcanon
He’s been coping ever since he got found out
ah, okay. So rein remains on the table as an option, lol
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>It's double the price used, are the NX8s that great
As someone who has owned and used both, the NX8 is more like 4x the scope for 2x the money.
It will come with a switch and a tail cap combo so if you want tail cap only, you can buy the one posted above or just cut the switch wire. the tailcap will still work with no other modification
What about the ATACR 4-16?
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Good optic, have it on my SCAR 20
Id say the 4-16 is a true 4-16 optic with a very usable true topend 16x
The nx8 2.5-20 is more a like 2.5-16/18 optic. The 20x is not as usable as id like but the mag range is still insane.

For COTI usage I like the NX8 better since the lower mag gives you better scanning.
A2 send this hurricane to destroy a den of his detractors
Sure buddy. Rl25 is lacking pfucky whatever same difference
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I've contacted SBC Global abuse team, expect your mom to get doxxed shortly
Press 1 for English
RH25 is literally A2 approved.
He says all the time that if you’re willing to give up dedicated performance and want both a handheld and a COTI that’s only useable at low magnification then go get an RH25 and if you want a dedicated COTI get a Yoter C but now the Rattler or whatever it’s called is half price he said to just get that but if you want a good handheld and a good COTI you will just need to get both.
95% of the time I use the rh25 as a scanner
It's an excellent pocket unit
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nice pile pic
how well does that thing actually work on FA?
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Nice dude. Welcome to the club.
Pfalvcon is not rh25 is rl25
You are nobody bud let it go post anonymoose
Whats that thing with the blue screen on your SCAR?
which NGO funds /arg/ to have gpt bots re-post the exact same conrent and pics over and over day in day out here on /k/
Who are (You)? who pays you
Identify the NGO behind this general.

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