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/arg/ night walker edition

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>It's over 9000
BCM bros, we are so back
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Jerry 31s is an absolutely horrible idea
The glass is dogshit
I tried to use my pvs14 to see the aurora on Thursday. Nothing showed up. Only saw the purple/green glow with my phone camera :(
Not clicking that kike’s video. Fuck mac
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Weather blocked most of it, but the whole sky was going here
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I hope those shots were 15 mississippis apart from eachother.
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Was gonna maybe go shoot but it rained so now I'm not
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Using an AR under 20" means giving up real benefits to solve imaginary problems.
I like getting on my range on a rainy day. Less chance the neighbors are out and will be bothered. Plus good for adverse condition training. Send it anon.
my bed is inside a humvee cab
That acog is awfully far back. Why don't you switch to a carbine stock?
>my range
I don't have my own range
>adverse condition training
I just go for fun t b h
By adverse condition training, I of course mean larping. A fag can dream tho.
The only time I go to the range on a nice day is to zero. Shitty days mean I get the place to myself. Nothing worse than normie retards asking me if they can shoot my gun, give them earpro, borrow my binoculars, or attempt to fix whichever shitrod they brought to the range that day.

I wish I lived out west.
This is the way. I live in commienecticut, but I've got 12 acres in a red corner. 250 yard rifle range with steel every 25 yards. Why leave home?
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Dread(2012) is an underrated masterpiece.
Ok but let's see that rifle after you've hiked 5 miles with it?
That's the best time
Might have the range to yourself
Some people have normal brains and don't think about SHTF or Infantry LARPing 24/7.
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>he doesn't go outside with his gun
>20 inch rifle
>4x magnification
what problems are you solving here smart guy?
this sounds like a lot of cope for having a shitty rifle that becomes useless after 5pm for half the year.
Then why are you trying to velocitymaxx?
I think I've been talked to once at a range
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Fusion is coming
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Maybe it's a midwestern thing, but everyone here seems to think I'm their best bud just because we're on the range at the same time. I'm pretty easy to get along with an I'm happy to talk to anyone, but babysitting grown adults because they didn't come prepared or don't know shit about guns gets annoying.
Why did you get a keymod? Sincere question.
>4k at 45 FPS
>45 FPS
>2024 Q1
Shit FPS and we're in Q3 going on Q4.
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What if I just want a suppressor, but not a 4' rifle?
You don't shoot anyways so it doesn't matter
Can’t imagine being right eye dominant
hows the xcr? any issues? im thinking of getting one. hows the accuracy
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I have shot several times.
I'd say I get approached maybe 25-50% of the time I go to the range. At the outdoor range one time I had an obese, unkempt, and clearly autistic R/O who just would not stop telling me about his guns and providing the most fudd tier advice. At the indoor range it's usually some nerd who thinks my shit is cool (it is), a boomer telling me about how they had something just like one of my handguns back in the day (but for some reason now shoot generic polyslop), or when my wife is with me some other woman who approaches her because sisterhood or something.
Yo Anon watch out that white out guy is aiming at you.
File deleted.
You just outed yourself as living in Arizona, New Mexico or Texas
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spent my comfy saturday morning assembling this 13.9" FF ras upper. i just like it bros
>inb4 mk12 clooners seethe
Arizona is for gun owners
>file deleted
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I gooned twice
High desert > low desert
The pic was unrelated
Disturbing lack of quad rail
The dude has geissele rails on literally everything. The issue isn't the guns on the couch, the issue is that this fag has zero diversity in rifles.
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Might click on that kikes video, but only on his alt Odysee channel since I hate Jewoogle more.... Or maybe not? I already know BCM is a reputable company and plan to build a 300blk pistol out of their parts some day.
Might kike your mom bro
>Thinking one person owns all of these
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>guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue
I agree with the Twatter Xister, that couch has well lived out it's service life.
We have them in Georgia now.
It's 4 PM. Should I paint a wall in my garage today or just do it tomorrow?
>It's 4 PM. Should I paint a wall in my garage today or just do it tomorrow?
We goin shootin bud. I'm pullin up.
is simply having the ability to turn around in a hallway not needed musketbros?
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When TF did this happen, LMAO
>Might kike your mom bro
Fuck you, my mother is a Saint. She'd never.m
I have no idea but one day I drove past one and then when I looked online they were all over the place.
I have seen some fags that own 12 copies of the same AR so I do think that.
Interesting build.
Never deployed huh? That's obviously a team room full of urgis
That's digital nv
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I hate that the AR-15, the most utilitarian rifle ever invented, got turned into a cons00mer hobby for fags.
Is that your rifle
>Being a grown ass man that never grew up past his hipster phase
Ok, fag.
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>no optic
You just hang around them.
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Old gun. Pic or quad
I like them. Controls are pretty awesome, and it eats anything you feed it. Originally got it to replace a vz58 I built. They had some early QC issues but that seems to have cleared up.
Replaced extractors at 9k
Pretty typical to see 1.5 out of the 12"
16 smallest groups I've seen are around 3/4" with mk318 and 6.5g with 130gr bergers. Typically 1.5 with most mid weight stuff, tighter with 77gr and 2 with steel case
>kmr or quad
Why? Do you hate cheap parts?

Literally the only reason half the people on this board can even afford guns is consumerism. No consumerism means no cheap ARs, means no aftermarket, means your retard ass has to spend $3500 to buy an M&P sport.
What are some examples of quality fixed stocks? I really have no use for the typical AR collapsing stock as I don't have body armor and the thickest clothing I wear is a fall jacket. Was thinking about pic related, but I want to know about other options.
A democracy also means everyone would become working class LOL
waste of fucking quads you god damn hill billy
Tell me why I absolutely need a collapsing stock.
lmao it only makes the OAL a few inches shorter, if I were worried about storage I'd get a piston gun with a side folder
>body armor
don't have it
>different shooting positions
dots have infinite eye relief and if I'm running my ACOG I'll just cope

I fail to see why it's necessary, that's all.
Why is a fixed stock necessary?
I just think it would be comfier. Not sure why everything on this gay ass board has to devolve into shit-flinging. /arg/ was always bad, but you used to at least be able to get parts recommendations fairly reliably.
It's because you're a pleb who likes garbage.
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I spray painted a milk jug cap and ran a hair tie through it for a lense cap :)
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Well, for a light cap. Light has a lens right? Idk :)
Post your gun.
Modern problems require modern solutions
Can we discuss that weird bullshit on your handguard tho?
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Y'all ever draw it own targets?
I practiced my draw with a john lennon target.
lmao that's actually very good. I tried getting into drawing a couple times, I could never get the hang of it.
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It's medical tape, to cover up the hose clamps that are holding the section of pic rail that my vertical grip is attached too lol
The nuclear holocaust hasn't happened yet bro, you don't need scavenge like you live in fallout.
I should. That is a great way to express creativity and practice drawing skills. Great job.
You can just screw the pic section on using the vents as through holes for the screws. If the holes don't line up, drill new ones. Those clamshells are so cheap you can afford to butcher one.
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Great points
But no :)
Should be able to get something from the hardware store to go through the clamshell
Checked. Fuck this gay ass board for not checking quads niggers. I think you'd have to buy a lower with a fixed stock on it.
>or quad
XCR don't have quad tho.
That magpul stock is perfectly decent.
You can special order the quad from robarm direct
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U right, but this builds character
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>search it
Holy shit you can. is it much heavier? I probably should just look this up.
Quad was the only option back in the day
He hasn't made any for a while
Kmr was something like 5oz lighter
Which should I retard dip into? I already have 1k+ of each, but feel like I need MORE before November.
>Stack 308/7.62x51 REAL FUCKING NATO - SCAR HEAVY food
>Stack 223/5.56x45 - AR food
>Stack 7.62x39 (FUCK OBAMA) - WBP JACKED food
I mainly shoot the AR and AK since most ranges near me are indoor ranges, but I fucking love the SCAR and the feel of 308 recoil.
>feel like I need MORE before November.
give me a single logical reason for this retarded hysteria
as we've seen in recent history, all it takes for the entire gun community to be whipped into a consooming frenzy is literally one retard on reddit posting unfounded rumors.
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Ive got about 2k 5.56 and 9mm. Only about 500 308. I'd be much more comfortable with 5k each like my neighbor has. I'm thinking our best bet is to get a reloading setup goin instead. You could probably get that for about a case of 5.56.
stack some books and get educated nigga
did this picture get sent from voyager 2?
I should do a picture with all my guns
1994 AWB 2.0
Import bans
Gavin Newsom
It can always get worse
It was from the Hubble before they fixed the lensing.

This was my first family picture.
shes black chud
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>john lennon target.
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Yep, drew this on a sticky note myself
No one checked this based man.
The absolute fucking state of this board.
Not believing your lies, Satan.
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Call it.
You're on assessment, rookie.
Call it.
Checking quads is only for screenshots and you would know this if you weren’t a newfag. If the post is in the thread you don’t need to check if it exists, you can just read it. Checking refers to going to the archive to verify that the post is real and the get is authentic. It was a big deal back when people actually gave a shit about quads or quints having special predictive influence, and also it was just fun.
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Not likely.
>I think you'd have to buy a lower with a fixed stock on it.
Where do people like you come from? You change the buffer tube and then put a fixed stock on, you don't need a whole new lower.
>john lennon target
Based. But why is the surefire on your pistol grip only shotgun and a streamlight on your AR?
Is this your first election as a gun owner?
Question to SCAR/XCR/Bren/JAKL owners.
How often do you even use the folding stock?
I always use the stock wdym

They mean actually folding the bitch. Not picrel
Any time I need a shorter gun
Tranny kys
Nothing is coming. Billions will be born. The economy will rise. You will die old
Honestly I really hate that I have somehow been indoctrinated into avoiding gendering even hypothetical people. I really should commit seppuku with my sks
I go to Whataburger any time I'm in Tallahassee, FL. I don't know how south they go. Love their tendies
Had a friend who did that way back when and while it tripped me up a few times I realized it was just more efficient.
Thats how they is supposed to be used
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Granted, but I was about to type him and then the programming kicked in.

It comes up for me a lot at work when quoting installation time. Its never man hours anymore. Tech hours. You either die a hero and all that. Enough about this gay shit tho.
Not my problem or sorry that happened. Not going to take any predictions on economics or sociocultural changes from you.
>then the programming kicked in.
This is called a habit. Retard
When I say only losers/complete failures fantasize about "shtfboogteotawaki" I really have you in mind
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NTA but some parts of the US are already looking like brazil or south africa and they're also diverse areas which is just a cohencidence. Just because I have a fire extinguisher doesn't mean I want a fire or car insurance means I want to get into a crash.
>Just because I have a fire extinguisher doesn't mean I want a fire or car insurance means I want to get into a crash.
But the faggot isn't prepared for anything at all. He has nothing and doesn't even shoot the piece of shit gun he avatarposts with every thread constantly.
HE cannot afford funs and is projecting. Well stored ammo won't go bad and cant hurt to have on hand. You'll use it on the range. Whether the range is one way or two.
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You're looking twinked up in that pic anon. Very cute.
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So I don't quite get why a pin and weld 14.5 barrel is such a bad call. I get crime can allow me to not have to p&w, but I can do the modification myself with my lathe and TIG. IF the barrel gets shot out, I would weld it with light penetration, so I could really just grind of the weld.if i wanted to recover my gas block and barrel nut. Seems the advantage of having minimal barrel length legally is worth the time it would take me to do the mod
yeah the state that gave birth to youngstown really has a reputation to protect
Bro but putting your name on a federal registry and giving the ATF money is like.. So based!
I'm gonna try to do a pin/weld with a MIG welder
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Well obviously. Making other men aware of my assets is totally straight and sigma. And who wants to transport my gear across state lines without explicitly asking big momma ATF permission is peak chad.
What's the point of actually welding the shit when you can just use silver solder? Why does anyone use anything but silver solder if the ATF explicitly allows it?
>put sbr upper on pistol lower
>put rifle upper on sbr lower
>travel to destination
You definitely could if you got it set up right. I would go light on the feed rate and heavy on the heat. That will make it look like its got penetration, but not really have much filler material in the game. Obviously perfect that setup on some scrap. Its 90% setup as you may know.
ESL bitch
I dont know that a pistol lower is even a thing anymore. It is so hard to keep up with. Legal gun doctrine has about the same half life as bbq technique
I'm not trying to make my barrel/flash hider look like a Q suppressor
imagine if an alien came to this planet and landed in front of you and he asked you what the rules were on this planet and you had to explain to him that there are so many rules that no one person can be expected to know them all and that they are constantly in flux
I'm really not sure why the silver solder is superior. To remove I think you would still have to grind a bit. I've not had good luck with sweating pipes and trying to remove solder even at lower temps. I've got the equipment so I may as well do a spot weld and call it good enough. I have my own range so I don't really give a sheit about transport anyhow.
They would basically exterminatus on the spot.
Truly tho, how the fuck is the casual AR owner supposed to know day to day if his shit is legit or a felony if he isn't lurking on here or asking questions in a gun store on the weekly? Best bet is to not get your shit checked.
From what I've read violating those rules typically results in consequences in accessory to other crimes. When they're trying to get some dude who has been selling meth or potentially killed someone and they raid him and need something to stick to him ASAP. Won't stop someone from reporting you or whatever but that's my general impression.
>or potentially killed someone
I'd be worried about killing somebody in self defense with it and getting the Rittenhouse treatment afterwards
Yeah, potentially shooting someone is a good reason not to own an illegal SBR I suppose
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I welcome and look forward to our extermination
alright bros, I have an 11.5" pistol with a fixed 3x spitfire on it. the spitfire has a very narrow window for eye relief and I can't move it further forward, how gay would canted irons be if the rear sight is forward of my optic?
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I'm coming up against a similar issue. I have a chinesium 1x prism optic and wanted to pair it with backup irons, but even tho it is 1x it still just doesn't work without removing the optic. Seems one would have to set it up as canted. I only have realestate to mount the rear sight forward of the prism. It is just so irretrievably gay.
What about a 44 mag or 50 AE AR upper? We have the venerable desert eagle which is chambered in both. They have "functional" magazines. The DE platform also uses a gas system and a rotating bolt similar to the AR. How hard could it be to make such a thing?
I would think one would use DE mags.

The bolt is tricky. Could one somehow take the bolt out of a DE and make/modify an AR bolt to accept? I don't know enough about the rotation of the bolt on the DE to say it would match. Maybe making.modifying the AR bolt would be easier.
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>50 AE AR upper
50 beowulf AR already exists. Why would you want a 50 AE AR?
Didn't know those were on the menu, will have to try them some time
>Tallahassee, FL
That's as far south as they go judging by the map
> 12 rounds per minute. Is it a 10+ hour video?
Because it is fun to innovate. Lord knows America needs to keep that spirit alive. I would be manufacturing this on my own.

Also I have a bunch of DE mags in both calibers. Plus 44 mag is much more available than 50 beowulf
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a2 abandons the thread to hunt for vr anime pussy...
I'm more curious as to why .22 mag ARs aren't more of a thing honestly
Innovation for innovation's sake isn't innovation at all. AKA you have a solution that is looking for a problem. the foss guys have been designing all sorts of wild and wacky shit so the answer to your question of can it be done is: yes. Would anyone want an expensive "meme" handgun round in a rifle? Probably a few people but not many.
Isn't that just a longer cased 22 lr?
This bread has been DOA for a while. Trying to keep it spicy with some fresh concepts.
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no, you're thinking 5.56
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>10+ hour video?
I don't believe innovation is ever not good despite what motivates it. Just because things have been tried and failed in the past does not mean they are not worth revisiting.

I have an abundance of 44 mag and 50AE ammo that I would like to shoot out of a rifle platform.

44 mag is not an expensive meme.round. 50 beowulf is the definition of a meme round.

I have been curious about 22mag because I enjoy 5.7. That being said you might as well use 5.7 anyhow. Seems they are similar price per round. But I would like to see more adoption of 22 mag besides Keltec. See what works.
>50 beowulf is the definition of a meme round
Just two sentences earlier you said you don't believe innovation is ever not good. So you do understand why making a 50 AE rifle is silly.
>similar price per round
I get 22 mag for $17-20 per box of 50, where are you seeing those prices for 5.7?
.204 Ruger from a 20" faux m16 build is really cool
Look, I appreciate 50 beowulf. I've thought about buying another upper in a new caliber that I don't need. But I love me some 44 mag. That is my favorite round at this point. The idea is that you would make it for 44 mag or even 357 and then eventually go up to the 50AE. 50AE is also a silly round to me. Too expensive for what it is worth. Which is a cannons concussion and a fireball 2 yards long.
So likely the reason why nobody has made a 50 AE chambered AR/rifle is because
>Nobody wants it
>There are other rounds which a better suited thus see the previous example
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so you are talking .34 to 40 cents/round for 22mag. That is a bit better than what i get for 5.7 to be sure. 42cents/round on ammo seek right now for 5.7. I just wonder if the rimfire reliability of 22 mag is comparable to centerfire 5.7 And is that cost difference worth it?

Also I like subsonic 5.7. They go about 75 cents/round. I can't find a subsonic 22 mag on ammoseek.
You are burying the lead and focusing on the 50AE. I think the lead is that the 44 mag DE has a reliable enough magazine design for a rimmed pistol cartridge. Lets leverage that R&D and use the mags from a DE to make 44 mag AR. The bolt design and operating mechanism is similar enough to transpose.
I buy my .22 mag from my local fleet farm/cabelas because I'm too impatient for online ammo most of the time. I didn't know subsonic 5.7 was a thing, that seems odd to me
Did you chop it?
You want a stupid ass part though so not so many recommendations duh
Sub 5.7 is not something I would stand behind as being a particularly effective round. But Fiocci makes a bunch of it. I gather it is similar in ballistics to a sub 22lr, but with just a bit more mass behind it. I love it out of my S&W 5.7.

That is cool you can get such a good price locally. I am still interested in 22 mag.
Usually always folded and only unfold when going to use, so 99% of the time
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Competed in my first bass tournament today and took 1st place with 19 bass. It was a local tournament so the pot was small, but enough for me to buy a badass JDM bfs setup. Need to buy a kayak so I can compete for bigger prizes for duals now I guess. If you don’t already, you should do some fishing boys, it’s good for the mind.
I have a S&W m&p 22 mag, and 30 rounds of it out of a pistol in the same form factor as your 5.7 absolutely slaps. sucks that it isn't threaded tho
fishing is for boomers and faggots
You have not unlocked this gun yet.
Has anyone else fucked around with a .410 upper for their AR? I've got one and it is great for shooting skeet. I got it for that as well for a cross training exercise for tracking and hitting moving targets on an AR platform. One really has to lead with 410 even at low angles.
They really need to make that thing like the 5.7. It is gas operated and has a rotating barrel action. Therefore there is a barrel shroud that the barrel rides in. The barrel shroud is threaded which supposedly makes that shit legal. In CT where i am, one cannot have a threaded barrel. The S&W is a nice loophole.
.410 is just so expensive these days. You can literally buy an entire semi auto shotgun for $110 then just shoot dirt cheap 12 gauge
PewDiePie lurks here
It surely is. I shoot a lot more skeet out of my Mossberg 500 12ga. I find it kind of gay how expensive all shotgun ammo is compared to rifle or pistol ammo. 410 is also hard to find in the wild. Still it is nice having the platform as a cross trainer. File into "uppers i dont really need"
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Plus one can get it in the sexy 2 tone like the FN.

The FN is sheit compared to the S&W. The trigger is crap on the FN and you can't even fully disassemble it without special fixtures and parts. Super gay.
I agree 100%. I want more calibers I can just switch uppers and shoot for fun between 9mm and 5.56. magnum rounds offer a lot
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Today was, once again, very cute.
Make a .50 beowulf desert eagle instead.
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Aw shit you are right. I was off base entirely.
And have it take ar mags.
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50 bmg desert eagle
We need to revive the COLT SCAMP or magnum research needs to make Desert Eagle 2: SCHV
There could be Siggers here, he thought
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ARFX ace (long or. Entry).
Hi Carbon the GSD.
>be me
>want m203

Should I just get an actual 40mm m203 instead of the 37mm flare launcher? Seems like the price and hassle isn't very different and for the boog there's probably going to be more 40mm laying around
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I haven’t gotten a .308 yet, don’t see me needing g to reach out really farm in my suburban town, 50 Beowulf is a supersonic dump of energy under 200 years and will shred cards, checkpoints, other material, it seems like a nice option. I got into it peak ammo shortage and quickly snagged about 500 rounds at very good prices. Ammo is out there in various loading. See what happens.

Look up the Futureweapons demo from that show.
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Engine block shredded
Pass compartment through and through
Stillexits struck and rear frame.
Get the frame then stamp it and buy the tube after. Wait wouldn't even be long. I mean you could always also get a 37mm if you really wanted one to shoot other meme shit out of it if you truly wanted to.
According to an old arfcom thread its been done already and nobody bought them. If you're doing it for fun go nuts I guess, it's possible
Based. I caught some snook the other day.
The greatest Christmas album, "Christmas Portrait" turns 46 today. Will you give it a listen?
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Oops. Pic related
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I’m in the thick of it by KSI is so much sicker
Absolutely cooked
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Can't build my lower today because 1 package is delayed. Sad!
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go to your local shop and buy the parts then. Now you have an excuse to buy another lower when your package shows up
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fair point, thanks anon
I want a thermal and fox gf so bad bros it hurts
I don't want either
>fox gf
thermal is pretty sweet but drop the furry fetish
I have a thermal but I do want the fox gf
Sorry that you’re gay, anon
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Are ase ultra flow trough suppressors good ?
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i won't even tell you to go back to reddi+, they deserve better even. ghetto. just break your phone and be gone
>being this retarded
Easily baited
One of the most reddit images I've ever seen, and absolutely childlike too. Peter pan ass mfer.
if this is a meme image I'm not gay enough to know about it. if it's real, that shit was actually purchased by anon. both are gay. inb4 W deodorant as a "joke"
Anon, you meme'd yourself by eating that much goyslop
Also, 2 phones? Your balls are going to be full of plastic
newfag tourists can’t into reverse image search
I'm not saying something specific is going to happen. I'm not eagerly waiting for a boogaloo or anything, and if society breaks down I'm certain I'm a dead man, and that I'll suffer a lot.
All I'm saying is that the u.s. is in decline, and at some point the country will not exist as we know it, and my prediction is that it'll be within our lifetime.
If it makes you feel better, you can just pretend I'm fear mongering a collapse you're more comfortable with-- like climate change or right wing extremism.
The US will outlast your lifetime. Why would anyone take what you have to say with any weight? You have cultivated nothing. But you will die of old age, likely so some debilitating disease in a hospital on the State's dime, likely Florida
Bcms receivers are good. That's about it. Everything else is pretty standard. Imo the difference between an aero upper and a bcm upper is trivial
That is true but buying a BCM upper is going to come with a way better barrel.
/arg/ can't handle this level of drip
The uglier the better for me
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looks like shit
Damn this nigga is boring. It's like he popped a quaalude before hitting record
the video transcript was pretty hard to read this dude is cringe
so it's basically just a handguard that screws to upper (and a bunch of other bullshit that doesn't matter). Wowee zowee neva bin dun befo
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>just a handguard that screws to upper
I think that part is kinda neat
Its just a worse monolithic upper
Where is the handguard autist? I wanted to catalog a list of all the good handguards (thread to barrel nut, monolithic, etc.) to create a list so even poors don't have to buy clamp ons anymore. Even UTG has them and that other anon did the neat airsoft switcheroo
Someone ask Mark what the barrel nut screws into.
Looks better than an LMT and that's all that matters
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>Looks better than an LMT
lol perhaps if you're the kind of person who thinks picrel is cool
Hi Bunni
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>overgassed 1:30-2 ejection
>109 concepts reddit covers
>reddit delicate hands rail cover
>light mount cantilevered enough to bend on the first drop
>"free" gun
Kek/10, buy an ad
I don’t even need to it’s so obviously not yours. Sad state of affairs here.
>comes to an ar15 general every day to post shill his robinson arms meme gun
Buy an ad (and kys after)
I can sense your lack of chin and clean fingernails from here
Ok furfag
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>Why would anyone take what you have to say with any weight
Idk why not? Diogenes lived in a pot and pissed wherever he wanted, and he still had Alexander the Great's ear.
>you have cultivated nothing
I've cultivated a better rifle than you.
Oh it's headcanon anon again, hi
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I was told everything about you carbon the gsd. It all makes sense now
Why are you like this?
Should I take a picture of all my guns at once
>loner with a bunch of german shepards is a furry
Woah I’m shocked I tell you!
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Source for this claim? You think I can handle this much meat on my own?
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this is raw
How necessary is a momentary switch on a WML?
A lot of people seem to think it's 100% absolutely necessary but it seems like it'd be pretty easy to just turn it on/off with a regular switch.
I'm thinking of picking up a CD Rein 3.0.
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Does anyone have that chart of all the Chinese optics showing which ones are the same under different brand names?
Who makes the best suppressor covers? I need one for an 8.5-9" long suppressor so I don't melt my bag any more.

Also must not look like shit.
I like having hotbutton function with both constant on and momentary
This way you can focus more on bang bang, holding momentary can increase chance of pulling shots in awkward positions
Got you senpai
6" long, discontinued.
Already have enough anal toys thx.
I like to focus on bang bang with your mom, if you know what I mean.
Rein has a momentary switch
I think the very newest ones come with only a constant on so just get one that has the dual feature.
Also why do you want the rein 3 specifically? They’re very focused beams and if you want that kind of thing great but if you want a general purpose WML you either want to floodmaxx with a non turbo 640 scout or at least get something inbetween like a rein 2.0 (which comes with the older switch setup)
So get a longer one
T&K holding up well on an omega 300
this is not the flex you think it is
shut the fuck up newfag
I mean, that rifle is hideous. The spare mag clamp, the vfg, the buttstock, and the optic setup are all cringe on what should be a nice rifle.
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AND, the brake is questionable and the cable management is awful.
>no argument
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there's no argument because it's a meme picture that's older than you are. Also you managed to nitpick everything without even realizing the picture is mirrored. Holy fuck you're stupid.

This is some Ash level shit, get a tripcode and a treadmill already.
You don’t even own a gun.
Lurk 5 years before posting again.
I should have gone to the range today. Damn
Why are you so full of cum? It has to be that fox's fault.
Idiot phonefags mirror their photos. Not worth mentioning as it has nothing to do with the rifle.
I'm glad you were able to publicly air your inferiority complex over a picture of a rifle nobody here owns.
Seriously though, just lurk more. Then you can watch some other newfag fall for the bait and realize how stupid you look right now instead of tripling down.
I own that rifle.
I like that fox
Idk why I browse these threads. It's just the same faggots posting the same one or two photos of their rifles they posted in the last 10+ ARG threads.
Instagram has a lot of pictures of guns you can look at.
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no chop, found a 13.9” triarc with pinned gas block for cheap. Wanted to use Centurion’s 13.25” barrel but too jewish to drop the shekels on that
Excuse me put I regularly take new photos
Let’s see one
It's right here in this thread
Oh mine too
Nice, I have a criterion 13.9 as well. I meant the rail though, I didn't know a ffras would look so damned good and work with a 13.9 barrel.
Did you like mine at least?
Someone's desperate to make a new thread.
Did you listen to the album at least?

That one? Yeah.
No the other one
Oh. Then no.
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yeah from what I've seen the shortest you can go with a can is around 13.1-13.25ish depending on which one you have
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Got my scope on guys
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Fuck off pedo
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that a Lewpould?
>spiral fluting
lmao fag
Yeah. 3-9x
I like it
Nice paint did you do some kind of sponge technique or something?
looks good man
Thanks. Yeah sprayed the brown stripes and did sponge paint around it and randomly
Thanks anon
Anon, you have a beautiful family.
I didn't win an extra $9k in the fishing tournament so my plans to gunsoom have been postponed
Better luck next time
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Did you at least place top 5?
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Took me years but finally picked up an ar.
I'm thinking about getting an 18" barrel to swap out the existing 16" for heckin epic spr memes, but are there any practical differences outside of a small velocity bump?
Pedo tranime weebs always use projecting as their first reply. Every fucking time
>t. DrPizza

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