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>What you're seeing now is my normal 45 ACP state
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>This is a 45 Super
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>And this... this is what is known as a 45 Super that has ascended past a 45 Super
>Or, you could just call this a 450 SMC
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>And This... Is to go... Even Further BEYOND!
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>I'm Sorry it took almost 90 Years to develop
>This is still a fairly new cartridge
>This is what is called a 460 Rowland
isn't 450SMC just 45 Super under another name to get away from the Detonics brass? Similar to companies selling 264 LBC or 12.7x42 to get away from the Grendel and Beowulf licensing?
It operates at a slightly higher pressure and commercial loadings are normally 100fps faster than 45 Super. It was invented due to the use of a large Pistol Primer in 45 Super, which caused primer flow. So, the inventors made brass that used a small pistol magnum or small rifle primer to reduce primer flow and allow for hotter loading. It is superior to 45 Super in most loadings and on paper.
One of the inventors is really active on a bunch of different forums and has explained this. Which is cool.
Good meme OP
This would really work well with 7.62 and .38
I assume the Mk23 and USP are good .450 SMC candidates, but are there any others that aren't custom 1911s?
looked it up and yeah its just trimmed 308 win brass so its probably six of one half dozen of the other. better ignition to support higher pressures still only goes so far in a factory 45ACP chamber so cheap common brass is more than likely still a primary driver.
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+P is not another state or form. It was simply a technique taught to 45 ACP by King Keith.
probably anything you would be comfortable feeding a steady diet of +p so mostly full-size guns with a couple extra lbs of recoil spring. take the rowland approach on shorter barrels or polymer guns and comp it to delay unlocking.
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Best thread on the ‘log
blessed digies, even if you posted an FNX.
Yeah I do want to get a 460 1911 though. I might buy a Springfield Ronin to send off for the conversion soon.
+P is Kaio-ken
I know that Glock 21s are supposed to be good with 45 ACP +P, and you can get extra heavy recoil springs for 45 Super. Although I believe a stock Glock 21 is technically fine for 45 Super. If it's good for 45 Super, the slight extra power shouldn't be an issue for it. 45 Super might already be pushing it, so a heavy recoil spring and guide rod still may be a smart move if you're wanting to shoot 450 SMC.
Otherwise, there are still the 460 Rowland conversion kits. they apparently prevent you from using 45 ACP (not powerful enough to cycle), but some forums seem to suggest that 45 Super works OK, and the added power of the 450 SMC might just make it cycle reliably without proper 460 Rowland ammo.
That idea also extends to the FNX like this anon >>62691911 has.
You can go back and forth between 45 ACP and 460 Rowland in the Glock and FNX conversions by swapping recoil springs.
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I spoke directly to Luke McIntire of KKM. He stated he wouldn't be comfortable using the stock barrel of a Glock.
You would ideally want to use a heavier rsa too for super/smc so you don't beat the frame to death. A comp preferably as well.
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>45 super runs with a 28,000 PSI limit while the .450 SMC has a 32,000 PSI limit.
If a whole new barrel is also required, I'd just go with the 460 conversion kit then. May be over built for it, but I wouldn't want to deal with the risk. Then you also have the option for 460 Rowland.
yeah, but you may not want to change it out sometimes. Sure, if you're only shooting 45 ACP or 460 Rowland at the range, but if you have some 45 ACP and some Rowland it would be annoying to do it well shooting. A spicier 450 SMC as your lighter cartridge would be nice.
This is the main reason I built >>62692270. Didn't want to have to deal with swapping rsa's.
Aluminum or steel frame? Can the aluminum frames handle 460 Rowland?
I was going to say that a thread died for this but the quality of this board has gone down so much over the years it probably doesnt matter
No fun Queer
I wanna build a .460 Rowland 2011 with a 7" long slide.
The full-size Ronins have stainless steel frames. Only the EMPs have aluminum frames, but they’re in 9mm.
It might be doable, but the 460 Rowland people claim that they have trouble getting double stack 1911 mags to work.
It's from One Piece
>he doesn't know
either you're a normalfag or you are too young
you don't want to fuck around with modifying a mk23. they're the greatest fighting handgun ever made but the unequalled amount of engineering and work behind them shouldn't be mated to diy and stuff. .45+p is fine
Absolutely blessed thread.
Listen here cocksucker if some rando on the internet can rig a beretta 96 to take 10mm then we can hotrod a fucking mk23, teutonic autism be damned
>post ends in 44 instead of 45.
You may have posted dubs, but you're still a failure. This was was still a quality throwback shitpost thread tho.
I expected it to turn into a 9mm Luger.
>or you are too young
I could get too old, but I don't think there's a generation since Dragon Ball's release that isn't at least aware of it. All my nephews (aged 7 to 12) love dragon ball and I bought two copies of Sparking Zero for their respective Xboxes.
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jej I wish we had threads like this more often
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>TFW the God, 45 Win Mag approaches. . .
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>first time hearing about 40 super
>looks awesome and want it
>basically dead, though underwood and a few others still make ammo for it
Sad, at least .460 rowland is still kickin
I am immensely disappointed that the final image isn't a 9mm. I'm going to have to redo this thread in a month or so.
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>Long ago
>A small group of 45 cartridges questioned the low pressures of their caliber
>And to ensure pressures beyond any other handgun caliber they pooled their OAL to create a Savior
>A 45 Win Mag
why are there so many seething 9mmlets here? guess the image here >>62691778 was applicable.
Yeah, you're right. I was thinking of the aluminum framed commander sized 45.

Nice post and all but I shot a nigger with 185gr rem black belt 45acp and he died pretty quick because I hit him in the chest, so yeah.45 can kill but its about shot placement more than anything.
got jumped in 2018 getting out of my friends car in Memphis in a parking lot, completely random shit in a "normal" part of Memphis, probably gang initiation stuff. One dude pulled a gun and pointed it at my bud, sounds crazy but I basically thought "fuck it I'm dead anyways" and drew and shot the nog, after which all the other guys scattered. I don't think they expected resistance. I have since left Memphis and will never go back to that shithole
How do you know it wasn't a extra niggerly mugging?
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>guys am i too late to the party?
9mm would be Krillin lol
Based. I live in Memphis and plan to start EDCing my 460 Rowland FNX this fall.
>9mm would be Krillin lol
literally my first thought too lmao
lol, it's not even close.
>itty bitty 10mm
220gr bullet

>460 Rowland
255gr bullet

450 SMC is actually more comparable to 10mm. 450 SMC shoots a slightly larger bullet (230gr compared to 220gr) at a slightly slower speed (1150fps compared to 1200fps) bringing the total energy between the two 675ft-lbs to 703ft-lbs. However, that's also comparing some of the hottest 10mm available on the market to some of the only 450 SMC made. More available 10mm defensive cartridges, such as those available from Federal and Hornady, are only shooting a 200grn projectile at 1100fps and a 175gr projectile at 1160fps. So, only 537ft-lbs and 523ft-lbs of energy on target respectively. The most popular 10mm loadings can't even compare to the spicy 450 SMC.
based and powerpilled
Because you're probably all hearing it in your head
God I wish that, .400 Cor-Bon or .440 Cor-Bon would have gained a foothold in the market.
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Hi guys! Can I play?
vegeta what's the scouter say about it's muzzle energy?
Are there even 45 ACP 2011s?
There's one that I know of
Para Ordnance P14
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Well played, anon
Does it use a normal 1911 barrel and spring? Otherwise, I think it'd be a complete custom job.
A lot of RIA's double stack 1911s use bull barrels and full guide rods, but I think this one in particular uses the normal bushing and guide rod.
You could always just email the 460 Rowland company to see if it's possible or if they've fit one before.
this thread gets bump for effort
gud job op
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>Stopping-power level
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why is it so fucking fat? why did john moses browning make a cartridge with morbid obesity? even ignoring the case dimensions 45 FMJs bullets are so round and chunky
and then when you load one into your gun it comes waddling out of the barrel at ~850 feet per second like an obese mexican looking for coca cola at 7-eleven. and the thing is that i like it. i really do. how is this possible?
Browning and Colt was actually working on a .41 caliber (about 10.4mm) cartridge and a new handgun design in the early 1900s, but the US Army had decided that .45 was the bare minimum they needed for stopping power. So Colt modified their design and came out with .45 ACP in their new handgun, which after a few years of trials won out and became known as the 1911.
Yep, John Moses Browning was not a big fan of .45 ACP. While he was alive he'd carry a .38 ACP and when he died, Colt honored him by inventing .38 Super.
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Given that the Mark 23 tanks .45 Super just fine, why would you even need to modify it to run 450 SMC?
I EDC Supers in mine now but I'm interested in going even further beyond.
On a similar note, why isn't all 45 ACP brass small primer yet? We've gone through two massive primer shortages since the beginning of the century and some manufacturers, blazer aluminum is the first I remember, moved to small primer back after 2013. There's literally no difference between using the two, besides the cheaper cost and easier availability of SML PIS primers over LRG PIS primers. I've reloaded thousands of rounds of 45 ACP, and have never been able to prove there is a supposed power loss when using small primers. It's a complete myth that a small primer won't cause the powder in a case to ignite as fast as one with a large primer, thus meaning slower velocities. Every load I've made with the same projectiles (jacketed, coated, and cast) and powder loads (powders including WIN 231, WIN 244, Titegroup, Titewad, Autocomp, and Superior Pistol), all come out to the same average velocity no matter the primer size used.
>seething 9mmlets here?
I'm not seething, it would've just been much funnier.
Peoplelike you who get emotional about caliber choice are retarded.
>edc a mk23
post height and weight
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6'4", 250lbs
But I'll do you one better and show you.
You’re a big guy
>I'm not seething
>Why didn't you engage in my gay flame war on my side
>It would've been funnier if you tried to make someone else annoyed instead of just made the fun thread you made
Why are they like this?
Always wanted to get a 460 Rowland kit for a FNX-45
Nice ass
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>why would you even need to modify it to run 450 SMC?
You wouldn't.
I want to try and cc >>62692270. Just need to get a iwb for it. I'm 5'8 160lbs if that matters. Should be interesting.
>inb4 I'm also trans
Based reloader. I don't see how it would make a difference. Pure fudd lore.
>For you
>gay flame war
Whom did I flame with which words in my post?
Its under 5000.
Do it. All I had to do was FedEx them my slide and barrel assembly and my two mags along with my invoice. It’s a lot cheaper and easier than trying to send them a complete firearm with the serialized frame like you have to do with some guns.
How much does it cost. The kits are only around $400, but how much does the fitting cost?
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quality bread:D
Anyone have any experience putting them together themselves? Wouldn't it be just a simple barrel and spring replacement?
>mk23 still noticeably chunky
I think you have to be Shaq-sized to make that thing look like a normal handgun.
I assume the issue is fitting, especially for the 1911 kits. There's a lot of variation between manufacturers. I wanted an extended slide release for my Tisas Tank Commander, and the Wilson Combat one was the one I went with. I had to slim down the actual pin to get it to fit. That was just the slide release, it'd be a lot more difficult if it was the barrel that didn't fit properly.
It’s only $285 for a customer supplied FNX-45 along with $12.30 for each additional magazine spring. You can email them with any questions, and they’re quick to respond.
You can buy the complete kits including barrels, but it’s kind of a waste of money if you already have a factory barrel that came with your gun unless you really just want to keep it unmodified. Their modified barrels are still capable of shooting regular 45 ACP. If you send them your barrel and slide, they will fit and test fire it for you to make sure everything is working properly.
460 Rowland sacrifices everything for MOAR POWER and it's the perfect analogy for Super Saiyan 3
this would also work, as previously mentioned in the thread, with .38 revolver cartridges
>.38 Long Colt
>.38 Special
>.357 Magnum
>.357 Maximum
alternatively you could start with .38 Short Colt and end with .357 Magnum, but that doesn't work as well because the .357 Maximum is a bad cartridge that suffers from flame cutting of the top strap, much like how Super Saiyan 3 suffers from literally burning out your life force and generally being too strenuous.

unfortunately there aren't enough variants of ye classic European 7.62 autoloading pistol cartridges for this meme I don't think
>7.62x25mm Borchardt
>7.62x25mm Mauser
>7.62x25mm Tokarev
need one more
On second thought, a Springfield Operator 45 might be a better choice for the conversion than the Ronin, because it has a forged frame. The 460 Rowland people claim that sometimes stainless steel guns have trouble with friction and getting 45 ACP and 460 to run with the same recoil system. Carbon steel should be stronger than stainless as well.
That's an odd looking powder coating
>need one more
Literally 7.5 FK, anon. Super spicy Tokarev pushed up to 2000fps
it's a completely different parent cartridge unlike the first three but the issues 7.5 FK do work for that
Is the BRNO meme still going?
I mean they are still available if that is what you mean. All of the available loadings I saw for it when I last looked were horrible for shooting people though. Crazy penetration with small holes. Running it with the 10mm barrel looked better on paper, but then like why spend 2k (3k?) on one. I wanted to believe the hype, but its a meme.
>son, listen
>that nine ain't gonna cut it
>get the hollow point, three world wars
I got to play with the "cheap" version and it's a really cool gun.
Friendly reminder that since WW1 the US military and every modern military on earth have determined that handguns are a military liability causing more losses to their own side via accident and deliberate misuse than to the enemy.

If the the 1911 was a soldier he would be a incompetent traitor who has killed and wounded more US troops than the enemy.
Based Darwinian pistol
.223 Timbs?
Well their boots suck, so I doubt their cartridges are much better.
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I wonder how the new Gen 2 45 ACP Hi Points would do with 45 SMC. I've seen some reviews where they ran super with it. They seem to be way overbuilt, as least as over built as a blowback design can be.
The move to give every Marine a sidearm could have been concocted by a enemy, the sole overall outcome will be friendly losses and increased crime not to mention wasted money. Besides a very limited number of highly specialist roles side arms are a force reducer not a force multiplier.
chad but I could tell you were carrying by the pants and shirt
There it is. On the internet. Must be true.
You don't know.
I guess that Army Times article i read quoting DoD studies must have been full of shit then because you said so...
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Unfortunately I've invented something even more powerful, the 454 Fuckyoupaymeathousanddollars Magnum. It's loaded to 80,000 PSI using amazing technologies you brainlets wouldn't be able to figure out on your own. It requires a proprietary Fuckyoupaymeathousanddollars Magnum barrel and chamber, as it would be irresponsible to sell ammo that isn't safe to fire in a standard chamber ;^). It produces 454 casull power in an autoloader and we personally guarantee 10 million hits on any YouTube ballistics show that features it. Conversion kits start at $1000+tip and ammo is reasonable at $5/Rd when you consider the power you're getting. You're probably gay, poor, and weak if you don't get a 454 Fuckyoupaymeathousanddollars Magnum conversion kit. You won't regret it and sell it before you finish that $100 box of ammo.
>metallurgy reaches the point that you can safely double the max pressure of 45 ACP in most guns
>Bubba figures out this yields fantastic results
>Bubba demands intellectual property protection for adding a few more grains of powder and a bit of snake oil
>boomers eat it up and refuse to believe you can't get the same results just loading your own pissing hot 45
>Autists shill your proprietary bullshit because they can't handle a frame of reference where 45 ACP +P+ has no upper limit on pressure
You made me want to finally pull the trigger on buying one. I’m sad they’re back ordered for months
Based .45 African Coon Patrol user
>Falling for retarded boomer bait instead of just throwing a strong recoil spring and perhaps a brake to shoot your own pissin hot loads
Johnny Rowland doesn't want you to know this, but standard ACP brass will support 40k psi without blowing up. There's nothing stopping you from using his load data without giving him hundreds of dollars
>Johnny Rowland doesn't want you to know this
Yes, you can make your own ammo. No, he's not keeping it a secret. He uses unique brass so that the rounds are visually different and his dumbest of fans don't accidentally load 960 Rowland in their 9x19 gun or 460 Rowland in their .45 ACP gun.
The brass isn't the problem, the chamber is. Thought you would've already known that, stubs.
>because you said so...
? lol no. where?
"Army Times" "DoD studies"
So you don't know. You made a blanket statement, the onus is on you to support your point. When someone casts doubt you get indignant and accuse them of things they did not say.
Whether some hack* said so or if you believe it yourself, you aren't convincing. And you're reading comprehension is suspect.

: a writer who works on order

also : a writer who aims solely for commercial success
The likelihood of accidentally shooting boutique high pressure though a gun that will actually blow up from it is basically 0. Buffalo bore sells way more ammo capable of damaging factory firearms than Rowland ever will. An N frame or early 20th century 1911 are pretty much the only guns that would actually blow up from 40k psi 45 ACP. People with trapdoor Springfields aren't blowing up their guns with Ruger only loads; there's no reason for the proprietary case.
There's nothing special about the chamber either, other than it's proprietary for the sole purpose of being proprietary. You can still shoot 40K psi loads out of a factory USP with a very tight chamber without issue.
What about in ips or cps?
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The other two guys beat me to it. Ammo isn’t the problem. I reload already and anyone can buy the ammo. The issue is if you add a chamber reamer to the price of a new barrel, muzzle brake, and recoil spring you’re nearing the same price of a conversion kit. I’m pretty confident that few people here haven’t reamed their own chambers, I haven’t. It shouldn’t be difficult but it’s something you can mess up so is that worth saving a bit of money?

If your point is loading .45 ACP to nuclear levels, using a normal .45 ACP barrel, but swap the recoil springs and add a brake, that’s not a bad idea. There’s the risk of dropping bubbas pissing hot hand loads into a gun not set up for it, but that risk can be avoided.
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Is this shooped or did you really cut down some steel based brass?
Of course it's doable on your own, but it's just easier to send it off to the 460 Rowland people who have already done all the testing on their own guns. It's a bit more involved than just putting in a heavier recoil spring, so why not just pay to have the conversion done professionally? Converting a 1911 is also more difficult than converting an FNX or Glock, since it also involves replacing the GI guide rod and recoil spring with their own custom parts.
I thought it's a nuke falling into Nagasaki or something.
Isn’t this just .357 Sig?
>Claim that you don't need to give some boomer money to shoot pissing hot 45
>brainlets lose their shit because there's no way their good friend Johnny Rowland is selling snake oil
Why are you reaming the chamber though? The proprietary chamber only exists for the proprietary case that offers nothing at all to the shooter except added cost. 460 Rowland brass is just starline's 45 super brass left a little longer so you're not getting any more margin of safety over what's already usable in a standard 45 ACP chamber.
It's real, I should get a neck turner or inside reamer so the neck isn't so thick.
1911 is cheapest and easiest to do actually.
>Wilson flat wire conversion kit with heaviest spring
>Bushing compensator from eBay
I was able to replicate Rowland's loads in a $300 rock Island 1911 with just that. The bushing comp worked surprisingly well at slowing the slide down and keeping my brass close by.
I highly recommend the USP 45 for hot loads as it'll handle loads in the mid 30K psi range just fine with the factory recoil assembly.
You don't need to spend any money up front to start getting into hot 45 if you already reload, and if you don't you can get started for less than $100. Start working up past +p or super loads until you start seeing excessive ejection distance or case head expansion. Then spend $10 on a stronger recoil spring and work up higher until you see those pressure signs again. By this point, you'll be shooting some really stout loads for minimal investment and you can choose to spend more money on a brake and threaded barrel to really max out your loads if you feel the need.
>Why would ammo companies spend tens of millions (at minimum) overhauling their production lines and logistics chains to save the end user a couple cpr when they can just pass the cost on to the customer
It truly is a mystery.
>460 Rowland brass is just starline's 45 super brass left a little longer
That’s why you have to ream it anon. A .460 case won’t fit into a .45 barrel.
The 460 case is no stronger than the super case though. You can get the same performance without reaming.
I know. That’s not what I said. It’s a different topic entirely.
Also according to Starline their .45 super and .460 Rowland brass actually is stronger. Don’t know if it’s true, but they say it is. Kind of a moot point because you can still get there with regular .45acp brass.
357 sig's big brother
>you need a proprietary chamber and brass to shoot these hot loads
>no you don't, you can get the exact same ballistics with standard chambers and components
>Yeah but that's uh completely different
Brainlet handloadlet
The strength only really matters if you're shooting hot ammo in a gun that's not prepped for it or if you're trying to get several 40k+ psi loads out of a piece of brass. Like you said, regular acp brass will handle the pressure just fine if you have a properly supported chamber and the timing has been adjusted.
Thank you, friend.
What a useless transformation
I already have an LE surplus USP 45. Do you think a USP Tactical recoil assembly is worth it to shoot hot loads?
I've heard that you can get them to shoot 10mm with a little reversible gunsmithing
It has a delayed unlocking cam and slightly stronger spring so it should be better than a factory recoil assembly, but I have no experience with them because they've been hard to get ahold of. A stronger recoil spring from Wolff would probably be effective enough at a much lower cost, but both combined would probably be as close to ideal for hot loads. You can also put a stronger hammer spring in to delay unlocking without increasing rebound velocity, but this will make a USP trigger even shittier.
There's several ways to reduce slide velocity and delay unlocking, it all depends on what you want to do and how you want to do it. If you want some nice hollow point loads, for example, you'll probably be exceeding optimal velocity for the bullet you're shooting well before you'd need to think about more than a recoil spring. 45 ACP and Colt bullets tend to fragment when they're pushed too far past the sound barrier and the sturdier 45 Magnum hollow points are a little too much to get reliable expansion with. If you aren't going for max pressure fmj or hardcast, you may not need any upgrades, but if you are, you can throw all of them at it. The USP has a really tight throat that doesn't really like anything that isn't 230gr fmj shaped, so 45 colt bullets have to be loaded way short to chamber. Lots of fun and frustration awaits you while you test the gorillion 45 bullets available at speeds they weren't meant for.

Tl;Dr yeah probably, especially if you're seeing case head expansion
10mm is cringe and reddit. The krauts gave us the USP 45 so we could shoot 45 as hot as we want. Why waste that potential on 10mm?
>USP gives us USP to shoot hot 45s
>then rowland comes along and says its not hot enough
Where is the conversion barrel? Its been long enough
If the Z Fighters were handgun bullets

>Goku - 45 Colt
Super powerful, becomes even more powerful in other forms (454 Casull, 460 S&W Mag), and will continue to get more powerful as its story progresses.
>Vegeta - 45 ACP
Shorter and weaker than 45 Colt, but also all the same points as 45 Colt.
>Krillin - 9mm
short, good enough technically, still always weaker and shittier than most.
>Piccolo - 44 Special
Powerful, but could be more powerful. started as 44 Russian before the fusions.
>Gohan - 10mm
Is supposed to be the most powerful. Got cucked by his makers to make him progressively weaker and weaker.
>Tien - 38 Special
Used to be one of the best, but has slowly fallen behind to new calibers. Still useful.
>Chiaotzu - 32 ACP
small and adorable, yet also somehow older than a lot of other calibers
>Goten and Trunks - 380 ACP
tiny but strong, fused they make 38 Super.
>Yamcha - 22 Win Auto
Is technically deadly, a holdover from a long ago time, and is fucking dead.
Yamcha should be 30 super carry because both are useless
iirc the 460 Rowland people said that USPs and HK45s aren't good candidates for their conversions. Idk if it's because of their mechanics or if it's because their barrels are too hard for the chambers to be reamed out to their specs.
I guarantee you it's because the barrels are too hard
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blessed thread
stupid frogposter
Hehe, pretty good overall
I like the 380 pepe
He knows what he is, and he's ok with that.
>too hard
>You don't have much time
>You still need to teach them the Wildcat technique
>want to chamber .460 rowland brass
>need to have properly sized chamber
>nooooooo just use .45
I never said you can't load .45 to the same performance. I said I want a .460 rowland to keep brass separate. What's so fucking hard to understand?

I have .45s. I don't want to mix regular pressure .45 ACP brass that's been fired multiple times with 40k psi .460 equivalent loads. That's not smart.
For shooting accurately at >50m it isn't a meme, but for your wallet it might be
It made sense for the supposed intended consumer, military contractors that can only have a handgun and carry a stock around. The brace version looks shitty for a $2k handgun, and you don't need a handgun/pdw in your life to solve a problem for people taking a specific job on the otherside of the planet.
What about future trunks?
Would he be like 5.7?
>Looked really cool and futuristic at the beginning, but ultimately turned out to not be that good and kinda suck
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I like 45, simple as.
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It's just the same concept as the 7.63 Mauser/7.62 Tokarev, as well as the original intention for the C96. A pistol that can double as a PDW. Mauser in his tests could hit targets out to 200m. It's not that revolutionary.
Shaggy, but cooler
What would the fusion of Goku (45) and Vegeta (9mm) be?
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Are you just looking for .38/.45 wildcat?
>Where are my Scooby protein snacks, scooooooooob
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I wish I had more .45 to shoot with
I love shooting it out of my USP and 1911
Why can't you get more?
454 casull power out of a 1911 weight auto loader would be a very exciting and active experience…
Then make a 461. Fug it.
What about the androids?
FYPMATD for short.
What's wrong with the FNX? I was considering it over the USP for the capacity advantage, plus the 460 Rowland guys recommend it for the conversion.
There's nothing wrong with the FNX. I have one. The problem is he got the digits 1911 in a 45 thread, posted a gun in 45, and it wasn't a 1911.
Sausage tips
OP might be part of the old guard. High levels of autismo. I like it
Hormel XTP
Accurate. Deadly. Delicious.
Me too
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I am being pedantic but that is not reaming. Also pic related
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Oh, look
A non-retard
.17 HMR and 9x18 Makarov
That doesn't make any sense. Those two calibers are completely different and have always been shitty. If you said 380 and 9mm Mak, that at least would have the looking similar but are distinct thing going for it.
You're right because 380 ACP is also known as 9x17mm
I will stumble upon screenshots of this thread in a /k/ humour thread some day and say
>neat, I was there
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>9000mic m='s 0.3543307 inches
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It also works because 380 is loved by manlets.
You could've just said inps, although that would apply to some normal 45ACP too. Then again, that was based form Goku in that scene.
Are there conversions for glock 41?
t. Glock 41 owner
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Yeah. they make one.
They're $600 and currently on backorder for 4-6 months. I'd honestly just look into getting a stiffer guide rod assembly and get some 45 Super or 450 SMC to see how you like the higher power and recoiling stuff first. Lot lower cost of entry there.
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I've never really thought of Krillin as Asian. The Son family? Sure I can see that, but Krillin just never seemed to be. It's also a fucking cartoon where people have naturally colored blue, purple, and red hair, with crazy aliens, and made by an artist with absurd art style, but you get what I mean.
He's supposed to be a shaolin monk.
Well, they weren't necessarily Shaolin monks, it was just a martial arts dojo. Also, I remember there being a lot of varying skin tones on them from DB, but that also could've just been SEA people.
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What caliber would broly be?
ebin thread death to all war tourists
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It's probably cliche to say, but 50AE.
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I like these memes
If only the first post got 45
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500 Linebaugh
>John Moses Browning was not a big fan of .45 ACP
He certainly was annoyed that he had to invent a whole new caliber for his handgun, but so did everyone else. I'm pretty sure he was happy with his own work that managed to completely dictate the subsequent handgun trials when he unveiled the 45ACP.
>So, the inventors made brass that used a small pistol magnum or small rifle primer to reduce primer flow and allow for hotter loading.

So basically cribbing .44 automag's notes?
>He certainly was annoyed that he had to invent a whole new caliber for his handgun
No he wasn't. He invented .25 acp, and and .380 acp gladly, he just didn't like the recoil on the high bore caliber. He liked his handguns soft shooting.
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I've never seen any 44 automag brass with a small primer pocket
Must've never shot some of his own pocket pistols in 380
He disliked them as well. He preferred his M1903 (long barrel, less recoil) models over his M1908 models because they were more pleasant.
>Lanklet preferred 32ACP to 380ACP
Tale as old as time

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