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Your euro thread, basically.
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So, where would you online buy up-to-date modern handgun sights as a euro (and french btw) ? I'm trying to dress up my glonks, everything seems to be out of stock, outdated or vastly overpriced.
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You seriously chose to make a thread this late on Sunday? I'm about to go to sleep. Have a bump
Brownells? I usually use that or xrayparts.
>modern sights
wait you meant sights or red dots?
What the fuck is a euro gun passport and can I take my guns with me to, let's say Spain?
Brownells but idk what you want really
>You seriously chose to make a thread this late on Sunday? I'm about to go to sleep. Have a bump
Thanks for the bump and you are right obviously my timing is lame, but hey, I didn't know about xrayparts, i'm going to look at it.
As with everything else gun-related in Europe that isn't restricted by the local laws, buy from the Czechs.
Do you have any link of your favorite czech websites ?
Do you not have a gun shop near by?
You can take guns anywhere ,idk About that passport tho.
Keep in mind you need a decent reason for it
guns cz is probably a good start. What are you looking for specifically? The biggest problem with czechs is that not everything is translated into english.
What if I move to Spain? Can I still concealed carry if I'm allowed here?
>Can I still concealed
no not that i am aware.
And if you were it would probably be only after getting a license for it( they wont ever give it) and after you could only carry what they let you, aka a shitty 6.35(25 auto) or some light 6 Shooter caliber.
Fucking Spain. Wife wants to move there. Fuck. I ain't selling my shit.
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I bought this as my first pistol, never shot a pistol before i much like it.
I can only shot One handed tho , i cant shoot 2 handed.
I Might be retarded
Guns here are a privelige not a right.
The Faster you grasp this the less you Will be suprised by our laws
Hiding it under the floorboards it is.
Sure thing remember its a One time use , you kill someone they Will trow everything at you to make and example.
Also how do you plan to get them here?
What do you mean, get them? I'll just bring my own, I'm driving anyway.
Jesus Christ, why are you even on this board if you're that afraid of guns?
Do you not have a gun shop near by?
A single one. Decent people, really. But anything "basic" from a /k/ standpoint is considered rather exotic. I did go meet said lgs for glock sights. They did not have a single one available in stock. Not even factory steel basic stuff (and waiting time was quite discouraging). Most /k/ related brands were basically off the menu. So yeah, internet.
I only because of import licenses , here if i want something that need that i just go to them so they can import for me
Asetalo in Finland has most Glock factory sights in stock but barely anything else
Works for me though
finally got my permit
Congrats. I just got two more for 13 total lol
EU gun passport allows you to circumvent country specific transportation/import licenses if you go there/through them for let’s say a hunting trip/sports event. You will still need an invitation for the event and observe local laws (some firearms are restricted in certain countries). This is also a requirement if you just move your guns through a country. It saves you a lot of administrative hassle and is definitely worth it if you regularly move across borders with your guns. Mind that for hunting trips you will usually still need to acquire a special foreigner hunting permit for the country you want to hunt in.
No, carry permits are country specific. There are special registration procedures for professionals (e.g. PSD members).
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Also beware that gun passport does not mean right to carry. Specifically if you are guy from CZ and you wanna EDC in Germany, tough luck. You can transport the gun to Germany, but you must adhere to their (very retarded) gun laws. Anyway, your post is 100% correct, basicaly only for sport/hunting events. Duty guns are allowed with international bilateral agreements, usualy police from state X can carry guns in state Y if they have joint patrol there, or they chase perp over the border. Military stuff is a NATO thing in Yurop, mostly, meaning that is covered separately.

Yep, this.
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not been on the range forever
too much work
nagging wife "AAAAANON fix this and that"
bratty kids "Papaaaaaaa i want this and that"

Papa wants to be in the army again,
chad sudan afghanistan kosovo wiener neustadt, those were the times

best was sudan
every retard has an ak there
retards fire at everything that moves when bored
too bad its not a cow but a Pandur with a 30 milli and nice optics which fires back
"thud thud thud pink mist"
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Who makes the best AR15s in Europe for general use like target Shooting at 50m to 100m? Also whats more concictend to hit 10's with on a ISSF target, free standing? A light 14.5 AR or a slightly more accurat 16.75?
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>too bad its not a cow but a Pandur with a 30 milli and nice optics which fires back
>"thud thud thud pink mist"

Reminds me of colleague of mine, who served in army and was on 4 tours in Afghanistan. He told me simillar story - some goatfucker hid in concrete building and was firing at CZ Pandur. They locked the canon on him, switched to AP rounds. System automaticaly fired one shot. He watched as the interrior of the building was painted red when shot pierced concrete pillar :DD Let's say towelheads stopped from shooting on CZ guys for a while :D
Bought an air pistol for plinking during my breaks at work. Are Hawke sights worth the price? I dont want to spend 150€ for a piece of trash
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16.75 is king
oberlands prices are fair for base models

anyways, the stalls left and right to me are empty when i fire pic related
What do you mean by "up to date" and "modern"? If you mean something with tritium, buy from Israel, for example on the zahal website. Not that it would make you shoot any better.
Probably Oberland arms.
As for the best type, obviously a 20' M16 style AR is the best suited to shooting competitions.
QRD on Oberland ? I see not mil-spec, and priced around Daniel Defense in my country. Any good ? What's Oberland basic bitch good-tier AR model ?
>not mil-spec
Like pretty much every AR sold on the Euro market. Even an HK MR223 isn't milspec, so what? What difference does it makes to you, a paper target shooter, whether the bolt and barrel have been through US military required inspections for magnetic particles? And yeah, pretty much every American brand as well doesn't sell milspec ARs. You'll find Windham weaponry, Bushmaster, whatever on the Euro market, not milspec either.
If you mean part compatibily, as most people are fundamentally misunderstanding this as being "milspec", yes, an Oberland Arms is compatible with every accessory/part you can find, just like every other AR that exists.
If I were you, I'd ask a local gunshop that can import the brand for a quote for an OA black label, and you'll probably find out the price is much cheaper than a DD.
Honestly, for the price of a DD you should probably go for HK
90% of ARs on the euro market are milspec
>If you mean part compatibily, as most people are fundamentally misunderstanding this as being "milspec"
That's literally the definition of milspec
Nope. Read about it instead of parotting retarded shit you've read from boomer forums.
I accept your defeat
Finally got my long AR mags, what do you think /egg/?
The vast majority are thoughever
I mean even most old used Bushmasters are
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>Your euro thread, basically.
Do you share your love and interest for guns with your family, coworkers and overall socials ? Being a western euro, almost nobody owns guns except small circles of hunters and sportshooters. From time to time, i'm trying to normalize the hobby. I work for local DoD, being some kind of uncool average desk glowie ; unlike milmen, my local young civilian engineers, who are all paid to design and work on highly destructive and heavy military machines, are mostly openly antigun in public (I work in a very leftoid area). In private, some non-leftoid young men are interested, because of vidya mostly, and also because our country is falling fast and they can see it clearly. I wouldn't say I encounter so much success in the overall process, but gun ownership can now be debated like any other male hobby when i'm around the coffee machine with the pack. The fact I'm not (so much of) a sperg may help a bit, being your educated white collar family man who wear a suit every single day... But not sure tho, some probably laugh behind my back. Still, it's not much, but it's honest work.
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I live in a place that's basically the texas of my country so I never had an issue with sharing that I like guns and shooting. But I wouldn't bring it up to people from the city etc. The older I get the less I care about sharing my hobbies and interest to people outside my small circle and family. Also no offence but your post reads like one of those *tips fedora* copypastas
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Granted, but I also post funny oneliners sometimes. My question was serious tho. Plus every man with a hobby sounds (in this case reads) like a fedoratip guy, init ? I mean : cars guys, sports guys, sailing guys, gym guys, animal life guys, danceclub night guys, vidyas guys, and so on. They can fuck up your average human interaction just the same. Nice 22/45 tho, I bough the Tactical model and need to gear it up.
Nobody here gives a fuck unless you come of as some kinda prepper aspie.
I'm in rural and semi-rural Finland
I talk about gunz to my coworkers but I no longer have anyone to sperg out with, now that the guy who also had gunz moved away
Absolutely not, you need an special loicense, first you need to justify a real, concrete, threat for your security (no, being scared of brown people won't cut it) then your request will be reviewed and signed by the Guardia Civil director.

So no, the only people who are getting B licenses are judges from the narcotics or antiterrorism courts and some public politicians
If you like guns the last two countries in Europe you want to go are spain and uk.

Move to Switzerland, Finland or the Czech Republic, mind you that the most lax European gun law is way more restrictive than the ones on the most strictest American state.
Finland fucking sucks but it's good for foreigners I guess, not all countries allow you to own guns on a residence permit
should i buy RIA's 1911 as my first pistol?
How? Isn't everything over 10 rounds restricted in long guns?
Not remotely true of all countries
>imagine thinking a Beretta 92 is restricted in Italy
No, I don't know that much about the actual directive but it allows some exceptions. Here in mongol country the basic gun license is for 10 rounds, but if you get an "extra dangerous" permit you can have however many rounds you please. In practice you get that "extra dangerous" permit after at least one year of shooting as a hobby, so it's not very difficult to get, just very annoying to go through the trouble for a piece of plastic that was completely license free just few years ago
The one year of shooting was an annoyance I could have lived with but then the cops went "nooo that's not restrictive enough!!" and made up their own additional rules
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes and so on
What kind of rules? I did my time and input the permit paperwork through the web service they now have and got them approved without any questions. I've heard that it can depend on the city or even officer which sucks pretty bad
In dumb terms the directive made it so the "standard" is 15 rounds for pistols and 10 for rifles. Each european country when ratifying the law could decice whether to:
1) make anything above that illegal
2) require you an additional license or request for owning them
3) not change anything.
The mandatory SRA/IPSC course is gay as fuck. Yes I've done it, still gay.
the best success I've had with introducing people to guns has been trapshooting.
You get them to shoot, it doesn't take to long, there's no high up front requirements and it's a fun sport activity.
Most reluctance about guns I run into from people around me is that they've never held or shot one. Asking them to go trapshooting fixes that.
Where's the other 27 of them
I doubt in finland would be hard to find gun enthusiasts.
People who own guns and hunt/shoot skeet are common enough
People actually into guns themselves are another matter
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The EU simply did what it did best: add more unnecessary bureaucracy for little to no tangible benefit. Indeed, actually making it harder to engage in the interstate commerce it so wishes to encourage. Buying standard capacity mags is now a big fuckin' hassle from some countries.
>actually making it harder to engage in the interstate commerce
They most emphatically did not want to make it easier for guns, that's for sure
But that's the political parasite class for you
what's the point of these threads? 99% of the euros on this board are noguns and the only one posting theirs are the usual 2-3 anons. The rest of the discussion is just "whaa whaa the EU suck but we'll defend it if some mutt comes trolling"
I want the sea and warmth, why the fuck would I move from Czech Republic to Czech Republic?
Italy is the only mediterranean EU country with """good""" gun laws. But you'll have to deal with our other shit laws, political instability, shit bureaucracy, idiocracy and worst of all italians.
What the fuck, cannot order armor or any bulletproof variants in the EU? Only in the residing country? How about getting them across border if I buy in another country while there?
Don't get caught I guess
OR find a country that doesn't have export limitations. Slovenia doesn't have them for many gun parts but idk about armor
Seems like you can from certain countries but from others you cannot. Dafuq.
Breaking news on BBC re the Zelensky “victory plan” which was just submitted to the Ukrainian parliament.
1. End the war by no later than 2025.
2. Formal invitation to join NATO
3. Permission to use long-range weapons inside of Russia
4. Using offensives inside of Russia to avoid “buffer zones” existing within Ukraine.
5. “Non-nuclear deterrence package” deployed in Ukraine to stop further aggression.
6. US and EU to protect “critical natural resources” (ie the remaining gas reserves)
7. Ukraine will replace US troops in some parts of Europe
So, the fix is in it seems like: Ukraine will will meet Russia’s ceasefire proposal and from there negotiate a formal peace settlement. The US and EU seemed to have worked out something behind the scenes to make Ukraine accept the loss of territory ie invitation to NATO and deploying forces in Ukraine. It’s weird that the US would want troops to be replaced by Ukraine, probably to satisfy their share of the NATO commitment (at least partially), probably as a cost-cutting measure if the US is to station troops in Ukraine.
How is that relevant to this thread?
It’s by far the most significant /k/-related current event in Europe?
lmao, post it on some other /k/ thread. There are already 40 threads on the war in Ukraine and you have to post it here where it's always been a thread about euro gun owners and not euro politics?
Russia will not accept NATO in ukraine. NATO will not risk direct confrontation with russia to save ukraine. No amount of aid or permissions to use weapons will change that. Matter of fact, it's unclear whether even a ceasefire with a neutral ukraine (I say ceasefire because russia has every motivation to continue the war soon-ish) will be accepted by russia.
>6. US and EU to protect “critical natural resources” (ie the remaining gas reserves)
He's promising NATO everything ukraine has. I doubt it will be enough.
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go fuck yourself
There it is
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Fuck off falseflagging retard.
what's in the bottle anon?
Russia doesnt really have to capability to knockout ukraine even if they mobilized. All it would do is grind russia to a halt and starve the population, which im fine with btw. This is going to end up looking like finland post winter war, which is still humiliating for russia considering this was supposed to be their desert storm moment.
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we threw away our rotten plums and apples, since dad didn't want to make slivovica
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Niceee. Welcome to the club. I just received mine back after sending it for renewal.
Plums? We had a shitload of figs and plums this year and we just finished making conserve out of them last week.
Grim, but understandable if it's on the up and up, since the fee+tax is pretty gnarly.
We're at ~1500 l of mash, it was a small miracle considering the trees are old as fuck and only bear fruit about once every 4 years, and half of the fruit trees in the country got skullfucked by that one wave of morning frost in late spring.

We preserve apricots and make mean blackberry and blackcurrant jam, but plums are 100% a slivovica fruit locally (grandma will usually bake a pie, but she has to fight us for the fruit teeth and nail).
>Russia doesnt really have to capability to knockout ukraine even if they mobilized.
Russia is grinding ukraine down right now. There's no telling how far they will go, but they won't stop any time soon.
>Russia will not accept NATO in ukraine
The only thing stopping Ukraine joining Nato are corrupt european politicians with monetary ties with Russia. If NATO was truly on board with UKR joining Russia could only moan and complain like usual
2 more weeks?
>The only thing stopping Ukraine joining Nato are corrupt european politicians with monetary ties with Russia.
>If NATO was truly on board with UKR joining Russia could only moan and complain like usual
If NATO was truly in favour of ukraine joining NATO they could do that right now. Then activate article 5 and blow russia to hell. In fact, they don't even need NATO for that, a coalition of the willing would be quite sufficient. Noone is anywhere close to entertaining that notion though. They're afraid of "escalation" aka nukes and would rather let ukraine bleed dry than join the war themselves.
>how far they will go
Probably not to much further, now that the norks are looking iffy at defections and kadyrov is about done getting paid in monopoly money
2 more years more like. They'll probably never manage to cross the dnipro, but the territory inbetween is fair game.
Did the russian even manage to kick out the ukranians from Russia? last I heard they had some kind of incursion there.
i mean we have a single tree but we threw away like 3-5 wheelbarrows of plums away and it bears fruit every year. the biggest problem with plums is that worms like to get into the fruit
thank you
>the biggest problem with plums is that worms like to get into the fruit
prune (pun not intended) the loose twigs better. Proper grooming of the tree reduces worms by a lot. Or if it is on your property get some bat nest so that they decimate the insect population.
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Nice, reminds me the times when I tried to disable the brain scorcher
Also if you have had your permits as indefinitely valid prior to 2017 the new law doesn't even apply and you can buy all the long mags you want.
T. Olderfag
What makes it good for foreigners?
read the sentence anon.
how much do you gays pay to get into a range/shooting club?

here in chile i had to pay a $1000 admission fee and my entry had to be approved by all members of the club.
the other range in the region asked $2000 and denied my entry because i had only one firearm.
That's horrible, I'm sorry
My reservist association here in Finland takes €70 a year for access to a great shooting facility
Local laws plus American brands tend to get pissy if you resell outside the approved country
yeah reservists probably have access to official ranges
i think here they use the same range that olympic shooters train at
Not all, I'm lucky to live next to one that's in common use. The Helsinki mil range isn't open to all reservists for instance
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Good morning Eurobros.
Going hunting or shooting this weekend?
You need to join an subassociation of HERES or HRUP, and you're golden. ARU, perhaps if you're a student. MPK offers courses there as well.

If that's unviable, there's a shooting range at Lahnus at Espoo, as well as Inkoo. If you're willing to go a little farther, Hyvinkää has you covered with three different ranges.
Where you shooting? Northern Europe probably, judging by the pine-birch mix, as well as the managed forestry.
Because you want to be able to shoot guns without mag and caliber restrictions and retarded license requirements like having a 130kg safe bolted to your floor to keep a .22lr pistol.

If you want warm and beaches you can go there driving four hours or taking a plane.
Be careful with that, the passport allows to travel to a country with a gun without going through the local license requirements but the gun laws still apply. If you try to go to, for example, Spain with a 223 gun that is a restricte caliber, it will be seized by the Guardia Civil, same if you go with things like a detatchable magazine with a capacity bigger than three rounds.
Here in Italy I pay 15€ per session at a private range and 90€ for a yearly membership for a national shooting range (depends on the range and location obviously) personally I only go to the private one and I don't go to the national ones anymore.
I pay ~20e annually for my local reservist organization and that gives me access to the nearby military range. Because it's military it's very nofun though, no steel targets permitted or anything else except for paper targets at long ranges. Also can't go there if there is an ongoing military exercise.
If any finnfags knows of better ranges in Pirkanmaa area I would love to hear it. I know there is one in Nokia but it's ran by a bunch of fudds and is pretty expensive. It's a shame that there are so few good ranges despite the permit requirements being quite low for small ones. Almost makes me want to save up some money and buy a gravel pit myself
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.50BMG is now legal in Italy.
Something that might finally make Americans a little jealous about EU: here in Lithuania, if you are a member of the Lithuanian Riflemen's Union (anyone can join, there is a yearly membership fee of 12 euros), you can go through their training (can be done on the weekends, typically takes not more than 6 months) and you will be granted the license to buy and own category A firearms - this includes guns with select-fire capability, silencers, laser attachments, etc.
Naturally, there is a market for full-auto rifles and the prices really surprised me. In pic related - full-auto Steyr AUG for 1200 euros (1300 USD). I bet you can't get that in the States for such a low price.
Didn't HK have an aneurysm and forced them to stop selling multiple mil models?
I heard that there was some patent dispute but I didn't follow it and have no idea how it ended.
>Where you shooting? Northern Europe probably, judging by the pine-birch mix, as well as the managed forestry.
Eastern germany. Our soils are poor and after WWII our forests were plundered by the fucking russians, hence its all pine of roughly 80 years of age.
no wonders the ukr call them orcs
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should i get something in .308 or in 8mm mauser as my first rifle?
Laughable analysis.
>.50BMG is now legal in Italy.

Didn't know Italy cool with .50bmg, what else it legal in italy?
Idiocracy and allowing only the ones who kiss asses the most to move up the ladder and run the country.
Jokes aside it's faster to tell you what we can't have; now that we legalized 9x19 and 50BMG our biggest sins are suppressors being illegal and maybe 5,56x45 and 7,62x51 being illegal. The latter is a nothingburger as we could always own .223 rem and .308 win.
Also our laws regarding the max amount of ammo you can store at home are retarded but I don't know anyone who actually respects those laws. Oh and firearms can't look like other objects so no credit card gun or cane gun.
why? i don't want .223 rifle, i want a big boy gun
yeah but what you're gonna use it for? Do you need a big boolet for hunting or just to feel taller than your peers? If you're chasing recoil even a 308 ar doesn't have much, and unless it's for hunting magdumping 308 gets expensive quick.
i have a sporting licence, so i need it for competition shooting
then it's even more retarded.
8mm mauser.
No particular reason. I Just like it more.
>jealous about EU
Yeah but the caveat is that you have to live in Lithuania.
3gun shooter here
Not from euro but have competed in euro.
If you’re competitive shooting a 308 or 8mm are both really really stupid and putting you at a disadvantage. You’ll want a 5.56 or a PCC depending on the rules of the 3 gun league near you.
There’s no reason to waste money on fucking 8mm lmao
>Because it's military it's very nofun though, no steel targets permitted or anything else except for paper targets at long ranges.
Nah it's just Tavastians and Pirkanmaafags being massive sticks in the mud, I use the old Mikkeli garrison range and everything is technically banned but in god tier Savo nobody cares.
You do know IPSC isn't the only discipline that exists here
Even so I guess you could use it in major if that tickles your pickle
but i don't like shooting 5.56.
Buy the .308 then. I too had a FAL before I owned an AR. I bought a .223 bolt action as my first and I was so bored by it, should have got a .308 back then already
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there is hk 11 for good money in my town
50€/month when doing a full year subscription
indoor only up to 25 meters
what a ripoff
I would buy that if I could

well there is a range with up to 300m and many different shooting areas, but this costs 5-8€ per 10 minutes
so 1 hour is at least 30€ again

probably taking the 50€/month for one year to learn pistol shooting in peace
I have a local range that's like not even 10 min away
But the kikes running it want €30/hr now unless you're a member of their super sekrit hunting club
Fuck that, if it were even €10/day I would happily pay and they'd at least get something. Now it's just more viable for me to drive half an hour for a free range with infinitely better facilities
Fellow Finn here, but unfortunately from greater Helsinki area, so there is no such thing as common use ranges nearby. I pay about 50 euros per year for membership in reservist association plus for indoor ranges 10 - 20 €/session or 10 €/session for outdoor ranges in local military base.

Assuming one is willing to drive that far Loppi is nice although bit too popular nowadays - day pass is 15 euros. Notice that some of those ranges have limitations - for example Lahnus is basically for .22 LR only.
500 PLN/year with unlimited access to the the range indor 25 and 50m
Burger here just curious - are there any Irish anons on /k/? I feel like I've heard from anons of basically all other european countries, including famously nogunz Romania. What are gun laws like in Ireland? Are Irish gun owners mostly hunters? I'd imagine there's good hunting to be done in Ireland.
I recall seeing one or two but good luck getting a response from them in this thread lel
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If you're willing to pay premium, you'll want to look at Uronen Precision ( https://www.asejaosa.fi/index.php?id_category=25&controller=category&id_lang=1&id_lang=1&orderby=quantity&orderway=desc )
They make high-end competition rifles with an absolutely silly 0.5 moa accuracy guarantee. Realistically you're only really going to benefit from that degree of precision once you start competing at a national level or something, but it sure feels nice printing the tighest groups of anything on the range.
I guess I'll just keep all my cool shit with my in-laws and only take my hunting stuff to Spain.
Just ordered my first turkshit shotgun, a Hatsan Escort slug. What am I in for, lads? Kinda apprehensive tbqh. I intend on using it as a tracking gun on boar hunts.
Idk I guess they're pretty functional for Turkshit
Yeah, that's true. Still waiting for my green card, maybe this will be the year *fingers-crossed
>What am I in for, lads?

A mid shotgun if you're gonna use it twice a year.
Pain and disappointment if you intend to shoot it a lot.
where get military surplus? Boots, clothes etc.
Preferably webshops
depends on what country you are in and what countries surplus you are interested in
Any, really
Like present day surp or old/collectible stuff? For the latter there's AMS ( https://www.amsmilitaria.com/ )
For any french anon, how difficult is the hunting licence exams, I started doing the test from the federation website but I'm not really sure it reflects the real stuff
present day stuff
't amerikaantje
one of the ammo cans I got from them was starting to rust but they gave me store credit in compensation.
I've taken it and it wasn't to hard. Even with french not being my first or second langage I managed it.
IIRC their laws are like the UK but in some places or in certain condition they are allowed to own a centerfire semiauto handgun. But I also remember they had to prove they owned land and ask some kind of guy for permission annually. Weird feudal shit
turkshit, nuff said. It might not blow up on you like the turkshit that gets sent over to the americans as guns here need to pass both the CIP and SAAMI, but it's still turkshit.
Used firearm websites are FULL of those hatsan here. You can get one basically new for 50€ since the buyer remorse is huge on those.
AMS is fokken amazing for parts
Have half a mind to buy a spare firing pin or two for my SLR. Although they once sent me an HP-DA slide stop when I wanted one for a regular HP. It's okay, I just need me an HP-DA too
Piss easy. Only remember "the wither the feathers bigger the probability that the bird is on the protected list".
The actual test parcour was not hard but it is easy to loose some point for minor thinfmgs if you already have experiencrme woth weapons.
Anon? Anon!
Writing from work.
Easy. You've got to be a literal retard to fail either theory or practical exams. What you see on Fédé website is what you will get on the day.
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Poles are pretty okay, they hate Rusniggers and they talk really funny.
You're that seething noguns German, aren't you
t. Czech
Oh yeah I knew it's you. No more (You)s, get a hobby.
>transparent vatnigger
Ok sure
All the poles that I interacted with in my country are nigger tier, while everybody I met in poland was extremely nice and civilized. Goes to show that usually only the filth of a nation emigrates.
It's now at least 3-4 years that whenever there is a /euk/ thread you have a meltdown about poles, I'm unironically curious at how shitty your life must be to have such a cuckold fixation to them. They buckbroke you without doing anything.
Want me to post my us outlet? Im just tired of your offtopic spam
It's true. Most Poles who migrated to UK/Danemark are degenerates from alcoholic families.
>You're that seething noguns German, aren't you
yeah he is that one lmao. I remember when he basically admitted of having failed the gun license process for mental health reasons
>failed the gun license process for mental health reasons

I can't possibly imagine why
>guten morgen anon, for vat reazon you vant firearms
>oh nein
imagine the whole skit with the doctor
>So, where would you online buy up-to-date modern handgun sights as a euro (and french btw) ? I'm trying to dress up my glonks, everything seems to be out of stock, outdated or vastly overpriced.
>What the fuck is a euro gun passport and can I take my guns with me to, let's say Spain?
yes and yes
>What if I move to Spain? Can I still concealed carry if I'm allowed here?
>Fucking Spain. Wife wants to move there.
they don't want you
>Do you share your love and interest for guns with your family, coworkers and overall socials ?
Yeah, so far no luck.
>IIRC their laws are like the UK but in some places or in certain condition they are allowed to own a centerfire semiauto handgun.
>But I also remember they had to prove they owned land and ask some kind of guy for permission annually.
>Weird feudal shit
This sounds about right. I also remember something about having to give a good reason to buy any type of firearm, maybe even some kind of story where a guy wanted to hunt deer with a shotgun and the Gardai told him he should get a bow instead. If that's true, it might even be worse than the UK in that regard. In the UK, isn't shotgun ownership presumptively legal (as long as the paperwork is in order and you have a safe)?
Poles are fine. The only people I really hate are balkans (including Greece and Hungary as honorary balkans)
>so annonShon tell me about your day
>well when I woke up I went on 4chan and exposed the judeo-soviet-polack plot that keeps me a virgin
>Herr doctor starts smashing the panic button
Good morning SAARS!
and yet now the only noguns here is you. lmao
I'm not a pole, noguns. How does it feel to know you will never own a gun?
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Why all the nogunz bullshit in this thread
Here's the one and only Astra
sorry for raining on your parade but astra is literal bottom of the barrel tier. A failed spanish company that moved the legal headquarters to switzerland to try and improve sales and put on the fake af "swiss made" nomenclature.
1000 times better than being a noguns tho.
who takes pics of their guns in the bathroom?
I'm pretty sure Astra has no factory anymore, it's all made in China now.
Ahem, made in Vietnam*
I like Eastern guns so much even my AR is Asian. The BCG was trash but otherwise it's been 100% reliable and milspec enough for aftermarket stuff to fit. It uses a round HG cap though so I had to bubba that Magpul handguard to fit.
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Those are some strong opinions for someone who hasn't posted their guns.
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People in the know
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How's the holochink holding up?
My LS321G (pbuh) had a very subpar illuminator so I sold it pretty much right out of warranty, and two months later the guy tells me it crapped out on him.
Apparently the Chinks wouldn't repair it at all, even for hard cash, so it's a brick now.
Also, what tube?
Not the astra guy, don't mix us up. Laser is working fine so far, have never really needed the illuminator because I bought actual quality NODs. Laser holds zero, foregrip does not. Magnifier is HM3X, lines up okayish with the geco dot on a riser but has a fairly tight eyebox. This setup is just for making old man kalashnikov roll in his grave.
I meant what NODs?
Curious since yurop is kind of a shit market for NODs where the like, four available true gen 3 tubes all cost an arm and a leg.
>bought actual quality NODs
So did I, but that's mostly extra resolution and the difference between sort-of-still-seeing on a night with very little residual light, and seeing fuck all, which is when a full power illuminator comes in handy.
>have never really needed the illuminator because I bought actual quality NODs
LMAO, ousted for never using your nods to shoot and navigate terrain
That's what your issue stuff is for
If you are bringing in center fire rifles guess what, you are going to need a class I gun safe, bolted to your wall and floor, they only weight like 80kg tho.

Bring shotguns and 22lr carbines, for some reason there's no strict requirements about how to keep it only "on a safe place, with the ammunition on another locked container", you can have them on a fucking ikea wardrobe with a padlock.

P.S:a lot of balkan countries have beaches and less bullshit, and always have the Italy option.
Night bump before this thread dies again
It can die all it wants, I'm going to Sweden with no time to visit local gun stores either
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emergency bump
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there's something extra on your receivers
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it's just an optical illusion, officer.
Is that a vegetato tarp? Looks pretty nice, might work well where I'm from
yes, it's what they make some uniform out off. bought it at a fabric store
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at least should have put on small scope on it, like them 80's heroes
I had a repro of the colt scope but I broke it while larping.
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The Brownells one?
I wanted it but multiple people told me it was kinda ass.
Big sadge.
No, it was a cheapo chink knockoff. It surprisingly held zero fine till a lens popped off after the rifle swung too hard on a tree.
I've been trying to find a vintage aimpoint for it but if I don't find one I might just buy the brownells clone, it can't be worse in quality than the chinese one.
goodnight bump
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Usually anything between 150 and 300 CZK per hour, sometimes ranges have a minimum booking time of 2 hours. Public ranges only, I'm not in any club, although I sometimes get invited to by a friend to his club's range.
Most often I go to a small underground range (25 m, 2 bays) made out of a converted civil defence shelter in my home city, cause I was able to get entrance pass paid by the official "sports and recreations" fund at my job.
army-surplus.cz usually has a decent range of contemporary stuff, sometimes for very low prices.
Varusteleka and Supernova in Finland occasionally have something interesting
Airsoft groups also sell good shit
Hi there,
I'm a european gun owner also.
Any Finnfags here want to confirm my understanding of the law? I've understood that you are allowed to shoot on your own land as you please, as long as your not disturbing peace and do it otherwise safely. So if I have a plot of forest in a remote enough location I could just pile up a bunch of gravel as a backstop and just fire away as I please with the local Raijas and Kalevis having no say in the matter?
>Nope. Read about it instead of parotting retarded shit you've read from boomer forums.
yes they are lol
aero, bcm, stag, dd are all mil-spec
poorfag diamondback and andreson too
even my fucking zion is
Yes, however, if the usage exceeds a certain limit (10k shots per year), it's considered a minor shooting range and you have to register it and ensure it meets the legal requirements. See https://poliisi.fi/ampumaradat for details.
Amazing, thank you! There's absolutely no way that I'm going to shoot that much so I should be golden
If you read a little further you will notice that you also have to register it if it doesn't exceed 10k. The old law required nothing before you hit 10k I think, now the cops will never allow you to make a new range
A small list of some military specifications for the M4 carbine
M4 Feed Ramp Barrel Extension (USGI)
M4 Feed Ramp Flat Top Receiver
T-Marked Upper Receivers
Receiver made of forged 7075-T6 aluminum
I 1/7 Twist Rates
USGI 5.56 NATO Chambers
Mil-Spec 11595E - 4150 Grade Barrel Steel (CMV)
USGI Government Profile Barrels
Chrome Lined Bore and Chamber
Manganese Phosphate Barrel Finish
Mil-Spec F-Marked Forged Front Sights
HPT (High Pressure Test) Barrels
MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspected) Barrels and bolts
M16 bolt carrier with staked chrome lined key
Military buffer tube with 4 positions and staked castle nut
I will be gladly awaiting for pictured proofs of your AR15's having all those specifications and the required markings.
Are you that dumb to think a milspec rifle needs to have EVERY single mil spec standard at the same time? Should we create a 1:2:3:4:5:6:10:7 twist barrel?
Hello! What kind of a european gun owner are you?
>show list of some military specifications
>"b-but a rifle can be milspec without having all of its parts being milspec!"
I believe I'm done here.
yes, considering you don't know shit about what makes an ar-15 milspec you utter cretin.
>1/7 twist rate
Does that mean an M16 is not milspec? Cause they are 1:12.
>Mil-Spec F-Marked Forged Front Sights
Does that mean a M4A1 block 2 is not milspec?
The kind of european gunowner who likes every kind of gun and thinks everyone should have the right to own or build them
Then we are very different european gun owners, because I do not think that everyone should have the right to own or build them. I believe that right should not be afforded to women or jews.
Woman should be allowed to build guns
Because they are unable to, so it just doesnt matter
Has there ever been a woman who successfully built a gun?
I don't agree with you because in a perfect society everybody should be able to own and build guns. And in a perfect society there are no jews.
this movie was so fucking bad
Didn't see it
I just use the memes
I suppose there's a logic to your words, but I'm more of the opinion that women shouldn't have any rights at all and should be considered property, not people, like in the good old days.

But how do we ensure the perfect society remains so? Eliminate jewish influence, and strip women of their rights as they are susceptible to jewish influences and therefore can't be trusted to use their rights responsibly.
by "there are no jews" I didn't mean "only in our society"
>no jews
>women rant
How is it ranting? I just don't think they should have rights.

That would be wonderful indeed but it's unfortunately never going to happen. At least not as long as they're using the yanks as their guard dog.
>How is it ranting? I just don't think they should have rights.
Come on dude, it's just an incel rant that has nothing to do with guns. If you want to talk about about how women do this and that to our society then just go to /pol/, this is /eug/.
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Literally not what milspec means when it comes to ARs
It's just "as opposed to commercial standard"
It has everything to do with guns. It's always women that support gun bans and curtailment of other rights even though they enjoy the security and safety that men provide for them.
fuck it
should i buy this
or this
Get the Mauser or look for a cheaper one. My friend bought a german K98 for 300 Euro some years ago
For that to be true the pro to anti gun split would have to be 50/50 but cvck men bring it to something like 20/80
>gun bans and curtailment of other rights even though they enjoy the security and safety that men provide for them.
Cool, that's politics, so you can either fuck off to /pol/ or just shut up and post your guns, if you even own one which I highly doubt.
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Just a few more days and I will get my dealers and manufacturers license
I am going to print so many guns and saw off so many shotguns
mauser is more expensive, but it's in .308
is 3d printing stripper clips viable?
>is 3d printing stripper clips viable?
IIRC they do it for the k31 and the carcano
feminism is jewish
>using "incel" as an insult
tits or gtfo, and a ragged crotch wound is not a vagina
buff women are sexy
t. a Pole
to my Polish bros here
finally got my promesy
>being attracted to women
6.5 Creedmoor or do I just go .308?
.308 all the way babeeeeeeeeeeee
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Post a gun or gtfo instead of shittying up the thread. This is /k/ and not /pol/ you repressed faggot.
damn dude what the actual fuck
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I bought the azov ones after vid related. And the VDV one after their underwater ops. (and when I was trying to buy an SVDS but I didn't manage to)
I already have the reloading stuff for .308 too I guess
should i buy lever action?
Do you want to larp as a cowboy?
go for it. it makes a really neat plinker
What is the best pocket pistol that's available in Europe?
Not for carrying, just to have fun with a very smol pistol?
American here, how are Euros getting guns? You're not allowed to according to your King/Queen lol
at least try to bait during believable hours
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My Queen just wants me to be happy
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we're going to bill you for west point
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anything in .25ACP
we ask santa claus
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>how are Euros getting guns

We make a wish upon a star, my burger friend.
It's RNG from then on.
what are the covered patches?
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some non meme personal ones
perfect collection. You should get a 22lr semiauto rifle for plinking tho.
beretta 71
Dead thread
do you know the history of your sten gun?
I've always wanted one but sub machine guns are a pain in the ass to get in belgium
The SP5 and Paki are for plinking with handloads, also very kid-friendly especially with the can, .22 is just not satisfying IMO, I got the ZKM456 only to cross .22 off the list.
It's a funny one because someone bubba'd the trigger to the point where simply closing the bolt too energically will make it fire, so no matter how many times you warn people that the trigger is *incredibly* light, they always fire unintentionally the first time and act surprised, so you get to say "see that's what I meant".
>do you know the history of your sten gun?

Manufactured by JL&Co. Ltd. (a glass bottle company).
Exported to Africa in the 1950s where they shot the barrel smooth, then reimported to yurop by an enterprising Ukie-Czech and rebarreled.
I knew the country but I forgor, Uganda or Congo maybe.
(Sadly there's fuck all in terms of war records considering the Bongs made a trillion of these shits.)
thanks an interesting tale non the less
I can imagine that gun has done some good work in africa
>how are Euros getting guns?
depending on the country but mostly it's like this

1. find a "excuse" to own a gun (like hunting, shooting club or so. but self defense don't count)
2. paperwork + costs related to paperwork
3. wait for a time to everything be approved
4. get gun

alternatively if you don't care about laws:

ask your friendly neighbourhood albanian for a makarov or tokarev and you'll get one for the right price
he's just baiting, he didn't really ask
Ironically because Europe is so diverse, even the shooting sports are different
And the people with the most guns in these threads are some variety of collector
it's just a bad idea in general to talk about guns in general on the internet for most european countries.

It just attracs unwanted attention rather than a proepr discussion about firearms
It's just a matter that for euro gun owners to post here they need to surpass many more hurdles like knowing about 4chan, speaking english, be willing to post their firearms on such a website etc.
The only reason I have a fake faceberg account is to post in the gun groups there which are still the most common places online to talk to other gun owners. If just one of those groups I'm in were in this thread format it would reach bump limit in less than half an hour.
Sadly it's full of boomers who also repost cringe shit
Naah I just use anonymous boards and old school forums where you have a nickname to avoid that
I kind of wanna have this repeating flintlock

But I guess I'd have to contract a master gunsmith to make one for the price of a new car
Any kind of forum or board where you need to have a name devolvs into faggotry and cult of personality. Anonymous boards are the only boards where you can have a real conversation with people
the main issues I have with gun oriented forums in the EU is that they tend to attract a lot of wierdos and spastics alongside the boomers
any italianon mind explaining me what's the process like to buy an ar15 and go to the range with it?
Do you already have a license? if so you just need to go to a gun shop, buy it, register it and then go to the range.
looks like the noguns is back
I always find it hilarious when burgers troll with images like that considering even the most conservative politician or rural place in the US worships niggers and has trans flags and gay marriages allowed by law. Here in europe our politicians love to larp about being pro gay yet in most EU countries at most we allow civil unions, while in the US they even allow faggots to marry in those megachurces with MTdew baptisms and they can even legally adopt kids.
And don't get me started on the myriad of retarded gun laws like pistol braces, pin and weld MB, needing permissions for a suppressor etc.
no, i don't, i'm a complete beginner
Du høres sint ut.
I am
then your first step is to get a license. This article has everything you need, otherwise you can just go to the carabinieri and ask them.
Je suis désolée, Het spijt me, Es tut mir leid.
Lighten up, Jean.
>Then we are very different european gun owners, because I do not think that everyone should have the right to own or build them. I believe that right should not be afforded to women or jews.
i see, you are a dick and worse a muslim
>Has there ever been a woman who successfully built a gun?
one of my exs built a really nice fclass rifle
>some non meme personal ones
Like what?
>I'm more of the opinion that women shouldn't have any rights at all and should be considered property, not people, like in the good old days.
underage or brown, you decide dear reader
>liminate jewish influence, and strip women of their rights as they are susceptible to jewish influences and therefore can't be trusted to use their rights responsibly.
ah....brown and barbarous
>considering even the most conservative politician or rural place in the US worships niggers and has trans flags and gay marriages allowed by law. Here in europe our politicians love to larp about being pro gay yet in most EU countries
what is this head full of vatniggery puke?
Truth hurts?
Yup its some unwanted muslim retard from Algeria that's installed itself in France and thinks its European in between seething at women not wearing bags on their heads and sharing its jew obsession. You've got to go back and if you don't you're ghetto dwelling drug dealing kids will be killed in front of you and severed up warm to remind you you don't fucking belong.
>but but I'm a fucking muslim pedo who crawled across the Mediterranean in a dingy anyone who notices this must be my enemy le jews
How about no you retarded sand primitive and any one of my daughters could blow your sand fly head clear off your genetically challenged shoulders from 700 meters.
Is that what you moscow loving sandniggers call truth now? Back you go.
Only you kikes believe the only ones hating the jews are brown mudslimes. Jews and mudslimes have no place in europe.
Russians are subhuman orcs. Bring an argument to the table, fatty mcfat.
>Jews and mudslimes have no place in europe.
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>/pol/ posting in my /eug/
Fucking nogun degenerates.
volg je de shitshow in gent ook?
echt prachtig de groenen zot te zien worden
thanks pastanon
no probs.
I want a sp5 as well but I had too many unforseen expenses this year.
>22 not satisfying
that's a shock to me. I love .22lr.
>Like what?
if I wanted to post or talk about them I wouldn't have blurred them. They're nothing cool, just really local stuff
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>that awkward feel when you include your unit patch in a photo by mistake and post on 4schlongs, and thankfully no one notices but it's still there after the thread dies, archived for decades
Uhhhh couldn't be me
y-yeah couldn't be me as well... ha ha..

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