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rate this shooting
Looks like he played a stupid game and got a stupid prize. Copfags were pretty patient, probably more than most people would be.
can anyone tell what neighborhood this is? doesn't look like hunters point. i'd rather patrol the tenderloin than deal with these type of people if I was an SF cop.
>wat the fk yall doing in my neighborhood

ain't it wonderful living around these "people"
>constant impotent yelling at an obvious deranged career criminal
I'd have drawn on those dundu's following at around the 2:20 mark. Sad that I'm actually surprised that they weren't the ones starting shit. That said, they probably paged in the main retard.
That gets annoying as fuck with bodycam videos. The guy heard you the first six times, specifying that you're going to shoot him in the head now and repeating that another three times isn't going to change his response. It took me one year of teaching middle school to realize that going drill sergeant on someone doesn't help a situation, so it's crazy to see that the police response to an unhinged dude is still everyone screaming at him at once.
nigs gonna nig but this method of talking that all cops seem to do now is simply not useful for anything other than CYOA
Not their fault they can't put hands on people anymore or hit them with sticks. It's either screaming or pepper spray and that's not always available.
>I'll just draw a gun around 5 police officers, that'll make them back off and release my friend!
I honestly don't understand what goes through these people's minds. Like how do you settle on this as a plan?
If my friend was being arrested I'd just laugh at him, tell him to say nothing, phone his parents and then call a lawyer for him.
Police, despite their job, are used to the behavior of their victims at home and utterly clueless about how that shit plays out with a nigger or meth head. When you scream at the top of your lungs to a child, or a woman, or some rando in a parking lot, you usually get compliance and this reinforces the response in the cop's mind. Some of those cops then go on to train other cops, and they end up training all their comrades wrong. People with actual real-life experience know better, of course, but you can't go around teaching cops that they can defuse 99% of their encounters by calmly saying "hey boo, want a cigarette?" because they wouldn't believe you, and even on the off chance one of them did, the union would quickly force that cop out for making the others look like shit.
>I honestly don't understand what goes through these people's minds
No thoughts, just feelings. In the moment they become the archetype they were hypnotized to be through the media
>utterly clueless about how that shit plays out with a nigger or meth head
Which is for the best because it means more of them are put out of society's misery
The guy being dead was the best possible outcome of that situation, so I don't really think any adjustment is needed.
Ayo look at at this corndog brother.
In the hood if they are taking away your main Homo Thug you either ride or die or just die nigga. Without dat BBC breaking your boipussy every night you might as well not be alive. I support this buck for tryna save his main top. Once whitey dies out this will be the Romeo and Juliet real thugs remember fr fr
>"hey boo, want a cigarette?"
Defuse in the way they will murder you? Methhead buckbreaker the 3rd would already be planning on murdering you, but if they hear you have fags? gg
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>That latinx cop with a zoomer perm
Study their behavior. Real attacks occur without warning, threat displays are typically an attempt at intimidation or a demand for resources. If they haven't already attacked, they will sit down to smoke a grit.
niggers gonna nig / 10
Fupa cam at the beginning
he should have been arrested right away for that lightning speed obstruction
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Why the fuck were the cops just chilling there with the guy cuffed letting everyone make a scene to begin with? You got the guy cuffed, gtfo with him in a car.
This man actually knows. Anyone with actual experience knows this.
Sad. I think he was pushing the limits because he was looking for suicide by cop
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>rate this shooting
Trying to play chicken with a cop is honestly stupidest fucking thing you can do unless you're deliberately trying to get yourself killed. Your average cop isn't going to risk taking a shiv to the kidney on the off chance they might be the methhead whisperer.
Yes, you're thinking like a rational person with an IQ above 95, but that is not the ghetto males. They are both very macho, and don't think far ahead. Once he's stepped up he can't back down without losing face since submitting would be a sign of weakness.

He's been in situations like this with other people, and they throw up hands and say "sorry bruh, didn't mean it. I finna go." and that's it. The situation is disolved. There's no "out" with the cops though.
>Trying to play chicken with a cop is honestly stupidest fucking thing you can do
makes for some good ass content though
I'm surprised nobody in the thread has pointed out
"Bluford was convicted in the 2006 gang rape of a 16-year-old girl in San Francisco, and spent more than a decade in prison as a result." anyone doing the "omg descalation" shit is retarded.
A lot of it is obviously for liability reasons. That way if the case is brought to court they can prove they at least made an effort to get the guy to surrender or back off.
>"Bluford was convicted in the 2006 gang rape of a 16-year-old girl in San Francisco, and spent more than a decade in prison as a result." anyone doing the "omg descalation" shit is retarded.

We already know and assume as much. That's very bog standard of ghetto males.

So I could offer some critiques, si that mag-dumping isn't always needed and a single shot often subdues them. Either kills them or injurs htem enough.
Fucking hell what a nightmare, we shouldn't have to police their people. Cops should get like 200k a year starting.
It's not so the methhead hears them, it's so that all the spergs who watch the video on twitter later can't claim they didn't try everything. In a sane world somebody acting like that guy would have been shot after the second warning.
I honestly thought it was somewhere in chicago or baltimore until I read the description after watching a few minutes of the video.
Well-deserved but took too long and not enough collateral neighborhood improvement
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>only one dindu died
Catalina and Fairfax. So it's either in Hunters Point or right on border. That's why you see all those retarded nogs hanging out.
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Fuck you and your ratings, rektfucker.
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5/10. Only eugenics could have prevented this shooting.
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>Lemme just interfere with something not involving me and escalate the situation
Why are they like this?
>cops run around giving everybody they interact with a coin flip of full retard vs polite interaction
>surprised Pikachu face when people from communities that experience more police interactions decide to interfere with police regardless of the context
Slide thread, what blew up this time?
>cops run around giving everybody they interact with a coin flip of full retard vs polite interaction
good way to put it desu
there is no comment that enrages me more because I know its rooted in a deep sense of retardation. It also implies that nobody can talk about anything besides Ukrainian advances or whatever it is you spend your entire day on. I am simply going to call you a faggot and move on, knowing that you will not change your ways. Faggot.
Holy fucking KINO
Your frustration has been noted, Ivan. See you in the next.
>coin flip of full retard vs polite interaction
so can literally anybody else
if you blow up on an individual because somebody else was mean to you before, you are still the subhuman retard
and it is definitely not a coin flip, if you've seen two videos of dramatically different attitudes from police, this doesn't = 50/50, this is literal retard tier logic
though I assume your point is just trying to poorly explain a small part of what makes these people retarded
also the same logic also applies to the police interacting with these so called people, though they are constantly dealing with these retards
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>song playing in the police car as they shoot him down
peak burgerkino
found the cop
the n-word is a bad word and you shouldn't say it.
Found the redditor
found the cop. we can do this all day faggot, but everyone will still hate piggies
>Two female cops
>High riding vagina grabbing skinnyjeans
Unprofessional whores as fuck.
Acting like an inbred retard when being arrested is pretty scummy regardless of political affiliation.
If you're gonna shoot or blow up a cop because of political motives, fine, if you're going to hate the cops for their influence fine, but acting like this doesn't help you, it doesn't help anyone.
In the cops vs nigger spergwar, I choose team cop tbqhwyrn famalamadingdong
Same thing with blacks
Now go back to being a dumbass on reddit
cops treat niggers with kid gloves you stupid redditor. that's the reason niggers think they can just order the cops to uncuff someone and get out of their neighborhood.
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Not the point, if they're not focused on you there's no reason to throw yourself in the spotlight and try to tangle with em. Doubly so if they act the way you describe them.
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Jesus christ, RIP to that man, killed for no reason other than racist pigs.
Fucking Niggers man. Good thing I live in white part of Europe. Police did ok.
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Based and Sugarplum-pilled
unironically, armed minorities are harder to oppress.
i think the FBI even stated that the Black Panther Party was the greatest to America to have ever existed.
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yea that shit gets annoying, if he has a gun and has already threatened people the time for talking is over
the cops showed up with guns.
you're right, the time for talking is over.
the black man should have just shot the cops, and I hope that happens more often now.
cops are foreign militants.
not locals.
they aren't friends.
they are invaders with guns.
kill them.
I mean, for both sides, if a gun comes out the time for talking is over lol
yes, your logic is right on.
the cops came to a neighborhood they have absolutely no ties to.
with guns and armor and their criminal organization where they proudly display gang affiliation in the form of shiny badges, donning their tacticool operator blacked out killer black uniforms.
just murder these fucking stupid cunts if they show up to your neighborhood.
they aren't there to talk or treat you like a fellow human, ever.
they are just slave catchers, the exact same as their organization began.
fuck them all.
I mean you're acting pretty retarded. My point is, if someone pulls out a gun after just threatening people, the time for talking is over.
you're the one "acting pretty retarded" then, since I'm just showing you your own processing.
give it time, champ.
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Struck a nerve, did I?
cops showing up is already a threat to your life. they aren't carrying guns to play with you. they aren't talking to you to make friends.
they are literally government agents, armed and willing to execute you in the name of "DUH LAW" (the same laws that change depending on how the grifting politicians' feel [descisions based on what will make them money and get them pussy and cocaine in the white house]) and they were tasked to show up and make an arrest.
they love doing that because it helps them jerk themselves off on paper to the local government and auditors (using the victims of their government corruption and abuse as the "customer" and "justification" token in this transactional process of blind eyes) so they can keep getting paid, promoted, and climb and serve that pyramid scam the greasy politicians sold them a life on board of.
Now if "acting pretty retarded" is anything remotely like describing the scam systems our society trusted (while the actual good men and women who gave a fuck about others volunteered to serve in wars) and turned into, then by all means, why aren't you acting pretty retarded?
Are you comfortable in your pyramid position, faggot?
Surely you're a good genius guy, right?
They would not be making the other cops look like shit.
They would simply be providing an example of how shit the current cops are.
There's a grey area between bootlicking cops and defending a rapist nigger retard who got justifiably killed by police. Hunters Point would turn into Liberia without police presence. You really need to stay on reddit until you grow up a little.
>hey boo want a heckin ciggyboi
>to a convicted rapist crackhead waving a gun around
You're such a faggot holy shit
why do you write like that
>they are just slave catchers
holy shit kill yourself faggot
2 birds
1 stone
That looks like an arterial bleed. Why did they just stand around and not put a tourniquet on it?
Fuck off, tourist.
>Buildings in a style that I generally associate with hipsters pricing old people out of nice, quiet parts of town
>Full of people like this
>Look in video description
>San Francisco
It's like looking into Austin's near future.
it's like looking at the whole entire planets future faggot
we really need a bullet proof robot that can just tackle and beat the shit out of people instead of zogbots shooting them
hunters point has always been the negro containment zone of sf for like 100+ years. it's a literal toxic waste dump way off in the far corner of the city.
Yeah but I plan to be dead by then so IDGAF. I'd just like to not have to live around people like this until I die to some Mexican in the upcoming water wars.
because its funny
I choose team me homo
>t. https://youtu.be/Lax35mFv3Cw
>It's like looking into Austin's near future
You mean what Austin literally is right now.
Worse than the ziggers.
Samefag, there is no way two people in this thread are at this level of obliviousness, retardation and homo.
>seethed a day before posting
Maybe if well organized and trained into a specific group, if that group has some strong identity and solidarity that helps them overlook the rivalries and crab bucket dynamics of their own community, and if there's a coherent strategy to how it organizes and embeds itself into the community and turns that community against any attempt to control it, and there's probably still a lot more "ifs" that those would also depend on.

But, common armed gangs are trivial to deal with because it's the perfect pretext to turn every interaction into a SWAT raid with little risk of public relations consequence or reprisal. Nobody's going to complain when a local street thug or drug dealer gets busted, least of all other street thugs and drug dealers.
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>nooooooooooooo he dindu nuffin why didn't you let him shoot dem cops you rayciss ass crackas
That nigger was a threat to society, if it weren't for cops you'd have to watch your tight little white bussy for Tyrone
thats disrespectful to animals
lol you're right my bad
Cops suck. Nogs are worse.
If it weren't for cops Tyrone could be summarily lynched instead of repeatedly arrested (injuring cops and endangering bystanders) and released on bond, best-case imprisoned for a disproportionately short sentence and released early.
>they are just slave catchers
Wtf, I love cops now.
>Everyone in on 4chan everyday
Get a job, kid.
>the king is here
And now he's gone lmao
>hey George, want some Fenthanyl?
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WEBM of relevant portion? I'm at work and can't access youtube.
>some retard who spends too much time online has actual experience
>cops who deal with these people every day don’t
They were foot patrol, waiting for the cruiser to come get them
that lady cop has a nice butt and legs.
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>Nigger getting arrested
>Another screams at and threaten the cops
>Gets shot
>Pack of niggers proceed to scream at threaten the cops
Niggers have 0 self preservation. In their minds a distinguished gentleman has just been shot by the police for no other reason than being black and standing up to the hecking racist pigs. Instead of thinking "wow, dis nigga wuz juss kill in fronna muh eyes, I better dip or stop yellin" their first instinct is to copy the exact actions that - in their eyes - got the first nigger killed. It's facinating because in experiments even chimps wouldn't copy the actions of other chimps that resulted in them getting shocked. Even rats would avoid the cheese that shocks them. FUCK IT! SLIME MOLD HAS A BETTER THREAT RESPONSE TO EXTERNAL STIMULI THAN YOUR AVERAGE DETROIT PAVEMENT APE!
>As a result, slime moulds migrate towards or away from a variety of external stimuli such as chemicals [38], light [42], temperature [43], humidity [44], gravity [45] or substrate distortion [46].
least whorish maga female
Hey boo want a ciggarette?
>a bunch of niggers LARPing as Maoist guerrillas were a bigger threat to the United States than the British Empire, the Confederate States of America, or the Soviet Union
>taking the side of a former gang rapist because he's black
So you are in support of rape culture now? Wow, tell us more.
>Maybe if well organized and trained into a specific group, if that group has some strong identity and solidarity that helps them overlook the rivalries and crab bucket dynamics of their own community, and if there's a coherent strategy to how it organizes and embeds itself into the community and turns that community against any attempt to control it, and there's probably still a lot more "ifs" that those would also depend on.

That's how a lot of minority groups were back in the day, because they weren't widely accepted they had to band together and gloss over the differences they fight over today.

Personally, I'm convinced the nigger problem today is a result of the feds, intentionally or otherwise, just completely fucking up black communities.
>They are both very macho, and don't think far ahead. Once he's stepped up he can't back down without losing face since submitting would be a sign of weakness.
Amusingly, ghetto negras get got because of the toxic masculinity of ghetto negra culture. Accepting someone else's authority without challenge instantly marks one as a cuck (which leads to prestige/face loss). And, since "bigging up" (a.k.a. overinflating one's authority) is a fundamental part of ghetto life, ghetto negras are trained from a young age to constantly challenge authority. This has a predictably unfortunate end when encountering cops.
>Personally, I'm convinced the nigger problem today is a result of the feds, intentionally or otherwise, just completely fucking up black communities.
Unfortunately, they've been like this long before glow in the dark niggers were a thing
>unfortunate end
>gets rekt even harder
Trying to coup the majority with guns never works.
It's because they GENUINELY BELIEVE that they're being "oppressed" by evil rayciss pigs instead of being entitled destructive parasites.
You're a massive faggot.
Glowies have been a thing since before blacks were freed.
And blacks have been acting black since even before that
trvth nvke
>the time for talking is over
Yeah the nigger was talking real tough up to the point his brains were splattered all over the street
incredibly lucky bastard didn't get magdumped
>Not their fault they can't put hands on people anymore or hit them with sticks
Yes, it absolutely is.
They put hands on people and hit them with sticks when they shouldn't have. This is the consequence of that.

The good old days were actually pretty bad, anon.
He knew his amendments.
So you vote for Kamala.
what do you want
What do you want?
Why cant we all just get along?
Spoiler alert: they were stupid and useless and killed each other over retarded shit back then, too
This. You just don't hear or read about it because pre 60's what happened in coontown generally stayed in coontown unless it involved a White person passing through.
>an actual retard teaching
he did that crazy guy a courtesy by wounding him in he arm, typcially cops just shoot center mass
Have you considered they're not dressing to look professional, but instead dressing to impress me?
That's somebody's son.
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Crazy how cops suddenly stopped being evil secret racists the nanosecond body cams became ubiquitous. Almost like all the beatings were actually justified or something...
>Almost like all the beatings were actually justified or something...

anti-government anons flipping the level to 'authoritarian' the moment it benefits their racist agenda.
I don't understand why the cops stood around for 10 minutes surrounded by the guy's friends. Was it so he could make calls? Who was that oblivious woman who held his phone and stood in the line of fire? One of those non-police community outreach people? The whole situation shouldn't have occured. An arrest should be quick and the guy should have been back at the station 5 minutes after they pulled up. If he needs to make a call, make it at the station.
Every minute these dumbasses stand around talking is a minute that the situation can escalate.
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>I don't understand why the cops stood around for 10 minutes surrounded by the guy's friends. Was it so he could make calls? Who was that oblivious woman who held his phone and stood in the line of fire? One of those non-police community outreach people? The whole situation shouldn't have occured. An arrest should be quick and the guy should have been back at the station 5 minutes after they pulled up. If he needs to make a call, make it at the station.
Every minute these dumbasses stand around talking is a minute that the situation can escalate.
>the whole situation shouldn't have occurred
yeah well they're niggers so don't expect logical outcomes
all of these types of incident usually require both the perp and the cops to be stupid
dead nigger/10. good shooting.
>cops are the ones that determine bond, sentences, etc.
Go back.
The news articles around this are hilarious
>Ryant Buford
>Goes by Peanut
>Convicted of kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, and gang rape of a 16 year old girl
>Incarcerated for 12 years
>Reoffended once released with DV and Sexual Assault
>Has four children aged between 2 and 20
>Interferes with an arrest
>Threatens police
>Draws “what appears to be” a firearm and “alledgedly but not confirmed to have” discharges it at police
>All his friends and family said he had a gun and shot at the cops
>A bullet hit a community center car and was taken by the mean ol police as evidence
>Community Violence Reduction Team (formerly Gang Tas Force)
>It is unclear how he became a target
>It is unclear if officers had been through Crisis Intervention Training
>Ah don’ feel safe wi’ da police!
>Peanut dies at hospital
>You have to think about the trauma he experienced!
>When it comes to blacks-
>They could tased him
>SFPD don’t carry tasers and he was wearing a hoody
>They coulda shot him in the leg
>Illegal and could result in a dead cop
>18 of the 61 people shot by SFPD have been black men
>2 black women
>5% of population
>Obligatory cash grab by family
>Cousins names are L’Oreal Charlesetta Earl
>Police be makin mistakes n shieet
>I wish one had taken the time to say “Hey! Let’s talk.”
Fucking kek
Because the cops look like zoomer retards.
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>Cousins names are L’Oreal Charlesetta Earl
bro named after shampoo
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so they just shoot blacks now instead, i actually dont mind that change
ukraine threads are the other way bud
that's the artery, nigga won't make it to ER

best areas to hit if you don't want a dead perp are shoulders and feet, but good luck hitting either.
Surprise how little americans throw shit at cops. Those extended public arrest situations end up with the monke HAVE ROCK treatment.
don't worry the lurk timer gonna get implemented here next and the shills will disappear.

The only thing worse than American police are American prisons
Filename is incorrect, gif is missing the anal rape
I wonder if she turns purple when you hold her under water?
Yeah they shot themselves in the foot with that one. The reality is ghetto blacks are simply dumb and dramatic as fuck. Any black with half a fucking brain has already made it into the middle class. These are just the left behind smooth brains that are raised with the Nigger Code.
>Stay in yo hood
>Fuck the law the white man made it up anyway and drugs are lucrative
>If you even think someone might insult you then you best get violent and that includes women, children, and police
>Accountability is a white mans value so when we get arrested, expelled,evicted, the lights turned off, etc. you best throw a fit and make it as costly for these crackas as possible and when that doesn’t work somberly bring up slavery and MLK
It’s seriously just a game to them. Thats why they’re laughing. They’re having fun. They want shit to pop off just so they can cause a fucking scene and play victim afterwards during a lawsuit. They don’t want jobs. They don’t want education. This nigger clearly worked for Amazon and he was ready to suicide by cop. It’s all about free shit and clout.
us prisons are easy time compared to what we have south of the border.
Did you really save this gay shit to your computer?
Doubtful. Living conditions are probably way shittier I’ll admit but we have more blacks and they do the vast majority of the rape. It’s really not even close. In the white and brown cars faggotry is strictly banned in all forms. Nigs though? They rape anything they can get their hands on from any race and especially each other.
rape is your smallest issue in a latin american jail senpai.
Struggling to think of something worse ese. Most of the third world prisons have shit living conditions but the guards don’t give a fuck about their jobs so the prisoners basically run the show which means plenty of contraband moving in and out, occasional access to female facilities for the right price, and plenty of unaffiliated short timers and chomos to extort.
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>he doesn't keep a Dedovshchina folder to show the naive and impressionable the Russian in his natural environment
dramas often end up with someone tortured to death. some of the more civilized ones have knife fights instead, but the situation is several orders of magnitude more fucked than the worst of the US
>He isn’t gay
FTFY. You don’t have to see Russians be faggots to know Russians are faggots. Faggot.
I’d rather be stabbed than bitch made honestly. Most any fed penitentiary is too high security here for real wars to pop off beyond a couple fatalities anymore. The bloodshed mostly happens on the streets. State pens are usually a lot lower in quality and that means more opportunities for drama but also there are just way less hardcore bangers. They're the guys that just want to fuck around and party, deal, and extort. They’re gonna have their moments but most business is settled with hands. I imagine in South American prisons the guards aren’t super curious about a stab wound on an inmate. In the U.S. that shit always gets found. Black eye and some bruises though? He fell off his bunk. Most fatalities you hear about in American prisons these days are sanctioned hits carried out by their own car after a major violation.
>Dude turned out
>Dude snitched hard
>Extremely bad chomo case
>Dude fucked someone on a huge deal outside the walls
That’s what you see guys getting set on fire and shit for up here anyway.
>I’d rather be stabbed than bitch made honestly.
things said by someone who was never stabbed
So you’d take a dick up the ass over a blade in the gut? Sus
the former doesn't leave permanent scar tissue that makes me flinch in pain me every time i move wrong.
But it’s another man’s dick in your ass.
It's less costly for the tax payer to kill them and never have them make it to trial.
He lived
so fucking stupid
This is how half the murders in our country happen though. Believe it or not.
You won me over, I'm team Copa now.
That's not a murder, you acab faction retard.
Niggers being niggers are a constant though. I'm right and you're wrong. So there.
Jimmy Earl Deason
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Austin is too LatinX to be a black city, although the people running this shithole are certainly doing the "become Dallas/Houston" speedrun. I've actually moved out of Austin twice but currently live within the city's limits because cities spread like cancer and you're just straight up not allowed to refuse to be part of it. The same people who complain about suburban sprawl will annex an area and allow zoning for a zillion apartments then act shocked when traffic gets badong because 8x the people are trying to use a 2 lane country ass road. Then you turn on the radio and have to hear about affordable housing and small town culture from the same people who fucked those things up for you.
sounds good enough, you can always just respawn if you die
"Catalina Street and Fairfax Avenue", that's basically Hunter's Point.
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Explains a lot
>t. knows nothing about either
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no its a foid
Why do I suddenly smell fish?
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picture of the cop with the body cam
do cops get in trouble for not mag dumping? Seems like they would.
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>hey were here to arrest you
>allows him to immediately reach into his pocket
>Cops on the beat today are the cops that were on the beat in Ridney King era
>the nog showed up with guns.
>you're right, the time for talking is over.
>the police man should have just shot the nog, and I hope that happens more often now.
>nogs are foreign militants.
>not locals.
>they aren't friends.
>they are invaders with guns.
>kill them
He never in any way implied that, you unbelievable retard.
If you mean the corruption yes.
Living conditions are way better than they deserve
>Cable TV
>Tablets with music and video games
If they want heat they should have to chop wood. If they want water they should have to use a pump well. If they want food they should have to work.
yeah lets give a bunch of prisoners axes, that sounds like a good idea
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The unfortunate truth
They kill each other or get shot. I don't see a loss.
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>If it weren't for cops Tyrone could be... instead of repeatedly arrested...
You really can't understand why one would draw that conclusion from that post?
then what happens when youve got just the gigs-prisoner left. that sounds like the backstory for a supervillain, i dunno if thats a good idea
you send in the giga guards and level them up
>It took me one year of teaching middle school to realize that going drill sergeant on someone doesn't help a situation
I feel you anon, acting as a disappointed father figure always worked with me.
Shut up nigger
NTA but I can't.
Being arrested by a cop so they go through the court system (regardless of how much of an absolute failure it is at punishing, nevermind rehabilitating, criminals) is a significantly safer process for niggers than getting lynched at the slightest suspicion of crime like they used to.
Not sure where you got the judge, jury and executioner cops bit.
>If it weren't for the cops
It's really not that difficult, anon.
Clearly you're trying to insinuate a point that nobody else is getting based on the replies to you, so it's probably not as clear as you seem to think it is.
anon, do you really think it would be a smart idea to approach the drugged out crackhead to try and help him out unknowing of any other concealed crack-illectibles he might have stashed in his vest to poke and prod at me with?
How hard is it to understand that a statement with the phrase
>If it weren't for (X), then (Y)
Could be interpreted as
>Because of (X), then (not Y)
Fuck's sake.
Because that's a massive logical fallacy? Lol? Are you trolling me?
>muh fallacies
Okay, faggot

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