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As an HK fan boy not happy.
>we want the taurus aesthetic
>made in America not Germany
>no paddle release
>taurus slide
>taurus grip
>oh yay another micro 9
>no mp7
>no g36
>no ump

Almost like HK wants to lose money. I’m sure it shoots fine but there are so many other options in the market costing half that price. Say what you want but muh anesthetics is a huge factor in selling a firearm.
Eveyone is celebrating HK expanding operations in the US because they're finally going to get an MP7 and G36. They haven't realized that it's going to be a complete monkey's paw.
You will get budget melonited barrels, incorrect receiver markings, and the general poor fit and function of most American made products. The American made HK45, VP9, and MR556/762 are already proof of this.

H&K is unironically turning into Exeter SIG in front of our eyes, and all you will hear is cheering from the poors who can finally obtain a shitty daily carry meme gun.
they should have put a squeeze cocker on this thing
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So far, what I don't understand is:

1. Why they thought releasing it with a deluge of influencer talking points to push "BUILT MURICAN FOR MURICAN SHOOTERS" was a good idea. Talking down to the most sophisticated retail consumer market that exists for firearms, anywhere in the world, is nuts.

2. Why they released it with official pics that look like THIS
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Nice Canik bro
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>the most sophisticated retail consumer market that exists for firearms, anywhere in the world
The vast majority of gun buyers in this country want these shitty little 1.5 stack 9mms now thanks in no small part to guntubers and plebbit. When a normalfag wants to buy his first gun for self-defense, the first thing he does is go on google or youtube and search "best conceal carry gun." Most gun buyers aren't enthusiasts, and only purchase one or two guns their entire lives.
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It pains me. Watching SIG go from a reputable Swiss German company to a run of the mill (((American)))) company that cuts corners and only really cares about profit and not making a good firearm. Worst timeline.
How are you shills dealing with a G2C at 3-4x the cost?
>how it started
>how it’s going
I see plenty of Taurus G2Cs in every gun store for like $250. Even saw one that came with a few mags and a holster for $300. Honestly how can anyone justify purchasing this HK abomination? Hopefully HK gets the hate they deserve finally.
I’ve see tons of rebates/sales where they’re $200 or less. Absolutely laughable that dogshit got approved. It’s almost as if they hate their American civilian market and know their dumbass fanboys will buy any of the overpriced slop they put out.
>made in America not Germany

can you even explain why this matters without hyperbole or attributing magical properties to things made by germans?
Nta but if I’m buying Glock I only buy Austrian, I stay from the USA ones. Guess it’s kind of autistic but, if it’s from a foreign company I want the model made in said foreign country.
honestly i dont get it because the p226 is not a nice feeling gun and has worse ergonomics than a ruger p89. my sister has a p238 and its a nice gun but my stepdad has a p938 and its a complete stinker and they're basically physically identical. i would not consider sig to really make good guns especially because they don't have any unique defining characteristics or thought put into their designs.
ok well i hope you aren't under the impression their factories are full of white people.
No? I just want the gun made in its country of origin.
>can you even explain why this matters without hyperbole or attributing magical properties to things made by germans?
Swiss or W. German SIG vs Exeter SIG speaks for itself, Italian Berettas are noticeably better fit and finished than American ones, American Glocks have worse fitting and a worse coating than Austrian due to EPA regulations, etc.
Same thing with VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, etc. vs Ford, Dodge, and GM.
Outside of the cottage industry, America produces absolute trash.
Still whiter than the union-led leadership of minorities with guaranteed benefits and pay increases in exchange for mediocre performance and holding a company's production line hostage if they don't get their gibs.
this is part of it but

also this, if we want a disposable Bic lighter micro9 carry the Taurus is more than sufficient.
you aren't purchasing self defense carry guns like this for the firearm aspect; cheaper the better, if the local police and courts are likely to confiscate----and/or otherwise damage, fuck it up----your handgun in a self defense shooting.
Multiple spare copies of the daily carry pistol are cheaper from Taurus also.
if it's a Bic lighter, then keep it as a Bic lighter
If you're that butthurt over it not having a paddle and it not being made in Germany you're as retarded as a guy who buys volcano insurance in Kansas. God damn hipsters.
if I have the choice of a Czech / Slovakian / German / Austrian / Swiss built-and-machined firearm vs. a (late 20th century to now) U.S. built one, I'm going Euro

Exceptions for (for example among widely known market firearms) mid-20th century Smith & Wesson revolvers, mid-20th century Remington and Winchester rifles, mid-20th century Colt handguns
Everyone’s HK guns actually made in Germany are going to shoot up in value. Once they hear these new HK guns are not made in Germany, they’re gonna dump them like a rock.
>it not
Those are not the sole differences between it and the SFP9CC.
two totally different designs + patents
>t. slop consoomer
If you can't see how disappointing the difference between these two
are, then you are exactly the target demographic HK is trying to sell these piles to.
Being made in Germany actually has meaning. Today anything made in America I have to question it since it’s built in the back of DEI hires which is worrisome when it comes to a reliable function firearm to protect myself you tard.
>America produces absolute trash
>union-led leadership
I think that the "silent generation" (<--or whatever) of American demographics, along with U.S. companies that actually remained inside of and invested in the United States itself, were the last arbiter of quality manufacturing in this country.
This was over with by the 1980s when offshoring and faux-ownership by transnationals of heavy industry and all kinds of manufacturing, BTFO'd our country (thanks to Thatcher-Reagan neoliberal policies which also hollowed out the U.K.)
Look at the Harley-Davidson bailout; under AMF that company was on death's door (motorcycles today 21st century might as well be a cotrage industry; apart from motor-scooter-size tinybikes, the age of the mass market transportaton motorcycle is over with)

As you suggest, cottage small scale manufacturing by dedicated high quality American businesses still exists, even in the firearms biz. But it's pipsqueak in terms of market share
Somebody got a picture of HK USA employees? I want to know if it’s full of DEI or not. That would actually make me buy it or not.
Now imagine that with wooden grips. You can't unsee it, can you?
holy fucking shit you idiots are so insufferable. I have shot neither guns however i can already guarantee that the HK is made to specs that are lightyears better than your piece of shit Micro Dagger. YOU DON'T SHOOT GUNS HAHAHA
Wood grips would be sexy, but it’s polymer so that wouldn’t make sense.
Looks do matter bro, the micro dagger looks infinitely better than this slop but together by DEI hires.
You say words that you don't understand yet confidently say. You're a tourist that sticks out like a sore thumb.
Cope. HK execs are laughing at paypigs like you, I’d rather give my money to Mr. Cohen.
>looks looks looks
sorry it wasn't cowadooty enough for you
You mean how the P365 is smaller with the same capacity, ships with front and rear night sights, has massive aftermarket support, and is $100 less MSRP?
>I have shot neither guns
>sorry it wasn't cowadooty enough for you
HK's US factory has been making guns for years and nobody has every complained about the quality. They're also the source of the M27 and M110A1 and those haven't been a problem for the military either.
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You mean Taurus specs right? HK is manufacturing under contract for Taurus to get around import laws
Paddle releases are unironically better, queer. The euros are right about some things.
if that's all you care about then buy the fucking Sig, dummy. Idk why you think being slimmer and having more capacity automatically makes something better... sometimes a bit more "bulk" makes something easier to hold for different people... like seriously is your mind blown everytime you see a different gun from a different company?? How do you know the HK isn't more reliable or easy to shoot? Dumb Sig fag, of course you don't shoot guns.
you must have forgotten your wojak or something haha
>>no mp7
>>no g36
>>no ump
I'm sure they are making those for Americans right now?
>Idk why you think being slimmer and having more capacity automatically makes something better... sometimes a bit more "bulk" makes something easier to hold for different people...
These gay sovlless micro 9s that have taken over the market are all about chasing capacity and other specs trying to one-up the other manufacturers. The people who buy them don't pretend to care about things like shootability or how they feel in the hand, since they don't shoot their guns anyway. In every other youtube review for these guns, the guy is always complaining about how the sights are defective because it's shooting low-left lmao These guns aren't really designed for grown men's hands.
I can’t just help myself… I look at this and then the cc9 and it’s exactly the same. I know the specs and quality are light years apart but my brain can’t convince otherwise. Goddamn it HK you had one job.
Except the mag heel release. That’s the one thing euros got wrong. Would love to perform all pistol functions with one hand.
Not a single peep about it from HK. We were given a glimpse of the SFP9 about a year ago. So I knew that was coming down the pike.

>I just want Tommy built to choke on a dick when actual g36s, mp7s, and umps officially put him out of business.
>muh tourist

/k/ has been nothing but tourist city since Ukraine conflict. And here I thought this board was usable again.
>it took HK USA 7.5 years to design and test this gun
lol, lmao even
>I can only shoot with a fullsize single action firearm
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The P226 is renowned for its ergonomics and not appreciating it is telling.
>be american-made version of european pistol
>ugly markings
>stupid name
>pander to lowest common denominator
>visibly worse fit and finish

People will still buy this dogshit though. If HK goes the way of sig I'm gonna turn the turbo taurus 360 degrees around and kms myself
>Not a single peep about it from HK
I want them to bring back the P7 so I can have a very expensive hipster carry gun instead of having to buy an old one for an ungodly expensive hipster carry gun.
>The American made HK45, VP9, and MR556/762 are already proof of this.
>German cars are better than American cars
Either you're German, retarded, or Merkel has your family held captive. I'm not implying American cars are good, but they're sure as shit better than kraut slop.
Do you actually believe PSA, the budget company known for churning out cloned dog shit just a step above Taurus so poorfags can say "I own a SR-25!!" doesn't use brown people in their factories?
>SIG churns out slop on a non-stop basis, using customers as beta testers
>we're on the fourth or fifth gen of P365 and seventh or eight gen of P320

>HK takes their time with releases and ensures the gun is up to standards

What do you retards want?
He's a guy who spouts buzzwords anon, he doesn't know the difference between his mouth and his asshole.
HKs only standard is charging a bullshit price for an ok line of handguns
>I know blame Reagan because thats the hip thing on r*ddit now
It started way before the 80's retard. American industries were already being sold overseas by the end of the 1950's and was well underway by the 70's.
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It was going pretty good. I want to know who steered the project after the prototypes
no u
Jap econoboxes>krautkarrier>amerislop
I'd expect Lada to build a better car before Ford could fix their column shake or Jeep fixed their plethora of electrical issues.
Good lord you're a hyperbolic nepobaby
>Jap econoboxes>krautkarrier>amerislop
NTA but naw, you don't exist in reality because German cars basically have a shit reputation everywhere except for Germany, and I've even heard Germans themselves shit on their own cars. I don't think anyone argues that Japanese cars are top-tier, but nobody, and I mean this without hyperbole, nobody likes German made cars, except for hipsters. They're a tier above Italian cars but thats a pretty low bar
>of, relating to, or marked by language that exaggerates or overstates the truth : of, relating to, or marked by hyperbole
So I'm right? Or you're just illiterate and like to use big words you don't understand?
>nobody likes German made cars, except for hipsters.
I worked at a Ford/Chevy for 5 years and currently work at a Porsche/Mercedes, hard disagree.
Aside from the assload of proprietary parts and tools and need for more regular service (mercedes insane electrical aside), they still do better and have less problems. I watched people drive off the lot and then return brand new F150s (raptors too), lincolns, exploders, etc. one week later.
Forgot to add:
>They're a tier above Italian cars but thats a pretty low bar
Alfa Romeo called and said ur gay.
Fuck off retard.
Reagan was never the president, George Herbert Walker Bush was the actual president of the United States 1981-1992.

Because (You) are a subwit retard the triggering-name "muh Ronnie" jumped out at (You) in ****Thatcher-Reagan****, a term which specifically refers to overall economic policies of neoliberalism pursued vigourously in the post-1970s era. It was a U.S.-U.K. led partnership policy
the collapse of U.S. indigenous heavy industry began in the late 1960s when Vietnam war spending became the primary component of GDP. By the early 1970s (with end of Vietnam war spending) key industries such as automobile manufacturing came under threat with the oil embargo challenging Detroit to improve its efficiency and competitiveness. American construction equipment and large diesel-marine engine manufacturing faced increasing competition from Europe and Japan after the 1960s as well. Combination of these global economic shifts, propelled further+faster by post-1970s neoliberal offshoring of actual original U.S. industry ownership brought things to where they are today.

Fuck (You) brainlet. *****KILL (You)RSELF.****
Can someone give me a tl;dr on this schizo word salad?
Best you can get is this. https://p7pro.com/
P.S. Fuck you.
T. Heckles Kocks
A lot of, maybe even most "Japanese" cars sold in the US these days are built in the US using American labor; we have Toyota, Honda and Subaru plants here in IN, for instance. A lot of the models were mostly designed in the US as well specifically for the NA market. The big difference may be that said labor isn't as heavily unionized as that of the Big Three, which seems to be a source of frequent butthurt for the UAW.
read it again (You) fucking brainlet subwit retard.
Dumb fuck.
Also, to add to this, hilariously enough, a lot of the Big Three's products aren't even built in the US, but actually in Mexico or Canada. I vaguely recall reading a few years ago that an award for the most "American-made" car of the year (or something like that) went to some Toyota model.
Fuck you kill yourself
Ackshually bush was the real shadow president
America and engerland died after vietnam
Arabs oil embargo raped everything
You will die of peak oil
Also everyone got raped
Pokemon was actually a psyop to get children raped by malignant jap spirits created from the dead due to unit 731
The bogdanoffs are not dead they've just been recalled to enact the final stages of their plan
Sminem escaped to turkey but was raped by canik employees into designing the mete line thus dooming the world
>hurr durr 4chan pop culture references wharblegarbleLarp
>shitty little 1.5 stack 9mms
They’re not shitty, you’re just not a competent shooter. They aren’t snappy, you just have bitch hands. And they’re easy to conceal, but you wouldn’t know that because you’re obese and you can cover a full sized gun with your fat rolls. This trend of tiny 9mms exists for a reason.
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>read it again
Oh you sweet summer child...

Can someone give me a QRD on this wall-o-text?
>hurr durr snurff slarp
>muh qrd
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Why couldn't they just do this.
I don't understand why people are so upset by the way this thing looks. I literally can't tell the difference between this and the same plastic shit from Sig, S&W, Springfield, etc.
because we can tell the difference between this and every plastic thing from HK.
>I literally can't tell the difference between this and the same plastic shit from Sig, S&W, Springfield, etc.
Yeah that's the problem.
They could have done any combination of design features/aesthetics from their existing full size and subcompact lines and it would have been infinitely better than the turbo taurus turd they just pinched off
it's this
It's easy to make them easy to shoot and bigger. Put a nice thick hogue rubber grip on them and put in an extended magazine with elongated grip. You know what's hard? Making guns smaller. Its like people that complain a rifle is too light. Literally shut the fuck up and attach a lead weight to the picatinny rail if you want more weight.

it clearly has a paddle release
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No anon, that's not the release version. That's the prototype they showed off in Europe.

That's why everyone is mad. Because we were all waiting for that gun, and what we're getting is this turd.
The original had features like a removable set of wings to help grip the slide and a paddle mag release. It's styling is also the newer shit styling that HK has been doing but somehow ends up looking like a taurus. Basically people feel like it's a bait and switch especially since the original full featured gun has been shootable for about 3 years now. 3 years is about when all the other brands started putting out their micro 9s and people were willing to wait for the HK only to end up with this stripped down and simplified gun especially when you consider a p365 has the same capacity and feature set while costing $100 less.
Tl:dr day late and a dollar short
>has a paddle release
(the OP picrel) SFP9CC----a gun which has never been sold/deployed, exists only in test article form----did.

This >>62712070
does not
in that pic it looks like a clunkier variant of an M&P Shield.

also, while the OR slide cutout is passable (later SFP9CCs displayed with OR-cut slide), I do not need a front rail on a micro9. SFP9CC didn't have it
>I don't think anyone argues that Japanese cars are top-tier
This is the gook that spams the KF-21 threads.
Fuck dude i thought this had grippy translucent fleshlight plastic grips but jut realized it was shit camera work.
Kill yourself you fucking sigger faggot.
It doesn't matter if less than 5 percent of buyers will ever actually use the rail, they need it for the press releases. Reviewers, specifically youtubers, would dump on it for not having a rail because they're paid advertisers and can't sell accessories if people don't have rails.
You are fucking retarded if you think any UAW produced trash is better than the European brands. I just dumped my new Raptor after 6 months because it was a rickety, poorly assembled, cheap piece of shit.
The p238 and p938 are essentially American Sig's take on the Colt Mustang. To associate them with Swiss Sig is doing them a disservice.
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>"nuh uh!"
sorry, but im not buying garbage made by a 70 year old boomer or an 18 year old diversity hire
>the rail
M&P Shield---one of the best selling micro9s for a decade---does not have a front frame rail.

Front frame rails on such tiny guns only impede their own surface 'melt' and ease of concealment/holstering
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my Turk AP-5P never had rust spots on the front cocking handle tube cap, rear drum sight and factory magazine while my SP5 did (easily cleaned off with a nylon brush and CLP) despite equal treatment and the same storage conditions...
Is there any hope of HK releasing a new hammer fired service pistol? Or is the HK USA slop what to expect going forward?
>Is there any hope of HK releasing a new hammer fired service pistol?
Not unless they get a contract to make one, or some other company makes a wildly successful new hammer fired gun. In the second case we can expect it about a decade after hammer fired guns were fashionable again.
>Colombus, GA
>Columbus, GA
to be fair, it's not DEI to hire blacks there, so you don't have to worry about that. In fact you might need some kind of artificial inclusivity practices to get any whites at all!
that infinitely looks better than what we got in the end. the SFP genuinely looks like an HK gun. what we got was a retarded taurus costing 3x the price
bruh, literally the worst glow down of any prototype firearm ever. I expected more out of HK than this abomination
>turbo taurus turd
fucking kek
>honestly i dont get it because the p226 is not a nice feeling gun and has worse ergonomics than a ruger p89.
We got different hands, my dude.
Or maybe this.
>Same thing with VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, etc. vs Ford, Dodge, and GM.
BMW really did give Ford a run for its money on bad car design. Those krauts had to partner up with Toyota so the Japs could teach teach them the art of manufacturing reliable cars.
>As an HK fan boy not happy
So HKfags don't like it just because it LOOKS like a poorfag gun? Yall are fucked in the head.
>buy German
>all small parts are cast by Syrian diversity hires and Bangladeshis
>small parts fail after a few months, which kicks off a chain reaction of more problems
>car is in the shop for months because it's all proprietary and they have to be shipped straight from Hitler's asshole
>even poorfag VWs and entry-level Audi's have repair bills $5000+
At least I can fix the Ford myself for a tenth of the price. Mercedes unironically will void your warranty if you pop the hood without a Mercedes dealer's consent.
>muh SFP9CC
What was the difference between the SFP9CC and the VP9SK? They both seemed identical minus the accessory rail.
The HK rep explained that they build carry guns to be as reliable as possible during what will be the owners worst day of their life. This is the normal, sane appreciation of the topic.
You are a chimping brownie faggot but not for long because as mentioned above the HK cc9 you will be ventilated with has a perfect reliability record. And if it does end up in an evidence locker I'm sure it will be returned in due process and in the meantime the lawyer will be very helpful as well as that emergency fund for buying another HK because real people have real jobs with money and houses you will always be outside peering in.
>It's ackshuyually NOT okay to like guns and you WILL be killed for this
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>this asshurt that people are making fun of his faggy little brand whore gun
Yes anon, everyone is poor and you are right, now go to bed, remember you still have school tomorrow.
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oh what could have been
The worst thing about the american made HK45 was walking pins, whats the worst thing about US made VP's? Cocking wings breaking off.
As for issues with the MR556 and such - shit uses the same line as the M27 IAR - ie we've been stuck with early gen 416's because the IAR is a 416A2, obendorf is already on the A8

That fucking pales in comparison to the shitshow that is modern US Sig - but im partly with you, US production will mean a drop in quality, heres hoping HK is autistic enough to do better

The SFP9CC is also a circa 2021 prototype

Im not even worried about the frame, it's a trigger module gun like the P365, meaning we'll have a larry snickers wilson combat module in 3 months, aluminum frames by mid year 2025, and a flux brace.\

What actually pisses me off is the giant CC9 lettering - larger than the HK logo strangely.
It feels very.....Walther....to me

I think they realized actual pic rail + interchangable backstraps was the key to carving the US market niche - most of the competitors dont have as such - the P365 has a proprietary rail and the G43x and Hellcat have a one notch.

IMO i get walther vibes with a dash of riger more than taurus
VP9SK is a chopped VP9 (SFP9) and can take the same mags. Just like the P30SK. And the P2000SK. In fact they all can share the same mags, you just might have to change baseplates.

The SFP9CC was a whole nother gun, a micro compact stack and a half design like the P365, G43X, hellcat, etc that only shared a few common parts but was based off the SFP9/VP9's action - it was a prototype
This would be dope, although a single stack 9mm micro 9 would be dead on arrival since its competitors are going min 10 rounds
The G43x isn't a stack and a half. Its single stack.
HK made a double stack version. An updated 1.5 stack with the grip thickness of the single would be nice.
>I just dumped my new Raptor after 6 months
I saw 5 or 6 people return brand new raptors that developed column shake within a couple weeks, including one of the brand new raptors that went through the Shelby shop. When they worked, they were awesome, but a $100k off road truck should never be a hit or miss buy, and virtually everything FERD TUFF sells is hit or miss.
At least you weren't one of the poor bastards who bought a TRX and had your airbags deploy off road because the computer accidentally sensed a roll over, lol lmao.
If you like having your car spend half the lifetime in the shop for warrantable fixes, yeah go ahead and get an Alfa Romeo
By design, but the fat polymer mags allowed 3rd parties to release 15 round metal mags.
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aesthetics haver been dead in the firearms industry for well over a decade
The car thing is a stupid take, in many ways Eurocars are worse. Renault, Fiat are trash. Stellantis is euro trash Fiat that bought out Chrysler and managed to fuck up jeeps lol and is now going under.
Germoid cars are unreliable garbage made by autistic engineers who aren't happy with a mere 200 sensors in the seatbelt and don't want you to change a tire yourself so they made the computer dead line your car if you dare attempt it.

Japs won, face the music
What a poorfag pleb thing to say.
I'll keep my P2000sk
Fukkkk make that 1.5 stack to hold 12 rounds and I would buy it in a heartbeat
They're made by higher IQ hu'whites who take pride in their work, and not affirmative action hires who are on their phone all day
Who the fuck are you arguing with bozo? Japs are high IQ artisans who take pride in what they do. They're part of a homogenous culture that prides itself in the quality of their work. I buy Japanese in almost everything I can. It's usually not that expensive but the quality surpasses just about anything American. I buy German, and I even buy Italian/French. I don't buy American unless it's something we actually do good. Like a hand built 2011 or some medical equipment for my hospital. And since we don't mass produce quality anymore, we have to pay 3 to 5k for a nice American gun. I have old Smith and Wesson revolvers and they're fit so well that I've yet to come close to anything like that being made today. Guess what changed? The demographics. It used to be pledge of allegiance loving Bill, John, and Tim who were machinists, getting paid a survivable wage, who were making your guns. Now it's Paco, Mohammad, and Shanequa getting paid peanuts (why else do you think they replaced the original demographics), knowing damn well the quality will be subpar but what does it matter when the general American population will also be brownoids who are already used to subpar quality? The amount of brownoids who buy Taurus tier firearms and act like they have a quality firearm is staggering.
Oh wow, a guy on /k/ in 2024 who isn’t a fucking retard. Pleased to meet you.
This entire post shows how in your own head you are. Go outside and maybe look at a car or gun for once you insufferable fag.
every gun manufacturer makes dumb shit and HK wanted to get in on that.

I'm still waiting on them to release a civilian HK33. But chances are I'm just going to let PTR eat their lunch when the PTR63 comes out.
I mean I have more than enough compact pistols so I won’t be buying regardless but it’s insane to me people are fine with owning hideous things like this.
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>imagine LTT doing a RDO cut on a P7 clone
I would prefer a g36 first before an hk33. I still don’t understand why HK doesn’t produce the products that their customers want.

> we want g36, mp7, hk33, ump civilian versions.
>nah fuck you, here’s a shitty Taurus knockoff for triple the price.
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I feel as if it's malicious compliance. Like we said 'sell the cusotmer what the customers really want' and they gave us a shitty plastic taurus pistol as if to say yeah fuck you, that's what the customer actually wants.
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P7Pro does that now, on their slides at least
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literally me rn
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At a glance, it looks like it says "CCP."
>keeps shilling cellphone camera close up with flash that makes it look as bad as possible
God damn you niggers are mad.
My only issue is lack of paddle release. If they do a paddle release option I'm interested.
>Why would the new US division of a foreign company make something in a hot market (1.5 Stack CC pistols) instead of something fairly niche that would be out of 90% of the people complaining price range, is already made by the German arm of the company, or has been out of production for 30 years
There's a reason none of you faggots run a business,
None of you were gonna pay $2500 for a US made G36 anyway. You would have made endless threads about how shit it would have been and how it's made by Shanti'qua and Domingo.
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>I look at this and then the cc9 and it’s exactly the same.
Because that's a photoshop, you retard.
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I will continue to wait patiently.
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>If they do a paddle release option I'm interested.
why? just get an sfp9cc surp
He knows that. He's the one posting it.
>lightyears etc. >>62713284
You mean the single digit number of prototypes that exist.
>my hospital
Kek, you work in environmental services; you're a fucking janitor, dude.
Yo'Lawnduh can G thirty my six if you know what I mean ; - )

Posted via TapaTalk
it's a pig edition of a mil handgun already ordered in the 10s of thousands. many will exist in short order.
What's with the texture on the slide, are they 3d printed?
Built to be Bleached
Those are called tool marks, anon. That slide is freshly machined, but not polished yet.
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It's just sloppily machined, either with a poor condition cutter or the wrong speed/feed on the machine. I hope it's just a test piece not final production, or that he's just trying to figure out how to duplicate the crude machined look of original P7 slides, because that slide doesn't look good imo
The 43x is absolutely not a single stack, go look at how the bullets in the mag don't line up to the witness holes, it's something like a 1.25 stack. They completely threw in the towel when it comes to the capacity though
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NEVER give up hope, bros!
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here are proofs if you're not familiar with who James Williamson is. pro tip: you should be

well that is good news at least
the P9 was designed in mid-1960s
>SFP9CC was a whole nother gun
some of the slide milling/appearance may be similar (to VP9) but is a completely separate design
P30SK = subcompact (variant of P30)
VP9SK = subcompact (variant of VP9)
SFP9CC = micro 9 (new separate design)
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I just want a USC pistol for fuck's sake
(with some means for mounting an arm brace of course)
SK = subkompakt (the more you know)
the most innovative new handgun design since the 1911

"_sub_-subcompact" = 'micro 9'
per the first poster's query about "what's the diff between VP9SK and SFP9CC"
just flexing my big brain
UMPs are ugly and gay
>keep my P2000sk
still an excellent choice (even over the P30SK which has more add-on configurators) for hammer subcompact
Yeah, just like your mom, but I still scissored her raw last night, bitch.
I know most of the conversation is about the lack of paddle mag release, but I'm really disappointed they didn't include the P30/VP9 interchangeable grip side panels. My major complaint with these micro compacts is they're too thin for my hand, and I would have loved to see this CC9 have the option of thicker side panels that fill up my hand better. It would still be overall thinner and lighter than the subcompact.
then either try out the CC9 with the big backstrap attached, or just get the VP9SK.
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I'm hoping I can find one in a store that has the large backstrap installed on it so I can give it a feel. I've loved my P2000sk for almost 10 years now, so if the CC9 can feel like a lighter, slightly thinner P2000sk without sacrificing shooting feel, I would be open to buying one.
>None of you were gonna pay $2500 for a US made G36 anyway.

SL8's went under 1200 like 2 months ago, more than a few anons bought in.
Not a T36 mind you, but they can be unfucked partly and cone out looking bretty good with some effort
I am also interested, but will be waiting for a paddle mag release version or frame I can swap it out with
Not happening - they don't make HK33's or G3's anymore.
Go ask the Turks, they said MKE would be importing one and they offer them in F/A for US law enforcement sales
UMP's exist so. 45 fags can feel warranted about their unhealthy caliber obsession.
The only other thing their good for is giving us a production .40/10mm subgun mag that isn't glockshit - thank you Stribog for finally putting the Kriss to death
Is there anything to recommend this over VP9 SK?
it's thinner, that's it
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I had uncompetitive contracts and SIG so much it's unreal.
Hi there James Williamson.

You're reading this now, yes we know.

SFP9CC: the gun displayed at trade shows in Europe for the past three years. Pictured in the OP of this topic thread here on /k/.
Yes, that is the gun we were all waiting for.

Please let the HK suit suite know that the SFP9CC (not the CC9) is what we wanted to purchase, and what we waited patiently for, during all of this time.

Thanks James, we appreciate your help and look forward to purchase and adopt the SFP9CC here in the United States.
>Sig Sauer literally beta tests for H&K
fucking lmao. o i am laffin
please just post that on his youtube video and I'm sure he will respond to you
That's likely because prior to HK USA, they were being imported and shipped from Tampa (B&T USA).
he's just not storing his shit properly. look at the rust on the eotech. I bet he doesn't even have a hygrometer in his gun safe
there's rust on the bolt on the left too retard. damnit what are you even doing to your gun collection
this is the hottest news right now that I found and nobody, not even reddit is talking about it. I'll let one of you fuckers post about it with my screenshots on /r/HecklerKoch if you just say you're going to. other people deserve to know, even if they're annoying redditors
>when the 30yr old anon tries to shit talk like its 2007
oh, you'll let anons post about hot goss from youtube comments? magnanimous
i believe this because its exactly what i want to hear.
see >>62721091
he literally works for HK USA now as of earlier today. he's not just some youtuber
HK USA literally dunking on Sig. Sig beta tested the P365 originally designed by HK, it's all true, you guys are sleeping on this
or wait, shit, did he mean the P320?
Cute. Is that your boyfriend's gun? :^)
Ok so after watching James Williamson's video (and also seeing the posts about 'contact HK to request') I've got a different view of this whole fiasco

than I did previously

Without knowing what the CC9 retail price is, it overall seems like an M&P Shield Plus-tier gun. Has similar width (no I do not know the exact measurement) to M&P Shield.
a lot of the takedown/internal mechanisms---presumably analogous-similar to the SFP9CC---are designed on the VP9 concept. Except the CC9 is a chassis frame system.
Williamson's video claims that this CC9 was in development+shhoting trials for 3+ years for the U.S. market, so as long ?? a time presumably as the Europe SFP9CC had been. Some of the CC9 test examples were sent to HK Oberndorf for trials.
Seems that the CC9 will be manufactured to similar standard as HK handguns that have been U.S. built for more than a decade.
HK's CC9 in my 30,000 ft view is a US-market upgrade to and improvement on the M&P Shield.
whether a parallel SFP9CC is ever released for HK USA sale remains to be seen
I don't need a front frame rail on a micro 9, and prefer a paddle mag release (each of which imho would improve such a small gun's concealability, manipulability in line with its raison d'etre)

Here's the Shield Plus vs. SFP9CC
he's the boyfriend of your mom
I feel personally called out by this in no small part because I made that post.
My mom's my boyfriend. Checkmate, FAGGOT!!
>Williamson's video claims that this CC9 was in development+shhoting trials for 3+ years for the U.S. market
incorrect - you probably skipped around the video and didn't even bother watching the whole thing/
the CC9 has been released after ~7 years in development.
>Seems that the CC9 will be manufactured to similar standard as HK handguns that have been U.S. built for more than a decade.
>HK's CC9 in my 30,000 ft view is a US-market upgrade to and improvement on the M&P Shield.
if that's the way you choose to see it
>whether a parallel SFP9CC is ever released for HK USA sale remains to be seen
posted about this already. >>62721067
>I don't need a front frame rail on a micro 9, and prefer a paddle mag release (each of which imho would improve such a small gun's concealability, manipulability in line with its raison d'etre)
>Here's the Shield Plus vs. SFP9CC
don't care
Do we have any proof of this other than Williamson's word? I don't doubt nusig would be this shady, but I'd like to see something more concrete before spreading this around.
I think spreading this rumor is the best way to discover if it's true or not/how true it is.
It is Williamson's word, but he literally works for HK USA now as their Business Development Manager. He's a retired Marine Corps officer and a HK certified armorer. I respect him and Larry Vickers on all things HK. Everyone else, not so much. James has had connections with HK as he has access to HK's gray room where all the prototypes and rare stuff is stored.
Check out his videos on his website or on youtube. Most of all, watch his overview on the CC9.
>~7 years in development
Nowhere in Williamson's video is that stated.
He specifically says that the engineering design and development program was more than 3 years.
(Whatever: HK in both Europe and the U.S. may have had the *idea* to develop a micro 9 for "~7 years"-----the handgun itself wasn't in actual engineering desgn and development until 2021)

(You) missed the beginning of my post where I specifically state:
>****(and also seeing the posts about 'contact HK to request')****
I __saw___ the fucking screenshots upthread and noted-referenced it, **retard**.

Fuck (You).
NTA, but both he and James Reaves say it's been 7.5 years. Half that time was development and the other half was testing. Do teachers allow kids to have smartphones in class now? Why are you so stupid?
what's with the insults? you're being a total dickhead. if you've been drinking then you should just go to bed already
>7.5 years
I have a Germsn language article w/ pics about the SFP9CC.
its prototype debuted at EnforceTac 2023
HK may have been working on it since 2017 but I doubt it was even prototyped until 2020 at the earliest .
Until we get dated refereced photographs of the earliest prototypes of the SFP9CC (or CC9) handguns this question is unanswerable.

Fuck (You).

>don't care

****FUCK (You)****.
The United States will get the SFP9CC. >>62721067
>prove you incorrect about how long the CC9 has been in development
>agree with you about HK USA manufacturing
>neither of us want a rail on a micro and want a paddle mag release (we both literally agree on this)
>didn't want to watch your youtube video about the Shield Plus that I have no interest in purchasing
you have some serious issues, bro
*****FUCK (You) and Shut The FUCK UP*****.
Why is the trigger guard so fucking long
Who dares wins, bro. You're fucking crazy, bro. No compromise.
So you can use it with gloves in winter months if necessary.
what is your birth year
(just name a decade)
I am a Millennial (1981-1996).
k thx
Why did you want to know?
what size shoes do you wear?
ten and a half
my feet are bigger than that, why are you answering for me?
I don't believe you, post your feet
watch the James Williamson YouTube vid linked upthread.
some of the CC9 ergos are intended to be compatible for VP9 owners (vid shows/explains)
the fuck is wrong with you guys
I was talking about the Cissy9. It was in development and testing for 7.5 years before release. Why does this upset you so much?
part of answeing the "how long / 7 years" in development for SFP9CC / CC9,
is also going to depend on hearing+knowing more/the full story of the Tier 2 micro 9 design being passed off years ago to SIG >>62722557
(as kindly referenced by the anon above^ who was so gracious to screenshot it for us itt)

We need the full story here on both/all three of these HK micro carry handgun projects, which have apparently been ongoing at multiple levels for more than a decade:
>HK stack-and-a-half (presented to SIG, they released as P365)
>HK Europe SFP9CC
see post directly beneath (You)rs and above this one
are you on medication?
only glowniggers post that.
>whole bunch of shit nobody cares about and I'm not gonna read
yeah if you've got enough time to spew all that out, go ahead and post feet already don't be shy
I didn't ask you. I asked >>62723489 whether or not he's on medication
That's me,
and only glowniggers post: "meds"
(why would anyone in response anonymously over internet conceivably share such information, and even more absurdly why-who would request it...)
>time to spew all that out
It's a forum discussion premise for /k/ anons
Get to work
based on insider (<--not me) leaks here itt,
we previously thought the HK micro carry pistol was just one (1) project
and now we've confirmed existence of at least three (3)
The SFP9CC and the CC9 are 2 completely different and unrelated handguns. Idk why you're constantly conflating the two. Maybe ask your psych to up your dosages?
I think we perhaps have a mutual interest in micro handguns, do you want to be friends?
>we previously thought the HK micro carry pistol was just one (1) project
>and now we've confirmed existence of at least three (3)
think they should have made one (1) good pistol instead desu
I listed them separately on my post (You) replied to.
I didn't "conflate" (<--?) them.
>SFP9CC = HK Europe

and we now, thanks to anon screenshot upthread, know of a 3rd project which HK sloughed off to SIG
So do I
like back in the olden days with the PSP / P7

but then, along came the P7M8... then the P7M13...
>do you want to be friends
Cuteness is a double edged sword
particularly on the internet
I just want to talk about guns and show pictures of my cool guns
got any P7s?
my dad had a P7M8 but he had to sell it when we were tight on money. I'm so sorry and I think about it a lot because I would be able to have it now
got some cool HKs though
>P9S 9mm (combat sights)
>P9S .45 (target sights)
haven't had chance to own a P9
and yet you don't want to be my friend
>uncompetitive contracts and SIG
More people should be talking about the P365
being sloppy seconds direct from HK
need more gory details on this
I regret ever posting about it
you're the screencapper?
is it faked/not true
it's all true, but nobody will make the slightest effort to be my friend. so I'm still the loser.
/k/ isn't a hugbox
do you think I didn't try? god damn I'm tired of this shit
bricc eternal
I dont even care how "outdated" it is regarding mag capacity, slimness, triger finesse
git gud (and get trigger kits worth a base glock)

all these fags with their P2000s and P30s are just minmaxing gaylords
yeah I have cool shit too
>teutonic magic steel
>swiss autismal alpine precision

>builds a haven in the US

>parts made in the Philipines,India or Chyna
>assembled in murrikeh by paco and rayquenishia

Police USPs and 226/229s will go for 1k+ within a month.
/hg/ cancertrannys
you don't even own a gun.
kill yourself retard
literally can't stop thinking about them
Here's hoping the batfe kicks your doors down shots your dogs and shoves all your /hg/ cancertranny firearms + the harddrives w/ pics of them up your posterior orifices before throwing you each under the prison foundation for all time.
lmao so you can't even own a gun. you're probably a felon that can't legally own a gun in real life. lmao. what do you think I'm going to do?
ok Noshoot.
Lol, is this what the remainig 80 posts of topic thread is actually going to consist of?
fr fr

no discussoon of how the P365 is an HK aborted project handed to SIG
where are all the butthurt P365 wielders
shoot what? you gonna bring the "BATFE" to my door or what? what are you gonna do?
go to Ukraine and fight Russia, FAGGOT.
so you aren't going to do shit.
(You)'re too chickenshit to go to Ukraine and fight muh Putler.
>you won't do shit

whatever /hg/ cancertranny.
and what would you do?
the last 70 posts itt will be cancer
thanks to the /hg/ cancertrannys
Oh what could have been
protect the U.S. constitution which is under assault with Lawfare from consoooooooomer /hg/ cancertrannys like (You)?
post # 274
you're not even a United States citizen
what do you expect? What are you hoping for? What discussion do you need to see before you are satisfied?
>hahahaha wow HK owned you so hard
>you don't get it? You idiot! You fell for it! You made loads of money, sold tons of guns, everyone but HK profited off of this endeavor! All because HK rejected this gun!
I know German humor is no laughing matter but no matter how you spin it the punch line is at HK's expense.

I guess you can cope about
>reee but sig bad p365 had issues
but any good company would instead buy the rights to this concept and patent everything they could then iron out design flaws and produce the gun. But clearly HK saw there was money to be made and kicked the project along to a company that actually wants to sell guns.
Fuck (You) traitor subfilth.

what decade were (You) born
>wall of text
j f c
you're not a United States citizen
what's (You)r decade of birth
>want discussion
>no not like that!
what, did you just now realize admitting you passed on the most profitable and innovative handgun design in decades isn't really in any way a good thing?
Every fucking topic on /k/

with millennial and zoomer subfilth faggots.
Smell by their typing and pics
post-2008 SIG is not a manufacturing corporation, it's a joke
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I'm laughing.

Anybody have a full archive site or link,
to pre-2014 /k/ ?

the whole site, topics threads everything
>reee sig bad
So? What I’m seeing from HK in this thread tells me not only are they bad, they’re also retarded. Like fuck did they hire the same retard that Beretta uses to make sure all their new guns look like total ass?
Yeah no.
watch the Williamson video

Thanks for reverting the discussion back down to millennialzoomer/hg/cancertranny subfilth level
/k/ 2024 = Idiocracy
Not watching, not interested, shill elsewhere
back to plebbit.

Also that video is 100% germane to OP topic, it clarifies and informs on many things that even HK cinsoomers had doubts about/wete skeptical of
>watch the Williamson video
The one where he deleted that pure cope comment? Lmao
>consoomers had doubts about/were skeptical of
>deleted comment
I never watch vids posted to 4chan on YT
only as embeds here onsite

What was the comment that triggered (You)
post # 294
This comment, dumbass >>62722557
He deleted it to save face
So now (You) impute it was bullshit and he lied/was snark-trolling?
Is it true or not?
Why the name calling?
have (You)r blood pressure checked. They have machines that do it for free at drugstores
also take (You)r meds.
do you really believe that's the average citizen in europe these days?
or even who they're hiring?
Jeez you fucks are like some boomer police officers over here crying about missing their old P7s
sucks not owning one doesn't it
They're (unfortunately) fine antique firearms
just like other fine antique no-longer-manufactured guns.
>He deleted it to save face
posted my HK collection and no one gave a fuck so I deleted it.
Weird. Why would you delete that
Deal with it.
Maybe if you wanted to see pictures, you should have been nicer.
basically, fuck you. you're a stupid idiot childish retard that doesn't understand and probably just a stupid redditor
He keeps asking if people want to 'be friends' with him
probably a /k/ mod
I'm always right.
I don't care
Go innawoods and sort your shit out, you've got issues
I am aware. It's discussed in this thread, after all. I think the communication problem we're encountering here is that you're autistic.
Malding and shemalebrained you are.

It 100% has to be fucking true - Ron Cohen runs SIG - Jews do not innovate, they do not bring innovation to the table - they steal innovation, undervalue or ruin inventors, and then buy politicians and get contracts.

>MCX is a gen 2 Sig 516 which was designed by R. Hirt and C. Sirois (Also of Caracal 816 fame) - both engineers worked for HK previously on HK416

>P320 is a nonsensical overcomplicated stryker fired design hidge podge from the failed P250 clearly intended to tiptoe around current Glock/HK/S&W stryker patents.
It was a hodgepodge design meant to be first to market with a swappable trigger module - because SIG got the "tip" on MHS.
Go watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSlleZOxy9g&t=1174s to see how nonsensical some of the P320 design decisions are - esp. the slide internals. It was made by committee for a upcoming contract (that they probably had a hand in writing because procurement corruption is REAL) and the design is indicative they took their shitbox P250 flop and stryker'd it by commitee for grip module

Ron Cohen took an axe, and hit ol' Kimber 40 with whacks
And when he saw the carnage of what he hath done, he went to Exeter and gave Sig 41.
He is entirely responsible for Nu-Sig trash, nothing they have done since has been innovative - they stole flow through suppressors, they stole trigger modules, and more importantly they stole government contracts and fucked over the american taxpayer.

Remind yourself - if he's saying it - Then HK USA officially is saying it
>>hurr-durr HK going the route of Nu Sig
Sig is Jewish
FN & FN USA hasn't gone full Sig, Glock USA hasn't gone full sig, Beretta has kept consistent excellent quality control regardless of USA or not. Small arguments can be made that euro to american manufactories are inferior but they are anecdotal and limited compared to Sig.
FN's design decisions have been their own and not limited to FN USA - the FNX had stiff competition in the hammer fired arena, the folllow on 50X/5xx series has extreme competition in the stryker fired arena and they are priced poorly - For example the 10mm and .45ACP examples (FN 510 & FN 545) were more than 2x their full sized Glock 20/21 counterparts.
Beretta and HK are back to dominating the hammer fired (non-S/A) sphere - CZolt has been floundering, the FNX/FNX is walking off into the sunset, even including the SA sphere the 2011 fad is weaning off.

Sig is an extreme example
Who cares? Am I missing something? It’s the same technical data package, the same materials, the same machines. They are the same atoms in the same arrangement. Is there a difference between US and Austrian Glocks other than maybe SOVL?
Explain your (and others’) erection over the p7. I do not understand. If the grip safety were superior to other safeties, then it would be ubiquitous. The p7 is a curiosity/novelty, sure, but I don’t understand the hype around it.
/hg/ cancertrannys are a main reason /k/ has teminal disease.
Tens of thousands agree with me

My post (everyone missed): >>62721247

>captcha : HKMV8
(after viewing Williamson's video about the CC9) Interested to see if HK would introduce a .45 ACP variant.
I'd been waiting for an upgraded M&P 45 with S&W's newer Plus trigger.
an HK CC45 might ? be preferable alternative
Is the army of TDS chuds in the room with us right now, anon?
>If the grip safety were superior to other safeties, then it would be ubiquitous.
I agree that the P7 is overhyped, but thinking that way about guns is just going to get you something "good enough". Look at the paddle magazine release. It is objectively superior to the button, but the handgun market has unfortunately become a race to the bottom, where the entire pistol needs to be simple enough for a complete retard to figure it out in 30 seconds or less. If you want better features that might take 1-2 minutes to figure out, then you should have been shopping for a handgun 20 years ago.
Correct about the paddle mag release.
remember also that Walther used it for their newer polymer-frame designs (until folding like a cheap suit to US-market pressures)
germane to OP topic, micro 9s:
Walther's PPS was an excellent design with a few flaws (magazine reliability and capacity, for one) that was btfo'd when Smith & Wesson introduced the Shield variant of their M&P line.
the SFP9CC looked to be a "PPS 2.0" in the paddle magazine release lineage.

the P7:
remember the original PSP was designed for a highly specific mid-1970s Germany police requisition.
back in the 1970s there was no "shoot thousands of rounds" socom-bro handgun combat training session protocol----didn't exist. Germany laws required limited numbers of shots to be fired/expended-per-encounter from the officer's handgun. It wasn't designed or intended to fire hundreds of rapid fire rounds in a shirt time interval. (Hence the P7's inherent flaw of frame heating from its gas system after rapid fire of a dozen magazines) The P7 also was designed with the ingenious grip cocking mechanism for safety, which----similarly to the paddke mag release----takes a bit of getting used to but is a superior system especislly for concealed holster carry. The P7's fixed barrel makes it deadly consistent accurate, and also an ideal suppressor host.
In many ways, as a few anons already suggested upthread, the P7 concept was far ahead of its time for today's carry handgun scene which seeks inherently safe-under-carry, slim line, small, rock solid reliable pistols.
It's a "non-gunfighting" defensive handgun which is designed to offer the carrier accurate fire to repel assailants.
(the P7 is not a John Woo battle royale handgun; but for the vast majority of CC handgun real world events very few round are actually fired, and for a gunfight you need a rifle not a handgun)
really funny how the feelstriggered ragebait slapfights instantly cease
once a thread reaches 300-post-limit
It sucks knowing that the internet as we used to know it is long gone. Everything now is fake and full of bots and/or advertisers.
I despise and lament it too anon.
very few threads reach the post limit nowadays. This place is empty
(on tt itself, if I may say) Made some worthwhile topic posts and received bot-tier incoherent borderline psychopathic responses
Nobody wants to stick to the topic.
this OP thread had a discrete specific topic that is (supposedly) about a oarticular firearm.
yet more than 200 posts are sub-plebbit tier vomit.
I expect a certain amount of shitposting on 4chan but this thread is pathetic; also thanks to the /hg/ cancertrannies that diarrheaspewed themselves itt
O well
Yes, we all know you are, FAGGOT!!!

go fight for the state of Israel FAGGOT.

both of those posts (You) replied to are mine,
/k/ consists of nothing but nafotranny faggots
Every post beneath this one is a F A G G O T

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