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What's the legality of lending a firearm a family member? If I gave a gun to my mom to take to work for her own defense and she ends up shooting someone, would either of us get in any sort of legal trouble? She's allowed in the first place to own one, but doesn't really like guns so this is just a hypothetical
if she isn't disallowed from having one, and can carry it and it's a good shoot and your state doesn't have any gay registration crap, then it's whatever. it'd probably be better if you just gave it to her outright, though, she can give it back when she doesn't need it anymore.
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What is the most ridiculous, preposterous, wide-mouth hollowpoint ammo currently available in 9mm? The ones in the attached image are, perhaps unfortunately, no longer made.
Can you put a recoil pad on a brace?
BATFE says that makes it a stock.
thats some pussy shit
What a good 24h pack? Or should I bite the bullet and buy a 3 day pack?
I'm currently looking at a SOG day pack or a 5.11 Rush 24h. I'm new to this whole prep/Bug out bag stuff. I'm not a nogunz tho, if that matters.
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Weird question
I was involuntarily committed committed to a mental institution last year (2023) during a mental health crisis in another state (USA) from my current residence (Georgia, as in the US state)

The circumstances were not from court order or any other body as far as I am aware: the police, after intervening, just brought me to the facility and I stayed there for a short while then I was discharged.

I did not go before any judge nor meet with any lawyer or legal representative during this time.

The police did seize the sole firearm I had in that state at the time, but I was not made aware of any of the other firearms I owned in another state (third state, in this narrative) being seized or surrendered.

So I am a bit confused if I am allowed to own firearms again in the state of Georgia (I moved here shortly after the incident, to recover with family).

I was involuntarily committed as far as I know but it was not by any judge, committee, or legal body (unless the local Police Department at the state where the incident happened counts). I was reading through the Georgia law and have not been able to figure out if I'm eligible or not - it looks like I am restricted from getting a license, but license is no longer required to own in the state. So I assume I would only be ineligible under the Brady Act?

I am confused; does anyone have any guidance?

I have not yet tried to purchase another firearm nor ammo.
Not trying to be an asshole here, but it sounds like you need to talk to a lawyer.
Even after chevron decision?
>Even after chevron decision?
There haven't been any ATF updates since the Chevron decision. There is no link because nothing has changed. It's obviously unconstitutional bullshit, but the ATF's position is pretty clear, and there's no magic loophole trick where you can just put a pad on a brace and it's totally still a brace bro. And the only thing that's going to change that would be a court ruling directly targeting the ATF, not simply striking down a different case.
you dont know what youre talking about.
still waiting for that link tho
>you dont know what youre talking about
Says the guy who thinks the Chevron decision might have changed something already.
whats the best way to start learning about tanks and tank design?
Someone talk me out of buying an X95, I might buy one next paycheck
ive got an old hakko scope 10x42 with no model number on it and the tube measures 32mm.
Does anyone know where I can find 32mm rings/mount? and why does this seem to be a nonexistant size? when did the 30 and 34 tubes become standard?
dont buy a x95
>and why does this seem to be a nonexistant size?
I'm not sure how to answer that other than saying it's just some oddball size that nobody uses. The only tube diameters that are truly common are 1in and 30mm. Probably the easiest way to mount that scope would be to get 34mm rings and have a machine shop make you some inserts to shim it down, or perhaps you could find 30mm rings with sufficient material in them that they could be bored out to 32mm.
Best post on /k/ today.
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>Thrust provoking image
Irrelevant time wasting question.
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can someone explain to a retard how getting handguns as someone between the ages of 18-21 works in the US (texas if that matters)?
from what i understand it's not technically completely illegal but i wouldn't be able to like go to cabela's and purchase one.
apparently it's legal only if the individual selling it to me isn't licensed. that made sense to me at first, but now i'm starting to worry about like straw purchase laws and stuff. i'm not a felon or anything just to be clear.

i have a feeling what i'm about to ask is really stupid and illegal because these laws are poorly written to me: if i gave my father $600 and asked him to buy a buckmark and some .22 ammo at a gun store, and then he gave the gun + ammo to me the next day, would we be in hot water?
or what if he did all of that without me paying him (therefore making it more of a "gift")?
im sorry i dont get this at all
Legal to possess (not everywhere, check your laws) but an FFL can't sell to you. Your dad can buy it and sell it to you. Or give it to you as a bona fide gift.
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What's a good price to pay for an original Inglis Hi-Power?
About tree fiddy. Seriously, what condition?
He's right and you have at least a social disability and probably a mental one as well. If you don't like the answer try doing actual research so you can be proven wrong by the rest of the internet.
You can buy a gun privately or make your own, glock clones are pretty easy. Getting your dad to buy one could get you in some trouble.
85% original finish, great bore
i accept your concession.
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Has anyone tried this stuff? Does anyone know where it's made? "Tula" in a black box was, I thought, Russian, but Russian ammo imports were banned over two years ago, and anyway this is in brass cases. The prices look suspiciously good. I am curious about the headstamps and the country of origin. I have seen just the tiniest bit of information here and there online saying it's dirty and underloaded, the bullets don't expand, and they're loaded right to the SAAMI max overall length limit, so most pistol mags only let you get 4-5 in before they start hanging up inside. I am thinking that at 34 cents a round delivered, they might possibly be useful for reliability testing and training.
i dont know about that particular load but tula always had tula definitely russian ammo and variant tula branded boxes that might have been russian or rebrands of somebody elses shit.
there was fuckery going on maybe surplus or overruns from other factories getting shoved in tula boxes.
This seller is trying to get sixteen bills, plus shipping, for an Inglis in 85% condition. I don't know how long that ad has been up, though.


There are a tiny handful of original wartime production Inglis Hi-Powers on Gunbroker, in a vast sea of what I assume are Turkish copies imported by MAC under the "Inglis" brand name. None of the real ones is under $1500, including the ones that have been refinished, "customized," and butchered to the point of being unrecognizable.

The cheapest wartime production Inglis on Gunsinternational is $1375 and it doesn't look as nice as the one described above as being in 85% condition.

GunsAmerica has no originals, just Turkish copies that don't even have the right sights or safety.

There's one on Armslist for $1125, and it's a complete rig with the wooden holster/stock, but it's been "customized" with nickel plating and an aftermarket safety. It looks like a bag of smashed assholes.

Mind you, I don't know how long any of those has been for sale at those prices, either, or how long it will take to sell them.
>if i gave my father $600 and asked him to buy a buckmark and some .22 ammo at a gun store, and then he gave the gun + ammo to me the next day, would we be in hot water?
this is pretty much textbook straw purchasing
>or what if he did all of that without me paying him (therefore making it more of a "gift")?
this is unprovable straw purchasing and your dad wont get into any shit unless you try to shoot the president. nobody will look into it hard or give a shit unless you fuck up hard.

an ffl cannot legally sell you a handgun directly.
the person selling it to you is supposed to be following all laws. people dont do this or care. you give them money they give you gun everyone shuts the fuck up and moves on.
did they really check that it was legal for them to sell you a gun. for example a private sale between a 24 year old and a 20 year old wold be fine. but if the were from different states its illegal. must people dont notice. they think we are both white and not felons its fine. nah it could be totally illegal. or if its one of those states that regulated private sales its illegal. but you can get away with it.
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What kind of damage could 40mm Bofors HE do to a modern MBT?
Lets go with this unlikely scenario v
>CV90 separated from squad
>while driving, it comes upon a enemy Abrams tank, sitting in the same position as pic rel but at 50 meters
>no AT missiles onboard
>use main gun instead
>10 rounds of 40mm Bofors HE fired into the rear of the tank
>CV90 gets the fuck outta there

Its the Abrams fucked or did the CV90 just rattle the crew a bit?
If the Abrams is good to go, then could other modern tanks handle the same scenario?
No personal experience with that load. Id be suspicious of it actually expanding in real world situations given the design. I outright don't believe that it'd have reliability comparable to one of the major US made self defense loads in terms of both going bang and feeding. Based on your post if youre looking for a factory load to specifically induce malfunctions with then it might make SOME sense but Id think snap caps would work better and be cheaper in the long run. Considering you can get HSTs at a hair under 50cpr delivered right now i dont see a persuasive bang for buck value for use as a cheap or second line self defense load. If your interest in terms of reliability testing is determining reliability with either typical ball ammunition or quality defensive ammo then you could get off cheaper either running said ball ammo or a FMJ FN of similar weight and same make. Speer and federal for instance intentionally offer similar external dimension and velocity practice ammo for their quality JHP stuff.

Overall id say its only use is as a novelty, or a round that may or may not work for limit testing or if you're loading your own mags and dont want the predictability of snapcaps biasing you
Engine/radiator damaged. Maybe the brake lights too.
>this is pretty much textbook straw purchasing
A straw purchase is when it is illegal for the recipient to possess the firearm. It is legal for anon to possess a handgun so it is not a straw purchase.
>this is unprovable straw purchasing
That's what the ATF refers to as a bona fide gift and it is specifically permitted.
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Well, it's more that I've got a couple of 9mm pistols I've been tinkering a bit with and want to verify that they'll run with something other than froundnose FMJ.

I know that one of the current memes is that "modern pistols" are inherently so reliable that you can shoot any ammunition in them whatsoever with any bullet design whatsoever and it Just Werks. I don't think this is 100% true. I've seen discussions at places like ARFCOM where someone will say, for example, "Federal redesigned the HST to improve expansion. The new production ones have a wider mouth, but now they won't feed in some subcompact Glocks," etc.

But then I am old enough to recall when 1911s were considered to be on the short list of hard-use duty and defense sidearms, and whether a particular example would work with hollowpoints was a crapshoot. You had to try and see and maybe send it off to a gunsmith. There were seeral different factory rounds then--we'll say, thirty years ago--in .45 that were well suited to this. If your mag feed lips, extractor tension, feed ramp angle, and so on, weren't perfect, they would let you know immediately. The short list was:

old CCI "Blazer" aluminum case with the old cup-and-core 200gr JHP, also often kind of underloaded
Fiocchi with the 200gr "Full Metal Jacketed Hollowpoint"

Both of these were loaded to a very short overall length, with short, fat, super wide mouth bullets. Also, if you could get it on sale, Federal used to sell, and maybe still does, a 185gr JHP duty load. Some batches were made with the old Sierra short fat truncated cone JHP, some were made with the Nosler JHP, which looked similar but lacked the notches in the jacket around the edge of the cavity the Sierra had. The early production 230gr Hydra-Shok used a bullet that was a very aggressive, wide-mouth truncated cone shape, but they gave it a rounded ogive later. Any of these would tell you if your pistol wasn't 100% reliable.

I want that, but in 9mm.
>max overall length
Sounds like there's an easy 2-for-1 solution.
Buy a VHS-2 instead, pussy
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Okay. Now what?
You should talk to a lawyer and IANAL etc. but I thought if you were committed to an institution and didn't resist it or say you didn't want to go that was voluntary commitment and that was OK. But talk to a lawyer.

Holy shit that hollowpoint looks like a crimped blank lol. Also IIRC Tula and Wolf are actually American brands but they mainly imported Russian ammo. Wolf IIRC used to import Eley or some other higher end 22lr and brand it as Wolf Gold ror something like that.
so what happens if i hold the flashlight like a front grip?
Your hand will get hot and the flashlight won't light anything.
right, but will i go to bad person hotel
No. A flashlight isn't a grip.
then whats the big deal about not being allowed to put front grips on pistols, or am i just getting us law totally wrong? why not just use a flashlight that can be used like a grip, instead of an actual grip
That's a grip.
>Wolf IIRC used to import Eley or some other higher end 22lr and brand it as Wolf Gold ror something like that.
It looks like they still do, or at least vendors are selling it online. "Wolf" branded .22 LR match ammo has been made by both Eley and Lapua. It is surprisingly good stuff, given that the importer and brand name have always been mainly associated with steelcase centerfire ammo that isn't known for high quality.
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kinda based on what the previous anon asked...
>at what point is a foregrip a "foregrip"?
i know you can technically legally put a foregrip on a pistol if its small or at a weird angle, but whats the official extent?
and if the foregrip is a bipod type, what is allowed in that regard?
ATF has ruled that if a grip with a bipod function is attached to a pistol, it reclassifies the pistol as an AOW.
what if a monopod is used?
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This isn't really a place for legal advice, or speculation on how BATFE answer a question no one's asked yet. Having said that, they make up the rules as they go along, . Any statements they make today are subject to change, with or without notice, tomorrow, sometimes retroactively, in a manner calculated to create maximum inconvenience and expose you to maximum legal jeopardy. The actual law does not enter into it, nor Supreme Court decisions, nor even common sense. Have you ever heard that saying about not asking questions unless you already know what the answer's going to be?
Why do these bandoliers exist? Once or twice I've seen them molle'd onto an IOTV but normally soldiers have something nicer
It's carrying case for mags. That could theoretically be used as a bandoleer. 6 mags in that beats 6 mags loose in a backpack. Or if you need to hand somebody 6 mags thats better than 6mags held together by nothing.
I know its a bandolier. I didn't ask what it was I asked why it exists. Nobody uses them. Ammo already comes in clips packaged in shitty bandoliers
So you can hand 6 mags to somebody else in a compact form factor. Or have 6 mags in a nice package on the floor of a Hummer.
That shit might've been relevant in early 2000s to scare retarded boomers but after everything that happened, in 2024, no one cares. atf has been legally castrated and raped numerious times to the point where they're universally mocked by everyone.
How are they handed out? Are they issued to individuals? Do they come prepackaged inside of resupplies?

They don't seem super disposable or something that you can just consume or hand off without somebody bitching at you because you lost it. I'm a POG btw
As long as it's not an NFA item you're fine. If it is, you should technically start a gun trust to make her a co-owner, but I doubt it would cause a problem either way as long as it wasn't misused.

Talk to a lawyer. Maybe see if you can get your seized gun back while you're at it.

Chevron doesn't affect BATFE's opinions, just their ability to prosecute based on those opinions. If you want, you can be the guy to provoke BATFE and get arrested and then challenge it based on Chevron. I'd recommend having a lawyer lined up first.
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Is this awesome? [Yes]/[Yes]
They aren't super disposable but that's what they are useful for. For example Instead of stripper clips in an ammo can. You have 2 bandoleers in it. You just pull that shit out of an ammo can then move those mags into your chest pouches. Meanwhile if you have stripper clips you have to pull out your empty mags load them with the spoon bullshit. Then put those mags back in the pouches.
It's a way to store full mags. You don't want to be pulling mags out of a shitty bandoleer during combat. But you don't want those extra mags being loose getting lost and shit. These are additional not part of what's always on you.
Is that what whoever designed it for intended? No. But it's what they are actually useful for.
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>Chevron doesn't affect BATFE's opinions, just their ability to prosecute based on those opinions. If you want, you can be the guy to provoke BATFE and get arrested and then challenge it based on Chevron. I'd recommend having a lawyer lined up first.
It does seem like every time that certain recent Supreme Court decisions come up, we will predictably see posts here saying "NO RULZ NO MOAR, DO WHAT U WANT, MAKE A MACHINE GUN AND GO ON TIK TOK, ATFKEKS BTFO, DO IT NOW OR UR A COWARD." This will, of course, come as a relief to all the guys sitting in prison cells right now for violation of rules BATFE made up. BATFE has not stopped kicking down doors.

The entire US federal civil service have decided what public policy is going to be, regardless of the actual law, regardless of Supreme Court cases. "Justice Thomas has made his decision. Now let him enforce it." And this is not going to change unless and until a President of the United States pulls an Eisenhower and sends the Army to hold some unelected bureaucrats at bayonet point and explain to them, in very small words with very few letters in them, how things are going to be. Everybody everywhere knows that isn't going to happen. Everybody.

So whenever I see these "do what u want, Chevron neutered ATF, they have no more legal authority, they can't do nothin man, u r cowerd, do it fagot" posts, I can see the glow from here.
Erm, actually it's the Hellion, sweaty???? I've looked up reviews and such of it, not really a fan desu
What am I supposed to do with duds? I have a few 10mm and 9mm rounds that never went off and I don’t think throwing them away is a smart move. Thinking I just need to remove the bullet and dump the powder but I don’t want to lose any fingers or damage any tools.
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What do you think I'm doing wrong? Am I fucking up the trigger pull?
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Cover them in chocolate.
How far? What are you shooting?
I believe it's 5yds, maybe 10 at most. I'm using an M&P 9 2.0, 4in barrel
Never seen a "dud" that wouldn't go after a few tries.
The easiest way to get rid of them is to go to wherever you normally shoot and drop them on the ground. If this is a range, someone will pick them up. If this is a patch of dirt somewhere, they will go back to the earth.
Should my first semi-auto shotgun be inertia or gas driven?
>What do you think I'm doing wrong?
Anticipating recoil. Do dry fire drills, also mix some snap caps at random into your mags when you load them. You can learn a lot about what you're doing wrong by paying attention to what happens when you pull the trigger on a dummy round instead of a live cartridge.
To elaborate on that, the bandoleer pouches also keep your mags from getting beat up. Dumping a bunch of loaded steel mags in an ammo can straight-up invites feed lip damage and dents. If you're blind-grabbing a magazine from a pouch you can tell which orientation it's in by touch, and you have to take an extra couple of seconds if you're grabbing it out of a can.
As far as issuing goes, they just sorta show up a lot of the time. If you ring up Supply and ask for a few, they have to order a whole-ass pallet anyway so they just start slinging a couple into every ammo shipment from the depot. The Feds will also sling a few pallets into large ammo shipments just on GP. Even if you never ordered any some will get sent with your ammo, or you'll be digging through the unit's storage and half-a-dozen of them will just sort of appear. Probably stenciled with the name of someone who's never served in the unit.
>getting lost
They're effectively disposable. They're not issued to an individual soldier, nor a uniform item. If you try to turn them back in at the end of a deployment your supply officer will look at you weird and probably call you a sped. The divisional armorer has a Tupperware case of them buried under a mountain of damaged mags, stripper clips, and random BCM-9 parts.
Indian Burial Ground nearby.
You've\ got one HELL of a flinch. Switch to a .22 for a while.
Buy one, they're great. Get it secondhand if you don't want to give more money to israel than you already do.
>captcha: VG8G0Y
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Either you're thinking about Hotaru or you've got ghosts in your blood. Either way cocaine fixes it.
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Disassembling them and reloading at a shorter OAL? I will say I thought about it for a few minutes, but I don't know the length of the bullet they're using, its actual seating depth, or the type or quantity of powder the factory uses, just that a couple of people on the Tube of Yous chrono'd the ammo at around 900-ish from full-length service pistols.

I made some total wild guesses about a possible worst-ish case scenario, in which the bullet they're using is .357" in diameter and as long as the 140gr Hornady XTP, and is loaded with a tiny 3.5gr charge of an extremely fast burning powder. I am guessing at all of this, of course. I plugged the numbers into Quickload then ran them again with the bullet seated just 0.100" deeper. Pressure goes up 55%, up past the "please reconsider" line for 9mm, and velocity goes up a whole 72 feet/sec.

Since a lot of my "testing" consists of firing strings of six at a B27 at seven or ten yards, maybe I'll be able to get six rounds in the gun, and just expend them all that way, to see whether and how often they fail to chamber.
Can I swap the barrel and cylinder of a Colt 1851/1860 from .36 to .44, and vice versa?
>Disassembling them and reloading at a shorter OAL?
Just tap the bullet in a little, poof more pressure and shorter bullet. Think.
I figured it'd be necessary to get out the kinetic bullet puller. Aren't bullets normally crimped pretty stoutly in place in factory ammo? I know 9mm is normally taper crimped rather than roll crimped, but I've seen some pretty heavy taper crimps.
>I figured it'd be necessary to get out the kinetic bullet puller.
That will just make them longer.
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1. use kinetic bullet puller to disassemble cartridge, removing bullet and powder charge

2. resize case with decapping pin removed from die

3. flare case mouth

4. return powder charge to case

5. put bullet back into case at shorter OAL and taper crimp

That bullet looks very similar to the Geco "Hexagon" target hollowpoint bullet, which has a big air space under the folded jacket up front. You might smack it with a hammer and distort the hollow jacket at the point. I wonder if it might be more practical to get out the Dremel and grind some material off the point of each one to shorten it a bit. There might not be lead underneath the jacket for quite a ways down.
1. put cartridge backward into kinetic bullet puller
2. use kinetic bullet puller to slightly shorten cartridge
Or you could do all that other stuff.
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>so what happens if i hold the flashlight like a front grip?
The ATF will shoot your dog... Or you'll just look gay and retarded.
Probably both though
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Need help identifying this knife. It's an OTF dagger with a glass breaker. There are no other markings aside from that X on the switch. It's all metal.
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It looks like a Microtech Ultratech, or it could be a cheap Chinese clone.
Thats the closest i could find, on that same website it has a similar knife with the exact dagger blade.
>or it could be a cheap Chinese clone
Maybe, it does say USA but that can be simply put there. The knife doesnt feel cheap at all, lots of weight on the switch and very smooth too.
If machine guns became legal to own in the united states would the price go down? what would really happen? what company do you think would sell the first legal machine guns to the people?
Fmj or hollow point for 380?
Gun Deals gave me links to an ATI Omni Maxx 7.5" for $350, and I'm in the market for a new budget AR or AR Pistol.

Worth? Or is there some company with better bonafides that come in under $500?

>Maybe, it does say USA but that can be simply put there. The knife doesnt feel cheap at all, lots of weight on the switch and very smooth too.
Real Microtechs and other American-made OTFs can run anywhere between $200 and $1000 depending on the manufacture and how limited of a run they are. Chinese ones will usually have the same aluminum body and feel pretty close in every regard, the only difference is they lack the proper branding. For example, a Microtech will always have the logo somewhere, and an engraved name on the blade. Chinese ones usually don't, and will usually use mass-produced clips that have other incorrect markings on them.

Personally, I don't much care about buying authentic when it comes to those, it only really matters if you're a collector or you really want the highest possible quality product. If it's just a daily cutter, a $20 Chinese clone is just as good as a $400 Scarab 2 or something.
>legal to own
They already are
If the FOPA was knocked out there would be people registering them overnight; the ATF would get a large bonus
If the NFA was abolished (or MGs taken out of the NFA) every jig-owning citizen would be charging out the ass to convert people's weapons to full auto
Or whatever you want, it'll never happen
>Chinese ones will usually have the same aluminum body and feel pretty close in every regard, the only difference is they lack the proper branding
interesting. Yeah i bought this for $120 from a vendor at a knife convention. Its just a beater so its whatever. Kinda got me interested in buying more OTFs however.
Can you elaborate more? And what about jig-owners would make them charge people to convert if they can buy one off the shelf? How much do you think they'd cost now compared to when they were legal before 1879 I think? And which company do you think would sell them first?
Ohhh wait nvm I see what you're saying. Yeah if they were made legal why not convert your ar-15 that you already own. I understand. But still I wonder how much brands like anderson or psa or the cheap ones would charge for a machine gun
>If machine guns became legal to own in the united states would the price go down?
Probably not, because the demand would instantly skyrocket and it's very unlikely that reputable dealers and manufactures would be able to meet the demand, so they'd all be bought up initially by big-money collectors and secondly by preppers and range guys, and it would be a while before production could catch up.

>eah i bought this for $120 from a vendor at a knife convention.
That's iffy from me, I'd be wary of buying anything that isn't branded and serialized because $120 for what could very easily just be a Chinese import is a fuckload.

If you want to explore more OTFs before diving into the deep end, both Temu and Aliexpress will sell them to you, along with clones of other expensive knife makes, for like $20.Yeah, they're cheap-o, but I'd rather fuck around with a few and decide what my favorite style is before diving into a big purchase.

On the topic of knives, my favorite carry knife for a long time was my Kershaw Link Tanto. I lost it recently, and learned they stopped making and selling them years ago and I'm really bummed about that and I don't want to spend $70 to buy a used one off Ebay. So I'm still looking for a new favorite knife.
Machine guns or "machine guns"?
FN already sells a semi M249, and they make the parts for the FA version too, so I'd assume they'd have a head-start on both
If you're talking full auto ARs and AKs, the parts would rise in demand extremely fast, and almost nobody has the jigs on hand for such a demand.
Plenty of AR manufacturers make m16-cut lowers, but only a handfull also make full-auto lower components in house
If I had to guess which ones would have it first, it would probably be the ones with contracts(FN, DSArms, spikes, etc.), but like I said everyone and their mother would buy them up and sell out very quick hence the people with the tools and knowledge converting semi lowers for those who don't
Do you think if full auto ar's and machine guns were "legal" like, how long until it became normal and things smoothed out? the prices turned to normal, like after everyone basically got one.
You cant go wrong with the paramilitary 2.
The M249 would stay ~$10k since most don't have that kind of money to just drop out of nowhere
With normal commercial manufacturers it should be a couple of months to about a year if the rush on firearms is anything like previous buying frenzies.
Of course this is all speculation and an actual re-legalization of post-86 machine guns doesn't seem like a possibility in the near (or even distant) future
Is shooting FA with ar-15's a bad idea like if you chose to run it that way? since some ar-15's aren't built with that in mind? (assuming you can tap and burst on FA mode)
Your rifle should be able to handle some FA fire to break contact, and is a great tool to have to do so, if the parts are good enough.
/arg/ has some advice on how to employ this if you ask them, and you should consider reading the pastebin if you're serious on building an ar-15 for anything more than range-use.
pastebin: rentry(.)org/sa6c4m
you're going to fuck up whatever stuff the crew put in the bustle rack, scratch up the paint, and cause the power pack to get pulled for a full overhaul to find all the little splinters that got blasted into it. Tank will eargerly slew around and atempt to get the sneaky little shit that just blew up their changes of clothes and personal effects they destroyed
You'd be able to satisfy your desire for full fun within a week by buying a plastic DIAS in the parking lot of Cabela's from a guy who has a bucket full of them, for $20.
You could probably get a third pin kit for <$100 in a couple months as they would initially get scalped like crazy for hundreds of dollars but then manufacturers would start dumping them on the market. Their real value is maybe half that of a cheap lower parts kit.
Demand for new manufactured automatic weapons of various types probably wouldn't be satiated for a couple years, you'd either have to pay a lot or get lucky to find one in stock at a lower price. Local gunsmiths would offer conversions for common stuff, but it might be a decade before Steyr gets around to selling new automatic AUGs.
Does the gun function with hollowpoints? Some .380s can be very finicky about ammunition. And some believe that with .380, velocities and energies are so low that expanding bullets don't get you much. Not many expanding bullets in .380 expand reliably at the low velocities, and the ones that do mostly don't get anywhere near 12" of penetration in calibrated 10% ballistic gelatin. The 90gr Hornady XTP and the old Federal 90gr Hydra-Shok were the only ones I'm aware of that do both consistently, even through clothing. And not every gun will feed them, especially the Hydra-Shok.

Some .380s don't even function with all roundnose FMJ. I have a Kahr CT380. In FMJ it likes Fiocchi, PMC, Prvi Partizan, and Blazer Brass. It hates Federal American Eagle, Remington, Blazer in the aluminum cases, and Winchester. The Winchester uses a flat-nose bullet that nose-dives and hangs up on the bottom of the feed ramp half the time. The others don't bump the slide back with enough force to cycle it reliably.

It does feed the Hornady XTP, at least as loaded by Fiocchi. I could never find any Hydra-Shoks in stock at the LGS to try, but the wide aggressive hollowpoint cavity on them sure looks like it'd catch on the bottom of the feedramp like the Winchester FMJ do. Winchester 95gr hollowpoints also hang up on the bottom of the feedramp.

It's finicky. Lots and lots of .380s are like that. You have to try different brands of ammo to see what works in the gun you bought. Roundnose FMJ that are loaded warmly (PMC, Fiocchi, Prvi, Blazer Brass) will generally function most reliably in most .380 pistols. And for defense, at least you know it that kind of ammo gives it the best chance of penetrating adequately. It's better than a rape whistle, at least.
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>it's very unlikely that reputable dealers and manufactures would be able to meet the demand
Prior to the Hughes Amendment in 1986 an M16 was only a little more spendy than a Colt AR15. There was full auto stuff for under a grand in every issue of Shotgun News. The market is there and if NFA were to go away, I am sure that the manufacturers would tool up to make new toys to meet the demand and every importer would be loading up freighters with rusty AKs and pistol-caliber SMGs all over the Third World to resell here.

In the unlikely event that happens, I want a Smith & Wesson 76, or a reasonable facsimile or repro thereof, just because Charlton Heston used one in a film called "The Omega Man."
I think AR's would just universally start coming with the 3rd hole then and they would let the secondary market pick up the slack for the small parts. Not sure how it would effect other guns since those are generally a little more involved in switching over. What i'd be interested in is how it would effect the semi auto clone prices.
Nearly instantly. The only reason that transferable machine guns cost more than a regular semi auto version of the same firearm is because they are pre 86 transferable and that is a fixed quantity without a fixed demand. The second it's possible for anyone to legally form 1 new machine guns into that pool that are transferable there would be no same reason to pay such a steep premium. The demand is there now more than ever, so the instant that flood gate opens every FFL07 with SOT is going to register and sell machine guns as fast as they can make them and process the paperwork. ATF will have a long backlog processing all of it.
They absolutely can take it. Even a $400 PSA can run just fine full auto. Dumping magazine after magazine holding the trigger down is not a great idea (gas tube will bend and rupture, protecting the rest). Firing in bursts or a few magdumps is no problem at all. I've done it with a few range rentals. Also an AR is surprisingly accurate and controllable in full auto.
Don't. The plastic receivers break and the rest of the parts ATI uses tend to suck. Lots of chinesium. Don't know if it's really Chinese, just the same kind of bottom tier quality.

As a general rule of thumb with ARs don't try to go any cheaper than PSA. There are some unspeakable things AR makers have to do to get under that price point.
JHP, .380 has enough mass and velocity to benefit from some expansion. Generally speaking it's with 32, 25 and 22 that you want FMJ or LRN in order to get as much penetration as you can get.
No, there are some differences in the frame sizes as well.
Plus swapping barrels on those designs is a bitch.
Just get one of each.
Thank you!
>The plastic receivers break and the rest of the parts ATI uses tend to suck. Lots of chinesium. Don't know if it's really Chinese, just the same kind of bottom tier quality.
I didn't know when I went looking that they're polymer. So yeah, I get why the price now.

I think I may just go with the PSA 7.5", which is not that much more expensive. The rest seem to be weird combos of stamped aluminum and plastic and whatever else, and that's just not what I want. Maybe if I'm lucky there'll be a sale or something, but I can live with the $450 price.
How do you carry extra shotgun shells on a wood frame? Buttstock holder?
>What about jig-owners would make them charge people to convert if they can buy one off the shelf?
If you can buy a full-auto gun for full price, or pay someone a few hundred bucks, plus parts, to "upgrade" your existing gun in a couple weeks and not fuck it up? A lot of people are gonna take that option.
There would also be an immediate boom in minimal-machining packs to make semi-only guns full-auto. The actual barrier to "easy conversions" is a polite fiction that's not nearly as high as anyone - including the ATF - is willing to admit.
That said, vintage stuff that went out of production before '86 is still going to be expensive as fuck, just not quite as eye-watering as before. Semi-auto clones would disappear overnight if the Act was repealed, but if it was just the Hughes Amendment things like the SP5 would still have a market as budget clones that you could pay another few hundred bucks to upgrade and then register.

PSA would have a drop-in full-auto AR lower and bolt carrier kit on sale for <$250 within a few weeks. Lots of people would likely be springing for machine pistols, and there would be people developing conversion kits for as many PCCs as possible before the next SHOT show. The bespoke conversion parts would be the most likely thing to backlog or go vaporware, though.
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I'd put them on the receiver instead. They're called shotshell cards or side saddles (watch the youtube video below). A velcro adhesive strip is attached to the left side of the receiver and the "cards" have velcro on their side as well. Also called a "side saddle".
Or use a stock mounted shell carrier or shotgun shell holder (see picture).
>every jig-owning citizen
Abraham Lincoln said we can't own jigs any more. :(
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Welp. I may regret it, but I just put in a couple orders for cheap 9mm ammo that had somewhat unreasonable-looking hollowpoint bullets at two different vendors. I found some Ammo Inc. with the 115gr Sierra hollowpoint, and some Prvi Partizan with the 147gr hollowpoint. Both of them look kind of wide-mouthed and the Ammo Inc. stuff looks to be loaded on the short side. I've got a total of 350 rounds coming. I decided the Tula stuff, due what I have read about its excessive overall length interfering with function in many pistols, doesn't sound like it's worth the trouble for what I want to do.

The pictures make it look like the bullets Ammo Inc is using for this have a somewhat rounded ogive. The bullet doesn't look like the Sierra #8110, but maybe it was a limited run, or something new that's not in Sierra's catalog yet.
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Have you considered a bandoleer?
Are olight lights any good, both gun lamp regular flashlight or it's all marketing and youtuber sponsor garbage. Both the discounts and aggressive marketing makes me very suspicious.
The answer I get every time I ask about lights in one of these threads is "get a Surefire, or a used Streamlight on eBay if you're poor. Nothing else is worth considering even for a moment in Current Year."
It wouldn't cost any more to make a machine gun than a semi auto. You'd probably see select fire ARs selling for $0-20 more than semis after a while, but initially the market would be skewed since Everyone would go out and buy a new full-fun toy at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised to see select for PSAs being scalped for $2000 for a couple of months before production catches up to demand.
I can't speak to their "tactical" lights but I love the Olight Swivel worklights. I bought one after a friend recommended it, and I ended up buying three more. Not only are they great worklights but they're also handy for camping or a general purpose around-the-house light if the power goes out.
across the front 120 degree arc, practically nothing. I think the outer plate is like 25mm of steel, which will utterly defeat a 40mm HE shell. you'll have paint damage and minor cratering of the armor. a direct hit against the optic will disable it, but that's a small target.
They did have some problems. In particular using rechargeable batteries on gun lights due to heat sinking issues. There have been cases of them getting the old lithium battery runaway heat reaction while charging and blowing up there as well. That said, I know a few people who do use them and didn't have any problems. Personally I stick with Streamlight and CR123As.
I've had pretty good results with both Ammo Inc. and PPU as far as cycling and accuracy, although I hear the gel test results from PPU hollow points were pretty pathetic. Almost no expansion at all and just acting like an FMJ. I don't know if that's the case with their current loadings or how Ammo Inc performs.

People seem to avoid Ammo Inc like the plague in general for some reason. I don't know if somebody can enlighten me on that phenomenon.
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>would the price go down?
Depends on what specific guns you're talking about. The price of a basic bitch full-auto would absolutely drop. The only reason why things like auto AR's, Uzis, Mac's and similar cost as much as they do is because of the limited number of them on the registry. If MGs were legal again the value of those guns would drop like mad. However, the high-end stuff like picrel, vintage Thompsons, BARs, rare HKs, etc, would not drop significantly since the value of those guns derives more from their rarity and historical significance rather than the fact that they are full auto.
In fact the value of those kinds of guns might go up as more people get into the machine gun hobby. We saw something similar happen when Colt started producing Pythons again. The value of the more basic model Pythons dropped when the new models came out--but at the same time the value of the special rare variants like the "snake eyes" set, the "Deerslayer", etc, all went up as more people got into collecting snake guns.
You might check out the flashlight tests from Torque Test Channel on YT. They are not sponsored and have quite rigorous testing standards; the majority of the cheap brands they tested turned out to be Chinesium garbage that lie like mad about their performance specs but there were some less expensive lights that performed well.
The short answer, as other anons have said, is to talk to a lawyer.

For a bit more background, the term "involuntary commitment" usually refers to long-term commitments by court order, not short-term mental health holds issued by a police officer or doctor. What matters from a practical standpoint is whether the state reports short-term holds as "involuntary commitments" to the federal government. Most do not, but it's a federal crime to try to buy a gun if you're a prohibited person, so it's worth finding out before you try.

You also have to take state laws into account. AFAIK all states allow temporary confiscation during a hold, and a short-term hold is usually grounds for issuing a red flag order in states that have those. If a gun was confiscated as part of that, there should be a process to get it back, but it's best to talk to a lawyer about the details. Some states won't issue carry permits to anyone who has ever had a short-term hold, and some may try to permanently restrict ownership too. If that applies to you, and you've completely squared yourself away since then, and you have an explanation for the hold that doesn't make you sound like a weirdo, then you could try contacting SAF or FPC and see if they're interested.

What makes it involuntary is what's written on the paperwork, not whether you resist. If you are admitted to a psych facility after a ride in a cop car, ambulance, or trip to the ER, it's probably involuntary. If you check yourself in to a psych facility directly, it might be voluntary, but that's up to the admitting psychiatrist. 99.9% of the time suicidal ideation = involuntary hold.
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>gel test results from PPU hollow points
https://youtu.be/mcCUNWkj6Z8 There is at least one test in which the 9mm 147gr from PPU isn't terrible. Now, stipulated, I don't see a calibration BB in either of those gel blocks. And I don't see four layers of denim. It still tells us vastly more than a clear gel test, or shooting gallon jugs of Kool-Ade.

But, see, I'm not getting these as a carry or home defense load, though that one test looks like it might be suitable. I'm getting them to see if they hang up on the feedramp or otherwise cause malfunctions in a couple of 9mm pistols I've been tinkering with, a Ruger P85 and a Turkish Beretta 92 copy. I don't expect them to. Both of them look pretty well set up for hollowpoints, though the Ruger's feedramp was covered in toolmarks when I got it, and when I polished the Turkish gun's feedramp I saw some little ripples or irregularities in the metal on the left side. I polished them both just on general principles. The Ruger has had some extraction problems. I bent the extractor a bit--it's a leaf spring type--and reassembled it and maybe that will fix the double-feed stoppages.
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A few weeks ago I posted in here asking for advice on how to rack a slide because I had trouble doing it during the safety training sessions before I could join my local gun range. It was my first time operating a gun and I was surprised at how difficult it was. Of course, I got roasted ITT.

I went back yesterday for my first "control session", this time with a different gun. I had absolutely no problem. Turns out the dudes in charge of the safety training were handing extremely hard to rack pistols. I suppose the goal was to weed out the less motivated people and to get us to build good habits. (Europoor country btw) Can't wait to go back on Wednesday.
Well, there are many different semiauto pistol designs. Some have heavier recoil springs than others. Some can be a bit difficult to manipulate, especially without instruction in the proper techniques of how to hold the gun, how to grasp the slide, and so on. It seems like "the dudes in charge of the safety training" should have taught you how to do it right instead of just watching you fumble with it. It doesn't seem like they're taking their responsibilities very seriously. If all you knew about guns when you started was the way you see people do it on TV, it wasn't your fault. They're responsible for teaching you.
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Knowing how gun legislation works in this country, a politican probably got really really spooked by stories of Dillinger, or he saw something similar in a movie, and he decided the best course of action was to ban the thing that made him scared.
>I suppose the goal was to weed out the less motivated people
Probably closer to the truth
>get us to build good habits
I don't understand how that would make someone build good habits, it seems more like how the Chinese military puts barbell weights on the barrels of their rifles. It doesn't teach anything good, it just leads to someone fucking up their gun. In the case of your country, someone who passes the course may rack a gun too hard and break it or something (or at least wear it out much sooner), and in the latter case the barrels will get bent.
Of course that's assuming they're trying to teach you anything by that. They may have just chosen a gun at random and they happened to be incompetent in their choice. Or they were intentionally trying to discourage people from owning a gun for Euro reasons.
You should do your own research if you really want to learn and don't rely on classes and teachers only.
I'm sure they'd work fine for your intended usage then, fwiw 147gr JHPs with a wide mouth tend to be the worst offenders in terms of feed reliability due to their longer OAL and ogive differing the most from typical FMJ. A side note on the merits of 4 layer denim testing: 4LD testing was initiated by the IWBA in the early 90s(iirc maybe it was mid), the reason they began the practice was because HP designs of the time that were expanding properly in bare gel and lightly clothed gel testing were experiencing a high rate of failures to expand in the real world. A lot of people poopoo 4LD testing as unrealistic, however the fact is that it is quite literally a testing criteria developed because seemingly more realistic tests were not providing results that lined up with the real world results despite it appearing to be unrealistic in terms of "who goes around wearing 4 layers of denim". Experts like Dr Roberts are also on record saying that 4LD results are the ones that actually most closely resemble real world results of projectiles in terms of both penetration and projectile expansion regardless of what the target was wearing at the time.
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Hmm. I am old enough to keep coming back to 1911s as my basis for thinking about these things. Back when 1911s were serious-use pistols and not range toys, a lot of the premium defensive hllowpoint loads were much, much shorter than the milspec hardball the guns were designed around. A lot of people thought that meant the tended to hit the feed ramp at a later point of the slide's forward movement and that made them more prone to nose-diving.

But bullet design ain't easy. Before the late 1980s it was generally believed that you needed the lightest fastest bullet possible for the caliber to have a chance at expansion, and that when you were working with less velocity than full-house .357 Mag with lightweight bullets from full-length service-revolver barrels, any actual expansion was unavoidably going to be spotty. They brought bullet weight in .45 ACP down to 185 or 200 grains and tried to hit 1000 feet/sec with it from a 5" Government Model barrel, and sometimes even came close to that at SAAMI pressures. But the bullets, being so much lighter, were short and stubby, even with the biggest hollowpoint cavities they could put in them with the tooling that existed at the time. That meant they had to seat them pretty deeply in the case to get sufficient neck tension to avoid bullet setback. The resulting ammo had a tendency to look like pic related. You had to tweak the extractor, and some people tried bending the feed lips of the mag to make it hold the top cartridge a little higher and release it a little sooner, to try to get the guns to run. Sometimes it worked. Some guys ended up carrying a hollowpoint in the chamber and roundnose hardball in the mag.

And I've been assuming here that with 9mm and other handgun designs it's the same, that ammo with hollowpoint bullets, loaded to shorter than the typical 1.1-1.15" OAL was more likely to nose-dive and fail to feed, all else being equal. I had not previously heard this about 147gr loaded long.
It was a Glock 19 every time. It was absolutely possible to rack the slide while using the appropriate technique, but it is true that our instructors weren't great teachers. I think they were army guys volunteering for their club.

Yes, did not understand either. But I can say it filtered some people. Some because of their mindset, and one guy because of a disability, unfortunately. His thumb was paralyzed and he could not develop enough strength to keep the barrel pointed downrange while racking the slide. It was sad to see.

That is what I did and this is how I learned about "pull with the weak hand and push with the strong hand."
>urns out the dudes in charge of the safety training were handing extremely hard to rack pistols.
Completely retarded. New shooters should use guns that are easy to operate with a simple manual of arms and nothing that requires a lot of strength or dexterity. Likewise guns that are unusually heavy, small, or hard recoiling are also bad ideas for new shooters. Whoever decided it was a good idea to give newbies pistols that are extra-difficult to rack is a moron. That is asking for people to get flagged, if not worse.
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>A lot of people poopoo 4LD testing as unrealistic
I agree. When bad things happen in dark alleys, the participants tend not to be uniform homogeneous blocks of gelatin with neatly arranged layers of various fabrics arranged on them laid out so the bullet will strike the stack of fabric and then the block perfectly perpendicular to its surface. People are moving. People are wearing clothing that may not be perfectly form-fitting. Things are swinging around. And the four layer denim test accomplishes something else for us. It allows us to segregate bullet designs and loads into two groups, those that have problems with proper expansion after passing through clothing, and those that don't, and allows us to narrow down the field.

It makes me think of people who really should know better, who like to say "well, the heart is only 2" under the skin, you don't need 12" of penetration, anything's good enough." It's good enough until it isn't. The FBI tells us that when their people are involved in incidents where they have to use lethal force, when a bullet hits the body cavity, 40% of the time it passes through a limb first. Pic related shows why. It can be argued that 12" as a minimum is an arbitrary number that someone at the Bureau came up with. That may be. I have noticed that when I look it up, some of the really popular 9mm duty hollowpoint bullets penetrate a little under 12" in bare gelatin.


Speer's own publicized data says their 124gr Gold Dot at +P pressures, which is wildly popular with law enforcement nationwide, doesn't get to 12" in a bare gelatin block. It comes close, but not quite. It seems to have a pretty good reputation anyway. We can quibble about the numbers, but not about the need for standardized objective tests.
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I'm looking for a liner for my flecktarn parka, can any of you decipher the size of it from this tag?
I own a Cx4. I don't plan on doing anything too wild. My budget is somewhat flexible, though I'm honestly not sure what price range the good quality ones are, I was thinking maybe around $300. What is a standard optic that you would recommend? I did some digging on websites and some seem to be dirt cheap but I'm assuming that means that they're absolute pieces of shit. Any specific brand news I should stick with to avoid getting screwed over?
Forgot to mention. I'm currently looking at a HOLOSUN HE403C. Don't know if that's any good. Seems decent for what I want.
Did some more digging and apparently Holosun is a Chinese company. Fuck that. I'd rather kill myself than taint my gun with that. Holosun is out of the picture.
Finally got a chest rig. What the hell do I put in it besides magazines? All I can think of is some medical kit (not sure exactly what to get for this either) and maybe a flashlight. What else? Food? Water canteen?
mittel = medium
48/50 = the specific euro shirt/jacket size
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Can you put the new repro of STG77 scope on this?
Also is AUG-A3 M1 getting discontinued?
Possibly a tremendously stupid question, but: How come semi autos rarely, if ever, use cartridges like .38, .357, .44, etc
Rimmed cartridges work best in revolvers, break-action, and lever-action guns. They don't feed well in box magazines. Semiautos with box magazines normally used rimless cartridges.
What is the intended purpose?
Everything is made in China now. Even Leupold optics use lenses made in Chinese laogai political prisoner slave labor factories now. If you want something that isn't going to put money in Xi Jinping's pockets, directly or indirectly, you're going to be looking for a long time and you may pay four figures for a used non-Chicom optic on eBay if you want something better than 1970s K-Mart grade.
the aspect ratio and rim on the case makes them a bit tricky to feed, there is also the problem that since they are almost exclusively used for manual action guns, the amount of gas and recoil generated is all over the place. this leads to difficulty making a semi-auto cycle it reliably.
that being said I've been able to make my Deagle shoot subsonics reliably, so it isn't impossible.
On the Thompsons I think we'd see *some* of the scarcity pricing drop once someone started making the American-180 again. Because let's face it, the Tommy is cool as fuck but most people would rather have most of the looks, none of the recoil, and a loaded drum carry three times the rounds at a quarter the price.

>All I can think of is some medical kit (not sure exactly what to get for this either)
My IFAK is
* a tourniquet
* 2 large bandannas , one wrapped around the tourniquet (you can make slings, splints, and in extremis extra bandages with them as well as tying over a bandage)
* A couple large sterile gauze packs
* Two survival blankets - these are extremely cheap, versatile because they're waterproof and tear-resistant, highly-reflective, and if you're treating an injury serious enough to warrant using the kit they're either getting clothes cut open or they're in shock
* Alcohol wipes, on GP
* A brand-new, still-bagged penlight with the batteries isolated by a pull-out plastic tab.
* A couple feet of duct tape
* A Sharpie. When you're treating someone, write down where the injury is and what you did. The field medic way is just to draw on their forehead or back of the hand. M for Morphine, T (limb) for a tourniquet etc., along with the time of treatment
* A couple pairs of nitriles
The second bandanna is wrapped around the above stuff, it's blue and the first one is black-and-red. Both packets fit into a magazine pouch on their own, and into a standard Army-issue IFAK pouch together.
My main bag has a bunch of other basic stuff - needle, thread, a chest seal, a mouth barrier for CPR, Benadryl, basic painkillers, Dramamine, a tube of Lidocaine (usually sold for cold sores), moleskin, band-aids. That's all in a small fanny pack that I can pull out and take with me when I leave the car, or move between bags if I need a different size. Injection epinephrine is really easy to get a 'scrip for if you've got buddies with allergies.
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I don't know enough about metallurgy to say how practical or durable it'd be, but I wonder if some clever person could design a simple open-bolt SMG in 9mm, or rather adapt an existing design, for a rectangular tubing receiver, maybe even made out of aluminum, set up in 9mm, maybe with interchangeable mag wells for different mag types. At least one of them would need to be the Suomi drum. Make it look cosmetically able to pass for a Thompson at a distance, with a Thompson buttstock and vertical foregrip. Thread the muzzle 1/2x28 and put a conical flash hider on it because they look extra mean and also a bit steampunk-ish. I would also hope for better sights than the original Thompsons had. The original Thompsons had a very elaborate, expensive Lyman aperture rear sight that was for whatever reason adjustable for elevation only. Put a front sight base on it maybe similar to the one from Tech-Sights for the 10/22, so it looks like a proper early-20th-Century iron sight but you can screw the post in and out for vertical adjustment, and drift it side to side in its dovetail for a rough zero, then put an inexpensive adjustable aperture rear on it that adjusts for windage and elevation, in a housing that at least resembles the big winged sheet metal thing around the Lyman sight on a real Thompson. Make it a simple open-bolt Thompson lookalike for range fun, one that doesn't weigh 15+ pounds loaded, and actually runs reliably with a variety of ammo, including hollowpoints if a feedramp can be designed to cooperate with them, for those eccentric folk who might contemplate using one for home defense. I'm trying to describe something like one of the Stemple tube guns set up to resemble a Tommy Gun. Am I making sense or am I having a stroke?
I'm sure it's played out.
But semi-auto or revolver for a handgun you don't expect to use often?

I know spec wise, semi-autos are better at 99% of all things.
But for a gun that's just going to be sitting on top of a cabinet for emergencies, I feel like the ease of not having to reload magazines or dealing with the disassembly for cleaning and all that makes revolvers a lot more convenient.

Just doing my shopping for a gun and was leaning toward a revolver since it feels more idiot/lazy proof. Which I certainly am. I know semis aren't exactly hard, but every bit counts.
Why would you be reloading magazines or disassembling and cleaning a gun that just sits in one place and doesn't get used?
Because sometimes you do use it.
Or if you take it to the range for upkeep / fun.
>A Sharpie. When you're treating someone, write down where the injury is and what you did. The field medic way is just to draw on their forehead or back of the hand. M for Morphine, T (limb) for a tourniquet etc., along with the time of treatment
A very, very, very long time ago, a military instructor told me to use the patient's blood and draw a "T" on his forehead if I put a tourniquet on him, etc. If nothing else was available it was on the medics to see it and figure it out from there.
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If you shoot anything enough you're going to need to tear it down past the usual field stripping for preventative maintenance. If you're going to use it at all you won't be able to neglect it forever, though it is true that revolvers are generally a little more tolerant of neglect than semiautos. Semiautos tolerate abuse better than revolvers but are vulnerable to neglect.

The modern double action revolver that comes to mind for me when I think of the one easiest to take apart, not necessarily completely, but down to major subassemblies for cleaning and lubrication, is the Ruger GP100. Try to find a used one. .357 Mag, six shots, you can also shoot .38 Special in it, very rugged, though not unbreakable or indestructible. It is also relatively simple to take apart for those times that the trigger begins to feel gritty and you want to take the trigger guard and the parts contained in the top of it out to hose down with carburetor cleaner, then put a drop or two of oil on them and put it back in.

Other revolver designs mostly have a plate on the side where you use special screwdrivers to remove the screws then tap on the frame gently with a little plastic mallet until the side plate pops off. With the GP100 everything goes into the frame from above or below and there are no plates on the sides. It is not as smooth an article as, say, a prewar S&W double action revolver with the old long-stroke leaf-spring lockwork, but it's not terrible and it'll smooth up with use if you shoot it regularly.
is it bad for my ammo to keep loading a magazine in and out of my rifle/handgun?
I just like playing with them ok
What's the legality of retards not knowing how to look up their state laws? Should we allow such retards to own guns? Didn't even specify state or country. So many gun owners demonstrate such a lack of understanding of basic civics and law, should they really be trusted to follow the law when they clearly don't know it or care to learn it?

Are you asking if it's ethically ok to do this or something? You want subjective opinions? Because you clearly didn't give enough for a legal opinion. I bet there's a hundred false answers too. Low IQ af board.
It's a silly entrapment strategy to get the new user to point the gun in an unsafe direction and get him out of the range.
>lets deliberately make newbies do something unsafe
Like I said, it's completely retarded.
Europe is like that, my range might be the most retarded
>targets don't come back you have to walk
>25m only, pistol only, preferably 22lr, nothing bigger than 38
>5 ammo in the gun max
>10 seconds between shots
>range owner has to monitor you during 3 sessions separated by at least 2 months each before you get the ok to own a gun
>range lend you a gun for free but you have to buy the ammo at twice the normal price until you have your own
>People seem to avoid Ammo Inc like the plague in general for some reason. I don't know if somebody can enlighten me on that phenomenon.
I was curious enough to look around a bit. I found discussion threads in gun forums on Le Plebbit where people were saying some batches of their pistol ammo have very hard primers, and aren't 100% reliable in some striker-fired guns. Glocks with stock springs sometimes have trouble with it but if your gun is hammer fired and you haven't installed lightened springs it'll usually be fine.

I hadn't known that striker fired pistols were less reliable with ammo that has hard primers. I do know that there's a bit of a primer shortage right now and I keep hearing horror stories on other forums. "Hay guise I just got a great deal on these small pistol primers made in a country that still hasn't mastered sanitary drinking water. I got a hundred thousand of them! I'm set for life," then, a week later, "These primers suck. More than 10% of them are too big to go into the primer pocket, and the primer cup material is really heavy. I'm getting 50% duds. Who wants to buy some primers? Really cheap? Maybe you could use 'em in 5.56." I cannot blame Ammo Inc for using whatever primers they can get for their ammo. They're a business. Demand for primers is up since Thuh Virus and the 2020 riots, with no end in sight, plus now there's a war on that's hoovering up everything anyone on the planet can produce, also with no end in sight. And that's small pistol/small rifle primers. I haven't seen large pistol primers in an LGS for going on five years now.

Sorry. I'm rambling. The tl;dr is, some batches of Ammo Inc pistol ammo have been reported to have extremely hard primers, hard enough to create reliability problems in some guns. I've already shot a lot of Russian steelcase and various foreign ammo through both these guns so I might get lucky here. They have stock springs.
Outside of practical uses like hunting etc or competition what's with the obsession with objective firearm accuracy?
Why are people so obsessed with super tight groupings when shooting for fun?
If you have a 3 moa rifle and a 1 moa rifle and you're punching paper, if you're good enough you'll hit the level of accuracy the rifle is capable of anyway so why does the objective number matter if you know you hit the peak
and yes, I know that more accurate rifles tend to also be more reliably accurate, but for most shooters the difference is within statistical error
>with the obsession with objective firearm accuracy?
It's easy to measure so obviously people are going to argue about it. It's no different than people arguing about what celebrity got more views, which car has more horsepower, or which quarterback threw for more yards.

>Why are people so obsessed with super tight groupings when shooting for fun?
Trying to shoot the smallest groups possible is a fun challenge.
How do I find somewhere private to shoot? Don't know why I'm like this but I can't stand being around other people and potentially being judged. I get that people are generally helpful, but I just want to be on my own. Also I don't want to pay for range time lol. I live in city of about 358k according to Google, so lot of rural area. I'm just paranoid about going into the woods and accidentally being on someone's property or, depending on location, shooting at the military base nearby
Step one is to inherit a billion dollar trust fund from Grandpa. Step two, buy some land in the sticks. No trust fund? Then you're going to have to go to a public range like the rest of us.
25m is too far for a yuro to walk? I thought you guys loved walking.
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>Be me
>looking at AMSEC saves
>go on their official website
>laptop immediately turns into a jet engine
Why is their site so poorly optimized? Are they unironically running a crypto minor in the back ground like Dlive?
Anyway I'll probably try again later after re-installing NoSccript, maybe then their site won't run like absolute ass.

Also recommend me good small two shelf pistol safes that can double as a bedside table. Anything but '''Liberty''' safe is fine.
Yes, you can buy the optic by itself although it's really expensive. Steyr USA has them on their website. Getting the rifle with the optic already on it would probably be cheaper.
Part of it is rimlock. Designing magazines to feed rimmed cartridges is a bitch. Part of it is pressure, where most semi auto pistols are recoil operated and can't handle something as hot as .357/.44 Magnum. Even with .38 Spl. there's a wide range of hot/cold loads so setting up an automatic to cycle with all of the available ammo would be a nightmare.
S&W did make an automatic in .38 Spl but only 5rds and only specific wadcutter loads.
Having a gun sit loaded for long periods of time without any loaded springs is a trick that revolvers are good at, but you are giving up at the very least a ton of capacity for it. I suppose it's not the end of the world since most defense shootings are less than 3 shots let alone 5 or 6, but that's MOST rather than ALL.
For the record I have had some Glock 23 magazines loaded over 10 years and they still functioned just fine afterwards, so that's not that much of a problem either.
Magazine going in/out is fine.
Chambering and unchambering a lot is not great. It's introducing a safety issue just from the standpoint of inviting an ND and you can set a bullet back in the case resulting in overpressure. You should get some snap caps and mark a dedicated drilling magazine that is only ever loaded with snap caps for the purpose.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. If people don't know laws, ask vague questions and get vague answers from people who aren't lawyers they have only themselves to blame when they get fucked.
It's just an arbitrary benchmark that used to be hard to achieve, like shooting 1000yd. You don't really "need" every gun to be able to do that in order to be useable, but people got it in their heads that if it can't ground 1" or better it is INaccurate. When I worked at an LGS I got more than a few pissed off customers trying to get refunds for $500 Radical ARs because they can't get sub-MOA groups with Tulammo and an Amazon red dot.

People don't know any better and have delusions. I guess they must be equally annoyed when their Hyundai can't do 100+ MPH and drive like Mario Andretti is behind the wheel.
I did have that issue on and off with Tulammo .40 out of my Glock 23. I can see crappy primers causing all manner of devilment and a manufacturer having no choice but to keep using them and getting reamed on the cost because they don't have any other choice.
What is the "typical" amount of rounds an IFV or similar vehicle with an autocannon can expect to carry and fire in an engagement?
at the time my gf was getting her FOID card (gun permit) in Illinois. As a teenager her parents had her involuntarily committed to a mental health facility. When she applied for her FOID card she was initially denied due to the mental health issue and had to fill out forms including getting other people to vouch for her such as myself and shrink to be able to get the FOID card. As others have said, talk to a lawyer.

As far as 4473s go, here is what the ATF considers to be disqualifying and when it no longer applies to you

Foids don't deserve guns anyway.
oh, you
Thanks, that all sounds like quite a bit of stuff. How much space would it all occupy? I guess I need a good backpack as well
why do people care about low scores in golf? it's an expression of skill. To be able to shoot accurately, you need an accurate rifle, if you have an accurate rifle, then the challenge is within yourself. I find precision shooting unbelievably meditative. if my gun is shooting 5moa, I can't tell if it's me or my gun.
What is CMMG's problem?
>$250 for a stock
>$175 for a stripped receiver
>upwards of $800 for a completed lower
Why did beretta stop importing the CX4 storm? Someday I wanted to do a Battlestar Galactica build
I will guess that it didn't sell. Whenever a manufacturer discontinues a product that's usually the reason.
What sort of earpro do people wear? Also belts. I have some Walkers, but I forget which specifically. I want something better than these. My belt is a klikbelt, it's pretty good desu but I just feel like I want something else
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I'm still tinkering with the P85. Articles like


say that you can greatly improve the trigger by reducing overtravel in single action and improving leverage and reducing trigger pull slightly in double action by putting the P95 trigger in it, though you do have to remove some metal on top to clear the barrel link.

In the P85 I have, it was very much not a drop-in fit. The trigger was coming all the way back and touching the frame without the hammer dropping. So I removed about .020" from the rear surface of the trigger where it was touching the frame. Now it just barely goes far enough to fire, and seems to do so consistently. I will have to try it out at a range, maybe this weekend. The single action trigger previously had an enormous amount of overtravel and a very long reset, and that has been reduced. The double action feels about the same to me.
Cheap electronic noise cancelling muffs + a pair of disposable foam earplugs. Both simultaneously. I started doing this after about the fifth time I was on a public range on the lane adjacent to the guy bump-firing an "AR pistol" with an obnoxious brake from the hip.

I got my belt at a gun show. The guy selling them said they were handmade by the Amish from "bull hide." The material is over a quarter inch thick. I've used it for 10+ years and it's holding up, unlike so many disposable $9 belts from Walmart.
>What sort of earpro do people wear?
Foamies + muffs most of the time. If I'm shooting suppressed outdoors I'll sometimes only wear muffs. My favorite foam plugs are the Howard Leight MAX. They have a very high NRR and the pointed shape makes them easier to insert compared to many foam plugs. I'm not very picky about muffs.
Hmm. I just noticed that with the P95 trigger mod, the P85's hammer doesn't come quite as far back in double action as it did previously. I hope it doesn't affect reliability.
R we good
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My direct threaded suppressor is stuck on the barrel. I’ve added a shit ton of gun oil on the threads as much as possible. Do I let it sit over night and try again to unscrew it in the morning?
Put a mag on a vice, put the gun on the mag, put on some gloves and get it off you pussy
Clearly you never heard of suppressor lock up faggot. No guns detected
Nice cope, weakling. If you put it on, you can take it off. Try not to break a nail bro.
>Thanks, that all sounds like quite a bit of stuff. How much space would it all occupy? I guess I need a good backpack as well
Like I said upthread - the two packages each fit into a single mag pouch or a ~2x2x5 inch IFAK pouch. The supplementary stuff is a tiny fanny pack, you could also fit it in something like an A5 document pouch.

Cuffed and stuffed. 35dB disposable plugs, plus at least passive earmuffs. Actives won't cover everything, and at some point or another the cuffs will slip or malf. We all know it.
I keep a spare pair of plugs inside the foregrip on my AR, and a pair of non-disposables on a loop in the safe with my home defense gun. I also keep a bag of foamies and a couple sets of cheap cuffs in my range bag in case I wind up going shooting with someone who forgot their gear. Already had to shoot unprotected a couple times in defensive situations and not doing it again unless I absolutely have to.
Does anyone know how sensitive the primers in PMC "Bronze" 9mm range ammo are? I would say "does it have hard primers?" but that's the kind of question that turns into a purse-swinging autism fest as people argue about primer cup material thickness, priming mixtures, primer anvil shape and placement, without actually answering the question. I just ran 100 rounds of PMC "Bronze" 115gr ball through a pistol with a lightened mainspring, with no problems and very good looking primer indentations. I am curious about whether this means I should celebrate or not. PMC is what the range had. I have ordered some Magtech steel case and some S&B and it'll get here when it gets here. In the meantime when I do a search I see lists like this:

"Pistol primers, from hardest to softest:

Seller & Bellot

and I do not know what to think, even before people start arguing in the comments about how acktchewally that's all bad information because in 2009 Winchester changed the primer cup thickness in response to, etc,. etc., blah blah blah.

Ha. I keep at least one pair of disposable foam plugs in the case with every pistol, just in case I forget the muffs when I leave for the range.
>I keep at least one pair of disposable foam plugs in the case
This, except with silicone triple baffle earplugs.
Idk why I did it but I bought a couple of Vz58 kits. Cost me 400 shipped and supposedly, they have "most" parts, I assume I will have to hunt down some FCG. But now where the fuck do receivers come from? I only see a few options and most are sold out or 500+.
>But now where the fuck do receivers come from?
Tortort. They are, as you noted, five bills everywhere, plus sales tax, plus shipping, plus transfer. Ohio Ordnance Works used to sell VZ58 receivers, but that was a long time ago.

When you say "most" parts, do the parts kits come with a barrel? A usable, serviceable barrel?
Well, they both come with "surplus" barrels. The guy didn't mention demilling or anything with regard to the barrels, and there was no obvious damage to them, so hopefully they work. They look like they need popped out of their current receivers at least.
Is Montana Gold Bullets out of business? I heard they closed shop and sold off everything, and there was an announcement about it on their web page. Now their normal business web page is back up, with lists of products. Everything is out of stock, but it had been like that for months anyway. Supposedly some time in the afternoon Mountain time they put out product, which was snapped up in seconds, but I haven't seen anything not OOS on their web page since before COVID. Anyway, are they cooked or no?
Took it to the range. The good news:

it runs 100% with the P95 trigger, at least so far

The bad news:

the P95 trigger feels weird to me and I'm having a lot of difficulty getting used to it

I was doing strings of six, like I usually do with DA/SA pistols, starting with the hammer decocked. The DA feels very different. It has noticeably significantly less total travel than it did before. The travel in DA starts further back, and also ends further back, with the hammer releasing just about the thickness of a sheet of notebook paper before the trigger touches the frame. It feels smooth but it's awkward for me. Previously I staged the DA trigger--yes, I know, that's not recommended any more, but I'm used to doing it--by putting the first joint of my index finger on the trigger and pulling it back until my fingertip just barely touched the grip panel. I'd pause there for a moment to align the sights and move the trigger just a tiny bit further back, tip of index finger still on grip panel, finger flexing a tiny bit at the first joint as the hammer came back a tiny fraction of an inch further, and the hammer would fall, without any sensation of a wall or any kind of further resistance. Now it's so much further back that it feels weird. It's so far back when it breaks that my index fingertip is pushing against the grip panel noticeably and it's hard for me to get it further back. When I can do it just right I can hit almost perfectly at seven yards on the first shot, hitting within an inch of my point of aim. But sometimes it gets awkward and I have to put more force on the trigger and the point of impact goes several inches directly downwards, to six o'clock.

The single action also feels much different. Almost all the overtravel is gone now. The reset is shorter. But if I keep the joint of my index finger on the trigger for the second shot it's very awkward and I find myself dropping the shot 6" or more at seven yards, over and over.
how tf do you tie it like that?
girth hitch
you didn't learn this in school?
I have to ask, do you want to tie it to the sling swivel like that, or do you specifically want to attach it to the front sight base? The front sight base has the gas tube inside it, and will get really hot, really fast. I would be concerned about the cord melting and/or burning after just a few mags.
>My favorite foam plugs are the Howard Leight MAX.
Thanks. Do you have any kind of part number for them? When I search I see things like "Howard Leight Max-1," "Howard Leight Max-30," "Max Lite LPF-30," "Howard Leight Max Lite," on and on. I am interested and would like to know which ones, specifically, are the ones you mean. Thanks again.
Nigga they don't teach that shit in schools anymore lmao. It's not 60s
>girth hitch
That doesn't really apply here since the cord isn't a loop, it has two ends
You're joking, right?
so rocketball ammo sucked because the powder and the power it gave sucked. if we just used some other explosive, something way sillier than modern gunpowder, what kind of rocketballs could we get?
Simply switching to standard modern smokeless powder would make the rocket ball just as powerful as 9mm.
I bought one of those Zastava M83 revolvers from Sweaty Ben. Does anyone know of a speedloader that works good with them?
I know the company is pretty much dead, last I've head, but how are Desert Tech's guns?
I used to have a gun, wasn’t that big into it, sold it a few years back.
I want to get another gun for the same purpose, sitting in a drawer and shooting paper with my grandpa. But it’s reminding me of something that happened to me where I don’t know if it’s normal or not

At the range several years ago I finished a magazine, reloaded the same magazine because I only owned one, aimed and let the slide lock release, and the slide went forward like normal but the gun fired.

No consequence, im a nerd about that shit, live firearm is always down range so it’s not like I let one off into the dirt.
But is it supposed to do that? Is that an inherent chance with a slide lock being released that it could fire?
Or is it not supposed to do that?

It was a Bersa Thunder in 380 for reference. Otherwise perfectly fine, it shot pieces of paper without issue. But it only ever did that with the slide lock once.
It is not supposed to do that, no. What you describe is called "slam-firing" or a "slam-fire." There are a number of possible causes:

bad ammo (if the primer is not seated properly and sticks up a bit instead of being .008" below flush then the slide can set it off when it goes into battery)

dirty gun (carbon fouling or even grease in the firing pin channel can hold the firing pin forward when it's supposed to retract)

worn or broken firing pin spring (it's supposed to retract the firing pin after you shoot so the firing pin doesn't stay forward)

worn or damaged sear (causing the hammer to fall forward when it goes into battery)

worn or damaged hammer (causing hammer to slip off the sear and fall forward when it goes into battery)

I don't know whether the Bersa Thunder has a firing pin blocking safety. If it doesn't, well, this sort of thing is why that was invented. If it does, then slam-firing also indicates a possible problem with it.

Two of these can be fixed with better ammo and a good cleaning. Two of them require the attention of a gunsmith. For the sake of safety it's the sort of thing that justifies a visit to your friendly neighborhood gunsmith. But since you no longer have it, the point is moot.
Nobody makes a dedicated speed loader for it, but it may be close to something like a S&W 19 or Ruger Security Six. I'd get some snap caps, go to a gun show and check some secondhand HKS loaders to see which one lines up best.
The earplugs thing is a good idea, I'm going to start doing that.
Yeah let it sit a little bit.
They are delusional about the AR market and the quality of their products. They are thoroughly mid tier but think just because they have been around a while that they have somehow become a premium manufacturer in the process.
So I wouldn’t expect that to be a thing to occur normally for say, a new Glock 17 or 19?
It may just be the lack of that firing pin block safety as you mentioned? The thunder wasn’t like a super nice gun, it was sub $300, it was ok at best and for my purposes was fine. But if I’m getting something else now I want a Glock or potentially a VP9.
The Ammo Inc. ammo came today. The bullet is definitely not the Sierra #8110. It has a rounded ogive shape and a hollowpoint cavity that is very wide but shallow, with a sort of rounded cup shape, like I saw on some Hornady hollowpoints many years back. I wonder if it might be the V-Crown bullet sold as a reloading component, purchased by Ammo Inc and sold as loaded ammunition.

Cases are bright and shiny, primers are silver-colored (nickel plating?), bullets are bright and shiny. They are actually shinier and look cleaner than Winchester white box 115gr JHP I have on hand. They're loaded to right around 1.070", pretty consistently. Cases are .381"-.382" just below the crimp and about .378" at it. They plunk nicely into the chambers of the guns I'm going to use them in. They look like very decent ammo.
>So I wouldn’t expect that to be a thing to occur normally for say, a new Glock 17 or 19?
That is correct. It would absolutely indicate either bad ammo or a dangerous mechanical problem with the gun.

>lack of a firing pin block safety
Well, firing pin block safeties are a relatively recent innovation in semiauto pistols, and were uncommon before the mid-1970s. Slam-firing is not normal and always indicates some kind of problem. The firing pin safety just makes it so that if, for example, the sear is worn and the hammer jumps off it and follows forward when you rack the slide to load it, the hammer can hit the firing pin but it won't fire because the firing pin block is holding the firing pin in place.

I should clarify. Imagine that inside the slide is this little plunger, this little piston kind of thing, that is normally all the way in its lowest position, with a spring above it holding it down. And when this plunger thing is down, it locks the firing pin in place, holding it to the rear. The trigger has some kind of arrangement of levers attached to it so that when you pull the trigger and it moves back, it pushes that plunger upwards. And when the trigger is all the way back, the plunger is all the way up and out of the way. Then the firing pin is free to move forward. This is to keep the gun from going off if it's dropped, if the hammer follows the slide and hits the firing pin while you're loading it, etc. Of course it's mechanical and has moving parts and they've been known to wear in ways that make them fail in dangerous ways too, and it's additional moving parts in the gun, additional possible points of failure.

But there is definitely nothing wrong with a Glock 17, if you like Glocks and the 9mm cartridge. Some people find them ugly, and bash them, but they work.
Further irrational optimism. I put a reduced power Wolff mainspring in the P85. Factory is 22 pounds, I put in a 19 pound, because it was the lightest. In combination with a 12 pound extra-power recoil spring it cycles fine, at least with 115gr FMJ. Ejection is mostly to 2:00 to 3:00, not extremely forceful. Of one hundred rounds one came back at me, and it was traveling up in a high arc and fell in front of my face rather than striking me square in the center of the forehead. With hotter ammo I assume ejection would be more vigorous. I will probably polish the original trigger and put it back in, as I find the P95 trigger awkward, especially in DA. The frame is not shaped in a way to allow me to hold the gun properly while pulling the trigger almost back to the frame with the first joint of my index finger on the trigger.
Oh. I reread your post. The VP9 is also decent and has a good reputation. I tried a VP40 as a rental gun at an indoor range years back and it was great. Not everyone likes the pivoting paddle magazine release, but there is a VP9B with a more conventional button release.
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As far as pistol slides go, is it better to put oil, or grease on them?
I know this question is asked a lot. First gun I should get assuming I’m in no rush to get an AR? Looking for a convincing argument. Most recommend 22 rifle since practice is cheap. My goal is to get skilled with an AR or battle rifle as well as a handgun. 22 rifle put me on the right track? I already have some experience shooting. Shotgun better? Eventually I will buy an AR or more expensive rifle
This was good stuff, thanks anon
What the hell is with weapon lights?
>light by itself is $200+
>pay for pressure switch
>pay for tailcap
And I can't find fucking any picatinny mount
I was going to buy a rein 2.0 or 3.0 since they come with the tail cap and switch, but they only have mlok mounts on their site
I use grease on slide rails. I've got some food-grade nontoxic (supposedly, anyway) synthetic white lithium grease. I put a very fine layer on the frame rails plus the slide rails using a tiny paintbrush, as well as the front of the barrel where the slide moves back and forth on it, the recoil spring guide rod, the locking surfaces where the barrel sits in the slide, and so on. It works great. This is not to say that oil can't work too but in my experience you have to reapply it much more often.

You can get a .22 LR AR type rifle. Smith & Wesson sells one, the SW15-22. There's a lot of plastic in it and some people feel they aren't durable, but they get mostly good reviews. Controls are just like an AR and disassembly is sort of like an AR. That plus a decent .22 pistol will set you up nicely for learning and training, and for .22 pistols in Current Year you are spoiled for choice. I personally like the Ruger Mk III and Mk IV, but the S&W Victory Model and Browning Buckmark are also great.
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What's the best way to get a clear picture of a 'scope reticle? I picked up one of pic related (Chinese Howitzer scope) and I've got some questions about the reticle markings. Which will make more sense if I can post pics. Unlike a rifle scope, this thing has practically no eyepiece relief. So my cameras are getting pics with poor field of view.
so I do mid range shooting (250-300 yards) and I also do birdwatching and like having a pair of binoculars for hiking. I recently went through an optical dilemma. I got a cheap spotting scope and thought it was shit so I instead got an expensive one. The expensive too had a shitty fucking eyebox and horrid glass quality. I then got Vortex Razor UHD 18x56 binoculars and they were way better for spotting shots and I'm able to see 5.56 holes on paper at 100 yards as well as bigger rounds at 200 yards.

I've been hiking and bird gazing with shitty porro prism 7x binos but I'm thinking of upgrading those and getting another Vortex Razor UHD but I'm not sure what. Obviously the 18x isn't great handheld and they're fucking huge. I was considering an 8x or 10x and then there's also the option of a 10x with a laser range finder but slightly worse glass. Any advice or recommendations on what I should go with? I really don't have any experience handholding a 10x or how significant of a diminishment in FOV that would be. I live somewhere in the US northeast btw if that helps.
macro lens and a real camera
you can get 1st gen Vortex Razor 20-60x85mm scopes for $600-ish on ebay. if you want something which isnt fuck-huge there is the Vortex Recon 15x50mm monocular. You can put either on a tripod
I had a new angled Vortex Razor HD 27-60x85 and I wasn't impressed at all by it and returned it because of optical defects in the lens and the awful glass and horrid eye relief and eyebox. Feels like you're looking down a straw desu and makes it hard to actually see shots
>laser range finder
I hope this isn't is the setup for a later post where you talk about blinding birds in flight and watching them collide with buildings. Because this is /k/, a magical place.
I consider myself a proudly uninformed person, but I was talking with my mother just today and she mentioned something about nork soldiers in Russia and now I must ask, what is going on in Ukraine?
Rumor has it that Kim Jong-Un is sending tens of thousands of terrified starving conscripts, I mean, brave volunteers, to take part in the next series of "meat assaults" in Ukraine under Russian command. Lots of serious people are repeating this, making me wonder if it might actually be true. I am also wondering what Li'l Kim is getting out of the deal. There are varying rumors about Putin paying him off with missile tech, nuclear weapons tech, etc. I didn't have "Norks Invade Ukraine" on my 2024 bingo card.
Do you like it? They look cool and are really cheap.
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mine has been fine. try cleaning your glass some time and you wont have these problems. also i'm not sure why you're complaining about clarity, any higher end 60x scope is going to be limited by mirage far more than the glass clarity, if you want to pay twice as much on a Kowa or Swarovski you can, but it'll do fuck all to help you. and if you care that much about eye box go buy something like a longshot hawk camera. the eye box is going to be roughly the same on any comparably sized scope.
So I have a rifle, got it from an old co-worker do I didn't shop for it myself and at the time I wouldn't really have known the difference in the hand between a high quality AR and a garbage one. To be honest, probably still can't.

So my question is this; Ignoring the "just save up more money and buy a $1000 gun" stuff, how exactly do you decide whether to go with a smaller, lesser-known maker or just do the basic thing and buy a PSA or something since they're essentially the same price? Assuming you have no way of having either in-hand before purchase.
If your budget can't scratch $1k, buy an old-Bushmaster XM15 from police surplus.
They're almost everywhere and a great basic rifle if it's just going to sit.
If you're serious though, see >>62741870
If what you just got handed is good enough for what you want it to do, then clean it and learn how to use it
Don't buy PSA unless it's for their FN heavy barrels or their cheap 77gr ammo
What is it?
It was in between the glass, cleaning isn't going to do any good. I had higher expectations for a $1600 optic but apparently Vortex makes those in China now which explains the shit qc. Literally had to remove my glasses to be able to see down it and everything had blue fringes. I returned it and swapped to a Vortex Razor UHD 18x56 and I've been happy with it. That glass is made in Japan and I would call it excellent glass. The more fov and better glass works wonders even though the magnification is lower
I said in another thread, it's just a generic AR that happens to be chambered in 7.62. Was fine and basically let me shoot for free when I worked at the range here because no one ever bought the ammo anyway.

I've been looking into what I want to do for an AR pistol, and I figured I could just go with the company that made the gun I have (Zaviar), or something else, but obviously I have no way of comparing either one in-hand.
>, how exactly do you decide whether to go with a smaller, lesser-known maker or just do the basic thing and buy a PSA
if the only reason you are buying it is brandnew its cheaper than a psa and nobody has ever heard of the company/partskit frankengun thats a redflag and you should just buy the known adequate psa.
if its new and costing slightly more to roughly the same its fine.
if its used from a real brand and its used bushmaster for 600 vs brandnew psa for 600 buy the bushmaster. hell it could be delton or dmps and still be ok.
>I know this question is asked a lot. First gun I should get assuming I’m in no rush to get an AR? Looking for a convincing argument. Most recommend 22 rifle since practice is cheap.
Get a cheap, manual action .22 rifle with an internal magazine. A halfway-decent bolty or lever will cost you somewhere in the $200-400 range unless you score at a pawn shop. A manual action will get you to slow down and practice getting shots on target instead of just blasting away. Plus they're fun to work. A single-shot rifle is just miserable to learn to shoot with unless you're teaching a kid that can't be trusted not to flag people.

>goal is to get skilled with an AR/Battle rifle and a pistol
You can splurge on a .22 AR if you want, or just get an AR and put a .22 conversion kit in it. The conversion kits are kind of finicky but you'll be learning on the same controls as a real rifle. The dedicated rifles are comparatively expensive. They're also a lot more reliable, lighter, and smaller.

I'd rather start with something like a Beretta Cheetah in .380. More comfortable to shoot than a pocket pistol, easier to control, has some practical use as a carry gun later even if it's not exactly an optimal choice.
If you insist on .22, I have a Phoenix HP-22A with the extended barrel. I'm quite satisfied with it as a beater plinking gun. They cost around $75-100, and they're decent enough guns despite being a Saturday Night Special. It's easy to damage the recoil spring on reassembly, so get a 5-pack from the manufacturer - they cost less than $20. Also, don't use super-hot ammo or they'll crack the frame after a few thousand rounds. With those caveats aside, it's a reasonably accurate and extremely cheap pistol. If it breaks you can get something better.
Would B&T's USW-G17 Conversion Kit make the pistol into an SBR, or is it considered a brace? I can't seem to find which from their website. Wouldn't be opposed to making it an SBR but I've been waiting on a form 1 for over 5 months now
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>Would B&T's USW-G17 Conversion Kit make the pistol into an SBR
Yes. "stock" is pretty unequivocal. If they had a version with a "brace" it might be different, but they call it a "stock," and so will BATFE.
>It was in between the glass
Any scope in this price range is going to get QC checked by someone looking through it before it leaves the factory. Chances are it was between the ocular and body when you assembled it. Buy a rocket blower next time, or if you're too lazy just call them and they'll send you a pre-paid shipping label to send it back to them and they'll clean it for you. Also the entire purpose of buying a Vortex is their warranty.

>Vortex makes those in China
You're retarded. They made the 1st gen ones like mine in China with Japanese glass. They make the 2nd gen one you had in USA with Japanese glass:
>vortexoptics 2 points 3 years ago
>The Razor HD 27-60 is manufactured here in the US and the Viper HD 20-60 is manufactured in China.

>Literally had to remove my glasses
Well this explains why you think they aren't clear

>everything had blue fringes
The term is chromatic aberrations, rarely are the fringes blue, and it only happens on high contrast areas and happens to every optic to an extent. and these fringes you claim are everywhere arent present in your off center picture here >>62763693

>That glass is made in Japan and I would call it excellent glass
So was your spotting scope

>The more fov
More FOV is worse for the applications a spotting scope would be used in. It would have less reach.
I found a "brace" compatible with it:
But I'm unable to tell how it really even differs from the stock. I guess I'll have to contact B&T or the A3 people about it
Wheres the one that's actually funny and doesn't have a bunch of niche anime references?
Unironically, Wikipedia and World of Tanks, and Youtube videos.
>those are bad, biased sources
You will need to know how to identify good information from bad and biased sources if you want to know things about tanks; all the sources are bad and biased and "not being a complete retard who takes everything at face value" is absolutely essential to learning about tasks.
If I have a stripped AR lower and use it to make a rifle, is it a rifle forever or can I swap the upper and stock to a short upper and brace to make it a pistol?
"Once a rifle, always a rifle"
But in reality, how are they ever going to find out?
Unless it's on a 4473 as a rifle, nobody will ever know nor care.
>all the sources are bad and biased
All sources have some degree of bias. The real problem with World of Tanks and YT videos is that they have very low information density. Unless you have a learning disability you can read far more information in 10 minutes than you would learn playing WoT or watching YT videos for 10 minutes.
What if you buy a ready lower
Why don't we ever hear anything about JTF2?
I said what I said.
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What's the current best deal on cheap-but-still-safe-and-usable 9mm practice ammo, in quantities of 500-1000? Trying to avoid reloads from Bubba's Ammo & Landscaping.
i miss my fat ex
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If the AR market has exploded since 2010 due to the availability and easy-of-assembly of parts available on the market, why don't we have any lego-tier levergats yet?
I'd love a lever receiver I could do a barrel swap between 45acp and colt on
Does anyone here make ranger bands from bike innertubes? I managed to get some innertubes from bike shop dumpster, a few weeks ago, put them in a grocery bag and let them sit in my trunk, and I want to cut them up, but should I wash them I don't smell any odor, no dirt on them as far as I can tell, but I would rather wash them, unfortunately it seems dish soap will break down the material, any alternatives?
it'd end up uggo and the feed mechanism wouldn't be able to go between various length cartridges and rim diameters. you might be able to do 44 and 357, but rim diameter changes would dictate more part replacements.
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Had this idea to make a more reliable rimfire cartridge by rebating the rim (or 'necking up' the case above to rim to make a rimless case with an extractor groove), and then using a non-heeled bullet with a longer and stronger crimp.
The thought was to make a better small caliber cartridge for automatics, while retaining some of its low cost nature via it being a simple balloonhead case with rimfire ignition (and a plain lead bullet, possibly with some powder coat for nicer ammo).

Thinking about it further though, I come to realize that without the side of the chamber supporting the top of the rim and acting as an anvil, would the firing pin striking it be able to reliably ignite it in this case, or would I be looking at more duds than existing rimfire has? Could the extractor play anvil here with it sitting in the groove as the pin strikes it, or am I begging for the extractor to suffer from this kind of handling?
>dish soap will break down rubber
How did that make it past your bullshit filter?
It's like you're re-inventing cupfire but you're making it more complicated.
> or would I be looking at more duds than existing rimfire
> or am I begging for the extractor to suffer from this kind of handling?
That. And you're making the design more complicated by having to have the extractor located so close to the firing pin.
The main reasons why the AR market took off is because:
a) vidya games
b) the 1994 AWB
...the aftermarket being huge is a symptom of its popularity. Levergats aren't that popular, though you still see some modernization of them, there are now tacticool models on the market with M-lok handguards, plenty of them come threaded for suppressors.
I figured it'd complicate the mechanism and all. How is it like cupfire?

Maybe an easier solution would be to just turn down the rim on .32 Auto or cut down .30 Super Carry and design around that.
you're a retard nigger who doesn't actually use your gear and just sits your fat ass on a chair and spouts bad opinions
Dish soap won't ruin shit. Use Dawn. Also they smell ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FISHY on the inside. Cut it up how you need, make a ton, throw it in a bucket with hot water and Dawn. Let it sit a day or two. Pull out and rinse and if needed, give it another soak in hot soapy water. It'll also go away with time; I have a section of inner tube on my buffer to shut up a sling swivel. Should last a couple years before starting to tear or something, then you replace it with another free piece of inner tube. The only thing that'll really "break down" the rubber is gun cleaners and oils if you use the wrong kind. If you do get something on it the rubber doesn't like, oh no, an inner tube makes like 100 "ranger bands", so who cares? Store like 10 of them in the pistol grip or some shit.
Can I shoot clays with a maverick 88? Or do I need some gay European over under that costs $2,000?
Can i tell someone "youre going to get shot if you XYZ (come closer/touch me/etc) if they're being threatening? I know this is kind of a retarded question and 4chan is not legal advice but is that illegal?
For example if im out in public and an aspiring rapper decides to have a nigga moment can i use that or do i just have to wait until theres an actual deadly threat and then just shoot
You just say "don't come any closer" etc. Adding "or I'll kill you" is pointless.

Honestly I assumed it was bullshit, but I have been wrong before on stuff.

Yeah thanks, I figured it was bs but I've been wrong before on stuff. Yeah its free and I could just replace it, idk why I am being such a retard, thanks for keeping me from going full retard.
>Can I shoot clays with a maverick 88? Or do I need some gay European over under that costs $2,000?
Get some gay Japanese over under that costs $2.000 instead to support Nipponland's military industrial complex... or just get a Mossberg, it's up to you anon and either will go boom when you pull the trigger.
Define "can." From a technical perspective, sure. Lots of trap/skeet/sporting clays clubs are full of Boomer gear snobs who will give you a hard time and tell you that you're wasting everyone's time if you aren't using a hand-built European over-under sporting double with a hand-made stock fitted to your measurements by Old World craftsmen, blah blah blah. But you can certainly shoot clays with a cheap shotgun. The pellets will still come flying out the skinny end of the tub eand go over there and break the target.
>Can I shoot clays with a maverick 88?
absolutely. shooting skeet/clays is about 99% skill and 1% equipment.
It is arguable that shouting "help! I'm being attacked!" might be helpful later on, in the event that there are witnesses. If someone is attacking you there may not be time for more than presentation, front sight, press, though.
Would it be funny (and bannable not endorsing it) if someone made a bot that would spam "mocktails mixers ice the snacks are real nice" on zigger shill threads? Eventually one of the shills will look it up and start fapping, which is a win cause they arent making zigga shill shit
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>you're a retard nigger who doesn't actually use your gear and just sits your fat ass on a chair and spouts bad opinions
lol ok, pic related. stay butthurt that you got rid of a perfectly good scope because you don't know how to clean the glass.
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Poorfag here am I missing anything for my AR build?
KY jelly for your boyfriend
You need a gas block for your gas toob and an armorers tool if you don’t have one.
Any other tools?
barrel vise
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what sight is that irl?
And that’s it for specialized tools? I have a generic tool bag from my fabricator days with wrenches, hex keys, etc
i mean there are others like head space gauges, receiver blocks, punches, etc. if you're asking these questions instead of googling it, you might want to give up now
looks like a kike meprolight
Oh yeahm which one tho
It’s so over
dumbass nigga just buy a complete upper/lower.
The amount of time (money) and money (tools) you'll spend and still fuck it up on bulding shit doesn't justify additional 200 dollars.

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