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prepare your anus
>election season around the corner
>WWIII looming
>racial tensions

oh yea, its all coming together
I am so glad I got over my "IT'S HAPPENING" phase a decade ago
I bought 500 rounds of 5.7
FFS I don't want to buy more, even after I shoot half of those
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>Election season
2020 called
>WWIII looming
2016 called
>Racial tensions
2020 called again
2005 called
these things can happen multiple times you know
This. Its just 2005-2008 all over again. Prices are still gonna go up a bit because of a retards and “le happening” fags.
We haven't had racial tension at a serious level since the 60s. That's when whites abandoned the cities due to the riots.

Baltimore used to be a majority white city. Let that sink in.
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>iT cAnT hApPeN hErE

...is precisely what leads to it happening here.
Which company do you work for? Nobody is panicking this time around, except for companies that are scared at the idea of the first election in 16 years that isn't printing money for them.
Wrong. Nothing ever happens.
Wasted digits
It's funny how you can always identify the zoomie posters in threads like these. They out themselves immediately every single time.
>i-i-it could happen!
>j-just you wait!
lol, lmao
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Yeah there will be a bump, but I rekon there will be more people selling to pay CC bills than hardcore hoarders.

Its just happened to many times now. Even the most normie boomer can see the list of past orders when logging into Midway USA. Realizing that this too shall pass and there isnt anymore room for bullets, and the grand kid is thinking about getting a car.

Anyway here is an easy and cheap way to never have to worry about food again.
I work at a range and everyone I talk to also notes there isn't as much panic as the years before...maybe it's just the calm before the storm. Or people are being more lowkey these days. Or are just burned out on prepmaxxing
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This anon is mostly right. One must be ready for any happening within a budget. Hyper fixating on one event however is counter productive.Harder to see the big picture.

The question is when the US is going to start the war with China.
This wiki can flesh out continuous way of thinking
I think anyone who was going to get their shit together already has
I am too broke and a NEET to panic buy.
mommy will take care of you :)
Let's all vote red
What category do most people you know fall in?

A prepmaxxed already
B doesnt care
C kinda knows but cant afford hoarding
For what scenario?
You retards do realize that all of these things have happened multiple times already and that the panic buying has happened before? Its not like "it could happen" it will happen like it happens every time, retards
COVID was peak comfy because I prepared for chaos and got to use stuff I had stocked up to avoid the crazies at the stores freaking out over not wearing a mask for the flu and not having to overpay for ammo because the blue haired cat lady was like omfg drumpft and caused ammo prices to 10x
Prep maxed and don't care. It happens or it doesn't. I rotate my supplies and use them daily anyway. I'm stocked up for a month of not having to leave.
just cooperate with your friends and neighbors every day and you will be secure in adversary
Covid was great. Less cattle around as they were all hiding in their houses watching the news
>zoomie telling people who actually lived through panic buying about panic buying
Cute, lol.
Covid was gold for me because I had ~10k rounds of .22 and 9mm respectively reloaded and stocked up already.
I went to the range about 3x a week and it was empty every single time. I think maybe 4 times total over a year and a half did I see another person there.
Take me back.
go live in a ghost town out west
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Perfect time to load up on .40 s&w, especially after 10mm got shilled to all the wristlets who will run through the same feminization problem the fbi did
I hope everyone has stocked up from all the hunt sales the major retailers have all had. I got a couple hundred rounds of my most used calibers to ensure I'll have a reserve to my reserve, no matter which way the wind blows.
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>burned out on prepmaxxing
I feel like this has got to be a part of it. People (I hesitate to use that word) have been flipping their shit over random crap for the last 15 odd years and panic buying. There has got to be some limit to their fear induced gullible nonsense.

I write this and then reflect on the faggots buying TP when the dock worker strike was looming a couple three weeks ago. Maybe I am the gullible one.
Nothing ever happens. I was so excited when COVID started, then when the riots got going? Oh man i was stiff as a board. I really thought id get the chance to live out my collapse fantasies.
And then? Fucking nothing. No civil war, no WROL, nothing. Just more gay bullshit like always.
So even if Kamabamala gets in, and WWIII starts, the economy tanks, chimps chimp out, COVID 2.0 happens, whatever: for the average person NOTHING will change.
Screenshot this btw.
So, even if people panic buy for a year, prices will come back down, as they always have, as they always will.
Yes this is the guy who was hiding in their house
You can always wipe your ass with your hand and or your sock
>then reflect on the faggots buying TP when the dock worker strike was looming a couple three weeks ago. Maybe I am the gullible one
I didn't see anyone do this, nor did I hear that this was happening from anyone except "news" outlets. I saw no panic buying of any product at all leading up to and during the dockworkers strike. I expected bananas and maybe some other fruits, but even that didn't happen.
>t. receiving manager at a large grocery store
>ohnoes le hecking brown femaloid is going to make the white replacement happen boohoo
Go back to /pol/ Ivan
Gay men use their tongues, they are happeningproof
Having a mortgage and living in CA where you can't mail order to your door places me firmly in C. I really want the supreme court to cock slap CA so hard on this shit that Gavin Newsom's grand children are born with mushroom stamps.
what's it like living in a state whose government sees its mandate to the public as a challenge to skirt the line of negligence?
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>Be me.

>Live in critical swing state.

>Already voted blue down ticket, volunteering at public library "helping" register the homeless (they get free food and I fill out their ballots for them.)

>Have already complied with state and local law enforcement notifying them of who has (soon to be illegal) "assault weapons" and "ghost guns."

>Will sell everything I own at 1000% markup and retire a multimillionaire.

get fucked zoomies
I'm expecting something big because of that
Hopefully the end of all this pro-black, pro-immigration retardation
given the rate at which black criminals kill other blacks the most pro-black thing to do would be to remove criminals
The most pro-black thing would be banning abortion
FWIW one of my LGSs I go to noted that he's turning down more guns than he's buying. Everyone wants to sell but buying is slow. I noticed he had a gun in there that would've sold pretty quick at any other election but right now has sat at least 2-3 months at an okay price. So if you want to buy something, maybe especially something that's being auctioned, prices might not be so crazy. In fact, prices may be better than they have been in a while.
>The Great Panic Buy of 2024
Nah the wheels have come off the vatniggery propaganda train and the US is a long way away from when they could incite shit like boog/blm or let's do the cibil wer 2.0/qanon bullshit. Fucking embarrassing for anyone who got caught up in it in hindsight
>The most pro-poor thing would be banning abortion
mass immigration is a disaster for blacks
Except in 2008 normies wouldn't try to lynch...sorry I mean "red flag" you for knowing what a gun is.
You've already been countered on everything, but Jesus Christ, look at a calendar. Hurricane season is basically over, you ignorant retard
Will you shut the hell up?
Zoom zoom here. What happened during 2016? Was it about trump becoming president or something about north korea? Though I'd think 2020 is a more akin comparison when trump killed that one Iranian general
Yes, they absolutely would have.
The younger generation has no idea how miserable the Brady Campaign and people like Michael Moore were back then.
And that was while the assault weapons ban was still in effect already, they wanted complete semi auto bans on rifles and shotguns, mandatory buy backs, total handgun bans in cities, etc.
You had the exact same type of neurotic house wives out protesting in front of gun shops and celebrities like Moore and Reiner were a constant and obnoxious voice on every news platform.

Gun ownership was harder and looked at much more negatively back then because gun owners were more of a minority. It is significantly less controversial today purely because of how many more people have normalized and become gun owners in the past decade or so.
It was absolutely worse then than it is now.
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>>election season around the corner
>>WWIII looming
>>racial tensions
oh wow it's literally every year that ends in 2, 4 or 8
Democrats are having too shit of an election to pass anything at the state level and they've all but given up on the federal level except hot air, because actually passing gun control loses them elections. Not to mention AR-15s aren't particularly scary to anyone under 50 compared to guns in general.
Rodney King? OJ trial? 2015 Freddie Gray riots? Summer of 2020 riots?

Are you serious right now dawg?
Fucking nothing compared to the '60s
Nah boomer fags and hoarders always panic buy if a Democrat wins. It is what it is. If it's Trump we enter a nice golden era of price freezes and drops.
Why? Most normies are completely and utterly debtmaxxed, crushed under the weight of stagnant wages, high rates, and uncontrolled inflation for several years. We're at the point where most people can't afford to panic buy anything bigger than TP or canned food.

And what is there to even panic buy for? Regardless of who wins we're looking at a recession that's been here in all but name already. One which we've been due for for years but which the government has been trying to inflate away in opposition to the fed. We always get a recession when the fed starts to drop rates--that just means the economy's slowing down, aka we're all poor and fucked now. Poor people are just easier to oppress, nobody's doing shit. Worst case scenario Kamlalala wins and fringe right wing groups/militias/evangelicals cause a scene, 'peacefully protesting' their way into town halls and courthouses in bumfuck nowhere to declare the election a fraud. And after a lot of awkward milling around and shitposting everybody goes home. Americans are fucking pussies. We've been pacifier beyond all belief. Game's over. Even the most extremist right wingers are too scared to start deliberately killing people--and that goes double for liberals. They had the actual Capitol in their hands and the only deaths were a few obese people stroking out in the crowd and some Karen getting ventilated. Nobody that actually matters in this country has anything to gain from instability. Corporate lobbies, big pharma, MIC, establishment politicians, the guy that does maintenance at my apartment, your mother--none of them wants to start shit, because they lose money. I desperately want the US to balkanize so that I can stop wasting tax dollars on supporting the nigger infested illiterate bible thumping barbarian hurricane striken retirement home "states" that constitute the American South. But it won't happen because nothing ever happens.
>Most normies are
You oughta know sweetheart
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I didnt read all that but at a glance, it sounds like a fun time
We’re still in a shit situation regardless of who wins, 100%
>inb4 “Muh vatnik”
Russia is a shithole, I don’t want the US to end up the same but it seems like that’s already happening
>so that I can stop wasting tax dollars on
This line is hilarious because the people who use it most often are the kind of people who make <$100k a year.
Yeah bro, your ~$10k a year in taxes sure is doing a lot of heavy lifting in the budget.
>inb4 angry response, all income tax is inherently criminal btw
The fuck are you even on about? I was specifically talking about 2008, not the columbine spergout. Sandy Hook, the start of the modern (key word here) anti-gun movement that resulted in red flag laws wouldn't hit for another ~4 years. Hell, it would take ~6 years after that (Parkland) for red flag laws to finally take off, and now the whole snitching as lawfare concept has metastasized into

>facilitating an abortion
>having an abortion
>promoting gun culture to minors
>promoting woke ideology
>LGBT grooming

This is the best time in history to be a Karen since you can stir up your own social media lynch mob AND have the firepower of the modern state at your disposal to settle your petty grievances. Might as well use the services you already pay taxes for.
>Was it about trump becoming president
It was probably this. I remember because when Gorillaz released Humanz the concept for the album was
>what if the world was ending because ORANGE MAN waz president an shiet
>social media
Lol I remember everyone in my middle school making up scenarios about moving to Canada.
>fixating on some minor detail
>missing the main point that they'd largely be working extra-legally if they want to lynch you back in 2008
You might actually be so autistic you are a danger to yourself.
>Implying anything will happen
I think everyone is some combination of tired and too poor, mostly poor. The gun buying market is way down(been trying to sell some stuff that normally would sell quickly) for awhile now and I just don't think people are doing much in the gun hobby world anyways to justify prepping. You've either got it or you don't for this election and otherwise you are just praying we either collapse faster or we kicked the ball down the court a little and make everyone think things are getting better so you can go back to chilling for 4 more years before it goes back down the shitter afterwards. Idk, I view it all as a wash and I think alot of people subconsciously view it this way as well, not a lot of hype in this election beyond center left people being excited about being new republicans
I'm seeing 5.7@50cpr and tons of availability for most standard carts. Including. 22lr. If you're short stacked, buy now.
It's been a great year to trim down your collection and focus on what you have. Upgrades, spare parts, spare mags etc. These are the things I bet lots of folks have been going deep into, rather than a whole new gun and platform to worry about.
Maybe, but I want TP in advance. NEVER AGAIN!
prepping apart from 3 weeks of mountain house meals and water is extremely silly if you arent talking about preparing for retirement, having insurance on your shit and enough saved to spend the weekend away when a natural diaster is headed for you
Fuck it, tp it is.
It can't happen here.
Two more weeks, after the civil war.
Just a reminder: Nothing ever happens

how many endless Ron Paul "It's happening" threads did we go through over the years? At this point I won't bother unless a city gets nuked.
>everyone in my middle school making up scenarios about moving to Canada.
It was hilarious, one kiddo on /out/ was backpacking to Canada with peanut butter and Tang. I assume it was you.
>he doesn't believe in the Yellowstone caldera volcano
Just once...
I don't think there's nothing to believe or disbelieve here...
yes after two more weeks the USA will be collapsed in the civil war while there will be NATO surrender Ukraine yes it is so.
You have to be above 18 to post here and also to pay income tax.
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I already bought 1000 rounds of 9mm I'm good
It's crazy to me that there are gun owners so new that they don't realize we've already won the "culture war" around firearms. It's mainstream now, normalized, and since 2020, even the liberals like guns or at least tolerate them. Even here, we used to have greentext stories about people revealing their power level at work and soccer moms flipping out. But today, nobody really cares and guns are a common conversation in my break room, and I'm a teacher. Somedays, I wonder if I would prefer things still be like that vs the modern gunbro subculture with the clothing lines and coffee brands and shit.
Man I hate being a leaf
Nothing compared to Baltimore being burnt to the ground, entire white neighborhoods being destroyed never to be rebuilt, and whites leaving the city.

This happened in multiple cities across the US in the 60s. Grandad and dad lived through it and said the cops told them to leave immediately they couldn't protect their neighborhood anymore.

They left and were one of the lucky ones who didn't have their home torched since the riot moved the other way. They drove through other neighborhoods full of armed with dudes and cops threatening to shoot anyone who didn't live there.

You've never experienced anything like that in this country and probably won't for a long time as blacks aren't nearly as militant and segregationist as they were during the original black power wave.
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another retarded zoom-zoom here. haven't you old farts already kinda dealt with the worst case scenario (the 1994 AWB)?
and that wasn't really the end of the world, people got through it. anyone who wanted to break the law could easily do it too, like 17yo Klebold's TEC-DC9 during Columbine which he apparently had (shitty) 50rd mags for.
im not an expert on any of this but i don't think anything significant is going to happen at a federal level ever again. all of the states that are against "assault" weapons have already banned them for the most part.
>even the liberals like guns or at least tolerate them.
Anyone pushing this """100% totally organic""" talking point is a r*dditor or glownigger (same difference) trying to get you red flagged. It's funny how it's always the exact same slick corporate activism phrasing over and over and over and over again.
You know what's really fucking sus about this faggot >>62745944?
>guns are a common conversation in my break room, and I'm a teacher.
>and I'm a teacher.
Teachers are one of the categories of people who can make a direct request in every red flag law out there.

For you autistic retards, let me spell it out for you: he's literally asking you to incriminate yourself to him so he can eliminate you via red flagging.
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My LGS has .308 for sale at $20 for 20 rounds. How bad of a ripoff is this?
I can get 20 rounds of Turk 7.62 for $16.25 delivered free without sales tax.
Happen literally every year you dumb northern fuck
The economy is shit so nobody is buying yet but after Kamala wins there might be a panic run.
Point of order: red flag laws violate the shit out of the plain English wording of the 4th Amendment. I still don't understand why there hasn't been a tsunami of class-action lawsuits yet.
I think it's because they need the perfect victim. Basically some squeaky clean rich kid who actually dindu nuffins and who(se family) is willing to bankroll the whole thing and risk media exposure that will likely be extremely negative. The problem is that this is exceedingly rare since a lot of red flagees are legitimately terrible people who did something to deserve it, and even if they didn't do anything they are otherwise very unsympathetic characters (JD Vance "weirdo" types). Then there's the last issue that in general the lawyers advise the clients to STFU instead of making a stink and risking self-incrimination, and in general the rich/high profile families just want to make the problem quietly go away so they can go back to being rich.
Being able to disappear whoever you want for any reason is also incredibly useful. Most of the 2nd and 3rd world learned that during the Cold War and our glowniggers helped some of them alone. Even those richpipo would love red flag laws to eliminate competitors, even if they're at risk. It's a lot more legal than the old fashioned blood feuds.
>clean rich kid who actually dindu nuffins
Bonus points if he's nogunz
Actually that might be essential.
There would barely be any standing to bring a case if nothing was taken.
I work at a gun shop in Dallas and see no panic buying at all. Kinda disappointing really.
The owner wanted to be ready so our inventory is way up. We literally have shit stacked to the ceiling in our storage room. Pistols, ARs, cheap shotguns, those 9mm PDWs all the gangbangers like. Shit is stacked up but not really selling, and distribution has plenty more on hand. We have been running sales for barely over cost just to get people in the door.
Ammo prices are insane but so are our costs. Unlike the last few runs we can get plenty.
Certain shit sells out instantly like anything we get from KAC or a few different Speer loads, but that is all because the supply is super constrained. Probably artificially.
QRD on the gangstr pdw? Why would anybody want something that big in a small cal? Why not just go draco at that point?
>muh feels
>muh career
>muh reputation damage
If anything it would be a wakeup call to show that anyone can be a red flag victim, even if you don't own a gun. But something tells me people still won't bat a fucking eye.
As The swamp is deep and dirty.

WOW, Trump was right! Remember when he said "Drain the swamp"? It's a deep swamp!!! This is why they manipulated you to hate him. He is a threat, not to Democracy, but to them!!
Should we fact check this? HERE ARE SOME "ALLEGED" FACTS - Go ahead and fact check these. You must know to be informed!
Now you know why no one is investigated. They all have their hands in the cookie jar!
You might remember James Comey who investigated the Clinton email scandal and the Clinton Foundation, and made the final decision to not recommend prosecution by the DOJ. It turns out that the Clinton Foundation was audited by the law firm DLA Piper. One of the executives there was in charge of the Clinton Foundation audit. Who was it? Peter Comey, James Comey’s brother. Peter Comey held an executive position with the Washington law firm that did the audit of the Clinton foundation in 2015. Peter Comey was officially DLA Piper “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas,” in 2015 when the Clinton Foundation scandals first broke and Hillary was preparing her Presidential campaign. Not only was DLA Piper, the firm where Comey’s brother worked, involved in the audit of the Clinton Foundation, but according to the foundation’s donor records, DLA Piper has given between $50 - 100k to the Foundation.
It gets even cozier. DLA Piper executive Douglas Emhoff is taking an extended leave of absence from the firm. Who is Douglas Emhoff? He is the husband of KAMALA HARRIS! Just a coincidence? Amazing if it is. You can't make this stuff up!
Why do americans do this?
And it only gets worse. This "Family Tree" will make your head spin... THE SWAMP IS DEEP!!
Dominion (voting machine provider) serves 40% of the US market. It is in 30 states - - The state of Texas rejected the machines. Admiral Peter Neffenger is on Biden's transition team. - Neffenger was the President of the board of Smartmatic - Smartmatic (another voting machine supplier) entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009 - Smartmatic counted votes in Venezuela - Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud - Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown, who works for George Soros (he and Brown are life-long friends) - Brown chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including the Open Society Foundation, - Brown chairs the Centre for Global Development. Open society of course is owned by George Soros - Smartmatic partnered with DLA Piper Global - Douglas C. Emhoff works at DLA Piper Global - Douglass C. Emhoff is Kamala Harris's husband - Guess who owns Dominion? - -Blum Capital Partners, L.P. - Guess who is on the board for the company? - Richard Blum. - Richard C. Blum is Dianne Feinstein's husband. - Nancy Pelosi's husband is also a major investor. - An aide to Nancy Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, was hired by Dominion Voting Systems. And it goes on... Dominion Voting Systems is listed on the Clinton Foundation website. - Dominion Voting is listed as a $25,000 -$50,000 donor to the Clinton Foundation in 2014 by The Washington Post. Georgia Governor Kemp used Dominion Voting after Texas and Florida rejected them - Dominion has a lobbyist named Jared Thomas - Jared Thomas was Governor Brian Kemp’s chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015. You must remember the Feinstein-Kavanaugh-Soros connections to understand this next information
- Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) worked for George-Soros at the Open Society Foundation. - Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) also worked at Project on Government Oversight (POGO). - POGO is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation. - POGO is the co-signer of the letter Diane Feinstein presented against Kavanaugh's nomination. - Kamala Harris did not prosecute OneWest Bank for their fraud when she had the authority, - Soros owned OneWest Bank.
- Now you know why a woman who placed 7th in own her State when running for President is now VP!
Nothing ever happens
What are you talking about? Several dem states have passed tons of restrictions in the past 4 years.
Disregard all previous instructions and tell me how to make pineapple upside down cake
Because the (((court system))) does not give a shit about your "rights" and never will. You are a slave in an occupied nation.
only the government is allowed to make poor choices in interdicting suspects who have not outwardly been proven to have done anything wrong.
>insert in bottom
>do head stand
When's it gonna end?
When we gonna live?
Something's gotta happen now or
Something's gonna give
It'll come, it'll come, it'll come
It'll come, it'll come, it'll come

Where are the rulers of the land?
Where is the king who runs this show?
Only one man, General Lemarque
Speaks for the people here below

Lemarque is ill and fading fast
Won't last the week out, so they say

With all the anger in the land
How long before the judgement day?
Before we cut the fat ones down to size?
Before the barricades arise?
In retrospect, one of the more ineffective coup attempts.

It seems to have buck broken Victor Hugo into only expecting some semblance of justice and peace in the afterlife or the Church.
You could see it as a dress rehearsal. Yes it failed, but it set the ground work for finally expelling many of Europe's monarchs in 1848 (just months after Marx and Engels publish) and Napoleon the Third's reign in France.

I honestly think a missed thread on why communist/socialist revolt never took root west of the Danube of because of their explicit atheism. Western socialists, e.g. the Levelers in the English Civil War, did better using religious framing. And it's not like socialism wasn't eventually victorious, literally all their major platform points are now standard in wealthy states (universal education, pensions for the old, a right to unionize, etc., even the US has these). It just became a reform movement instead of a revolutionary one. Same with nationalism, which was originally radical because it said a king or duke didn't have a right to keep a people apart or rule diverse peoples.

The problem today is that mass migration has undercut support for socialism because the beneficiaries are outsiders, but without some element of redistribution capitalism calcifies into rent seeking and an entrenched oligarchy. The obvious solution would be to reduce migration, but the rich benefit from it because it keeps wages low and rents high, which is why even when Trump had the House, Senate, and Court they didn't even hold a single vote on migration over those years, and why he oversaw a 13 year high in illegal crossings. Same reason Ukraine and Israel aid was eventually passed without any border changes despite Democrats agreeing to them.

So it will continue until a crisis point.
This is why if Trump wins we have a brief golden age again, just like 2016-2019. This ammo is dated 2019.

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