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This should be required watching to understand both the Russian mindset and military methods
>recruits are from Siberia, Chechnya etc, another main character is Ukrainian, message is clearly that in the good old days everyone was PUCCYAN and stood together
>Immediately start fighting amongst themselves during training
>Instructor is a traumatized alcoholic
>Training consists in part of trying to bumrush a steep sandy hill, perfect training for the slag heap
>flatten Afghan village with grads after one of the VDV gets shot by a local
>stealing from other units
>final battle features the VDV at their best: Getting wiped out by irregulars who don't even bother with cover
>a trooper demonstrates true dedication to the motherland by blowing himself up with a grenade
>the gunships that show up ensure that not only is the enemy defeated but also make sure to get enough friendly fire in to make sure the VDV unit is brought down to the literal last man
>colonel informs him that there was a fucky wucky and all his friends died for nothing since they are pulling out
>as they leave Afghanistan, the survivor has a cope monologue about how they actually won
>whole film romanticizes the entire mess
What's some more vatnik kino?
Best in Hell? I thought it was just neat having a 1 hr and 45 minutes of Wagner PMC and Ukranians just shooting each other. Wagner does something to accomplish the objective, the Ukrainians respond, Wagner does something to accomplish the objective and kill a few more Ukrainians. Like introducing the infantry first, showing escalation by shifting focus on how artillery and counter-artillery plays a role, and then capping it off with a action movie squad deathmatch.
Is there a version with good subs by now? I watched like half of it before, but the badly autogenereated subtitles on youtube just took me out of it.
Maybe this translation of the film? I just ripped the untranslated & original off of youtube using youtube-dl and didn't bother to check until you asked.
The memes write themselves
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Гpyз 200 (Cargo 200)
Isn't there a scene where he tries to return the gun to the armory and the guy there tells him to get over himself?
Might check it out later, thanks
Yeah that was a blast to watch. Only woman or romance part is a guy looking a photo of his wife before he dies. Absolutely based
I liked the part where they did a double penetration on the same girl, one fucking her in the pussy, and the other in the ass, while they are standing.
Anon you're missing the part where the main characters are *all* fucking that same one girl in the same backroom, taking sloppy thirds and fourths.
Truly a snapshot of Russian romance and classy femininity.
This movie was part of the wave of Russian and Chinese war movies done out of envy for Hollywood American war movies. Later, in the 2010s, the CCP and the Russian government got deeply involved and that's when the movies all started being straight up propaganda, as part of the increasingly offensive political actions the new Sino-Soviet Block with Gucci characteristics started taking.

Interestingly enough, Wagner was independent enough to not really have their propaganda be really all that correct by RU standards hence why their movie is the way it is.

Snow White was based. Russian women are just that needy, not their fault their men are all gay, drunk and poor.
Anyone can ID this model?
>tfw no butterface base commander's daughter who acts like a medieval camp follower and fucks every recruit on my base
How 2 cope with this feel?
The scene happens when he gets issued the gun and asks why he got issued a bent weapon.
The armourer dude(who sells the good equipment to the afghans) just tells him "nyet gun is fine"
I enjoyed T-34. It has a lot of neat era- accurate little details, but also hilarious Russian propaganda, like the guy in charge of the tank crew escapees from the German camp telling his men that they won't loot, because that's not how Russian soldiers act.
The love interest simply walking out of the camp by telling the guard that she's taking her yearly vacation day is also hilarious.
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Is there good subtitles for this movie? When I watched it 14 or so years ago I could barely understand it because of the subtitles.
>telling his men that they won't loot, because that's not how Russian soldiers act.
I mean that's something I can imagine certain Russian soldiers believed if they personally didn't loot. Plus it was official Soviet policy that their troops shouldn't loot, not as if it stopped them. The photo of the Soviet flag being raised on the Reichstag was edited because the man raising the flag had a very visible watch on his wrist and the government didn't want photographic evidence of someone looting in their big victory photo.
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This doesn't get enough love, grim as hell and something that'd never get filmed in modern russia, but nevertheless filled with vatnik tropes
wow, that shit just keeps on going huh
Also try Tikhaya Zastava, Blokpost and Voina
if I recall correctly the corrupted armourre actually says smth along the lines
>this weapon was held by a heroic guardsman during his final moments, he went down fighting the enemies of the Imperium till the end! you should be proud to be handed such a holy relic
>watched clips from that film as a 12yo kid
damn the early internet was wild
yes, it's delightfully stupid actionslop
Isn't there a movie about Russian combat engineers in Syria? Kind of like their own version of hurt locker
here is your most realistic russian military movie bro

all this masturbation over the .0001% of time the unit is in combat and no wonders paid to the abyss of personalities born in a military where the average salary is 200 dollars and half of the country has no working plumbing
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This is another good Russian military movie that depicts the state of it around 2000s, highly recommend Green Elephant and Demobbed as it kind of represents another side of the military similar to how Platoon did it with modern US films. Not so much 'Vatnik' but at the same time very 'Vatnik' (if you catch my drift).....
The Chicago negros and Latvian gymnast snipers will never be beaten when it comes to pidor marxist-leninst fantasies.

Having enemies with a bad case of Base-Superstructure thinking must be great. You bomb them, sanction them, kill them, ambush them and all they do is blame the Americans and other foreign countries. Might as well just run circles around them if that's what they're going to do.
The rollin' 40's crips fought in Chechnya? No wonder HATO has sent them to Ukraine.
war thunder: the movie
If he Germans did their own "band of brothers" style TV show, I want to see one from the Russian side. A squad from the 3rd Ukrainian Front as they sweep across Europe.

To make it realistic, each episode starts with a new squad and ends with them dying in a meat assault.

But really, are there any Russian war movies/shows that are in that style? All the stuff from the soviet side is always just cheesy action and trope-fest dialogue sequences
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If you want some WWII vatnik /k/ino there's Panifilov's 28 men: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSozhsNc3eI
Stalingrad (the Russian one) also comes to mind. The German CO orders civilians burned alive as a human sacrifice before combat and during the last assault on what's supposed to be Pavlov's house they use child soldiers. There's also a scene of burning Red Army soldiers overrunning a German position featuring the slowest-firing machine gun ever seen on Film. Bonus points for the wrap-around story of a Russian aid worker saving German tourists so we know how magnaminous and forgiving Russians are.
>Panifilov's 28 men
IIRC this is the story where all of the 28 dudes supposedly died heroically defending the Motherland while taking out a zillion German tanks, and then after the war they looked into it and found out it probably didn't happen at all, several of the heroic "Panfilov's 28 Guardsmen" actually survived, with one of them collaborating with the Germans and another one getting sentenced to jail for attempting to surrender to them.
I love how all of demobbed just shows the utter pointless bleakness of Russian military life and then at the end all the recruits line up with glorious music as the now-sober commander gives them a speech about how heroic and brave they are to serve with the best army in the world
My thought
Even Band of Brothers pulled shit like that
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>Гpyз 200 (Cargo 200)
SKMEI 1251
This movie is an absolute kek, one of the best comedies about the army
Purgatory is a cool one, so much fucking pyrotechnics that there are tons of shot where the extras look genuinely concussed.
KAZBAT is a miniseries a-la Generation Kill about Kazakh peacekeepers during the Tajik Civil War in the immediate aftermath of the Soviet Union's collapse. A lot of melodrama, but at the same time there's so much focus on the Russian Military during the 90's that people tend to forget how many other countries dealt with shit of their own during this period.
WAR is another cool one, the sets are really nice and the action scenes are set to psychedelic surf rock.
speaking off /k/ movies, has anyone watched the chink top gun knock off? the expensive one
I thought it was a super Russian watch, it's actually just a $6 chinese piece of shit.
Oh well.
That IS a super Russian watch.
>that scene where the jammed PKM gunner swings it by the barrel right into a charging Afghan
>he drops the gun and the camera shows his blood red burned hands
Yeah, Americans did and still do propaganda about WW2 too, but I'd say one historian mixing up the eventual fate of a single soldier is not quite as significant as having an entire park (and other monuments) dedicated to a bullshit story that they knew was made up, but decided to commemorate anyway. Also good luck trying to tell the truth about it in Russia today.
>What's some more vatnik kino?
Shtrafbat aka Penal Battalion. It's a short series.
>Green Elephant
Brendan Fraser learned russian to play this instructor guy. Insane.
And he still couldn't start the brenaissance...
cultural appropriation
9th Company was meh. Way too overdramatic and a shit annoying soundtrack.
Based Blithe redemption arc.

Nigga the whole movie is on yt

I can't recommend this one enough


>Brutal genocidal commander
>war crimes
>tank has mechanical issues
>radio stops working
>Russia stonk!
>The film was criticized by politicians and Soviet Army veterans for being "unpatriotic", among which Federation Council member Igor Morozov noted the film featuring scenes of Soviet soldiers looting and fighting amongst themselves as being unsuitable for "educating young people with a sense of patriotism", accusing director Pavel Lungin of distorting history.[7] Lungin rejected criticism of the film as being "anti-Russian", stating how it is instead an anti-war film that instead shows "how good guys are sent to fight ugly, pointless wars" and how it promotes conversation about the role of Russia’s armed forces during and after the Cold War period.[8]
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I ironically dug this movie, specifically because of how "Russian" it was, the closest they'll get to "Top Gun"-style patriotic films that have SOVL.

Also, Snow White ignited my ugly-girl fetish.
They have thousands of holocaust memorials and museums glia my and this surprises you
>an entire park (and other monuments) dedicated to a bullshit story that they knew was made up, but decided to commemorate anyway
Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

+15, olenka
Truly the definition of butterface
any film representation of wagner getting blasted by the gamut of the US arsenal in Syria?
This one is the actual War Thunder: the movie
You'd have to be a fag not wanting to smash that.
Great film.
Mandatory viewing for Cold War era war movies.
What's the English name?
Nothing ugly about her.

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