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A warrior's deadliest weapon, is his mind.
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after seen countless handgun threads with pics of pistols on jap bikini mags and furry porn comics
i decided to check ebay to see how much people are spending on that shit
fuck that, i'd rather spend the money on ammo
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i can send you some conan comics
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A decent thread? OP not a faggot today.
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> Neos shot well but the optic can flip partially off the plate making it reset which is annoying
> Leltec was actually a good shot and fun to mag dump even if it feels cheaper than the 150 I spent on it
> Arex good as always, been dry fire practice all shots in the 10 or 9 but slightly to the left
> Second time I've brought the fn and once again neither me or the people who came with can shoot it worth a damn might have gotten a lemon

All in all a pretty good range trip this weekend
All of those are still in print afaik, would cost 30-50usd each. Some of the older stuff can get pretty pricey though.
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>A warrior's deadliest weapon, is his mind.
>Said a guy who's probably never owned a gun

(Yes I'm French, yes I never clean the gun, yes I have blurred the barrel serial because the French feds are glowing here too)
Check your SIA, I sent you a message
Lockpicking is worth learning, might be useful one day. I've been locked out of doors that have no key and picking is more convenient than deconstruction.
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About halfway through pic related now; it's expectedly adoring of the AEF as a whole but also doesn't shy away from the tactical and strategic command failures.
Unfathomably based, the Foundation series may be one of the greatest series of all time. Just finished a different book and thinking about re-reading Asimov’s anthologies.
>I have blurred the barrel serial because the French feds are glowing here too
Yes we are.
>hello Bruno, it's anon... yeah, no... he blurred the serial... he's smart... yeah... yeah... book is gay tho
you realize frog glowies (or any IT dept) can simply pull your IP plus browser usage data and SR from your ISP and get every little detail about you?
>Hmmm, our records indicate he owns a glock and he ordered that same book on amazon a few years ago, but he blurred the s/n so I guess it's definetly not him.
Jokes aside it's better to blur the s/n even if it is useless.
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can you just not read or something? Is your first reaction to seeing a book cover is to not read it?
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Fancy that, I had a pic ready to go.
Can't read.

Your mother should have swallowed.
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evenin' negroes
based specialist poster
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Shut up BITCH
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I like books with pictures
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Almost made me worry I got too drunk to remember yesterday since I have business casual and liquid courage
Each of those turn of millennium bernal prints were $30 each, I got lucky. The genus spotlights for hardiman's skunkworks can go for 300$ for the third and final issue, don't ask me about the first
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me too anon
Almost got my hands on a bunch of genus male a few years back, one day I'll go for it.
It's so much more useful than you might realize. Imagine not needing keys for your own stuff. Like your key could get lost or tossed but you don't give 1 fuck.
Yeah but I'd rather not have one of my keys floating around for a nigger to pick up. I get what you mean though.
delete this right now before i call the ADL
I had a chick who didn’t want me to see inside her apartment/didn’t want to bang at the end of the night, and told me she was locked out and I should just go and I was like nah i’ll help you and I managed to open her door with a thick expired credit card. Door opened to just like a living room full of dog shit. Like she hadn’t picked up after the dog in weeks. Told her to have a good night, spun 360 and walked away
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This literally came in the mail yesterday
Based. I want Shin's Gun desu
Fagot yif in hell
Wait. How many gray USP owners are gay furries, this makes two
are you saying "this makes two" because you're counting yourself?
and you dont have to be gay or a furry to just have a hobby
if your hobby is jorkin it to gay furry porn, you are in fact a gay furry
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the fact that pic related isn't found in this thread is a true travesty and unquestionable evidence that /K/ is nothing but a bunch of useless jokes.
The fact you don't own a gun is a true travesty and unquestionable evidence that you need to go back.
I am no counting myself, I’m counting >>62741303
that doesn't quite look like a USP, bro
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My fellow patrician
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based Asimov reader
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I have taken no new pictures since the last thread like two weeks ago
I have "Goddamn This War!" by Tardi coming in the mail tomorrow; I'll take a picture with that and my Ruby
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If they're gonna make us do this fucking faggot 15 minute email shit, they need to get rid of the fucking slider captcha and 90 second cooldown
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Those Recover 1911 and BHP grips are fucking sexy as hell
Dude what is that
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>A Christian's Handbook on Communism
Is it two words long?
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Last read
I know the rest of his collection
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>obligatory "Luger next to midwit /pol/tard Amazon paperback on dirty sheets" post
My 1911 jammed all the fucking time because it's a 1911, so I put a carbine upper on it and now it shoots great
I put a bunch of ebay parts on it because I'm an asshole
That compensator actually works really well, it's super quiet
Sick. Not something I'd use but cool I didn't know those existed.
imagine spending money on this fucking garbage, even ironically?
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thas rite
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This from the guy posting Roadside Picnic next to a Makarov. Totally original combination right there, never seen that posted 5,000 times before.
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how can anyone know someone's porn collection? Thats really gay
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I always enjoy these threads
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I actually haven't seen that because most Roadside Picnic fans are noguns
Do you have any examples, or are you just kvetching?
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I enjoy the ones that mix shit up with stuff like "Post a gun and a Tshirt" or "Post a gun and a meal" or some shit that makes you get your gun out and take OC pics
This one's been done enough times that I've been able to post a bunch of old pics without getting my ass off the couch
I always enjoy straight yaoi
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All of my books, I've either already photographed them, or they're missing the dust jacket and have the title printed on the spine instead of the cover, or they're shitty cheap student paperbacks like pic related
Do a music thread, I'll really shine then, I have a shitload of vinyl
The hellboy library editions are super nice.
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Same anon.

lmao get a load of this guy
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Someone beat me to the furry porn. Would karate bugmen be better?
Forgot that the 2nd one had come out, need to order it soon.
nice Van Zandt
come on buddy
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1911bros have the best taste
Why would christianity be opposed to communism specifically? The jesus we learned about in school seemed to hate the rich and money lenders, spend all his time helping the poor. idk if the US version of Christianity had him invoking stand your ground laws against judas or something
Actual Christian, as in red letter word of Christ only Christian, is distinctly communist. Not in the Marian sense, but in the collective good, sharing of resources, and rejection of greed and wealth sense. Marxism is secular but Marx was kind of short sighted despite identifying genuine problems in the long term industrial capitalism future.

American Christianity has largely descended into total doublethink contradictory insanity. You can't argue someone out of an irrational position with rational arguments.
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Good book I'm listening to it but your glay for not posting guns
>Why would christianity be opposed to communism specifically
Because communism is opposed to christianity specifically.
What’s your Spartan chambered in?
It's a Baikal/Izhmash IZh-18
Caliber is pic related
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Eating dinner
Also fried a quesadilla in the leftover grease in the pan
What a cute little guy
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What’s straight yaoi?
What combination will get the most (you)s? Give me a suggestion and chances are I'll be able to post it.
Some ugly cursed gun build and a cult classic manga/light novel like Kino's Journey or something
I'm pretty sure this is the most based post in this thread rn. fr fr no cap. Combo is straight bussin.
I have taste, anon.
His favorite book is Blood Meridian
underappreciated post
No you don't, you have pretension
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Loosen up man
I know you were hoping people would ask to see your USP and your special forces booby trap handbook, but you gotta enjoy fun trash sometimes
Although now that I mention it, do you have a USP and a booby trap handbook? That'd be fuckin sick
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Yaoi a straight man reads
this, but you also have to post it within the first 3 posts otherwise everyone just scrolls to the bottom and misses it
Mauser HSc is way more fun to fingerfuck than it is to actually shoot
Damn it's a pretty gun, though
USP yes, booby trap handbook... no. Closes thing I have is probably The Encyclopedia of Country Living.
God damn that looks revolting
Turn the heat up and use some seasoning, for fucks sake dude
whoops, meant to reply to
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It's seasoned
As for the heat, consult this handy chart
He means that it has no sear. For a thin cut like that, you should've basically been able to get the pan ripping hot and do a very short flip on both sides and be done.
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wait, you weren't being ironic? That pic wasn't supposed to evoke "I'm a suicidal 20 year old who doesn't know how to cook" vibes in a humorous manner?

fucks sake
desu, I may be a heavy drinking, gun toting, furfag. But, I would still probably be a hell of a cookie for a squad. JFC, I live around german decendants and Those fuckers can't season for their life, would a thin skim of olive oil and some bulk Montreal seasoning be too much to ask? I mean a good cast iron pan sear with an oven finish would have done wonders. not trying to be an ass but damn cooking is really easy once you figure out the basics
It was better-looking irl, it's kind of a bad photo. I just fried a five-dollar steak in a skillet with butter and pepper for a few minutes for a quick meal, I wasn't serving it to the Queen. It was delicious, anyway
I don't really like too much seasoning, I like to taste the blood
>I don't really like too much seasoning, I like to taste the blood
Jesus christ edgelord. Fuck it, cut yourself right now and put a glob of blood on a plate in the fridge, see what happens a few hours later. You want to taste that big ol nasty clot in your food? Yeah?

Just...why does your steak look uncannily like a slab of ham that's been boiled? I don't get it.
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No problem dude, I too experiment on the reduced price steaks my local piggly wiggly grocery store are trying to hock. a favorite is chopping fresh rosemary really fine and coating the whole piece with olive oil for a marinade, then giving it a good salt crust on any available fat.
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Sorry I’m late. Got married this weekend and had a nice vacation from this god awful place. Glad to seen nothing changed since.
You're the one being an edgelord, talking about scabs and cutting and shit. Everyone likes juicy steaks.
I just don't like searing, I cook it like two minutes slower. Outside's not charred, inside's not dried out.
I hate how quickly I recognized that book
>talking about scabs and cutting and shit
That's what blood is. There isn't blood in your steak.
>I just don't like searing,
Skill issue.
> man likes medium discount steaks
>juice is kinda red
> must be blood
Fluid is In fact myoglobin, a part of musculature that transports oxygen to the fibers in a body
I was goin to write a whole thing on how to properly sear a steak but It won't likely make you figure it out
Then I like that then, jesus
Aren't you fucking clever
I'm going to continue cooking yummy meat how I want and being perfectly happy while you cry about how I'm doing it wrong
Next thread will be post a gun and a steak
I'll make my famous chicken sashimi
I didn't say you were doing anything wrong

Fucking hell I should have known the stereotype of grill Dads would be universal

also giving the third world access to the internet was the greatest mistake in the modern world
I'm fairly confident everyone involved in this "how to properly cook a steak" argument is a proud gun-toting American
If they were Eurotrash, they'd be crying about how it's not well-done and dried out and served with a wilted tomato or some shit, and if they were anyone else they'd say nothing because they're savages who will eat it however it's prepared
>I'm fairly confident everyone involved in this "how to properly cook a steak" argument is a proud gun-toting American
more like the average european cannot afford to buy steaks
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That's true, the fact that we're talking about beef pretty much eliminates most of the world
Getting back on topic, I told my sister I'd read this
It's a slog
Apparently they weren't prostitutes at all, they were good good girls, Mama's apple pie, the 4th of July
I'm not surprised in this statement, there's a hell of a lot of cuts to actually be deemed as a steak, I just barely mentored under a butcher for a few weeks before the grocery store I worked at sentenced me back to be a bag boy before I was 18
You can actually find the whole text online
I found this edition, from the 50s or 60s, in a box of books I bought bulk unsorted from an estate sale.
It was interesting read even if not relevant to my interests. Thought it made good photo material at least.
This point was made.
>This point was made.
If it was, I didn't read it because my brain automatically skips ahead whenever a tankie or a papist starts rambling on about his retarded thirdie ideology
Don't @ me, bitch, I won't read that either
lol I was just being inflammatory when I said it was retarded spic shit, but the author is literally named Pedro Lopez
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>I was just being inflammatory
Don't do that
I meant that point was made in the book, not here.
Yeah, the authors are a bunch of Christians in or from Latin America, including Cuba, so probably some up-close-and-personal experience with communism and how it gripped that region.
>Don't be inflammatory
Whole reason I picked that book to include was to stir shit desu. And the cover has a strong look.
That's a colt
Really? I thought it was an H&K USP
Post nose
no one in this thread is posting particularly interesting books. its either stereotypical far-right fiction, shitty airport paperbacks or highschool required reading.
Post yours, or tag it so we know
Where'd you get the matching SP1 upper/lower? And the flat chrome bolt? Been looking for one of those since before the pandemic, last I saw was on Wetworx years ago
duality of /k/ posters
You're thinking of liberation theology aka woke churchianity. Actual communism is talmudic in origin (look up the Early Life on most bolshevik leadership). It's why from Russia to Spain to China to Mexico and Cuba the primary victims of communist atrocities are always Christians. I'd recommend Bella Dodd's "The School of Darkness" and "On Resistance to Evil by Force" by Ivan Ilyin for more on just how based and redpilled Christianity (NOT churchianity) really is.
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>that fucking bunny slipper
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>safety, always off
>American Christianity has largely descended into total doublethink contradictory insanity. You can't argue someone out of an irrational position with rational arguments
Lotta lesbian pastors and shit
Basically, Protestantism is just "If you want to jerk off to gay porn even though the bible says it's bad, just go to the congregation with the Bible translation that says jerking off to gay porn is good"
Nta but
>everyone goes to hell but us cuz we said so
>you don't obey, you go to hell
Hell isn't even a Christian concept
The fact that both of these examples
are accurate descriptions
Happy to help
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Knowledge is power.
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My brutha' from anotha' regiment
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>just outgrew my old bookshelf, have too many books and they won't fit
>feeling smug
>bring home a big new bookshelf
>my library looks small and petty and reddity
This sucks guys, I feel retarded
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The holy trilogy requires three gats.
Maybe if you didn't buy the same pistol three times you wouldn't have to live in that crappy apartment
Apartment? It's a nice brand new home I bought in 2020. It cost over a half million, anon. What makes you say that?
The disgusting carpet and the literal-retard-tier paperbacks that have clearly never been read give off the vibe of someone whose mom drives him to work
your picture hurt his nose
Disgusting carpet? It's brand new. It's cheap shit yes, but it's clean and brand new.

I've read Turner and Hunter, and I'm a 1/4 through Serpent. I take care of my books since I'm not a nagger.

You got triggered by a picture, bro.
>you aren't impressed by my 6th grade reading level? you must be a jew!
It's dogshit edgelord trash written by some 5'2" swarthy monkey about a 6'2" Aryan demigod who goes around killing niggers
It's not good literature just because it has the word nigger in it
Basically you gave $70 to some Indian selling photocopied paperbacks on Amazon just to let people know you're mentally retarded
see, it wasn't that hard was it? Next time just say his choice of book offends you and save the bullshit. We can tell anyway.
More irritates than offends
Don't mind people having opinions, that's their god-given right as Americans. It's grown-ass men trying to be shocking and edgy like they're still in high school that annoys me. Wow, the Turner Diaries, you're such a fucking rebel lol
Honestly, the thing that really pisses me off is the H&K's. Every single H&K owner I've ever dealt with has been some smug faggot larping as a richfag just because he spent three weeks minimum-wage pay on a mediocre pistol.
>oy vey that pistol costs too much, just looking at it is making my usury glands tremble, put it away goy!
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>people posting furry porn books
>pure reddit karmabait books
>literal japanese power rangers bug force picture books
>you choose to get mad at a normal american novel instead
>butthurt that I'm not sucking his dick because he had $900 at one point
I hate the furfags more than I hate anyone else, but I called you a nigger already. Now I'm calling that guy an nigger.
Not him but HK pistols really don’t cost that much, they’re terrible shooters though.
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That's seven grand worth of pistols, anon. What is your minimum wage?
shit son where do I get a mk23 for $900? Hook me up homie I'm circumcised too
Obviously reading isn't your strong suit, because you bought Turner Diaries
I said A mediocre pistol, not THREE mediocre pistols. If I worked at McDonald's I'd have $7000 in about 10 weeks, so 3 weeks per pistol (4 for the SOCOM)
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post gun and torah already
You're really seething that I wasn't impressed by your White BMW pistol, huh
It's not my gun.
red better. Gn femboy
Well obviously red better, but if you're gonna own a toy of one it's gotta be blue
fuck yeah godzilla
How's the rail adapter? Sturdy enough for a laser or is it more of flashlight-only kinda deal?
It's very secure but I wouldn't trust a laser to remain zero'd on it, I can wiggle it by pushing upwards towards the frame
Good to know, thanks.
"very secure" I take to mean you haven't seen it shift or start to walk off under recoil(?)
And nice choice of reading material. I'm about halfway through stranger in a strange land, but havent gotten my hands on a copy of starship troopers yet.
I can smell the anal leakage and despair
>collective good, sharing of resources, and rejection of greed and wealth sense.
So, contrary to the actual leadership of every Communist government ever.
>2 PTRs
>3 copies of the Forgotten Soldier
Not sure if based or just autistic
He has memory problems
>implying there's a difference
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Still looking for the matte chrome/gray phosphate M16 bolts and this is all I could find, "thanks" Apex
Should I just ask /arg/
How does it differ from normal?
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Cartoons are for children and trannies.
You are not and never were and never will be a cutesy 2d high school girl.
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Dragon erotica novel I wrote and published (guy fucks a dragon in it)
>You are not and never were and never will be a samurai.
Only literal fucking retards can't consume media without self-inserting. I'm not watching K-On because I think I'm actually a kawaii Japanese schoolgirl in the body of a lanky American jewboy, I'm watching it cause Ritsu's funny and Yui's a dumbass.
That being said, everyone in this thread who posted the furry comics is a troon.
What's the kitty's name? He looks 20 years old
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You scared?
Jews don't fear the samurai anymore
We invented nukes and wiped them out
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retarded gun and book


you didnt read that shit


good and based /o/ wrencher

based as always



The cat's name is Ine-San. She is about 3 months old
I still can't tell if that dude's brilliant or if he's just a schizo retard
Bad name
Your cat's new name is Dishrag
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