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do you use SOTAR-acha as gun lube?
if so, whats your experience with it?
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Just buy 3 in 1, dumbass.
Properly designed and high quality firearms do not require addition of lubrication
I use CorrosionX. seems to work good on my stuff.
It doesn't matter what gets used so long as its a grease where grease needs to be an oil where oil needs to be and it gets cleaned and replaced regularly
I have been using it lately. About the last year or so.
It does fine. But pretty much all lubes do fine. Lubes lube, cleaners clean, all that good stuff.
Not long ago people were agog over what was essentially coconut oil. The web was full of glowing reports from hardcore larpers about how excellent the stuff was under extreme conditions.
Lube is a few drops on your bolt, cleaning can be done with mineral oil. No need to buy anything but clp if you're gonna slather shit around.
The mental image of Charlton Heston screaming "Fireclean is Crisco!" still pops in my mind occasionally.
I use breakfree CLP mostly.

I have v1 and v2 lubeanon coomoil but... I just use clp or ballistol depending on which cleaning kit I use. I really don't know if his stuff is good, I don't dislike it but the way I do guns I'm really wrong person to ask about it.

I also have some Lucas Oil gun lube, it's blue and almost smells like candy. Seems to work good though.
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Froglube being outed as coconut oil with a scent and dye added was fucking hilarious. For any newer guys who weren't around when that went down: Froglube was this strongly hyped and marketed gun lubricant made by a Navy SEAL because of course it was. And then some people decided to test it.

No. I can't explain why he would think it up or suggest it so hard but it is objectively true that thick lubes are harmful to AR function. And while you can soak an AR and have it keep working, it's a waste.

it's doubly stupid.
The guntuber shit has been out of control for too fucking long. Just use some goddamn oil from a gun shop or something and go.
You don't need special shit, that's just gun kikes trying to trick you
>You don't need special shit, that's just gun kikes trying to trick you
its literally motor oil with grease to thicken it, its about as "not special" as you can get
You don't need to concoct lubes to make a gun work correctly.
None of you even shoot guns, let alone need to worry about lubrication. FUCK I HATE THE INTERNET SO MUCH ITS UNREAL
you type like a basedjak
ah, fucking retarded filters
why do they still have those?
makes discussion worse, especially on /out/ when talking about plants
wish they'd remove that 2016 bullshit already
No, I use clenzoil because "SOTAR" shit is a meme
I feel for him honestly, it gets old seeing these boys with no father figure looking to faggots on youtube for advice and how fervently they'll believe what they're told.
Gets old
I use liberal cum for lube
That's precisely the point. You don't need "gun" oil to oil a gun, it just needs to match the characteristics for the demands of the firing cycle.
Wasting sperm angers God, anon.
I use Ballistol as a general purpose cleaner/lubricant. I also got a bottle of MILITEC-1 I got for free at a gun show back in the Obama years that I drip on slide rails, locking lugs, other points of contact. If it's super dirty I'll hit it with Hoppe's No. 9 before the Ballistol.

On my 338 winmag I sometimes run something to remove copper and lead but that's not super often and I'm not sure it's worth while over my other cleaners.

I don't see much reason to change up my routine. It's more or less what my dad showed me when I was a kid and he learned it from my grandfather. And I'll reach my kids how to do it that way.
i'm thinking about using Ballistol myself, with Hoppe's 9 on the side too
i haven't really chosen any one sauce, was gonna go for sotar-acha, since its cheap, but its not like i'm shooting every week or anything, and i don't feel like fiddle fucking with trying to find stuff without detergents, or if it'll hurt plastic, or if it'll polymerize when in contact with any other oils, etc
and if guys like C&Rsenal & Hickok45 use Ballistol, thats a pretty good argument to use it, as i also have some old guns & don't wanna chance hurting them
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I use lucas gun oil because I trust actual engineers more than a youtuber and the price is irrelevant to me since I never shoot my guns.
I mean they basically tell you this much in their MSDS as it is virtually empty other than the words food grade and a USDA certification symbol


>I use lucas gun oil because I trust actual engineers
considering how little their MSDS says other than it isnt hazardous, who knows if this is even worth using

Now compare this to something like Shooters Choice grease which actually list all the various hydrocarbons in it
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No, it's too thick
For me it's G96 or Arctic coom
>tfw been using ballistol for almost 10 years before C&rsenal started shilling it hard.
Dude I got a problem, I dont even know if the Winter Coom makes sense anymore. Nobody had a problem to run the Arctic during summer so the heat resistant Winter lost it reason to exist. That would make Arctic the only Winter oil for the USA and Winter might turn into a lower viscosity Coom for multi usage or to use 22lr. In 2 weeks I send the cleaner into the USA, you also get a load of it like everyone in the old list
Yeah, but 10 years before that Hickok45 was shilling it hard. Which is where I first heard about it and decided to start using it.
This and ballistol are good enough for cleaning and lubing. CLP spray is good too.
Probably simpler to have 2 formulas
I'm almost out of the Arctic
Oh. I never really got into him, basically for most of the reasons he's so loved. I still appreciate the fact he gets people enthused on guns
I bought all chems to produce arctic, so its getting on market next year. With the cleaners I cant send it to you guys but when we send our first palet with the store version Cleaner I add the Winter again. Right now Im on a paylist/partnership with a bavarian chem company, finally got the chance to get a very deep look into lubricants, coolant, cutting fluids and more since I test for them :3 My task next year is to develope a full line up of rust protectants which means I can finally "affort" to work on Gold Guard upgrade and a paste Cosmoline and the black powder products which means we do PT parcels more often
We all appreciate your lube autism
The beginning of something big
For Coomoil you need to start with something big if you know what i mean. Since we got a budget now its possible to work more often with Anons without going broke, im really happy to do that again :3
Please take that furry art off of your packaging, I assure you it's not helping sales more than it hurts them.

I like everything else that you do, just my honest opinion as somebody who is autistic enough to be here but normal enough to have a girlfriend and social life
>Properly designed and high quality cars do not require addition of lubrication
Friction is friction anon.
He should give me a gf then
I use Ballistol and food grade machine grease, because I don't like the idea of getting cancer.
dude just buy gun oil. why do you nerds have to be contrarian about EVERY superficial thing?
I think it's the hot rodding approach, going through pains to get that 5% improvement that isn't noticeable. Society peaked awhile ago, now we're just optimizing what was already fine.
The whole point of SOTARacha is "good enough."
It's motor oil and automotive grease combined together. Dude uses it because it's way cheaper than gun oil.
Guys actually the opposite of that. He suggests basic chrome or phosphate for bcgs and recommends the motor oil plus grease combo because its cheaper than gun oil.
>2016 election tourist returns to tour /k/ again in 2024, unaware that word filters have been on the site for literal years
You are the reason eugenics was invented. Vasectomy, please. Now.
dunno i thought it was cute
Is "okay" as in, it's oil, it lubes and runs great in the conditions of a running motor engine (cold temps left a bit wanting, but it won't PROTECT (the P of CLP)
Does it have rust preventatives if you get water on it or other additives? You drop it in a duck pond and you'll be getting a rusty gun and possibly poisoning the wildlife, (inb4 "Not my problem")
Lubeanon has talked about additives before, I think his coomoil uses some additives such as <redacted> for better lubrication and corrosion resistance. I don't know specific additives that are used in Breakfree CLP
If you want another alternative that's more gun grease look into Calcium Sulfonate Food Grade NLGI 1 grease
It's good shit (runs thin, wide temperature range, you can't eat it but it can technically be used in food production facilities) but don't know how it compares to coomoil or the like, I'm never going to compare it against Lubeanon's product (which is presumably also that good shit).
Total Ceran (UK) or Lubriplate (USA) has it
Doesn't run the latest additives like those of coomoil but it'll work
But there's many ways to skin a cat OP, obviously for SOTAR motor oil works fine if you keep it dry but cleanup can be a bitch, it's up to you how much money and effort you use
SOTARacha seems silly. Wouldn't the grease and oil separate? Why not just use NLGI 1 grease? Or Coomoil?
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>Or Coomoil?
The name is too r*ddit for me, and I already have spare motor oil.
and fireclean was the same, Larry Vickers shilled them HARD.there were lawsuits over it. $10 an oz for crisco.
thank you based lubeanon.
I like how phosphate/chrome bcgs are the premium option now (depending on who you buy from) and nitride along with 9310 bolts are the brain-off-just-buy-part option now. It wasn't even ten years after the Sandy Hook influx of ar owners/companies "making" their own offering that DLC,TiN, and what not became the norm.
Like the rgb gaming peripherals of guns. No you won't really see it when in use but good luck finding a non flashy mid tier item because they all light up or you pay a premium for a "stealth" version.
One thing that gets overlooked in the "use motor oil" debate is that if you change your own oil, you'll pretty much always have a bit left over in the end. So it's not even that you're paying less, you're basically not paying acting at all.
Curious that people don't seem to Mention this.
Because lube cost isn't a significant expense for most gun owners.
>Because lube cost isn't a significant expense for most gun owners.

That and commercial containers are far more convenient.
>if you change your own oil, you'll pretty much always have a bit left over in the end
Yeah and I save the quart I have left over from every oil change till I have enough for another one. It doesn't go bad.

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