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Comfy hours only
>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

>Last thread >>62742072
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First for man's best friend.
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How can AB and SK be so based when it comes to firearms and individual rights, yet MB and BC are so utterly cucked in the opposite direction?
I also hate all the csis feds watching the board. They are all worthless glorified welfare faggots.
indeed. a bunch of nigger lovers for sure
BC because Vancouver and Victoria control the government. For MB it’s because chugs like welfare more than guns.
>muh hecking furbaby on the hecking swing!
nah dogfags have mental illness treat your animals as pets not your replacement for children
Projection it's not that deep
I don't have pets and the ones I've had were all rescues because insane people would rather feed their dog to the point of obesity or neglect it in a shed instead actually take care of it properly while cooing about how they're hecking children
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I've never tried welfare or heroin, are they really better than guns?
Good on you for adopting rescues man
I wouldn’t know ether anon, I haven’t used ether.
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Repostin’ my gear from last thread. Post kit and kitters (if kitter anon is around I would love a Night Vision Monocular kitter)
Post a kitter that smells nice.
My cat died unfortunately and now I’ve got kids, don’t need another animal to take care of till they’re a bit older lol
rescues can be amazing but it usually takes way more time and effort
most people just treat animals badly in general shit is sad
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posting kit
Welfare doesnt provide enough money to buy enough heroin to make either better than guns.
>politicians backpedalling every time
Don't lump SK with AB.
Switch to a polished chrome or gold mirror plate deagle, but personally it'd be a gold tigerstripe
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What kind of helmet are you running anon? Sadly I don’t have a picture with my plate carrier and nod at the same time and I’m stuck working right now so I’ll have to get a picture later.
To be fair Sask party has backtracked a lot as well/ made empty threats.
Oh boy, oh fuck. Oh boy...

I can already imagine Wendy and Laplante coming up with something.

It’s a Legacy IIIa fast helmet. Bretty good and comfy enough though I’ve worn through the pads inside and need to get some new memory foam ones for it
Gives me a giggle every time
Thanks, I was thinking of getting a PGD ARCH Gen3 helmet once I have free cash again.
>hunting rifle
Yep you just know those fags are going to be screeching. I like how when the Edmonton city hall shooting happened no one in Edmonton was crying however anytime something happens in Queerbec there is a bitch session.
At least it was a shotgun and not a T81.
Fuck, now they are going to demand insurance. ... Kurwa...
Nice. Those are very very gucci!
Absolutely inSANELY based
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Fear no evil. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
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They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.
Romans 15:27
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is... is that an m10x...
Cool, another honeypot.
more likely a cringe larp than a honeypot
scrap it
>lpvo on 7.62x39 gun
>honepot muh gray man outfits
Fucking cringe real /k/ommandos are out here in flecktarn and the cheapest chinesium night vision possible sipping vodka innawoods and larping as S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs.
dont forget they're larping with kit that only holds 4 mags lmao.
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Man it’s been two weeks since I last went camping in the woods. I gotta change that quickly.
fuck i go months between trips. it hurts
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Oh fugg, we lid posting lads? Can confirm the PGD is quite comfy
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Good to know, it seems like everyone who uses them loves them.
I can’t help it, the woods call to me nonstop and it’s my addiction. No idea how jealous I am of fur trappers of the past.
Wheres the short pudgy asian kid, and the guy with a cowboy hat and a henry rifle?
>grifters can't even afford decent kit
jesus fuck the absolute state of these lads
>newfie independence shit on insta
Got a link anon?
t. another newfie
is that a fucking tasco red dot on the 81??
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>David Coon

top lel
Based, also fuck people who let their cats walk all over their tables, counter tops etc.
That shit is disgusting. Fucking taxoplamatics
after seeing a werner herzog documentary i realized i'd only really want a dog that hunts for himself and is more a friend out of choice than need. if i died he would move on with his life and vice versa. i despise zoos and the ever more abominable breeding they do with domesticated dogs
Monsteranon here, for the other anon that asked i am a lefty shooter. Luckily left eye dominant
hows the claw for jerkin off? how do you feel about snibeti snabs?
Im endowed with a girthy manhood so it barely fits in my grip. Ive done it but left works much better.

I enjoy snibeti snabs and all similar things
Cats are based if they are outdoor and kill vermin around your place. Dogs are based if they are working (protection etc.) Zoos are based when they keep species extinct in the wild alive. There are always pros and cons to everything but, like anon said, people who treat their chattle like their "children" are fuckin loons.
Bats are the true patrician's pet, they can see at night and fly plus they will give your enemies rabies.
but LOOk anon they have based trad wife that shoots pews !!!!!! so BASED
i like beavers, raccoons, crows but i dont see them as pets
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is the new >>62751794
why do people call this training. you're shooting at a close range stationary target for instagram likes
It’s a trend, it’s been a trend for a while.
My room mate has a small black cat that purrs really easily and does the head boops and stuff and she will curl up and snuggle purring on my chest. I will move out at some point. How do I steal the cat?
Is your room mate a woman (female)?
im having a holy based tradness overdose right now omg
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It’s a fucking 22lmfao
These people are so far up their own assholes
these are feds, right?
Thats horrifying my first time operating a milling machine wasnt that bad. I like guns and outside
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Fuck her pussy nice and sensual then tell her the cat is yours now.
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>we are le heckin based traditionalists you guize
>that’s why we’re posting our fucking children on instagram and pretending to have opsec while bringing our google and apple created phones, filled with apps that use third party trackers, to our larp spots for photoshoots!
>nothing is more traditional than getting together and taking stylized photos and uploading them to the most tracker-heavy, government tracked globohomo tech-hell website owned by a literal lizard who happily sells out his users to any alphabet boys that come knocking
>EXIF? What’s that? Like the Realty company my wife works at?
These people piss me off so fucking much man.
I go shooting with buddies all the time. I have a family too and we do normal traditional shit. We go to church, we grow our own food, we hunt. I wouldn’t fucking DREAM of doing any of it in front of a perpetual honeypot and uploaded with no opsec other than a FUCKING GENERIC REVERSIBLE BLUR TOOL to any zucc owned normienet site
Fucking MORONS. Fakers - but you could tell from the fucking m10x and tasco red dot
I’m happy I shared the photo now, enjoy these retards guys.
Oh 100% lmfao
It’s actually astounding that glowies don’t realize that they glow.
I don't want to fuck the cat anon. I just like to snuggle. And why would I have to do that before I tell her? Why not just say the cat is mine?
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Bruh they use fucking AI created “people” for their fucking bios
Look at this shit and tell me it’s not AI
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> And why would I have to do that before I tell her?
You don't like fucking pussy? What are you some kind of faggot?
they're salesmen if you didn't know who they were how would they sale you their super badass tactical gear and knives?
100% thats AI
You missed the joke, but since you asked, women generally disgust me.
nigger do you even know what that means?
>but since you asked, women generally disgust me.
Anon... this is the least convincing statement you could have made against you being an actual faggot.
you obviously do not
They are though. It’s a honeypot with a gay muh knife and muh tac gear company attached, per their website - so they get you to express interest in a bunch of civil disobedience militia stuff, then get your names addresses and CC numbers… convenient, right? :^)
The American glowies did ALL SORTS of stuff like this in the 60s and 70s with militias, student movements, wignats, commies, everyone!
Set up a periodical or niche/socially abnormal magazine on the periphery of potentially antisocial/antigovernment ideologies, create meetups, keep watch, infiltrate some double agents, agents provacateur, and badda bung badda boom you’ve arrested a bunch of “extremists” who the normies that make up the public will all too happily see locked up for the sin of having what are considered “fringe” hobbies
o i am cringing
what is that? a heckin craft leather mag holder?
Wow this man is tough and doesn't afraid of anything
Think of all the women in your life, and tally up the number. Of that figure, how many of them aren't unashamed sluts? How many aren't race mixers? How many plan to, or have bothered to have children? How many of them aren't fat?
Sir this is a weapons board
My first thought is its the same faggots that called themselves wardolls like 5 years ago. The wardolls guys used alot of stolen photos. The faces were blurred but they used a bunch of photos I recognized because I was in them it was taken well me an a bunch of guys were doing enemy force like 10 years ago. So they havw access to unpublished photos from army photo techs
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hosted just like partsonly.ca
they have the same wordpress setup, same godaddy domains
A fellow schizoid
i despise faggy arm tattoos now, it's the new barbed-wire-on-the-bicep for the 2020s.
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Holy shit it IS the same.
The easiest way to tell if it’s a honeypot to me is to look at the weird attempts to humanize, like the fucking “blog posts”
Look at this shit
I instantly clocked it as an earlier GPT article and low and fucking behold pic rel. the website is full of low effort AI sloppa “content” to make it seem real, JUST LIKE this fucking “Courage Project” bullshit
In my family we have no race mixers, all my female relatives of breeding age all have children except one who has fertility issues or someshit, 2 are fat but, distant 3rd relatives. Aryans
>they have access to unpublished photos from army photo techs
Deebly goncerning DD::
I worded that awkwardly but meant that i clocked it as an article written by an earlier-than-current version of chatGPT
Nothing new for our glowniggers either, a CSIS agent co-founded the Heritage Front back in the day.
chugs waste MB money
peg city mostly Liberal
outside the city all conservative
LOTS of Crownland in the east. (have fun)
My only complaint is that the nylon for the retention system glows pretty hard under IR. Otherwise it's great
Oh ok I guess they are grifters though. And faggots
Opinions on these?
If your aim is to have a precision rifle, don't. All blowback 22lr rifles string vertically quite a bit if you are shooting past 100 meters. They are kind of shitty otherwise as well, so unless you aren't paying a lot, just avoid.
what if the liberals won again and during those 4 years canada radicalizes and in 2028 ppc wins then we get a canadian third reich.
The seething will continue until hairlines regress.
Opinion discarded
Where do I find a 45-120 sharps that isn't $3,000?
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RepublicofNewfoundland is a fine place to start, you can find more hardcore guys in the comments sometimes

>What part of NL fella?
Look like a couple a fags to me.
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ATVs are solid, so are dual sports and pickup trucks. Have to make do with what you have and what you can capture from the enemy, especially if you don't have Abrams tanks and F-35s.
Just get a regular Model64, the precision one isn't going to give you amazing accuracy. Bolt .22 if you want to get really tight groups.
It's fine. As fun to shoot as any .22lr.
If liberals win again, Canada will be 80% jeet in 4 years and we'll have only the Designated Shitting Party to vote for.
nta but do you think a heavy barrel 22 would be more accurate than a pencil barrel for bolt actions or is the difference negligible
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Savage 64 is great, it’s literally, the renamed cooey model and it’s made in Ontario, but yeah get the normal version or the take down.
yes it would. 22 prs shooters use heavy barrels
yeah in general a heavy barrel is more accurate, less flex especially when it's heated
What flag is that?
This is going to happen if the "Conservatives" win too.
Republic of Western Canada
As others said, just get the normal version.

Or better yet, get an A22. Made in the same factory and you can get 25 round mags that aren't a pain in the ass to load.
>be Stephen Harper
>create program so companies can hire foreign workers to please your corporate masters
>be Justin Trudeau
>criticize the program as being bad for Canadian workers
>get into office and expand the program massively and remove it's "safety" features.
*you are here*
>Big PP is suspiciously quiet about any plans for immigration or tfw's

What happens next is anyones guess but I'm a single issue voter in the next election. I want the OIC reversed immediately and a full firearms act rewrite to make all long barrel semi auto rifles NR.

Mark my words, reversing Trudeau's gun legislation will wind up being the first time in living memory that the Senate outright refuses to pass legislation sent to it by the House of Commons.
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How that shit even works is beyond me, why the fuck should they have that much power? And they can't be removed easily at all. I'm guessing the senate is stacked full of anti gun shitlibs too after trudy being in power for so long.
They've pretty much always been a rubber stamp. At most they occasionally make some changes and kick it back to the commons to confirm.

But yeah, 3/4 of Senators were appointed by Trudeau, and even the "independent" ones are usually nakedly partisan.
Oh great the chink is back. Funny how you got btfo from blobposting, but I can still tell it's you.
Fuck me, they get paid 150k a year and only work 3 days a week. What a sweet gig.
thoughts on a chiappa double badger as an entry innawoods gun? thinking abt one in.22lr and 20 gauge
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Wrong guy I’m not the chink same anon as this helmet >>62751601
Why did they make the rag head white?
You can do better
Chinks go camping?
any suggestions? i think combo guns are interesting but down for anything
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anon race is a social construct don't you know?

would not recommend; get an SKS or a basic 20 gauge if you want a shotgun, you can always shoot slugs
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How much do you think a VZ58 will cost when the OIC is gone?
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They were pushing near 2k at the end of 2019 so I wouldn’t be surprised if 2k plus. Gotta remember anon our dollar has tanked in the last 8 years.
Fuaaark. I thought paying 1400 for my lmg was a lot. Time to stop being poor I guess
What would it take to radicalize Canadians?
9-10 years of Trudeau’s government
5 million jeets
>Trudeau: “Hold my beer!”
Jeets are the least physically intimidating race. Have you ever seen them fight? They just slap each other. They can't even run. I guess being raised on a diet of gutter oil and cow shit doesn't make you strong.
The average indian male height is like 5'5", they're all manlets
why does 4chan want to verify my email on my phone?
It only does this to gay people
oh there must be a clerical error as I am not in fact gay.
>5 million jeets?
>why are you worried about 10 million jeets?
>we need 20 million jeets to work at Tim Hortons
>you better hand over your guns, those 30 million jeets we imported voted for it
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Now what?
Oh you can clear that up. Just input your name, phone number, address, gun collection, butt hole diameter, age and mother's maiden name, and 4chan staff will correct the oversight.
Diwata Dakila
1575 Rathburn road etobikoe ontario canada
squires bingham 22lr
44 yrs old

thanks in advance
Works on my machine.
>On my phone
total phoneposter DEATH
They can't fight and do dogsshit in any conflict, too. They have a grip strength less than the average white woman btw.
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Total pajeet bake.
Imagine the smell in that Halifax, Walmart.
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probably smells like burnt curry bread
It’s not that your poor it’s that our spending power is fucking shit. Also I’m posting VZs in the wild since I have a lot of this photos.
ngl would take the MP5 over the VZ any day
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But why
What's a fun to buy RIGHT NOW boyos...
SFRC just got the Keltec RDB in stock

How about the finest gun on Canadian market.
I haven't followed the rdb ever since that video of dude abusing it and dunking it in mud. How is it now?
It’s alright, way better than a WK-cope.
I'll consider it, I NEED a new black raifu
AB/SK are basically the parents of the house when it comes to western Canada, they make the money and food.
BC is the druggie older sister that spent her 20s dating every Chinese guy she met and thinks partaking in stronger and stronger recreational substances makes her more "open minded", she's now in her 40s and trying desperately to avoid the realization that she's completely fucked and her looks can't compensate for her insufferable personality anymore.
MB is the fat NEET that occasionally rolls out of bed to collect their tendies between bong rips and doing absolutely fucking nothing.
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The CCFR vs Canada appeal case will be held December 2024. Probably won’t go well but thought I’d share.

because aesthetics and meme magic + it is a good solid gun

VZ aren't terrible but they're too AK-esque and that gives me third world vibes when what I'm really after are oppressive first world death squad vibes
I got an RDB, it's has a great weight and balance to it. The trigger is great too. I like the length of it due to being a bullpup. It looks and feels badass.
Only downside is that because its a bullpup, its apparently hard to clear jams (you have to disassemble it)
I've never had a jam or misfire though.
More worth it just to buy a tavor though
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Orly? What about Jeetgary and Edmonjeet?


In all seriousness Edmonton is pretty dangerous and has TONS of drug fiends, the rural areas might be based but they won't be for long. We have a nationwide problem here.
The BC/China thing you can blame on Christy Clark, who I should add NOW WANTS TO RUN FOR PRIME MINISTER!!!!
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You know what you must do
Edmonton is an actual dead city, it looks like a zombie apocalypse when you drive through Chinatown and Downton
What's it like to buy something like this from aztech, good idea, bad idea?
why is one of them wearing a balaclava? is she going to do hoodrat shit?

also these new captchas are FULLY retarded jfc
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>chinese lpvo
probably muslim
optic probably good.
mount looks wack.
AA and IRG are both based.
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>she pushes you against the car
>tells you she's here to enforce Sharia Law
>forces you to perform coitus

ohhh noooooo
Good enough for the fucking US army special forces lmfao
theyre special alright
>AB/SK are basically the parents of the house when it comes to western Canada, they make the money and food.
>BC is the..
BC builds the houses; by which i mean they do a fucktonne of logging. (and also make a fair bit in taxes off their outrageous real estate prices)
>because its a bullpup, its apparently hard to clear jams (you have to disassemble it)
No that's because it's a keltek.
or, well, more specifically because it's an truly ambidextrous pup, made for civilian market.
Few other pups share that issue, atleast not to that degree.
Yeah I’ve never had a jam on my x95 but I did have a round misfire from shitty ammo and clearing it was the exact same as it was on my AR, rack the charging handle and keep shooting.
I induced a doublefeed in mine once.
Though i cannot remember exactly how; i was new and liked to 'ride the charging handle' and in attempting to clear an issue that caused, (without drpopping the mag) i got a the doublefed.
The solution was to rip the mag out (required some force because one of the 2 rounds was still partially being held onto by the feedlips)
Re-insert mag, cock and ready to go again.
The problem with the rdb is that the shells eject behind the magazine so when they jam it gets real fucked and you have to field strip it
Yeah I sold my RDB personally. Brutal to clear jams but totally normal on a tavor
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>9 0 0 s e c o n d s
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It's only 15mins.
I went outside to walk my gun, and when i got back, gookmoot had granted me permission to post.
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$4300+tip for a heckin 9mm rangerino toy?! that's also registered with the federal government?!

just fuck my shit up!!1!
you could also just register your e-mail with 4chan, i'm sure nothing bad will ever come of that.
You did the 4chan thing really well, congrats.
this belongs on reddit
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I love 4chan, it's like a secret club where we can josh around and have our own special lingo
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there are no good guns left to buy
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There are tons
ape together strong. if you have 10 sks's and 0 friends well, try and make 9 friends. ones you trust with your life of course. so more than likely only 1 or 2.
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>tfw missed the boat the rob m96 in bren configuration
this is false. so long as the SKS is available it will be a lie.
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i have an sks
Well then https://youtu.be/K15orY9So1w?si=OKa6ripA6RtAB97z
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is there something preventing you from obtaining another SKS?
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you only need 1 i think
I didn't realize there were full auto FAL's and AK's available.
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that list has neither
When did Johnny Rebel get back on jewtube lmao?
There is you just gotta know where to look silly.

guys we cant vote out way out of this but everyone except me is a fed why would you incite violence.
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worst opinion itt
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what the fuck are you rambling about
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id make an exception for an albanian sks
I want a Yugo one with the sick nade launcher muzzle device
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I want a Type 97 so bad I can't believe I missed them fuck my faggot life
so buy a used one, aint like they are rare or anything
I kinda want to get the Gen 1 carry handle. Very aesthetic.
Just checked gunpost. I should have bought one when they were going for $900-950. Only see one for sale from some scalper for $2k. Fuckin retarded.
mine lasted less than 8000 rnds. ended up in the hospital when a piece of the barrel blew back into my eye. do not recommend unless you're a casual
Post hospitalization pics or I call bull shit
they are pretty crap
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Can we petition someone to make a NR length modernized FN CAL? Horsies would probably just say it's an FNC, but worth a shot. Fuck all that 180b garbage.
sounds like a skill issue, i've had mine for ages and feed it all kinds of ammo, rarely do i ever get a stoppage and if i do it's because of one of the mags with a weird feed ramp
I owned one and it was a piece of shit. You didn't miss out.
based taste. If anyone can do it it's motiuk. Hit him up I'm sure if you put up the money he'd be down.
G36's are in stock at TI for 8k
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Does it come with a legit HK barrel?
Oh God I just bought a house AHHHHH
Reproduction bolt head with German a
Walther Lothar barrel. Idk if that's a good thing or a bad thing

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the absolute state of this market.
shameless. these companies should be working to get center fire semi autos into the hands of as many Canadians* as possible
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Why is the G36 priced at $8000? When other comparative rifles are priced at $2000 or less?
Is this just a gun collector grift or something?

Also any news on repealing the handgun bans?

I've been away from /k/ for a few years, wondering what morale looks like here.
Either buy it now for 8 or later on gunpost for 12
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i have one already but i bet none of the tavor owners here have one and will still seethe and refuse to get one now. better luck next time, poors
I think it's cool we can get them and the gun is nice but yea what the fuck

lmao nah that's creeping up on barrett prices for a fucking 556 semi auto, retards and their money are soon parted as they say
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>buy a firearm for a dozen thousand dollars
if you are even entertaining this idea you need your head checked.
if you have ANY OTHER PAYMENTS other than a mortgage, you SHOULD NOT be this dumb with money.
if you do not have 6-8 months of expenses saved up in a TFSA, you cannot even think about this purchase.
if you do not have a decent start with your retirement, you're not in a position to consider this.
Current market is kikeshit, chinkshit, turkshit, or burgershit. The G36 is German. That's why it's 8k.
is it safe to assume an nr fs2000 would also be this price
>can't use standard mags
eh, you can keep it
I hate dealing with propriety magazines
gottem, g36 mags are peak SOVL
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Did they have to blow a horse as part of mandatory induction ritual?
It's rare to see them but they are a lot cheaper than 8k.
yea they're cool it's just a preference thing for me, I'm happy you have a quality firearm that you enjoy friend
Better post photos on here of you shooting it when you get anon.
>I just (((financed))) a house/car

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>you people
where do you think you are right now?
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ww2 was fought to enslave dumb goyims with debt
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Its 5.56x45 perfection... Also works great against duty fags
Fuck. I dont need it. I dont need it. I dont need it.
Imagine the debt is TI did sezzle
They were 6k last time so either it's jew inflation or the hk barrel is forced included when it was a 2k tip before
Nope. Same aftermarket barrel. Gay
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Fuck you poly
I am heading to the bank to take out 8k+tip from my rrsp to buy the German rifle
Are their g36 mags pinned or blocked? I want a couple to larp with my sl8 but if they're cuckblocks I'll pass at that price
A lot of the G36s I've seen ship with tiny 5 rounders, they're just physically little. I bought a PCC and they sent me a 10 rounder but it was some fat stubby short thing, not a crimped or pinned one.
It says 5/30
$8000 for a G36 is fucking whack dude, please don't be stupid with your money.
I'm asking about getting a couple of the magazines for my <2k rifle
What do you think of Kel Tec SU16A as a non restricted alternative to an AR? Obviously will be of lesser quality but still serviceable?
Looks gay and probably has the typical Keltec shortcomings. Find some vids on cleaning and disassembly, it'll give you a good idea how the gun is made and how pleasant it is to work with. I have a JR Carbine and love shooting it, but taking it down for cleaning is dumb with allen keys and a castle nut wrench for the buffer tube. Would've gotten the FX9 if I'd known it was so lame to disassemble for full cleaning.
The first generation models had issues with cracking, I don’t believe they fixed the issue.
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Honestly Ruger Scout is the answer. Sure it's a bolt gun but the quality is about 500x better and it's a gun that will last your lifetime, probably hand it down to your son when you find a wife and impregnate her.
Steyr Scout 2's coming to dealers in like a week as well
No. Buy a g36 or a tavor or something decent.
The ruger scout is not a good non restricted alternative to an AR, moron
tattoos were always gay
Yes it is, fagwad
In what fucking way dimwad?
But what if this is my retirement plan
It's an accurate, magazine fed, reliable rifle that works with iron sights or modern optics. It's actually capable of holding more rounds than any AR (legally) as they make 20 round AICS mags. The only major difference between it and the SU16 that was posted is one's a bolt action and one's semi auto. With how frequently Leltecs jam the SU16 is basically a bolt gun too.

They're more similar than they are different. Plus the Scout is chambered in God's caliber, you only need one three oh hate to remove a chinese conscript's entire arm.
honestly you shouldn't own any guns (other than an SKS) if you dont have a networth of 30k
I have 30k worth of guns and gun accessories
i have a similar amount but dont count it towards my NW
You’re such a fucking faggot I have genuinely never seen this much cope in one post holy FUCK.
This is embarrassing.
I busted a nut. Ive got the money but Im off work for a bit and cant justify the money.
absolutely beta males, both of you lol
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Yeah probably best to save your money anon. At least until your get new work.
Not an argument coper
tbf the whole line of posts is cope, buddy wants to cope with a SU16
Im going to machinist schooling right now its going pretty well but I learned yesterday they dropped the second year cnc program so Ill have to stick to manual inless I get an employer that will do on the job training. I can download the program and teach myself the code.
Fucking shitty, but hey once you’re certified you’ll have no trouble getting work. Keep it gun related I think savage arms in Ontario is looking for machinist.
I wish we had burgertowns gun industry. Alternatively I could start my own and make ar180b clones that arent shit or tacticool garbage.
I’d buy one.
Thats right goy. Ive got 2 tavors.
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The surest way to determine if someone is a low-test fag is to ask what they think about the Ruger Scout and the Honda Ridgeline. Nothing makes baby boys seethe more than these two items, both of which are great in their own respect.
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Honda ridge line is alright and I don’t understand the seething pick up truck world gives it.
It's not murrican, made by spics and made for goys.
"made by spics and made for goys" was applying to the "murrican" part. Not a separate statement.
then you should have used an apostrophe after "spics"
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>based ridgeline appreciator
Oh no I drive a ram, I just hate the seething Honda causes. It’s a truck made for office workers and frat boys and that’s ok. Now if it had 4x4 then I would be sold.
No, the and is still usable in that case. I should have probably used a semi-colon instead of a comma though or perhaps a --.
ngl the AWD on the Rirdgeline is really good, it would be peak wagie truck if it was RWD vs. FWD biased
i think the point is that you should buy a scout rifle and stop being such an onionsboy when it comes to rifles
I'm not against the ridgeline nor the scout
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Raptor is also battle tested.
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lmao. lol even. reminds me of that plumber's truck that ended up being used in an ISIS video
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Most full size body on frame trucks have been used in battle at this point. A truck is a good tool to have. For me? It’s the GMT800. The BEST pickup truck.
Boys I am twitching right now, I WANT A TO GET a g36 but I can think of a million other things to do with that money....
You just gotta suck 200 cocks to cover it
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I’m in the exact same boat. I keep telling myself I can get it, see if I actually like it, then sell it worst case scenario
If Randy can do it for burgers you can do it for a Heckling Kock
$8k is absurd for that gun, it's a $3,500 gun at most
oy vey
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based and WROLpilled
I'm an X95 chad and yes the G36 is great but it's no better than the X95. The APC is overpriced too, it's arguably not as good as either yet it's $5k+tip
a nu
Buy a g36 for like 9k flip it for 11 sound investment?
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>they make 20 round AICS mags
Who's they? Biggest ones i know of are the 12rd ones, by MDT.
A quick goggle search for '20rd aaics' showed me one possible example but it looked ugly as hell and 3d printed?

Regardless, big magazines arent as advantageous to bolt guns as they are to autos, because you cant shoot them as fast.
The scout in particular requires practice to cycle fast, if you put any upward pressure on the bolt while its back it will bind up on you.
guns being $8k suprises me. you can spend the same amount in tooling and be able to make quite literally any gun you ever wanted. of course the only thing that prevents that is the cost of the licenses and the skill needed to use the equipment so no one does it.
bro a bolt will never be as good as a semi-auto. unless you some casual faggot who just goes to the range
You find inner peace

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