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Will it be a flop or not?
The design looks legit.
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>flak guns are coming back
Nature is healing at last...
Anything directly mounted on truck is a huge waste of money
The design looks like Halo.
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Poles have a weird fetish for blocky sloped armoured viehicles
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Polish stuff has crazy ass aesthetics, i kinda like it.
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>angled awesome armor vehicles
>weird to have a fetish for
> Poles have a weird fetish for blocky sloped armoured viehicles
Angular vehicles are easier and cheaper to manufacture than curvy vehicles. A lot of the militaries companies in the world could learn a from this
Bideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n1noYPPCWA
I like their IFV and APC
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reminds me of the French counterpart which is also truck-based, although 40mm, not 35mm
a truck gun? couldn't have put the gun on an AFV chassis like the Skyranger?
The rosomak is koool
its a good gun on a solid platform, if the radars will be up to par it should be a success if they price it right

>>flak guns are coming back
>Nature is healing at last...
Damn right
>now if we only could get a modern otomatic
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is it the same 35mm Oerlikon gun as on the Skyranger 35 and on the Turkish korkut?
no front but that's just a modified Patria. The Borsuk at least has a Polish-designed/made chassis.
Would they revive Loara(a.k.a not gepard)?
Funny, so do I.
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Borsuk is cool too, but i like wheeled viehicles alot
>35 mm
Miss me with that shit.
Saturate the battlefield with quad-mounted .50 cal technicals on the cheap and be done with the drone menace once and for all.
How come it's still not a thing?!
Nobody wants your ww2 level shit, nobody wants to buy your 12.7 mm ammo, have a nice day
I don't think it is. It's a land version of naval osu-35k which is a evolution of Tryton-35mm from ZM Tarnów.
>is it the same 35mm Oerlikon gun as on the Skyranger 35 and on the Turkish korkut?
Yeah, they have a Oerlikon KD series license so they bound to be pretty close, they started out as naval guns so there might be slight differences
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thought so. Seems to be the industry standard. So it probably has to be airburst ammo too. If they can make it cheaper than the Skyranger 35 and/or Korkut it will be an interesting product
Looks retarded
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>all those gay "designer" angles
are these people hiring nucar designers?
They look cool. Coolness is half the battle to get your stuff bought.
how is that gay shit cool? cool military stuff is always utilitarian in design not this video game garbage. those 50 thousand angles could be replaced with much simpler plates. is the barrel shroud functional or just there to look gay and retarded? i will never understand this dumb fucking trend of making shit needlessly complicated for military equipment of all things.
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AA guns on flatbed trucks
Nature is healing.
>are these people hiring nucar designers?
I wouldn't worry about it
>I wouldn't worry about it
forced meme
How is it needlessly complicated if it's all sharp angles? Just let the machiners do their thing and follow the CAD software plan. It'd be more complicated they had to throw in smooth edges.
Can this do anything against multiple fpv drones diving from different sides?
Its a step in the right direction and it will probably and ironically be droned itself.
It's dead in the water
Nothing is immune to swarming
Found the tourist.
Should be on an armored platform to increase the size of drone necessary to take it out.
Thats why I think shit like
makes more sense, since it can be hauled on and off whatever truck you want in a minute or so...
If you have multiple vehicles providing mutual support, it will make the size of the swarm necessary to overcome the defenses too large to be deployed cost effectively and stealthy.
>ass aesthetics
Has Poland finally caught up to the 80s?
Total Recall (the original) only reached us a few years ago.
>polish new SA-35MM drone defence
>Will it be a flop or not?

how $much does a full magazine for that vehicle cost?
how $much per "volley" (however many round projected to neutralize a drone)
It might actually end up existing since retards in power seems to have finally realized they fucked up everything.
ok but how much$ per mag?
The 35mm keeps on winning. Will Oerlikon/Rhm's AHEAD technology take the market? Or does Saab-Bofors still have a chance with their analogous 3P ammunition?
Any artillery piece not mounted on a vehicle is obsolete.
Imagine having taste this trash. The future is autocannon based and there will be no going back.
I dont hate them for having a style and wanting to stick to it
And I dont hate the style they've chosen either
Doesn't matter. Current conflict has shown production capacity is way more important than money.
>Current conflict has shown production capacity is way more important than money.
totally agree,
and for that reason, firstie westoid nato-bloc'ers are in deep dog doo-doo
AHEAD has the advantage of being a directed blast warhead, whereas 3P is just a prefragmented casing. Basically shotshell versus grenade. So you end up with a bunch of shrapnel going in random directions, instead of in the path of whatever you're trying to hit.

>The future is autocannon based and there will be no going back.
Ackchully.jpg, the future is a hi-lo mix of ultralight turrets, featuring a 7.62 GMPG, put on literally everything for last-ditch FPV defense, and company-level VSHORAD featuring a mix of laz0rs, flak shells and light missiles (either MANPADS-derived, or Hydras with guidance kits).
It's to change and reduce the radar reflection from satellites and foliage penetrative radar sensors. I'd like to remind you that Ukraine can buy synthetic apature radar commercially for fuck sake.
The "stupid angles" have had a point for over a decade.
Towed artillery wins by masses. More is better.
This is why NATO will eventually lose
>this is the cuckshed they warned you about
It kind of goes from normal military to halo, front to back.
I think this is the first uncanny valley effect I've seen on a vehicle.
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this is the same gun that was in cancelled arty part of loara (we have gepard at home) program
they try selling it every few years - maybe this time it will stick with drone meta as 23 mm dumb ammo arty part of pilica is nearly useless...
Needa place 3 of these on small naval ships to act as screeners.
Heck arm them with depth chargers or torpedoes too.
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>the future is a hi-lo mix of ultralight turrets, featuring a 7.62 GMPG, put on literally everything for last-ditch FPV defense
M230s on everything Targeting data fed by distributed sensors. Every vehicle in a convoy has an autocannon with 30mm airburst HE. Lower calibers are just a waste of ammo in comparison, even with ultra precise aiming.
This cannon is literally taken from a mine destroyer ship. Just adapted for drone countering
Why so big?
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>Ackchully.jpg, the future is a hi-lo mix of ultralight turrets, featuring a 7.62 GMPG, put on literally everything for last-ditch FPV defense, and company-level VSHORAD featuring a mix of laz0rs, flak shells and light missiles (either MANPADS-derived, or Hydras with guidance kits
It's exactly what they intend to do
Not when rocket artillery on trucks mulches all your artillerymen.
The Pshek is real.
It uses the T-72 chassis no? In that case it's a dead project. No one ever made any spare parts for these after 1990.
Same thing with BMP-1s, they were exploited to hell and back. Now you know why Andrzej was so angry about his dented fender.
Poles and Americans are the only people who have war data from ukraine so it probably will be one of the best

it will have a fpv jammer
I've looked at it. If it's not vapor ware it's designed logically.
To do what it claims it could do needs a lot of things from batteries, to servos, to ammo. You can usually tell if something is vaporware if it's just a big gun and nothing else. It seems legit but who knows. You'd put batteries then servos down there with 3 phase motors. It's an auto cannon 3/4 of it are just the support for the cannon. They look like pumpkins with balls lol
Don't look at Czech Dita howitzer.
NATO is the largest industrial bloc on earth.
Polish general are too stupid and backwards to realize the potential.
They'll start ordering these when Puccia is chimping out on the Lithuanian border.
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Here is the AM/OSU-35K live firing:
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>Here is the AM/OSU-35K live firing:
>Beeg muzzle sensors
So it uses AHEAD rounds, right?
It can, yes.
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Is this older design of the sys better for yall?
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>Radar of sadness
Thank you from the mountain
Haha... xD

P.S. It's meant to be "Radar TUGA" fyi.
Hypothetically speaking, how difficult it would be to put this turret on K2 chassis?
damn, Apple really stepped up their game
iNuke when?
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I don't think the T-72 has the same turret ring dimensions as the K2...
It sure did.
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It sure is.
i hate this fucking movie so much
Never not funny.
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yeah. i love my country so much
Infantry already wrecks small grenade dropping drones and FPV drones. Several videos of guys just shooting them down with their assault rifles and shotguns.
Except when they miss and die, or don't hear it because theyre quiet compared to shells and gunfire.
Those are fun videos
Anyone knows what type of radar is used ?
This specific one, or any type used in that sort of terminal C-UAS defense.
It's literally in the name - the Polish APS "SKYctrl" or rather FIELDctrl 3D MIMO radars.
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I often wonder if posts like these are actually enemy shills trying to inject retarded ideas into the zeitgeist of military discussion.
Anti rak cope probably
Someone said Rak? Rak, with Pangolin.
Does it even float, given how beeg it is?
Also, they should put some sort of grille over the blinkers.
i for one am very happy aaa is making a comeback

thank you, drones
eh, there's arguments to be had with towed versus self-propelled. modern towed is reasonably fast, just not as fast as a self-propelled.

having both is the best. spgs to get to time-sensitive areas quickly for air-defense, with static on defense.
so you're telling me that an air cooled maxim could be invisible to radars on virtue of it being filled with holes?
Everybody loled at the Jordanians, Romanians, Huezilians and Qataris for purchasing what was perceived as obsolete shit back in the mid-00s.
Who's laughing now, madafakaz.
Surely, Polish Army wouldn't.
Is there anything the Jelcz can not do (apart from radar Bystra and maybe Rosoła)?
Probably pretty easy, except for the complete redesign and retooling.
Are people too retarded to think of the word 'preference' so they just type fetish? Like it hurts my brain.
Being competitive on a civilian market
Yes, that was the main concern and condition of Polish generals.
That's a British-Polish project (British turret and Polish APS radars and sensors).
>When you only have 90mm penetration, but the armor is 98mm thick
Everything, I guess? It is/will be the main workhorse of the Polish army.
Well, the civilian division of Jelcz was sold and hostilely taken over by foreigners (just like MAN did with STARachowice).
Ah yes... If somethign dosent swim its not worth having in the army and therefore cant replace the bmp1, no matter how old is it
Thanks for the input zmechol
It looks like SOMETHING fictional flavored but it ain't Halo. My gut is telling me BF2142?
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Yes, that's why they want a heavier version of it now with more protection but no floating ability. The previous government initially thought about basing it on the K9 licensed platform (from Krab), but finally agreed that the HSW design team will move on to design their own heavy IFV platform basing on the know-how of the lighter Borsuk. But it seems now that the new government is ditching that idea now and is thinking about buying a foreign platform of the shelf... GERMAN MARDER OR LYNX HERE WE GO! Just fucking typical.
Looks cool but these would be of better use mounted on an IFV or tank chassis.
Ah, some things are too good to be true. I will really fucking kek now if the pretty much ready Borsuk would be somehow dropped, as around 1400 (of that 400 specialist vehicles) are planned.

P.S. Tusk has already found reasons to block the nuclear deals with USA and South Korea and postpone the building of nuclear reactors in Poland by 10 years, so who the fuck knows.
Sharp angles make it more futuristic.
unironically yes. but that's because if you're using an air-cooled maxim you're probably killing everything in a square 200 kilometers.
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because, anon, the brits figured this out with simple napkin math in WW2, and it's why quad mounted AA became much rarer and higher-caliber dual mounts are the de rigeur nowadays:
>firing several thousand rounds to have a 60% chance of taking down a single target with one gun
>newton's law of gravity: what goes up, must come down
>several thousand rounds of 12.7mm must land SOMEWHERE within the AO
>an AO you're trying to protect, probably full of friendlies, possibly with civilian casualties
>for a 60% chance of taking something down at worst (and battlefield conditions are always 'at worst')
>this is not a good idea.
>P.S. Tusk has already found reasons to block the nuclear deals with USA and South Korea and postpone the building of nuclear reactors in Poland by 10 years, so who the fuck knows.
Still boggles the mind that Poles voted for the German puppet.
THIS is the problem with military blockheads.
WW2 had no drones. WW2 had no computerized aiming assist systems. WW2 happened almost 80 years ago. It's time to move on.
It's time to think XXI century.
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That's what happens when you allow a foreign country to buy up to 70% of your local newspapers post '98 and your most popular internet news sites, you get psyop brainwashing for the benefit of the owner's own interests. I like how the "business doesn't have nationality" psyop was heavily pushed in Poland for the past two decades by said newspapers.

P.S. It's kind of ironic, because when a Polish media company tried to buy just ONE German newspaper, it was mediately blocked by a German politician...
>because when a Polish media company tried to buy just ONE German newspaper, it was mediately blocked by a German politician...
Can you provide more info on that? Searching for it just leads to the sale of Polska Press from Verlagsgruppe Passau to PKN Orlen.
What has to be said is that media always try to influence and their interest is typically not the same as that of any government. Even state owned media is add odds with the state and tries to push their own agenda.
Who the fuck voted these retards
>Can you provide more info on that?
I don't remember the source for it now, watched about it on youtube few years ago.
>Searching for it just leads to the sale of Polska Press from Verlagsgruppe Passau to PKN Orlen.
Oh yes, guess what Tusk's new government is saying about that? That buying it from the Germans was a mistake and they count the couple millions used to buy it as a loss for Orlen... I guess they are planning to sell it back to the Germans.
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Man, I hate that postwar the Soviets forced us to manufacture the TT-33 instead of the wz. 35 Vis...
it was pretty unavoidable - comic levels of incompetence from former govt officials was just too much - sending a billion upfront to buy oil from Venezuela was just one of examples - as expected oil was never delivered and money disappeared... and nobody was to blame of course...
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Yeah, because vid rel is truly competent...
Oh man i love picking "retard1" and "retard2" as my ruling party!
Hey, I agree, but POKO seems much worse.
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>pissoids finally found the thread
I'm not moron, but Tusk and his feminist LGBTQ+ kraut cock sucking coalition is fucking cancer.
>I'm not
oh yeah im sure youre not. funny how the "kraut cock sucking coalition" is even more aggressive than piss in terms of keeping brown subhumans out. you retard.

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