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What is your opinion on forced reset triggers?
super safety better
I think it's cool. I want more people to get them and
to normalize rapid fire. like how people with suppressors normalized those and braces did SBRs.
Expensive. I want one but I'm broke :(
How do they differ?
I think we would be a lot better off if gun owners actually stood up for their rights for real instead of taking every available opportunity to weasel around federal overreach with these hacky and overpriced loopholes.
I mean, even the dude weed lmao potheads were able to essentially BTFO the feds and federal marijuana laws. Yet gun owners are paying fucking $400+ for 3$ worth of steel and 20 minutes of CNC work.
lots of people make illegal machine guns, you just don't see it because posting felonies online is retarded.
Hello, agent queermo. I know you're pissed off that individuals and organizations are fighting for their rights due to your overreach to get these triggers back, and you'd much prefer we tried to fight the much longer and harder fight against the hughes amendment or ATF, but we're just gonna both. Sorry, not sorry.
>posting felonies online is retarded
like marijuana users posting their ten-year mandatory minimum sentence marijuana home grows online? like weed shops being run openly in legal states? And marijuana cultivation jobs being offered openly on job websites? And nothing ever happening and the marijuana industry continues its massive profits? Like that sort of retarded?
>individuals and organizations are fighting
by fighting did you perhaps mean "being mad on the internet" and "engaging in polite conversation in the courtroom meanwhile nothing changes"?
Or did you actually mean fighting, like with guns and bullets? Like the Americans did to the British tyrants? Because I haven't seen that yet.
heard rumors they were working on one for the EVO, i would probably pick that up. or if one for the mp5 came out.
Settle down ok?
I accept your concession
People can barely afford basic necessities, no one has 400$ (lol, absolute brazen theft) for a meme trigger to magdump at full auto the ammunition they also can't afford
They don't have to take your guns when they could much easier price you out of them
which the FDA has made a pretty open policy to not prosecute, meanwhile the ATF will send you to prison for 5 years for naughty drawing.
how about you put up or shut up, faggot? post your illegal machine gun.
Super safety only costs ~$100. Hoping it drives down the cost of other FRTs.
>I think we would be a lot better off if gun owners actually stood up for their rights
how do you propose we do that? Earnest question.
buy a drill press from harbor freight for cheaper. The rest is easy
The one that I don't have has been not perfectly reliable, it has not worked perfectly on half a dozen uppers in 3 different calibers. It's not currently living on my CMMG 9mm upper and is not a reasonable facsimile of an MP5.
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Not really. Most lowers don't have enough internal space for the autosear, requiring quite a bit of milling. Then you have bare aluminum that needs to be refinished for corrosion resistance, it's a whole ordeal really. Just save yourself the trouble and buy a legal transferable receiver. That way you don't even have to break any laws to have fun.
Super safety is like a select-fire FRT. The Rare Breed FRT is forced-reset only, super safety is safe/semi/forced-reset. Also you can 3d print one anonymously instead of paying $250 or whatever for a trigger group and having a transaction on record that the fat police can seize and shoot your dogs over.

I've had an idea for an alternative to the forced reset system where you pull the trigger a bunch of times with a special button pressed to wind up a clock spring, and then hold the trigger without the button pressed to fire that number of times sequentially. It's still one shot per trigger pull, just deferred for later.
>not knowing how to plate stuff
if you pay 10k+ for a giggle switch you deserve the fuckin rope.
>It's still one shot per trigger pull, just deferred for later.
No, that's not. You just loaded up a spring, and the spring made it full-auto. I don't even understand how retarded you have to be to come up with this idea. This is the equivalent of a child eating a bunch of baby carrots in the morning, and then claiming they get to eat ice cream for lunch and dinner.
>I can't afford it
>Therefore it should be illegal
Kys posthaste
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Cringe trash for Redditors who don’t have the balls to buy an M16 cut AR lower, drill the funny hole and stuff proper FA guts in it for innawoods fun.
>This is the equivalent of a child eating a bunch of baby carrots in the morning, and then claiming they get to eat ice cream for lunch and dinner.
but dats fair dow
>t. 18+
>Schrödinger's Fed: A tale
>"ok, so post yours"
>"nice try fed"
I am the fed apparently
>"you're asking me to do the illegal thing?"
>"yes, do the illegal thing"
>"nice try fed"
You are the fed apparently
>Pull trigger 10 times
>Fire 10 shots
It's one shot per trigger pull.
>food analogy
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>Yes, just make illegal machine guns instead of the completely legal alternative, go... fellow firearms enthusiasts
>and be sure to post them online with your full name, address, and credit card info
The super safety isn’t illegal faggot
I have one. You know my ip. come get me.
Can someone explain to me how a super safety isn't just an autosear? How does a super safety convert a mil-spec trigger into a select fire FRT? I've heard the explanation and it just sounds like an autosear.

I think we should have the option (I don't think we should need any of this bullshit, the NFA is an abomination) but I'm quite fond of my dog and would like to avoid him getting perforated by the ATF
more of a child stupidity analogy, but whatever.
replace the original one with a multitude of other stupid things kids do without understanding if that one bothers you.
An autosear fires while you hold the trigger down. A super safety/FRT pushes your finger forward when the trigger resets, so you just need to maintain steady pressure rather than flexing and relaxing your finger. It's more like a bump stock than an actual auto sear.
Bolt travel pushes a lever which turns on the safety, forcing the trigger into the forward reset position. When the bolt closes it turns off the safety, allowing you to pull the trigger again. The key step is the manual trigger pull making it legally semi-auto.
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Bro think about it for like 12 seconds. It's not the same.

Marijuana does not directly or indirectly threaten the government in any way.

Nor does it make people violent or visibly cause distress to anyone. Eventually the general public realized this wasn't hurting anyone and the government was being unreasonable for no good reason. So the court of public opinion started to support marijuana.

Also people who smoke weed may be less capable of abstract thought. And therefore more willing to post things with heavy legal consequences. No idea what the facts might be on that, just a feeling.

In any case the gun community has none of these 3 factors on their side. It's kind of like why the right rarely protests. It's generally understood that we are the much more credible threat to the police and the government. Protesters that are right wing are going to be armed, be it openly or concealed. Many with military experience. So if things get ugly, escalation of force happens pretty damn quick versus a crowd of undermedicated, malfunctioning women and weak men.

So yeah. Most mentally capable adults aren't willing to boogie when the stakes are how they are. Especially because even if you win, it's probably going to get worse before it gets better. Nobody wants to put their family through that. And so here we are in this cursed cycle of history.
Guns don't make people violent, either.
Not the OP, but simple non-compliance and urging friends to do the same is enough in my opinion. Just need to sway (local) public opinion to not really heed arbitrary laws.
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legal gray zone in my country because law makers here are retarded
How is your machine gun law worded?
"an automatic firearm is a firearm which automatically loads the next round after each shot AND is capable of shooting more than one round with a single trigger activation". paraphrasing of course because literal translation wouldnt make sense but i think the bit about a singular trigger activation might be the key to getting fucked over by some jewish judge if push comes to shove. it specifies trigger activation instead of pull which allows it to be interpreted however someone likes.
What kind of slip trip?
I currently run a selectable alamo 15 in my 416 and have loved it so far.
>The Rare Breed FRT is forced-reset only
They made the E3 shortly before being lawsuited. There is nothing about an FRT (which the super safety mechanically is by the way) which precludes a manual reset position.

Also if you're the same fucker from the other thread stop spreading your bullshit. You don't know what you're talking about. Stop replying to every fucking post about FRTs by shilling the super safety until you actually grasp the mechanics of it, because it's clear you don't.
How the potheads did, by getting all the young people into it and letting it become part of counterculture. Surely there are enough dissatisfied 20 somethings that would like to flip the bird to the man in any way possible. It'd be quite easy to sell to regarding of political affiliation as well, ultimately you just tell them that the most surefire way to ensure the feds stay in their lane and don't legalize/ban [thing audience cares about] is a machine gun pointed to their face. You can also point to Ukraine and Palistine as examples of what happens when you have an armed population versus an unarmed one (yes I know but you gotta lie a lot to get shit done)
super safety is better because you can toggle it unlike the original FaRT triggers
>having a transaction on record that the fat police can seize and shoot your dogs over.
I understand anonymity is great for gray area/first on the chopping block shit like this but most gun owners don't want to do what stoners did and openly flaunt illegal shit and even go to prison to the point it gets normalized. The better method is having FRTs being openly available on the market so a billion rich boomers can buy them while others can make a choice between printing or just swiping their card. Commonly available and popular use is definitely a method of attack now and not just a maybe argument.
Same as binary triggers, which is to say very stupid and very fun but ultimately a literal coping mechanism for real MGs being retarded expensive. I do hope though that they do become commonplace and they continue to push the limits of "fully semiautomatic" until there's practically so many totally not machine guns in circulation that it's practically impossible to ban them, much like how pistol braces made SBRs commonplace or what oil filters could've done had they been widely adopted by gun owners
My co worker bought that 3 position trigger in the OP’s pic from DTT. $700 lol….and its FUcking bonkers how good it works

Im also pretty sure this is rarebreed selling a generic version while the lawsuit in NY is still ongoing.

Look up “abc ip llc” they own the name frt-15L3 then look at their patent infringement lawsuits.

Lastly www.frttriggers.com is the site for them
You can mill Al on a press, or just drill sequentially.
>corrosion resistance
>on Al
It does that by itself.
>Marijuana does not directly or indirectly threaten the government in any way.
False. It was about lost tax revenue for decades. You still cannot sell privately. Same thing if you homebrew.
Lee Sporting, right? How do you like it?
If a state has decriminalized and the feds try to enforce there it becomes a massive states rights issue they would rather not deal with.
Move to a state that says it's legal to manufacture, possess and operate machineguns and the feds will be unlikely to touch you.
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Dunno, Obama DEA was constantly fucking Cali growers.
Doesn't Alaska have a law to arrest any Feds who try to enforce unConstitutional firearms laws?
Legally hazardous and a grave danger to your dog.
>Doesn't Alaska have a law to arrest any Feds who try to enforce unConstitutional firearms laws?
If it exists it's enjoined, as all the other ones have been.
You SHOULD make illegal machine guns for your own personal enjoyment. What you SHOULD NOT do is post them online.
*or talk about them
*or shoot them because neighbors are fucking nosey
*or purchase the materials to fabricate the part online
>push-button safety
That’s a fed
>Doesn't Alaska have a law to arrest any Feds
This would be actually unconstitutional.
The materials you need to buy online are bar stock tool steel and a couple basic machines like a lathe and a milling machine.
Otherwise it's a pipe, an end cap, a nail and a welding machine.
GMR was sold out so I got a metal one from Skoprints. It works, supposedly the designer said it shouldn't be made out of metal, weighs too much and carbon fiber would last forever but no idea really, haven't had a problem with dents or anything yet
Yeah stripped LS5. It slapped together easy, only issue or fitting needed was that the left-side back of the milspec precut trigger was blocking the safety cam hole but a few passes with a file cleared it up. Need to contact LS and see if maybe my lower's safety hole is low a few hundred thou or they don't like milspec triggers or what
Hey Gripanon sexo handguard
>weighs too much
Al with DLC would seem to be an answer.
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I fucking bought the $300 Geissele SSAE-X or whatever the fuck it's called right before the super safeties took off. Now I'm waiting on the SS or FRT for AKs since the Geissele and Timney cassette triggers from Shot Show never materialized.
I want that handguard
You can buy a jig and super safety off tacswap and cut the Geissele to take a SS
Last time I went shooting inna desert in AZ I heard full auto. Of course it could also be a gut really good at bump firing. Also last time I went shooting inna desert in CA I also heard full auto or a guy bump firing good. The cat's out of the bag you can't really CONFIRM illegal full auto from an frt or a person who happens to be good at bumping.
>Inb4 vegas shooting pros who served 50 million tours in Afghanistan, Iraq, Panama, Korea, Vietnam, and Kuwait all claiming to recognize the sounds of BARs M240s, M249s, M60s and so on and argue that it totally was and wasn't their issued weapon.
It's more so that just hearing it, or a report of it, is enough for the probable cause threshold. It's not a very high hurdle for law enforcement to get a warrant or simply investigate under reasonable suspicion.
A judge is handed a warrant request citing "scary full auto-like fire" and he/she won't be able to sign off fast enough.
I highly recommend waiting for a bit until the FRTs are for sure in the clear, by the letter of the law they are, but the ATF's rule making authority hasn't been curtailed nearly enough for them to not be capable of making people felons overnight.
>he doesn’t know
I know skoprints has their AK SS in beta at the moment. I could buy a 3D printer and print one from defcad but fuck that. I'd rather just paypig for a steel one.
Looking forward to that one, wonder what all variants it'll work with cause it would be nice in a 12 gauge
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>no one has 400$
Get a job
It's not enjoined it's unconstitutional. The states cannot nullify lawful acts of the federal government with state law. This was solved in 1865.
I'm waiting for 3-positions to get ironed out
>They made the E3 shortly before being lawsuited.
My bad, I hadn't realized they made another product.
>There is nothing about an FRT (which the super safety mechanically is by the way) which precludes a manual reset position.
I never implied that there was, I just said that it was an improvement the SS offers over the original FRT.
>Also if you're the same fucker from the other thread stop spreading your bullshit. You don't know what you're talking about.
I'm not whoever you're upset about and what is it you think I don't know about, apart from not keeping up with the newest products to consoom? I'm not even the guy who shilled the SS in this thread, I was just answering anon's question.
That's almost word-for-word the US law, the important phrase here being "single function of the trigger." It should be legal wherever you're at, barring willful misinterpretation by whatever your version of the Supreme Court is. That's an unfortunately likely scenario, though.
should be legal

>full auto machine guns open or closed bolt
should also be legal

all firearms fit for the US military use should be legal for US citizens including felons who have completed their sentence.
it's all just stupid range-toy shit
>lawful acts
That's the core issue.
>Like that sort of retarded?
Yes exactly. The difference is that guns are for Republicans only which is why Democrats get so pissy about them.
**Action of the fire control group
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>post pictures of your felonies goyim
But guns give people greater capacity for violence inherently, this is a good thing; but the government doesn't like that.
Anon, there's a way to decide if the government has acted lawfully. What do you think that is? Hint: It's not passing a law to nullify federal law. We've already gone over that.
if gun owners elect a governor and state legislature that actually has the balls to give every one in the state full auto sears, NFA would be irrelevant overnight
Yet all those glawk switches are still flooding in from Chyna and in the hands of every ghetto gangster nig.

You’re doing a bang up job FAT… I mean AFT. Just remember shall not be infringed.
I dig it, bro. Very GWOT, but you forgot to use 550 cord on your optic to complete the look.
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>stands up for rights by…. owning an illegal machine gun
You now have two dialogue options:
>get raped to death in a court system against the unlimited funds of the federal government
>refuse to go to court and die in a standoff with federal law enforcement officers
Interesting proposal, let me know how it goes
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Dude the government wants that stuff to happen so they allow these things as a pretext for legalization. Same thing with the civil rights movement and desegregation and the black riots over the years or anything else. They allow these things to create a seemingly organic desire to do things they want anyway. They don’t want machine gun ownership to increase, so they ruin your life if you get one. They want pot usage to go up, so they turn a blind eye to it. Are you retarded?
Anyone buy a duper safety from Grey Market? How are they? Planning to buy one soonish
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>just do it, nothing ever
> you just don't see it because posting felonies online is retarded
There are countless YouTube Shorts with smart individuals bragging about their Glock switches who get far more shit for it than people openly using super safeties and FRTs.
Fun for about 5 minutes until you realize that 30 rounds of ammo is 18 bucks.
The Supreme Court hasn't given rulings on a lot of gun-related stuff like FRTs, so the constitutionality of banning them is unclear. The Alaska law wouldn't do anything about the NFA, but at the very least it would force the Supreme Court to take a position if the ATF tried to enforce a bump stock or FRT ban in the state.
They're good. Same with tac nut or whatever
Fuck this faggot. Buy as many as ya can before elections.
If I don't own a dog, will the ATF buy me a dog for the express purpose of shooting it? Will they shoot my neighbour's dog? Or will they just go to the pound and shoot a random dog instead? Asking for a friend.
There was a district court ruling on FRTs thanks in part to the Cargill decision.
Basically the statutory language says an automatic is defined as multiple bullets with a "single function of the trigger."
The shooter and how he manipulates the trigger are not something the ATF is capable of regulating and if the trigger must be depressed every time, then it's not fully automatic.
With that said a district court in Texas is not high up on the food chain and while the 5th circuit is likely to continue to rule in their favor, I would hold off on purchasing them.
Not only that, when these are finally legal and clear, you'll see more brands than Rare Breed making them. They'll be much cheaper.
Indeed, the ATF brings dogs onto the properties they raid in order to have something to shoot.
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SCOTUS overturned Chevron Deference, which means the era of big government is over. ATF can no longer make up rules as they go and write legally-binding “opinion letters.” They can only enforce what’s explicitly written in the black letter law that’s on the books. Heller and Bruen decisions also nullified nearly all gun control based on the mechanical and cosmetic characteristics of the guns.
>I mean, even the dude weed lmao potheads were able to essentially BTFO the feds and federal marijuana laws.
How many of them spent large portions of their lives behind bars or on probation?
salt marching is different than actually posing a material threat to existing authority... eventually letting people turn their illegal gardening obsession into a lifestyle so they can sit around and eat cheeseballs all fuckin day is a lot less of a concern compared to people interested in being on the same level as a local military without signing over their outright loyalty to them... especially if they also do push ups and have a mile time of under 6:30
They're gtg, just my experience, I've gotten multiple of the 4140s from GMR and they've all been drop in but bought an S7 from them that was DNT (deeznutztactical) marked on the lever, unmarked cam, that was hanging up the bolt carrier on multiple/every AR, the lever was too high and needed to be sanded down
if rapid fire isn't normal then why did they invent the gatlin gun in the 1800s?
Why do you guys get "in trouble" with guns?
You have guns.
What does it take for you to use them?
Mods please migrate this political post to >>>/pol/
Does this work on Ukraine war tourist threads? Please respond
I think that the failure of the super safety to take off really shows how your average gun owner is a total cuck. if everyone with a 3d printer made a dozen of them and handed them out to everyone they knew they would become as common use as pistol braces and attempts to shut them down would be as fucked as the attempts to ban braces. instead you have people fudmaxing and crying "waaah it's a honeypot waaah I don't want to end up on a list."
Most people don't know they exist, they aren't on store shelves or at gun shows and it's word of mouth or stumble across them on youyube or gun groups. Plus the files have always been out there but suppliers selling steel ones got cucked by FAT until what 3 months ago?
Most super safety owners purchase steel milled systems and their biggest advantage is just how drop-in they really are especially with a pre-modified trigger,

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