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Would the battle of Mogadishu gone different if the troops had been issued G11s? I remember some fuddlore about people dying because they ran out of ammo so surely it would've made a difference?
No. Ammo shortages were down to the same complacency that had them leaving NODs and plates at home. If they'd had G11s instead, they'd have just had less mags for them too.
Should have been issued with mandatory katanas of course. Duh.
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No one died with an empty weapon in Mogadishu except Randy Shughart and that was after he had already been shot several times and basically went aggro with his remaining ammo (he reportedly died charging at Somali militiamen firing his pistol wildly.
I hope in the not so distant future qestern armies have protocols to ignore war conventions, inb4 will create long lasting enemies, yes and? We have civilizations which lasted hundreds of years and genocided their enemies as a matter of routine.
>Like we should just commit war crimes all the time bro
We were there to help the people, not fucking kill them all you retard. Somalia was where the US learned that being the world police comes at a cost and americans didn't want to pay that cost.
>to help
well, you tried but a nigger remain a nigger and after getting rid of one warlord there's now a hundred that came out of the shadows.
just don't bother with third world shitholes, if they are that much of an issue, nuke them.
>We were there to help the people
Too bad the warlords had other ideas
>not fucking kill them all
you say that like it's a bad thing
The make up of Minnesota and other states that had Somalis dumped into it forever changed.
Thanks again, Bill "cigar" Clinton.
Differently. Learn to use adverbs, you fucking retard.
>to help the people
lol americans and their delusions
Then they go to start paying various local leaders who pretend to follow the "western lifestyle" the closest
>Too bad the warlords had other ideas
Yeah well they were the ones we were trying to kill but it's literally impossible because everyone in africa wants to be a warlord.
Never said we were good at it and neither are any of the other countries either. France has humanitarian efforts fighting terrorists in africa as well and they are having about the same results.

You're an idiot if you think just leaving things alone won't affect you eventually. If we just let things run their course, shit would get really, really bad and bleed over in the rest of the civilized world. You can't just ignore the problem and hope it'll go away but it won't, and it'll eventually bite you in the ass. Just look at the red sea right now.
That's not how the world, no even what we historically called western countries, were created, countries such as US, UK, France or Germany first went through generational cullings of their most aggresive, vain and stupid fools to become stable, multiple wars and strong laws to kill (not reform, because this risks reproduction) criminals can do wonders to a country. You want to improve a nation? Kill their excess of men until all you have left is the people who is smart and meek enough to comply and prosper within the fram of an organized society, if possible send the people in charge of executing these purges to some last mision where there is no chance of survival. The Third World needs some extra tens of millions of deaths to fix itself up, not free food for the next generation of warlords.
>Just look at the red sea right now.
Oh great, now you can expect sandniggers to come start parroting about jidf/aipac completely ignoring historical occurrences such as the ottoman empire or the berber pirates or they will go through the tangent to tell it was because of the jews.
Firstly its the Mog, or simply Mog. Nobody calls it Mogadishu here.
Has any action by anything resembling a “military” anywhere in human history not being what modern governments would call a “war crime”? The only way to avoid annihilation is to play like there’s no rules because literally everyone else is going to. You have to always fight like you’re losing and facing extinction because you are
It definitely would have been different.
Only realistic (yet small) advantage would be if they had not been using m855.
So we should stop sending free food and medicine all over the world?
Commiting war crimes is all fine and dandy when you are fighting against an enemy that can't war crime you back. But remember why the laws of armed conflict were originally created. It was an agreement between nations not to do things like gas each other and torture pows for fun. Because sure it's all fun and games when you have an advantage over a weaker foe but things get out of hand when two near peer nations start to try and out war crime eachother tit for tat. Imagine how much worse WW2 would have been if everyone was using chemical weapons.
>m855 just ice picked the "skinnies"

how did the mp5 9mm ammo do? how did the 45acp do on them skinnes? the m60 some of the rangers were carrying?
they were too le skinny to die and we didnt just miss our shots
Assuming 2 45 round magazines, the soldier is only capable of firing 90 rounds total in a firefight, before having to then use 3 stripper clips per magazine to top them off.

It's as absurd as issuing an M16 with 3 30 round magazines, and then a bunch of 5.56 on 10rd stripper clips. It would absolutely save weight, but at a substantial reduction in combat effectiveness.

The notion is even more absurd with the G11, as the entire point of the G11 is to fire it in 3-round burst mode for improved hit probability. That means a soldier equipped with 2 45 round mags has only 30 trigger pulls before he is forced to cease firing and resort to loading magazines under fire with stripper clips.

If the goal is to carry more ammunition into the field for foot mobile soldiers then possible with 5.56, then that is based on the assumption of a heavy volume of fire/high threat level that the soldier is likely to encounter. Otherwise 240rds of 5.56 would be adequate.

But then, if the foot bound soldier with the G11 is entering a high threat environment that requires firing more than 240 rounds, it seems a very safe assumption that he need more than 90 rounds on hand before resorting to stripper clips.

Soldiers fighting in Afghanistan, against a far, far less advanced adversary then themselves, would never go out with 90 rounds in magazines and the rest in stripper clips.

Considering the West German's would be fighting at Ground Zero of WWIII, due to the Soviet control of East Germany, the notion that they would be repelling the far superior numbers of the Soviets (which prompted the need for carrying so much ammo in the first place) with 2 45 round mags and 28 stripper clips, is completely retarded.

It amazes me that no one brought this issue up during the development of the G11.
Why do we allow places like somalia to just exist? Dont they basically just fuck up the surrounding areas, on top of their venturing out on motorized rafts to steal cargo and get ransom money?
>stupid question
>retarded assertion
spambot thread
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