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Russian soldier shares a review of North Korean stew received from comrades in the DPRK.

He doesn't know what kind of meat it is.

It's probably for the best
That shit looks inedible. I mean fuck, I'd eat an old Chinese MRE over this and those nearly killed Steve
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>russnigger tries to appear picky
as if this shit is somehow different from the shit he consumes on a daily basis.
Behold, the catoblepus
S. Korean here.
The can says
>누렁이 개고기
It roughly translates to
>Yellow/Golden dog meat
Golden as in the dog has yellow/golden fur.
Korean cultural (enrichment) export seems to know no bound today!
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>gook anon isn't lying
kek wtf
That's because it's dog food, right? Definitely not made of yellow puppers, right?
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Surely that's just a mistranslation
The Kims are sending their best
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Well, I am afraid it's the latter.
>The Nureongi (Korean: 누렁이; lit. yellow one[1]), also known as the Korean Yellow Spitz, is a common, spitz-type dogs with yellowish coloring endemic to the Korean peninsula.[2][1]
>Nureongi is the primary dog breed raised in Korea for meat.[1][3]
>primary dog breed raised in Korea for meat.
>for meat
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>Can we talk MRE's here
Yes, food is a weapon
one of the more interesting and decisive ones in fact
The real question here is how do we get one of these nork rations to Steve? I need an opinion I can rely on
Norks aren't beating that particular stereotype anytime soon huh
Ay ay ay, thanks for the knowledge Min-jun. Could've gone without it though.
We should have taken MacArthur's advice.
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>He doesn't know what kind of meat it is.

Uh oh
Lol, the dude on the video said that the taste is something between beef and chicken, "not bad".
>On January 9, 2024, the National Assembly of South Korea unanimously passed a law banning the production and sale of dog meat, to take effect in three years. The three-year window allows for farmers to find other sources of income.[1][2] >According to a 2020 survey of South Koreans, 83.8% of respondents reported to never having consumed dog meat before.
Still absolutely fucking vile but at least you guys aren't making military rations out of them. Good on banning it completely too.
Also you're not attempting to sweep that shit under the rug like the fucking Swiss do. God they suck.
Lel I can read a little Korean too, knew the thread was going places when I read 개고기
human meat having addictive properties is unironically one of my favourite dark fantasy tropes
especially if eating it also slowly drives you insane
>human meat having addictive properties is unironically one of my favourite dark fantasy tropes
Only if the addiction is born from something external to the meat itself, like mental illness or magic power, because human meat (carnivore meat in general) isn't good at all. The exception is pig but that's only because we've been breeding them for consumption forever
>Also you're not attempting to sweep that shit under the rug like the fucking Swiss do. God they suck.
There's nothing wrong with eating dog, cat or horse meat
But you have to kill them humanely which is what the Koreans and Chinese don't do. The Spanish are the worst because they only torture dogs to death and don't even eat 'em
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>There's nothing wrong with eating dog, cat or horse meat
Classing horses with dogs and cats is just wrong. First of all, carnivore meat is fucking disgusting, extremely acidic and very prone to parasites. Secondly, horses exist that are specifically bred for meat and have been bred for ages.
I assume you mean mammalian carnivores, because snake, gator and predatory fish is all is fine and they are carnivores.
>mammalian carnivores
Yes of course I mean mammalian carnivores. We eat fish don't we.
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>Yellow/Golden dog meat

Ol Yella gets taken out the back and... canned
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hey, K-pop and K-drama Chad, can you translate what this supposedly battleREKT North Korean is saying?


Because the subs definitely aren't accurate, way too many words compared to the numbers of words that are pronounced, unless Korean is efficient like that, or the subs are adding context/unsaid contextual pronouns/etc. But even there, it just doesn't fell like someone living in an open-air prison not knowing what the outside world is actually like would really say.
are there any complete north korean MRE's out there? i wanna see what they stuff into those. what is their bread or whatever for carbs. rice? do they like kimchi?
Horse meat is also a taboo in lots of countries, the same as dog and cat. I don't believe for a second that people care about what their meat on the plate has eaten, just that it used to be a hecking fluffy pupper and killing it is sooo wrong
The subs are accurate, they're just moved around as it's more of a translation of ideas and intent more than it is translation of exact words.

Translating phrases or idioms directly is retarded
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Probably an improvement over the cans of homeopathic beef "stew" the Puccians were getting
we had a sork in the thread, the translation is accurate but not literal
>Horse meat is also a taboo in lots of countries
Hardly. Only 4 countries actively outlaw eating horse meat, one of them is Israel. It isn't nearly as much of a taboo, with its only taboo perception being related to its consumption as a pagan ritual.
I suspect it's their version of Russian tushonka except its not beef but dog >>62800720
>NK has state operated dog farms
>Russians are consuming it
I want off this clown world ride.
There was also a ledditor that confirmed it was a Manchurian Korean accent as well.
heh, the ones full of some vaguely oily looking, tepid water
I'll never complain about a western produced MRE ever again after seeing those
It can be taboo without being outright illegal, anon
It's not illegal in the UK but they flipped their shit during the Romanian horse meat scandal mostly because they had been eating horse meat without knowing
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western MREs would probably be paradise to the average mobik given most of them survive on moldy bread and water even these days
>Translating phrases or idioms directly is retarded
That really depends on the intent, in literature it's a good way to emphasize different cultures and we all became more aware of Russian cultural mores after all the "ass in the ass" direct translations
And here I am tossing the whole loaf when I find even the tiniest piece of mold.
>they had been eating horse meat without knowing
Same happened here in Italy, but not because horse meat is taboo or illegal, but because it was a labeling and false advertising standard. Horses are livestock, not pets. It's significantly less ethically dubious to eat them and their byproducts.
That's because the entire loaf is infected with it. All you see are the spores, the mold is still inside the bread and growing. This is why just cutting off the moldy part doesn't do anything, it's already throughout the entire section.
It looks like canned meat, with pretty hefty meat chunks too. It's pretty much spam just not blended first.
The leaf is a flavouring.
I'd eat it even if i's doggo.
I wouldn't eat that though, what the fuck Russia.
I want this posted to ukrainerussiareport and watch the cope
Ah yes, the other other OTHER white meat.
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They'd probably do the vatnik 'oxcart of shit' treatment on it
Nonetheless the UK definitely does have a taboo against eating horse meat, Italy doesn't. If I weren't on this fucking autist board I would be wondering why it's so hard for people to understand different viewpoints
I got banned for posting that from URR, so somebody else has to do it.
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UK only has a taboo about sneakily shortening sold beef with horse meat, they don't care if you eat horse, because they are so large and wasting all that meat to die naturally is a huge waste. But they don't breed them to be eaten, they breed them for various sports.
Pic related is not the same
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Can we get Snopes to dispel this misinformation?
>does have a taboo against eating horse meat
The 2013 horse meat scandal was about the scam of adding beef and pork with horse meat, not about horse meat itself being taboo. It happened in almost all of Europe and all of Europe was outraged at it because it was a huge break of trust between the populace and the food industry. The same would happen if the meat was pork instead of horse.
I'm a britbong and never heard of this taboo
the problem was that it was being labelled as beef, and people obviously don't want corporations lying about what's being put in their food
At least in America eating horses is seen as absolutely repulsive and only done if you are literally starving to death.
Which corner are you from? It's stranger than venison, but not downright barbaric to try it.
Both are mammals and may be eaten
It's a thing in Canada.
The midwest, so pretty much horse country. They are seen as smarter and more useful than dogs and people absolutely love them. To eat one would be heresy. Just usefulness alone, it would be like eating a tractor. They are bred for work and entertainment, not meat.
That's because canada isn't a real place that people live.

I've eaten alligator though.
It's nowhere near as taboo in major cities, sure still very uncommon, but I've spoken with several co-workers that ate horse meat while in europe and no one ever looked at them weird for it.
>it would be like eating a tractor
Wait till I tell you about ox meat.
Technically, bread molds specifically can break this pattern, specifically if it's a freshly made loaf that grows mold within days. These are unique types of molds that basically sap surface nutrients only, grow to reproductive (spore-forming) phase as fast as possible, and then typically die quickly since they have zero defenses against other species. So if your bread grows a bit of mold within a couple days of being baked, you can cut it off

Otherwise you're correct
glass norkia
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They are small and bred for befriending humans, not really for eating.
There are so many better more efficient animals that are bred for it, it only exists still due to previous wartime famine.
Horse at the very least are huge and are not bred for meat, since they're used for sport, they also have more than two chickens worth of meat per life, and killing them for meat at the end of useful life is far more valuable than shooting them and leting them rot after working for 12 years. It's not even comparible to domesticated dog cage farming, stop pretending it is chinkoid.
>Horse at the very least are huge and are not bred for meat
Not to mention that there exist PLENTY of secondary products derived from horses as livestock. Milk and estrogen, for example.
There is a very large amish community where I live. Like, people come from across the country just to visit the amish farms. They charge like $10 a day to play with all the farm animals.

Literally no one uses oxen anymore and no one eats them. Not since like the 1800s. Anyone on a farm that use any sort of draft animal it's horses. Which again, is why we don't eat them. I've lived and worked on several farms and horses are almost sacred.
You do know the breed in your pic (and the cans in the OP) is specifically bred for its meat, right?
In the UK it's not really done either, but on the other hand there isn't really a supply of it anyway: back when horses were used for working there would be a continuous supply of old ones that weren't economical to keep anymore, whereas in the present it's generally uneconomical to keep them in the first place, so it's only done by enthusiasts who tend to view them as pets rather than working animals.
Wrong, end of life horses are often eaten even in the US, usually when health problems start plagueing them.
Why waste a tonne of free meat when a horse dies lmao, they had a good life after all.
Keep your milk and trans obsession back in /pol/
Wasn't originally, it's revisionism they tell themselves because the dogs didn't run away. Nothing about the builds of those dogs look "bred for meat" lmao.
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We don't even eat horses in South America, I refuse to believe it's a thing in the West. Peruvians do eat guinea pigs though.
They have been bred for meat for a long ass time
>Keep your milk and trans obsession back in /pol/
Trust me, I didn't believe it either, but they extract estrogen from the urine of pregnant mares. It's kinda like when I found out we were sucking blood out of horseshoe crabs to make antibiotic.
>We don't even eat horses in South America, I refuse to believe it's a thing in the West.
Not a taboo where I live (Finland) but not commonly eaten anymore because nobody's got horses, it's mixed in some sausages but that's about it
>We don't even eat horses in South America
Texas literally sells horse meat to Mexico
Chile has it readily available in stores.
>end of life horses are often eaten even in the US
They really fucking aren't. If you actually lived anywhere that actually utilize horses you would know the people that raised them and worked with them pretty much think they have human souls. They absolutely wouldn't eat them. It's like eating your family dog once it got old.

City people are fucking retarded and lack values apparently. I would rather live in the fly over states than you barbarians.
>Texas literally sells horse meat to Mexico
The last "horse meat" stock was closed in the mid 2000s. No one in america raises horses for meat. You're lying through your ass.
Yes it's the same here, something that is not strictly banned or taboo but it's seen as a backward ass thing nobody does anymore.

Well I never heard of anyone eating horse meat and I'm old and been around quite a lot.
Not a lot of wild horses in south America either. Most are feral and small, not worth bothering with in most cases.
There are two Koreas.
K9 Thunder vs K9 Tinned
>Tin already open
>Oh, there's a leaf inside
Already fake
"Bred for meat" requires at least some selective breeding for an ideal amount of meat.
They're "Bred" sure, but they're not "bred" as in genetically selected into a breed good for eating, which is what people mean by the word in this context of "bred for meat", it's shorthand for "selectively bred".
They're shit meat, and inneficient at building meat.
They are kek, it's just you dont eat them. I've eaten them. Look up the law, it's legal, horse mommies that take horse dick are retarded, who cares about them.
They also used to use them for vaccines iirc.
South America is one of the most prominent horse meat eaters, try again.
>No one in america raises horses for meat.
I never said they did.
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>They're "Bred" sure, but they're not "bred" as in genetically selected into a breed good for eating, which is what people mean by the word in this context of "bred for meat", it's shorthand for "selectively bred".
>They're shit meat, and inneficient at building meat.
Obviously they're bred for taste
>Texas literally sells horse meat to Mexico
Mexicans don't even eat horse.
A lot of horses aren't really fit for breeding or sale so it's easier to just butcher them.That doesn't mean they are specifically bred for their meat.Even in countries that don't eat horse meat they are still turned into dog food.
I never said the horses were bred for meat, just sold.
Ah yes, the infamous dog meat taste, lmao. Keep coping chinkoid.
adding a single bayleaf ontop of the dogslop is the least they could do at the cannery. It's there to make you forget that you are consuming Lassie.
Plus are we really acting like butchering a horse is any better than sending them to be turned into animal glue once their legs give out?
Why so asshurt? Dog meat might taste good
Lots of places forbid selling riding horses as meat because of antibiotics and food safety and what not
Which is a little sad but I'd rather not eat horse meat than contribute to antibiotic resistant bacteria
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It just tastes like meat. Use a better animal that isn't designed for hunting and empathetic companionship, it's like chinks eating bats and rats, it's a sign of poverty at best.
You are aware cattle and pigs use the same antibiotics...
>bred for taste
Stop lying mainlander, they all taste the same and don't have that much meat on them
Anon the horses that are butchered aren't old riding horses.
Also this.If you don't want antibiotics you have to either raise your own animals or stop eating meat.
>You are aware cattle and pigs use the same antibiotics...
Obviously in those places (mostly the Nordics) the use of antibiotics is also severely restricted for cattle and pigs
>Use a better animal that isn't designed for hunting and empathetic companionship
Who designed what? If it's got meat on it it can be eaten.
>If it's got meat on it it can be eaten.
t. Cannibal
nothing new for russians
Don't be ridiculous, dogs are creatures of the lower orders
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Let's appreciate the fact that 3 years into the 3 day special needs operation ziggers are importing canned dog food (in quite a literal way) from norks
>lower orders
Go back to straining the sewers for your gutter oil, faggot.
My father bought horse meat for christmas.
Was good.
Horse meat is mostly used in mettwurst and I think mettwurst without horse is just bland.
You don't eat draft animals for a variety of reasons. They are pumped full of all kinds of medicines, steroids, and antibiotics that aren't food safe. No one eats "old horses" like that retarded anon said. Their meat would be tough, disgusting, and filled with chemicals.
thirdie moment
Dogs rate higher than jeets on the creature order
Like if a dog was drowning you'd help them out, if a jeet is drowning you need to keep your foot on his neck until he stops moving
Not particularly
It's a little gamey but not very
I don't see the point

This is gonna end up with you claiming to act retarded as a joke


Horse and cat in West Europe was surprisingly common in the early 19th century

>which is what the Koreans and Chinese don't do
As an ethnic chinese I think that dog is commonly slaughtered the usual way by both Koreans and Chinese, HOWEVER there will be some who believe in the old wives tales and kill them inhumanely for whatever alleged purpose

I love dogs but I think you gweilo anthropomorphise them too much. I'd never call them my children, which I see A LOT in social media. So there's a sense here that "it's just meat, eat it". Especially since many places in Asia are still medieval poor, so they have literally medieval attitudes to many things.
You used to eat horse and dog and cat an so on too.
>I think mettwurst without horse is just bland.
Mmyeah but these days it's hard to find any with a significant portion of horse meat. Just because there isn't that much of a supply that passes the food standards here.
Oh no my wittle fuw babief!!!
>No one eats "old horses" like that retarded anon said.

They absolutely do unless they die of a sickness, which legally rules out human consumption or the rendering of the carcass into any form of feed (meat and bone meal).
If they're just selected for destruction due to old age, they WILL be butchered for meat, it just makes it into sausages and salami instead of to the butcher's shop.
YMMV depending on the country but in most of Europe it works like this.
A lot of Europe was never *that* poor, I mean my parents were born not long after the war and people still just killed unwanted cats without eating them.
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Oh lol nice joke
Oh shit
Someone here needs to make a vatnik edit of that one lotr scene where the uruks complain about moldy bread and ask why they cant have some meat, then include the nork dog meat
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I want to try horse but not enough to actively seek it out.

I was disappoint when I learned that our Ikea meatballs doesn't have horse.
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this can't be real holy kek
Maybe yours weren't desperate enough
Look up when Germany finally banned cat meat production

Anyway the point is: think medieval. That might help with the culture shock around these things.
(In Xinjiang, Qinghai and Mongolia they still live in mud-and-dung huts, and sleep with the animals. In rural India probably as well.)
The Germans and Dutch and anyone living in Leningrad probably did eat anything they could get their hands on
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You can get it everywhere in Finland as a cold cut, but it's expensive as hell, 2-3 times the price of normal cold cuts.

What people TRULY don't believe is that reindeer meat is also sold right next to it, with even higher price. I mean, who would eat Rudolph the red nose reindeer, right?
>Finns eat reindeer
was a funfact I learned as a kid
the horsemeat is a surprise to me
I hope it's still commonly sold when I find the time to visit Finland, I'd like to try both
I was buying some Savotta gear off a BINNISH store and they actually had reindeer jerky, the price of actually made me question my sanity, then the sanity of the person running the store, shit was something like €10 for a 30g packet.
And Aussies eat the fucking kangaroos
>I hope it's still commonly sold when I find the time to visit Finland, I'd like to try both
Its in every grocery shop, you can find different versions of it low fat, garlic, cheese etc
I’m starting to think you’re a euro poor who’s trying to project your horse-eating on Americans (which we do not do)
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well I never
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>project your horse-eating on Americans (which we do not do)

But neither do we abhor it like some Euros do. Its just something that is, if it is. If it happens, whatever, only horse-girls get their panties in a twist about it - its not like eating cat or dog.
It's also an inferior game meat

>cheese horse
What a thought
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I have actually never seen this sold anywhere but I guess I don't live in a city big enough
It all started when I said it's a taboo in some countries and some nigger couldn't believe it
I'm glad you agree at least
>I love dogs but I think you gweilo anthropomorphise them too much.
Consider anthrormorphising your own people before talking down to others on this matter.
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uma delicia
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>mobik milk.webm
says beef [spam] on the side

Russians are actually crazy for spam, just their domestically produced version of spam, which was aggressively alright in quality in taste during soviet times, but went to the dogs the moment profit became a deciding factor in running the factories.

Insane pricing...inside the country, you can buy fresh Rudolph from reindeer farms at ~22 €/kg.

1 kg of jerky needs about 3 kg of meat so DIY Rudolph jerky would cost...about 1/5 of the price they had.

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Monke Milk
>inside the country, you can buy fresh Rudolph from reindeer farms at ~22 €/kg.

Thats beef prices here in burgerstan. Averaging all the cuts from a grocery store..
Why would anyone not want to eat reindeer?
I've not seen that table in years, its a golden oldie
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>went to the dogs
Averages suck and before Biden shit was 25% less. Less than 10 years ago you could get Ranch/chuck/shoulder steaks for $6/# or less regularly even in big name supermarkets.
It only got banned for sale in the USA in 2007, and only because some animal activist fags spent decades running political campaigns on it, not because the plants in Texas wanted to close down.
It's still legal to eat, just not to sell to Americans.
You can still export it though.
Most of the cheap grain feed came from Russian/Ukraine that dumped the price everywhere. Combined with higher oil prices and you have a double whammy. It's not really Bidens fault with either.
Defintively taboo in Argentina and Uruguay. Probably has to do with gaucho horse culture, where horses are idolized as companions the way dogs are.

However a shameful little secret is that we do produce a lot of horse meat for export. Probably for dog food or the like. You won't find it on a supermarket but its produced behind the scenes.
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here in northern Italy it’s not uncommon to find horse among the delicacies of local restaurants, both laid back and fancy ones
shit’s delicious, especially diaphragm
>Biden shit was 25% less.
you can't blame the policies of BODY THE MONEY PRINTER during covid on a single president.
>your own people
the people in China aren't my people
Which is dumb, because horse meat is free money.
I checked a UK butcher since some anon says they sell it, that's 1kg per 7bongs for "wild" "drug free" grass fed horses, each horse gives 170kg of meat which is about 1190bongs, which is enough to pay for a new, cheap, young untrained horse in the same country (roughly 800-1000bongs), let alone the calves they raised.
Butcher in question I referenced: https://thedogsbutcher.co.uk/product/1kg-horse-meat-chunks-from-wild-drug-free-ponies/
You are getting scammed, find a local butchers and you'll still find prices almost that low per kg.
do Finns really call it that?
based if true
What do you think?

I doubt it.
Biden also dumped 1 Billion dollars onto illegals instead of using that money to rebuild the economy of the southeast. There's a multitude of reasons why Biden's responsible for prices in part.
>It's not really Bidens fault with either.

Eh, to be perfectly fair, him being perceived as a weak leader in an accelerating cognitive decline was probably one of the key deciding factors to go through with a full scale invasion back in 2022.
Same in 2014, if the US (or the rest of European NATO members) had a strong leader and not Obama who was leaning very hard on the "turn a new leaf" policy towards Russia, they wouldn't have dared to try and pull off a completely shameless landgrab like Crimea.
>1kg per 7bongs for "wild" "drug free" grass fed horses, each horse gives 170kg of meat which is about 1190bongs

The price of the whole animal is much less than what we pay at the store. Most of that is distribution, handling, and refridgeration prices at the end-consumer level.

If you buy a whole cow, already cut into use-able sections (but not ground), expect to pay around 2$ per lb (4$ per kg) for the whole thing. But then you have to store a whole cow's worth of meat. I hope you have a chest freezer big enough.
>10 years ago
can you think of any event about 4 years ago that resulted in massive worldwide borrowings-funded medical expenditure coinciding with a unprecedentedly massive halt in real production of goods and services, and the effect that these two combined would have on inflation?

this is true also however
it all began when Obama did not have the balls to face the fiscal cliff and all subsequent administrations attempted to Keynes their way out of it

there is NO substitute for austerity and budget balancing
Not 1 billion dollars...
You do realise 1 billion dollars isn't that much in the scheme of things in regards to the budget, that alone won't even touch the 4,700billion spent on covid relief, arguable 4.3trillion, since 500billion were loans.
Find a new shill angle.
1 Billion on illegals over rebuilding the Southeasts economy is going to hurt pricing dumbfuck.
Nah the Finnish equivalent is Petteri
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>perceived as a weak leader in an accelerating cognitive decline was probably one of the key deciding factors to go through with a full scale invasion back in 2022.
As a Ukie I still can't blame it on Biden, although obviously Corn Pop Joe does leave much to be desired. Kinda wish Austin was US president - he's been getting shit lately and lumped with the likes of Baldie Blinken but that's not really fair to him.
A butcher will only really double the price for reasonable chunks, cut for you into steaks. Cutting steaks from them yourself is not that odd either. I do have a large chest freezer I use for meat, not enough for an entire cow though kek.
Support your local butchers, they get scammed pretty hard via supermarkets.
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>Southeasts economy
Jesus Christ you're not even moving the goalpost here, you're changing the topic with every post.
What the fuck are you rambling about retard, I mentioned the southeast's economy in my first post.
1000 million won't even make a dent in your industry, that's paying 10,000 people in industry at best for 1 year before taxes. You have 365 million citizens.
You're fucking stupid if you think not having disaster relief funds and using them on useless eaters is not going to impact pricing, fuck the election season I'm arguing with shills on scripts.
>which is enough to pay for a new, cheap, young untrained horse in the same country (roughly 800-1000bongs)
but that fresh new young horse is not going to yield the same amount of meat as that butchered carcass, and you will be surprised at the cost of fattening that fresh new young horse
>let alone the calves they raised
if animal husbandry was that easy, cattle farmers would be printing money (they're not)
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Focus, retard, we're talking about food prices which have hovered at current highs for about 1.5 years now, if not longer. How old is the hurricane damage?
4700x the amount affected food pricing, 1 billion affected the prices by fuck all.
Covid relief, combined with >>62801631 and you can't really make a claim that 1 billion going to illegals is the direct reason your steak is so expensive without looking like an idiot.
I'm not even making wild claims here it's kinda stating the obvious.
Ahahaha that was literally my first thought after reading the first sentence.
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I assume "kae" means dog and "gogi" means meat? Extrapolating here from "bulgogi"
nuke moscow inshallah
They look super pettable, how are they personality-wise? I'm not making the manul mistake again.
>the manul mistake again

Did you actually pet one of them? They look like lazy fuckers.
>horse meat is free money
Well back in the days of the gauchos, (cow) beef was basically free. Wild cattle would roam the empty grasslands of the Pampas, with no owner, the population was very small, so gauchos would basically capture/herd wild cows and sell them in the towns. Later on they would work as ranch hands herding someone's cattle on farms. But basically that was their schtick.

Even today, though the country has gone to shit in several respects, beef is still plentiful and cheap. These prices >>62801590 sound insane to me. Here you can get a very good cut of beef for like $7-$9 USD.

That said I would definitively try both reindeer and horse. The most exotic meat you can eat here is Rhea (small ostrich) or Llama, which is something either redneck people hunt or something that's becoming a hipster upper class restaurant dish (no inbetween).
friendly neighbourhood bean counter here:
the US government spends about $14k per person in the US
1 billion would therefore fund no more than 72,000 individuals
just sayin
That's in terms of infrastructure costs alone rather than wages, but yeah.
they look like mongrel shibas
>Okay Bidens impacting prices but its only a bunch of s.aller fuckups
I gave an example of Biden impacting the economy in a way that you cant blame on covid, focus.
>Did you actually pet one of them?
Nah, just making a funny.
>They look like lazy fuckers.
That's what I meant, they're cute and fuzzy but apparently super aggressive and highly territorial, I'm not getting mauled by a living mascot unless I see first-hand proof that it's tame/pettable.

>chink flu.
>Trump printing like crazy.
>Zigger chimpout.
But let's blame Biden for shit beyond his control because he spent small amount of money over something you didn't like. Why Republicuck like this?
>impacting the economy in a way that you cant blame on covid, focus.
unrelated to food prices, focus
>Biden dindu nuffin
>Okay he did but ORANGE MAN
anon's assertion was that 1 billion dollars of relief was misspent on illegals, so government expenditure is the relevant metric here, not wages

>but its only a bunch of s.aller fuckups
unironically yes
I would not accuse my enemies of doing worse than they actually did, on principle
also because that shit results in blowback if discovered
Focus anon, where do people get food? Supermarkets mainly, supplied by trucks needing roads and the whole area got flooded.
>Trump printing like crazy
the printing (borrowing) has been firmly bipartisan however
nobody out there is preaching austerity (it would be political suicide)

I still blame Obama tho
The problem is the small fuckups equate to a large increase in consumer prices.
How old is the flood damage? How old today's prices? ~2 years or so.
The only fur baby you are permitted to eat are APBT's/pitbulls/staffies.
They eat our children, and thus are fair game.
So food prices didnt budge at all from all those meat plants being impacted from flooding? All the roads damaged? All that has to be repaired at cost instead of getting the money we set aside to prevent regional recessions after natural disasters.
>Smaller fuckups
>Posts one supposed misallocation of funds only
>It's the totally inaccessible roads fault guys because it got spent on illegals that my burger is high
Arguably that cheaper migrant labour dropped prices, not that it's worth it.
Please let's be rational about this, the prices are higher because of Covid money printing and more expensive fuel and stock feed, combined with the requirements of higher wages of those that staff said farms.
>consumer prices
1 billion dollars in misspent government money is chump change to a 27 trillion dollar economy, anon
>Biden dindu nuffin
Yes. He literally did nothing. Inflation that we are having because all the money dump that Trump did during Chink flu. Yes, this is literally Trump fault.
Obama might be retard but every thing happened during his presidency was because of Bush. Notice the pattern? Republican did dumb shit. Democrat forced to clean it up. Retard blame Democrat. Retard vote for Republican. Republican did dumb shit. And so on.
>They workin da jerbs tho
In Boston and NYC?
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>the printing (borrowing) has been firmly bipartisan however
No one here directly blamed trump for the quantitive easing and resultant prices. Giving everyone money is what you do when you force people not to work. Blaming trump for covid money policies is like blaming Biden for Russia being Russia. Sure the response in both cases leaves much to be desired, with hindsight, but they're very indirectly tied to the cause itself. We didn't know the Wu Flu would be a nothingburger.
>you have to kill them humanely which is what the Koreans and Chinese don't do

I've heard that there are some recipes that prefer the animal to be literally beaten to death (rather than slaughtered quickly and cleanly) because the stress hormones improve the flavor or something. I heard that specifically in the context of Korean dog meat, can anyone in the know confirm/deny?
Its just an easy example of something Biden has done that negatively impacts prices.
>I want to try horse but not enough to actively seek it out.
I've tried horsemeat and found it meh.
Mostly southern states actually if you look at ethnic displacement
I don't care. Like I said its not worth it and actively suppressed poor peoples wages, no matter how much both sides and (((economists(economy-shills)))) pretend it's not true, you know it is.
Inflation was a bipartisan thing though you cant blame Trump for dems wanting more printed cash.
>Bring in illegals
>Pay them with disaster relief money
>Disaster strikes job illegals are working
>Now you have no jobs no money and illegals
Reminds me of the kids in Leningrad told to not wander alone or at night or they'll get abducted and eaten.
The one time grandma's silly scare stories were true.
Anon please, the issue you're struggling with here is scale.
>Its not happening but its small and a good thing!
Every party in every nation blames the previous party for allegedly messing up

What is objectively true is that Obama had massive clout to face the fiscal cliff with and bite the austerity pill, and he had no balls to go through with it, like with most things (cough Syria red line cough)
His biggest contribution is instigating BLM

>No one here directly blamed trump for the quantitive easing and resultant prices
The post I quoted did
>Giving everyone money is what you do when you force people not to work
It was very poorly executed
>Blaming trump for covid money policies is like blaming Biden for Russia being Russia
I do not disagree

>allegedly negatively impacted prices by 0.0037%
>Biden didnt impact prices
>Okay he is
>We didn't know the Wu Flu would be a nothingburger.
I did. I was calling it a nothingburger back in December '19 when /pol/ was screaming about how it was a judeo-bolshevik world-cleansing ritual or something. Then the moment it hopped the Pacific they did a 360 and all started bandwagoning on me.
>just their domestically produced version of spam, which was aggressively alright in quality in taste during soviet times, but went to the dogs the moment profit became a deciding factor in running the factories
It was the same in other Eastern Bloc countries, I still remember the awesome hot dogs back when they made them with actual meat and not "processed a dozen different ways before reaching the cooking stage, still totally related to actual meat, honest"
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>they'll get abducted and eaten.
>The one time grandma's silly scare stories were true.
Westoid Hollywood propaganda just like Enemy At The Gates meatwave lies.

.t Bobby Freedomson of Liberty County-Oblast.
I want Americans to go.
I want to try roo, apparently you can get it shipped even to the US/UK.
ye but back then it was a minor miracle to get your hands on the goods themselves unless your uncle worked the as the truck loader.
>Biden didnt impact prices
not what I said
>Okay he is
You're missing the forest for the trees
the Dem government spends 3 or 4 billion dollars annually on promoting LGBTQWERTY+ initiatives

IIRC the OG doctor sausage was 50% beef 50% pork, so frankly not much worse than a hotdog
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>doctor sausage
I unironically enjoyed the sovok liverwurst more than anything else. Even though it was probably the most dubious about what went in.
>I can't understand why small budget things don't matter in a gigantic economy
>The post
Don't move the goalposts, you said it as if the illegal money directly impacted your burger prices, first through inflation (retarded) and secondly through claims of flooded private factories and roads.
Most "cost damage" from floods isn't from factories getting flooded, it happens back in 2008 too, and back then the cost increase was entirely due to failed crops and crop storage because of the flooding directly, no amount of money would have fixed it.
Feed is the biggest cost increase towards cattle and pig farming. Nothing else barely makes a dent, least of all slaughter factories, many of which barely reach capacity on year.
Grain is needed worldwide due to a shortage because of the Russio Ukraine war, directly impacting feed prices at home as sellers exported for food instead.
Combined with covid inflation and you have the true answer.
Is “meat”
Best not ask questions, ja?
North Koreans eat no cows no pigs, they grow dogs for food.
>Dog meat? Miss me with that shit -Steve
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>Best not ask questions, ja?

Anon, it says "dog meat" right on the tin. >>62801464 There ARE NO QUESTIONS to ask, everything is explicit.
Stress makes meat taste awful. Meat has to be bloodlet and the entrails removed so it loses the nasty game flavor no matter what it is.
Between the choice of OP, >>62800936, >>62801538, or starving to death, think I'll take the dog meat.
Shut up, you're eating it next.
It's not technically illegal in South Korea either, it got banned this year (THIS YEAR) and won't be fully enforced till 2027.
They don’t have anything else, it’s either dog or rat meat. You never know, dog meat might be saved for the upper crust and the soldiers might be eating rats.
but pigs are easier to raise than dogs...
North Korean culture might just well be alien culture at this point. Korean culture is weird enough by itself, now add the 80 years of complete isolation from the world the Norks have experienced and you might as well be dealing with aliens.
Pigs require modern animal husbandry and antibiotics. The dogs don't because they're bred via natural selection and picked up from the street, and thus are naturally resistant to the local diseases.
It's that simple.
>not the way I'd make a burger but ok
>ugh the ingredient order, but w/e
>that poor little piece of lettuce
>wtf's he doing with the sau-pickles
>no seriously I was talking abou-PICKLES
I feel like they had pigs at one time and ate them all and couldn’t manage to eat all the dogs so we have dog meat.
>animal husbandry and antibiotics. The dogs don't because they're bred via natural selection and picked up from the street
none of that is true. They grow just fine as street and forest animals.

>naturally resistant to the local diseases.
It's that simple.
Dogs are about naturally resistant to "local diseases" as people are. Or pigs. Cook your pork thoroughly.
True they were rare, but had the fortune to not notice a real food problem since grandparents had a farm. I still feel visceral disgust seeing >>62801727 because I've been taught not to waste food (even assuming they'd get used off-camera).

>Stress makes meat taste awful.
I know, that's why I found it strange. Still, people do eat a lot of really weird things.
North Korea had a very big famine in the 1990s.
But also it's in their culture to eat dogs.
So I'd chalk it up to a combination of both.

Poverty plus Culture/No dog eating taboo.
In a command economy there is no official market, so people eat what the state believes is important to produce and that's about it.

Maybe the first Dear Leader was fond of dog meat and decided producing it should be a priority and now that's what they make.

I remember documentaries where people were farming using an Ox, so they might be using their horses and cattle productively and only raise dogs on leftovers for food, like chicken.
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>I still feel visceral disgust seeing >>62801727 (You) because I've been taught not to waste food
Yeah, and in a black market goods that are bulky will attract too mich attention. Pigs are huge and loud, and I'd expect chicken to be the black market meat.
Those are wild hogs. Not the same animal.
>rations from a famine country
That's almost guaranteed to be long pig.
They're pickles (cucumbers). They're 98% water. Nothing of nutritional value is really lost there.
I grew about 20 that are about 3x larger width from 3 plants this year, without too much effort either.
That pisses me off though, even if wings are cheap lmao.
Keep reading the thread anon you are in for a treat.
Ngl, the more I look at this, the more I go from
>wait, this guy took two bites out if each and didn't eat the rest? His time and money wasted, not mine lel
I literally have a few jars of homemade ones on hand. The matter of their actual nutritional value and that I now have many fully-stocked food stores within walking distance doesn't enter the ethical and moral principle of "never waste food".
>wild hogs. Not the same animal.
The same animal several generations apart.
>even if wings are cheap lmao.
No they aren't.
Anon probably means they're cheap compared to other meats
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>He doesn't know what kind of meat it is.
It's defector, isn't it?
>I'd never call them my children, which I see A LOT in social media
Because global finance destroyed the Western nuclear family
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I felt better when I thought it was human.
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>because the stress hormones improve the flavor or something
it is an ancient chink folk belief that it is better "medicinally"
>t. chink

personally, I believe
>Stress makes meat taste awful

as I said upthread, you have to understand that people in these parts are essentially medieval. the vast majority (my mum included) still believe in the chinese humours like medieval Europeans used to do:
and TCM is largely based on this

so, just as Europeans used to believe that garlic had medicinal value (and is an aphrodisiac); the vast majority of Asians (and here I include orientals of all kinds, and pajeets too) believe in various foods as being essentially medicinal in various ways

sadly, this sometimes means killing dogs (and other animals) in inhumane ways to "improve" their medicinal value

you're an idiot

essentially, yes
animal protein was somewhat rare even in Europe until the 20th century

for Asia, think Dickensian levels of quality of life: the origin of the Sunday roast is that was the main meat meal of the poor for the week
my parents grew up eating chicken maybe twice a week, in the sense of one bird for a family of six
the rest of the time, daily protein is eggs, fishpaste, and tofu, and not a lot of it either
>that is why this scene in Kungfu Hustle was so emotional for Asian viewers: not only the context, but it's obvious to all that this family is so poor they can only afford eggs
>also, the "cockerel pattern" bowl is hyper traditional

we are eating comparatively tremendous amounts of meat today, compared to our forefathers

dog, like most game meat, is believed to be a vasodilator
or in traditional Asian terms, "good for the blood"
damn I read it as super palatable, I haven't been able to recover from the shock
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I've had cuy in a Peruvian restaurant. It was like the best dark meat chicken I've ever tasted. A bunch of old ladies started talking to me because they were impressed this tall white guy was going to town on a guinea pig.
I haven't tried cuy, but leaving that aside, Peruvians have probably the most interesting and arguably best cuisine in South America. Lots of interesting fish dishes, this weird combination of Native and Asian influence (lots of Japanese descendants in Peru), it's very unique.
>There is, however, an UN official market
Spent five minutes wondering why the fuck the UN would set up a market in North Korea before i got what you said.
>I haven't been able to recover from the shock
Get therapy.
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>do Finns really call it that?

Not officially, but it's a common joke to tease and upset children :D

Every year they show a pre-christmas eve newscast where they announce that santa claus has left Korvatunturi, which is his mountain base (in this narrative, he lives there instead of north pole) and they show his sled being pulled by reindeer.

The joke is he can't bring presents this year since his reindeer were eaten by adults :(
How deboned is that guinea pig?
it looks really tasty but it's probably a bitch to eat with all those little bones.
>it's a common joke to tease and upset children

I had a taste for lamb chops even as a young child so I had to listen to a lot of Mary Had A Little Lamb growing up
>a little jam
>a little ham
didn't faze me though, minted lamb's too delicious for that
Then don't go around calling people "gweilo", escalator-feed.
why not? you call niggers niggers and pajeets pajeets and chinks chinks
you need to get better material lol
>They absolutely wouldn't eat them. It's like eating your family dog once it got old.
Nigga, when ranchers need to get rid of a horse it goes to a glue factory or a dogfood plant.
>you need to get better material lol
So do your buildings and bridges.
Wow it's like semen after 4th ejaculation or something
You do realise this is a NORTH KOREAN fucking MRE not SOUTH KOREAN so NORTH KOREA might not have banned it.
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I mean, since I hate commies and don't mind watching liveleaks and seeing their buildings fall, preferably with them in it, you need to find something else if you want to hit out at me
I mean, in terms of calories lost to the world, they're probably the least valuable veggie. I think it's fine to waste them for high view content personally, have you seen those world record giant soups in china that get dumped into the river after only feeding 100 when it could feed 5000. I think a few pickles will be fine.
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>you need to get better material lol
kek its a pretty good insult

.t not escalator-food
>in terms of calories lost to the world, they're probably the least valuable veggie
wild spinach probably
it's practically a weed
I see nothing wrong with pineapple pizza, it's just another in a long line of delicious dishes pairing caramelised fruit with meat, see also: pineapple steak, roast pork and applesauce, turkey and cranberry sauce

>have you seen those world record giant soups in china that get dumped into the river after only feeding 100 when it could feed 5000
an unconscionable waste
>improve the flavor or something
Isn't that the exact opposite of what stress will do to meat?Do they like tough meat?
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>one of the key deciding factors to go through with a full scale invasion back in 2022.

There's many:
>flaccid reaction of the collective west against the 2014 invasion
>this is, without competition, the #1 factor

>US retreat from Afghanistan in 2021 + people getting tired of foreign wars in US
>probability of US not supporting new wars: high...or so they thought

>The european divide: Hungary, Austria etc. which are all well-connected to the west, openly supported Russia. Fringe elements in EU countries (supported by Russia) getting support from general population because of immigration issues and slow economy.

>EU energy junkies
>Germany (fuck you germans) and many others sucking the russian oil/gas energy nipple, while stopping the development of their own nuclear etc. programs (because Russia has supported their deranged anti-nuclear "green ideology" since 70s) to achieve energy independence

>german anti-war ideology
>their minds have been twisted by nazi GUILT, russian/western occupation and russian 5th column political saboteurs and useful idiots - they have been emasculated and are incapable of resistance

>previous ukrainian performance (the lack of) against fast, overwhelming attacks
>western equipment and domestic training and ukrainian determination gave an edge against this initially, which surprised russians too

To be honest, it's a HUGE mess and you can blame us euros for at least 50-80% of it. People at the top simply forgot what kind of a machine of oppression Soviet Union was and built relations while the russian culture did not change at all.
Nah, it's like a big chicken wing. You just nibble the meat off the bones.
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>I see nothing wrong with pineapple pizza,
Everything is wrong. The pinapple needs to be almost paper-thin, then it caramelizes and becomes *Italian hand gestures*. If you just dump rings or chunks, you get fruit pizza. There's a reason we don't put fruit on pizza.
>There's a reason we don't put fruit on pizza.
You make pizza without tomato?
>If you just dump rings or chunks, you get fruit pizza
nah don't be silly, it doesn't take "paper thin" slices to get some good caramelisation on pineapple in an oven
small diced chunks will do
drained first of course, not swimming in syrup
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I heard you were talking about canned meat?
I was so annoyed at the excessive amount of carbs, that I didn't even notice the deep fried rodent.
Seriously, who the fuck has both rice and potatoes with a meal? If you're going to eat a sizable meal, why fill up on carbs, especially bland, white rice, when you have potatoes.
mixing carbs is a poorfag thing
Ah, that makes sense if we're talking about Peruvian food.
Let get this out onto a tray.. what.. oh God… not nice at all…
Seems pretty common in Peru. Chifa (think dishes like aeropuerto) is also very carb-heavy. Probably a combination of being poor and a mixture of the local "potatoes with every meal" and Chinese "rice/noodles with every meal" traditions.
Third worlders carbmaxx/sidemaxx because they can't really afford a lot of protein or quality (non gutter oil) fat on the regular.
I'd sponsor Steve to actually eat it, and not spit it out, and give an honest review
Asians have really misunderstood the concept of "Dog food".
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>Stress makes meat taste awful
>as I said upthread, you have to understand that people in these parts are essentially medieval.

Not that guy, but I believe you, also in the west the "dark meat" caused by stress (can be verified chemically) is considered a spoiled, class B product.

Yes, sometimes you see it on store shelves but any time they spot it before it leaves the factory, they will 100% dump it.

It affects the taste negatively (makes it bitter) but overall, does not change nutritional values much. Looking at things objectively, I can see why chinese people have learned to think of it as special though.
The can says "Golden" not "Black"... so that doggo is fine (unless there's a second can called "Black"... then that doggo is screwed).
>83.8% of respondents reported to never having consumed dog meat before
* that they know of
100 percent horse meat
>they will 100% dump it.

into minced meat machine
This is the least wholesome 100 news ive heard all day.
You can buy reindeer meat in most of Alaska. Reindeer sausage, sourdough, and coffee is a common breakfast in the interior.

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