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How would you do damage control if your ship gets hit by a missile?
Lots of people saying "Implessive" ?
what you're taught in training

though a handy tip: throw everything potentially flammable or explosive overboard; small arms ammo and unneeded paper included.
yeah, a patrol boat getting hit with a missile designed for capital ships isn't all that special.
look like a good hit on the first missile
but, and correct me if Im wrong, it looked like the second one only hit part of the upper rear superstructure?
would a list heavy enough to throw off the misile targeting (which I assume is just to stay x-meters above the water?) develop so quickly?
looks like a c-802; its seeker will go for the biggest return (active radar homing), which was the superstructure in this case. it wouldn't have done much damage, even to a patrol boat.
Wait? First missile landed in the water before ship and hit it's underwater part?
First time to see such feature.

>inb4 water hammer
waterline, which is generally where most are meant to go.
Depends on the hit.
No. Check last frame before explosion, missile literally hit water. And explosion effects support such, no fireball just massive water sprays.
AShM usually hit dozen feet above waterline, and there are no water sprays.
>its seeker will go for the biggest return
So if you just hung a big tarp above the ship the missile wouldn't hit anything important?
>2 (TWO) AShMs on a patrol boat
>neither scores a solid hit
>boat isn't completely destroyed
>still show off this baffling display of incompetence in a propaganda video
What the fuck is wrong with thirdies?

Yews used helicopters as missiles baits they carried active decoys (or maybe just corner reflectors). All missiles went for them, but helicopters flew above height of the missiles flight and all of them missed.
200 IQ tactics, Soveits and their Arabs pets never stood a chance.
They have no proper frame of reference as to what good quality actually looks like
you'd see a fireball if it detonated on the sea, just like the 2nd detonation on the superstructure (water is just as hard as steel at these velocities). it will have hit the waterline and detonated within the hull.
oh, and if you watch various sinkex, you see stuff like harpoon and exocet hit very low and around the waterline many times.
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just counter-flood bro
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It's even more ridiculous.
After explosion remains of the missile ricocheted up like in some Lonney tunes cartoons.
Sailbros we are so back
>first one wasn't a direct hit
it's why chaff is effective against primarily radar homing seekers; the missiles will alter course to go after the largest return.

smarter missiles go with "ai" discrimination based on what it's looking at rather than radar homing, so you can't spoof them with chaff.
Looks to me like it detonated underwater, hence the massive push and dent on the side of the boat.
A warhead that big going off inside the hull should cause far more damage, also there would be little net push in the missile's direction of travel.
>smarter missiles go with "ai" discrimination based on what it's looking at rather than radar homing
If you were hang a big tarp above the ship, would that break up the silhouette enough for the "ai" not to recognize it as a target?
The ship is literally bent in the middle and rocked to the side like crazy.
All of the momentum of the missile was transferred to this small boat and given how fast it was going that was quite a bit of momentum.
Cope barn but for a ship.
Aslo make it big enough so you don't know where is ship exactly.
Less a cope barn, more like one of those cope stoves the russians attached to their tanks to try to misdirect Javelins.
Remove casualties, put out the fire, steer to reduce water ingress if any, stabilise/contain flooding. Repair systems.

In that order.
The first step is to not panic. High stress, realistic training is crucial for this although the initial drills should be much more informative/practice based and relaxed until the crew can get up to speed. Then you should shid and fard.
it's likely part of the missile body (the warhead is a solid projectile). you can see the second one actually pass through the superstructure and detonate behind it.
yes. it'd likely avoid it or switch to active seeker if a backup is there.

as an aside, hanit was saved because the exact same missile in the op hit the crane on the back of the ship; it gave the biggest radar return.
An explosion inside the hull would have bent the hull towards the outside, not towards the inside.
Very carefully
Do you have any other examples of ships being hit with missiles to compare this to?
you can see the hole in the hull from the warhead penetrating it..
I would first start by making the boat not sink. Absolutely no seawater allowed on board, including making the ship a seawater free zone, with posted seawater free zone signs, to keep my seamen safe.
>Rare footage of American Harpoon and Korean C-Star anti-ship cruise missiles.
Put out fires, help the wounded, ect
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It's actually a ROK Navy live fire demonstration. The first one seems to be SSM-700K C-Star missile and the 2nd one is RGM-84 Harpoon.
Ship or boat?
Entrust that task to the officer who is trained to handle this exact scenario according to doctrine that has been established and proven for decades. How do you defend a vehicle from new means of electronic warfare and massed drone projectiles? That is a new question to answer. Same with fixed fortifications. Massed projectiles can be very cheap and very difficult and expensive to defend against. Rockets, drones, guided missiles.
A Qassam artillery rocket can be manufactured for 400 USD, less than the cost of many rifles. The same IED payload in the warhead can instead be attached to an fpv drone for about 400 USD more. That is a guided munition with a payload for under 1000 USD, compared to the cost of ammunition to completely deplete a launch pad of interceptor missiles. These are being launched from a distance in artillery operations, sometimes hundreds of miles internationally like with glider drones. I know how to make IEDs and train insurgents in how to make them. They are very cheap, made of easily obtained materials that can be secured covertly, and destroy tanks worth millions.
What game is that?
Counterpoint: OTO Melara 76mm GPHE

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