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OK guys, its that time of year, and it doesn't seem like there is actually much interest in doing a Se/k/ret Santa this year. But I love it all, the cool stuff, beautiful boxes, and the /k/ommandos I have met along the way.

So here is the deal. I am going to be taking peoples information (in the format below please), sorting it all out, and making the picks by hand to best fit people's asks/spending minimums. I am going to be keeping it relatively simple from what was on offer in year's past, but I am confident that with last year's experience I am have a better understanding of what works and what doesn't.
2) NAUGHTY OR NICE (Bogans and Canucks automatically naughty)
2) SPENDING MINIMUM ($0, $20, $100+)
3) WHAT DO YOU WANT TO GET? Surplus items, clothing, local food/candy/soda/booze, books, gun parts, dildo knives, etc. Feel free to list whatever as you match will get the full list. BE THOROUGH WHEN IT COMES TO SIZING OF CLOTHING!
4) IS THERE ANYTHING YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT RECEIVE? Due to any reason, but especially by law)
5) WHAT DO YOU WANT TO GIVE? Do you have any cool shit that falls into one of the above categories? Do you have some weird shit that doesn't fit into the categories above?

There is going to be just one exchange for the $20 and $100+ tiers, with proof of mailing due by December 10th. I will be accepting names up until December 6th, but just know that the later you wait, the less likely you will get matched with an ideal candidate. I am going to match people and have them exchange gifts with each other instead of doing a round-robin type of thing like I did last year. I already have a few people signed up for the international side, so we're off to a good start!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to submit your info, you can reach me at S G T S A N T A 4 2 @ G M A I L
If you participated in the international exchange last year, I will be sending you an email soon to check and see if you're down.
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Hello, I've participated in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021. Oh boy, I can't believe /k/rypto Challenge was 5 years ago already! What happened with se/k/ret santa in recent years? I've heard that Big Boss disappeared?
Nice! Well I hope you are down to participate again this year. Big Boss was MIA last year, there were rumors of radio contact, but they were unable to be confirmed. Myself and two other guys took people's information by email and matched people by hand. So far I haven't heard anything from those guys so it's just me, but it shouldn't be an issue based on the interest so far.
Bumping one more time
/k/ is not my usual board (I usually browse /diy/ and /o/), but I think that I could do this. I just need to make sure that I have the money first.
Let's keep this up for a while.
Paging deployed to guam anon who has the old site code.

Also paging anons who wanted to help in October
there is a huge crossover between /o/ and /k/ type gifts, you should sign up
Sounds good, I will join this afternoon.
Is the email all caps, all lowercase, or some letters capitalized?
Doesn't matter with email address.
Cant wait sgt santa
Rudimentary as shit but will sign up if I can manage the time and have enough to make sure I can gift well enough
Happy to see you carrying the torch again. Sent myself in back in and glad I followed up with you. Maybe for next year to try and set up a site or some type of system in place to help.
Massively based SGT here to spread Christmass cheer once again. hopefully the bundeskackagedelaywaffenkorps don't delay my package for four fucking months again.
worked fine last year
Good stuff, sent you an email. Glad to participate for a fourth time.
Where big boss?
He been MIA since last year, I think he did drop a message last year from something happened not 100% sure
I think I seen him in arg. I dont really wanna do it inless hes running it. I might sign up for paperclip as Im in possession of one of the cursed joke gifts thats been in circulation form the begining
I have been doing thr Santa's since 2020, last year's was still fun and enjoyable. I don't have full pics but I ended up getting 2 Ammo Cans, some candy, Slings I desperately needed, a few other things I can't fully remember but he did also have some local stuff, and even from my area since he did live in my area at one point.

Doing it this year still since I try to do at least one.
Ive been doing it for years. I need to put this one back in circulation so the tradition stays alive.
Same i love the /K/ one, I had an /a/ one but cock up had me not able to this year
just send you an email, firts time im gonna participate
>participated a couple of times
>got cool shit (czech helmet, finnish gear I still use)
>last year was out of cash
>this year had cash
>then bought car
>it just keeps braking
>no money again
>commie president raised import tax, now 90% over US$50
I love you all, sekret santa was the highlight of my year, but no more stuff from brazil from now on.

If any of you are thinking of participating, do it, it's worth it.
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>2) SPENDING MINIMUM ($0, $20, $100+)

If you're open to suggestion; Biden fucked the dollar so much this isn't a very good tier list. $30 is lunch for 3 at TacoBell now.

$1-$10 ~ Paper/k/lip tier ; Card drawings and patches/stickers

$30-$50 - Normal Tier

$50-$90 - Upper tier for ballers

$150+ - Fuck the rules I have Money, here's a Mosin to your LLC tier
Any of you yanks wanna do an itar violation for northern fren?
And I forgot... I even had the E-Mail drafted up too.
If only, all my local nuggets are jacked up for no reason
>If only, all my local nuggets are jacked up for no reason
All of them are. My originally $99 Mosin is somehow (according to the market) worth $600, which is strange af. I have a ton of them but very little ammo.

>Se/k/ret Santa 2024: Fuck It, We'll Do It Live Edition
Glad to see it back. I was wondering if we were gonna have one or not this year, I hope I have enough money to participate this year.
Middle-of-the-night bamp.
Early morn' bamp.
regular bamp
After work bump
Not a bad suggestion, and I should clarify, the $0. $20, and $100 are the minimum spending for the tiers. So if you sign up for $20, you only need to spend $20, but in the spirit of the season I would hope most people spend a bit more.

I just went through and got everyone's info who has signed up, a great mix of USA and International kommandos with a lot of cool shit to give. I am going to wait until Sunday, look at how many sign ups there are, and then start with some preliminary matches.
Don't forget about Grinch relief. Some anons fail to send the goods out (or don't intend to, or mail goblins intercept the parcel) so you need other anons to volunteer to send out a second round without anything coming back.
Sent a short while ago. I am looking forward to participating. By the way, what is the deadline to join?
WAIT YOU REMEMBER THE KYRPTO CHALLENGE?? I made this thread 6 months ago https://desuarchive.org/k/thread/62040076/#62040076
Can you tell me what you remember?
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Yeah, I remember that thread and I posted here:
I hate being poor. I want to participate again, but I have no idea if I'll have any money to do so. The irony is that I have extra surplus to give, but no money to send it.
If you can afford a stamp, you can participate. Get me your details and we will make it work.
How does the sending process work? Does the gift arrive at our residence first then we print a shipping label and get it shipped out? Or do we put in the address of the person we’re gifting to when ordering?
Hey SGT, have you emailed BB about this? He sent me an email a while back saying he thought he'd be able to run it. Either way it'll be in good hands, you did a great job last year bud.
I'll send my info tomorrow, good night santa
hey man, just sent you an email
email sent ;)
Happy to join again ya mad cunts.
Unfortunately no time to make a custom knife again this year but i will do 100$ and shower my giftee with cool stuff!
Awesome stuff guys, we're looking good for both US and international matches.

Just a few things to note: if you'd like to sign uo for international but live in the U.S. just let me know. First round of matches will be going out 25 November, so 10 more days to sign up! And remember to be a thorough and descriptive with your entry as possible.

I had not heard that but that would be awesome, I know a lot of people are hesitant to participate since BB isn't running it through the site.
x2, I don't like the idea of frens getting nothing.
I have sent my information
Checked and agreed. I have had a few people mention grinch relief when they submitted their info, so I am already tracking them. Grinch Relief may be something I get some help with.
How many people already registered?
23 total so far
did you send a reply to those that signed up? not sure if my mail got thru..
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OP, as a previous participant you are leaving this about 1 month too late for international participants due to shipping times, customs constraints etc.
Same with last year.
When Bossman was running it the first salvo was always shipped NLT first week of November for this reason.
Please, next year and in future - begin the matching process and deadlines by the first week of november so we too can partake as we had done in previous years.
If you can get a hold of Big Boss maybe you can take over the website that was made for all of this. It had all the tier lists etc and was very well laid out.
I hate to be "that guy" but yeah, in my gay ass country it's quite common for international parcels to be held for up to a week just to CLEAR customs before it gets shipped, then gets held there too etc.
Timing is everything and also gives time for a potential 2nd round matching.

t. open tier previous participant
I don't think I'll participate (I always focus on gift hunting for the loved ones) but have a bump OP
What do you mean by "northern"?
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Aight, Sarge. Signup got sent. Awaiting matchup PUMPED AND READY Y'ALL
There is still time if i understand it correctly >>62871317
>>First round of matches will be going out 25 November, so 10 more days to sign up!
Just sent in mine, Looking forward to it
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International? You mean smelly foreigns? Do they even have Christmas? I thought they just prayed to weird bugs and things.
I actually posted multiple threads last month, as did someone else, and unfortunately only had two people teach out, one of whom actually signed up. I think international anons are gonna have to accept a Dec 5 ship date (you can mail as soon as your ready) and open it when you get it. I wanted very badly for BigBoss to come back and run the site, but now I am trying to make the most of what time is left. It won't be on par with past years in terms of participation, but based on last year we managed to have fewer grinch situations than normal, too.

Still plenty of time to sign up brother!
I'm guessing he means Canada and I can only assume he is making a stupid joke because he has to know there is zero chance I would help facilitate something like that.
I would 100% run guns to Canada if I thought I could get away with it. ITAR is gay, gun laws are gay.
I sent you an email but didn't get one back. Did I go to your spam box?
didnt get one back either but i guess that makes it a valid pattern
Sorry boys, havent gone through the recent sign ups yet. Nothing is going to the spam box, I just havent sent back confirmations yet
Copy that.
Work hour bamp
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Bumping for that Christmas Spirit
I can't wait. I've already got something to send.
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I wish I had one-tenth the artistic skill that whoever drew that has.
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did you sign up for international and in 100$ tier?
then i might draw you one ;)

or we do paper/k/lip and i draw you something

pic related was what ive sent for 20$ tier to another german anon
I signed up for I have no idea if I'll be able to participate this year because poverty and I'll know for sure on payday what I will be able (or not) to do. I want to do $100 international (I did that last year), but I have about $3 in my bank, and I have no idea what's going to happen to me financially this month.

What's ironic is that I have two really decent gifts that I'd love to send, but I don't have the cash to send them. Irony is the spice of life, I guess.
Anon from B whom i sent the knife to last year?
i send you a card for free if you like :)
>Anon from B whom i sent the knife to last year?
Nope, not me. I didn't get a knoife last year because I didn't have a loicense.
id still send you a card if you want

you could forward your address thru SGT maybe
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Hello, here I am.
Unfortunately we pulled in Sunday and leave tomorrow. This deployment has been difficult as we’ve had almost no time in port over the past few months.

That said, I don’t have the files with me and no one messaged my wife to get them. She’s home with family for the holidays.
However, if you reach out to the burner email I will happily do Grinch relief. I’ll be back in the States by Christmas and will be on stand down so I’ll have plenty of time to shop.


Plus whoever gets a relief package will be pleased to get a hand crocheted Gondola.

Next year I’ll be able to participate in full. I love these events and will see them succeed. Also if turnout is small I recommend asking our child board- /out/.
Just sent in my info for secret Santa can't wait to get matched!
bedtime bamp
If you have sent me your info prior to 200900ZNOV2024, then you are signed up. I am about to get off shift, go home and pass out for a little, ans will check for any more international anons, then send the first round of matches.

We have about 15 Americans and 7 Internationanons, so we could use some more people. I'd say a good 2/3rds are in the $100+ tierx either many promising to overspend, or requesting to be matched with a poorfag so they can bless them.

So sign up! If you think you have any modicum of privacy left and still participate, even lurk, on sites like this, you are a known entity. I'm as scjizo as the next guy (depending on the day) but SS is something special. Every year I look forward to the unique gifts and hesrtfelt letters from complete strangers from all over the world, who all just want to shoot guns and be bros. It's as close to real community as you can get from a place like this, so take advantage.

I am tinkering with the idea of a "/K/hristmas 2: The Kontinuation" where the people who signed up too late, or live in a third world euro hellhe where they hold your ma hostage for a pack of romanian cigarettes or 100 zloty... is that even a lot? Doesn't matter.Wheat matters is people will get a chance to participate even if they are lazy pieces of shit or are just discovering Sekret Santa too late.

OH, one last thing. I know the board is pretty divided on Kommando Store, but I think they have some stuff that would be cool to get for free as Grinch Relief prizes. Maybe they could offer a discount for people participating in SS24? But my question is, are there any other smaller companies that are /k/-based and even /k/-inspired that would be likely to donate something for the cause? How about any of the patch makers we have on the board? Post your ideas in here for this so we can get feedback on people's experiences with difference vendors.
and a merry khristmas to you too
What are you drinking sarge?

(and remember to have a glass of water before you go to sleep)
sleepless night bamp
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My christmas anxiety is kicking in, but I'll send the usual, /k/ristmas /k/are /k/ontainer, to a lucky anon.
>2/3rds are in the $100+ tierx
>22 participants total
Holy fuck, quality over quantity I see... Still, not to shabby. Opening thread will be jam-packed with content, assuming all 22 participants will post their matches.

MB from the BOAT, out
Page 8 bump
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Someone sent me this last year.
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Have the emails been sent out yet? haven't gotten anything and worried that my signup didn't make it
I hope I didn't get you in too much trouble.

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