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Poorfag MP5SDs finally habbening edition
Just in time for the Trump slump, who's ready for ~$1000 MP5SDs?
Which 9mm AK to get? Thinking between an AKV, KP9 or Draco 9S. To my understanding, AKVs seem to be the most popular and have the most support, KP9s are the clone correct option and probably the better quality, Draco 9S is the cheapest while also not being American AKs (for better or worse, I understand they’re not the same manufacturer as Cugir).
In the future we can legally buy guns with select fire semi, BURST MODE AND FA. Insane dude. And I thought Century Arms was bad?
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if anyone was wondering, yes you can mount a Rugged Obsidian 9 with a Surefire 328 handguard (just it has to be direct thread). And I thought the K with 150 gr Syntec was quiet, with this the gunshot is about as loud as the bullet impacting dirt
Rule of thumb with Century is:
>made by Century
>imported by Century
Good to go
These are made by MKE and imported by Century.
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I have a 628 but it still has the old light housing on it which is much larger,
I've thought about getting a more compact one, but I've had a KAC rail living on my MP5 clone for a while now and it's such a pain in the ass to take off I don't really want to bother.
Been thinking about a new pcc to go with my MP5. Do I get an AK in 9mm, a Stribog A3 for more roller-delayed goodness, or an MP5k?
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Are those your only options? I'd say the AKV for now, but kp9 might be the best out of that line up.
With KUSA being snuffed out of existence and KP9's now going for $1500+, it's probably a better idea to go with the AKV, at least PSA will warranty/replace it if something goes wrong.
Saw too many horror stories of KP9's having OOB discharges and there's now no one to help you if something goes wrong.
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Surely will post my blaster with the new Ase Utra suppressor i got.
Would've loved to get the Omega 9k but thats impossible if you live in europe.
got a straight mag for my AP5. Id say a failure every mag, maybe two. Should I replace a spring or is that standard fair. Its wobbly in the magwell
Are these actually SD barrels? Or just K barrels with an SD shroud?
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First for Stribog
Please let Federal 147 or 150 go to the low 20s I'll stack up so much

Extar thoughts?
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>Poorfag MP5SDs finally habbening edition

>TFW spent almost $3k on everything to build one from a flat
does it need a stamp?
looks like it has a faux suppressor on when you buy it. It has a threaded barrel so it's suppressor ready for when you feel like jumping across that gap.
i spent way too much fuckin money on my ptr9 c but these cheaper mp5 clones just means guys like you and me get another mp5. everyone wins.
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We will be ready to sell these handguards within the next few weeks btw
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PCC sisters...
hmm put 1300 towards a pcc or get a Usp45t?

mp5sd making it to the states for another 600 bones? not bad. remember seeing scaars review https://youtu.be/XoeUmlxpNbk
when are they making the mp5 but modernized and good
there's nothing to modernize on the MP5 besides the whiny cunts who want a bolt release
When did people start to turn on the Scorpion Evo? Was it the Covid price hike? I was happy buying mine at ~800 shipped. But I can see people having issues with the current price.
as soon as MP5s became $1,000
trump slump isnt a thing. you voted for him for no reason
when everyone realized they were shit
Exception is to be made when it's legally imported as a rifle since CAI may build something crucial (for 922r).

This has been the case with a lot of their AKs in the past to keep them.

But with pistols, which the MKE AP5 line is legally speaking, that should never be an issue since they don't have anything like 922r to comply with.

I'm not away of any imported pistols they've ever had to assemble, fit or otherwise provide parts/labor for in the past.

It's funny tho because they actually made the weird ass vz2008 receivers IIRC (or at least someone state-side did) and they were dirt cheap but super high quality and worked flawlessly. I guess a broken clock is right twice a day though.
Stribog is the Scorpion but cheaper and less retarded and mp5s are cooler
Very brave, after a week of melting down and crying this is all you can muster.
where is the slump?
>Asking where the Trump slump is 1 week after the election
You're not a real person
the first one was lol
Thoughts on just using one of those SD handguard adapters to turn the Poorfag MP5 I already own into a Poorfag MP5SD?
Trump slump didn't hit til 2018/2019 Summertime, sorry pal.
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That 328 just looks like the right amount of chonk on there

I am torn between that and the 628 so I can put the flash hider on, I like the look of it

Also torn between using my 512 or getting a C-More Railway instead for it cause I do quite like how they look on the MP5

LRBHO is the only thing really holding it back and it's a nice-to-have but eh

Although I don't get why it wasn't a thing to just add it in, they already designed it and they keep selling stocks with the cut-out for it like it's somehow common.

>The quintessential SMG with the best pistol caliber action for the smoothest shooting carbine and the best possible suppressor host
>A straight blowback polymer gun to save a couple bucks

If you buy the Evo in this day and age you are quite literally retarded.

We're grateful for it finally proving to the firearm industry that people are more than willing to pay money for a good PCC but beyond that it's biggest strength was it's affordability which has summarily been quashed.

Then CZ also went officially retarded and fucked around with one of their other strong suits: cheap mags, and decided to essentially deprecate everything on the market from multiple manufacturers on their newest model gun
I like the 328 because it ends behind the muzzle and still allows me to direct thread a suppressor on. it's plenty bright as well, somewhere between an M300 and M600. 628 would be a good choice if you never plan on getting a suppressor

In my opinion and experience Eotechs are the best 1x optic if you have the space to fit one between durability, the extra clear glass and the circle and dot reticle and with the MFI low mount the 553 sits at the perfect height
If I ever want to put on a suppressor I'll probably just buy a different handguard for that setup. Not like it doesn't take two seconds to take them on and off anyway.

I know I want the SF just don't know if I care enough about the FH, cause then I'll do the 328 cause I love the look.

I already have a 512 too and had intended to put it on the AP5... I love Eotechs, never cared for optics with literally just a dot.

Probably just end up doing exactly what you did, except I have the regular A3 stock cause I like the look more.
anyone run a binary setup successfully?
I was thinking of one for my Stribog but its 450-500 bucks for a meme I won't ever use much unless I get a madump proof can.
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I run a binary trigger on my AP5-P. The shitty selector lever that came with it wiggled loose and randomly fell off on the range one day but the HKParts replacement one seems fine. For some reason they made it so you can't select safe unless the gun is cocked which is very un-European and un-HK and an overall very weird design choice on a non AR-15 rifle. Takes a bit of practice to fire them fast but they're good fun and cheating in the sorts of drills where you need to shoot the target twice. I would describe it as a two-stage trigger that's light but with a bit of a spongy wall and a short reset. With HK/MKE mags and a new extractor spring I haven't had a single failure to fire in the 300 rounds I've put through it so there's nothing I can even blame the binary trigger for.
I forgot that this general existed. what do you guys think of the kriss vector?
>standard fair
big and heavy for something with a barrel shorter than most pistols. only reason to buy one is 'it looks cool'
Considering it, managed to avoid gen 2 for now. Does look cool though. Might get the gen 3 whenever that releases. Not that tiny, so I'd want the 45 version. The mags look like shit so hopefully they rework that part
>Buy EP Armory AR9 lower
>It breaks at the buffer after 1k rounds
>Sad and don't want to get another one for it to break again
>Find file for a 3D printed AR9 lower based on the EP Armory
>Guess if this breaks I won't be as sad
>5k rounds later and it's still going strong without signs of stress or wear
As the other anon said it's a big gun for a 5.5" barrel

>AP5: 17.9" OAL, 8.9" BBL, 5.5lbs
>Vector: 16.75" OAL, 5.5" BBL, 6lbs

It's 1.15" shorter OAL, has a 3.4" shorter barrel and weighs half a pound more.

It's operating system is a gimmick that doesn't really do much. The AP5 is easy to keep on target. RDB suppresses the best too. Not to mention the aftermarket on just about every other PCC is way better unless you're talking mags. Speaking of...

Pistols benefit from single-feed mags, PCCs don't, they have the room to handle double-feed mags.

You're gonna buy 30+ round mags for the Vector and stick to flush-fits on your pistol, like you should. In practice you won't interchange them: they're effectively dedicated mags.

Plus they suck to reload compared to double-feed and they look dumb.
its bulkier than a pistol for sure but they make a 6.5" barrel option now and the 40 round magazines seem pretty compelling. The forward grip is also legal somehow without any SBR limitations or extra paperwork which is the main reason why I am interested in it.

do you guys think the 9mm or 10mm option is better for a gun like this? 7 round capacity tradeoff for the increased caliber.
10 or 45 are the models worth getting to take advantage of the size
and the 6.5" version is hideous
>6.5" is hideous
the future is now old man
you got a place to preorder?
Thinking of getting a MAC 5, B&T Tri Rail, and the cheapest non Magpul collapsible stock I can find online. I have 0 PCCs currently. Thoughts?
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No, but we will send an email out to anyone on our email list once we put them up for sale. We will also make a post on our insta

I really enjoy my vector. Get it in 45 if you do. Very reliable with a suppressor. This configuration is technically a “pistol” although mine is a registered SBR

Also comparing it to an MP5: my SP5 is super safe and my vector has a binary trigger, so I feel that I can pretty accurately compare controllability with a very high rate of fire. You can really feel the recoil system working at a higher rate of fire, especially with a higher caliber. They’re both heavy as fuck. They both suppress well, but I prefer 45 suppressed. The vector needs a VFG to feel balanced, and to avoid hitting the mag release on accident. With a VFG it’s a comfortable little brick
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I went with the AK-V and it's pretty nice
>takes regular AKM furniture
>finish is ok, I've taken it out shooting 3 times and fingerfucked it a bit and it has a few scuffs here and there but nothing too bad
>haven't had any stovepipes or jams
>iron sights were off and needed adjusted but POI was consistent
I went with the barreled receiver option, I threw some hogue furniture I had laying around along with a spare trigger assembly and I ordered a CNC warrior brace for it. Ignore anything anyone else says, get a CNC warrior brace. They're near the same price as any other plastic shit and are rock solid
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I'm leery about polymer lower with polymer trigger group but that said I almost went with one. off topic but I'd like to fuck with their old 5.56 some day
I don't think barrel length really matters for 9mm. The difference between a 5" and 8" is never going to turn the round into an intermediate cartridge. It's still just going to be a 9mm... and you're going to be able to push it out to 100m or further regardless.
sorry public education
any opinion on the magazine question ?
>MAC 5
I've seen many complaints regarding the Mac 5 over the Ap5, fit and finish being worse and headspace issues.
the issue is a flux p365 can have a flush 6" barrel yet be the size of a gameboy
You're not wrong but the point is it's a big gun for not a lot of barrel.

Look at the AP5-P instead: 3" shorter OAL and still has a longer barrel

I don't think anyone can justify buying it on the merits is all. You wanna buy it "just cause" or because it's your favorite gun in some movie/game, go for it, life's too short, I know I buy shit based on that alone. But as a legit, good PCC? It fails across the board
>it fails across the board
That’s just hyperbolic. It’s a perfectly fine PCC in function and ergonomics. If anything, it’s just expensive
I don't think so. But if you want me to qualify it a bit more I'll say

>After minimum expectations of accuracy and reliability it fails across the board

Yes, it's expensive and that's why it fails. If it was cheap it'd be a different story, but considering it has worse OAL, BBL and weight specs than a Scorpion that's $100 cheaper, way more modular, and has plenty of cheap, double-feed mag options from Magpul, ETS, PSA and more.

But then again, in a world of cheap MP5 clones I don't see why you wouldn't spend a little more to get something way better, or at the very least a Stribog if LRBHO is a deal-breaker for you
It has enough barrel to stabilize pistol caliber rounds. The extra barrel length doesn’t make a significant difference in velocity or accuracy.

You’re also comparing a direct blowback gun to a delayed blowback gun. The vector is also meant to be chambered in 45 ACP. I agree that doublestack mags are nicer, but I’ve had no issues with any Kriss/Glock mags. They’re totally reliable
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I feel your pain, I just got my SD clone about a month ago and it was a little over $4k when all said and done.
SD builders are probably losing their minds since there's no fucking way they can compete with that price.
You are making some poor arguments

>it's enough barrel
Fair enough, which is why I switched to the AP5-P, which also is a shorter barrel and OAL

>you're comparing the two actions
Yeah, and? It's relevant, especially when they can be had for the same price.

>it was designed for 45
Are we supposed to grant concessions because Kriss released a gun in a caliber it wasn't designed for? Hell no. Props for being one of the few 45 PCCs on the market, but that's a different convo. The other anon asking anyway was wondering between 9 and 10 so regardless of anything the idea it's chambered in 45 Auto, for whatever reason-- is entirely a moot point.

I never said mags were an issue, I said single feeds in a PCC are stupid because they are. It's an unnecessary limitation on the platform that can easily handle it.

Problem is they made the Vector when Glock mag PCCs were just starting to become hot shit. Everyone was enamored with the idea they could just take their mags they already own and shoot a long gun now.

There wasn't really viable alternatives at the time either except Colt 9mm mags but those weren't moving the market anyway. Nobody wanted MP5 mags because they were pricey and no LRBHO obviously. There were no other contenders and Glock was king of handguns by a much wider margin at the time than anything else and only growing.

There just isn't a case to be made for the Vector
>recoil system is a gimmick
>priced to compete against RDB guns
>short barrel vs OAL
>uses single-feed mags

The other anon thinks it's a benefit it has a "VFG" without needing a stamp but it's literally a magwell grip. You can do the same on anything else, it just looks different because of the BBL and OAL ratio that your hand is further out toward the muzzle than it is on others relative to their OAL.

I guess that's an "advantage"? Like how having broken legs gets you a better parking space sort of advantage.
How are single feed mags a limitation if they don’t actually limit the function of the gun?

If we are comparing direct blowback to the vector’s delayed blowback system, the vector wins. Its recoil system mitigates the recoil from larger calibers like 10mm and 45 ACP which the Scorpion can’t even shoot. Is the recoil system necessary for 9mm? Not really, since the bore axis and weight would already mitigate a lot of it. It is still superior to direct blowback.

>short barrel to OAL
Longer barrel than both the Scorpion Micro and MP5k, not that it matters. The full size MP5 and Scorpion are either longer or almost the same OAL as the vector. The Vector is heavier than both by a little over half a pound. The vector also sells for around the same as both ~$1000

At worst, it’s equally competitive. At best, it has advantages that the scorpion can’t match. Really the only thing the scorpion has is a better aftermarket
The EVO was fine in the time it was first made available. Not a lot of affordable PCC options and the market was starting to get thirsty for that. Then things like $900 MP5s became a reality, along with other budget options like the Stribog and AR9s. Of course you had all those OOBs start to crop up that put people off. Now they're going for like $1000, and it's like...why bother?
>If you buy the Evo in this day and age you are quite literally retarded.
Exactly, back a decade ago sure, but I think the market has collectively come to this conclusion. It's why you never see them for sale NIB in gun stores anymore, they're not selling and people are offloading them used.
>feel the recoil system working at a higher rate of fire
You mean that brick clunking up and down behind the magazine?
why would I want .45 over 10mm?
10mm is a much more modern round with better capacity and much better ballistics.
You two, stop fighting and judge my logic:
>Don't have 10mm, would like a 10mm
>Other calibers covered, just want to shoot a different gun in a different caliber
>Glock 40--don't like grip angle
>Turkshit 1911--hard pass; but there is something nice about that 6" 1911
>Decent 6" 1911--$2000+
>Sig P220--only $1600
>see Kriss on manufacturer filter looking at 6" 10mm--comprable price, 15rd standard, up to 33 with big mags.
Why should I not do this? (I've been going in circles with this argument for like a decade)
>you can't select safe unless the gun is cocked which is very un-European
The CETME is like this too IIRC. Or maybe it’s that you can’t work the charging handle unless the rifle is on fire. Or maybe both. It’s been a while…
Because 45 ACP is much easier to suppress. The vector is good with 10mm too though, especially if you aren’t planning on suppressing it.

It drastically lowers felt recoil
Go for it. The vector fucks in 10mm. Get the short 5.5” barrel though. The longer barrel extension looks fugly
>.45 easier to suppress
thats a good point.
The whole reason why I am even asking about the kriss is because the 6.5" barrel that came out and the 10mm option really ticks a lot of boxes for me for a PDW style gun without any extra legality strings attached. plus I get the full le future gun experience.

suppressing is less of a concern for me so that pretty much settles what caliber I want. good news is that going forward 10mm suppressors will only get better so if I want I'm sure the option will be there
I don't mind the 6.5" and think it adds to the sci-fi appearance. is there any notable performance difference between the barrel lengths that you know of that I should consider?
The difference is just velocity. There are plenty of good 10mm suppressors out there, but because 10mm is supersonic it will always be louder

Not really. You can look up the ballistics of 6.5” vs 5.5”. I’m sure there’s a slight increase in velocity, but it’s not going to be that extreme
>Saw too many horror stories of KP9's having OOB discharges
Just needs a new firing pin, apparently. Are they really going for that much now? Mine covered in zenitco so I'm probably out that much for it total
>It drastically lowers felt recoil
I feel bad for them, what's next, 10mm TurkClones?
I do, however, vow to not cope or seethe. This is an awesome situation for 90% of gun owners and I'm happy for everyone.
Shame SD suppressors will be unobtainable for the next 3 years though.
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Time to build a fauxSD instead
No need, I have all the parts to do a full SD build off a flat. I just got a TIG and press too. I'll grab an MKE 'K' and have the full set.
Is that housing metal? If so w2c?
My red dot rebate for buying a M&P FPC arrived ahead of schedule. Love this thing. It's my new favorite - at least of the guns I actually own.
So who makes the better 3-lug suppressors?
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Yeah, the more the merrier, I will for sure be picking up one of the AP53's that they're also bringing in since I've wanted a cheap HK53 clone for a long time.
Guys I kinda want to build a semi srs pcc.

I have a scorpion but found out they're kinda gay. I kinda want an akv because you can make em run spicy with binaries, and I have a ton of scorp mags. But something more practical would be any mp5 variant. I just don't like how modding them is annoying and I have a ton of ak parts - fore ends, stocks, braces, etc.

Any other suggestions? The stribog? Can also call me retarded.
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>AP53's that they're also bringing in
Oh shit what?!
I've got an OG MKE one but that's not going to stop me. Looks like I'm buying backups for the whole set
I want them to make an HK51 belt-fed.
wtf is that lower?
I'm looking to build a short AR-15(pistol?) in 9mm. I would like to use the parts I have if I can.

I have an extra upper(standard) and lower(glock magwell) set and would like to be able to fire it with the brace folded. I would like to use the parts I have if I can.

>This will be for my wife and there are really good reasons for me to build it rather than buy from an LGS. So the main priority is that it is as small as possible and as light as possible while goin bang every time. It doesn't need to be cheap. It doesn't need to be some kind of sub moa bullshit either.
just get a stribog
I tried to get this across in my first post. I NEED to be able to build it myself. Unless you have a suggestion that plays nice with the CA roster.
how do we feel about the lc carbine in 10mm
im late i know
seems really appealing to me
>CA roster
>ar pistol
wat? Since when are rifle(pistols) on the roster? Also why are you complying? CADOJ is an unconstitutional criminal org.
Jackass. I'm literally asking for knowledge of parts to BUILD something that isn't available in stores here.

I've been looking at the Matador upper but I would love to be able to use the upper I have gathering dust.
Calm down cuck. I said stribog, because no matter what parts you use, an AR9 will be shit, especially if you're handing it to a woman, you can't really fuck up that operation. Do you want to save your shekels for your beaner subsidies or do you want another shooter on the line?
I know a lot of people seem to like the Omega 9k with the tri-lug adapter.aw
I'm debating getting one of the B&T SQD suppressors, but can't decide whether I want the full-size, the compact, or the modular which has both configurations, but is a lot more expensive.
I will not give B&T money on principle. They're like PSA, they copy other designs, namely HK's, but instead of making a cheaper offering, they just rape you on price for no reason at all.
>Omega 9k with the tri-lug adapter
this looks nice, except for the front end where it's literally just a hole, that's going to be real shit at night
There's already 9mm AR pistols on the roster.

>Since when are rifle(pistols) on the roster?
Been on the roster for a hot minute now.
Can't seem to find any that are bufferless. Are you aware of any that fit the criteria of bufferless/ fireable with the brace folded?
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Yeah, they were listed alongside the AP5SD, also there's an AP51 that's in .308.
Looks like they are importing the pistols first as they don't have to worry about importing them in a sporting configuration.
I'll agree on most of their firearms (even though I own one of their TP9's), but most of their suppressors that are available stateside are pretty cheap in comparison to other companies.
Should I sell the scorp? More research is saying it's poop. I bought it back in the hay day.
TP9 is an exception of course, because it's their design. That's just me though, I will not breathe life into people, companies, ideas that I see as harmful to the whole.
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MKE never made a belt-fed so probably never gonna happen, but you could probably buy one of the AP51's they're gonna import soon along with one of the $1500 Portuguese FMP HK21 parts kits that have been imported recently and have a builder make an HK51B for you.
I'm strongly considering it since the HK51B is a dream gun of mine.
jesus christ, these are cheap.
Vector seems kinda a good deal at 10 and 45. What else is there. Usc conversion, Lwrc. Damn Stribog straight ripped Lwrc
Not sure about 10 but for 45 in production:
>Hi-Point (single stack mags, bad)
>CMMG (radial delay, good)
>some other gayR-15 variant

Out of production: CX4 Storm, Marlin Camp Gun, MAC-10, some Uzis, not sure what else off the top of my head. 45 didn't get much love in the PCC world
the recoil sprig on the 10mm vector is crazy heavy. it pretty much requires the gun to be shouldered, also i didnt trust the charging handle to not snap
Honestly considering a Stribog in .45 as my UMP at home
It's a great gun, 100% recommend. If you're considering it against other pcc's. Don't think just buy.
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luv me pccs
simple as
If you go the AR9 route you have a lot more options available to you in terms of triggers.
well would you guys look at the timing of this video dropping
yeaaaa, das it mane
short-barreled flamethrowers like these are the only guns I would put long suppressors on, would have to be retard-proof durable too, the baffles that is
>that poor p90
accessorizing some of these older euro guns is a real pain in someone's ass, just not mine, because I don't have a p90
>MP5 Clones

Which are ok, which are sussy, what's best?
go on down to khyber and they'll open your pass if you know what i mean
Somebody on leddit called and confirmed these are T94SDs ie actual MP5SD semiauto clones with the ported barrel and everything.
Is there a release date?
go back
I like the idea of 30 carbine revival
essentially an autoloading 357
it costs more than 300blk
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he said he liked the idea of it not the cost of it
I'm thinking about one in .45
Reposting because didn't mean to reply to someone.
What cans are people generally running on 9mm roller delays? If I just get a cheapo nielson included sidewinder or obsidian 9 am I good to go on a Stribog?
Who did they talk to? Apparently Atlantic Firearms confirmed on ARFCOM that they are not using SD ported barrels and are instead using MP5-K barrels with tri-lugs.
Unless there are multiple models, but that's unlikely.
Pretty disappointing if that's the case, but Probably makes more sense considering you can use a regular 9mm can instead of a dedicated SD suppressor which are much more limited in terms of options.
Now the question is, do I rebarrel one of these or start a ground up build?
At that point, just make a fauxSD with a normal mp5
Huh. TBF, the SD setup fucking blows cleaning wise from what I can see online. That's probably more practical anyways.
Yes, those grapes are indeed sour.
It'd much rather a firearm I don't need to clean every 300 rounds or it will carbon lock the suppressor, which is what you need to do with a ported SD.
Hey man, I was agreeing with you!
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keep moving, white man, this is sigger country.
Sorry for the friendly fire!

I am at least glad we're seeing more interest in factory stuff set up for suppression.
Now if we could just get more of those ruger integrated takedown 10/22 forends
The evo was only ever going to be kinda cool but it's straight blowback. Last time they were relevant was when binaries were *the* thing - the binary trigger for them was/is cheaper than other platforms and thesimple blowback operation lends itself well to smooth binary operation/mag dumping compared to a MP5 binary for ex.
Pricing, competition and CZ missteps are killing their sales.
MP5 craze killed them as well, but beyond that you can get AR PCC's with a number of different gas/recoil options (piston, radial delayed, roller delayed) on top of the well priced Stribogs which are coming in 4 different calibers(10mm!) In either blowback or roller delayed.
The proliferation of supersafety/FRT will hit the evo way, way later than it's competition but it might get a second life due to fast rof who knows. The price is dogshit at the end of the day and CZolt's shit stinks.

The Vector and other platforms like Uzi's will probably see a Renaissance due to SS/FRT's
Franklin Armory can go suck a fat one - the HK binary is $300 more than their binaries for other platforms like AR's.
FRT's and the Super Safety eat their lunch for pennies on the dollar, sell the FRT and go SS
>The price is dogshit at the end of the day
Seriously, I don't know how much they were when they were coming out back in the day but it sure as shit wasn't $850 starting.
Show me an FRT or super safety that fits in a normal MP5 lower and not some retrofit ar15 abomination
Would I be able to swap trigger housing for my AP5 for an HK one?
Yes, the AP5 uses a 2-pin housing just like the MP5.
I don't believe the AP5 trigger group fits in those
this 10000000000000000% fucking gay ass AR lower on the MP5 looks retarded, motherfuckers need everything to be AR controls. learn to appreciate the diversity of firearms design you faggots
O9 is a pistol can that can double as a subgun can. For more suppression you'd want a fat boy something with 1.6 diameter (O9k, Wolfman, Mob, Gsl Phoenix)
Pretty fucked all these mounting systems are shit. include a good tri lug fuck your dumbass company
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It's possible, but you need a different trigger pack. The AP5 comes with an SEF trigger pack, you would need an ambi trigger pack for that lower.
I swapped my trigger pack for an ambi HK one along with one of the ambi housings on my AP5-P. Trigger is noticeably smoother than the MKE ones.
They need to make more of their legacy shit in general, but they don't seem to give a shit about that anymore.
I've wanted a MK23 suppressor from them for a long time, but that's never gonna happen and used ones are going for over $5k.
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Iver Johnson 1911A1 Carbine
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How does the Stribog roller delay work? It looks like the roller pin just connects the bolt group to a small extra weight, but it also looks like it never disconnects fully from the small extra weight, so I don't understand how this could provide a benefit in terms of reciprocating mass.
Is a P90 primary and TP9 secondary the ultimate setup?
If I just want the HK Pictogram, it would be better just to get in engraved instead of buying an entirely new lower?
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This guy fucks
Yeah, he fucks men.
pins are in backward
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In reality the only pin that might even remotely cause an issue being install left to right is the trigger group pin below the push bottom mag release to ward off accidently pushing the pin instead of the button. But who the fuck uses that on a MP5 with a paddle release? kek
>steel series
your entire existence is a mistake
get the leapers rail, it has a top section you can cock grip
eokek makes an od green hws if you want to go full hulkp5
Might I please have a couple more comments as to the specific of what makes this a good buy? What price would be "good?" What sort pf performance expected? What sort of support gear available for reasonable cost (extra mags & capacity, etc.)?
It has modern design features like bolt hold open and non-reciprocating handle, and isn't just a direct blowback 5 lb weight slamming back and forth. The only other example would be what, the radial delayed 9mm ARs? It's cheaper than those. And it's not an AR design which makes it more interesting to some people as well.
Overall, I also want one.
800-1000 dollars for a roller delayed gun that you can throw as much shit on as you want to without having to buy some bulky rail system, can take proprietary mags, scorpion mags (possibly AKV mags too if someone can check), and glock mags depending on the lower that can be swapped out as its not the firearm. Its a fun gun.
They're the hot new meme gun to shill
They've been out for years, they're just the cheapest roller delayed on the market.
They've been around but they are the hot new "meme" being constantly shilled, your deflection doesn't change the reality.
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Took my homesteader out for the first time in a while
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Pretty happy with the results for 50 rounds shooting fast at 45 feet standing
Well the new versions released. At that point however, is a 300 blackout folder the way if your not going 9mm?
Brainrot tier argument.
Buzzword tier deflection
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Romy NAK-9 plus STizon kit.
Stribog is also a lot of gun:dollar tho, I like mine.
Roach MP5s also seem like a good value proposition to me idk. Swap a couple cheap parts and it's justasgood.
There's a ton of 9mm PCC double stack mags, but what are the options for 10mm or 45?
UMP magazines
Extremely expensive 10mm MP5 magazines
Stribog has 10mm and 45 versions
They're only expensive because idiots pay the ridiculous price, stribog is only cheap because it's not well known or liked.
they still sell calicos. kinda want

Nvm I'm a dumbass. Usually wanna start with a 45 can and theres a bunch of lightweight ones now
transparent parts are tripping me out
I thought they took some oddball furniture. Went with kp9 cause it's clone correct.
Just watched 9 hole's review on this and I was sold.
Between its conveniences and KUSA's issues I'm not sure if I want to swing the KP9 anymore even if it's the more accurate clone.
It's an abomination that lets you use AR grips, FCG and safety while robbing the MP5 of it's character. It's made by Lee Sporting if you want to buy one and commit heresey.

>*rips MP5 patch off your shirt*
You don't deserve to wear this.
ashtray mp5
Fun is more important than >muh HK purity

I have a select-fire super safe MO5SD at home. What do you have?
I see that mp5 fanboys suffer from the same brain tumor AK boys have but were handed incredibly easy ways to modernize a western design gun.
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May we see it?
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Is it worth buying anything else than a banshee or mp5 now that thats out.
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I'm very jealous. Some people have everything.
Bought a HK trigger housing + Springfield Ambi Trigger Pack to replace my AP5 lower.
At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, the Stribog really dominates the cheaper end of pccs.
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How do I add onto it without it looking absurd?
Don’t let your memes be dreams. You can make a fauxMP5SD for like ~$2,000 including suppressor
>3D printed sheath for SD rubber handguard
>aftermarket rubber SD grip
>super safety and trip can 3d print it
>lee sporting lower, or 3D print it
>omega 9k for best width and length

You can swap out 3d printed parts for more premium or metal parts that will make the price go up about $500-800. Still MUCH cheaper than a transferable MP5 ($40,000). My setup was around $5,000ish with the SP5, optic, suppressor, furniture, etc.
yea but high rate of fire
A MP5SD, I would bring that home and show it to my mother
Try a reflex sight out on that thing for the love of god
Stribog has a binary you can bumpfire
>Reflex sight

What did he mean by this??
Ones a technique and ones a cheat. Guess I need to skill up. I'll have try safety on a regular ar ak first. Wonder how many years til it develops for the rest. My shit dick ass P90 needs that
it's already retarded, you can't really do much harm.
grip pod
>They're only expensive because idiots pay the ridiculous price
They're in high demand and extremely low supply, if you don't pay the ridiculous price you don't get to own them at all. How is that idiotic?
>It's an abomination
that lets you make your MP5 clone super-safe, which is the only reason anybody is buying them
"Reflex" in this context is short for reflector.
Why the fuck would I put a micro dot on an MP5? Also the Aimpoint PRO *is* a “reflector” dot, it’s just enclosed.
You can print your own
I'm sure they're quite robust and reliable.
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Anyone have experience with Rhineland Enfield .45 conversion kits?
lol it’s a blast, you should try one.
why are the cool mp5 stocks 600$
Which one?
yeah shot lots of dudes with it in No One Lives Forever.
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MKE has affordable options. that's what I went with for my A1 and A2 stocks
>what makes this a good buy?
Cheap, modular, can take glock mags if you buy the right one, and has lot of after market support.
>Triggers, grips, stock, recoil springs, mags
It's probably the best submachine gun under $1000. Above $1000, your options are the Turkshit MP5 clone like in the OP or the Scorpion. Above $2000 you have more options, but then I might think you're retarded for spending $2000 on a PCC that isn't the real H&K MP5.
Gimme links to the super safe setup
>When did people start to turn on the Scorpion Evo?
Scorpions were okay but unlike the Stribog that took small steps forward every yearh, the Scorpion took steps back every time or more like a Monkey's Paw, removing features to add others and the new features are okay yet lacking what the old features were.

>You get the lower you asked for
>But now it takes a new propriety mag that's more expensive and we changed the internals so you need new ones
the price slowly creeping up as more and better options became available sure as shit didn't help either.
>7 round capacity tradeoff for the increased caliber.
I think you must be one rich nigga to drop 32 rounds of 10mm into paper at their prices. Vektors, P90s and others are cool, definitely more stylish than MP5s if you want to go that route.
>The forward grip is also legal somehow without any SBR limitations or extra paperwork which is the main reason why I am interested in it.
That's a Hand Stop, not a Foregrip. I'll just assume you didn't notice instead of jumping to call you nogunz. A foregrip is illegal, a hand stop isn't because you cannot hold it while shooting. You'll mess up your hand.
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i'm getting money soon and the time has come to get some kind of pistol caliber gun, however, i don't have a pistol yet
my descision is going down to three options:
>an austrian feg/hi power in 9mm
>a cz52 in 7.62x25
>buying a demilled suomi kit and rebuilding it, will register it as an sbr if i do (maybe its possible to even design a forced reset trigger for it?)
buy the MKE extendable stock if you want a MP5A3. You can find the standard stock anywhere from 50-200 bucks
What is the price on these? I checked a few sites and they were the same price as an ap5, why wouldn't I just get that instead?
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Redpill me on the MP5 bros. Where to get, variants etc. I'm starting from near zero here so spoon feed a retard like me who recently managed to SBR his PS90.

I like the SD but don't really want a purpose built suppressor at the moment. I've got a .45 can so I'd probably want to run that. I'm not super concerned with buying a knockoff MP5 if it runs. Ideally I'd like to spend as little as possible. I live in a cuck state and anticipate with the new management to be able to finally get one, but will have to budget on more sensible purchases like more AR lowers. Thoughts on fixed vs collapsible stock or will this start a race war?
poor maxxing. Ap5 can run it up 2x if your not keeping it minimal. Though I see Stribogs changing lowers which kinda takes away from the value proposition. People love to hate the scorpion but shell out to use their mags

Thank you needed that

I want the compact tho. Think I'd get the choate over that

B&t and Hk retractable are 500+. Kes one looked okay.
Mostly between Ap5 and Mac5. Ap5 runs about 150 more for a chf barrel. A sale going right now however this ap5 has a triangle stamped on it.

what suppressor are u running on p90? Read its prone to cracking with regular cans
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Thanks anon. I had completely forgot about Century Arms from when I was looking at G3 clones.

I had also heard about cracking when running suppressors on the P90 but IIRC isn't it the stock pad that was cracking? Seems somewhat replaceable. Either way, I run an RC3 to be safe. I pretty much only ever run my RC3, the 2 is mostly for if I need to hunt animals at night that can see in the dark. I can't remember which is in this pic. It's a bitch to mount on the free float barrel and you need to be careful to get it seated right.

And yes I know it's ironic I'm asking for cheapo MP5 builds while owning suresneed cans, but those are the only 5.56 cans I intend on owning so I figured I might as well.
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>why wouldn't I just get that instead?
It comes to if you want a MP5 clone you buy a MP5 clone and you end up with a MP5 clone. To me the Stribog has alot of customization for it. You can pimp the shit out of it. Once I finish my .45acp radial delay AR build I'll pick up a Stribog next.

>Hk retractable are 500+
What got me to go down the MP5 clone path was scoring a new old stock 1986 date code hk brand A3 stock at a swap meet for $325 two years ago.
Not sure specifics, but I recall reading that. Looks clean.
I'm kinda tempted by the sale but may pay more for a plain unmarked one in the future.
How bad is the marking? I'm used to gay ass idiot stamps so I'm not bothered by much.
I have a kr9 and have heard about that oob shit. Is there a way to check if I’m affected? Is that kd firing pin an actual fix?
Its on PSA take a look. Makes it a better/equal value to the Mac5

look into the KDgunwerx upgraded pin
Oh you did. I'd get it for peace of mind
If you had to pick one, would you get a stribog in 9 or 45? I already have an MP5 to cover 9, but a more modern 9 would be fun too.
And its for the k model only. Which requires an extra locking piece unless u use a flow can.
> look into the KDgunwerx upgraded pin
Will that make it safe? Is it easy to do?
Which mp5 do you have. Logically I'd get the opposite size. I like variety though so I'd prob get the 45 either way.

For the K model its only in 9mm. For the full size I'd get 45. They also made it look cleaner than the full size 9mm (extra 100$ jtac extension for 9)

this is the process.
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Fuck I forgot to type this is my KP9 SBR
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>The addiction is real
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yes sell the scorp, your FPB will eventually peen over. pic rel is mine, it isn't that bad yet but it's a very low round count gun
the only reason i didnt sell mine is because it got a free cuckstamp and i cant be bothered to remove it from the registry
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You seem to be lacking the underarm rig.
what am I looking at
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I've got a knockoff but that's for the MP5/k/ not the full size
Also I want this one that swivels.
The fuck is that lower?
AIM points are giant motherfuckers made for survive danger close engagements, but their construction actually interrupts a lot of your peripheral around its metal body.

Reflex sights give you way better peripheral because they are thinner, and typically get mounted right up to the end of the rail.

The advantage is night and day. Plus they look like way sexier.

Aim point is legendary, but has obstruction. They're more made to survive all out war. Reflex sights are more like the red dot in call of duty 4. EO TECH would be an example.
You're going to need to be a little more specific
I assume he means the selector, all the trigger housings look pretty normal.
Is the Neo version the true way
It's just a magpul safety
It comes together better than you think. I'll post mine when I get home from work. So far I love mine, except the shitty chinesium charging handle and the extra mag storage being backwards.
Leapers rail looks kinda cool. some kind of zenitco mp5 abomination
Euro LEO here. Water-cooler gossip says that my department will trade in our MP5s for B&T SPC9s. We gonna get a variant that accepts P99 mags so in an emergency we could use our sidearm mags. So what am I in for?
>So what am I in for?
W-what's gonna happen to the MP5s, Eurofag?
You don't wanna know. And I might add that our MP5s are the super sweet old school ones. You know, those with the narrow checkered OG handguards.
Shame that you can just throw them at the Ukrainians and give those guns a good retirement.
Can someone explain the purpose of .45 ACP PCCs? Don't they have significantly less effective range than a 9mm one and end up being less controllable?
Some trigger experience with the Stribog, the SP9A3 gets really fucking close to the MP5 in terms of shooting comfort, and frankly, requires far less after market fuckery to get high speed.

Mags are far better now which was the major reliability concern, but if you're scared, there's the g version that takes Glock mags.

Honestly, the SP9A3SG, the short glock mag conversion absolutely fucks in the pdw department. Closest thing there is to a delayed blowback TP9 or MP7.
Was the other thread right. Would anyone be into pccs if you could have an auto glock
Id throw a low profile brace/stock on it. Full auto stockless is lame.
Only concern was I thought they feed hps like shit
The lower with the detachable grip
Far as I know the feeding issue was mag related.
You speak like someone who’s an underage noguns. Do you actually own any of the optics you’re talking about? Because I do. Eotecs are just as heavy and bulky, plus those aren’t even reflex sights. There’s a difference between open and closed emitters which you’re clearly not aware of. Please don’t weigh in on topics you’re not knowledgeable about.
You have a call of duty level of understanding of optics
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what kind of chest rigs/mag carrying solutions do y'all use? i want something thats good for training or larp or real shit should it occur. ive got an ap5 and plan to carry probably ten mags but some of these can be in my pockets or whatever.
Practically no SMG pattern firearms are designed with HP reliability in mind. This is true of the MP5, Stribog, and B&T offerings. Many of them will feed them fine but it's definitely hit or miss, many are sensitive to what JHP design you are using and I've seen problems reported with all of them. The bog and the B&Ts tend to be less finicky than the MP5s though. IIRC the scorpions the only one that doesn't seem to have any design level issues with JHPs and will feed just about anything.
That's true of the general reliability issues more so than HP reliability in specific based on my research.
Which is better to get the a3 or a3g? I have no Glocks (yet) but I think the Glock mags look ugly. Don’t really care though if it’s reliable. I thought curved mags fed better for some reason in 9mm sub guns.
Nta, I've been researching before purchase and to me A3 is the one I'll probably go for. My reasoning is the modularity of the gun.

>stribog mag lower
>glock mag lower
Aftermarket =
=scorpion mag lower
=colt smg mag lower
=glock mag lower

So A3 to be stribog mag capable, but can option into 3 other mags.
Best brace for SP5 ?
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.45 ACP is naturally subsonic, so .45 PCCs are better for suppressing.
>.45 ACP is naturally subsonic

ya so is 147gr 9mm. and its quieter.
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should I ?
>$700 after rebate
I like mine, go for it. The only things that suck are the lefty safety being a little big and the cost of magazines.
Aren't all the braces for it out of stock?
I haven't really heard enough to prove a practical reliability difference as long as you're using the curved mags, they do improve reliability over the old mags. HK had to do a similar thing with the MP5. IIRC the bolt is different on the G models to work with the single feed. I'd go with the A3 unless you have a lot of Glock mags already or something, theoretical benefits not worth the tangible downsides. Chamber area and presentation of rounds by the bolt when approaching it are going to be a bigger reliability factor now that the a3 mags are decent and it's the same with both AFAIK. FWIW the majority of people who go with a single feed pistol mag design for a PCC/SMG regret it in my experience.
That's also a really good point
what about it is even novel?
$850 is a hot deal. Those PMX are super neato and probably the best pcc at that price. You get super reliability, short, lite weight and full of features. Stribog hover in the same price range but they aren't as nice or reliable. These PMX can go for 40,000 rounds + before breaking. While I've heard of Stribog needing parts after 8,000 rounds. By heard, I meant youtube videos of users that replaced worn down parts.
I am designing a forced/assisted reset trigger for the kriss vector series of firearms, what would be a good price to charge for one? I plan on having a base model and a selectable model.
The A3 Tactical braces are out of stock but you can always get a pic adapter and stick whatever you want on it.
Nothing about it is new. It's just a good all-round package at a good price that's well made and has a service record with Italy.
no you're not, and even if you are nothing will come of it
>that's too low
If you know the answer already, why ask us?
I'm working on an ART for the ar15 platform rifles/pccs that I might be able to get that cheap, so input like that is surprisingly helpful. I'm assuming that $50 is amenable to you for the concept, even if it is in a different platform? The drop in for the kriss would be more expensive, but I could probably do a "diy" kit for around $75 if enough people were interested.
I will laser engrave this post onto a trigger pack and post it at a later date when applicable.
Just bought an FPC and now I see this. Fuck.
>he doesn't have a PCC for every single pistol caliber he owns
>I will laser engrave this post onto a trigger pack and post it at a later date when applicable.
>Live in free state
>PMX gets revealed
>Wait years for it to become commercially available
>Suddenly my state's laws get cucked and muh salt weapons get banned
>PMX finally gets announced for commercial sale only a few months later
You have no idea how bad that deal hurts me. Please buy two so you can enjoy the one I would have bought ;_;
Just wait until supreme courts rapes whatever laws you got.
Metal G3 lower I trimmed to fit the MP5, refinished with black oven cure epoxy, paint filled the selector markings, and put an AC-unity grip/magpul safety in. It's kinda sweet.
I like finger grove grips and large safety but hate thumb shelf, so I did it my own way.
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I made my own

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